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Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2291932, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38166564


Background: Sexual victimization is a serious public health problem, with a range of negative impacts on mental and physical health. Responses that individuals get to disclosure of sexual victimization play an important role in recovery. With the increased use of social media, more survivors are talking about their experiences of sexual victimization online. Research is needed to document the correlates of online disclosure of sexual victimization.Objective: The current study examined the role of demographic characteristics, assault severity, coping strategies, and social isolation as putative correlates of disclosing sexual victimization online via the hashtag #MeToo.Methods: A sample of 637 adults recruited via social media who reported a history of sexual victimization since the age of 14 completed self-report surveys using online survey software to assess disclosure of sexual victimization, assault severity, coping strategies, and social isolation.Results: Multivariate analyses suggest that levels of emotion-focused coping were positively associated with the disclosure of sexual victimization online via #MeToo. Further, individuals who had experienced completed rape by verbal coercion were less likely to disclose via #MeToo, compared to individuals who experienced other forms of assault.Conclusion: Coping strategies and assault severity play an important role in determining whether survivors disclose sexual victimization online via #MeToo. Findings suggest that individuals may disclose via #MeToo to seek support or express their emotions. Further, individuals whose sexual victimization experiences do not conform to 'typical' sexual victimization experiences are less likely to disclose via #MeToo.

HIGHLIGHTSGreater reported use of emotion-focused coping is associated with an increased likelihood of disclosing via #MeToo.Individuals who experienced completed rape by verbal coercion were less likely to disclose via #MeToo, compared to individuals who experienced other forms of assault.Findings highlight the need to further investigate correlates of disclosure via #MeToo.

Crime Victims , Rape , Adult , Humans , Disclosure , Cross-Sectional Studies , Rape/psychology , Emotions
Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(2): 53-72, abr.-jun. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-220981


There has been growing interest about gender identity and sexual orientation in people with autism spectrum disorder. This systematic review analyses 18 studies conducted since 2016 that met the inclusion criteria. The aim was to gather evidence of gender identity, gender dysphoria, and sexual orientation in the ASD population. The results indicate an increased prevalence of non-conforming gender identity and gender dysphoria in people with ASD. There was also evidence of greater prevalence of non-heterosexual orientation in people with ASD than people without ASD. These results were particularly found in women with ASD. However, more studies are needed, especially about women, children and adolescents, to ensure that there are suitable support and resources to meet the needs of this population. (AU)

En los últimos años ha surgido un creciente interés en relación con la identidad de género y la orientación sexual de las personas con trastorno del espectro del autismo (TEA). La presente revisión sistemática analiza un total de 18 estudios, publicados a partir de 2016, con la finalidad de obtener evidencias acerca de la identidad y disforia de género, y la orientación sexual en la población con TEA. Los resultados indicaron que existe una mayor prevalencia de identidad de género no conforme y de disforia de género en la población con TEA. Se encontró una mayor prevalencia de orientación no heterosexual en las personas con TEA en comparación con la población sin TEA. Estos resultados se encuentran preferentemente en las mujeres con TEA. No obstante, es necesario disponer de más y mejores evidencias sobre esta temática, especialmente en mujeres, y en las etapas de la niñez y la adolescencia, con el fin de implementar apoyos y recursos adecuados para dar respuesta a las necesidades de estas personas. (AU)

Humans , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Sexual Behavior , Gender Identity , Gender Dysphoria , Transgender Persons
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 209-225, abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430596


Resumen En tiempos recientes, la literatura en psicología sobre orientación sexual ha pasado de centrarse en aspectos negativos experimentados por personas no heterosexuales a examinar factores que potencien el bienestar de estas. Estos estudios se han enfocado mayoritariamente en lesbianas y hombres gay (orientación hacia un único género o monosexual), mientras la inclusión de otras orientaciones, como bisexual y pansexual (orientaciones hacia más de un género o plurisexual) es un interés emergente. En Latinoamérica, un tema poco explorado en este sentido es la satisfacción vital y las variables asociadas, como el apoyo social y el revelar la orientación sexual, y cómo estas pueden variar entre personas de distintas orientaciones no heterosexuales. Por ello, el objetivo general de este estudio fue comparar el grado de revelación de la orientación sexual, el apoyo social percibido, la conexión con la comunidad LGBTIQ+ (sigla que incluye a lesbianas, gay, bisexual, transgénero, transexual, travesti, intersexual y queer) y la satisfacción vital entre estudiantes universitarios lesbianas y gays (LG), y bisexuales y pansexuales (BP). La muestra fue tomada entre 82 estudiantes universitarios LGBP, quienes respondieron un cuestionario en línea que incluía datos sociodemográficos y escalas destinadas a evaluar las variables en estudio. Los resultados mostraron que estudiantes universitarios LG revelan más su orientación sexual que estudiantes BP. Igualmente, se destaca la asociación positiva entre el apoyo social percibido y satisfacción vital, y entre la conexión con la comunidad LGBTIQ+ y la revelación de la orientación sexual. Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento sobre variables asociadas a la satisfacción vital según la orientación sexual, diferenciando entre estudiantes universitarios lesbianas y gays y estudiantes bisexuales y pansexuales.

