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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 29(3): e22742, July-Set. 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409975


Abstract Atelopus species are classified as a priority taxon for monitoring and conservation, of these A. exiguus is endemic to southern Ecuador and is classified as critically endangered, however, within its known geographic range, little attention has been given to identifying new localities particularly across the páramo ecosystem (> 3500 m a.s.l.). Therefore, in the páramo landscape of Macizo del Cajas Biosphere Reserve, a conservation hotspot, we intensively searched for A. exiguus across 15 localities (elevation range: 3550 - 3800 m a.s.l.). In one year of monitoring (2020 - 2021), we recorded four individuals of A. exiguus (two were tadpoles) in two localities. The localities are characterized by a higher proportion of páramo grassland in association with shrubby páramo as well as cushion páramo; this riparian habitat is related to relatively good water quality (according to Andean Biotic Index), relatively low water temperatures and relatively low water flow. Our findings, accompanied by a detailed monitoring protocol, suggest habitat requirements for A. exiguus. Further intensive surveys beyond the limits of protected areas of Azuay province, especially across the páramos, is emerging as an urgent step to improve conservation decisions.

Resumen Las especies del género Atelopus están clasificadas como un taxón prioritario para su monitoreo y conservación, de ellas A. exiguus es endémica del sur de Ecuador y está clasificada como en peligro crítico de extinción. Sin embargo, dentro de su área de distribución geográfica conocida, poca atención se ha prestado en identificar nuevas localidades, especialmente en el ecosistema del páramo (> 3500 m de altitud). Por lo tanto, en el paisaje de páramo de la Reserva de la Biosfera Macizo del Cajas, un punto caliente de conservación, buscamos intensamente la especie en 15 localidades (rango de elevación: 3550 - 3800 m de altitud). En un año de monitoreo (2020 - 2021), registramos cuatro individuos de A. exiguus (dos fueron renacuajos) en dos localidades. Las localidades se caracterizan por una mayor proporción de pastizales de páramo en asociación con páramo arbustivo, así como páramo de almohadilla; este hábitat ribereño está relacionado con una calidad de agua relativamente buena (según el Índice Biótico Andino), temperaturas de agua relativamente bajas, así como un flujo de agua relativamente bajo. Nuestros hallazgos, acompañados de un protocolo de monitoreo detallado, sugieren los requerimientos de hábitat para A. exiguus. La realización de más estudios intensivos más allá de los límites de las áreas protegidas de la provincia de Azuay, especialmente a través de los páramos, se considera como urgente para mejorar las decisiones de conservación.

Front Microbiol ; 11: 398, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32265864


The High Andean Paramo ecosystem is a unique neotropical mountain biome considered a diversity and evolutionary hotspot. Lichens, which are complex symbiotic structures that contain diverse commensal microbial communities, are prevalent in Paramos. There they play vital roles in soil formation and mineral fixation. In this study we analyzed the microbiomes of seven lichen genera in Colombian Paramos using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and provide the first description of the bacterial communities associated with Cora and Hypotrachyna lichens. Paramo lichen microbiomes varied in diversity indexes and number of OTUs, but were composed predominantly by the phyla Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia. In the case of Cora and Cladonia, the microbiomes were distinguished based on the identity of the lichen host. While the majority of the lichen-associated microorganisms were not present in all lichens sampled, sixteen taxa shared among this diverse group of lichens suggest a core lichen microbiome that broadens our concept of these symbiotic structures. Additionally, we identified strains producing compounds active against clinically relevant microbial strains. These results indicate that lichen microbiomes from the Paramo ecosystem are diverse and host-specific but share a taxonomic core and can be a source of new bacterial taxa and antimicrobials.

