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Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 28(48): 300-315, set. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-2157


O objetivo deste artigo é analisar como jovens universitários de Teresina-PI se apropriam da mensagem de uma reportagem do programa televisivo Esporte Espetacular. Fez-se uso da técnica de grupos focais e do método analítico-descritivo para coleta e análise dos dados. A amostra foi constituída por 24 jovens universitários, na faixa etária entre 18 e 24 anos. A reportagem pauta a responsabilidade de Neymar em seguir a "tradição" dos brasileiros que chegam ao Barcelona e sagrar-se como o melhor jogador do mundo. Para tal feito o único empecilho a ser vencido é o colega de clube, Lionel Messi. Os sujeitos da pesquisa afirmaram que o discurso veiculado pela reportagem pode reproduzir e criar uma realidade por vezes onírica, uma vez que objetiva conferir a Neymar grande importância no tocante à identidade nacional.

The purpose of this article is to analyze how university students of Teresina-PI appropriate of the message of a report of the television show Esporte Espetacular. There was use of the technique of focus groups and analytical-descriptive method for collecting and analyzing data. The sample consisted of 24 university students, aged between 18 and 24 years. The report features Neymar as responsible to follow the "tradition" of Brazilians and to be crowned as the best player in the world. The subjects of research said that the speech conveyed by the report can reproduce and create a reality sometimes dreamlike, because objective to confer to Neymar great importance with regard to national identity.

El propósito de este artículo es analizar cómo los estudiantes universitarios de Teresina-PI hacen la lectura de un informe del programa de televisión "Esporte Espetacular". Hubo uso de la técnica de grupos focales y método analítico-descriptivo para recopilar y analizar datos. La muestra estuvo conformada por 24 estudiantes universitarios, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 24 años. El informe agenda responsabilidad de Neymar de seguir la tradición de los brasileños que vienen a Barcelona y consagrarse como el mejor jugador del mundo. Por esta hazaña el único obstáculo que hay que superar es su compañero de club, Lionel Messi. Los sujetos de la investigación dijeron que el discurso del informe puede crear una realidad, a veces sueño, ya que tiene como objetivo introducir a Neymar una gran importancia con respecto a la identidad nacional.

Soccer/history , Communications Media , Athletes/psychology , Social Media
Front Hum Neurosci ; 8: 594, 2014.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25136312


How very long-term (over many years) motor skill training shapes internal motor representation remains poorly understood. We provide valuable evidence that the football brain of Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior (the Brasilian footballer) recruits very limited neural resources in the motor-cortical foot regions during foot movements. We scanned his brain activity with a 3-tesla functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while he rotated his right ankle at 1 Hz. We also scanned brain activity when three other age-controlled professional footballers, two top-athlete swimmers and one amateur footballer performed the identical task. A comparison was made between Neymar's brain activity with that obtained from the others. We found activations in the left medial-wall foot motor regions during the foot movements consistently across all participants. However, the size and intensity of medial-wall activity was smaller in the four professional footballers than in the three other participants, despite no difference in amount of foot movement. Surprisingly, the reduced recruitment of medial-wall foot motor regions became apparent in Neymar. His medial-wall activity was smallest among all participants with absolutely no difference in amount of foot movement. Neymar may efficiently control given foot movements probably by largely conserving motor-cortical neural resources. We discuss this possibility in terms of over-years motor skill training effect, use-dependent plasticity, and efficient motor control.