Abstract In recent years, there has been a growing shift in research on sexual orientation. This focus has moved from centering on negative experiences, related to psychopathology and stigmatization, to examining subjective well-being factors in individuals belonging to these populations. In Latin American countries such as Chile, a scarcely explored link in this regard is satisfaction with life -the cognitive component of subjective well-being- and associated variables. The minority stress model indicates that individuals who belong to minority groups are exposed to additional stressors to which the general population is not exposed. These specific stressors are related to the marginalization, prejudice and exclusion suffered by the minority group of belonging. Researchers have shown that these stressors and their consequences may result in lower life satisfaction in non-heterosexual people compared to their heterosexual peers. Furthermore, different non-heterosexual orientations face specific forms of prejudice and, therefore, could experience a different impact on their life satisfaction. In this paper, the distinction is made between individuals with a monosexual orientation (towards one gender) and those with a plurisexual orientation, (towards more than one gender or independently of gender); namely, lesbians and gay men (LG) on the one hand, and bisexuals and pansexuals (BP) on the other. Research indicates that BP people experience lower levels of well-being than LG individuals. Compared to the latter, BP individuals tend to disclose their sexual orientation to a lesser extent, perceive less social support, and experience greater exclusion from community spaces destined to the general community of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and other queer identities (LGBTIQ+). Moreover, these differences between non-heterosexual orientations in terms of life satisfaction have been little explored in Latin American university students. To fill this gap in the literature, the general objective of this study was to compare the levels of disclosure of sexual orientation, perceived social support, connectedness with the LGBTIQ+ community, and life satisfaction among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and pansexual university students. Four hypotheses were proposed that addressed the comparisons between LG and BP participants for these variables. A non-probability sample of 82 LGBP university students was recruited to answer an online questionnaire. Of the sample, 32.9 % were lesbian or gay, and 67.1 % were bisexual or pansexual. Most participants were women (67.1 %), compared to 29.3 % men and 3.7 % of another gender. The questionnaire consisted of a section of sociodemographic data, a sexual orientation disclosure scale, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, the LGBTIQ + Community Connectedness Scale, and the Life Satisfaction Scale. Analyses included comparisons of means between groups. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted for the Connectedness Scale to test its validity. Results showed that LG and BP students reported similar levels of perceived social support, community connectedness, and life satisfaction, while LG students tended to disclose their sexual orientation to more people than BP students. A positive association was also found between perceived social support and life satisfaction, and between connectedness and disclosure of sexual orientation. The CFA showed that the Connectedness Scale is valid for its use in university samples in Chile and other Latin American populations. Limitations regarding sample size and recommendations for future research are discussed. This study contributes to the knowledge about variables associated with life satisfaction in non-heterosexual university students, highlighting the differential needs for support of those with a monosexual orientation (lesbians and gays) and those with a plurisexual orientation (bisexual and pansexual).

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 261-279, abr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430599


Resumen Según el informe realizado por la Asociación Internacional de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Trans e Intersex (ILGA) en el año 2017, menos del 25 % de los territorios del planeta reconocen a la población Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Transexuales e Intersexuales (LGBTI+) y, de igual forma, aún hay numerosos países, en su mayoría del continente africano, que penalizan, discriminan y rechazan la homosexualidad. Además, diferentes estudios han evidenciado que para muchas familias es difícil separarse de la tradición heteronormativa y aceptar la orientación sexual de un hijo gay o una hija lesbiana o bisexual. Esta investigación buscó comprender el proceso de revelación y aceptación de la orientación sexual en 15 familias con integrantes gays, lesbianas y bisexuales en Cali-Colombia, a través de una entrevista semiestructurada y una línea de tiempo denominada Mi viaje en la que los participantes plasmaban sus narrativas en dibujos. En el presente estudio participaron 15 familias, las cuales estuvieron conformadas tanto por hijos/as entre los 19 y 26 años como por padres/cuidadores entre 41 y 64 años. A partir del análisis temático de las entrevistas realizadas de manera individual, se evidencia que los procesos de revelación de la orientación sexual se generan durante la adolescencia temprana, media y tardía, y la madre fue aquella integrante de la familia a quien le revelaron en un primer momento. Además, se presentan las formas a través de las cuales se dio la revelación, que fueron directas o indirectas y en algunos casos derivaron en secretos familiares. Se concluye que los procesos que atraviesan las familias frente a la revelación y aceptación de la orientación sexual de un hijo gay o una hija lesbiana o bisexual cuentan con fases dinámicas que pueden presentarse en distintos momentos y de diferentes formas, según las características particulares de cada familia y su contexto.

Abstract According to the report carried out by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) in 2017, less than 25 % of the territories of the planet recognize Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (the LGBTI + population) and, in the same way, there are still numerous countries, mostly from the African continent, who penalize, discriminate and reject homosexuality. In Colombia, between the years 2016, 2017 and until February 2018, 139 homicides of LGBTI+ people were reported. Additionally, in several of its cities, among which are Barranquilla, Medellín, Bogotá and Cali, there has been violence by the National Police against LGBTI+ people because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. In this regard, 21 cases have been reported between 2008 and 2017, of which two were against gay men and three against lesbian women. In addition, in Valle del Cauca, 195 homicides were reported up to the year 2017 which were related to the sexual orientation and gender identity of the victims, specifically located in the city of Santiago de Cali, in which nine murders were reported, four of which were gay men, two lesbian women and three trans women (Colombia Diversa, 2018). Furthermore, different studies have shown that it is difficult for many families to separate from the heteronormative tradition and accept the sexual orientation of a gay son or a lesbian or bisexual daughter. This research sought to characterize the process of disclosure and acceptance of sexual orientation in 15 families with gay sons and lesbian and bisexual daughters in Cali-Colombia, using a semi-structured interview and a timeline called My Journey in which the participants reflected their narratives in drawings. The research was qualitative, with a narrative design by topics (Hernández, Fernández & Baptista, 2014). The results are articulated to the macro project called "Family dynamics in the process of disclosure and acceptance of the sexual orientation of gay sons and lesbian daughters in the city of Cali-Colombia" In the present study, 15 families participated, which were made up of both children and parents / caregivers. From the thematic analysis of the interviews carried out individually, the descriptions made by the families of the moment in which the sons and daughters revealed their sexual orientation are mentioned. This moment corresponds to early, middle and late adolescence, and the mother was the one to whom the sexual orientation was revealed at first. In addition, the forms through which the revelation was given are presented, which were direct or indirect and, in some cases, led to family secrets. It is concluded that the processes that families go through in the face of the disclosure and acceptance of the sexual orientation of a gay son or a lesbian or bisexual daughter have dynamic phases that can occur at different times and in different ways depending on the particular characteristics of each family and its context. It is recommended to promote associations of families and friends united in favor of gender diversity, in such a way that they are configured as elements for decision-making in public policies and actions, which generate care routes for other families that require guidance in any of the stages they are going through and that can provide social support to gay sons, lesbian daughters and their families. From the field of health professionals who accompany families in affirmative processes, it is necessary to strengthen training with a gender perspective and in future studies address the experiences of families with transgender members, taking into account their specific needs and from an intersectional perspective.

