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Neurologia ; 29(1): 42-55, 2014.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21871692


INTRODUCTION: In the ageing process there are some species of non-human primates which can show some of the defining characteristics of the Alzheimer's disease (AD) of man, both in neuropathological changes and cognitive-behavioural symptoms. The study of these species is of prime importance to understand AD and develop therapies to combat this neurodegenerative disease. DEVELOPMENT: In this second part of the study, these AD features are discussed in the most important non-experimental AD models (Mouse Lemur -Microcebus murinus, Caribbean vervet -Chlorocebus aethiops, and the Rhesus and stump-tailed macaque -Macaca mulatta and M. arctoides) and experimental models (lesional, neurotoxic, pharmacological, immunological, etc.) non-human primates. In all these models cerebral amyloid neuropathology can occur in senility, although with different levels of incidence (100% in vervets;<30% in macaques). The differences between normal and pathological (Alzheimer's) senility in these species are difficult to establish due to the lack of cognitive-behavioural studies in the many groups analysed, as well as the controversy in the results of these studies when they were carried out. However, in some macaques, a correlation between a high degree of functional brain impairment and a large number of neuropathological changes ("possible AD") has been found. CONCLUSIONS: In some non-human primates, such as the macaque, the existence of a possible continuum between "normal" ageing process, "normal" ageing with no deep neuropathological and cognitive-behavioural changes, and "pathological ageing" (or "Alzheimer type ageing"), may be considered. In other cases, such as the Caribbean vervet, neuropathological changes are constant and quite marked, but its impact on cognition and behaviour does not seem to be very important. This does assume the possible existence in the human senile physiological regression of a stable phase without dementia even if neuropathological changes appeared.

Alzheimer Disease/pathology , Primate Diseases/pathology , Primates , Animals , Humans
Int. j. morphol ; 28(1): 111-120, Mar. 2010. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-579290


The stomach of three species of non-human primates was investigated by lectin histochemistry to clarify the staining affinity and distribution patterns of their sugar residues. All gastric regions, with little differences between the deep and superficial parts of the same region, were rich in. in N-acetylglucosamine and/or neuraminic acid. Although, the superficial regions of the gastric mucosa were scanty in N-acetylgalactosamine, a- D-glucose and a -D-mannose, the deep parts of the gastric mucosa were rich in these sugars. In conclusion, there is a difference among the mucosubstances of surface and foveolar mucous cells, mucous neck cells, and gastric gland cells. This indicates heterogeneous composition of gastric mucus, or mucus molecules with variations in the degree of glycosylation of their oligosaccharide chains in the different cells which suggest that lectin binding affinity in the gastric mucosa correlated mostly to the degree of cellular differentiation.

El estómago de tres especies de primates no humanos fue investigado por histoquímica de lectinas para determinar la afinidad de tinción y los patrones de distribución de sus residuos de azúcar. Todas las regiones gástricas, con pequeñas diferencias entre las partes profundas y superficiales de la misma región, eran ricas en N-acetilglucosamina y/o ácido neuramínico. Si bien, las regiones superficiales de la mucosa gástrica eran escasas en N-acetilgalactosamina, a-D-glucosa y a-D-manosa, las partes profundas de la mucosa gástrica eran ricas en estos azúcares. En conclusión, existe una diferencia entre las mucosustancias de la superficie y células mucosas foveolares, células mucosas del cuello y células de las glándulas gástricas. Esto indica una composición heterogénea de la mucosa gástrica, o moléculas de moco con variaciones en el grado de glicosilación de sus cadenas de oligosacáridos en las diferentes células, sugieriendo que la afinidad de union de lectinas en la mucosa gástrica se relacionada principalmente con el grado de diferenciación celular.

Animals , Callithrix , Carbohydrates/analysis , Stomach/metabolism , Lorisidae , Lectins/metabolism , Stomach/chemistry , Histocytochemistry/methods , Gastric Mucosa/metabolism , Gastric Mucosa/chemistry
Int. j. morphol ; 26(2): 363-372, jun. 2008. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-549959


Torque Teno virus (TTV) is an infectious agent of worldwide distribution isolated by the first time as the agent of an acute post-transfusion hepatitis in a patient in Japan. It has been classified into a new floating genus called Anellovirus. Recent studies showed that TTV can also be identified in serum specimens obtained from domesticated farm animals and from non-human primates. To better understand the relationship between TTV and their hosts, a study to detect virus in the serum and whole blood of Brazilian non-human primates and in the plasm of chickens was performed by applying the PCR-UTR-A technique, followed by a genomic sequence and phylogenetic analysis. By nested-PCR-UTR, the DNA of TTV was detected in sera from 4 (5.3 percent) of 75 Cebus apella, 2 (40 percent) of 5 Alouatafusca, 1 (20 percent) of 5 Alouata caraya, 1 (5.2 percent) of 19 Callithrixpenicilata, 1 (4 percent) of 25 Callithrixjacchus, 1 (20 percent) of 5 Saimiri sciureus and 1 (25 percent) of 4 Leontopithecus chrysomelas. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that sequences detected in 8 samples clustered with TTV sequences So-TTV2 (Sagüínus oedipus) and At-TTV3 (Aotes Trivirgatus). Three sequences showed similarity with a human Torque Teno Minivirus (TLMV). TTV ORF2 DNA was detected in one sera sample and one whole blood sample of non-human primates and in one plasm sample of chicken. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the sequences amplified by the ORF2 region show no difference between human, non-human primates and chicken. This is the first report of TTV in Brazilian new world non-human primates and chicken.

