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Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;88(1): e2023, 2025. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568850


ABSTRACT A patient presented with corneoscleral thinning five months after the treatment of suspected ocular squamous surface neoplasia with mitomycin-C and interferon. For tectonic and aesthetic purposes, we decided to perform lamellar corneoscleral transplantation. The approach used established new tectonic support and corneal homeostasis. This technique might be an option in similar cases.

Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561703


Introdução: A lombalgia é uma condição prevalente e que apresenta importante impacto na capacidade funcional e na qualidade de vida, sendo a sua correta abordagem na Atenção Primária à Saúde fundamental para a identificação e o estabelecimento de um diagnóstico etiológico precoce de possíveis patologias que possam estar relacionadas a desfechos mórbidos e a graves limitações funcionais. Apresentação do caso: Paciente de 56 anos, sexo masculino, hipertenso, foi encaminhado para serviço especializado de reumatologia com histórico de lombalgia havia mais de 20 anos. Ao exame físico foi constatada presença de deformidades da coluna vertebral e extensa limitação de movimentos. Exames radiográficos mostravam esclerose de articulações sacroilíacas, osteopenia difusa e coluna vertebral em aspecto de "bambu". Conclusões: Constata-se a importância de que na abordagem das lombalgias na atenção primária se busque o reconhecimento de possíveis etiologias graves e potencialmente incapacitantes que possam estar subjacentes à queixa de dor lombar. Com esse objetivo, é fundamental o reconhecimento das chamadas red flags relacionadas às lombalgias, além de sua caracterização como mecânica ou inflamatória. Perante a atuação da atenção primária no oferecimento de um cuidado pautado na integralidade e na prevenção de agravos, reafirma-se a importância de uma avaliação clínica pormenorizada das lombalgias nesse nível de atenção à saúde.

Introduction: Low back pain is a prevalent condition that has an important impact on functional capacity and quality of life, and its correct approach in Primary Care is fundamental to the identification and establishment of an early etiological diagnosis of possible pathologies that may be related to outcomes morbid conditions and serious functional limitations. Case presentation: 56-year-old male patient, hypertensive, referred to a specialized rheumatology service with a history of low back pain for over 20 years. Physical examination revealed the presence of spinal deformities and extensive movement limitations. Radiographic examinations showing sclerosis of the sacro-iliac joints, diffuse osteopenia and a "bamboo" appearance of the spine. Conclusions: It is important that in the approach of low back pain in Primary Care, we seek to recognize possible serious and potentially disabling etiologies that may underlie the complaint of low back pain. For that, it is essential to recognize the so-called "red flags" related to low back pain, in addition to its characterization as mechanical or inflammatory. Given the role of Primary Care in offering care based on integrality and in the prevention of injuries, the importance of a detailed clinical assessment of low back pain at this level of health care is reaffirmed.

Introducción: La lumbalgia es una patología prevalente que tiene un impacto importante en la capacidad funcional y la calidad de vida, y su correcto abordaje en Atención Primaria de Salud es fundamental para la identificación y establecimiento de un diagnóstico etiológico precoz de posibles patologías que puedan estar relacionadas con los resultados, condiciones morbosas y limitaciones funcionales graves. Presentación del caso: Paciente masculino de 56 años, hipertenso, remitido a servicio especializado de reumatología con antecedentes de dolor lumbar de más de 20 años. El examen físico reveló la presencia de deformidades de la columna y amplias limitaciones de movimiento. Los exámenes radiológicos muestran esclerosis de las articulaciones sacroilíacas, osteopenia difusa y una apariencia de "bambú" de la columna. Conclusiones: Es importante que al abordar la lumbalgia en Atención Primaria de Salud busquemos reconocer las posibles etiologías graves y potencialmente incapacitantes que pueden subyacer a la queja de lumbalgia. Con este objetivo, es fundamental reconocer las llamadas "banderas rojas" relacionadas con la lumbalgia, además de su caracterización como mecánica o inflamatoria. Dado el papel de Atención Primaria de Salud a la hora de ofrecer una atención basada en la integralidad y prevención de enfermedades, se reafirma la importancia de una evaluación clínica detallada de la lumbalgia en este nivel de atención sanitaria.

Primary Health Care , Case Reports , Musculoskeletal Diseases , Low Back Pain
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553824


Introdução: Acidentes ofídicos são doenças negligenciadas e constituem uma parcela importante da morbidade de pessoas em idade produtiva que vivem em zonas rurais. A maior parte dos seus efeitos a curto prazo é amplamente conhecida, especialmente aqueles de natureza clínica; no entanto, ainda se observa lacuna importante do conhecimento das consequências a longo prazo de tais agravos, notadamente as de ordem psíquica. Este artigo relata um caso de adoecimento mental subsequente a um acidente crotálico e gera reflexões de âmbito cultural e fisiopatológico a respeito das sequelas de tais eventos. Apresentação do caso: Trata-se de adolescente residente no interior baiano que foi vítima de mordedura por cascavel e teve necessidade de hospitalização em unidade de terapia intensiva. Observou-se que, mesmo após melhora clínica, iniciou com sintomas psicóticos prodrômicos e progrediu para piora mental grave, que culminou em internação psiquiátrica e diagnóstico de esquizofrenia no decorrer dos meses seguintes. Conclusões: Nota-se, neste caso, correlação direta entre esses dois eventos; mas, em razão da escassez de trabalhos científicos que abordem tais questões, depreende-se que é preciso investigar e estudar com maior profundidade possíveis associações entre acidentes crotálicos e psicoses.

