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Actas Dermosifiliogr ; 2024 Aug 05.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39111569


BACKGROUND: The location of cutaneous melanoma is associated with photoexposure. OBJECTIVES: To retrospectively analyze changes in the location of cutaneous melanoma over the past 30 years. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All patients treated at our hospital for cutaneous melanoma from 1988 through 2017 were prospectively collected. Data obtained in cases diagnosed from 1988 through June 2006 were compared to those diagnosed from July 2006 through 2017. RESULTS: A total of 1,937 patients (876 men and 1061 women; median age, 57 years; interquartile range 27) were diagnosed with primary cutaneous melanoma. The location of melanoma was head and neck (470 cases), trunk (745 cases), upper limbs (239 cases), and lower limbs (483 cases). From July 2006 through 2017 we detected an increase in the incidence of head and neck melanomas (19.9% vs 28.6%, p <0.001). A drop in the incidence of melanomas located in the lower extremities was also seen in women (39.8% vs 30.4%, p <0.001), and in the trunk men (57.5% vs 47.3%, p=0.003). In the multivariate analyses, only the decrease in melanomas located in lower extremities in women remained significant. CONCLUSION: The increased incidence of head and neck melanomas in both sexes and the decrease in trunk melanomas in men can be attributed to the aging of our population. The reduction in the incidence of melanomas in the lower extremities in women could be associated with changes in photoexposure patterns. Analyzing the factors possibly associated with these changes would contribute to better understanding the pathogenesis of cutaneous melanoma for prevention purposes.

Genet Genom Clinic ; 2(2): 73-77, 31 de agosto de 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568240


RESUMEN: La gerodermia osteodisplástica (GO) es un trastorno genético poco frecuente de carácter autosómico recesivo dentro de los trastornos de cutis laxa, caracterizado por una piel laxa y arrugada, osteoporosis que lleva a fracturas espontáneas, luxación de cadera congénito, laxitud de articulaciones, signos de progeria, retraso del desarrollo y discapacidad intelectual. Esta es una condición causada por mutaciones genéticas en el gen GORAB (1q24.2). Presentamos el caso de una lactante menor de 3 meses de edad, con un fenotipo característico de esta condición, piel laxa y arrugada, especialmente en sus manos y pies, además de una luxación de rodilla. Se le realizó un panel genético para colagenopatías, que identificó una alteración en el gen GORAB confirmando el diagnóstico de Gerodermia osteodisplástica.   (provisto por Infomedic International)

ABSTRACT: Gerodermia osteodysplastica (GO) is a rare genetic disease in which the inheritance is autosomal recessive within Cutis laxa disorders, it is characterized by a lax and wrinkled skin, osteoporosis leading to spontaneous fractures, congenital dislocation of the hips, hyperextensible joints, progeroid features, developmental delay and intellectual deficit. This is a condition caused by genetic mutations in the GORAB gene (1q24.2). We present the case of a 3-month-old infant with the typical phenotype of this condition, lax and wrinkled skin, specially the hands and feet, in addition to a knee dislocation. A panel testing for connective tissue disorders was performed, which identified an alteration in the GORAB gene, confirming the diagnosis de Gerodermia osteodysplastica. (provided by Infomedic International)

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20)ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570115


Introducción: Existe una conexión bidireccional entre mecanismos fisiológicos del intestino y la piel que puede asociarse al desarrollo de patologias cutâneas. Objetivo: Estudiar la relación entre afecciones cutáneas con la presencia de patógenos intestinales causantes de disbiosis intestinal. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio para identificar la presencia de bacterias aeróbicas y anaeróbicas facultativas en un grupo de 45 pacientes (edad de 32,8 ± 18 años) que presentaron distintas afecciones cutáneas diagnosticadas en la consulta de Dermatología de UNIMEL, Caracas, Venezuela. La presencia de bacterias se determinó por cultivo diferencial, y la identificación de microorganismos mediante pruebas bioquímicas convencionales, prueba de filamentización en suero, medios automatizados (VITEK® 2 Compact) y pruebas de aglutinación. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo de la abundancia relativa de la microbiota gastrointestinal asociada a las afecciones cutáneas presentes (GraphPad Prism versión 8.0.2 para Windows) y análisis multivariado (NMDS) con (software PAST v4.13). Resultados: La presencia de acné, dermatitis atópica y nevus se asoció (p<0.05) al aumento de las colonias de Enterococcus faecium, E. coli, Enteroccocus faecalis y Klepsiella sp. Una disminución significativa en el número de colonias de E. coli (p<0.05) se asoció con la presencia de rosácea y acné inflamatorio mientras que su abundancia se asoció a la presencia de patologías como acantosis nigicans, dermatitis atópica, dermatitis papular y queratosis. La presencia de pseudomonas se relacionó con queratosis y Nevus melanocítico. Conclusión: Aunque preliminares, estos resultados sugieren que alteraciones en la composición microbiana intestinal pueden asociarse significativamente a afecciones cutáneas.

