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Parasitol Int ; 103: 102942, 2024 Aug 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39106901


Trypanosoma and Leishmania species are responsible of a range of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) from disfiguring conditions to fatal processes in humans. Both genera also affect wild and domestic animals causing diseases of public health significance and high economic impact on farm economy of developing areas. Japan has been actively involved in overseas cooperation and the country has a large scientific community. However, there is no information on the scientific output of Japanese scientists and institutions on these two NTDs. To explore the Japanese contribution and its profile, we have mined Web of Science database from 1971 to 2022 the articles by Japanese scientists, scientific areas and institutions, time-related variations of these parameters, and involvement in cooperation activities with foreign scientists. Research on Trypanosoma has been present in all the studied period, with higher production, whereas Leishmania-related activities showed a delay. A steady increased of Japanese scientific output was found up to the beginning of 2000s, whereas a certain stagnation was found in the present century. Low growth rate of research output on these two NTDs by Japanese authors in the 21st century is not correlated neither to the pattern found globally nor the situation in other parasitic infections. Thus, other elements should be considered in future analysis including the actual number of scientists involved and the available funding. Reinforcement of research groups from Japanese institutions and widening the scope of collaborations, particularly with health and academic centers from endemic regions, could trigger the Japanese productivity in the research area.

Front Med (Lausanne) ; 11: 1395433, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39021825


Introduction: Historically, low-and middle-income countries have been scarce producers of biomedical research; only 2% of the global scientific output is produced by these countries despite accounting for 92% of the global burden of disease. In addition, few low-and middle-income countries have exhaustively mapped and analyzed their scientific production in health and its association with main local burden of disease. Objective: To evaluate the evolution of biomedical research in Ecuador over the last 100 years and its relationship with the main causes of mortality. Methods: A bibliometric study embedded in a systematic review design was carried out using biomedical publications indexed in Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) during the period 1920-2021. Information from the National Institute of Statistics and Census was used to identify the main causes of mortality. Results: Our search strategy identified 16,697 publications related to biomedicine in Ecuador. Of these 3,225 articles met the criteria for this study. Since 2010, there has been an exponential increase in scientific production in biomedicine. This increase was predominantly based on cross-sectional observational studies (49.67%). During the period analyzed (1920-2021), biomedical production was distributed with 52.43% in clinical research, 37.79% in public health, and 9.77% in basic sciences. The research focus with the highest number of publications was epidemiology and surveillance system of diseases (23.44%). Additionally, private universities are the largest producers of biomedical research compared to public universities, 40.12% vs. 19.60%, respectively. Of the total biomedical research produced, 18.54% is associated with the main causes of mortality, and the Ecuadorian private university is the largest contributor to these studies compared to public universities, 39.97% vs. 16.72%. Conclusion: In one century, Ecuador produced 3,225 articles in biomedicine, according to our criteria. 18.54% of the total produced is aimed at solving the main causes of mortality in the country. Private universities are the leaders in scientific production related to health in Ecuador.

RECIIS (Online) ; 18(2)abr.-jun. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1562532


Os cuidados paliativos compreendem a melhora da qualidade de vida e o alívio dos sintomas de pacientes que enfrentam doenças que ameaçam a continuidade da vida e de seus familiares. Para tal, é necessário habilidade comunicativa, a fim de uma boa condução ao transmitir uma má notícia. Buscou-se compreender como se configura a produção científica nacional e internacional que aborda a comunicação de más notícias em cuidados paliativos. A pesquisa de revisão, de análise bibliométrica, analisou 25 artigos dos últimos cinco anos (entre 2016 e 2020) disponíveis na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS/Bireme). Os resultados revelaram publicações de 134 autores em 16 periódicos de diferentes países. Parte dos estudos foi realizadacom profissionais de saúde em hospitais e apresentam abordagem quantitativa. A comunicação de más notícias ainda se mostra um desafio para profissionais, pacientes e familiares.

The palliative care comprises improving the quality of life and relieving the symptoms of patients facing illnesses that threaten the continuity of life and their families. For this, communicative ability is necessary, in order to conduct well when transmitting bad news. We sought to understand how the national and international scientific production on communication of bad news in palliative care is configured. The literature review research, based on bibliometrics, analysed 25 articles from the last five years (between 2016 and 2020) available in the Virtual Health Library (BVS/Bireme). The results revealed publications by 134 authors in 16 journals from different countries. Some of the studies were carried out with health professionals in hospitals and have a quantitative approach. Communicating bad news is still a challenge for professionals, patients and their families.

Los cuidados paliativos comprenden mejorar la calidad de vida y aliviar los síntomas de los pacientes que enfrentan enfermedades que amenazan la continuidad de vida y sus familias. Para ello es necesaria la habilidad comunicativa, a fin de poder transmitir adecuadamente las malas noticias. Buscamos comprender cómo se configura la producción científica nacional e internacional que aborda la comunicación de malas noticias en cuidados paliativos. La investigación de revisión de literatura, basada en el análisis bibliométrico, analizó 25 artículos de los últimos cinco años (entre 2016 y 2020) disponibles en la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS/Bireme). Los resultados revelaron publicaciones de 134 autores en 16 revistas de diferentes países. Parte de los estudios se realizaron con profesionales de la salud en hospitales y tienen un enfoque cuantitativo. La comunicación de malas noticias sigue siendo un desafío para profesionales, pacientes y sus familiares.

