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Perspect Behav Sci ; 45(4): 711-742, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36618558


This article outlines a graduate-level course on the philosophical, conceptual, and historical (PCH) foundations of radical behaviorism, which is the philosophy of science that underlies behavior analysis. As described, the course is for a 15-week semester, and is organized into weekly units. The units in the first half of the course are concerned with the influences of other viewpoints in the history of psychology on the development of behavior analysis and radical behaviorism. The units in the second half are concerned with the PCH foundations of eight basic dimensions of radical behaviorism. Throughout, a course examining the foundations of radical behaviorism is seen as compatible with related courses in the other three domains of behavior analysis-the experimental analysis of behavior, applied behavior analysis, and service delivery-and as integral to the education of all behavior analysts.

Pap. psicol ; 42(1): 10-20, Enero, 2021.
Article in English, Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-224820


Se toma el treinta aniversario de la muerte de Skinner como ocasión para visualizar su presencia en la psicología actual y recordar algunas de sus mayores aportaciones. En general, se puede decir que Skinner brilla por su ausencia según abundan temas skinnerianos sin apenas citarlo y sin embargo se echa en falta su presencia según sus aportaciones resolverían algunos importantes problemas de la psicología como ciencia. Temas skinnerianos sin apenas Skinner son las adicciones al juego y las máquinas, el recién redescubierto test proyectivo auditivo (ruido blanco), la economía conductual y el nuevo inconsciente basado en el control ambiental. Aportaciones fundamentales de Skinner como el moldeamiento de la conducta, la conducta operante como unidad funcional y la selección por las consecuencias siguen perentorias para la psicología actual en su persistente deriva dualista, neurocéntrica y esencialista. La ironía es que estas aportaciones revolucionarias en su día, se dan hoy por hecho, sin percibir su alcance teórico y filosófico. Se sugieren algunos aspectos de su importancia más allá de su aplicación práctica ya incorporada. (AU)

The thirtieth anniversary of Skinner’s death is taken as an occasion to visualize his presence in psychology today and remember some of his greatest contributions. In general, it can be said that Skinner is conspicuous by his absence, as there are many Skinnerian themes that barely mention him, and yet his presence is missed as his contributions would solve a number of importantproblems of psychology as a science. Skinnerian themes with hardly anything about Skinner are addictions to games and machines, the newly rediscovered auditory projective test (white noise), behavioral economics, and the new unconscious based onenvironmental control. Skinner’s fundamental contributions such as behavioral shaping, operant behavior as a functional unit, and selection by consequences remain peremptory for current psychology in its dualistic, neurocentric, and essentialist drift. The ironyis that these contributions, revolutionary in their day, are taken for granted today, and their theoretical and philosophical scopeare not perceived. We suggest some aspects of their importance beyond the practical application already incorporated. (AU)

Humans , History, 20th Century , Behavior , Behavioral Research/methods , Applied Behavior Analysis , Psychology , Psychology/history
Interaçao psicol ; 24(3): 308-317, ago.-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511790


O interesse pelo estudo da interface entre a ontogênese e a cultura, e mais especificamente pelos aspectos culturais, ensejou a constituição de uma área de pesquisa que tem sido denominada Análise Comportamental da Cultura. A despeito desse esforço analítico, ainda não há uma explicação consensual de cultura de acordo com os pressupostos do comportamentalismo radical. Com base na análise de textos de Skinner sobre o nível cultural, o objetivo do artigo consistiu em mostrar que a explicação skinneriana da cultura pode ser acomodada na estrutura de uma contingência cultural de três termos. A cultura, então, passa a ser entendida a partir da inter-relação probabilística entre práticas culturais, condições do ambiente físico e social e as consequências culturais que operam a partir do valor de sobrevivência da cultura. Essa explicação possibilita não só uma compreensão da cultura, mas também de como acontece a evolução cultural. Assim, a cultura apresenta-se como um nível de variação e seleção com características próprias, tendo temporalidade e complexidade diferentes do nível ontogenético e filogenético e, portanto, necessitando de um nível específico de análise.

The interest in the study of the interface between ontogenesis and culture, and more specifically the cultural aspects, led to the constitution of a research area that has been called Behavioral Analysis of Culture. In spite of this analytical effort, there is still no consensual explanation of culture according to the assumptions of radical behaviorism. Based on the analysis of Skinner's texts on the cultural level, the aim of the article was to show that the Skinnerian explanation of the culture can be accommodated in the structure of a threefold cultural contingency. Culture, then, comes to be understood as the probabilistic interrelationship between cultural practices, conditions of the physical and social environment and the cultural consequences that operate from culture's survival value. This explanation enables not only an understanding of culture, but also of how cultural evolution happens. Thus, culture presents itself as a level of variation and selection with its own characteristics, having different temporality and complexity from the ontogenetic and phylogenetic levels and, therefore, requiring a specific level of analysis.