Psicothema (Oviedo) ; 35(3): 227-237, 2023. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-223454


Background: The pandemic affected the psychological well-being and sexuality of the population, especially among vulnerable groups such as men from sexual minorities. Method: In Spain, a total of 320 heterosexual men and 151 sexual minority men, aged between 18 and 60, answered an ad hoc online questionnaire about sexual behavior during the lockdown. Results: Compared to heterosexual men, during the lockdown, sexual minority men masturbated more, engaged in more sexual activities online, and had more sex with non-cohabitants. Heterosexual men had more sexual relations with their partners. Living with a partner during the lockdown predicted an improvement in sex life, especially for heterosexual men. Furthermore, the emotional impact of lockdown was a predictor of a worsening sex life regardless of sexual orientation. Conclusions: Future interventions should take into account that men’s sex lives are mediated by the emotional impact of the moment, especially among sexual minority men, since the quality of their sex life shows a weaker relationship with some of the protective variables studied (living with a partner).(AU)

Antecedentes: La pandemia ha afectado al bienestar psicológico y a la sexualidad de la población, especialmente entre grupos vulnerables como los hombres de una minoría sexual. Método: En España, un total de 320 hombres heterosexuales y 151 hombres de minorías sexuales, de entre 18 y 60 años, respondieron un cuestionario online ad hoc sobre comportamiento sexual durante el confinamiento. Resultados: Durante el confinamiento, respecto a los hombres heterosexuales, los hombres de minorías sexuales se masturbaron más, realizaron más actividades sexuales en línea y tuvieron más sexo con no convivientes. En cambio, los hombres heterosexuales tuvieron más relaciones sexuales con su pareja. El hecho de vivir en pareja durante el confinamiento fue predictor de una mejoría de la vida sexual, sobre todo para los hombres heterosexuales. Además, el impacto emocional del confinamiento fue predictor de un empeoramiento de la vida sexual sin distinción por orientación sexual. Conclusiones: En futuras intervenciones habría que tener en cuenta que la vida sexual de los hombres está mediada por el impacto emocional del momento, especialmente entre los hombres de minorías sexuales, ya que su calidad de vida sexual muestra menor relación con algunas de las variables protectoras estudiadas (vivir en pareja).(AU)

Humans , Male , Sexual Behavior , Coitus , Pandemics , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Social Isolation , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Spain , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Men
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2297544, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38197295


Background: Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other sexual orientation and gender diverse (SOGD) communities are at disproportionately higher risk for sexual violence compared to cisgender heterosexual people. Despite this elevated risk, relatively few sexual violence prevention efforts effectively reduce these victimization disparities based on sexual orientation or gender identity.Objective: This narrative review provides an overview of the prevalence of sexual violence in the SOGD communities, delineates risk factors for sexual victimization among SOGD community members, and reviews and evaluates existing prevention efforts for the SOGD communities. We outline specific recommendations for ensuring that prevention efforts meet the needs of the SOGD communities.Method: Drawing on ecological systems theory and public health approaches to sexual violence prevention, we outline current approaches and opportunities for preventionists and scholars to push the field forward.Results: There have been promising prevention programmes designed to be implemented within SOGD communities specifically; however, it is important that general primary prevention programmes endeavour to specifically address sexual violence perpetrated against SOGD people. While many packaged programmes that endeavour to prevent sexual violence across all gender identities and sexual orientations are inclusive of SOGD participants, more programming is needed that integrates anti-oppression training to target social norms that perpetuate SOGD-specific rape myths and normalize sexual violence against SOGD community members.Conclusion: Ecological prevention strategies in line with a public health approach for primary prevention may be particularly valuable for reducing victimization disparities based on SOGD status and identity. Comprehensive sexual education and anti-discrimination policies should be considered front-line prevention programming. To assess if these strategies are effective, the implementation of large-scale surveillance surveys that use comprehensive assessments of sexual orientation, gender identity, and sexual violence are needed. Using theoretically grounded implementation strategies for prevention programmes can ensure effective programme delivery.

Despite their increased vulnerability, relatively few prevention strategies that specifically aim to reduce sexual violence among sexual and gender diverse (SOGD) communities and existing packaged programmes are less effective for preventing victimization among SOGD than for cisgender, heterosexual groups.Packaged prevention programmes should continue adapting with the specific aims to reduce these SOGD-based disparities.Broader changes at the outer layer of the social-ecological model (e.g. anti-discrimination, anti-bullying, inclusive sex-education) are critical primary prevention approaches to reduce SOGD-based sexual violence disparities.

Gender Identity , Sex Offenses , Female , Humans , Male , Sexual Behavior , Sex Offenses/prevention & control
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (39): e22209, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530507


Resumo Esse artigo é fruto de pesquisa desenvolvida em uma escola pública de ensino médio e discute como os marcadores de gênero e orientação sexual atravessam as experiências de paquera nessa instituição. Foram analisados materiais produzidos a partir de entrevistas, rodas de conversa e observações de inspiração etnográfica. A temática surge a partir do trabalho de campo quando os/as jovens apontam as relações de paquera como prática e assunto recorrente entre os/as estudantes. Sendo a escola um importante espaço de socialização juvenil, identificamos que para relações de paquera heterossexuais parece haver um roteiro que reitera as expectativas e normas de gênero. Já entre pessoas do mesmo gênero, a paquera é marcada por distintos agenciamentos para que possam vivenciar suas relações afetivo-sexuais, além de terem que lidar com experiências de discriminação.

Abstract This article is the result of research developed in a public high school and discusses how the markers of gender and sexual orientation cross the experiences of flirting in this institution. It analyzes materials from interviews, conversation circles and observations inspired on ethnographic methods. The theme arises from fieldwork when young people point to flirting relationships as a practice and a recurring issue among students. As the school is an important space for youth socialization, we identified that for heterosexual flirting relationships there seems to be a script that reiterates gender expectations and norms. In contrast, among people of the same gender, flirting is marked by different assemblages so they can experience affective-sexual relationships, in addition they have to deal with experiences of discrimination.

Resumen Este artículo es fruto de investigación desenvuelta en una escuela secundaria pública y discute cómo los marcadores de género y de orientación sexual atraviesan las experiencias de coqueteo en esta institución. Han sido analizados materiales producidos a partir de entrevistas, ruedas de conversación y observaciones de inspiración etnográfica. La temática surge a partir del trabajo de campo cuando los jóvenes apuntan las relaciones de coqueteo como práctica y tema recurrente entre los estudiantes. Siendo la escuela un importante espacio de socialización juvenil, identificamos que para relaciones de coqueteo heterosexuales parece haber un rotero que reitera las expectativas y las normas de género. Ya entre personas del mismo género, el coqueteo es marcado por distintas mediaciones para que puedan vivir sus relaciones afectivo-sexuales, además de necesitaren lidiar con experiencias de discriminación.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(4): 240-247, Agosto 2022. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1371814