Palliative Care , Bibliometrics , Comprehensive Health Care , Health Communication , Quality of Life , Health Personnel , Communication , Libraries, Digital , Scientific Publication Indicators , Social Skills
Rev Esp Quimioter ; 37(5): 369-386, 2024 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38779807


Prostheses or implantable medical devices (IMDs) are parts made of natural or artificial materials intended to replace a body structure and therefore must be well tolerated by living tissues. The types of IMDs currently available and usable are very varied and capable of replacing almost any human organ. A high but imprecise percentage of Spaniards are carriers of one or more IMDs to which they often owe their quality of life or survival. IMDs are constructed with different types of materials that are often combined in the same prosthesis. These materials must combine harmlessness to human tissues with high wear resistance. Their durability depends on many factors both on the host and the type of prosthesis, but the vast majority last for more than 10-15 years or remain in function for the lifetime of the patient. The most frequently implanted IMDs are placed in the heart or great vessels, joints, dental arches or breast and their most frequent complications are classified as non-infectious, particularly loosening or intolerance, and infectious. Complications, when they occur, lead to a significant increase in morbidity, their repair or replacement multiplies the health care cost and, on occasions, can cause the death of the patient. The fight against IMD complications is currently focused on the design of new materials that are more resistant to wear and infection and the use of antimicrobial substances that are released from these materials. Their production requires multidisciplinary technical teams, but also a willingness on the part of industry and health authorities that is not often found in Spain or in most European nations. Scientific production on prostheses and IMD in Spain is estimated to be less than 2% of the world total, and probably below what corresponds to our level of socio-economic development. The future of IMDs involves, among other factors, examining the potential role of Artificial Intelligence in their design, knowledge of tissue regeneration, greater efficiency in preventing infections and taking alternative treatments beyond antimicrobials, such as phage therapy. For these and other reasons, the Ramón Areces Foundation convened a series of experts in different fields related to prostheses and IMDs who answered and discussed a series of questions previously formulated by the Scientific Council. The following lines are the written testimony of these questions and the answers to them.

Prostheses and Implants , Humans , Spain , Prostheses and Implants/adverse effects , Prosthesis Failure , Prosthesis-Related Infections/etiology , Prosthesis Design , Biocompatible Materials
Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550526


Introducción: La difusión y visibilidad de la producción científica son cruciales para lograr un impacto significativo. En este sentido, las bases de datos con cobertura internacional juegan un papel fundamental. Objetivo: Este estudio buscó caracterizar la producción científica de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción en 2022 mediante el análisis de tres bases de datos con cobertura internacional: Web of Science, Scopus y PubMed. Metodología: El estudio empleó un enfoque bibliométrico. Los registros bibliográficos fueron recolectados entre mayo y junio de 2023 utilizando la opción de búsqueda por afiliación "Universidad Nacional de Asunción" en las tres bases de datos. Los resultados de la búsqueda fueron filtrados en base a los criterios especificados por las bases de datos, limitando la búsqueda a artículos publicados en revistas científicas en el año 2022. Resultados: Se recogieron un total de 263 artículos, la mayoría de ellos publicados en revistas de alto impacto por editoriales reconocidas internacionalmente. El autor más prolífico tenía 30 artículos publicados, y la mayoría de los trabajos reflejaban la colaboración entre autores de la UNA como coautores. En cuanto al número de artículos por título de revista, el mayor número fue de 8, 7 y 4 artículos en Web of Science, Scopus y PubMed, respectivamente. Los editores más importantes de los artículos fueron Elsevier, Springer y Wiley, entre otros. Discusión: El análisis de los 263 artículos publicados indica la fuerte presencia de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción en revistas de alto impacto y editoriales de renombre internacional, particularmente en el campo de la Psiquiatría debido a la relevancia de la pandemia en la salud mental. Destaca la colaboración internacional de los autores de la UNA, pero hay margen de mejora, como la presentación uniforme de la afiliación universitaria. La indexación de los artículos en bases de datos internacionales es crucial para la visibilidad.

Introduction: The dissemination and visibility of scientific production are crucial for achieving significant impact. In this regard, databases with international coverage play a vital role. Objective: This study aimed to characterize the scientific production of the Universidad Nacional de Asunción in 2022 by analyzing three databases with international coverage: Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed. Methodology: The study employed a bibliometric approach. The bibliographic records were collected between May and June 2023 using the search option by affiliation "Universidad Nacional de Asunción" in the three databases. The search results were filtered based on the criteria specified by the databases, limiting the search to articles published in scientific journals in 2022. Results: A total of 263 articles were collected, with most of them published in high-impact journals by internationally recognized publishers. The most prolific author had 30 published articles, and most papers reflected collaboration between UNA authors as co-authors. Regarding the number of articles per journal title, the highest number was 8, 7, and 4 articles in Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed, respectively. The most important publishers of the articles were Elsevier, Springer, and Wiley, among others. Discussion: The analysis of the 263 published articles indicates the strong presence of the Universidad Nacional de Asunción in high-impact journals and internationally renowned publishers, particularly in the field of Psychiatry due to the relevance of the pandemic on mental health. The international collaboration of UNA authors stands out, but there is room for improvement, such as the uniform presentation of university affiliation. The indexing of the articles in international databases is crucial for visibility.