Perspect Behav Sci ; 43(2): 343-359, 2020 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32647786


A radical behaviorist epistemology recognizes the recursivity inherent in behavior analysis: as behaving organisms, we not only take behavior as our subject matter but we are also part of it. Such a naturalization of epistemology, however, is not without its critics. In this article, my aim is to assess some of the arguments that were directed against this approach by the American philosopher Thomas Nagel in his book The Last Word (1997). In particular, I address Nagel's arguments regarding (1) the shortcomings of naturalistic explanations of scientific knowledge and (2) the impossibility of circumventing a realistic, representational epistemology. Regarding (1), I argue that although Nagel is right in arguing that there is no neutral or external viewpoint from which we can understand scientific knowledge, the naturalistic explanation of such knowledge proposed by radical behaviorists is not only possible, but have important practical advantages, insofar as it allows the identification of the variables that control scientific behavior. Regarding (2), I argue that although behavior scientists will frequently talk and write in descriptive ways, the function of descriptive verbal behavior in science is not to represent reality but to coordinate our collective behavior in dealing with the environment. I conclude that instead of avoiding an evolutionary account of rationality, as Nagel suggests, we have every reason to further pursue it.

Perspect Behav Sci ; 43(1): 5-19, 2020 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32440642


Across various subfields within psychology, mechanistic causation is invoked regularly. When the temporal contiguity of the typical cause-effect relation is violated, mechanistic causation often assigns causal roles to mediating hypothetical constructs to account for observed effects. Two primary consequences of mechanistic causation are that 1) the proposed hypothetical constructs add what many behavior analysts consider an unnecessary step in the causal chain, and 2) these constructs then become the focus of study thereafter diverting attention from more accessible "causes." Constructs do not contribute directly to determining the control of behavior; thus, their reification as "causes" often distracts from variables that do fulfill a causal role. In this review, these consequences are discussed in relation to theories of interval timing proposing an internal clock. Not only has this clock been said to be a cause of behavior in experiments on temporally regulated behavior, but also the clock itself has been a frequent subject of study within the timing literature. Despite descriptive accounts of this sort initially serving a heuristic function for model development, the promotion from descriptive aid to causal factor has the potential to limit much of the heuristic value that mechanistic models of causation can provide to the analysis of behavior. Problems related to construct reification are less likely to be at issue when functional relations and the processes of establishing such behavior are emphasized as alternatives to mechanistic causation alone.

Perspect Behav Sci ; 43(1): 157-175, 2020 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32440649


Over the last few decades, behaviorism as a philosophy of the science of psychology, especially in the field of behavior analysis and related areas, has diversified to the point that scholars from inside and outside the field are often confused about what exactly behaviorism is. The aim of this study is to analyze how such diversification of behaviorism has arisen over time and what factors might have contributed to it using evolutionary biology's concept of adaptive radiation as an analogical process. Diversification of behaviorism has occurred in many areas over time as behaviorism has extended its field of practice. Although some characteristics of behaviorism remained, other characteristics were modified. One such characteristic that went through extensive modification is the agent-free approach to the analysis of behavior: the agent problem. This approach has met criticism from inside and outside the field and has been under a strong selective pressure. The present article discusses how the agent problem in a different niche has shaped behaviorism into new forms that we see today.

Anal Verbal Behav ; 35(2): 196-220, 2019 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31976230


Rules / verbal behavior governing applied behavior scientists since Skinner have achieved great success resolving challenges experienced by individuals with severe developmental and intellectual disabilities. We extend prior work by Dixon, Belisle, Rehfeldt, and Root (2018, "Why We Are Still Not Acting to Save the World: The Upward Challenge of a Post-Skinnerian Behavior Science," Perspectives on Behavior Science, 41, 241-267) by suggesting that many of these rules, applied inflexibly, are unlikely to resolve significant problems experienced by humans without these same intellectual challenges (i.e., most humans). Particularly, methodological models of human behavior that ignore both private events and advances in relational frame theory and that favor a bottom-up inductive theorizing have not, and we argue cannot, address uniquely human challenges. Instead, we propose alternative rules developed in part within contextual behavior science that are more consistent with Skinner's radical behaviorism than are current approaches and that may expand the scope of applied behavior science. Only by adapting our own public and private verbal behavior as applied scientists can we move toward solving the wide range of challenges within the human condition.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040783


Resumo James G. Holland foi uma voz dissonante, não apenas na análise do comportamento, mas no contexto mais amplo do pensamento político estadunidense. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as principais críticas e sugestões, direcionadas por Holland, à aplicação da análise do comportamento e avaliar sua relevância no cenário atual. Conclui-se que tais críticas e sugestões são úteis para todos os analistas do comportamento, pois contribuem para que mantenhamos uma cultura de avaliação interna sobre as consequências sociais de nossas práticas e para que analisemos de modo amplo o entrelaçamento de contingências presentes em situações de intervenção e sua influência sobre a formulação de nossos objetivos.

