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Psicol. USP ; 35: e230054, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1564952


Resumo: Nas últimas décadas, observa-se a emergência de um debate a respeito do pouco avanço nas pesquisas sobre a mania em psicanálise. Este artigo examina duas hipóteses que elegem a nosografia como fator explicativo elementar para essa lacuna: a primeira concerne ao amplo assentimento da categoria da psicose maníaco-depressiva, ao passo que a segunda se refere à adoção indistinta de categorias divergentes pelos psicanalistas. Contrariamente a essas interpretações, mas ainda dentro do mesmo quadro de referência, pretende-se sustentar que o fator mais decisivo para tal estagnação da pesquisa situa-se nas concepções de curso do quadro incorporadas pela psicanálise. Argumenta-se que, se, por um lado, o sentido de defesa atribuído à posição invariavelmente secundária da mania na circulação com a melancolia contribuiu para a delimitação metapsicológica do quadro, por outro, ela conduziu ao estreitamento exagerado de sua psicopatologia e à correspondente redução das pesquisas sobre esses casos.

Abstract: Recent decades saw the emergence of a debate regarding the halt in research on mania in psychoanalysis. This article examines two explanatory hypotheses for this gap based on nosography: the first concerns the broad endorsement of manic-depressive psychosis as a category, whereas the second refers to the indistinct adoption of divergent categories by psychoanalysts. Contrary to these interpretations, but within the same framework, we claim that the most decisive factor for such stagnation lies in the conceptions of mania assumed by psychoanalysis. If, on the one hand, the meaning attributed to the invariably secondary position of mania alongside melancholia as a defense contributed to the metapsychological delimitation of the clinical picture, on the other, it led to the exaggerated restriction of its psychopathology and the corresponding decrease in research on these cases.

Résumé : Au cours des dernières décennies, un débat a émergé sur le faible progrès dans la recherche sur la manie en psychanalyse. Cet article examine deux hypothèses qui privilégient la nosographie comme facteur explicatif élémentaire de cette lacune : la première concerne l'acceptation générale de la catégorie de psychose maniaco-dépressive, tandis que la seconde se réfère à l'adoption indistincte de catégories divergentes par les psychanalystes. Contrairement à ces interprétations, mais toujours dans le même cadre de référence, nous soutenons que le facteur le plus décisif de cette stagnation réside dans les conceptions de l'évolution de la manie incorporées par la psychanalyse. Si, d'une part, le sens la défense attribué à la position invariablement secondaire de la manie en circulation avec la mélancolie a contribué à la délimitation métapsychologique du tableau clinique, d'autre part, il a conduit à un rétrécissement exagéré de sa psychopathologie et à une réduction correspondante de la recherche.

Resumen: En las últimas décadas ha surgido un debate sobre la falta de avances en la investigación sobre la manía en psicoanálisis. Este artículo examina dos hipótesis que eligen a la nosografía como factor explicativo elemental de esta brecha: La primera se refiere a la amplia adhesión a la categoría de psicosis maníaco-depresiva, mientras que la segunda alude a la adopción indistinta de categorías divergentes por parte de los psicoanalistas. Contrariamente a estas interpretaciones, pero dentro del mismo marco, se sostiene que el factor determinante para el estancamiento de esta investigación reside en las concepciones del curso de la manía asumidas por el psicoanálisis. Por un lado, se argumenta que el sentido de defensa atribuido a la posición invariablemente secundaria de la manía en circulación con la melancolía contribuyó a la delimitación metapsicológica del cuadro clínico; por otro, esta ha llevado a una restricción de su psicopatología y disminución de los estudios sobre estos casos.

Humans , Perceptual Defense , Psychoanalysis , Psychopathology , Bipolar Disorder , Mania , Depressive Disorder
Soins Psychiatr ; 43(340): 12-16, 2022.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36109131


Bereavement has been debated among psychiatric experts since 2000. In addition to its precise manifestations, its duration is discussed: six months for the ICD-1, one year for the DSM-5-TR. Grief is not an illness but a process that can be blocked in the announcement phase of the death or in the depression phase following the absence. In all cases, acceptance of the loss is impossible. Psychiatric treatment can define a bereaved person who is suffering too much, and can reduce his or her suffering, but it cannot accelerate the process of remembering and then resuming a life without the loved one. Social rituals and psychosocial support have had this place for millennia in cultures throughout humanity.

Bereavement , Psychiatry , Female , Grief , Humans , Male , Psychotherapy
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 25(1): 205-225, jan.-mar. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1376987


A nosografia dos transtornos do humor e do afeto relaciona-se diretamente com as formas de apreensão dos quadros clínicos em cada contexto histórico. É indagado se o resgate histórico contribuiria para melhor compreensão e utilização da atual nosologia dos transtornos de humor. Objetiva-se realizar uma revisão histórica e crítica acerca de suas transformações conceituais e nosológicas com enfoque ao campo médico-psiquiátrico. O recorte pretendido se inicia com a proposição da "Insanidade Maníaco-Depressiva" por Emil Kraepelin em 1899, que é confrontada com as propostas pós-kraepelianas, em especial as de Karl Leonhard. Analisa-se a influência dessas na criação dos sistemas diagnósticos operacionalizados, DSM e CID. O "Transtorno Bipolar" foi um constructo introduzido pelo DSM-III e se mantém em uso até os dias atuais. Aborda-se também propostas posteriores, como a do "Espectro Bipolar".