Public Health Pract (Oxf) ; 7: 100474, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38379754


Objectives: to provide objective quantitative data about medical-related scientific production in Hispanic Latin America compared to different regions and identify demographic and political variables that could improve research. Study design: This is an analytical, observational, cross-section bibliometric study about all fields of medical-related scientific production over five years in different regions and its relationship with demographic and political variables that could impact research and the health system quality. Methods: Data on the total scientific production of all Hispanic Latin American countries and other countries representing almost 90% of mundial publications between 2017 and 2021 were retrieved from the PubMed database. Demographic and political data were obtained from open online databases. Counts of publications were rationed to population and analyzed with all other demographic, region, and language variables, using univariate Poisson regression and negative binomial regression (for over-disperse variables) analysis. Multivariate negative binomial regression was used to analyze the combined effect of variables related to the healthcare and research Sectors. Results: Hispanic Latin America increased yearly from 29,445 publications in 2017 to 47,053 in 2021. This cumulative growth of almost 60% exceeded the 36% increment in all countries' publications and was only below that of Russia and China, which grew 92% and 87%, respectively. Negative binomial regression showed that the percentage of gross income dedicated to research (IRR 2.036, 95% CI: 1.624, 2.553, p< .001), life expectancy at birth (IRR 1.444, 95% CI: 1.338, 1.558, p< .001), and the number of medical doctors per inhabitant (IRR 1.581, 95% CI: 1.17, 2.13, p = .003) positively impacted scientific production. A higher mortality associated with chronic diseases between ages 30 and 70 (IRR 0.782, 95% CI: 0.743 0.822, p< .001) and a lower population with access to medicine (IRR 0.960, 95% CI: 0.933, 0.967, p< .001) were found to impact scientific production negatively. Hispanic Latin American countries published less than 20% of those with English as their native language (p< .001). Conclusion: Hispanic Latin America has increased the gross number of publications by almost 60 % from 2017 to 2021. However, the number of publications per 100,000 inhabitants is still low compared to other countries. Our analysis highlights that this may be related to lower GDP, research investment, and less healthcare system quality.

Enferm. infecc. microbiol. clín. (Ed. impr.) ; 42(1): 42-50, Ene. 2024. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-229219


Introducción: El profundo impacto que ha tenido la pandemia de COVID-19 junto a otros factores como la globalización o el cambio climático, ha enfatizado la relevancia creciente que tienen las Enfermedades Infecciosas y la Microbiología. Métodos: Se ha analizado la producción científica española en ambas categorías de la Web of Science a lo largo del periodo 2014-2021. Resultados: Se han identificado 8.037 documentos en Enfermedades Infecciosas y 12.008 documentos en Microbiología (6° país más productivo a nivel mundial en ambos casos, con tasas de crecimiento de 41% y 46,2%, respectivamente). Ambas áreas presentan una elevada colaboración internacional (45-48% de los documentos) y entre 45-66% de los documentos han sido publicados en revistas de excelencia (primer cuartil) según los ránquines del Journal Citation Reports. Conclusiones: España se sitúa en una destacada posición a nivel mundial en ambas áreas, con una gran producción científica en revistas de elevada visibilidad e impacto.(AU)

Introduction: The profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, together with other factors such as globalisation and climate change, has emphasised the growing relevance of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. Methods: The Spanish scientific production in both categories of the Web of Science databases over the period 2014-2021 has been analysed. Results: 8037 documents have been identified in Infectious Diseases and 12008 documents in Microbiology (6th most productive country worldwide in both cases, with growth rates of 41% and 46.2%, respectively). Both areas present a high degree of international collaboration (45-48% of the documents) and between 45-66% of the documents have been published in journals of excellence (first quartile) according to the rankings of the Journal Citation Reports. Conclusions: Spain is in a prominent position worldwide in both areas, with an outstanding scientific production in journals of high visibility and impact.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators , 50088 , Bibliometrics , Impact Factor , Research , Spain , Communicable Diseases , Microbiology , Microbiological Techniques
Arch. prev. riesgos labor. (Ed. impr.) ; 27(1): 54-67, 18 ene. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-229463


Introducción: La salud financiera, determinada en buena parte por el salario, está estrecha-mente relacionada a la salud global del individuo y su familia. Por ello se tuvo como objetivo evaluar la producción científica sobre salud financiera en la base de datos Scopus: periodo 2011 - 2022.Método: Scoping review en la que se analizaron manuscritos publicados en revistas in-dexadas en la base de datos Scopus entre los años 2011 - 2022. Para la búsqueda se utilizó descriptores tales como financial obligations, financial inclusion, family economy, financial education, financial literacy, financial wellness y financial stress, que fueron combinados en el buscador de Scopus junto con los operadores booleanos (AND, OR). Se realizó una sín-tesis narrativa.Resultados: Se incluyeron 6 940 manuscritos, de los cuales el 82,0% eran artículos origi-nales. Se observó un crecimiento constante del número de artículos a lo largo del perio-do de estudio, especialmente a partir de 2016, con un incremento del 860% en 2022 (n = 1429) respecto a 2011 (n=165). Estados Unidos fue el país con mayor producción científica (35,5%). Las revistas con mayor número de publicaciones fueron Sustainability (Suiza) y el Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning (EEUU). Entre los descriptores de mayor impacto se encuentran la inclusión financiera a través del uso de la tecnología, estrés finan-ciero, educación financiera y salud financiera.Conclusiones: La investigación sobre salud financiera ha tenido un aumento significativo. El nuevo conocimiento sobre el tema es impulsado por autores e instituciones de Estados Unidos en su mayoría, y finalmente, se evidencian tendencias de estudio relacionadas a la inclusión y educación financiera (AU)