Abstract James G. Holland was a dissonant voice not only within behavior analysis, but also in the wider context of political thought in the United States. This article aims to present the main criticisms and suggestions made by Holland towards the application of behavior analysis and to evaluate its contemporary relevance. We conclude that such criticisms and suggestions are useful for all behavior analysts, as they contribute to promote the continued internal evaluation of the social consequences of our practices and the extensive analysis of the interlocking contingencies occurring in intervention settings and its influence over our goal-setting.

Psicol. USP ; 29(3): 374-384, set.-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-976546


Resumo Uma crítica comum encontrada em manuais e livros didáticos de psicologia é que a análise do comportamento não seria capaz de explicar fenômenos psicológicos complexos. Estes seriam melhor abordados por explicações cognitivistas baseadas em mecanismos internos ao organismo. Este ensaio tem como objetivo avaliar a pertinência dessa crítica à luz de exemplos da literatura analítico-comportamental. A partir da análise de pesquisas que tratam de formação de self, insight e linguagem, argumenta-se que a "complexidade" foi importada para os laboratórios de análise do comportamento, assim como floresceu em diversas linhas de pesquisa de tradição behaviorista radical. Em adição, são discutidos cinco significados possíveis dados à "complexidade" extraídos da literatura consultada. Conclui-se que não há significado útil do termo e que, por essa razão, talvez seja pertinente abandoná-lo como critério de classificação de comportamentos. Como consequência, "comportamento complexo" seria simplesmente "comportamento" e nada mais.

Résumé Une critique généralement trouvée dans les manuels et les livres de psychologie est que l'analyse de comportement ne serait pas capable d'expliquer les phénomènes psychologiques complexes. Ceux-ci seraient mieux abordées par des explications cognitives basées sur des mécanismes internes à l'organisme. Cet article vise à discuter la pertinence de cette critique à la lumière d'exemples de la littérature sur l'analyse de comportement. En analysant la recherche sur la formation du "self", "Insight" et du langage, on soutient que la "complexité" a été importé pour les laboratoires d'analyse comportementale, mais a aussi prospéré dans des nombreux domaines de recherche de la tradition béhavioriste radical. En outre, cinq significations possibles de "complexité" extraites de la littérature consultée sont discutés. On conclut qu'il n'y a pas de sens utile à ce terme et que, par conséquent, il peut être abandonné en tant que critère de classification des comportements. En conséquence, "comportement complexe" serait tout simplement "comportement" et rien de plus.

Resumen Una de las críticas a la Análisis de la Conducta, que se encuentran en los manuales y libros didácticos de psicología, es que esta no sería capaz de explicar los fenómenos psicológicos complejos. Estos serían mejor abordados por las explicaciones cognitivas basadas en los mecanismos internos del organismo. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar la relevancia de esta crítica a la luz de ejemplos de la literatura. A partir de investigaciones acerca del "self", "insight" y lenguaje, se argumenta que se importó la "complejidad" tanto para los laboratorios de análisis del comportamiento, como también floreció en varias líneas de investigación en la tradición conductista radical. Además, se discuten cinco posibles significados al término "complejidad". Llegamos a la conclusión de que no hay un significado útil y que, por esto, se puede abandonarlo como criterio de clasificación de comportamientos. Como resultado, "comportamiento complejo" haría simplemente "comportamiento" y nada más.

Abstract A criticism usually found in Psychology textbooks and manuals is that Behavior Analysis would not be able to explain complex psychological phenomena. These would be better approached by cognitivist explanations based on mechanisms internal to the organism. This study aims to discuss the relevance of this criticism in light of examples gathered from behavior-analytic literature. By analyzing researches about the formation of "self", "insight" and language, we argue that "complexity" was imported to behavior-analytic laboratories as well as it flourished in numerous fields of research of radical behaviorism tradition. Additionally, five meanings of "complexity" extracted from the consulted literature are discussed. It is concluded that there is no useful meaning to this term and, for that reason, it can be abandoned as a criterion for classifying behaviors. As a consequence, "complex behavior" should be viewed only as "behavior" and nothing else.