Heliyon ; 5(10): e02701, 2019 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31720462


Ecuadorian páramo ecosystems (EPEs) function as water sources, contain large soil carbon stores and high levels of biodiversity, and support human populations. The EPEs are mainly herbaceous páramo (HP). To inform policy and management and help drive ecological science toward a better understanding of the HP ecosystem, and the relationships among its multiple ecosystem services, we asked: (1) What is the state of the HP regarding its land use/land cover (LULC)?; and (2) Is the HP being pushed away from its natural state or it is regenerating? To answer these questions, we assessed the LULC in central EPEs using Landsat 8 imagery, Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) and a Classification and Regression Trees (CART) algorithm. Results show that two-fifths of the paramo ecosystem remain as native HP (NHP) and two-fifths as anthropogenic HP (AHP). Although the anthropic alteration of the pedogenesis of young paramo soil leads to the establishment of AHP, we found evidence of regeneration and resilience of the NHP. The results of this study will be useful to scientists and decision-makers with interest in páramo ecosystems in central Ecuador. The proposed methodology is simple, fast, and could be implemented in other landscapes to establish comprehensive monitoring systems useful in landscape assessment and planning.

Entramado ; 13(1)jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534388


A pesar de la importancia del ecosistema de páramo en el ciclo global de carbono no se dispone de una síntesis que permita diferenciar si es la biomasa vegetal o el suelo el componente que acumula la mayor cantidad de carbono. En este documento se busca integrar los aspectos fundamentales relacionados con el carbono almacenado en el ecosistema de páramo, a través de: 1) Revisar las estimaciones de carbono en biomasa aérea y suelo reportadas por la literatura para el ecosistema de páramo; 2) Examinar los efectos producidos por la actividad agropecuaria en el carbono almacenado en el páramo y 3) Identificar prácticas que reducen las emisiones de carbono en el páramo. Se revisaron artículos en bases de datos como Science Direct Springerlink, Willey Online Library y Google Scholar El componente que almacena mayor cantidad de carbono en páramo es el suelo, con contenidos entre 119 y 397 t/ha en los primeros 40 cm de profundidad. Mientras que la biomasa aérea varía entre 13,21 y 183 t/ha. Es necesario incrementar las investigaciones sobre carbono orgánico en suelos de páramo. Esta información podría contribuir a apoyar acciones tendientes a vincular los ecosistemas de paramo al mercado de carbono.

Despite the importance of the paramo ecosystem in the global carbon cycle, there is not an available synthesis for identifying if plant bio-mass or soil accumulates the maximum amount of carbon. The purpose of this document is to focus on paramo ecosystem stock carbon, throught: 1) to review estimates for the abovegroundbiomass and soil organic carbón; 2) to examine the agricultural production effects on carbon storage, and 3) to identify management practices for reducing carbon emissions in the paramo ecosystem. We searched papers about carbon storage in paramo in databases like Science Direct, Springerlink, Willey Online Library y Google Scholar. Soil stored more carbon than aboveground biomass. Soil carbon organic (SOC) between 119 and 397 t/ha was storaged in the upper 40 cm. Meanwhile, aboveground biomass carbon varied between 13,21 y 183 t/ha. More studies about SOC are requiered. This information could contribute to support actions over the entailment of paramo ecosystem in carbon markets.

Apesar da importância do ecossistema de páramo no ciclo global do carbono não está disponível uma síntese para diferenciar se é a biomassa vegetal ou solo, o componente que acumula a maior parte do carbono. Este trabalho procura integrar os aspectos fundamentais do carbono armazenado no ecossistema páramo, por meio de: 1) Rever as estimativas de carbono na biomassa e no solo relatado pela literatura para o ecossistema páramo; 2) Analisar os efeitos da atividade agrícola no carbono armazenado no páramo e 3) Identificar práticas que reduzem as emissões de carbono no páramo. Artigos foram revistos em bases de dados, tais como Science Direct SpringerLink Wiley Online Library e Google Scholar. O componente que armazena a maior parte do carbono é o solo, com contidos entre 119 e 397 t/ha nos primeiros 40 cm de profundidade. Enquanto a biomassa varia entre 13,21 e 183 t / ha. É preciso acrescentar a pesquisa sobre carbono orgânico no solo em páramo. Esta informação poderia ajudar a apoiar as ações para vincular os ecossistemas de Páramo ao mercado de carbono.
