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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535339


Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo principal validar el Voice Handicap Index (VHI) y su versión abreviada (VHI-10) adaptados al español rioplatense de Argentina, con objetivos específicos centrados en evaluar su fiabilidad y validez. Metodología: La adaptación cultural incluyó técnicas de traducción directa, síntesis y retrotraducción, evaluación de la equivalencia semántica y aplicación a un grupo piloto. Para la validación se evaluó la fiabilidad de ambos índices adaptados mediante la consistencia interna (coeficiente alfa de Cronbach) y la estabilidad test-retest (prueba de Bland-Altman, CCI y r de Spearman). Además, se examinó la validez de criterio y de constructo. 213 sujetos participaron en la validación del índice adaptado de 30 ítems (123 disfónicos; 90 de control); 113, en la del índice abreviado (63 disfónicos; 50 de control). Resultados: Se constituyó el Índice de Desventaja Vocal (IDV) como la versión adaptada del VHI al español rioplatense de Argentina. Ambos índices demostraron excelente consistencia interna (IDV-30 α = 0,96; IDV-10 α = 0,92) y estabilidad y concordancia (IDV-30 CCI = 0,95; IDV-10 CCI = 0,96). Se halló alta correlación entre los puntajes de ambos índices y la autoevaluación de la severidad de la disfonía de los participantes (r = 0,85). Ambos índices demostraron capacidad de diferenciar entre individuos con disfonía y sujetos sanos (p< 0,001). El análisis factorial reveló tres factores para el IDV-30 y un factor para el IDV-10. Conclusiones: El IDV-30 e IDV-10 presentan grados adecuados de fiabilidad y validez. Ambos pueden ser incluidos en protocolos de valoración de la función vocal por profesionales de Argentina.

Aim: This study aimed to validate the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) and its abbreviated version (VHI-10) adapted into Rioplatense Spanish from Argentina, with specific goals centered on assessing their reliability and validity. Methods: Cultural adaptation involved direct translation, synthesis and back-translation techniques, followed by an assessment of semantic equivalence and application to a pilot group. For the validation process, the reliability of both adapted indices was assessed through measures of internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha coefficient) and test-retest stability (Bland-Altman test, ICC and Spearman's correlation coefficient). Additionally, we conducted analyses to asses criterion and construct validity. 213 subjects participated in the validation of the adapted 30-items index, (123 with dysphonia; 90 from control group); 113, in the abbreviated version (63 with dysphonia; 50 from control group). Results: The "Índice de Desventaja Vocal" (IDV) was established as the adapted version of the VHI into Rioplatense Spanish from Argentina. Both indeces exhibited excellent internal consistency (IDV-30 α = 0,96; IDV-10 α = 0,92) and satisfactory stability and agreement (IDV-30 CCI = 0,95; IDV-10 CCI = 0,96). Regarding validity, a strong correlation was observed between the scores of both indeces and the participant's self-assessment of dysphonia degree (r = 0,85). Both indices effectively differentiated between individuals with dysphonia and healthy subjects (p< 0,001). Factor analysis revealed three factors for the IDV-30 and one factor for the IDV-10. Conclusion: The IDV-30 and IDV-10 demonstrate satisfactory levels of reliability and validity. Both indices can be incorporated into the assessment protocols for evaluating the vocal function by professionals in Argentina.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE001052, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1533325


Resumo Objetivo Construir e validar um instrumento para autoavaliação de soft skills em liderança autêntica de enfermagem. Métodos Pesquisa metodológica desenvolvida em três etapas: revisão de literatura, elaboração do instrumento intitulado "LEADERSKILLS" e validação de conteúdo do instrumento com experts, usando a Técnica Delphi Online. A primeira etapa foi composta por duas revisões narrativas. A segunda etapa incluiu um teste piloto ao desenvolvimento do instrumento contendo a descrição narrativa das soft skills mais relevantes (relacionadas ao exercício da liderança autêntica do enfermeiro) que foram apresentadas pela revisão narrativa da literatura. A terceira e última etapa incluiu a alteração do instrumento após as considerações realizadas pelos experts. Resultados O painel de experts da primeira rodada foi composto por 13 participantes. Das 17 questões de múltipla escolha avaliadas na primeira rodada, só duas (pertencentes aos componentes conteúdo e linguagem) não obtiveram Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC) ≥0,85. A primeira questão era sobre a compreensão inadequada do que seriam os títulos e subtítulos do "LEADERSKILLS" e a segunda era sobre clareza e objetividade do instrumento. As principais sugestões dos juízes estavam concentradas nos componentes conteúdo, linguagem e layout. A segunda rodada foi composta pela resposta de cinco experts, sendo possível alcançar o consenso das questões obtendo IVC ≥0,80. Conclusão O instrumento construído para desenvolver soft skills em enfermagem foi considerado válido quanto ao conteúdo, layout, linguagem, motivação e cultura, alcançando avaliação coerente e aplicabilidade ao público-alvo.