Introduction: Snakebites are neglected diseases and constitute an important part of the morbidity of working-age people who live in rural areas. Most of their short-term effects are widely known, especially those of a clinical nature; however, there is still an important gap in the knowledge of the long-term consequences of such injuries, notably those of a psychotic nature. This article aims to report a case of mental illness subsequent to a rattlesnake bite accident and generate cultural and pathophysiological reflections regarding the consequences of such events. Case presentation: An adolescent residing in the interior of the state of Bahia was bitten by a rattlesnake and required hospitalization in an intensive care unit. It was observed that even after clinical improvement, the case started with prodromal psychotic symptoms and progressed to severe mental deterioration that culminated in psychiatric hospitalization and diagnosis of schizophrenia over the following months. Conclusions: In this case, there was a direct correlation between these two events, but because of the scarcity of scientific works that address such issues, it is necessary to investigate and study in greater depth possible associations between snakebite accidents and psychoses.

Introducción: Las mordeduras de serpientes son enfermedades desatendidas y constituyen una parte importante de la morbilidad de las personas en edad laboral que viven en zonas rurales. La mayoría de sus efectos a corto plazo son ampliamente conocidos, especialmente los de carácter clínico; sin embargo, todavía existe un importante vacío en el conocimiento de las consecuencias a largo plazo de este tipo de lesiones, en particular las de carácter psíquico. Este artículo tiene como objetivo informar un caso de enfermedad mental posterior a un accidente crotálico y generar reflexiones culturales y fisiopatológicas sobre las consecuencias de tales eventos. Presentación del caso: Se trata de un adolescente residente en el interior de Bahía que fue mordido por una serpiente cascabel y requirió hospitalización en unidad de cuidados intensivos. Se observó que, aún después de la mejoría clínica, comenzó con síntomas psicóticos prodrómicos y progresó a un deterioro mental severo que culminó con hospitalización psiquiátrica y diagnóstico de esquizofrenia en los meses siguientes. Conclusiones: En este caso, existe una correlación directa entre estos dos eventos pero, debido a la escasez de trabajos científicos que aborden tales cuestiones, parece necesario investigar y estudiar con mayor profundidad posibles asociaciones entre accidentes crotálicos y psicosis.

Humans , Animals , Psychotic Disorders , Snake Bites , Case Reports , Crotalus , Folklore
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1568769


Apesar de não muito frequente, nos últimos 20 anos, houve um aumento significativo dos relatos sobre rotura do peitoral maior, normalmente associadas à prática de atividade física em que ocorre contração intensa e/ou uso de cargas pesadas exercendo resistência sobre o músculo. Neste relato de caso temos um paciente de 51 anos referindo dor no tórax à direita e no braço direito há 3 dias após tentar consertar o guidão da moto. Apresentava assimetria dos peitorais, perda de força do membro superior direito, dificuldade de movimentação e hematoma. A ressonância magnética demonstrou rotura completa da junção miotendínea do peitoral maior, com tendinopatia com fissuras insercionais e intrasubstanciais infraespinhal e tendinopatia com rotura parcial do tendão subescapular. Foi indicado por médico ortopedista o acompanhamento com o uso de medicação analgésica.

Although not very common, in the last 20 years, there has been a significant increase in reports of rupture of the pectoralis major, normally associated with the practice of physical activity in which intense contraction occurs and/or the use of heavy loads exerting resistance on the muscle. In this case report we have a 51-year-old patient reporting pain in his right chest and right arm for 3 days after trying to fix his motorcycle's handlebars. He had asymmetry of the pectorals, loss of strength in the right upper limb, difficulty moving and hematoma. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated complete rupture of the myotendinous junction of the pectoralis major, with tendinopathy with insertional and intrasubstantial infraspinatus fissures and tendinopathy with partial rupture of the subscapularis tendon. An orthopedic doctor recommended follow-up with the use of analgesic medication.

Aunque no es muy común, en los últimos 20 años se ha observado un aumento significativo en los reportes de rotura del pectoral mayor, normalmente asociado a la práctica de actividad física en la que se produce una contracción intensa y/o al uso de cargas pesadas ejerciendo resistencia sobre el mismo. el músculo. En este caso clínico tenemos un paciente de 51 años que refiere dolor en el pecho derecho y en el brazo derecho durante 3 días después de intentar arreglar el manillar de su motocicleta. Presentó asimetría de pectorales, pérdida de fuerza en miembro superior derecho, dificultad de movimiento y hematoma. La resonancia magnética demostró rotura completa de la unión miotendinosa del pectoral mayor, con tendinopatía con fisuras de inserción e intrasustancial del infraespinoso y tendinopatía con rotura parcial del tendón subescapular. Un médico ortopédico recomendó seguimiento con el uso de medicación analgésica.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Pectoralis Muscles/injuries , Pectoralis Muscles/diagnostic imaging , Upper Extremity/injuries , Upper Extremity/diagnostic imaging , Myotendinous Junction/injuries , Myotendinous Junction/diagnostic imaging
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119848