Nosography of mood and affective disorders is directly related to how clinical pictures are understood in each historical context. Inquiring on whether a historical recollection would contribute to a better understanding and use of the current nosology of mood disorders, the study carries out a historical and critical review of its conceptual and nosological transformations on the medical-psychiatric field. Starting from Emil Kraepelin's "Manic-Depressive Insanity," proposed in 1899, the text confronts this concept with post-Kraepelian proposals, especially those of Karl Leonhard. It then analyzes their influence in the creation of two operationalized diagnostic systems — DSM and ICD. "Bipolar Disorder," a construct introduced by the DSM-III, remains in use today. Later proposals are also addressed, such as the "Bipolar Spectrum".

La nosographie des troubles de l'humeur et des troubles affectifs est directement liée à la manière dont les tableaux cliniques sont compris dans chaque contexte historique. En se demandant si un rappel historique contribuerait à une meilleure compréhension et utilisation de la nosologie actuelle des troubles de l'humeur, l'étude procède a un examen historique et critique de ses transformations conceptuelles et nosologiques dans le domaine médico-psychiatrique. Partant de la "Folie maniaco-dépressive" d'Emil Kraepelin, proposée en 1899, l'article confronte ce concept aux propositions post-Kraepeliennes, notamment celles de Karl Leonhard. On analyse ensuite leurs influence dans la création de systèmes de diagnostic opérationnalisés — le DSM et la CIM. Le "trouble bipolaire", une construction introduite par le DSM-III, est toujours utilisé aujourd'hui. D'autres propositions sont égalemment abordées, comme le "spectre bipolaire".

La nosografía de los trastornos afectivos está directamente relacionada con las formas en que se aprehenden las condiciones clínicas en cada contexto histórico. Se pregunta si la revisión histórica contribuiría a una mejor comprensión y uso de la nosología actual de los trastornos del humor. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una revisión histórica y crítica de sus transformaciones conceptuales y nosológicas con un enfoque en el campo médico-psiquiátrico. El recorte comienza con la propuesta en el texto "Locura maníaco-depresiva", de Emil Kraepelin, en 1899, que se enfrenta a propuestas postkraepelianas, especialmente las de Karl Leonhard. Se analiza la influencia de estas propuestas en la creación de sistemas diagnósticos operacionalizados, el Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM) y la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CID). El "trastorno bipolar" es una construcción introducida por el DSM-3 y sigue en uso hoy. También se abordan propuestas posteriores, como la del "espectro bipolar".

Soins Psychiatr ; 40(321): 37-40, 2019.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31006443


Sex addiction or dependency is a complex and debilitating pathology characterised by a disproportionate preoccupation with sex or sexual activity. The aim of scientific research carried out into this disorder is both nosographic, to establish which subtype of mental disorder it belongs to, and physiopathological, to explain its origin and develop potential therapies. A state of the science on sexual dependency is charted, in the world of psychiatry, based on its very first mention to the present day.

Behavior, Addictive , Mental Disorders , Sexual Behavior/psychology , Taboo , Humans
Encephale ; 43(6): 510-515, 2017 Dec.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29169785


Psychiatric experts find it is easier to deal with more horrible crimes than highly conflictual divorces. In the former, projections are impossible and "files" raise very interesting issues with regard to criminology; in contrast, in the latter the expert is confronted not just with a family but also and lest one forget, a couple that at one point in time had loved each other. However, the separation resembles a bloodbath. We will not detail the various psychiatric pathologies, which may further complicate a separation: they are well-known and, on a procedural level, do not raise any specific concerns. We will however address "pathological divorces" where although individuals, assessed on a case-by-case basis, are exempt from ascertainable or developing psychiatric pathologies, pathology permeates systemic relations, inextricably linked to hatred or disgust. In this light, fault-based divorces still remain rare: it is in this context, marked by defiance and doubt as to the parental competence of each member of the couple that the psychiatric expert intervenes, with a similar acknowledged mission to that of the court: recommendations to be offered regarding visitation and custody rights. Amongst the conflictual and inextricable situations the most often encountered in expert practice, the parental alienation syndrome (PAS) now known as parental alienation (PA) refers to all psychopathological manifestations observed in children subject to highly conflictual parental separations, and above all, the unjustified or inexplicable rejection of a parent by a child (or even by siblings). This recent entity has raised controversy: some even go so far as to deny the existence itself of this phenomenon claiming that it does not appear in the international classifications of psychiatric disorders. Consequently, it was not included in the last edition of the DSM and does not appear in the ICD classification of the OMS whose 11th edition is currently being prepared. The weaknesses in the scientific concept and its purely passionate dimension, including sexist controversies, must be carefully elucidated in the dismissal or denial of this pathology. The author raises various definitions of parental alienation of which the most recent is undoubtedly the least controversial. He discusses the reasons for the dismissal of the concept by the Scientific Committee of the DSM-5. This dismissal is however quite apparent as although the term "parental alienation" is not contained therein, we will show that the notion is clearly referred to in at least two chapters of the new American classification of mental disorders.

Child Abuse/psychology , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , Parents/psychology , Adult , Child , Delusions/psychology , Divorce/psychology , Family Relations , Female , Hate , Humans , Male , Parent-Child Relations , Prognosis , Sexism