Introducción. La expresión del género y laidentidad sexual no siempre coinciden con el sexo asignado al nacer. Nos propusimos como objetivo explorar las percepciones de género en adolescentes que consultaron en un hospital universitario de la comunidad. Población y métodos. Se diseñó un estudio de corte transversal. Se realizó una encuesta anónima en la sala de espera a los pacientes de 13 a 20 años que se atendieron en los consultorios externos de adolescencia entre abril y diciembre del 2019. Resultados. Respondieron la encuesta 834 adolescentes y el promedio de edad de los encuestados fue de 16,3 ± 2,3 años. El 3,3 % de los adolescentes (2,9 % mujeres y 4,3 % varones) se percibieron con una identidad de género diferente a su sexo de nacimiento. El 26 % no percibió su orientación sexual en términos heteronormativos, casi el 10 % se sintió discriminado por su orientación sexual, y esto estuvo asociado a la orientación sexual no heteronormativa (p <0,0001). Las adolescentes mujeres besaron en la boca a personas del mismo sexo en mayor medida que los varones, 44,8 % versus 19 % (p <0,0001). Conclusiones. El 3,3 % de la población adolescente se percibió con una identidad de género diferente al sexo de nacimiento y el 26 % tuvo una orientación sexual no heteronormativa.

Introduction. Gender expression and sexual identity are not always the same as the sex assigned at birth. Our objective was to explore gender perceptions among adolescents who attended a teaching hospital in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Population and methods. This was a cross- sectional study. An anonymous survey was administered to patients aged 13-20 years at the waiting room of the outpatient adolescent clinic between April and December 2019. Results. A total of 834 adolescents completed the survey; their average age was 16.3 ± 2.3 years. Among them, 3.3% (2.9% females and 4.3% males) perceived their gender identity as different from their sex assigned at birth; 26% perceived their sexual orientation was not heteronormative; almost 10% experienced discrimination due to their sexual orientation; and this was associated with a non-heteronormative sexual orientation (p < 0.0001). Female adolescents kissed same sex persons on the mouth more often than male adolescents: 44.8% versus 19% (p < 0.0001). Conclusions. In this population of adolescents, 3.3% perceived their gender identity was different from their sex assigned at birth and 26% had a non-heteronormative sexual orientation.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Sexual Behavior , Gender Identity , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 36(132)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447125


Objetivo. Examinar las relaciones entre el apoyo social percibido, actitudes hacia la sexualidad y satisfacción vital entre estudiantes universitarios heterosexuales y lesbianas, gay y bisexuales (LGB), en Temuco, Chile. Método. Muestra no probabilística de 281 estudiantes universitarios (70.8% heterosexual, 29.2% LGB), quienes respondieron un cuestionario en línea. Resultados. No hubo diferencias según orientación sexual en las actitudes hacia la sexualidad y la satisfacción vital. Estudiantes heterosexuales reportaron mayor apoyo social general y por parte de la familia y otros significativos que estudiantes LGB; ambos grupos reportaron igual apoyo de sus amistades. Únicamente, el apoyo social fue predictor de satisfacción vital. Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de fortalecer fuentes de apoyo para contribuir al bienestar de estudiantes de distintas orientaciones sexuales.

Objective. To examine the relationship among perceived social support, attitude towards sexuality, and life satisfaction of heterosexual and lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) university students in Temuco, Chile. Method. A non-probabilistic sample of 281 university students (70.8% heterosexual, 29.2% LGB) answered an online questionnaire. Results. There were no significant differences between heterosexual and LGB students in attitude towards sexuality or life satisfaction. Heterosexual students reported greater social support from their family than LGB students; both groups reported equal support from friends. Only social support was a predictor of life satisfaction. These results indicate the importance of strengthening social support from different sources to contribute to the subjective well-being of students of different sexual orientations.

Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 39: e0186, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360906


Ao fazer uso da técnica de revisão sistemática, este trabalho apresenta dois objetivos. Em primeiro lugar, procurou-se identificar por meio da literatura especializada diferentes formas de classificação da orientação sexual no âmbito do mercado de trabalho. Tendo em vista o segundo objetivo, analisou-se o mercado de trabalho como um canal que gera distribuição desigual de renda mediante mecanismos discriminatórios a partir dos diferenciais de rendimentos com base na orientação sexual. A fonte de dados utilizada foi a plataforma Periódicos Capes. Entre os resultados, quatro formas de identificação da orientação sexual foram observadas, tendo as uniões consensuais (coabitação) o maior número de estudos, seguidas da autodeclaração, comportamento e militância. Adicionalmente, pode-se destacar a penalidade salarial sofrida por homens gays vis-à-vis as suas contrapartes sexuais, prêmio salarial para lésbicas, com relação às mulheres heterossexuais, e desvantagens dos homossexuais na inserção do mercado de trabalho em simulações na taxa de convite para entrevista, revelando, assim, indícios de discriminação logo na etapa inicial de contratação. Finalmente, é ressaltado que, mesmo na presença de legislações que protejam minorias sexuais, até em países mais liberais e tolerantes, o ambiente profissional não está completamente alinhado à produtividade do trabalhador.

By using the systematic review technique, this work has two objectives. First, we tried to identify different forms of classification of sexual orientation in the labor market. For our second objective, the labor market was analyzed as a channel that generates unequal income distribution through discriminatory mechanisms based on income differentials based on sexual orientation. The data source used was the Periódicos Capes. Among the results, four forms of identification of sexual orientation were observed, with consensual unions (cohabitation) having the largest number of studies followed by self-declaration, behavior and activism. Additionally, results show a salary penalty suffered by gay men compared to their sexual counterparts, a salary premium for lesbians in relation to heterosexual women and disadvantages for homosexuals in labor market insertion. Simulations in the rate of interviews reveal signs of discrimination right at the initial hiring stage. Finally, it is emphasized that even with legislation protecting sexual minorities, and in more liberal and tolerant countries, the professional environment is not completely aligned with worker productivity.