Introduction: Financial health is related to the overall health of an individual and their family. The objective of this study was to evaluate the scientific production on financial health in the Scopus database for the 2011-2022 period.Method: Scoping review of manuscripts published in journals indexed in the Scopus data-base between the years 2011 and 2022. The following search terms were used: "Financial obligations”, “financial inclusion”, “family economy”, “financial education”, “financial literacy”, “financial wellness” and “financial stress", which were entered in the Scopus search engine together with the Boolean operators (AND, OR). Results: A total of 6 940 publications were identified, of which 81.95% were original articles. The United States was the country with the highest scientific production (35.5%). We iden-tified a trend of increasing number of papers during the study period, especially from 2016 onward, with an 860% increase in 2022 (n=1429) with respect to 2011 (n=165). The journals with the highest number of publications were Sustainability (Switzerland) and the Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning (USA). Finally, the key search terms with the greatest yield were “financial inclusion” through the use of technology, “financial stress”, “financial education” and “financial health. Conclusions: Research on financial health has increased significantly. The new knowledge on the subject is mostly driven by authors and institutions from the United States, and final-ly, there is evidence of an increasing trend of pulbications related to financial inclusion and financial education (AU)

Humans , Databases, Bibliographic , Financial Management , Bibliometrics
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 31(5): 8274-8290, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38175504


The demand for sustainable energy is increasingly urgent to mitigate global warming which has been exacerbated by the extensive use of fossil fuels. Solar energy has attracted global attention as a crucial renewable resource. This study conducted a bibliometric analysis based on publication metrics from the Web of Science database to gain insights into global solar power research. The results indicate a stable global increase in publications on solar power generation and a rise in citations, reflecting growing academic interest. Leading contributors include China, the USA, South Korea, Japan, and India, with the Chinese Academy of Sciences emerging as the most prolific institution. Multidisciplinary Materials Science, Applied Physics, Energy and Fuels, Physical Chemistry, and Nanoscience and Nanotechnology were the most used and promising subject categories. Current hot topics include the systematic analysis of photovoltaic systems, perovskite as a solar cell material, and focusing on stability and flexibility issues arising during photovoltaic-grid integration. This study facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the status and trends in solar power research for researchers, stakeholders, and policy-makers.

Solar Energy , Sustainable Development , Bibliometrics , Renewable Energy , Asia
Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2441, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557937


RESUMEN Objetivo: Caracterizar los artículos publicados en la revista científica Finlay durante el periodo 2011-2022. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, bibliométrico sobre los artículos publicados en la revista científica Finlay. El universo estuvo conformado por 525 artículos. No se aplicó técnicas de muestreo. Las variables analizadas fueron cantidad de artículos, año de publicación, cantidad y procedencia de los autores, tipo, temática central de los artículos, tipo de estudios, cantidad de referencias y referencias con cinco años de antigüedad, cantidad de citas por artículos y recibidas por la revista por años. Se aplicó la estadística descriptiva e indicadores bibliométricos. Resultados: Destacó el año 2021, con 60 investigaciones (11,38 %). Predominaron los artículos con tres autores (155; 29,52 %); sobresalió Cienfuegos, con 1074 autores (59,40 %), y prevalecieron los artículos originales (AO) (243; 46,28 %). El mayor índice de Price (IP) (0,80) lo presentaron las imágenes en la medicina (IM). Dentro de los AO, sobresalieron las investigaciones con metodología de enfoque observacional-descriptivo (225 artículos publicados, equivalente a un 92,59 % respecto al total de AO). Destacaron investigaciones relacionadas con enfermedades cardiovasculares (116; 22,09 %). Se recibieron 4870 citas, con predominio del año 2017, con un número de citas corregidas (NCC) de 38,3; mientras que, en el año 2020, hubo 3,27 de factor de impacto (FI). Conclusiones: La revista Finlay constituye un órgano científico para la difusión de resultados investigativos con amplios logros y experiencias en la gestión editorial. Su crecimiento ha sido exponencial en cuanto a la cantidad de artículos publicados, con predominio en el año 2021. En sus números se recogen investigaciones que muestran la colaboración entre autores tanto nacionales como extranjeros, y en donde se resalta los resultados de los investigadores del territorio. Al respecto, las temáticas son referentes a problemas de salud que se recogen en los programas de salud prioritarios para el sector, fundamentados en investigaciones originales en mayor medida, y aparejado a un crecimiento de las citas recibidas en especial en el 2017.

ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize the articles published in the Finlay journal during the period between 2011 and 2022. Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive, bibliometric study was carried out on the articles published in the Finlay journal. The universe consisted of 525 articles. Sampling techniques were not used. The analyzed variables were number of articles, year of publication, number of authors, origin of the authors, type of article, main theme of the articles, type of study, number of references, number of 5-year-old references, number of citations per article and number of citations received by the journal per year. A descriptive statistics and bibliometrics were used. Results: The year 2021 stood out with 60 research works (11.38 %). Articles with three authors prevailed (155; 29.52 %), Cienfuegos stood out with 1,074 authors (59.40 %) and original articles (OA) predominated (243; 46.28 %). Images in medicine (IM) had the highest Price's Index (0.80). Among the OA, research works with an observational-descriptive approach prevailed (225 published articles, which accounted for 92.59 % out of the total number of OA). Research related to cardiovascular diseases predominated (116; 22.09 %). A total of 4,870 citations were received, most of them from 2017, with a number of corrected citations (NCC) of 38.3. Meanwhile, the year 2020 had an impact factor (IF) of 3.27. Conclusions: The Finlay journal is a scientific body for the dissemination of research results with extensive achievements and experiences in editorial management. Its growth has been exponential in terms of the number of articles published, prevailing the year 2021. Its issues include research works that show the collaboration between national and foreign authors, highlighting the results of the Cienfuegos province's researchers. In this regard, the topics focus on health problems that are included in the sector's priority health programs, based on original research to a greater extent and coupled with a higher number of citations received especially in 2017.