Introduction: There is a bidirectional connection between physiological mechanisms of the intestine and the skin that can be associated with the development of skin pathologies. Objective: To study the relationship between skin conditions with the presence of intestinal pathogens that cause intestinal dysbiosis. Methodology: A study was carried out to identify the presence of aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria in a group of 45 patients (age 32.8 ± 18 years) who presented different skin conditions diagnosed in the Dermatology clinic of UNIMEL, Caracas, Venezuela. The presence of bacteria was determined by differential culture, and the identification of microorganisms by conventional biochemical tests, serum filamentation test, automated media (VITEK® 2 Compact) and agglutination tests. A descriptive statistical analysis of the relative abundance of the gastrointestinal microbiota associated with the present skin conditions was performed (GraphPad Prism version 8.0.2 for Windows) and multivariate analysis (NMDS) with (PAST v4.13 software). Results: The presence of acne, atopic dermatitis and nevus was associated (p<0.05) with the increase in colonies of Enterococcus faecium, E. coli, Enteroccocus faecalis and Klepsiella sp. A significant decrease in the number of E. coli colonies (p<0.05) was associated with the presence of rosacea and inflammatory acne while its abundance was associated with the presence of pathologies such as acanthosis nigicans, atopic dermatitis, papular dermatitis and keratosis. The presence of pseudomonas was related to keratosis and melanocytic nevus. Conclusion: Although preliminary, these results suggest that alterations in intestinal microbial composition can be significantly associated with skin conditions.

Introdução: Existe uma ligação bidirecional entre mecanismos fisiológicos do intestino e da pele que pode estar associada ao desenvolvimento de patologias cutâneas. Objetivo: Estudar a relação entre as condições da pele com a presença de patógenos intestinais causadores de disbiose intestinal. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo para identificar a presença de bactérias aeróbias e anaeróbias facultativas em um grupo de 45 pacientes (idade 32,8 ± 18 años) que apresentavam diferentes condições de pele diagnosticadas na clínica de Dermatologia da UNIMEL, Caracas, Venezuela. A presença de bactérias foi determinada por cultura diferencial, e a identificação de microrganismos por testes bioquímicos convencionais, teste de filamentação sérica, meios automatizados (VITEK® 2 Compact) e testes de aglutinação. Foi realizada análise estatística descritiva da abundância relativa da microbiota gastrointestinal associada às presentes condições de pele (GraphPad Prism versão 8.0.2 para Windows) e análise multivariada (NMDS) com (software PAST v4.13). Resultados: A presença de acne, dermatite atópica e nevo esteve associada (p<0,05) ao aumento de colônias de Enterococcus faecium, E. coli, Enteroccocus faecalis e Klepsiella sp. Uma diminuição significativa no número de colônias de E. coli (p<0,05) foi associada à presença de rosácea e acne inflamatória, enquanto sua abundância foi associada à presença de patologias como acantose nigicans, dermatite atópica, dermatite papular e ceratose. A presença de pseudomonas foi relacionada à ceratose e ao nevo melanocítico. Conclusão: Embora preliminares, estes resultados sugerem que alterações na composição microbiana intestinal podem estar significativamente associadas a doenças da pele.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20): 438-450, ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568511


Introducción: Existe una conexión bidireccional entre mecanismos fisiológicos del intestino y la piel que puede asociarse al desarrollo de patologias cutâneas. Objetivo: estudiar la relación entre afecciones cutáneas con la presencia de patógenos intestinales causantes de disbiosis intestinal. Metodología: se realizó un estudio para identificar la presencia de bacterias aeróbicas y anaeróbicas facultativas en un grupo de 45 pacientes (edad de 32,8 ± 18 años) que presentaron distintas afecciones cutáneas diagnosticadas en la consulta de Dermatología de UNIMEL, Caracas, Venezuela. La presencia de bacterias se determinó por cultivo diferencial, y la identificación de microorganismos mediante pruebas bioquímicas convencionales, prueba de filamentización en suero, medios automatizados (VITEK® 2 Compact) y pruebas de aglutinación. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo de la abundancia relativa de la microbiota gastrointestinal asociada a las afecciones cutáneas presentes (GraphPad Prism versión 8.0.2 para Windows) y análisis multivariado (NMDS) con (software PAST v4.13). Resultados: la presencia de acné, dermatitis atópica y nevus se asoció (p<0.05) al aumento de las colonias de Enterococcus faecium, E. coli, Enteroccocus faecalis y Klepsiella sp. Una disminución significativa en el número de colonias de E. coli (p<0.05) se asoció con la presencia de rosácea y acné inflamatorio mientras que su abundancia se asoció a la presencia de patologías como acantosis nigicans, dermatitis atópica, dermatitis papular y queratosis. La presencia de pseudomonas se relacionó con queratosis y Nevus melanocítico. Conclusión: aunque preliminares, estos resultados sugieren que alteraciones en la composición microbiana intestinal pueden asociarse significativamente a afecciones cutáneas

Introduction: There is a bidirectional connection between physiological mechanisms of the intestine and the skin that can be associated with the development of skin pathologies. Objective: To study the relationship between skin conditions with the presence of intestinal pathogens that cause intestinal dysbiosis. Methodology: a study was carried out to identify the presence of aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria in a group of 45 patients (age 32.8 ± 18 years) who presented different skin conditions diagnosed in the Dermatology clinic of UNIMEL, Caracas, Venezuela. The presence of bacteria was determined by differential culture, and the identification of microorganisms by conventional biochemical tests, serum filamentation test, automated media (VITEK® 2 Compact) and agglutination tests. A descriptive statistical analysis of the relative abundance of the gastrointestinal microbiota associated with the present skin conditions was performed (GraphPad Prism version 8.0.2 for Windows) and multivariate analysis (NMDS) with (PAST v4.13 software). Results: the presence of acne, atopic dermatitis and nevus was associated (p<0.05) with the increase in colonies of Enterococcus faecium, E. coli, Enteroccocus faecalis and Klepsiella sp. A significant decrease in the number of E. coli colonies (p<0.05) was associated with the presence of rosacea and inflammatory acne while its abundance was associated with the presence of pathologies such as acanthosis nigicans, atopic dermatitis, papular dermatitis and keratosis. The presence of pseudomonas was related to keratosis and melanocytic nevus. Conclusion: although preliminary, these results suggest that alterations in intestinal microbial composition can be significantly associated with skin conditions.