Al utilizar la técnica de revisión sistemática, este trabajo tiene dos objetivos. En primer lugar, intentamos identificar diferentes formas de clasificación de la orientación sexual dentro del mercado laboral. Luego, en vistas al segundo objetivo, se analizó el mercado laboral como un canal que genera una distribución desigual del ingreso a través de mecanismos discriminatorios basados en diferenciales de ingresos por orientación sexual. La fuente de datos utilizada fue Periódicos Capes. Entre los resultados, se observaron cuatro formas de identificación de la orientación sexual, entre las que las uniones consensuales significan el mayor número de estudios, seguidas de autodeclaración, conducta y activismo. Se puede destacar la penalización salarial que sufren los hombres gays frente a sus homólogos heterosexuales, la prima salarial para las lesbianas en relación con las mujeres heterosexuales y las desventajas de los homosexuales en la inserción laboral en simulaciones en la tasa de convocatoria para entrevista laboral, lo que revela pistas de discriminación en la etapa inicial de contratación. Se enfatiza que, incluso en presencia de una legislación que protege a las minorías sexuales, en países más liberales y tolerantes, el entorno profesional no está completamente alineado con la productividad del trabajador.

Humans , Sexual Behavior , Job Market , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Systematic Reviews as Topic , Demography , Social Capital , Systematic Review
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 42(spe): e264832, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1386990


A normativa do Conselho Federal de Psicologia nº 1/1999, que estabelece normas de atuação para as(os) psicólogas(os) em relação à questão da orientação sexual, ao longo das últimas duas décadas tem sido objeto de investidas judiciais e legislativas para sustar seus efeitos. Foi observado também que a normativa CFP nº 01/2018, que se refere à atuação com pessoas transexuais e travestis, foi a mais rapidamente atacada após sua publicação, quando comparada aos mais de 1.500 atos oficiais publicados pelo Conselho Federal de Psicologia ao longo de sua história de quase 50 anos. E, mais recentemente, foi publicada uma normativa que trata da conduta profissional quanto às bissexualidades e demais orientações não monossexuais, a CFP nº08/2022. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar os principais motivos das disputas e as estratégias construídas ao longo do processo de resistência pela Psicologia brasileira, em meio a tensões entre seu posicionamento, expresso pelas resoluções, e a sociedade.(AU)

Normative no. 01/99 of the Federal Council of Psychology, which establishes standards of action for psychologists regarding the issue of sexual orientation, over the last two decades has been the object of legal and legislative attacks to suppress its effects. Moreover, the CFP normative no. 01/18, which refers to working with transgender individuals and travestis, was the most quickly attacked, when compared to the more than 1,500 official acts published by the Federal Council of Psychology throughout its history of almost 50 years. More recently, a normative law was published on the professional conduct regarding bisexualities and other non-monosexual orientations-CFP no. 08/22. This article analyses the main reasons for the disputes and strategies built along the resistance process by Brazilian Psychology, amidst tensions between its positions, expressed by the resolutions, and society.(AU)

El reglamento del Consejo Federal de Psicología 01/99 que establece estándares de acción para psicólogas/os en relación con relación al tema de la orientación sexual, durante las últimas dos décadas, ha sido objeto de ataques judiciales y legislativos para reprimir sus efectos. Además, se observó que el reglamento del CPF 01/18 que trata la práctica con las personas transexuales y travestis fue el más rápidamente atacado, entre los más de 1.500 actos oficiales publicados por el Consejo Federal de Psicología a lo largo de su historia de casi 50 años. Y, más recientemente, se publicó el reglamento, el CPF 08/22, que plantea la acción profesional en relación con las bisexualidades y otras orientaciones no monosexuales. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las principales razones de disputas y las estrategias construidas por la Psicología Brasileña a lo largo del proceso de resistencia en medio de las disputas entre su postura planteada mediante las resoluciones y la sociedad.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology/legislation & jurisprudence , Sexual Behavior , Gender Identity , Specialty Boards/legislation & jurisprudence , Homophobia , Transgender Persons , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Transphobia
Rev. Psicol. Saúde ; 13(4): 33-48, out.-dez. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427536


Este artigo objetiva caracterizar as ocorrências de violência autoprovocadas, enfocando as temáticas de identidades de gênero e orientações sexuais. É um estudo ecológico, com abordagem quantitativa, de caráter exploratório descritivo, com fonte secundária. Utilizou-se a base de dados das Fichas de Notificação de Violência de 2016. Identificaram-se alguns aspectos que encontram correspondência na literatura científica: local de ocorrência, faixa etária em que prevalece a maioria dos casos e métodos mais utilizados. Procurou-se comparar os dados e discutir sob a perspectiva dos estigmas provocados na saúde da população pesquisada. Pontua-se a importância de ações de prevenção da violência autoprovocada, principalmente para a população LGBT. Conclui-se que, seja na assistência direta, na linha de frente dos diversos serviços ou na construção das Políticas Públicas, a Psicologia tem grandes contribuições no enfrentamento da violência.

This article aims to characterize the occurrences of self-violence, focusing on the themes of gender identities and sexual orientations. It is an ecological study, with quantitative approach, descriptive exploratory character, with secondary source. We used the database of Violence Notification Forms for 2016. We identified some aspects that correspond in the scientific literature: place of occurrence, age group in which most cases prevail, and most used methods. We tried to compare the data and discuss from the perspective of the stigmas provoked in the health of the researched population. The importance of actions to prevent self-inflicted violence is emphasized, especially for the LGBT population. We concluded that, either in direct assistance, in the front line of the various services or in the construction of Public Policies, Psychology has great contributions in facing the various forms of violence.

Este artículo tiene por objetivo caracterizar las ocurrencias de auto violencia, centrando en los temas de identidad de género y orientaciones sexuales. Es un estudio ecológico con enfoque cuantitativo, de carácter exploratorio descriptivo, con fuente secundaria. Se utilizó la base de datos de Fichas de Notificación de Violencia del año 2016. Se identificó algunos aspectos que encuentran correspondencia en la literatura científica: ubicación de la ocurrencia, rango de edad en que ocurren la mayoría de los casos y los métodos más utilizados. Se buscó comparar los datos y discutir desde la perspectiva de los estigmas provocados en la salud de la población investigada. Se puntúa la importancia de acciones de prevención de auto violencia, especialmente para la población LGBT. Se concluye que, sea en la asistencia directa, en línea frontal de distintos servicios o en la construcción de las Políticas Públicas, la Psicología tiene grandes contribuciones para enfrentar la violencia.

