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Interdisciplinaria ; 38(3): 185-201, jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356335


Resumen Esta investigación aborda la noción de represión política que, atendiendo a su complejidad, requiere un enfoque interdisciplinario que considera, además de las disciplinas de la historia, las ciencias políticas o la psicología social, los aportes de la filosofía. Interesa precisar que la represión política tiene entre sus objetivos desintegrar la cohesión social y política, mediante la modificación del vínculo del sujeto con el mundo, entendida, en este estudio, como resonancia. Para ello, se investiga el caso del ex Fuerte "El Morro" (1973-1985), centro clandestino de detención y tortura instaurado durante la dictadura chilena cívico militar (1973-1990). Como método, se realizan estudios de caso que consideran entrevistas semiestructuradas, así como la revisión de fuentes de información histórica y de testimonios de sobrevivientes del lugar. Las fuentes secundarias son de tipo académicas, de prensa y audiovisuales. Los principales resultados destacan la noción de resonancia como un modelo que permite comprender, en los vínculos sociales, la relevancia de valores políticos.

Abstract This research addresses the notion of political repression which, considering its complexity, requires an interdisciplinary approach that considers in addition to the disciplines of history, political science or social psychology, the contributions of philosophy. In this regard, the complexity is linked to the semantic richness of the word repression that allows formulating some philosophical questions that can be answered from social psychology regarding the notion of trauma and violence, and from political science considering the concept of social control. Thus, the relationships and distinctions between repression and associated concepts are established in a multidimensional way and through mutual influences. It is interesting to specify that political repression has among its objectives, to disintegrate social and political cohesion, by modifying the subject's bond with the world, which has three dimensions: orientation or disposition to action towards and with the other, values personal, social and political and the nexus with the collective. In this study, resonance is understood as the mutual influence or co-variation between the subject and the world in each of these dimensions in a complementary or synchronous way. To this end, the case of the former Fort "El Morro" (1973-1985), located in the coastal zone of the Biobío region, and with an important historical antecedent of military occupation, which functioned as a clandestine detention and torture center, is being investigated during the Chilean civic-military dictatorship (1973-1990). As a method, case studies are carried out, which consider semi-structured interviews, the objective of which was to account for the experience of repression as a form of harm justified by State agents. Historical information sources that detail the background on the civic military coup in the Biobío region, mainly in the city of Concepción, and testimonies of survivors of the place that relate the repressive events of which they were direct witnesses were also reviewed. The secondary sources are academic, which in this study constitute the interdisciplinary theoretical contributions to support the notion of repression. The secondary press and audiovisual sources used are of a recent nature and reveal other historical antecedents that allowed the declaration of the site as a historical monument. The main results highlight the notion of resonance as a comprehensive model that allows a broad and complex visualization of social and political phenomena such as the case of repression, emphasizing the interactions between the subjects and institutions that make up a socio-political network. The main finding is linked to the concept of resonance, understood not only as an identification of the group with political ideology but as a proposal that, from the contributions of philosophy, articulates social ties with political values. In this regard, the resonance that considers the social ties sustained in political relationships, favors reconsidering subjectivity and social ties in relation to transcendental political principles that guide subjectivities towards the restitution of social and political cohesion. In this sense, resonance can be considered a fundamental notion since it illuminates the nexus between the social and the political from another perspective. In this way, it can be affirmed that a projection of this study consists of exploring political phenomena attending to historical, spatial and temporal dimensions from different disciplines, particularly highlighting the contribution of philosophy, whose questions can collaborate with the study of historical events from new prospects.

J Anal Psychol ; 64(4): 530-547, 2019 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31418848


The research into the phenomenon of cultural trauma is growing as the effects of historical transformations are recognized and analysed. The concept of cultural trauma and the analytic concept of the cultural complex is a suitable theoretical approach for this research. The Lithuanian experience of cultural trauma after the historical shifts indicates the importance of the interplay between societal and individual factors in coping with trauma. Academic psychotraumatological studies carried out at Vilnius University indicate a stronger traumatic experience by people who are survivors of direct political repression and even intergenerational transmission of trauma, but this group also seems to demonstrate an intergenerational transmission of resilience. Paradoxically, from a long-term perspective, the victims of direct repression seem to have suffered less than the people who accommodated to the regime, and this applies also to their offspring. Analysis in terms of overcoming cultural trauma indicates that society is gradually integrating historic traumatic experiences, although a healthy cultural identity has not yet been restored.

