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Acta colomb. psicol ; 25(2): 11-24, July-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393766


Abstract This study evaluated the relationship between servant leadership and work intentions, mediated by passion for work, in a longitudinal study. Data were collected in three waves, with three-month intervals in between, totaling a six-month data collection period. The total sample consisted of 479 workers of both genders (70.4% women) from all Brazilian regions. The results of the cross-lagged panel analysis showed that the servant leadership positively predicted work intentions. In addition, passion for work partially mediated the relationship between servant leadership and work intentions. However, contrary to expectations, this mediation was negative. The results are discussed according to the Passion for Work Assessment Model, which provided theoretical support for the investigation.

Resumen El estudio evaluó la relación entre el liderazgo de servicio y las intenciones laborales, mediadas por la pasión por el trabajo, en un estudio longitudinal. Los datos se recopilaron en tres oleadas, con intervalos de tres meses entre ellos, totalizando un periodo de recopilación de datos de seis meses. La muestra total estuvo constituida por 479 trabajadores de todas las regiones brasileñas y de ambos sexos (70,4% mujeres). Los resultados del análisis de panel rezagado cruzado mostraron que el liderazgo de servicia predijo positivamente las intenciones de trabajo. Además, la pasión por el trabajo medió parcialmente la relación entre el liderazgo de servicia y las intenciones laborales. Sin embargo, contrariamente a lo esperado, esta mediación fue negativa. Los resultados se discuten a la luz del Modelo de Evaluación de la Pasión por el Trabajo, que brindó soporte teórico para la investigación.

Med Intensiva (Engl Ed) ; 44(7): 420-428, 2020 Oct.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31350081


AIM: To propose a predictive model of secondary traumatic stress. DESIGN: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. CONTEXT: The study was conducted in the Intensive Care Units of a hospital in Madrid (Spain). PARTICIPANTS: The sample comprised 103 health professionals. INTERVENTIONS: A series of questionnaires were created and completed by the participants. Network analysis and multiple regression were used for data analysis. VARIABLES OF INTEREST: Sociodemographic variables such as gender, years of experience and position, secondary traumatic stress, passion for work, work stressors, emotional effort, empathy and self-compassion were evaluated. RESULTS: The result identified the following: a) years of experience as a risk factor for compassion fatigue (ß=0.224 and P=0.029), and harmonious passion as a protector (ß=-0.363 and P=0.001); b) emotional effort and empathy as risk factors for shattered assumptions (ß=0.304 and P=0.004; ß=0.394 and P=0.000, respectively); and c), work stressors and empathy as risk factors for symptomatology (ß=0.189 and P=0.039; ß=0.395 and P=0.000, respectively), and years of experience as a protector (ß=-0.266 and P=0.002). CONCLUSIONS: This predictive model of secondary traumatic stress identifies protective factors which could be reinforced, such as harmonious passion, and risk factors which should be reduced, such as empathy and emotional effort, with a view to promoting quality of care and quality of life among these professionals.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 38(3): 522-536, jul.-set. 2018. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-948753


El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer la validez discriminante, predictiva e incremental de la pasión por el trabajo respecto a los constructos de flow, implicación y satisfacción laboral, respectivamente. Se realizó un estudio empírico-instrumental con una muestra no probabilística (510 trabajadores, 54% mujeres). Análisis de ecuaciones estructurales exploratorios (ESEM) mostraron saturaciones cruzadas inferiores a .30 y un adecuado ajuste de un modelo hepta-factorial oblicuo (GFI = 0,92, CFI = 0,90, TLI = .91, RMSEA = 0,04). Los valores de varianza media extraída, de su raíz cuadrada y de la proporción heterorasgo-monorasgo indicaron capacidad de discriminación entre los constructos (AVE > 0,50; √AVE < r; HTMT < 0,90). Análisis de regresión múltiple jerárquica confirmaron la contribución significativa de la pasión en la explicación de la satisfacción (pasión armoniosa: ß= .49, t= 10.96, p = 0,000; pasión obsesiva: ß= 0,15, t = 3,82, p = 0,000; F(6, 503) = 91,87, p = 0,000; R2 = 0,579). Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la pasión por el trabajo es un constructo teórica y empíricamente distinguible, capaz de explicar actitudes organizacionalmente relevantes....(AU)

The aim of this study was to establish the discriminant, predictive and incremental validity of work passion regarding flow, job involvement and job satisfaction, respectively. An empirical-instrumental study was performed with a non-probabilistic sample (510 workers, 54% female). Exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM) showed cross-saturation less than .30 and an adequate adjustment of an oblique hepta-factorial model (GFI = 0.92, CFI = 0.90, TLI = 0.91, RMSEA = 0.04). The average variance extracted, its square root and heterotrait-monotrait ratio (AVE > 0.50; √AVE < r; HTMT < 0.90) indicated discrimination capacity among all the constructs. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis confirmed the significant contribution of passion in explaining satisfaction (harmonious passion: ß = 0.49, t = 10.96, p = 0.000; obsessive passion: ß = 0.15, t = 3.82, p = 0.000; F(6.503) = 91.87, p = 0.000; R2 = 0.579). These results demonstrated work passion is a theoretically and empirically different construct, capable of explaining relevant organizational attitudes....(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer a validade discriminante, preditiva e incremental da paixão pelo trabalho em relação ao flow, ao envolvimento e à satisfação no trabalho, respectivamente. Um estudo empírico-instrumental foi realizado com uma amostra não probabilística (510 trabalhadores, 54% mulheres). Análise de equações estruturais exploratórias (ESEM) mostraram saturação cruzada inferior a 0,30 e um ajuste adequado dum modelo hepta-fatorial oblíquo (GFI = 0,92, CFI = 0,90, TLI = 0,91, RMSEA = 0,04). Os valores da variância extraída média, da sua raiz quadrada e da proporção heterorasgo-monorasgo (AVE > 0,50; √AVE < r; HTMT < 0,90) indicaram capacidade discriminante entre os conceitos. Análises de regressão múltipla hierárquica confirmaram a contribuição significativa da paixão na explicação da satisfação (paixão harmoniosa: ß = 0,49, t = 10,96, p = 0,000; paixão obsessiva: ß = 0,15, t = 3,82, p = 0,000; F(6.503) = 91,87, p = 0,000; R2 = 0,579). Os resultados demostraram que a paixão pelo trabalho é um constructo teórica e empiricamente diferente, capaz de explicar atitudes organizacionalmente relevantes....(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Psychology , Work , Work Engagement , Job Satisfaction