Torque Teno virus (TTV) es una agente infeccioso de distribución mundial, aislado por primera vez como el agente de una hepatitis aguda posterior a la transfusión de un paciente en Japón. Se ha clasificado en un nuevo género flotante llamado Anellovirus. Recientes estudios han demostrado que TTV también puede ser identificado en el suero de especímenes obtenidos desde granjas de animales domésticos y desde primates no humanos. Para entender mejor la relación entre la TTV y sus huéspedes, fue realizado un estudio para detectar el virus en el suero y la sangre de primates no humanos brasileños y en el plasma de pollos mediante la aplicación de la técnica PCR-UTR-A, seguida de una secuencia genómica y análisis filogenético. Por medio de PCR-UTR-anidado, el ADN de TTV fue detectado en sueros de 4 de 75 (5,3 por ciento)Cebus apella, 2 de 5 (40 por ciento) Alouata fusca, 1 de 5 (20 por ciento) de Alouata caraya, 1 de 19 (5,2 por ciento) de Callithrixpenicilata, 1 de 25 (4 por ciento) Callithrixjacchus, 1 de 5 (20 por ciento) de Saimiri sciureus y 1 de 4 (25 por ciento) de Leontopithecus chrysomelas. El análisis filogenético reveló secuencias detectadas en 8 muestras agrupadas con TTV secuencias So-TTV2 (Sagüínus oedipus) y At-TTV3 (Aotes Trivirgatus). Tres secuencias mostraron similitud con el Torque Teno Minivirus humano (TLMV). Fue detectado TTV ORF2 ADN en una muestra de suero y una muestra de sangre de primates no-humanos y en una muestra de plasma de pollo. El análisis filogenético reveló que las secuencias amplificadas por la región ORF2 no muestran ninguna diferencia entre humanos, primates no humanos y pollos. Este es el primer informe de nuevos TTV en primates-no humanos brasileños y en pollos.

Animals , Poultry Diseases/virology , Primate Diseases/virology , DNA Virus Infections/genetics , DNA Virus Infections/veterinary , Torque teno virus/isolation & purification , DNA, Viral/genetics , Amino Acid Sequence , Brazil , Poultry Diseases/genetics , Primate Diseases/genetics , Genome, Viral , DNA Virus Infections/virology , Phylogeny , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Chickens/virology , Primates/virology , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Torque teno virus/genetics , Untranslated Regions
Int. j. morphol ; 26(2): 377-384, jun. 2008. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-549961


Torque teno virus (TTV) is a recently discovered DNA virus that was originally isolated from a Japanese patient (initials, TT) with post-transfusion hepatitis of unknown aetiology. TTV is an circular DNA virus classified recently together with related Torque teño minivirus, into a new genus called Anellovirus. Infection TTV has been detected in a range of non-human primates as well as domestic animals. The purpose of this study was to search TTV in the serum and total blood of Brazilian monkeys and in plasma of domestic chickens by seminested PCR of coding region (N22), followed by a genomic sequence and phylogenetic analysis. No serum sample was amplified. TTV DNA was detected in total blood from 3 (4 percent) out of 75 brown-capuchin (Cebus apella) and from 1 (25 percent) out of 4 golden-headed lion-tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that one sample showed similarity with one sequence of the cotton top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) (So-TTV2) and with one of the douroucoulis (ão tes trivirgatus) (At-TTV3). Two samples showed similarity with a human Torque Teño Mini Virus (TLMV). The other sample clustered with one sequence of the chimpanzee (Pt-TTV6) and with the human TTV strain TA278. The plasma chicken samples tested were all negative. The amino acid sequences reported in this study are the first obtained in Brazil from total blood of non-human primates naturally infected by TTV.

Torque teno virus (TTV) es un virus de ADN recientemente descubierto que fue inicialmente aislado de un paciente japonés (iniciales TT) después de la transfusión de hepatitis de etiología desconocida. TTV es un virus de ADN circular recientemente clasificado junto con los torque teno minivirus, en un nuevo género llamado Anellovirus. La infección de TTV se ha detectado en una serie de primates no humanos, así como animales domésticos. El objetivo de este estudio fue buscar TTV en el suero y sangre total de monos de Brasil y en el plasma de pollos domésticos, por seminested PCR de la región de codificación (N22), seguido de una secuencia genómica y el análisis filogenético. Las muestras que no eran suero fueron amplificadas. TTV DNA se detectó en sangre total de 3 (4 por ciento) de un total de 75 capuchinos de cabeza dura (Cebus apella) y de 1 (25 por ciento) de un total de 4 tití- león de cabeza dorada (Leontopithecus chrysomelas). El análisis filogenético demostró que una muestra presentaba similitud con una secuencia de Saguinus Edipo (So-TTV2) y con una de Aotes trivirgatus (A-TTV3). Dos muestras mostraron similitud con un torque teno mini virus (TLMV) humano. La otra muestra agrupada con una secuencia de los chimpancés (PT-TTV6) y con el TTV humanos cepa TA278. El análisis de las muestras de plasma de pollo fueron negativas Las secuencias de aminoácidos que se reportan en este estudio son las primeras obtenidas en Brasil de sangre de primates no humanos infectados naturalmente por TTV.

Poultry Diseases/virology , Primate Diseases/virology , DNA Virus Infections/genetics , DNA Virus Infections/blood , DNA Virus Infections/veterinary , Torque teno virus/isolation & purification , DNA, Viral/genetics , DNA, Viral/blood , Amino Acid Sequence , Brazil , Poultry Diseases/genetics , Poultry Diseases/blood , Primate Diseases/genetics , Primate Diseases/blood , Genome, Viral , Phylogeny , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Chickens/virology , Primates/virology