Humans , Behaviorism , Cognition , Intuition , Ego
J Exp Anal Behav ; 109(1): 48-55, 2018 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28776664


The question whether talking to yourself is thinking is considered from two viewpoints: radical behaviorism and teleological behaviorism. For radical behaviorism, following Skinner (1945), mental events such as 'thinking' may be explained in terms of private behavior occurring within the body, ordinarily unobservable by other people; thus, radical behaviorism may identify talking to yourself with thinking. However, to be consistent with its basic principles, radical behaviorism must hold that private behavior, hence thinking, is identical with covert muscular, speech movements (rather than proprioception of those movements). For teleological behaviorism, following Skinner (1938), all mental terms, including 'thinking,' stand for abstract, temporally extended patterns of overt behavior. Thus, for teleological behaviorism, talking to yourself, covert by definition, cannot be thinking.

Thinking , Verbal Behavior , Humans , Mental Processes , Models, Psychological , Speech
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020123


RESUMO: Apesar de encaminhar a superação do dualismo metafísico, o conceito de evento privado não se apresenta de forma consensual, nem é unânime na abordagem analítico-comportamental dos fenômenos subjetivos. O debate travado entre defensores e críticos do conceito, contudo, parece não enfrentar satisfatoriamente uma importante questão: a noção de privacidade como inacessibilidade a estímulos promove a vinculação dessa proposta a pressupostos filosóficos incompatíveis com o projeto comportamentalista radical. Este trabalho apresenta argumentos críticos para a superação da noção de privacidade e do conceito de evento privado, propondo caminhos alternativos de análise. Questiona-se a desvinculação entre observação e interpretação presente na raiz da distinção público-privado, propondo-se a substituição da noção de privacidade pela noção de complexidade.

ABSTRACT: Although promoting overcoming metaphysical dualism, the concept of private event does not have a consensual and uncritical development in behavior-analytic approach of subjective phenomena. The debate among advocates and critics of the concept, however, has not satisfactorily touch an important issue: the notion of privacy as inaccessibility to stimuli promotes the link of this proposal with philosophical presuppositions incompatible with the radical behaviorism. This paper presents critical arguments towards overcoming the notion of privacy and the concept of private event, presenting alternative analysis. One questions the connection between observation and interpretation present in the public-private distinction, proposing the replacement of the concept of privacy by the notion of complexity.

Trends Psychol ; 25(3): 927-939, jul.-set. 2017.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-904502


Da obra de B. F. Skinner fazem parte preocupações de ordem epistemológica, encerrando discussões sobre metodologia e critérios de verdade, e outras de ordem política e social, concernentes à relação entre ciência e sociedade. De um discurso, em alguns aspectos, coincidentes com uma forma de positivismo, Skinner passou a crítico de tendências puramente formalistas sobre o método científico, e de uma defesa do gerenciamento da sociedade por especialistas, passou a uma crítica à centralização do poder e à proposta de uma forma de organização baseada no controle face-a-face. Tratando de temas semelhantes, Paul Feyerabend desconstruiu a ideia de um método científico universal, denunciou um caráter potencialmente opressor da ciência, reclamando que o conhecimento científico não deveria ter inerente predileção sobre outras formas de conhecimento para o acesso às instituições de poder. Considerando a relevância da obra de ambos os autores para debates suscitados no âmbito da história e da filosofia das ciências, este trabalho objetiva apresentar e discutir aspectos do comportamentalismo radical, de Skinner, e do anarquismo epistemológico, de Feyerabend, que tratam de temas comuns. Conclui-se que, apesar de diferenças salientes, as duas perspectivas contêm algumas proposições convergentes e virtualmente complementares, cuja interlocução poderia ser útil a seus objetivos de busca por uma sociedade livre.

De la obra de B. F. Skinner forman parte preocupaciones epistemológicas, incluyendo discusiones sobre metodología y criterios de verdad, y políticas y sociales, sobre la relación entre ciencia y sociedad. De un discurso, en algunos aspectos, coincidente con una forma de positivismo, Skinner pasó a crítico de tendencias puramente formalistas del método científico, y de una defensa de la gestión de la sociedad por los expertos, pasó a una crítica a la centralización del poder y a la propuesta de una forma de organización basada en el control cara a cara. Tratando con temas similares, Paul Feyerabend deconstruyó la idea de un método científico universal, denunció el potencial opressivo de la ciencia, y afirmó que el conocimiento científico no tiene preferencia inherente sobre otras formas de conocimiento para acceder a las instituciones de poder. Este estudio tiene como objetivo presentar y discutir aspectos del conductismo radical de Skinner, y del anarquismo epistemológico, de Feyeratend, que tratan de temas comunes. Llegamos a la conclusión de que, aunque las diferencias sobresalientes, ambas perspectivas contienen algunas propuestas convergentes y prácticamente complementarias, cuyo diálogo podría ser útil para los objetivos de la búsqueda de una sociedad libre.