Gac. sanit. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 35(4)jul.-ago. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-219564


Los sistemas de salud y la formación de profesionales parten del binarismo de género. En las diferentes etapas del ciclo vital existen situaciones que provocan inequidades, falta de oportunidades y riesgos para la salud de las personas lesbianas, gais, bisexuales, trans e intersex (LGBTI). Este trabajo pretende explorar la necesidad de incluir la diversidad afectivo-sexual, corporal y de género (DASCG) en los currículos de las titulaciones en ciencias de la salud. Se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica narrativa para identificar recomendaciones basadas en marcos y experiencias internacionales con nuevos enfoques para incorporar la DASCG, además de un análisis crítico de la situación actual acerca de las carencias en la inclusión de la DASCG en las titulaciones en ciencias de la salud. En la actualidad existe una progresiva inclusión de la DASCG en las ciencias de la salud en muchos países, que es considerada fundamental para unas prácticas profesionales éticas y una asistencia y unos cuidados de excelencia. Ofrecemos un resumen de los avances, los debates emergentes y las estrategias docentes para la inclusión de la DASCG en experiencias previas internacionales. Estas experiencias señalan la necesidad de la inclusión de la DASCG, la falta de conocimientos sobre las necesidades específicas de las personas LGBTI y los beneficios de la ruptura con la imposición binaria. Se recomienda aumentar los conocimientos sobre terminología, derechos y desigualdades, y la participación activa de las personas y las comunidades LGBTI. (AU)

Health systems and professional training are based on gender binarism. At different stages of the life cycle, there are situations that cause inequities, lack of opportunities and risks to the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people. This work aims to explore the need to include affective-sexual, bodily and gender diversity (ASBGD) in the curricula of health sciences degrees. A narrative bibliographic review was performed to identify recommendations based on international frameworks and experiences with new approaches to incorporate ASBGD, as well as a critical analysis of the current situation regarding the deficiencies in the inclusion of ASBGD in health sciences degrees. At present there is a progressive inclusion of ASBGD in health sciences in many countries, which is considered fundamental for ethical professional practices, and excellence in care. We offer a summary of advances, emerging debates and teaching strategies for the inclusion of ASBGD from previous international experiences. These experiences highlight the need for inclusion of ASBGD, the lack of knowledge about specific needs of LGBTI people and the benefits of breaking with the binary imposition. They recommend increasing knowledge about terminology, rights and inequalities, and the active participation of LGBTI people and communities. (AU)

Humans , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Transsexualism , Bisexuality , Gender Identity , Transgender Persons , Sexual Behavior
Medimay ; 28(3): 336-345, Jul.-Sep 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-78134


Introducción:La infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, es una de las infecciones de trasmisión sexual más importantes para la salud a nivel mundial y una de las más temibles del presente siglo.Objetivo:Describir las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los pacientes con VIH/sida.Métodos:Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en el Policlínico Universitario Joaquín de Agüero y Agüero, en el periodo de enero a mayo del 2020. Conformaron el universo de estudio 154 pacientes con VIH, a través de un muestreo aleatorio simple al azar se seleccionó una muestra de 95. Se estudiaron las variables edad, sexo, orientación sexual, los antecedentes de infecciones de transmisión sexual, el tiempo de la evolución y las manifestaciones clínicas. La información se obtuvo a través de la observación, la entrevista, las historias clínicas y de salud familiar.Resultados:El 34.7 por ciento de los pacientes se ubicó en las edades de 20 a 29 años, del sexo masculino el 56.8 por ciento; la orientación bisexual en 44.3 por ciento, la blenorragia en un 54.7 por ciento. Prevalecieron los de cinco años y menos en el diagnóstico 53.7 por ciento y las manifestaciones clínicas de fiebre, 95.7 por cientoy la pérdida de peso el 86.3 por ciento.Conclusiones:Predominan los adultos jóvenes, masculinos con cinco años y menos en el diagnóstico con antecedentes de otras infecciones de transmisión sexual y la orientación bisexual. La fiebre y la pérdida de peso sobresale como manifestaciones clínicas.(AU)

Introduction:Infection by human immunodeficienfy virus is one of the most important sexually transmitted infections for health all over the world and it is one of the most frightened in the present century.Objective:To describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with HIV/AIDS.Methods:A descriptive cross sectional study was carried out at Joaquín de Agüero y Agüero University Policlinic, from January to May, 2020. The universe under study was formed by 154 patients with HIV/AIDS, the simple of 95 patients was selected through a simple sampling at random. The studied variables were age, sex, sexual orientation, personal history of sexually transmitted infections, time of evolution, and clinical manifestations. The information was obtained by observation, an interview, patients charts and family health records.Results:The 34.7 per cent of the patients were from 20 to 29 years old, the male sex the 56.8 per cent; the bisexual orientation in 44.3 per cent, gonorrhea in a 54.7 per cent. Patients with five years or less, prevailed in the diagnosis, 53.7 per cent and the clinical manifestations were fever, 95.7 per cent and loss of weight, the 86.3 per cent.Conclusions:Male, young adults with five or less years of diagnosis, with personal history of other sexually transmitted infections and bisexual orientation prevailed. Fever and loss of weight overhang as clinical manifestations.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , HIV , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Sexual Behavior
Salud ment ; 44(3): 117-126, May.-Jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347872


Abstract Introduction In high-income countries, sexual minorities are at a higher risk for disordered eating behaviors. It is not known whether these findings can be extrapolated to Mexico. Objective Determine whether there are any differences in disordered eating behaviors among Mexican youth according to sexual orientation and analyze the potential role of experiences of violence and discrimination as mediators of these differences. Method Data from a representative sample of Mexican youth (12 to 29 years old, n = 27,876) were analyzed. Three groups were identified: young people who were not in love (NIL), who were in love with people of the opposite sex (ILOS), or in love with people of the same sex (ILSS). Restrictive behaviors, secret eating, and self-induced vomiting were identified through a scale created for the survey. Results ILSS men had a higher risk of restrictive thoughts and behaviors (B = .31), secret eating (OR = 2.21), and self-induced vomiting (OR = 3.65) than ILOS youth. Among women, there was only a difference in self-induced vomiting (RM = 2.49). In both sexes, being a young ILSS had an indirect effect on restrictive behaviors through its association with experiences of violence, discrimination at school, and sexual violence. Discussion and conclusion . Mexican sexual minority men are at a higher risk of disordered eating behaviors, whereas sexual minority women are at a higher risk of purging. Part of the differences in restrictive behaviors were explained by the increased risk for experiences of prejudice faced by sexual minority youth.