BACKGROUND: Peri-implantitis poses significant challenges in clinical practice, necessitating effective therapeutic strategies. This case report presents a comprehensive treatment approach for managing peri-implantitis, focusing on resective surgery, including implantoplasty and long-term maintenance. METHODS: We describe the case of a 50-year-old female patient with peri-implantitis affecting a maxillary full-arch implant-supported rehabilitation. The treatment strategy involved resective surgery with implantoplasty, a new maxillary overdenture, and a regular maintenance care schedule of three to four visits per year. Clinical and radiographic assessments were performed over a 10-year follow-up period. RESULTS: Post-treatment, all maxillary implants demonstrated no probing depths exceeding 4 mm, absence of bleeding on probing or suppuration, minimal plaque accumulation, and no further bone loss. Resective surgery with implantoplasty seems to have effectively provided submucosal decontamination and created a supra-mucosal implant surface conducive to oral hygiene. Despite regular maintenance, some mandibular implants exhibited bone loss during the follow-up period and were managed using the same approach as for the maxillary implants. CONCLUSIONS: The comprehensive treatment approach yielded favorable long-term clinical and radiographic outcomes, underscoring the effectiveness of the combined strategies in managing peri-implantitis. Nevertheless, the potential for recurrence or the development of peri-implantitis in new implants, even after a decade of successful treatment and strict maintenance, highlights the importance of ongoing, diligent care and regular evaluations to promptly diagnose and address these issues. KEY POINTS: Why is this case new information? The long-term effectiveness of peri-implantitis treatments, particularly involving implantoplasty, remains under-documented. This case provides insights from a 10-year follow-up on the efficacy of a comprehensive approach for managing peri-implantitis. Furthermore, these findings illustrate the potential for new peri-implantitis to develop, regardless of sustained peri-implant health and rigorous maintenance. This finding highlights the critical role of continuous monitoring for the early diagnosis and treatment of new implants exhibiting peri-implantitis. What are the keys to the successful management of this case? The success of this case hinged on a comprehensive treatment approach that combines surgical intervention associated with implantoplasty to remove implant threads, thereby creating smoother surfaces, less retentive for plaque accumulation. A critical aspect of this approach was also the redesign of prosthetic components to improve hygiene accessibility, continuous monitoring, and consistent maintenance care. What are the primary limitations to success in this case? The primary challenge in achieving success in this case was the prevention of new implants with peri-implantitis, despite the patient's consistent adherence to the maintenance program. Moreover, a critical evaluation of implant characteristics, particularly their susceptibility to mechanical failures, is paramount when performing implantoplasty. Furthermore, aligning patient expectations with the realistic esthetic and functional outcomes of the treatment is often challenging. PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY: Peri-implantitis, an inflammatory disease affecting dental implants, is quite challenging to treat. This case report describes how a 50-year-old woman with this condition was successfully treated and maintained over 10 years. The approach included a surgical method called resective surgery, which involved reshaping the bone defect (osteoplasty) and smoothing the implant surface (implantoplasty). Additionally, she was fitted with a new upper denture and had regular follow-up visits three to four times a year. After ten years, her upper implants were stable with no signs of infection or further bone loss, and they were easy to keep clean. Some of her lower implants did experience inflammation with progressive bone loss during this time, but they were managed using the same surgical procedure as for her upper implants. This 10-year case report highlights positive and stable clinical results after resective surgery for treating peri-implantitis and the importance of an interdisciplinary approach and regular check-ups for maintenance, early diagnosis, and management of peri-implantitis over the long term.

J Med Case Rep ; 18(1): 361, 2024 Aug 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39095912


INTRODUCTION: Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome , a rare Müllerian ducts congenital disease, is characterized by a diphtheritic uterus, blind hemivagina, and ipsilateral renal agenesis. Diagnosis is at young age by ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, and the prognosis is good. Usually, complications evolve endometriosis and secondary pelvic inflammation. CASE REPORT: A 40-year-old female patient, Brazilian, white, primigravida, diagnosed at 30 years with a didelphic uterus on ultrasound, and 4 years later, with a left ovarian endometrioma, multiple ovarian cysts, and left renal agenesis on magnetic resonance imaging. Subsequently, due to dyspareunia and a feeling of swelling, the patient underwent transvaginal ultrasound with bowel preparation, and a hematocolpos was found and Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome was suspected; 10 years after the diagnosis she had a planned pregnancy. She presented frequent contractions following the 15th week of pregnancy and fortunately there were no complications or premature labor. Labor was inducted at 40 weeks and 6 days without progress and a cesarean section was indicated and performed without complications. Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome often goes unnoticed, leading to inadequate treatment. Individuals with Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome commonly face fertility issues, such as high miscarriage rate (21-33%), and obstetric complications, such as spontaneous abortions (40% risk), intrauterine growth restriction, postpartum hemorrhage, increased fetal mortality, preterm delivery (21-29%), and elevated rates of cesarean sections. In addition, there is higher susceptibility of developing endometriosis, especially with hemivaginal obstruction, and pelvic adhesions. CONCLUSION: Early diagnosis enables timely treatment and, consequently, fewer complications. Still, when these factors are absent, vaginal birth may still be possible. The true prevalence and incidence of complications related to Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome are still unknown.