B. F. Skinner's work encompasses epistemological concerns, including discussions about methodology and truth criteria, along with political and social ones, concerning the relationship between science and society. From a speech, in some aspects, coincident with a kind of positivism, Skinner came to criticize purely formalist tendencies about scientific method, and from the defense of the management of society by experts, he came to a criticism of the centralization of power and to the proposal of a form of organization based on face to face control. Dealing with similar topics, Paul Feyerabend deconstructed the idea of a universal scientific method, denounced an oppressive potential of science, and claimed for scientific knowledge to have no inherent preference over other forms of knowledge to access to institutions of power. Considering the importance of both authors for the debates in the context of history and philosophy of science, this study aims to present and discuss aspects of Skinner's radical behaviorism and Feyerabend's epistemological anarchism that deal with common themes. We conclude that, although salient differences, both perspectives contain some convergent and virtually complementary propositions, whose dialogue could be useful to their pursuit of a free society.

Humans , Philosophy , Science
Behav Anal (Wash D C) ; 16(4): 159-168, 2016 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27928551


A defining feature of radical behaviorism is the explicit inclusion of private events as material phenomena within a science of behavior. Surprisingly, however, despite much theorizing, there is a notable paucity within behavior analysis of controlled experimentation and analysis of private events, especially in nonhuman animals. One technique that is amenable to the study of private events is drug discrimination. For over 40 years, drug discrimination procedures have been an incredibly effective tool providing a wealth of in vivo pharmacological information about drugs including receptor selectivity, potency, and efficacy. In addition, this procedure has provided important preclinical indications of abuse liability. However, despite its prowess as a pharmacologic tool, or perhaps because of it, empirical investigation of its parameters, procedural elements, and variants is not currently an active research domain. This review highlights the drug discrimination procedure as a powerful means to systematically investigate private events by using drugs as interoceptive stimuli. In addition to the opportunity to study privacy, empirical evaluation of the drug discrimination procedure will likely inform and improve the standard practice for future endeavors in basic and clinical pharmacology.

Psicol. USP ; 27(3): 450-458, set.-dez. 2016.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-835148


Para o behaviorismo radical, a ética prescritiva lida com dois eixos ou dimensões básicas: (1) os efeitos do que fazemos sobre nós mesmos e sobre os outros; e (2) os efeitos do que fazemos considerados ao longo do tempo. O presente artigo visa apontar como controles verbais progressivamente mais complexos afetam nosso comportamento em relação a esses dois eixos, tomando a ecologia e a economia como exemplos contemporâneos. Conclui-se que tais controles verbais tornam nossas próprias escolhas éticas mais complexas. Culturas que ensinam seus cidadãos a identificar as consequências de longo prazo de suas práticas presumivelmente têm mais chances de sobreviver e de criar sistemas relativamente equilibrados de distribuição de poder.

Pour le behaviorisme radical, l’éthique prescriptive a deux axes ou dimensions fondamentaux: (1) les effets de ce qu’on fait à soi-même ou aux autres; et (2) les effets de ce qu’on a fait au fil du temps. Cet article se propose d’exposer - avec des exemples actuels de l’écologie et de l’économie - de quelle façon les contrôles verbaux progressivement plus complexes affectent notre comportement en face de ces deux axes. On en conclut que ces contrôles verbaux produisent des choix éthiques plus complexes. Des cultures qui enseignent leurs citoyens que les pratiques culturelles ont des conséquences à long terme peuvent survivre plus longtemps, ainsi que créer systèmes de pouvoir relativement équilibrées.

Para el conductismo radical, la ética prescriptiva lidia con dos ejes o dimensiones básicas: (1) los efectos de nuestra acción sobre nosotros y sobre otras personas; y (2) los efectos de nuestra acción con el paso del tiempo. Este artículo visa señalar como controles verbales progresivamente más complejos afectan nuestra conducta en relación a estos dos ejes, tomando la ecología y la economía como ejemplos contemporáneos. Concluimos que estos controles verbales tornan nuestras propias elecciones éticas más complejas. Culturas que enseñan sus ciudadanos a reconocer las consecuencias de largo plazo de sus prácticas presumiblemente tienen más chances de sobrevivir y crear sistemas relativamente equilibrados de distribución de poder.

From a radical behaviorist perspective, prescriptive ethics deals with two main axes or dimensions: (1) the effects of what we do over ourselves and over other people; and (2) the effects of what we do considered along the time. This paper aims to describe how progressively complex verbal controls are affecting our behavior in relation to these two axes, taking ecology and economy as contemporary examples. We conclude that such verbal controls are making our ethical decisions themselves more complex. Cultures that prepare its citizens to identify the long-term consequences of its practices presumably have more chances to survive and to create relatively balanced systems of power distribution.