Introdução: existe uma ligação bidirecional entre mecanismos fisiológicos do intestino e da pele que pode estar associada ao desenvolvimento de patologias cutâneas. Objetivo: estudar a relação entre as condições da pele com a presença de patógenos intestinais causadores de disbiose intestinal. Metodologia: foi realizado um estudo para identificar a presença de bactérias aeróbias e anaeróbias facultativas em um grupo de 45 pacientes (idade 32,8 ± 18 años) que apresentavam diferentes condições de pele diagnosticadas na clínica de Dermatologia da UNIMEL, Caracas, Venezuela. A presença de bactérias foi determinada por cultura diferencial, e a identificação de microrganismos por testes bioquímicos convencionais, teste de filamentação sérica, meios automatizados (VITEK® 2 Compact) e testes de aglutinação. Foi realizada análise estatística descritiva da abundância relativa da microbiota gastrointestinal associada às presentes condições de pele (GraphPad Prism versão 8.0.2 para Windows) e análise multivariada (NMDS) com (software PAST v4.13). Resultados: A presença de acne, dermatite atópica e nevo esteve associada (p<0,05) ao aumento de colônias de Enterococcus faecium, E. coli, Enteroccocus faecalis e Klepsiella sp. Uma diminuição significativa no número de colônias de E. coli (p<0,05) foi associada à presença de rosácea e acne inflamatória, enquanto sua abundância foi associada à presença de patologias como acantose nigicans, dermatite atópica, dermatite papular e ceratose. A presença de pseudomonas foi relacionada à ceratose e ao nevo melanocítico. Conclusão: embora preliminares, estes resultados sugerem que alterações na composição microbiana intestinal podem estar significativamente associadas a doenças da pele.

Actas Dermosifiliogr ; 115(8): T773-T780, 2024 Sep.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38972583


Nail disorders in newborns can show independently or as components of systemic illnesses or genodermatoses. The examination of these abnormalities is complex and sometimes challenging. However, familiarity with these disorders can significantly contribute to uncovering potential underlying conditions. This review includes the physiological nail changes seen within the first few months of life, such as Beau's lines, onychoschizia, koilonychia, congenital nail fold hypertrophy of the first digit, and onychocryptosis. This review also focuses on the most relevant congenital disorders reported and how to perform differential diagnosis. Finally, this review highlights those hereditary diseases in which nail involvement is crucial for diagnosis, such as nail-patella syndrome, congenital pachyonychia, or congenital dyskeratosis, among others.

Nail Diseases , Nails, Malformed , Humans , Nail Diseases/congenital , Nail Diseases/diagnosis , Nail Diseases/etiology , Nails, Malformed/congenital , Nails, Malformed/genetics , Infant, Newborn , Diagnosis, Differential , Nail-Patella Syndrome/genetics , Nail-Patella Syndrome/diagnosis
An Pediatr (Engl Ed) ; 100(6): 420-427, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38834435


INTRODUCTION: Up to 60% of hospitalised neonates may develop incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD). Our aim was to adapt the Clinical Evaluation Scale for Characterization of the Severity of Diaper Dermatitis to the Spanish population and to find out the nationwide frequency of IAD in hospitalized neonates. METHODS: Cross-cultural adaptation and assessment of content validity of the scale. We carried out a prospective, multicentre observational study of the incidence of nappy rash in postnatal wards and neonatal intensive care units in 6 Spanish hospitals. RESULTS: We obtained a content validity index of 0.869 for the total scale (95% CI, 0.742-0.939). The sample included 196 neonates. The cumulative incidence of IAD was 32.1% (9.1% mild-moderate, 8% moderate and 1.6% severe). The incidence rate was 2.2 IAD cases per 100 patient days. A stool pH of less than 5.5, a greater number of bowel movements a day, a greater daily urine output and the use of oral drugs were among the factors associated with the development of IAD. CONCLUSION: The Spanish version of the Clinical Evaluation Scale for Characterization of the Severity of Diaper Dermatitis had an adequate content validity for the assessment of DAI in the hospitalised neonatal population. Mixed feeding, treatment with oral drugs and the use of medical devices in the perianal area were associated with an increased risk of nappy dermatitis in infants.

Diaper Rash , Fecal Incontinence , Severity of Illness Index , Urinary Incontinence , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Prospective Studies , Incidence , Fecal Incontinence/epidemiology , Fecal Incontinence/diagnosis , Fecal Incontinence/complications , Male , Female , Diaper Rash/epidemiology , Diaper Rash/diagnosis , Spain/epidemiology , Urinary Incontinence/epidemiology , Urinary Incontinence/diagnosis , Hospitalization
Rev. Finlay ; 14(2)jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565175


Fundamento: como promedio se han generan tres millones de casos de cáncer de piel a nivel global en los últimos años. Esta situación ocurre entre otras razones por la constante exposición a la radiación solar y la no aplicación de fotoprotección. Objetivo: determinar la experiencia parental en fotoprotección durante la infancia. Método: se realizó un estudio etnográfico en la Unidad Educativa de la Parroquia San Juan del Cantón Riobamba, Provincia Chimborazo, durante el período de estudio de octubre 2022 a octubre 2023. Se realizaron 14 entrevistas a cuidadores de preescolares, los que fueron escogidos a través del muestreo no probabilístico. Se dispuso de dos técnicas de recolección de la información: el autorreportaje y la entrevista semiestructurada. Resultados: se describieron cada una de las categorías que emergieron en el estudio según el nivel de frecuencia: fotounidad, fotoexperiencia-conocimiento y fotosanidad. Se construyó un mapa representacional en el cual se determinó que la familia en sí representa la fotounidad, mediante la participación de todos sus miembros en la protección de los efectos nocivos del sol. La sombrilla que cubre a la familia refleja la fotoexperiencia-conocimiento adquiridos por los cuidadores, que actúan como protección al daño solar mediante medidas preventivas y de cuidado. El sol y sus rayos solares simbolizan la fotosanidad, que corresponde a la exposición a rayos solares y sus efectos nocivos para la salud. Conclusiones: la implementación de medidas de fotoprotección desde edades tempranas resulta de vital importancia para la prevención del cáncer de piel, por lo que es necesario brindarles a los padres información adecuada sobre los riesgos solares y las medidas preventivas.