Endometriosis , Humans , Female , Adult , Endometriosis/complications , Pregnancy , Uterus/abnormalities , Uterus/diagnostic imaging , Cesarean Section , Kidney/abnormalities , Mullerian Ducts/abnormalities , Abnormalities, Multiple , Congenital Abnormalities/diagnosis , Congenital Abnormalities/diagnostic imaging , Vagina/abnormalities , Pregnancy Complications , Kidney Diseases/congenital , Kidney Diseases/diagnosis
J Endovasc Ther ; : 15266028241266208, 2024 Jul 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39082386


PURPOSE: This report presents the endovascular strategies adopted to treat a kidney calculus venous embolism after percutaneous nephrolithotomy and the versatility of endovascular techniques to manage even the most unexpected renovascular complications after urological intervention. According to the literature available in PubMed, Cochrane, SciELO, and repositories, this is the first case to our knowledge of renal vein calculus embolism as a complication of percutaneous treatment of kidney stones. CASE REPORT: A 62-year-old woman underwent percutaneous nephrolithotomy to treat a left kidney 2.8-cm staghorn calculi. The stone cracked, leaving a residual fragment in the ureteropelvic junction. Abdominal computed tomography revealed a 0.9-mm extrarenal calculus located inside the left retroaortic renal vein. Calculus was captured using a basket catheter system through a 6F 45-cm sheath positioned in the left common femoral vein (CFV) and accessed by dissection to safely conclude the calculus extraction by venous cut down. The patient was asymptomatically discharged 48 hours after the endovascular procedure, under a rivaroxaban anticoagulation regimen, with no symptoms or renal function impairment until the 6 months of follow-up. CONCLUSION: The endovascular strategy proposed in this case was effective for calculus rescue and venous flow restoration. CLINICAL IMPACT: This case reinforces the adaptability of endovascular therapy in an unexpected scenario. A potentially life-threatening extremely rare adverse event following a common urological procedure could be treated with minimally invasive hybrid treatment, preserving renal function and maintaining venous vascular patency. This report may add a discussion of procedures to manage similar events and bring to the literature a possible strategy to solve the problem.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39049527


Right superior resection (segments 7 and 8) is an uncommon resection for liver malignancies, with most of the literature limited to case reports and small series. Resection of segments 4, 7, and 8 has been reported in only a few cases. When the right hepatic vein is resected, venous reconstruction or identification of one or more right inferior hepatic veins is considered mandatory, to maintain segmentary function of segments 5 and 6. We present a case of liver resection of segments 4, 7, and 8 including the right and middle hepatic veins for symptomatic benign liver disease with no right hepatic vein reconstruction, nor a prominent right inferior hepatic vein(s). After the resection, there was no change in liver function tests, and the patient made an unremarkable recovery. Three months after the operation, partial atrophy of segments 5 and 6 with hypertrophy of the left lateral section was observed, while two and one half years after resection, the patient is asymptomatic. When right hepatic vein reconstruction would add unnecessary operative time, and there is low likelihood of the need for repeated resection, particularly when the hepatic vein is difficult to dissect, this approach can be safe and useful, while providing an adequate postoperative liver mass in the short-term to recover uneventfully from major liver resection.

Autops Case Rep ; 14: e2024492, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39021469


The anatomy of the femoral triangle is explored in various approaches, ranging from pulse verification to invasive catheterization procedures. Within the femoral triangle, the deep femoral artery is one of the vessels reported to present several anatomical variations that must be considered before clinical or surgical interventions. Here, we are reporting a unique bilateral variation of the deep femoral artery for medical education purposes and reflecting on its applied, surgical, and clinical anatomy. During the dissection of the femoral triangle, we observed that the deep femoral artery originated in the vicinity of the inguinal ligament and ran in parallel with the femoral artery in a superficial trajectory on both sides of the donor. On the right side, the DFA continued superficial for 8.8 cm, with an origin of 1.2 cm inferior to the inguinal ligament. On the left side, it presented a similar anatomical arrangement, though with an origin of 1.6cm inferior to the inguinal ligament and a superficial course of 5cm. The position of the lateral circumflex femoral vein posterior to the deep femoral artery played a role in this distinctive, lengthy, and superficial presentation of the deep femoral artery. This anatomical variation directly affects surgical procedures, diagnostics, and endovascular interventions. A deep femoral artery with such a lengthy superficial trajectory can be mistakenly used for catheterization instead of the femoral artery or be injured, disrupting the main blood supply of the thigh muscles.