Behaviorism , Ecology , Economics , Ethics
Rev. CES psicol ; 9(2): 12-27, jul.-dic. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-956526


Resumo A teoria de eventos privados tem sido alvo de intensos debates e controvérsias, apesar de configurar-se como o modo mais comum de abordagem e explicação de fenômenos subjetivos no Behaviorismo Radical. O presente trabalho insere-se nessa discussão, buscando deslindar o conceito de evento privado e a noção de privacidade nele implicado. A partir das definições e usos do termo encontrados na literatura da área, propõe-se a consideração do termo evento privado como evento comportamental de observabilidade circunstancialmente restrita. Nesse sentido, afastando-se de acepções como "interno", "único", ou ainda, "inobservável em princípio", a noção de privacidade é compreendida como observabilidade circunstancialmente restrita. Destaca-se que o conceito de eventos privados pode ser utilizado na explicação do comportamento desde que tomado em uma compreensão relacional e contextual.

Abstract The private event theory has been subject of intense debates and controversies, although it is accepted as the most common way to approach and explain subjective phenomena in Radical Behaviorism. This work is part of this discussion and seeks to disentangle the concept of private event and the notion of privacy involved in it. From the definitions and uses of the term found in the specialized literature, consideration of private event term as behavioral event with circumstantially restricted observability is proposed. In this sense, diverging from meanings as "inner", "unique" or "unobservable in principle", the notion of privacy is comprehended in terms of a circumstantially restricted observability. It is emphasized that the concept of private events may be used in the explanation of behavior since it is considered into a relational and contextual comprehension.

Resumen La teoría de los eventos privados ha sido objeto de intensos debates y controversias, a pesar de que se ha aceptado como la forma más común de abordar y explicar los fenómenos subjetivos en el Conductismo Radical. Este trabajo es parte de esta discusión, en su empeño de desentrañar el concepto de evento privado y la noción de privacidad que participan en ella. A partir de las definiciones y usos del término que se encuentran en la literatura especializada, se propone la consideración de evento privado como un evento conductual con observabilidad circunstancialmente restringida. En este sentido, se aparta de significados como "interno", "único", o "no observable en principio"; mientras la noción de privacidad se entiende en términos de observabilidad circunstancialmente restringida. Es de destacar que el concepto de eventos privados se puede utilizar en la explicación del comportamiento si es considerado desde una comprensión relacional y contextual.

Behav Anal ; 39(2): 197-218, 2016 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31976970


Skinner is commonly accused of being against neurophysiological explanations of behavior. However, in his writings, he did not criticize neuroscience itself as an important independent field from behavior analysis. The problem was in how some authors were using a pseudo-physiology in the explanation of behavior. Skinner was explicit in showing which authors and theories were using physiology incorrectly. Therefore, my goal is to present an analysis of the main targets of Skinner's critiques against neurophysiological explanations of behavior. This analysis will be divided as follows: (a) the targets of Skinner's critiques, (b) when the critiques were presented, and (c) the specific critiques that were made. The analysis was based upon 73 papers written by Skinner that were selected through keywords related to the issue. When placed in proper historical context, Skinner did not criticize neuroscience, but the misuse of pseudo-physiological theories in the explanation of behavior.

Rev. bras. ter. comport. cogn ; 18(n.esp): 73-83, 2016.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-869623


This article is a critical commentary on the behavior analytical tradition regarding its attempts to deal with and interpret social phenomena and problems, focusing mainly on the choice for research questions that could lead to ‘revolutions’ both in the way we interpret such phenomena, and also by sparking broader social changes. We explored broader contexts controlling and informing behavior analysts’ choices, and provided examples. The present paper suggests that, in order to promote social changes toward a more egalitarian society while using behavior analysis, researchers and practitioners should examine more thoroughly their own decisions on which knowledge sources must be considered when taking action upon our society. Furthermore, the interpretation presented advocates for a radical social analysis of social phenomena, in agreement with radical behaviorism and contextual analysis. Such analysis should take into consideration the knowledge already produced or in production by the population that will participate in it.

O presente artigo é um comentário critico acerca da tradição analítico-comportamental em suas tentativas de lidar com e interpretar fenômenos e problemas sociais, concentrando-se principalmente na escolha por perguntas de pesquisa que poderiam levar a ‘revoluções’ tanto na maneira como interpretamos tais fenômenos, quanto na promoção de mudanças sociais em larga-escala. Foram explorados contextos amplos que controlam e informam as escolhas dos analistas do comportamento, e exemplos foram apresentados. Este estudo sugere que, para promover mudanças sociais na direção de uma sociedade mais igualitária pelo uso da análise do comportamento, pesquisadores e profissionais deveriam examinar mais meticulosamente suas próprias decisões sobre quais fontes de conhecimento deveriam ser consideradas ao intervir em sociedade. Ademais, a interpretação aqui apresentada defende uma análise social radical de fenômenos sociais, de acordo com o behaviorismo radical e análise contextual. Tal análise deveria considerar o conhecimento já produzido ou em produção pela população que dela fará parte.

