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Rev. colomb. quím. (Bogotá) ; 35(2): 205-214, jul.-dic. 2006. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-636593


Se describe un equipo isopiéstico para la determinación de los coeficientes osmóticos de soluciones acuosas, usando cloruro de sodio como sustancia de referencia a temperaturas de 288,15 K, 293,15 K y 298,15 K. Los tiempos de equilibrio estuvieron entre 12 y 20 días para concentraciones de 0,1 a 0,6 m. Los coeficientes osmóticos de las soluciones acuosas de KCl obtenidos a partir del método isopiéstico y los coeficientes de actividad calculados fueron comparados con datos de literatura.

An isopiestic apparatus for determination of osmotic coefficients of aqueous solutions using NaCl reference solutions is described. Measurements were made at 288,15 K, 293,15 K and 298,15 K. Equilibrium times between 12 and 20 days were required for molalities between 0,1 and 0,6 m. Osmotic coefficients of aqueous KCl solutions obtained by the isopiestic method and calculated activity coefficients are compared with literature data.

J Res Natl Bur Stand A Phys Chem ; 72A(3): 239-245, 1968.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31824092


Isopiestic vapor pressure measurements have been made on the system: water-potassium chloride-calcium chloride at 25 °C. The osmotic coefficients of the mixed salt solutions and the activity coefficients of each salt in the presence of the other have been evaluated.