Autops Case Rep ; 14: e2024498, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39021471


Localized cystic kidney disease (LCKD) is a distinct renal disorder characterized by the presence of cysts within specific regions of the kidneys. We present a rare case of a 41-year-old African American man, who presented to our medical center with lower urinary tract symptoms and gross hematuria. The initial assessment culminated in the identification of an uncomplicated urinary tract infection, prompting the prescription of appropriate oral antibiotic therapy. On follow-up after 5 months, the patient presented with gross hematuria. Imaging studies revealed a mixed-density cystic lesion of 2.6 cm situated within the interpolar region of the right kidney. This cystic lesion exhibited intricate septations at the superior pole of the kidney. Robotic-assisted right partial nephrectomy was performed, and pathologic examination was diagnostic for LCKD. This report not only underscores the uniqueness of LCKD but also presents a comprehensive review of the existing literature that pertains to this condition. Particular emphasis is placed upon its inherent benign behavior and its marked divergence from the progressive trajectory commonly associated with other renal diseases. We also explored the incidental findings of the disease, its diverse clinical symptomatology, conceivable etiological underpinnings, and the array of diagnostic modalities used. Finally, similarities in histopathologic findings with polycystic kidney disease and other entities are discussed, underscoring the importance of accurate diagnosis and management.

Forensic Sci Int ; 361: 112123, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38986226


Brazil is one of the most unequal democracies in the world. Although the number of homeless individuals in our country has increased due to the reproduction of people living in extreme poverty, little has been discussed about their welfare and rights. In the present study, we provide analysis with a theoretical-methodological approach directed at homeless people living in the wealthy neoliberal middle-sized southeast city of São Paulo, Brazil's richest state. Data was acquired from police reports with prior permission from the Civil Police of São Paulo and the São Paulo Interior Judiciary Police Department. Our results illustrate that the homelessness phenomenon in Franca appears to be comparable to that of other large urban cities, where Blacks, a minority of the population, make up the bulk of homeless individuals. It also denies that homeless activity increases criminality, emphasizes the difference between Blacks and Whites drug users' criminal behavior, with Whites being more active in theft and robbery and Blacks in trafficking, and extends the idea that drug use by homeless people is stress-related and hence an indicator of a health condition.

Crime , Ill-Housed Persons , Police , Substance-Related Disorders , Humans , Ill-Housed Persons/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Crime/statistics & numerical data , Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Substance-Related Disorders/ethnology , Drug Trafficking/statistics & numerical data , White People , Black People/statistics & numerical data , Theft/statistics & numerical data , Male , Female , Urban Population , Adult
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-3, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561949


A forma mamária da síndrome de Mondor é uma afecção rara e autolimitada que se caracteriza pela tromboflebite de veias superficiais da mama. Entender tal síndrome é de suma importância para o diagnóstico correto e o tratamento preciso e não iatrogênico, tendo em vista apresentar considerável relação com o carcinoma mamário. Esse relato de caso retrata o surgimento da síndrome de Mondor em uma paciente jovem de 22 anos, após uma mamoplastia de aumento. O sinal característico da afecção, o cordão fibroso, manifestou-se na mama direita a partir do vigésimo terceiro dia de pós-operatório, desaparecendo por completo após 10 semanas. O diagnóstico foi dado pelo cirurgião plástico que acompanhou a paciente mediante anamnese e exame físico, sem a urgência de um exame complementar, como a mamografia. Vale ressaltar que tal afecção rara pode acometer o sexo masculino - em menor frequência - e afetar outras regiões, como o pênis e o escroto. Ademais, é salutar reconhecer e diagnosticar a síndrome de Mondor, visto que as cirurgias com o fitoestético estão em constante crescimento na atualidade, com o escopo de conduzir os pacientes da melhor forma para um tratamento eficaz e menos invasivo (exceto na presença concomitante de câncer de mama, por exemplo), além de tranquilizá-los a respeito da afecção.

The breast form of Mondor syndrome is a rare and self-limited condition characterized by thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the breast. Understanding this syndrome is extremely important for correct diagnosis and precise, non-iatrogenic treatment, given that it has a considerable relationship with breast carcinoma. This case report portrays the emergence of Mondor syndrome in a young 22-year-old patient, after breast augmentation. The characteristic sign of the condition, the fibrous cord, appeared in the right breast from the twenty-third day after surgery, disappearing completely after 10 weeks. The diagnosis was given by the plastic surgeon who followed the patient through anamnesis and physical examination, without the urgency of a complementary exam, such as a mammography. It is worth mentioning that this rare condition can affect males - less frequently - and affect other regions, such as the penis and scrotum. Furthermore, it is beneficial to recognize and diagnose Mondor syndrome, as surgeries using phytoaesthetics are constantly growing today, intending to guide patients in the best way possible for an effective and less invasive treatment (except in the concomitant presence of cancer). breast, for example), in addition to reassuring them about the condition.