Este artículo es un comentario crítico sobre el análisis conductual en sus intentos de interpretar fenómenos y problemas sociales, centrándose principalmente en la elección de temas de investigación que podrían conducir a ‘revoluciones’, tanto en la forma en que interpretamos esos fenómenos, como promoviendo el cambio social. Fueron investigados contextos amplios que controlan e influyen en las decisiones de los analistas de conducta, y se presentaron ejemplos. Este estudio sugiere que para promover el cambio social hacia una sociedad igualitaria utilizando el análisis conductual, investigadores y profesionales deben considerar con más cuidado sus propias decisiones acerca de qué fuentes de conocimiento deben utilizar para intervenir en sociedad. Además, la interpretación que aquí se presenta aboga por un análisis social radical de los fenómenos sociales, según el conductismo radical y análisis contextual. Dicho análisis debe considerar el conocimiento ya producido o en producción por la población participante.

Behavior Therapy , Behaviorism , Knowledge , Social Change
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-69740


O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a ética esportiva sob a ótica do Behaviorismo Radical de B. F. Skinner. Para tanto, caracterizou-se o contexto esportivo e como a ética esportiva é entendida tradicionalmente. Em seguida, apresentou-se a descrição skinneriana sobre como valoramos as coisas em boas/más, morais/imorais, éticas/antiéticas. Posteriormente, o contexto esportivo foi analisado com os conceitos apresentados discutindo-se a importância da noção fair play. Julgamentos de valor baseiam-se nos efeitos do reforço e na satisfação das contingências seletivas. O esporte possui regras formalmente estabelecidas que delimitam condutas “legais” e “ilegais”, códigos de conduta e valores informais que classificam comportamentos em esportivos ou antiesportivos. Comportar-se esportivamente, ou ter fair play, envolve não apenas a prudência (jogar de acordo com o regulamento), mas também os comportamentos de solucionar problemas e tomar decisões diante de situações que gerem conflitos de consequências para os indivíduos, para os grupos e para as culturas.(AU)

The objective of this work was to analyze sports ethics from B.F. Skinner’s Radical Behaviorism standpoint. Thus, the sports context was characterized and as well as how sports ethics is understood traditionally. Next, the Skinnerian description of how we value good/bad, moral/immoral, ethical/unethical things is presented. Then, the sports context was analyzed based on the concepts analyzed, discussing the importance of the fair play notion. Value judgements are based on reinforcement effects and on selective contingencies satisfaction. Sports have formally established rules for “legal” and “illegal” conducts, codes of conduct and informal values that classify behavior into sporting and non-sporting. Sportsmanship or fair play involves not only prudence (playing according to the rules) but also problem-solving and decision-making behaviors before situations that generate conflict of consequences for individuals, groups or cultures.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la ética deportiva bajo la óptica del Behaviorismo Radical de B. F. Skinner. Para tanto, se caracterizó el contexto deportivo y cómo la ética deportiva es entendida tradicionalmente. Enseguida, se presentó la descripción skinneriana sobre como valoramos las cosas en buenas/malas, morales/inmorales, éticas/antiéticas. Posteriormente, el contexto deportivo fue analizado con los conceptos presentados discutiéndose la importancia de la noción fair play. Juicios de valor se basan en los efectos del refuerzo y en la satisfacción de las contingencias selectivas. El deporte posee reglas formalmente establecidas que delimitan conductas “legales” e “ilegales”, códigos de conducta y valores informales que clasifican comportamientos en deportivos o antideportivos. Comportarse deportivamente, o tener fair play, involucra no solamente la prudencia (jugar de acuerdo con el reglamento),sino también los comportamientos de solucionar problemas y tomar decisiones delante de situaciones que generen conflictos de consecuencias para los individuos, para los grupos y para las culturas.(AU)

Sports , Behaviorism , Morale
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-69870


Este breve texto sobre as contribuições de J. G. Holland à análise do comportamento começa com um reconhecimento da sua influência, principalmente no que se refere ao exercício do contracontrole, na elaboração da minha tese de doutorado dez anos depois. Em seguida, os problemas de aceitação da orientação comportamental nos ambientes acadêmico e leigo apontados por Holland são discutidos à luz de outras evidências. Uma parte seguinte do texto descreve e discute sucintamente a pesquisa realizada como parte da tese, com ênfase à produção de uma cartilha de contracontrole social e à avaliação do seu uso por líderes sindicais, políticos e comunitários, em termos de informantes qualificados. Finalmente, são desenvolvidas considerações acerca da possível socialização atual do behaviorismo radical pela prática da terapia comportamental, assim como de uma das últimas produções de Skinner destinadas ao público leigo.(AU)