Foundation: on average, three million cases of skin cancer have been generated globally in recent years. This situation occurs among other reasons due to constant exposure to solar radiation and non-application of photoprotection. Objective: determine parental experience in photoprotection during childhood. Method: an ethnographic study was carried out in the Educational Unit of the San Juan Parish of the Cantón Riobamba, Chimborazo Province, during the study period from October 2022 to October 2023. 14 interviews were carried out with preschool caregivers, who were chosen through of non-probabilistic sampling. Two information collection techniques were available: self-report and semi-structured interview. Results: each of the categories that emerged in the study were described according to the level of frequency: photounity, photoexperience-knowledge and photosanity. A representational map was constructed in which it was determined that the family itself represents photounity, through the participation of all its members in protecting themselves from the harmful effects of the sun. The umbrella that covers the family reflects the photo-experience-knowledge acquired by the caregivers, which act as protection from sun damage through preventive and care measures. The sun and its solar rays symbolize photosanity, which corresponds to exposure to sunlight and its harmful effects on health. Conclusions: the implementation of photoprotection measures from an early age is of vital importance for the prevention of skin cancer, so it is necessary to provide parents with adequate information about sun risks and preventive measure.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 631-637, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564603


SUMMARY: To compare the advantages and disadvantages of reverse sural fasciocutaneous flap (RSFF) versus medial plantar flap (MPF) in the treatment of skin defects after excision of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the heel. The research participants were 80 SCC patients admitted to Lishui People's Hospital between January 2019 and April 2022, who were assigned to RSFF group (n=37) and MPF group (n=43) according to the flap type. After a one-year follow-up, the survival, flap necrosis and ulceration, as well as pain and tactile sensation recovery of both groups were counted. At the last follow-up, the clinical response was evaluated, and Short-Form 36 Item Health Survey (SF-36) and appearance satisfaction surveys were conducted. No patients died in either group, and one patient in each group developed flap necrosis. The MPF group had better sensory recovery and a lower incidence of flap ulceration (P0.05). The cosmetic satisfaction was higher in MPF group than in RSFF group (P<0.05). MPF contributes to beautiful appearance, better sensory recovery, and low risk of long-term ulceration, while RSFF is suitable for lesions with large defects or those located at the lateral heel.

El objetivo del estudio fue comparar las ventajas y desventajas del colgajo fasciocutáneo sural inverso (RSFF) versus el colgajo plantar medial (MPF) en el tratamiento de defectos de la piel después de la escisión de un carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) del talón. Los participantes de la investigación fueron 80 pacientes con CCE ingresados en el Hospital Popular de Lishui entre enero de 2019 y abril de 2022, que fueron asignados al grupo RSFF (n=37) y al grupo MPF (n=43) según el tipo de colgajo. Después de un año de seguimiento, se observó la supervivencia, la necrosis y ulceración del colgajo, así como la recuperación del dolor y la sensación táctil de ambos grupos. En el último seguimiento, se evaluó la respuesta clínica y se realizaron encuestas de salud de formato corto de 36 ítems (SF-36) y encuestas de satisfacción. Ningún paciente falleció en ninguno de los grupos y un paciente de cada grupo desarrolló necrosis del colgajo. El grupo MPF tuvo una mejor recuperación sensorial y una menor incidencia de ulceración del colgajo (P 0,05). La satisfacción cosmética fue mayor en el grupo MPF que en el grupo RSFF (P<0,05). MPF contribuye a una mejor apariencia, mejor recuperación sensorial y un bajo riesgo de ulceración a largo plazo, mientras que RSFF es adecuado para lesiones con defectos grandes o localizados en la parte lateral del talón.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Surgical Flaps , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Follow-Up Studies , Patient Satisfaction , Graft Survival
Actas Dermosifiliogr ; 2024 May 18.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38768807


BACKGROUND: The location of cutaneous melanoma is associated with photoexposure. OBJECTIVES: To retrospectively analyze changes in the location of cutaneous melanoma over the past 30 years. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All patients treated at our hospital for cutaneous melanoma from 1988 through 2017 were prospectively collected. Data obtained in cases diagnosed from 1988 through June 2006 were compared to those diagnosed from July 2006 through 2017. RESULTS: A total of 1,937 patients (876 men and 1061 women; median age, 57 years; interquartile range 27) were diagnosed with primary cutaneous melanoma. The location of melanoma was head and neck (470 cases), trunk (745 cases), upper limbs (239 cases), and lower limbs (483 cases). From July 2006 through 2017 we detected an increase in the incidence of head and neck melanomas (19.9% vs 28.6%, p <0.001). A drop in the incidence of melanomas located in the lower extremities was also seen in women (39.8% vs 30.4%, p <0.001), and in the trunk men (57.5% vs 47.3%, p=0.003). In the multivariate analyses, only the decrease in melanomas located in lower extremities in women remained significant. CONCLUSION: The increased incidence of head and neck melanomas in both sexes and the decrease in trunk melanomas in men can be attributed to the aging of our population. The reduction in the incidence of melanomas in the lower extremities in women could be associated with changes in photoexposure patterns. Analyzing the factors possibly associated with these changes would contribute to better understanding the pathogenesis of cutaneous melanoma for prevention purposes.

Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(2)May-Aug. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559136


El síndrome de Wells es una afección dérmica que presenta un gran polimorfismo clínico. Es una patología autolimitada, recurrente y su origen es incierto. Reportamos el caso de una paciente de 29 años, procedente del área Central de Paraguay, comerciante, sin patología de base que consultó por edema de manos y piel. El tratamiento indicado fue corticoide vía oral y desparasitación con buena evolución y sin recidivas.

Wells syndrome is a dermal condition with a high clinical polymorphism. It is a self-limited, recurrent pathology and its origin is uncertain. We report the case of a 29-year-old female patient from the central area of Paraguay, a shopkeeper, with no underlying pathology, who consulted for hand and skin edema. The indicated treatment was oral corticosteroid and deworming with good evolution and no recurrences.

Actas dermo-sifiliogr. (Ed. impr.) ; 115(4): 393-397, Abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231999


La sarcoidosis del sistema nervioso (neurosarcoidosis [NS]) es poco frecuente, pero puede ser grave y producir secuelas importantes. Analizamos los tipos de lesión cutánea específica en pacientes con NS y su utilidad para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. De un total de 58, 16 presentaron lesiones cutáneas específicas (27,6%). De ellos, 14 eran mujeres y dos varones (edad mediana 50 años [rango 20-84]), que presentaron 24 tipos de lesiones neurológicas (siete neuropatía craneal, cuatro parenquimatosa, tres meníngea, tres mielopatía, uno hipofisaria, dos hidrocefalia y cuatro neuropatía periférica) y 20 lesiones cutáneas específicas (seis máculo-pápulas, nueve placas, uno lupus pernio y cuatro sarcoidosis de las cicatrices [dos pacientes con máculo-pápulas y dos con placas presentaron también sarcoidosis de las cicatrices]. Las lesiones cutáneas estaban presentes al diagnóstico de la NS en 13 casos. Ante la sospecha de esta enfermedad hay que descartar la presencia de lesiones cutáneas específicas cuya biopsia puede acelerar el diagnóstico. (AU)

Neurosarcoidosis is an uncommon but potentially serious disease of the central nervous system that can cause major sequelae. We analyzed the presence and diagnostic usefulness of specific cutaneous lesions in 58 patients with neurosarcoidosis. Sixteen patients (27.6%) had specific cutaneous lesions (14 men and 2 women; mean age, 50 years [range, 20-84 years]). Twenty-four types of neurological lesions were observed: cranial neuropathy (n=7), parenchymal lesions (n=4), meningeal lesions (n=3), myelopathy (n=3), pituitary lesions (n=1), hydrocephalus (n=2), and peripheral neuropathy (n=4). Twenty types of specific cutaneous lesions were observed: maculopapular lesions (n=6), plaques (n=9), lupus pernio (n=1), and scar sarcoidosis (n=4). These last lesions coexisted with maculopapular lesions in 2 patients and plaques in another 2. Specific cutaneous lesions were present at diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis in 13 patients. Recognition of specific cutaneous lesions in a patient with suspected neurosarcoidosis is important as biopsy can accelerate diagnosis. (AU)

Humans , Sarcoidosis , Skin , Degloving Injuries , Cerebral Hemorrhage , Spinal Cord Diseases , Pituitary Apoplexy
Actas dermo-sifiliogr. (Ed. impr.) ; 115(4): t393-t397, Abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-232000


Neurosarcoidosis is an uncommon but potentially serious disease of the central nervous system that can cause major sequelae. We analyzed the presence and diagnostic usefulness of specific cutaneous lesions in 58 patients with neurosarcoidosis. Sixteen patients (27.6%) had specific cutaneous lesions (14 men and 2 women; mean age, 50 years [range, 20-84 years]). Twenty-four types of neurological lesions were observed: cranial neuropathy (n=7), parenchymal lesions (n=4), meningeal lesions (n=3), myelopathy (n=3), pituitary lesions (n=1), hydrocephalus (n=2), and peripheral neuropathy (n=4). Twenty types of specific cutaneous lesions were observed: maculopapular lesions (n=6), plaques (n=9), lupus pernio (n=1), and scar sarcoidosis (n=4). These last lesions coexisted with maculopapular lesions in 2 patients and plaques in another 2. Specific cutaneous lesions were present at diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis in 13 patients. Recognition of specific cutaneous lesions in a patient with suspected neurosarcoidosis is important as biopsy can accelerate diagnosis. (AU)

La sarcoidosis del sistema nervioso (neurosarcoidosis [NS]) es poco frecuente, pero puede ser grave y producir secuelas importantes. Analizamos los tipos de lesión cutánea específica en pacientes con NS y su utilidad para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. De un total de 58, 16 presentaron lesiones cutáneas específicas (27,6%). De ellos, 14 eran mujeres y dos varones (edad mediana 50 años [rango 20-84]), que presentaron 24 tipos de lesiones neurológicas (siete neuropatía craneal, cuatro parenquimatosa, tres meníngea, tres mielopatía, uno hipofisaria, dos hidrocefalia y cuatro neuropatía periférica) y 20 lesiones cutáneas específicas (seis máculo-pápulas, nueve placas, uno lupus pernio y cuatro sarcoidosis de las cicatrices [dos pacientes con máculo-pápulas y dos con placas presentaron también sarcoidosis de las cicatrices]. Las lesiones cutáneas estaban presentes al diagnóstico de la NS en 13 casos. Ante la sospecha de esta enfermedad hay que descartar la presencia de lesiones cutáneas específicas cuya biopsia puede acelerar el diagnóstico. (AU)