La recherche sur le phénomène du traumatisme culturel se développe alors que les effets des transformations historiques sont reconnues et analysées. Le concept de traumatisme culturel et le concept analytique du complexe culturel donnent un cadre théorique utile pour ce domaine d'études. L'expérience lithuanienne de traumatisme culturel après les changements historiques montre l'importance de l'interaction entre les facteurs sociétaux et individuels pour se débrouiller du traumatisme. Des études en psychotraumatologie faites à l'université de Vilnius montrent une expérience traumatique plus forte chez les personnes qui ont survécu à une répression politique directe, et même une transmission intergénérationnelle du traumatisme. Mais ces chercheurs semblent aussi pouvoir montrer une transmission intergénérationnelle de la résilience. De manière paradoxale, sur le long terme, les victimes d'une répression directe semblent avoir moins souffert que les personnes qui se sont adaptées au régime, et ceci s'applique également à leurs descendants. L'analyse s'occupant de surmonter le traumatisme culturel montre que la société procède peu à peu à l'intégration des expériences historiques traumatiques, bien qu'une identité culturelle saine n'ait pas encore été restaurée.

Mientras los efectos sobre las transformaciones históricas y sociales están siendo reconocidas y analizadas, la investigación sobre el fenómeno del trauma cultural está creciendo. El concepto de trauma cultural y el concepto analítico de complejo cultural es un abordaje teórico apropiado para dicha investigación. La experiencia Lituana de trauma cultural luego de los cambios históricos da cuenta de la importancia del inter-juego entre factores individuales y sociales para hacer frente al trauma. Estudios académicos psico-traumatológicos llevados a cabo e la Universidad de Vilnius indican la presencia de experiencias traumáticas más intensas en las personas sobrevivientes de una represión política directa, y también de la transmisión intergeneracional del trauma, pero este grupo, también pareciera demostrar la transmisión intergeneracional de resiliencia. Paradójicamente, desde una perspectiva a largo plazo, las víctimas de represión directa parecieran haber sufrido menos que quienes se acomodaron al régimen, y esto aplica también a los descendientes. El análisis, en términos de sobreponerse al trauma cultural indica que la sociedad está gradualmente integrando las experiencias traumáticas de la historia, aunque una identidad cultural saludable todavía no ha podido ser restaurada.

Adaptation, Psychological , Culture , Politics , Psychological Trauma , Resilience, Psychological , Humans , Lithuania
Psiquiatr. salud ment ; 30(2): 54-59, 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-835217


Este artículo pretende dar a conocer una experiencia grupal mediante técnicas de Arteterapia en pacientes con diagnóstico de Estrés Postraumático Crónico, usuarios del Programa PRAIS Coquimbo, víctimas de represión política. Para ello mostraremos la importancia del arte en el desempeño de intervenciones en salud mental, especialmente en trastornos complejos en los que la verbalización y canalización de emociones es poco factible. Se describirá el proceso a través del cual se logra no sólo un trabajo individual que fortalece destrezas artísticas, sino también cómo el acompañamiento mutuo y empatía permiten la resignificación del trauma, en un ambiente de horizontalidad y respeto por las vivencias de los otros. Finalmente, se detallarán los resultados del trabajo realizado, en que los participantes manifiestan su satisfacción frente al entorno.

This article seeks to highlight a group experience through techniques of art therapy in patients with a diagnosis of chronic Post-traumatic Stress, in the PRAIS Program users in Coquimbo, victims of political repression. We will show the importance of art in the performance of mental health interventions, especially in complex disorders in which the verbalization and channeling of emotions becomes unfeasible. We describe the process by which it is achieved not only an individual work which strengthens artistic skills, but also how the mutual support and empathy enable the redefinition of trauma, in an atmosphere of horizontality and respect for the experiences of others. Finally we detail the results of work performed, in which participants expressed their satisfaction with the environment.

Humans , Art Therapy , Politics , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/therapy , Chile , Chronic Disease
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 32(spe): 310-317, 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-656080


Este texto apresenta cinco breves estórias sobre o assassinato de psicólogas e de estudantes de Psicologia que se engajaram na luta de resistência. Todas foram executadas durante a ditadura civil militar, na década de 70, e um dos casos contou com a participação da Operação Condor. As práticas extremamente cruéis de tortura, o ocultamento de provas, a simulação de morte por suicídio, o abandono de corpos em locais públicos na tentativa de desresponsabilizar os executores tornaram-se evidentes nos laudos necroscópicos posteriormente acessados e/ou em depoimentos de advogados e familiares. A intenção do texto é permitir aos psicólogos e psicólogas o acesso às histórias de jovens mulheres que também escolheram a Psicologia como profissão e que foram impedidas precocemente de viver e de realizar projetos próprios. Disponibilizar informações sobre esses fatos e oferecer esclarecimentos sobre a prática da tortura convida à participação cidadã no processo de aperfeiçoamento do Estado Democrático de Direito que avança em nosso país com a instalação da Comissão da Verdade...