Estima (Online) ; 22: e1461, JAN - DEZ 2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1563008


Objetivo: A síndrome do choque tóxico (SCT) é uma condição multissistêmica grave, causada por Staphylococcus aureus ou Streptococcus pyogenes,e o manejo inicial e contínuo das lesões de pele é essencial para o controle da infecção. Este relato teve o objetivo de descrever os cuidados com a pele nessa síndrome. Relato do caso: Paciente do sexo masculino com abscesso no quadril que evoluiu com febre e hipotensão e consequente transferência para a Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Foi diagnosticado com choque séptico de provável foco no quadril, imediatamente abordado cirurgicamente para tratamento local da infecção. Apresentou insuficiência renal, além de disfunção multissistêmica (hepática e cardíaca), instabilidade hemodinâmnica e lesões disseminadas de pele. Com o isolamento do Staphylococcus aureus, iniciou-se clindamicina e o diagnóstico foi de SCT, uma vez que apresentou lesões epidermolíticas desde o início do quadro. Foram iniciadas medidas de recuperação cutânea com a sulfadiazina de prata e, posteriormente, com hidrofibra com prata com restauração do epitélio em 8 dias. Após 10 dias da pele restaurada, o paciente recebeu alta da UTI para enfermaria com manutenção do tratamento proposto. Conclusão: Neste caso, o uso da hidrofibra obteve uma performancesatisfatória, contudo ainda há necessidade de estudos robustos que comprovem tal eficácia. (AU)

Objective: Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a severe multisystemic condition caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes, and initial management of skin lesions is essential for infection control. This article aimed to describe skin care for TSS. Case report: We report a man with a hip abscess who developed fever and hypotension and was subsequently transferred to an intensive care unit (ICU). He was diagnosed with septic shock, probably of hip origin, and was immediately treated surgically for local infection control. He presented with renal failure besides multiple organ dysfunction (hepatic and cardiac), hemodynamic instability, and disseminated skin lesions. With the isolation of Staphylococcus aureus, clindamycin was initiated, and the diagnosis was TSS due to epidermolytic lesions since the onset of the condition. Cutaneous recovery measures were initiated with silver sulfadiazine, followed by silver hydrofiber with skin recovery in 8 days. After 10 days of skin recovery, the patient was discharged from the ICU to the ward with maintenance of the proposed treatment. Conclusion: In this case, the use of hydrofiber showed satisfactory performance; however, robust studies are needed to confirm such efficacy. (AU)

Objetivo: El síndrome de shock tóxico (SST) es una afección multisistémica grave causada por Staphylococcus aureuso Streptococcus pyogenes, y el tratamiento inicial y continuo de las lesiones cutáneas es esencial para controlar la infección. Este informe tuvo como objetivo describir los cuidado de la piel en este síndrome. Reporte del caso:Paciente masculino con absceso en la cadera que desarrolló fiebre e hipotensión y fue tranferido a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI). Se diagnosticó shock séptico, probablemente focalizado en la cadera, por lo que fue inmediatamente abordado quirúrgicamente para tratamiento local de la infección. Presentó insuficiencia renal además de disfunción multisistémica (hepática y cardiaca), inestabilidad hemodinámica y lesiones cutáneas diseminadas. Con el aislamiento de Staphylococcus aureus, se inició clindamicina y el diagnóstico fue SST, ya que presentaba lesiones epidermolíticas desde el inicio del cuadro. Se iniciaron medidas de recuperación cutánea con sulfadiazina de plata y, posteriormente, se optó por hidrofibra con plata, con restauración del epitelio en 8 días. Después de 10 días de piel restaurada, el paciente fue dado de alta de la UCI a planta con mantenimiento del tratamiento propuesto. Conclusión: Alcen este caso, el uso de hidrofibra obtuvo un desempeño satisfactorio, sin embargo, aún se necesitan estudios robustos para probar tal eficacia. (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Shock, Septic , Enterostomal Therapy , Staphylococcus aureus , Burns
Rev. cient. salud UNITEPC ; 11(1): 47-54, jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567257


Introducción: el dengue, transmitido por el mosquito Aedes aegypti, es un problema de salud pública global creciente, especialmente en Cochabamba, donde factores climáticos y urbanización favorecen su proliferación. Entre 2020 y 2023, los casos aumentaron alarmantemente, subrayando la necesidad de vigilancia y prevención. Este estudio analizará las tendencias de 2019 a 2024, relacionando incidencia y lluvias. Metodología: este estudio cuantitativo, longitudinal y retrospectivo analizó las tendencias de casos sospechosos de dengue en Cochabamba de 2019 a 2024. Utilizó datos del formulario 302 del SNIS Bolivia, abarcando períodos epidemiológicos y de lluvia. Se realizó análisis descriptivo con SPSS y comparación con estudios previos para validar resultados y formular políticas de salud. Resultados: los datos semanales de dengue en Cochabamba, divididos en períodos inter-epidémicos y de lluvias, muestran un aumento significativo de casos en 2023-2024 (13,940 casos) comparado con años anteriores. Los picos más altos se observan durante el final del período de lluvias, especialmente en la semana 21 de 2023-2024, destacando la estacionalidad de la enfermedad. Discusión: el análisis de los casos sospechosos de dengue en Cochabamba (2019-2024) muestra un drástico aumento en 2023-2024, con 13,940 casos. Este incremento puede estar influenciado por el cambio climático, crecimiento urbano y variaciones en vigilancia epidemiológica. Los picos se concentran durante la temporada de lluvias, subrayando la necesidad de fortalecer medidas de control y prevención.