Integr Psychol Behav Sci ; 58(1): 59-77, 2024 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37670086


The inclusion of women psychologists in arenas of academic and professional recognition has been a slow and often invisible process. This study seeks to highlight the scientific contributions of six women psychologists classified as eminent during the twentieth century (Haggbloom et al., Review of General Psychology, 6(2), 139-152, 2002) and the contexts in which they developed. Applying a historiographic and bibliometric approach, we analyzed biographical data and scientific contributions by reviewing the Web of Science, Scopus and APA PsycNet databases. The results show the broad contributions of the six psychologists to the field of psychology in the areas of experimental psychology, childhood and memory. We discuss the importance of rendering visible and overcoming the epistemic injustices to which women in psychology are subject, as well as the resistance and strategies many of them used to confront the structural limitations of this environment.

Psychology , Female , Humans , Child , Psychology/history
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37029045


INTRODUCTION: The profound impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, together with other factors such as globalisation and climate change, has emphasised the growing relevance of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. METHODS: The Spanish scientific production in both categories of the Web of Science databases over the period 2014-2021 has been analysed. RESULTS: 8037 documents have been identified in Infectious Diseases and 12008 documents in Microbiology (6th most productive country worldwide in both cases, with growth rates of 41% and 46.2%, respectively). Both areas present a high degree of international collaboration (45-48% of the documents) and between 45-66% of the documents have been published in journals of excellence (first quartile) according to the rankings of the Journal Citation Reports. CONCLUSIONS: Spain is in a prominent position worldwide in both areas, with an outstanding scientific production in journals of high visibility and impact.

Communicable Diseases , Pandemics , Humans , Publishing , Bibliometrics , Communicable Diseases/epidemiology , Spain
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550998


Introducción: Cada vez son más los estudiantes interesados en estudios bibliométricos, lo que se traduce en la publicación de los mismos en revistas científicas de pregrado. Objetivo: Caracterizar la producción científica bibliométrica publicada en revistas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas de 2021 a 2023. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y bibliométrico sobre los artículos de bibliometría publicados en revistas científicas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas, entre enero de 2021 y agosto de 2023. El universo se conformó por 594 artículos y la muestra por 23. El procesamiento estadístico implicó la frecuencia absoluta y porcentual. Se calcularon los índices de Price, de colaboración y de productividad. Resultados: La revista con mayor número de artículos sobre bibliometría publicados fue Universidad Médica Pinareña, con 6,84 %; el 53,57 % de los autores pertenecieron al sexo masculino, y la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río fue el centro de procedencia de nueve autores, para un 17,65 %. Las investigaciones con cinco autores fueron las de mayor prevalencia, y el grado de productividad respecto al tema fue bajo, para un 67,86 %. Conclusiones: Existe una baja frecuencia de publicación de artículos bibliométricos en las revistas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas, concentrándose en Universidad Médica Pinareña y 16 de Abril, mientras se muestra un elevado índice de publicaciones por autores masculinos. La autoría múltiple fue la que predominó.

Introduction: More and more students are interested in bibliometric studies which translate into their publication in undergraduate scientific journals. Objective: To characterize the bibliometric scientific production published in Cuban student health sciences journals from 2021 to 2023. Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive and bibliometric research was carried out on bibliometric articles published in Cuban student scientific journals of Health Science, between January 2021 and August 2023. The universe was made up of 594 articles and the sample of 23. Statistical processing involved absolute and percentage frequency. Price, collaboration and productivity indices were calculated. Results: The journal with the highest number of articles on bibliometric published was Universidad Médica Pinareña with 6.84%; 53.57% of the authors belonged to the male sex and the University of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Rio was the center of origin of nine authors, for 17.65%. Research with five authors was the most prevalent and the degree of productivity regarding the topic was low, at 67.86%. Conclusions: There is a low frequency of publications of bibliometric articles in Cuban student scientific journals of Health Science, concentrating on the Universidad Médica Pinareña and 16 de Abril, while showing a high rate of publications by male authors. Multiple authorship predominated.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559771


El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en caracterizar la producción científica relacionada con el campo de las ataxias espinocerebelosas, las cuales constituyen enfermedades neurodegenerativas, manifestadas por cuadros clínicos progresivos e invalidantes. La investigación es de tipo censal-documental y recupera metadatos de Scopus, correspondientes a 5654 investigaciones relacionadas con este problema de salud, durante el período 1961-2020. El procesamiento explora las principales características bibliométricas de los documentos publicados, el ritmo de crecimiento, la paternidad de las obras, el impacto por índice de citas, así como las redes de colaboración y la estructura que sigue el flujo del conocimiento. Se observa un despegue notable de la producción científica desde inicios de los años 90 del siglo pasado, coincidiendo con el desarrollo de investigaciones afines en el campo de la genética. También se constata un predominio en el estudio de los tipos SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA6, y SCA17, donde los cuatro primeros corresponden a las ataxias de mayor prevalencia a escala mundial. El corpus documental refleja la consolidación de grupos de investigación relativamente estables, encabezados por líderes científicos y caracterizados por la ampliación sostenida de la colaboración internacional y por el trabajo colectivo e interdisciplinario. También se aprecia la tendencia hacia el aumento del número de referencias dentro de cada documento. Los mayores volúmenes productivos se concentran en países desarrollados, junto a países en vías de desarrollo donde existen elevados niveles de prevalencia en esta enfermedad(AU)