Resumen Introducción En países de alto ingreso, las minorías sexuales tienen mayor riesgo de conductas alimentarias de riesgo. Se desconoce si esos hallazgos pueden ser extrapolados a México. Objetivo Determinar si existen disparidades en las conductas alimentarias de riesgo entre los jóvenes mexicanos según la orientación sexual y analizar el papel potencial de las experiencias de violencia y discriminación como mediadoras de tales disparidades. Método Se analizaron datos de una muestra representativa de jóvenes mexicanos (12 a 29 años, n = 27,876). Se identificaron tres grupos: jóvenes sin enamoramiento (sE), con enamoramiento por personas del otro sexo (cEOS) o con enamoramiento por personas del mismo sexo (cEMS). Las conductas restrictivas, comer a escondidas e inducirse vómito se identificaron a través de una escala creada para la encuesta. Resultados Los hombres cEMS tuvieron mayor riesgo de pensamientos y comportamientos restrictivos (B = .31), comer a escondidas (RM = 2.21) e inducirse vómito (RM = 3.65) en comparación con los jóvenes cEOS. Entre las mujeres, solo hubo diferencia en inducirse vómito (RM = 2.49). En ambos sexos, ser un joven cEMS tuvo un efecto indirecto sobre las conductas restrictivas a través su asociación con experiencias de violencia y discriminación escolares y violencia sexual. Discusión y conclusión Los hombres de minorías sexuales mexicanas tienen mayor riesgo de conductas alimentarias de riesgo, y las mujeres de minorías sexuales tienen mayor riesgo de una conducta de tipo purgativo. Parte de las disparidades en conductas restrictivas se explicaron por el mayor riesgo de experiencias de prejuicio que enfrentan los jóvenes de minorías sexuales.

Med. clín. soc ; 5(1)abr. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386208


RESUMEN Introducción: la orientación sexual es la atracción emocional, afectiva, romántica o sexual que uno siente hacia los demás. Su apertura y encubrimiento son variables que han sido ampliamente relacionadas con el estado de salud mental. Metodología: estudio observacional descriptivo, de corte transversal y temporalmente prospectivo, con muestreo no probabilístico, que incluyó a 277 estudiantes de Medicina (campus de Sajonia y de San Lorenzo, y Filial Santa Rosa del Aguaray) de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción. La apertura/encubrimiento de la orientación sexual se determinó a través de adaptaciones españolas del "Outness Inventory" y de la "Sexual Orientation Concealment Scale". Resultados: las escalas utilizadas mostraron buenas consistencias internas (alpha de Cronbach=0,90). 17,3% de los encuestados se definía como parte de las minorías sexuales. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto a los niveles de apertura de la orientación sexual en personas heterosexuales y en personas LGB+ [t(275)=8,2, p<0,01]. En la población de estudiantes de Medicina LGB+, se observaron menores niveles de apertura primero hacia la religión, y luego hacia la familia, Facultad y amigos (p<0,01). El 75% de los estudiantes de Medicina LGB+ ocultaron de alguna forma su orientación sexual en las últimas dos semanas. Conclusión: la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción debe considerar examinar de cerca su ambiente y cultura organizacional, así como su currículo, con el fin de garantizar que exista un entorno positivo e inclusivo para todos los estudiantes. La adopción de la diversidad en la educación médica permite formar médicos que puedan practicar la Medicina de manera competente, compasiva y con enfoque de derechos humanos.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Sexual orientation is the emotional, affective, romantic or sexual attraction that one feels towards others. Its disclosure and concealment are variables that have been widely related to mental health status. Methodology: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional and temporally prospective observational study, with a non-probabilistic sample, which included 277 medical students (Sajonia, San Lorenzo, and Santa Rosa del Aguaray campuses) from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Asunción. The disclosure/concealment of sexual orientation was determined through Spanish adaptations of the "Outness Inventory" and the "Sexual Orientation Concealment Scale". Results: The scales used showed good internal consistencies (Cronbach's α=0.90). 17.3% of those surveyed defined themselves as part of sexual minorities. Statistically significant differences were found in the levels of disclosure of sexual orientation in heterosexual people and in LGB+ people [t(275)= 8.2, p<0.01]. In the population of LGB+ medical students, lower levels of disclosure were observed, first towards religion, and then towards family, Faculty, and friends (p<0.01). 75% of LGB+ medical students concealed their sexual orientation in some way in the past two weeks. Conclusion: The Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Asunción should consider closely examining its environment and organizational culture, as well as its curriculum, in order to guarantee that there is a positive and inclusive environment for all students. The adoption of diversity in medical education enables the training of physicians who can practice medicine competently, compassionately, and with a human rights approach.

Fam Process ; 60(4): 1488-1506, 2021 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33438248


Disclosure of sexual identity and/or gender orientation is difficult for youth and is associated with elevated adverse health risks, particularly when there is parental rejection. There are limited studies conducted with Hispanic sexual minority youth (HSMY) and their families to understand the disclosure process, how the family unit changes and adapts following disclosure, and the implications for preventive interventions for HSMY and their families. This paper explores the lived experiences of youth and parents throughout the disclosure process. A phenomenological approach was used to interview 15 parent-youth dyads (N = 30) to understand what it means for Hispanic youth to disclose their sexual identity and/or gender orientation. Three themes that best described the experience emerged from the participant interviews; the experience of disclosing included intrapersonal challenges, navigating disclosure, and conceptualizing acceptance. The authors highlight implications for preventive interventions that can help these families undergoing the unique process of disclosure.

La revelación de la identidad sexual o la orientación de género es difícil para los jóvenes y está asociada con riesgos adversos elevados para la salud, particularmente cuando existe rechazo por parte de los padres. Se han realizado pocos estudios con jóvenes de minorías sexuales hispanas y sus familias para comprender el proceso de revelación, cómo el núcleo familiar cambia y se adapta después de la revelación, y las consecuencias para las intervenciones preventivas orientadas a los jóvenes de minorías sexuales hispanas y sus familias. En este artículo se analizan las experiencias vividas de los jóvenes y sus padres a lo largo del proceso de revelación. Se utilizó un método fenomenológico para entrevistar a 15 díadas de padres y jóvenes (N = 30) a fin de comprender qué significa para los jóvenes hispanos revelar su identidad sexual o su orientación de género. De las entrevistas a los participantes surgieron tres temas que describieron mejor la experiencia; la experiencia de la revelación incluyó desafíos intrapersonales, el paso por la revelación y la conceptualización de la aceptación. Los autores destacan las implicancias para las intervenciones preventivas que pueden ayudar a estas familias a atravesar el proceso único de la revelación.