Introduction: dengue, transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, is a growing global public health problem, particularly in Cochabamba, where climatic factors and urbanization favor its proliferation. Between 2020 and 2023, cases increased alarmingly, underscoring the need for surveillance and prevention. This study will analyze trends from 2019 to 2024, correlating incidence with rainfall. Methodology: this quantitative, longitudinal, and retrospective study analyzed trends in suspected dengue cases in Cochabamba from 2019 to 2024. It used data from Form 302 of the SNIS Bolivia, covering epidemiological and rainy periods. Descriptive analysis was performed with SPSS and compared with previous studies to validate results and formulate health policies. Results: weekly dengue data in Cochabamba, divided into inter-epidemic and rainy periods, show a significant increase in cases in 2023­2024 (13,940 cases) compared to previous years. The highest peaks are observed during the end of the rainy period, especially in week 21 of 2023-2024, highlighting the seasonality of the disease. Discussion: the analysis of suspected dengue cases in Cochabamba (2019-2024) shows a drastic increase in 2023­2024, with 13,940 cases. This increase may be influenced by climate change, urban growth, and variations in epidemiological surveillance. The peaks are concentrated in the rainy season, emphasizing the need to strengthen control and prevention measures.

Introdução: a dengue, transmitida pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti, é um crescente problema de saúde pública global, especialmente em Cochabamba, onde fatores climáticos e urbanização favorecem sua proliferação. Entre 2020 e 2023, os casos aumentaram alarmantemente, sublinhando a necessidade de vigilância e prevenção. Este estudo analisará as tendências de 2019 a 2024, correlacionando incidência e chuvas. Metodologia: este estudo quantitativo, longitudinal e retrospectivo analisou as tendências de casos suspeitos de dengue em Cochabamba de 2019 a 2024. Utilizou dados do formulário 302 do SNIS Bolívia, abrangendo períodos epidemiológicos e de chuva. Foi realizada análise descritiva com SPSS e comparação com estudos anteriores para validar os resultados e formular políticas de saúde. Resultados: os dados semanais de dengue em Cochabamba, divididos em períodos inter-epidêmicos e de chuvas, mostram um aumento significativo de casos em 2023-2024 (13.940 casos) em comparação com anos anteriores. Os picos mais altos são observados durante o final do período de chuvas, especialmente na semana 21 de 2023-2024, destacando a sazonalidade da doença. Discussão: A análise dos casos suspeitos de dengue em Cochabamba (2019-2024) mostra um aumento drástico em 2023-2024, com 13.940 casos. Este aumento pode estar influenciado pelas mudanças climáticas, crescimento urbano e variações na vigilância epidemiológica. Os picos se concentram durante a temporada de chuvas, sublinhando a necessidade de fortalecer as medidas de controle e prevenção

JRSM Cardiovasc Dis ; 13: 20480040241248924, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38736704


Background: Intravascular ultrasonography (IVUS) has become an important complementary tool in interventional cardiology, both for preprocedural planning and for optimizing the performance of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). However, this tool is not free of potential complications, because of that it is essential to be aware of them and their management. Over time, new uses of IVUS have emerged, and it is currently a potential tool for predicting the risk of coronary perforation. Case report: We present the clinical case of a 51-year-old male patient who was admitted in the context of post-infarction angina. During coronary angiography, the patient presented with two acute complications, one of them associated with IVUS and the other associated with severe coronary calcification that predisposed to coronary perforation. Both complications were successfully treated. Conclusion: IVUS, although a very useful imaging tool before and during PCI, is not without risk. The overall rate of complications with certain or possible relation to IVUS is 3.9%. Vascular spasm is the most frequent complication and acute vascular occlusion, with the need for emergency coronary artery by-pass grafting, the least frequent. On the other hand, IVUS can predict the risk of developing other complications, such as coronary perforation, by means of the C-CAT sign. Knowledge of the possible complications during PCI and the rapid procedure of the hemodynamic team allows adequate management of these potentially fatal complications.

Cancer Diagn Progn ; 4(3): 384-389, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38707721


Background/Aim: The parotid is the largest salivary gland and is located anteriorly to the sternocleidomastoid muscle and laterally to the ramus of the mandible. Neoplasms in this gland are relatively rare, with 80% being benign and 20% malignant, primarily represented by mucoepidermoid carcinoma. In the head and neck region, lymphoepithelial carcinoma (LEC) accounts for 0.4% of malignant salivary gland tumors. Case Report: A 35-year-old man with no previous comorbidities was admitted to a Head and Neck Surgery Specialty Service for a painless right cervical mass of uncertain growth. Extensive diagnostic investigation revealed involvement of the contralateral parotid, associated with systemic lymph node enlargement. Thus, adjuvant radiotherapy was decided by the treating team. Conclusion: This case confirms the heterogeneous features and distinctive behavior that the disease can present, as seen with bilateral parotid LEC.

Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci ; 14(1): 62-65, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38715755


Wunderlich syndrome is characterized by the presence of abdominal pain, hematuria, and hypovolemic shock. We report a rare case of a 25-year-old pregnant woman, who came to the emergency department due to the sudden onset of low back pain and diaphoresis. The patient, during medical evaluation, experienced an altered state of consciousness. Diagnosed with hypovolemic shock, she was admitted to the operating room, where examination of the abdominal cavity revealed a left retroperitoneal hematoma. Damage control surgery was performed, but given the postoperative clinical deterioration, computerized tomography angiography of the abdomen was performed, showing a mass-like lesion arising from the upper pole of the left kidney, consistent with Wunderlich syndrome. Left nephrectomy was the definitive treatment for the 10-cm renal angiomyolipoma. Since Wunderlich syndrome is a potentially lethal entity, CT is usually the preferred diagnostic approach, and supra-selective vascular embolization is the first-line treatment.