The objective of the present study was to characterize the scientific production related to the field of spinocerebellar ataxias, which constitute neurodegenerative diseases, manifested by progressive and disabling clinical conditions. The research is census-documentary type and recovers metadata from Scopus, corresponding to 5,654 investigations related to this health problem, during the period 1961-2020. The processing explores the main bibliometric characteristics of the published documents, the pace of growth, the authorship of the works, the impact by citation index, as well as the collaboration networks and the structure that follows the flow of knowledge. A notable takeoff in scientific production has been observed since the beginning of the 90s of the last century, coinciding with the development of related research in the field of genetics. There is also a predominance in the study of the types SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA6, and SCA17, where the first four correspond to the most prevalent ataxias worldwide. The documentary corpus reflects the consolidation of relatively stable research groups, headed by scientific leaders and characterized by the sustained expansion of international collaboration and collective and interdisciplinary work. There is also a trend towards increasing the number of references within each document. The largest productive volumes are concentrated in developed countries, along with developing countries where there are high levels of prevalence of this disease(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Bibliometrics , Neurodegenerative Diseases/epidemiology , Scientific Research and Technological Development
Medisan ; 27(6)dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1534924


Introducción: En el mundo académico, la publicación científica se ha convertido en un problema constante, tanto en sus elementos cuantitativos como en los cualitativos. Objetivo: Caracterizar el nivel de publicación de MEDISAN según algunos aspectos de su producción científica y editorial. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva y transversal, del tipo bibliométrico, de la producción científica en la revista MEDISAN de Santiago de Cuba durante el quinquenio 2017-2021. La población de estudio quedó conformada por todos los artículos científicos publicados en ese periodo según los registros de las bases de datos SciELO Citation Index y Google Académico, así como los de la propia revista en la plataforma Open Journal Systems. Resultados: Durante el periodo analizado se publicaron 38 números, que incluyeron 679 artículos y 2367 autores. Se destacaron el año 2017 con mayor cantidad de publicaciones (31,8 %) y el año 2019 con una menor cifra (14,3 %). Los autores cubanos presentaron una contribución superior (629 artículos), sobre todo los de la provincia de Santiago de Cuba, donde sobresalieron los profesionales de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas, con 50,1 % de toda la producción. El índice h5 reveló una tendencia al aumento de las citas que recibió la revista, dado que en el año 2021 su resultado fue 23 y en el 2022 se incrementó a 27. Conclusiones: El análisis de la producción científica y editorial reveló las fortalezas y debilidades de la revista, lo que permite trazar políticas para aumentar su calidad y, con ello, su visibilidad en bases de datos.

Introduction: In the academic world, scientific publication has become a constant problem, both in its quantitative and qualitative elements. Objective: To characterize MEDISAN's publication rate according to some aspects of its scientific and editorial production. Methods: An observational, descriptive and transversal research, of bibliometric type, was carried out on the scientific production of MEDISAN journal from Santiago de Cuba during the five-year period 2017-2021. The study population was made up of all scientific articles published in that period according to the records of SciELO Citation Index and Google Scholar databases, as well as those of the journal itself on the Open Journal Systems. Results: During the analyzed period, 38 issues were published, which included 679 articles and 2,367 authors. The year 2017 stood out with the highest number of publications (31.8%) and the year 2019 with a lower number (14.3%). Cuban authors had the greatest contribution (629 articles), especially those from Santiago de Cuba province, where professionals from University of Medical Sciences stood out, with 50.1% of all production. The h5 index revealed a trend of increasing citations received by the journal, since in 2021 it was 23 and in 2022 it increased to 27. Conclusions: The analysis of scientific and editorial production revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the journal, which makes it possible to draw up policies to increase its quality and, with it, its visibility in databases.

SciELO Preprints; dez. 2023.
Preprint in Spanish | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-7340


Biodiversity and conservation research play a pivotal role in advancing knowledge and addressing global challenges. Yet, a striking gap in the publication of research between the Tropical Andes and other regions. To address this disparity, a comprehensive strategy was employed, encompassing a three-day workshop aimed at addressing research publication challenges in the Tropical Andes region, as well as a sequence of surveys. The registration survey, distributed to over 500 potential participants, examined the demographics, perceptions of factors impacting lower publication rates, personal barriers to publishing, and proposed strategies for overcoming these obstacles. Additionally, a pre-workshop survey delved into selected participants' specific interests, obstacles they aimed to overcome, and their preferences for workshop content. Subsequently, the post-workshop survey assessed the workshop's impact, participant satisfaction, valuable session topics, and recommendations for future workshops. The survey revealed a range of challenges, including limited training in publishing, cultural factors, language barriers, restricted resources, and financial limitations, all contributing to the publication gap. Surprisingly, workshop interest was primarily from experienced professionals, indicating that the challenge isn't due to a lack of skills but rather the struggle to convert their expertise into published work. Moreover, about two-thirds of participants had ready-to-publish materials, showcasing an untapped knowledge reservoir. A major personal barrier identified was understanding the publication process, surpassing even language concerns, highlighting the need to clarify this process. Other findings underscored the pivotal role of self-confidence, with self-doubt, fears of rejection, and confidence issues acting as main personal limitations. The study highlights the importance of addressing challenges faced by experienced professionals in the Tropical Andes by understanding individual needs, fostering support, and demystifying the publication process. This offers a promising path to close the publication gap while preserving the region's rich biodiversity and valuable scientific contributions.