Humans , Sarcoidosis , Skin , Degloving Injuries , Cerebral Hemorrhage , Spinal Cord Diseases , Pituitary Apoplexy
Actas Dermosifiliogr ; 2024 Apr 23.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38663727


Nail disorders in newborns can show independently or as components of systemic illnesses or genodermatoses. The examination of these abnormalities is complex and sometimes challenging. However, familiarity with these disorders can significantly contribute to uncovering potential underlying conditions. This review includes the physiological nail changes seen within the first few months of life, such as Beau's lines, onychoschizia, koilonychia, congenital nail fold hypertrophy of the first digit, and onychocryptosis. This review also focuses on the most relevant congenital disorders reported and how to perform differential diagnosis. Finally, this review highlights those hereditary diseases in which nail involvement is crucial for diagnosis, such as nail-patella syndrome, congenital pachyonychia, or congenital dyskeratosis, among others.

Rev Clin Esp (Barc) ; 224(5): 314-330, 2024 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38599519


OBJECTIVE: Identify and reach consensus on the variables that affect the measurement of oxygen saturation using pulse oximetry. METHODS: We applied inclusion and exclusion criteria to select relevant studies in databases such as Ebsco and PubMed. The search strategies, carried out until December 2023, focused on publications that addressed the technology of pulse oximeters and variables that influence their accuracy. We assessed the risk of bias of the included studies and used standardized methods for synthesis of results. RESULTS: 23 studies were included. The synthesis of the results highlighted that equipment with tetrapolar technology showed greater precision in oxygen saturation measurements. Increased skin pigmentation, hemoglobinopathies and high skin temperatures can lead to an overestimation of SpO2, while factors such as low perfusion, cold skin temperature, nail polish or tattoos, hypoxemia, anemia and high altitude training, they may underestimate it. On the other hand, motion artifacts, light pollution, frequency >150 beats per minute, electromagnetic interference and location of the sensor can cause distortion of the photoplethymography signal. CONCLUSIONS: The synthesis of the results highlighted that skin pigmentation and light interference can lead to an overestimation of SpO2, while other factors such as low perfusion and altitude tend to underestimate it. The studies presented variability and heterogeneity in their designs, evidencing limitations in the consistency and precision of the evidence. Despite these limitations, the results underscore the importance of considering multiple variables when interpreting pulse oximetry measurements to ensure their reliability. The findings have significant implications for clinical practice and future research.

Oximetry , Oximetry/methods , Humans , Oxygen Saturation , Reproducibility of Results , Skin Pigmentation
Actas Dermosifiliogr ; 115(6): T533-T538, 2024 Jun.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38648931


BACKGROUND: Controversy has recently broken out over the potential carcinogenic risk associated with exposure to UV lamps for permanent nail polish. The new LED-based polymerization devices, and their potential biological effect has not been analyzed to this date. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the emission power and its potential biological effects on the skin of 2 types of UV LED and fluorescent curing lamps under normal use conditions compared to doses of sunlight exposure. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The emission spectrum (290nm to 450nm) of curing lamps and the Sun at noon on an average summer day in mid-latitude Spain was analyzed. The effective biological irradiance potential for erythema, non-melanoma skin cancer, DNA damage, photoimmunosuppression and permanent pigmentation was also characterized. RESULTS: The high-energy UVA-visible irradiance emitted by these devices was similar to the one coming from the Sun in that spectral range while the effective biological doses were lower or similar to those also coming from the Sun. The total UV and high-energy visible dose per manicure session corresponded to that obtained from 3.5min to 6min exposures to the Sun at noon in the summer days at our latitudes. CONCLUSIONS: The exposure times and doses received with the common use of artificial lamp nail drying correspond to sunlight exposures of 3min to 5min in the central hours of the day. This represents a very low carcinogenic potential compared to sunlight exposure, although similar regarding immunosuppressive potential. Photoprotective measures would further minimize the risks.

Nails , Neoplasms, Radiation-Induced , Skin Neoplasms , Ultraviolet Rays , Ultraviolet Rays/adverse effects , Humans , Nails/radiation effects , Skin Neoplasms/etiology , Skin Neoplasms/epidemiology , Neoplasms, Radiation-Induced/etiology , Neoplasms, Radiation-Induced/epidemiology , Sunlight/adverse effects , DNA Damage , Spain , Erythema/etiology
Actual. Sida Infectol. (En linea) ; 32(114): 9-15, 20240000. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1551750