Autops Case Rep ; 14: e2024486, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38770437


Trisomy 13, known as Patau syndrome, is a common aneuploidy with a well-known clinical phenotype. This case report describes a trisomy 13 patient with unusual autopsy findings, including features resembling the Beckwith-Wiedemann Spectrum. Due to abnormalities of gestational ultrasounds, a prenatal karyotype of amniotic fluid cells was performed, which resulted in 47, XY+13. Autopsy microscopy studies identified leptomeningeal glioneuronal heterotopia, which was not described as belonging to Patau syndrome. Other atypical findings were diffuse hyperplasia of pancreatic islets of Langerhans and adrenals enlargement with marked adrenocortical cytomegaly, characteristically seen in the Beckwith-Wiedemann Spectrum. Molecular genetic tests were not performed for the Beckwith-Wiedemann Spectrum. Still, due to the rarity of both disorders, this report may support the evidence that trisomy 13 can affect tissue organization and lead to unusual histopathologic features resembling classic overgrowth disorders.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(2): e202310068, abr. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1537959


El priapismo es una erección dolorosa y persistente acompañada o no de estímulo sexual. Una causa poco frecuente de esta anormalidad es la leucemia mieloide crónica. Se han reportado pocos casos de priapismo como manifestación inicial de una leucemia de este tipo en pacientes adolescentes. A continuación, se informa el caso de un paciente de 16 años de edad que presentó priapismo como manifestación inicial de una leucemia mieloide crónica. Durante su evolución, no se realizó aspiración de los cuerpos cavernosos. Se inició tratamiento hematológico específico y, ante la persistencia del priapismo, fue necesario realizar un shunt de cuerpos cavernosos en dos ocasiones, tratamiento a pesar del cual existen altas probabilidades de secuelas.

Priapism is a painful and persistent erection, with or without sexual stimulation. A rare cause of such abnormality is chronic myeloid leukemia. Few cases of priapism as an initial manifestation of this type of leukemia have been reported in adolescent patients. Here we describe the case of a 16-year-old patient who presented with priapism as the initial manifestation of chronic myeloid leukemia. No cavernosal aspiration was performed. A specific hematological treatment was started and, given the persistence of priapism, the patient required 2 corpora cavernosa shunt procedures; despite this treatment, there is a high probability of sequelae.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Priapism/complications , Priapism/etiology , Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive/complications , Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive/diagnosis , Chronic Disease
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(1): 65-68, jan.-abr. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1553267


A Revista Odontológica de Araçatuba é um periódico online, de acesso gratuito cujo as publicações são indexadas em importantes bases de dados, divulgando deste modo trabalhos científicos produzidos por instituições do estado de São Paulo e de outros centros de pesquisa de todo o país. O intuito deste trabalho é analisar de modo quantitativo as publicações realizadas no período de 2018 a 2023, as classificando de acordo com a sua natureza (Pesquisa cientifica, Revisão de literatura ou relato de caso) e de acordo com a sua origem (UNESP ­ FOA, misto ou outro centro de ensino) e comparar os resultados obtidos aos dados presentes nos estudos referentes ao período de 2001 a 2011 e ao estudo referente ao período de 2012 a 2017. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica que compreendeu as publicações dos anos de 2018 a 2023, abrangendo 18 periódicos e um suplementar, totalizando 167 artigos. Neste intervalo de tempo, houve uma predominância de relatos de casos (55,08%) em comparação as revisões de literatura (22,15%) e as pesquisas cientificas (22,75%). Os artigos oriundos de outros centros de pesquisa foram a maioria (82,03%) e 8 dos artigos presentes foram em língua inglesa. Podemos concluir que a Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba se tornou um periódico de relevância nacional com predominância de compromisso clinico e que está em processo de internacionalização(AU)

The Dental Journal of Araçatuba is an online journal, with free access, whose publications are indexed in important databases, publishing scientific works produced by institutions in the state of São Paulo and other research centers across the country. The purpose of this work is to analyze, in a quantitative way, the publications carried out in the period from 2018 to 2023, classifying them according to their nature (Scientific research, Literature review or case report) and according to their origin (UNESP ­ FOA , mixed or other teaching center) and compare the results obtained with the datas presents in the studies referring to the period from 2001 to 2011 and the study referring to the period from 2012 to 2017. A bibliographical research was carried out that included publications from the years 2018 to 2023, covering 18 periodicals and one supplementary, totaling 167 articles published. In this time period, case report articles predominated (55,08%) compared to literature reviews (22.15%) and scientific research (22,75%). The majority of articles came from other research centers (82.03%) and 8 of the published articles were in English. We can conclude that Journal Dental of Araçatuba became a periodical of national relevance with a predominance of clinical commitment and which is in process of internationalization(AU)

Dentistry , Periodical , Scientific Communication and Diffusion , Scientific and Technical Publications