This text presents five short stories about the murder of psychologists and psychology students who engaged in the resistance struggle. All of them were executed during the civil-military dictatorship in the 70s and one of the cases had the participation of the Operation Condor. The extremely cruel practices of torture, the concealment of evidences, the simulation of death by suicide, the abandonment of the bodies in public places in an attempt to avoid the accountability of the executors became evident in the autopsy reports later accessed and/or statements from lawyers and families. The intent of this text is to allow the psychologists the access to the stories of young women who also chose psychology as a profession, and who are hampered prematurely to live and conduct their own projects. Provide information on these events and offer clarifications on the practice of torture calls for citizen participation in the process of improving the democratic rule of law that advances in our country with the installation of the Truth Commission...

Este texto presenta cinco breves historias sobre el asesinato de psicólogas y de estudiantes de Psicología que se comprometieron en la lucha de resistencia. Todas fueron ejecutadas durante la dictadura civil militar, en la década de los 70, y uno de los casos contó con la participación de la Operación Cóndor. Las prácticas extremamente crueles de tortura, el ocultamiento de pruebas, la simulación de muerte por suicidio, el abandono de cuerpos en lugares públicos en la tentativa de huir de la responsabilidad por parte de los ejecutores se tornaron evidentes en los laudos necroscópicos a los que posteriormente se pudo acceder y/o en declaraciones de abogados y familiares. La intención del texto es permitir a los psicólogos y psicólogas el acceso a las historias de jóvenes mujeres que también escogieron la Psicología como profesión y que fueron impedidas precozmente de vivir y de realizar proyectos propios. Disponibilizar informaciones sobre esos hechos y ofrecer esclarecimientos sobre la práctica de la tortura invita a la participación ciudadana en el proceso de perfeccionamiento del Estado Democrático de Derecho que avanza en nuestro país con la instalación de la Comisión de la Verdad...

Humans , Female , Coercion , Politics , Psychology , Torture , Women , History , Human Rights , Psychology
Psicol. cienc. prof ; 32(spe): 310-317, 2012.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-63298


Este texto apresenta cinco breves estórias sobre o assassinato de psicólogas e de estudantes de Psicologia que se engajaram na luta de resistência. Todas foram executadas durante a ditadura civil militar, na década de 70, e um dos casos contou com a participação da Operação Condor. As práticas extremamente cruéis de tortura, o ocultamento de provas, a simulação de morte por suicídio, o abandono de corpos em locais públicos na tentativa de desresponsabilizar os executores tornaram-se evidentes nos laudos necroscópicos posteriormente acessados e/ou em depoimentos de advogados e familiares. A intenção do texto é permitir aos psicólogos e psicólogas o acesso às histórias de jovens mulheres que também escolheram a Psicologia como profissão e que foram impedidas precocemente de viver e de realizar projetos próprios. Disponibilizar informações sobre esses fatos e oferecer esclarecimentos sobre a prática da tortura convida à participação cidadã no processo de aperfeiçoamento do Estado Democrático de Direito que avança em nosso país com a instalação da Comissão da Verdade.(AU)

This text presents five short stories about the murder of psychologists and psychology students who engaged in the resistance struggle. All of them were executed during the civil-military dictatorship in the 70s and one of the cases had the participation of the Operation Condor. The extremely cruel practices of torture, the concealment of evidences, the simulation of death by suicide, the abandonment of the bodies in public places in an attempt to avoid the accountability of the executors became evident in the autopsy reports later accessed and/or statements from lawyers and families. The intent of this text is to allow the psychologists the access to the stories of young women who also chose psychology as a profession, and who are hampered prematurely to live and conduct their own projects. Provide information on these events and offer clarifications on the practice of torture calls for citizen participation in the process of improving the democratic rule of law that advances in our country with the installation of the Truth Commission.(AU)

Este texto presenta cinco breves historias sobre el asesinato de psicólogas y de estudiantes de Psicología que se comprometieron en la lucha de resistencia. Todas fueron ejecutadas durante la dictadura civil militar, en la década de los 70, y uno de los casos contó con la participación de la Operación Cóndor. Las prácticas extremamente crueles de tortura, el ocultamiento de pruebas, la simulación de muerte por suicidio, el abandono de cuerpos en lugares públicos en la tentativa de huir de la responsabilidad por parte de los ejecutores se tornaron evidentes en los laudos necroscópicos a los que posteriormente se pudo acceder y/o en declaraciones de abogados y familiares. La intención del texto es permitir a los psicólogos y psicólogas el acceso a las historias de jóvenes mujeres que también escogieron la Psicología como profesión y que fueron impedidas precozmente de vivir y de realizar proyectos propios. Disponibilizar informaciones sobre esos hechos y ofrecer esclarecimientos sobre la práctica de la tortura invita a la participación ciudadana en el proceso de perfeccionamiento del Estado Democrático de Derecho que avanza en nuestro país con la instalación de la Comisión de la Verdad.(AU)

Humans , Female , Torture , Politics , Coercion , Women , Psychology , History , Psychology , Human Rights , Community Participation