El aporte de la investigación sobre la conservación de la biodiversidad en el avance del conocimiento y la respuesta a los desafíos globales es fundamental. Sin embargo, aún existe una brecha sorprendente entre los Andes Tropicales y otras regiones en relación a la publicación de investigaciones científicas. Para comprender esta disparidad, se empleó una estrategia integral, que abarcó un taller de tres días destinado a abordar los principales desafíos que enfrentan los investigadores en la región de los Andes Tropicales, así como una serie de encuestas. La encuesta de inscripción, distribuida a más de 500 participantes potenciales, examinó la demografía, las percepciones de los factores que impactan las tasas de publicación más bajas, las barreras personales para la publicación y propuso estrategias para superar estos obstáculos. Esta fue seguida por una encuesta previa al taller, en la que se profundizó en los intereses específicos de los participantes seleccionados, los obstáculos que pretendían superar y sus preferencias por el contenido del taller. Por último, la encuesta a posteriori, en la que se evaluó el impacto del taller, la satisfacción de los participantes, los temas de interés en las sesiones y las recomendaciones para futuros talleres. La encuesta descubrió varios desafíos, como la capacitación limitada en publicaciones, factores culturales, barreras idiomáticas, recursos restringidos y limitaciones financieras, todos los cuales contribuyen a la brecha en las publicaciones. Sorprendentemente, el interés en el taller provino principalmente de profesionales experimentados, lo que indica que el desafío no se debe a la falta de habilidades sino más bien a la lucha por convertir su experiencia en un trabajo publicado. Además, alrededor de dos tercios de los participantes tenían materiales listos para publicar, lo que mostraba una reserva de conocimientos sin explotar. Una barrera importante identificada fue la limitada comprensión del proceso de publicación, superando incluso a la barrera del  idioma, destacando la necesidad de aclarar este proceso. Otros hallazgos subrayan el papel fundamental de la confianza en uno mismo, siendo las dudas sobre uno mismo, el miedo al rechazo y los problemas de confianza las principales limitaciones personales. El estudio destaca la importancia de abordar los desafíos que enfrentan los profesionales experimentados en los Andes Tropicales al comprender las necesidades individuales, fomentar el apoyo y desmitificar el proceso de publicación. Esto ofrece un camino prometedor para cerrar la brecha de publicaciones y lograr que la ciencia producida en esta región se documente y amplifique aportando al conocimiento que ayude a   preservar la rica biodiversidad de esta región.  

A pesquisa em biodiversidade e conservação desempenha um papel fundamental no avanço do conhecimento e na solução de desafios globais. No entanto, há uma lacuna evidente na publicação de pesquisas entre os Andes Tropicais e outras regiões. Para enfrentar essa disparidade, foi empregada uma estratégia abrangente, incluindo um workshop de três dias com o objetivo de abordar os desafios na publicação de pesquisas na região dos Andes Tropicais, além de uma série de pesquisas. A pesquisa de registro, distribuída para mais de 500 potenciais participantes, examinou a demografia, percepções de fatores que impactam as baixas taxas de publicação, barreiras pessoais para publicar e estratégias propostas para superar esses obstáculos. Além disso, uma pesquisa pré-workshop explorou interesses específicos dos participantes selecionados, obstáculos que pretendiam superar e suas preferências para o conteúdo do workshop. Posteriormente, a pesquisa pós-workshop avaliou o impacto do workshop, a satisfação dos participantes, tópicos de sessões valiosas e recomendações para futuros workshops. A pesquisa revelou uma série de desafios, incluindo treinamento limitado em publicação, fatores culturais, barreiras linguísticas, recursos restritos e limitações financeiras, todos contribuindo para a lacuna na publicação. Surpreendentemente, o interesse no workshop veio principalmente de profissionais experientes, indicando que o desafio não está na falta de habilidades, mas sim na luta para converter sua experiência em trabalhos publicados. Além disso, cerca de dois terços dos participantes tinham materiais prontos para publicação, mostrando um reservatório de conhecimento não utilizado. Uma grande barreira pessoal identificada foi entender o processo de publicação, ultrapassando até mesmo as preocupações com o idioma, destacando a necessidade de esclarecer esse processo. Outros achados destacaram o papel fundamental da autoconfiança, com auto-dúvida, medo de rejeição e questões de confiança atuando como principais limitações pessoais. O estudo destaca a importância de enfrentar os desafios enfrentados por profissionais experientes nos Andes Tropicais, compreendendo as necessidades individuais, promovendo apoio e desmistificando o processo de publicação. Isso oferece um caminho promissor para fechar a lacuna na publicação, ao mesmo tempo em que preserva a rica biodiversidade da região e valiosas contribuições científicas.