ntroducción: Las infecciones de piel y partes blandas (IPPB) constituyen la tercera causa de consulta en nuestro centro. S.aureus es el agente etiológico más frecuente en este tipo de infecciones y la meticilino resistencia es clínicamente el mecanismo de resistencia más importante. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la prevalencia de los distintos agentes etiológicos en IPPB en pacientes ambulatorios, así como también estudiar su sensibilidad a los antibióticos y resistencias acompañantes más frecuentes. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo que incluyó todas las muestras provenientes de IPPB de pacientes ambulatorios desde octubre de 2017 a abril de 2022. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 180 cultivos positivos de muestras provenientes de IPPB durante el periodo estudiado, 12 fueron infecciones polimicrobianas. En total se obtuvieron 307 aislamientos: el microorganismo aislado con mayor frecuencia fue S.aureus (111; 36,2%). Se hallaron 71 SAMR (64%) y 40 SAMS (36%). De los SAMR, 67 (95%) fueron comunitarios (SAMRC) por criterios microbiológicos, y 4 SAMR hospitalarios (5%). De las cepas SAMRC, 44 (66%) no presentaron resistencias acompañantes, 15 (22% ) fueron resistentes a eritromicina, 12 (18%) a gentamicina y 7 (10%) a clindamicina. Conclusiones: El microorganismo más frecuentemente aislado en IPPB en pacientes ambulatorios fue el S.aureus y 67 aislamientos fueron categorizados como SAMRC por lo cual es necesario considerar al SAMRC como un patógeno frecuente. Debido a la baja resistencia hallada para CLI y TMS ambos podrían ser de elección en el tratamiento empírico en las IPPB en pacientes ambulatorios

Background:S. aureus is the main cause of skin and soft tissues infections (SSTIs) in immunocompetent patients. This type of infection is the third cause of medical consultation in our center. Our objective was to evaluate the prevalence of S. aureus, as well as its sensitivity to antimicrobials, isolated from skin and soft tissue samples from outpatients at an interzonal general acute care hospital located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.Methods: Descriptive and retrospective study that included all outpatient SSTIs samples from October 2017 to April 2022.Results: We obtained 215 positive cultures of samples from SSTIs during the study period. Of a total of 276 isolates: the most frequently isolated microorganism wasS. aureus (111; 40.22%). The prevalence of S. aureuswas 51.63%. We found 71 MRSA (63.96%). Of the SAMR strains, 60.56% did not present accompanying resistance, and only 8 isolates (11.27%) showed resistance to clindamycin. All SAMRs remained sensitive to minocycline and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.Conclusions: The most frequently isolated microorganism in SSTIs was S. aureus and 71 isolates were categorized as SAMR, therefore it is necessary to consider SAMR as a frequent pathogen. Due to the low resistance found for CLI and TMS, they should be considered for empirical treatment in SSTIs in outpatients

Humans , Male , Female , Outpatients , Staphylococcal Infections/immunology , Prevalence , Specimen Handling
Actas dermo-sifiliogr. (Ed. impr.) ; 115(3): 224-230, Mar. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-231390


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic may have adversely affected the early diagnosis of skin cancer. Objective To compare epidemiological, clinical and histopathological characteristics in patients undergoing cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) surgery before and after the beginning of the pandemic. Material & methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study including two case series: (1) patients operated on for SCC in the year after the first state of alarm in Spain (15 March 2020), and (2) patients with SCC operated on in the previous year. Epidemiological, clinical and histopathological variables, tumour stage and risk grade were collected. Results: 248 patients were included (127 undergoing surgery before the pandemic and 121 after the pandemic). After the beginning of the pandemic, the percentage of high-risk SCC significantly increased from 35.3% to 46.2% (p=0.011). However, no significant differences were found in thickness, perineural invasion or metastases. Conclusions: Although there has not been a significant reduction in the number of SCC operated on after the pandemic, there has been a significant increase in high-risk SCC. All this could lead to an increase in skin cancer mortality in the future. (AU)

Antecedentes: La pandemia de COVID-19 ha podido afectar negativamente el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer de piel. Objetivo Comparar las características epidemiológicas, clínicas e histopatológicas en los pacientes intervenidos de carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) cutáneo antes de la pandemia y después del inicio de la pandemia. Material y métodos: Se diseñó un estudio transversal que incluía 2 series de pacientes: 1) pacientes intervenidos de CCE el año posterior a la declaración del confinamiento general en España (15 de marzo de 2020), y 2) pacientes intervenidos de CCE el año previo. Se recogieron variables epidemiológicas, clínicas e histopatológicas, así como el estadio tumoral y el grado de riesgo. Resultados: Se incluyeron 248 pacientes (127 intervenidos antes de la pandemia y 121 intervenidos después de la pandemia). Tras el inicio de la pandemia, el porcentaje de CCE de alto riesgo aumentó significativamente de 32,3 a 45,5% (p=0,011). No obstante, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en el grosor tumoral, la invasión perineural o la presencia de metástasis. Conclusiones: Aunque no se produjo una reducción significativa en el número de CCE intervenidos después de la pandemia, ha habido un incremento significativo en los CCE de alto riesgo. Todo ello puede conllevar un incremento en la mortalidad por cáncer de piel en el futuro. (AU)

Humans , Skin Neoplasms , Early Detection of Cancer , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Patients , Epidemiologic Factors , General Surgery , Risk Grade , Cross-Sectional Studies , Spain
Actas dermo-sifiliogr. (Ed. impr.) ; 115(3): t224-t230, Mar. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231392


Antecedentes: La pandemia de COVID-19ha podido afectar negativamente el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer de piel. Objetivo Comparar las características epidemiológicas, clínicas e histopatológicas en los pacientes intervenidos de carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) cutáneo antes de la pandemia y después del inicio de la pandemia. Material y métodos: Se diseñó un estudio transversal que incluía 2 series de pacientes: 1) pacientes intervenidos de CCE el año posterior a la declaración del confinamiento general en España (15 de marzo de 2020), y 2) pacientes intervenidos de CCE el año previo. Se recogieron variables epidemiológicas, clínicas e histopatológicas, así como el estadio tumoral y el grado de riesgo. Resultados: Se incluyeron 248 pacientes (127 intervenidos antes de la pandemia y 121 intervenidos después de la pandemia). Tras el inicio de la pandemia, el porcentaje de CCE de alto riesgo aumentó significativamente de 32,3 a 45,5% (p=0,011). No obstante, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en el grosor tumoral, la invasión perineural o la presencia de metástasis. Conclusiones: Aunque no se produjo una reducción significativa en el número de CCE intervenidos después de la pandemia, ha habido un incremento significativo en los CCE de alto riesgo. Todo ello puede conllevar un incremento en la mortalidad por cáncer de piel en el futuro. (AU)