Sexual and Gender Minorities , Adolescent , Disclosure , Gender Identity , Hispanic or Latino , Humans , Parents , Sexual Behavior
Gac Sanit ; 35(4): 383-388, 2021.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32173051


Health systems and professional training are based on gender binarism. At different stages of the life cycle, there are situations that cause inequities, lack of opportunities and risks to the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people. This work aims to explore the need to include affective-sexual, bodily and gender diversity (ASBGD) in the curricula of health sciences degrees. A narrative bibliographic review was performed to identify recommendations based on international frameworks and experiences with new approaches to incorporate ASBGD, as well as a critical analysis of the current situation regarding the deficiencies in the inclusion of ASBGD in health sciences degrees. At present there is a progressive inclusion of ASBGD in health sciences in many countries, which is considered fundamental for ethical professional practices, and excellence in care. We offer a summary of advances, emerging debates and teaching strategies for the inclusion of ASBGD from previous international experiences. These experiences highlight the need for inclusion of ASBGD, the lack of knowledge about specific needs of LGBTI people and the benefits of breaking with the binary imposition. They recommend increasing knowledge about terminology, rights and inequalities, and the active participation of LGBTI people and communities.

Sexual and Gender Minorities , Transsexualism , Bisexuality , Female , Gender Identity , Humans , Sexual Behavior
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 52(2): 36109, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291330


Devido aos avanços dos tratamentos oncológicos, a sobrevida das pacientes com neoplasias mamárias tem aumentado significativamente, o que impõe a necessidade de compreender seus aspectos psicossociais. Diferenças de gênero e orientação sexual favorecem a ocorrência de desigualdades dentro dos serviços de saúde. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a produção científica nacional e internacional sobre variáveis relacionadas à saúde de mulheres lésbicas com câncer de mama. O levantamento bibliográfico foi realizado a partir das bases LILACS, PubMed, CINAHL e PsycINFO. Foram selecionados 20 artigos publicados entre 2007 e 2017. A análise permitiu delinear os temas: repercussões físicas e psicológicas do tratamento, enfrentamento, riscos de morbidade e mortalidade, qualidade de vida, menopausa e estudos de base populacional. A literatura explora de que modo a doença e o tratamento impactam de forma diferenciada a qualidade de vida de mulheres lésbicas acometidas por câncer de mama. Esse conhecimento é fundamental para subsidiar um cuidado sensível às necessidades dos segmentos minoritários da população.

Due to advances in cancer treatments, the survival of breast neoplasms patients has increased significantly, which requires the need to understand its psychosocial aspects. Gender differences and sexual orientation favor the occurrence of inequalities within health services. This study aimed to analyze the national and international scientific production on variables related to the health of lesbian women with breast cancer. The bibliographic survey was conducted from the LILACS, PubMed, CINAHL and PsycINFO databases. Twenty articles published from 2007 to 2017 were selected. The analysis allowed to outline the themes: physical and psychological repercussions of treatment, coping, risks of morbidity and mortality, quality of life, menopause and population-based studies. The literature explores how the disease and treatment have a different impact on the quality of life of lesbian women affected by breast cancer. This knowledge is essential to support care sensitive to the needs of minority segments of the population.

Debido a los avances en los tratamientos contra el cáncer, la supervivencia de las pacientes con neoplasmas de la mama ha aumentado significativamente, necesitando entender sus aspectos psicosociales. Las diferencias de género y la orientación sexual favorecen la aparición de desigualdades en los servicios de salud. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la producción científica nacional e internacional sobre variables relacionadas con la salud de mujeres lesbianas con cáncer de mama. La encuesta bibliográfica se realizó a partir de las bases de datos LILACS, PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO. Se seleccionaron 20 artículos publicados entre 2007 y 2017. El análisis permitió esbozar los temas: repercusiones físicas y psicológicas del tratamiento, afrontamiento, riesgos de morbilidad y mortalidad, calidad de vida, menopausia y estudios poblacionales. La literatura explora cómo las enfermedades y el tratamiento tienen un impacto diferente en la calidad de vida de las mujeres lesbianas afectadas por el cáncer de mama. Este conocimiento es esencial para apoyar la atención sensible a las necesidades de los segmentos minoritarios de la población.

Humans , Sexual Behavior , Breast Neoplasms , Sexuality , Sexual and Gender Minorities
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 18(2): 73-95, jul.-dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144713


Resumen (analítico) Este artículo presenta una revisión sobre los procesos de revelación y aceptación de la orientación sexual y el papel del apoyo social familiar como un aspecto fundamental para el bienestar de hijos gays e hijas lesbianas. Se resalta que los padres, madres, hijos e hijas atraviesan diferentes etapas para lograr la aceptación de la orientación homosexual. Así mismo, el apoyo informacional permite el apoyo emocional por parte de los padres y madres. Se evidencia que ciertas creencias, estereotipos e información insuficiente, así como la pobre educación acerca de la orientación homosexual obstaculizan el apoyo social brindado por las familias a sus hijos e hijas. Se recomienda para futuras investigaciones el abordaje del apoyo social familiar, entendido como un proceso transversal, presente y activo en las familias con hijos gays e hijas lesbianas.

Abstract (analytical) This article presents a thematic review of the processes of coming out and acceptance of the sexual orientation of lesbian and gay children and the fundamental role of social support for their welfare. It highlights that parents and sons/daughters go through different stages to achieve acceptance of homosexual orientation. In addition, the study finds that information facilitates emotional support from parents. It is evident that certain beliefs, stereotypes, and insufficient and false information, as well as limited education about homosexual orientation, act as obstacles for providing social support to lesbian and gay children by their families. Recommendations for further research include considering family social support as a crosscutting process that is present and active in families with gay and lesbian children.

Resumo (analítico) O artigo apresenta uma revisão temática do processo de revelação e aceitação da orientação sexual e o papel fundamental que o apoio social desempenha para o bem-estar de crianças lésbicas e gays. Destaca-se que pais e filhos/filhas passam por estágios diferentes para chegar à aceitação da homossexualidade. Além disso, apoio informacional permite apoio emocional por pais e mães. É evidente que algumas crenças, esteriótipos e informações falsas e insuficientes, assim como baixo nível de educação sobre a homossexualidade se tornam obstáculos para prover apoio social para filhas e filhos lésbicas e gays por parte de suas famílias. Recomendase para pesquisas futuras, a abordagem de apoio social familiar, entendendo que esse é um processo transversal presente e ativo nas famílias com filhos e filhas gays e lésbicas.

Social Support , Nuclear Family , Sexual Behavior , Homosexuality , Education