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RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 62(1)jan.-mar. 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-712096


To describe the profile of dentists in oral health team of the micro-region of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 48 dentists in 16 municipalities, in which data collection was conducted by questionnaire. The variables considered for the study were: training time in years, and monthly real salary (centroid), in compliance with weekly working hours, mode of incorporation into the oral health team, postgraduate course, social participation and ongoing involvement in Family Health. All variables were used to group dentists by Two Step Cluster analysis segmentation, with p <0.05 significance level. Results: They formed three clusters that differed mainly in relation to training time in years (p = 0.007), hours worked (p <0.001), postgraduate course (p <0.001) and social participation (p = 0.031). The first cluster grouped dentists with less training time, receiving an intermediate salary to comply with the stated working hours and lack of post-graduate course, the second grouped dentists with the highest salaries and years of graduation who have post-graduate course and the last was composed of dentists with intermediary training time, the lowest salaries that complied with the working hours, have attended the training course / training in the Family Health Strategy and have no social participation. Conclusion: Dentists in the Family Health Strategy differ as regards weekly working hours, postgraduate course and social participation in the city, and the training time can be a critical feature to point out these differences.

Objetivo: Descrever o perfil dos cirurgi?es-dentistas da equipe de sa?de bucal de uma microrregi?o de sa?de de Minas Gerais, Brasil. M?todos: Estudo transversal com 48 cirurgi?es-dentistas de 16 munic?pios, cuja coleta de dados foi realizada por question?rio. As vari?veis consideradasforam: tempo de forma??o em anos e sal?rio mensal em reais (centroides), cumprimento da jornada de trabalho semanal, modalidade de incorpora??o na equipe de sa?de bucal, curso de p?s-gradua??o, participa??o social e participa??o em curso na Sa?de da fam?lia. Todas as vari?veis foram utilizadas para agrupar os cirurgi?es-dentistas por meio da an?lise de segmenta??o TwoStep Cluster com dist?ncia euclidiana quadr?tica, com p<0,05 de signific?ncia. Resultados: Formaram-se tr?s clusters que se diferenciam principalmente em rela??o ao tempo de forma??o profissional (p=0,007), jornada cumprida de trabalho (p<0,001), p?s-gradua??o (p<0,001) e participa??o social (p=0,031). O primeiro reuniu cirurgi?es-dentistas com menor tempo de forma??o, sal?rio intermedi?rio que declararam cumprir a jornada de trabalho e que n?o possuem curso de p?s-gradua??o; o segundo reuniu cirurgi?es-dentistas com os maiores sal?rios e tempo de formado que possuem curso de p?s-gradua??o e o ?ltimo foi formado por cirurgi?es-dentistas com tempo de forma??o intermedi?rio, os menores sal?rios, que cumprem a jornada de trabalho, j? realizaram curso de capacita??o/ treinamento na Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia e n?o tem participa??o social. Conclus?o: Os cirurgi?es-dentistas da Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia s?o diferentes em rela??o ? jornada de trabalho semanal, curso de p?s-gradua??o e participa??o social no munic?pio, sendo que o tempo de forma??o pode ser uma caracter?stica crucial para apontar essas diferen?as.

RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 62(1)jan.-mar. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-712097


Objective: This study aimed to know the understanding of Oral health indicators recommended by the Ministry of Health by dentists in the family health strategy of the state of Cear? in 2008. Methods: It is a descriptive, cross-sectional study in which it was used a questionnaire to obtain the data concerning the way information on oral health actions performed in Family Health Care Units and other social spaces are registered, as well as investigate their knowledge about oral health indicators. The calculation of the sample of dentist-surgeons adopted an absolute sampling error of 6.8% and a significance level of 5%, resulting in an initial sample of 175 dentists; however, only 159 participated in this study according to the inclusion criteria. For instance, they should have been working in the service in the period from 2001 to 2007. In all, 32 cities participated in the research, distributed in 18 Regional Health Cells selected by drawing lots. The data were processed in the program SPSS version 17.0 and considered statistically significant the inferential analyses with p < 0.05.Results: it was observed that there are differences between the interpretation of the indicators objectives and the data relating to oral health actions recorded by dentist-surgeons from the Family Health Strategy. They also differ from the guidelines of the Ministry of Health.Conclusion: The pregnant present some knowledge about oral health that can be improved by means of educational, preventive and healing programs. This group exert big it influences in the family ambit, could act as agents multipliers and avoiding the child's precocious contamination.

Objetivo: Conhecer o entendimento e informa??es fornecidas pelos cirurgi?es-dentistas atuantes na Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia do Estado do Cear? no ano de 2008 acerca dos indicadores de Sa?de Bucal preconizados pelo Minist?rio da Sa?de. M?todos: Para isso, utilizou-se um instrumento (question?rio) que foi aplicado aos cirurgi?es-dentistas atuantes na Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia do Estado, onde se indagou a respeito do conhecimento deles sobre os indicadores de Sa?de Bucal e como costumavam informar as a??es de Sa?de Bucal que realizavam diariamente nas Unidades B?sicas de Sa?de da Fam?lia e nos demais espa?os sociais em que atuavam. Resultados: Observou-se que h? diverg?ncias entre a interpreta??o dos objetivos dos indicadores e o registro dos dados relativos ?s a??es de Sa?de Bucal pelos cirurgi?es-dentistas atuantes na Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia. Conclus?o: H? a necessidade de serem implementadas medidas de capacita??o permanente para esclarecer aspectos relacionados aos indicadores deSa?de Bucal.

RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 62(1)jan.-mar. 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-712098


Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and severity of oral pain in pregnant women. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of pregnant women who were receiving dental care at a Dental School. A structured questionnaire about self-perception of oral conditions and the presence and severity of orofacial pain in the mouth or teeth in the last 6months was applied. Results: 80 pregnant women participated in the study and, of these, 58.8% reported having a problem with their teeth, 31.3% periodontal problems, 61.3% bad taste in mouth and 62.5% bad breath. Only 22.5% of pregnant women did not exhibit any form of oral pain. The most frequently reported pains were: pain with hot/cold liquids or sweets (56.2%) and spontaneous toothache (38.8%). With regard to severity, mild and moderate pain were the most frequently reported, but there was a group of 23.8% of pregnant women with severe or very severe pain caused by hot or cold liquids and 18.8% in the same condition in relation to spontaneous pain. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that, despite the high prevalence of pain detected in the pregnant women, severity was low and referred to specific situations.

Objetivo: Avaliar a preval?ncia e a severidade da dor orofacial em gestantes. M?todos: O estudo transversal foi realizado em uma amostra de gestantes em atendimento odontol?gico em uma faculdade de odontologia. Foi aplicado question?rio estruturado com perguntas sobre a auto percep??o das condi??es bucais e a presen?a e a severidade da dor orofacial sentida na boca ou dentes nos ?ltimos 6 meses. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 80 gestantes e, destas, 58,8% afirmaram ter algum problema nos dentes, 31,3% problema na gengiva, 61,3% gosto ruim na boca e 62,5% mau h?lito. Apenas 22,5% n?o apresentaram nenhum tipo de dor orofacial. As dores mais relatadas foram: dor com l?quidos quentes, frios ou doces (56,2%) e dor de dente espont?nea (38,8%). Quanto ? severidade, as dores de intensidade leve e moderada foram as mais frequentes, mas havia um grupo de 23,8% das gestantes com dores intensas ou muito intensas provocadas por l?quidos frios ou quentes e 18,8% na mesma condi??o em rela??o ? dor espont?nea. Conclus?o: Os resultados do estudo mostraram que, apesar da alta preval?ncia de dor orofacial encontrada, a severidade foi baixa e relacionada a algumassitua??es espec?ficas.

RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 62(1)jan.-mar. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-712100


Objective: Tea has been considered a healthy alternative to other industrialized beverages. The objective of this study was to assess the erosive potential of teas commercially available in Brazil by pH and titratable acidity measures. Methods: Eighteen teas available in Brazilian market were selected for this study (read to drink and brewed tea), and a brand of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis). Each product was analyzed for pH and titratable acidity. For comparison between different kinds of teas, the Student t test was used. Results: The mean pH values for ready to drink teas ranged between 2.89 and 4.03, while for the brewed teas and yerba mate the values ranged between 6.75 and 7.89. The difference between the two groups was significant (p < 0.05). Regarding titratable acidity, the ready to drink teas showed mean values ranging between 3.77 ml and 12.68 ml. Brewed teas (including yerba mate) were not tested for titratable acidity because their pH values were greater than 7.0. Conclusion: Among the teas commercially available, ready to drink teas have lower pH values and higher titratable acidity compared to other teas. Itsuggests that they have an erosive potential.

Objetivo: Avaliar o potencial erosivo de ch?s comercialmente dispon?veis no mercado brasileiro atrav?s da avalia??o dos valores de pH e de titrabilidade ?cida. M?todos: Foram selecionados dezoito ch?s dispon?veis no mercado brasileiro (prontos para beber e para preparo em infus?o), al?m de uma marca de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis). Cada produto foi avaliado quanto ao seu pH e titrabilidade ?cida. A compara??o entre os tipos de ch? foi realizado pelo teste t de Student. Resultados: Os valores m?dios de pH dos ch?s prontos para beber variaram entre 2,88 e 4,03 enquanto que para os ch?s para preparo em infus?o e erva mate os valores variaram entre 6,75 e 7,89. A diferen?a entre os dois grupos foi significativa (p < 0,05). Em rela??o ? titrabilidade ?cida os ch?s prontos para beber apresentaram valores m?dios variando entre 3,77 ml e 12,68 ml. Os ch?s para preparo em infus?o (incluindo a erva mate) n?o foram avaliados quanto a titrabilidade ?cida por terem apresentado valores de pH > 7,0. Conclus?o: Dentre os ch?s comercialmente dispon?veis, os ch?s prontos para beber apresentam os menores valores de pH e os maiores valores para titrabilidade ?cida comparados aos demais ch?s. Estes achados sugerem um potencial erosivo para este tipo de ch?.