Educ. med. super ; 37(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564470


Introducción: El proceso de difusión de los hallazgos científicos a través de la publicación de artículos en revistas especializadas es fundamental para la comunidad académica y científica. La publicación de resultados científicos permite que otros investigadores accedan a la información, evalúen el estudio y puedan construir sobre ese conocimiento en futuras investigaciones. Objetivo: Caracterizar la producción científica de la Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica (RBEM) y la Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior (RCEMS). Métodos: Fue realizado un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo, mediante el método de análisis bibliométrico y de análisis de contenido. Se identificaron y clasificaron patrones, temas y tendencias recurrentes en los artículos publicados entre 2020 y 2022. Resultados: Ambas revistas se comportaron de manera similar con respecto a la productividad hasta 2020, cuando la RBEM aumentó exponencialmente el número de artículos a través de la publicación de diversos números especiales. Se identificaron como dimensiones de investigación de mayor recurrencia las propuestas didácticas y pedagógicas para el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de medicina, el diseño curricular en medicina y la evaluación educativa en este campo. Conclusiones: Los estudios examinados resaltan la relevancia de investigar en el campo de la educación médica, y reconocen la diversidad de enfoques y perspectivas presentes en diversas revistas especializadas. Tanto Brasil como Cuba desempeñan un papel activo en la generación de conocimientos científicos en el ámbito de la educación médica, cada uno con sus propias fortalezas y enfoques distintivos.

Introduction: The process of disseminating scientific findings through the publication of articles in peer-reviewed journals is paramount for the academic and scientific community. The publication of scientific results allows other researchers to access information, assess the study and, upon this knowledge, build up future research. Objective: To characterize the scientific production of the Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica (RBEM) and the Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior (RCEMS). Methods: A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out, using the bibliometric analysis and the content analysis methods. Patterns, themes and tendencies recurrent in articles published between 2020 and 2022 were identified and classified. Results: Both journals behaved similarly with respect to productivity until 2020, when the RBEM exponentially increased the number of articles through the publication of several special issues. Didactic and pedagogical proposals for medical student learning, curricular design in medicine, and educational assessment in the same field were identified as research dimensions with the highest recurrence. Conclusions: The reviewed studies highlight the relevance of research in the field of medical education, as well as they recognize the diversity of approaches and perspectives present in various specialized journals. Both Brazil and Cuba play an active role in the generation of scientific knowledge in the field of medical education, each with its own distinctive strengths and approaches.

Oman J Ophthalmol ; 16(2): 293-297, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37602166


BACKGROUND: Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is a neuroimmune disease, i.e. under constant research. The aim of this bibliometric study is to perform a bibliometric indicator analysis of the worldwide academic production of NMOSD during the period 2017-2021. METHODS: A bibliographic search was assessed in the Scopus database to identify NMOSD-related articles published during the period 2017-2021. Collected publications were exported and analyzed in Scival (Elsevier). Bibliographic data were described through absolute values and percentages in descriptive tables. VOSviewer was used to visualize collaborative networks. RESULTS: A total of 1920 documents were collected, and the highest percentage of these belonged to the area of neurology. Friedemann Paul was the author with the highest scientific production, but Brian Weinshenker had the greatest impact worldwide. Three of the institutions with the highest production were North American. Multiple sclerosis and related disorders were the journal with the highest production of publications. Most papers were published in Q1 or Q2 journals. CONCLUSION: NMOSD-related articles are mostly published in first and second quartile journals, which would reflect a high interest of the scientific community. Publications with international collaboration reported a higher impact. Although African and South American regions have considerable prevalence of this disease, they do not have institutions with high productivity developing research on this disease.

Hematol., Transfus. Cell Ther. (Impr.) ; 45(supl.2): S57-S67, July 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514190


ABSTRACT Introduction: Scientometrics is the field concerned with measuring and analyzing academic literature, using specific metrics and data from bibliometric databases. Hematology is a broad area of science and medicine, from which several landmark scientific discoveries have emerged. Objective: The aim of this report is to provide a snapshot of the landscape of hematology research in Brazil, based on a comprehensive analysis of published studies in hematology whose authors were affiliated to Brazilian institutions from 1980 to 2020. Method: Articles, reviews and letters to the editor with at least one author affiliated to a Brazilian institution were retrieved from Incytes/Web of Science or Scopus databases. Importantly, only papers classified in the subject area "Hematology" by the embedded algorithms of each database were included. Results: Considering all published papers, Brazil is in the 22nd position, contributing with around 1.1% of papers in this period. A clear and sustained increase in publication output can be observed from the early 1990's to the present moment. Publicly-funded higher education institutions were the main contributors to the development and consolidation of the hematology scientific community, which has grown in diversity, with an increasing number of contributions from private institutions. In regard to funding, public agencies have been and remain by large as the most important funder of research in hematology in Brazil. Conclusion: We suggest that continuous monitoring of the temporal trends of some of the data compiled in our report could potentially contribute to a clearer picture of the development of hematology research in Brazil.

PeerJ ; 11: e15436, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37334115


The principle of resource allocation states that diversion of resources to attend a function may compromise others. The COVID-19 pandemic required a rapid response with a justifiable relocation of equipment, funds and human resources. Based on the ecological principle of allocation, we tested whether the relocation of resources to support COVID-19 research was more detrimental to medical research than to research in other scientific areas. We compared the yearly number of published articles from 2015 to 2021 using disease-related keywords and non-medical scientific keywords. Contrary to the expectation, we found an abrupt reduction in the publication rates in all research areas from 2019 to 2020 or 2021, compared to the pre-pandemic period (2015-2019). The allocation effect on medical research may be overshadowed by stronger effects of the pandemic, or it may become evident in the coming years. The drastic reduction in published papers could have negative consequences for scientific advancements, including understanding and curing diseases other than COVID-19 that strongly affect humanity.

Biomedical Research , COVID-19 , Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2 , Resource Allocation