This brief text on the contributions of J. G. Holland to behavior analysis begins with an acknowledgment of its influence, particularly as to the exercise of countercontrol, in the preparation of my doctoral thesis ten yearsafter. Following, problems of acceptance of behavioral orientation in academic and lay environments observed by Holland are discussed in the light of further evidence. A next part of the text describes and discusses the research conducted as part of the thesis, with emphasis on the production of a handbook of social countercontrol and the evaluation of its use by union, political and community leaders, in terms of qualified informants. Finally, considerations are developed on the possible current socialization of radical behaviorism through the practice of behavioral therapy, as well as through one of the last Skinner’s productions to the lay people.(AU)

Este breve texto sobre las contribuciones de J. G. Holland a la análisis de la conducta comienza con un reconocimiento de su influencia, especialmente en relación con el ejercicio de countercontrol, en la preparación de mi tesis doctoral diez años después. A continuación, los problemas de aceptación de la orientación conductual en los ambientes académico y laico apuntados por Holland se discuten a la luz de otras evidencias. Una siguiente parte del texto describe y discute la investigación llevada a cabo como parte de la tesis, con énfasis en la producción de un Manual de Contracontrol Social y en la evaluación de su uso por líderes sindicales, políticos y de la comunidad, como informantes calificados. Por último, se desarrollan consideraciones sobre la posible socialización actual del conductismo radical a través de la práctica de la terapia de comportamiento, así como de una de las últimas producciones de Skinner para los laicos.(AU)

Behaviorism , Behavior Therapy
Article in English | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-69872


This article is a critical commentary on the behavior analytical tradition regarding its attempts to deal with and interpret social phenomena and problems, focusing mainly on the choice for research questions that could lead to ‘revolutions’ both in the way we interpret such phenomena, and also by sparking broader social changes. We explored broader contexts controlling and informing behavior analysts’ choices, and provided examples. The present paper suggests that, in order to promote social changes toward a more egalitarian society while using behavior analysis, researchers and practitioners should examine more thoroughly their own decisions on which knowledge sources must be considered when taking action upon our society. Furthermore, the interpretation presented advocates for a radical social analysis of social phenomena, in agreement with radical behaviorism and contextual analysis. Such analysis should take into consideration the knowledge already produced or in production by the population that will participate in it.(AU)

O presente artigo é um comentário critico acerca da tradição analítico-comportamental em suas tentativas de lidar com e interpretar fenômenos e problemas sociais, concentrando-se principalmente na escolha por perguntas de pesquisa que poderiam levar a ‘revoluções’ tanto na maneira como interpretamos tais fenômenos, quanto na promoção de mudanças sociais em larga-escala. Foram explorados contextos amplos que controlam e informam as escolhas dos analistas do comportamento, e exemplos foram apresentados. Este estudo sugere que, para promover mudanças sociais na direção de uma sociedade mais igualitária pelo uso da análise do comportamento, pesquisadores e profissionais deveriam examinar mais meticulosamente suas próprias decisões sobre quais fontes de conhecimento deveriam ser consideradas ao intervir em sociedade. Ademais, a interpretação aqui apresentada defende uma análise social radical de fenômenos sociais, de acordo com o behaviorismo radical e análise contextual. Tal análise deveria considerar o conhecimento já produzido ou em produção pela população que dela fará parte.(AU)

Este artículo es un comentario crítico sobre el análisis conductual en sus intentos de interpretar fenómenos y problemas sociales, centrándose principalmente en la elección de temas de investigación que podrían conducir a ‘revoluciones’, tanto en la forma en que interpretamos esos fenómenos, como promoviendo el cambio social. Fueron investigados contextos amplios que controlan e influyen en las decisiones de los analistas de conducta, y se presentaron ejemplos. Este estudio sugiere que para promover el cambio social hacia una sociedad igualitaria utilizando el análisis conductual, investigadores y profesionales deben considerar con más cuidado sus propias decisiones acerca de qué fuentes de conocimiento deben utilizar para intervenir en sociedad. Además, la interpretación que aquí se presenta aboga por un análisis social radical de los fenómenos sociales, según el conductismo radical y análisis contextual. Dicho análisis debe considerar el conocimiento ya producido o en producción por la población participante.(AU)

Behavior Therapy , Behaviorism , Knowledge , Social Change