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic may have adversely affected the early diagnosis of skin cancer. Objective To compare epidemiological, clinical and histopathological characteristics in patients undergoing cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) surgery before and after the beginning of the pandemic. Material & methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study including two case series: (1) patients operated on for SCC in the year after the first state of alarm in Spain (15 March 2020), and (2) patients with SCC operated on in the previous year. Epidemiological, clinical and histopathological variables, tumour stage and risk grade were collected. Results: 248 patients were included (127 undergoing surgery before the pandemic and 121 after the pandemic). After the beginning of the pandemic, the percentage of high-risk SCC significantly increased from 35.3% to 46.2% (p=0.011). However, no significant differences were found in thickness, perineural invasion or metastases. Conclusions: Although there has not been a significant reduction in the number of SCC operated on after the pandemic, there has been a significant increase in high-risk SCC. All this could lead to an increase in skin cancer mortality in the future. (AU)

Humans , Skin Neoplasms , Early Detection of Cancer , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Patients , Epidemiologic Factors , General Surgery , Risk Grade , Cross-Sectional Studies , Spain
Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 81(1): 10-15, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38503328


BACKGROUND: Exclusive breastfeeding (BF) has the greatest potential impact on child mortality of any preventive intervention. Skin-to-skin contact (SSC) during the first hour of life is beneficial for initiating BF; however, routine separation of mother and infant is still common. This work aimed to demonstrate that SSC during the first hour of life is associated with a greater frequency and duration of exclusive BF. METHODS: This is an observational case-control study. We reviewed the medical records of patients born between 2016 and 2022 classified as cases or controls based on the history of SSC in the first hour of life. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 28. RESULTS: We included 362 medical records, of which 200 (55.2%) had SSC and were considered cases; the 162 (44.8%) who did not have SSC were considered controls. Those who received SSC were more likely to receive exclusive BF at 3 (163 [81.5%] vs. 94 [58%], p < 0.001) and 6 months of age (147 [73.5%] vs. 83 [51.2%], p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Patients who received SSC in the first hour of life were more likely to receive exclusive BF at 3 and 6 months of age. Promoting and respecting this practice is essential to increase the possibility of a newborn to be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life.

INTRODUCCIÓN: La lactancia materna exclusiva (LME) es la intervención preventiva con mayor impacto en mortalidad infantil. El contacto piel con piel (CPP) durante la primera hora de vida es un periodo crítico para establecer la lactancia; sin embargo, la separación rutinaria del recién nacido de su madre es frecuente. El objetivo de este trabajo fue demostrar que el CPP durante la primera hora se asocia con mayor frecuencia y duración de LME. MÉTODOS: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional de casos y controles. Se revisaron expedientes de pacientes de nuestra consulta pediátrica que nacieron entre 2016 y 2022. Se clasificaron como casos y controles de acuerdo con el antecedente de haber recibido CPP durante la primera hora de vida. Se realizó el análisis estadístico en SPSS version 28. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 362 expedientes, de los cuales 200 (55.2%) recibieron CPP en la primera hora de vida y fueron considerados casos; los 162 (44.8%) que no lo hicieron fueron considerados controles. Aquellos que recibieron CPP tuvieron con mayor frecuencia LME a los 3 (163 [81.5%] vs. 94 [58%], p < 0.001) y 6 meses de edad (147 [73.5%] vs. 83 [51.2%], p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONES: La frecuencia con la cual los pacientes lograron tener lactancia materna exclusiva a los 3 y 6 meses es mayor en aquellos en los que se respeta el CPP en la primera hora de vida. Promover y respetar esta práctica es fundamental para incrementar las probabilidades de que los lactantes reciban LME durante sus primeros 6 meses de vida.

Breast Feeding , Mothers , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Female , Child , Humans , Case-Control Studies , Research Design , Observational Studies as Topic
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38493071


INTRODUCTION: Hygiene in critical patients is an essential daily care, provided under safe conditions, to promote comfort and maintain the integrity of skin and mucous membranes, however, it can generate feelings of dependence and vulnerability in patients. The aim of this post hoc study is to know the differences in satisfaction and lived experience regarding bed hygiene in an intensive care unit according to biological sex and gender perspective. METHODS: Observational, descriptive and prospective study in which an ad hoc questionnaire was administered to 148 conscious and oriented patients of legal age. The questionnaire was completed 24-48 hours after admission to the unit, once the initial bed hygiene had been performed. RESULTS: Males experienced conformism (51%), embarrassment (31%) and relief (9%); Women felt conformism (35.4%), embarrassment (18.8%) and relief (29.2%) (p < 0.05). Women experienced a feeling of cleanliness in 89.1% compared to 56.1% of men (p < 0.05). Men were offered to wash their genitals in 72.9% compared to 35.7% of women (p < 0.05). 34.3% of men would prefer a family member to assist them during hygiene (62.9% by their wives), compared to 27.1% of women who would prefer a family member (84.6% by their daughters). CONCLUSION: Women tolerate bed hygiene better than men and appreciate more the feeling of cleanliness. Women are identified as caregivers, both professionally and in the family, and patients prefer them to collaborate in the performance of hygiene, being wives preferred by men and daughters preferred by women.