Resumen Objetivo Elaborar y validar un instrumento para la autoevaluación de soft skills en liderazgo auténtico de enfermería. Métodos Investigación metodológica llevada a cabo en tres etapas: revisión de la literatura, elaboración del instrumento llamado "LEADERSKILLS" y validación del contenido del instrumento con expertos mediante el método Delphi vía internet. La primera etapa estuvo compuesta por dos revisiones narrativas. La segunda etapa incluyó una prueba piloto del desarrollo del instrumento, que contenía la descripción narrativa de las soft skills más relevantes (relacionadas con el ejercicio del liderazgo auténtico del enfermero) y que fueron introducidas por la revisión narrativa de la literatura. La tercera y última etapa incluyó la modificación del instrumento después de las reflexiones realizadas por los expertos. Resultados El panel de expertos de la primera ronda estuvo compuesto por 13 participantes. De las 17 preguntas de selección múltiple evaluadas en la primera ronda, solo dos (pertenecientes a los componentes contenido y lenguaje) no obtuvieron Índice de Validez de Contenido (IVC) ≥0,85. La primera pregunta era sobre la comprensión inadecuada de lo que serían los títulos y subtítulos del "LEADERSKILLS" y la segunda era sobre la clareza y objetividad del instrumento. Las principales sugerencias de los jueces estaban centradas en los componentes contenido, lenguaje y diseño. La segunda ronda estuvo compuesta por la respuesta de cinco expertos y fue posible llegar al consenso de las preguntas con un IVC de ≥0,80. Conclusión El instrumento elaborado para desarrollar soft skills en enfermería fue considerado válido respecto al contenido, diseño, lenguaje, motivación y cultura, y logró una evaluación coherente y aplicabilidad en el público destinatario.

Abstract Objective To build and validate an instrument for self-assessment of soft skills in authentic nursing leadership. Methods This methodological research was developed in three stages: literature review, development of the instrument entitled "LEADERSKILLS", and validation of the instrument's content by experts using the Delphi Online Technique. The first stage consisted of two narrative reviews. The second stage included a pilot test for the development of the instrument containing a narrative description of the most relevant soft skills (related to the exercise of authentic leadership by nurses) that were presented by the narrative literature review. The third and final stage included changes to the instrument after considerations made by the experts. Results In the first round, the panel of experts was composed of 13 participants. Of the 17 multiple-choice questions evaluated in the first round, only two (belonging to the content and language components) did not obtain the Content Validity Index (CVI) ≥0.85. The first question was about the inadequate understanding of what the titles and subtitles of "LEADERSKILLS" were, and the second was about the instrument's clarity and objectivity. The judges' main suggestions were concentrated on the content, language, and layout components. The second round consisted of responses from five experts, and reaching a consensus on the questions was possible by obtaining CVI≥0.80. Conclusion The instrument constructed to develop soft skills in nursing was considered valid in terms of content, layout, language, motivation, and culture, achieving coherent assessment and applicability to the target audience.

CoDAS ; 36(3): e20230170, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557608


RESUMO Objetivo Traduzir e adaptar transculturalmente o Voice-related Experiences of Nonbinary Individuals - VENI para o português brasileiro. Método Os procedimentos de adaptação transcultural foram baseados na combinação das recomendações e diretrizes da World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines on Translation com o COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN). Foram realizadas cinco etapas: a) tradução do instrumento para o Português Brasileiro (PB) por um tradutor especialista no construto e um não-especialista, nativos do PB e fluentes em inglês; b) elaboração da síntese das duas traduções por consenso; c) retrotradução por um tradutor especialista no construto e um não-especialista, nativos do inglês e fluentes em PB; d) análise de um comitê formado por cinco fonoaudiólogos especialistas em voz e elaboração da versão final; e) pré-teste com 21 pessoas da população-alvo, aplicado virtualmente. Resultados Na tradução houve discordância no título, instruções, chave de resposta e em 15 itens. Na retrotradução, houve discordância quanto à forma em 12 itens e ao conteúdo em 4 itens. A análise do comitê de especialistas indicou mudanças no título, instruções de resposta, uma opção da chave de resposta, e em oito itens, para atender aos critérios de equivalência. No pré-teste houve proporção significativamente maior de respostas habituais do instrumento quando comparadas com a opção não-aplicável, usada regularmente nas adaptações de instrumentos. Conclusão A adaptação transcultural para o português brasileiro do VENI foi bem sucedida e resultou na versão denominada "Experiências relacionadas a Voz de Pessoas Não Binárias - VENI-Br".

ABSTRACT Purpose This study aimed to translate and cross-culturally adapt the "Voice-related Experiences of Nonbinary Individuals" (VENI) to Brazilian Portuguese (BP). Methods Cross-cultural adaptation was performed based on the combined guidelines of the World Health Organization's (WHO) Translation Recommendations and the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN). The process included five stages: a) Translation of the instrument into BP by a translator specialized in the construct and a non-specialist, both native BP speakers and fluent in English; b) Synthesis of the two translations by consensus; c) Back-translation by a translator specialized in the construct and a non-specialist, both native English speakers and fluent in BP; d) Analysis by a committee of five speech-language pathologists voice specialist and the creation of the final version; e) Pre-testing with 21 individuals from the target population, conducted virtually. Results During the translation stage, there were disagreements regarding the title, instructions, response key, and 15 items. In the back-translation stage, there were discrepancies in the format of 12 items and the content of four items. The expert committee's analysis led to changes in the title, instructions, one option in the response key, and eight items to meet the equivalence criteria. In the pre-test, a significantly higher proportion of usual responses to the instrument was observed when compared to the non-applicable option; this is frequently observed in instrument adaptations. Conclusion The cross-cultural adaptation of VENI into Brazilian Portuguese was successful, resulting in the "Experiências relacionadas à Voz de Pessoas Não Binárias - VENI-Br" version.

CoDAS ; 36(4): e20230200, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557625


Resumo Objetivo Apresentar as evidências de validade baseadas no conteúdo e nos processos de resposta da Escala de Coping para a Fala em Público (ECOFAP). Método Estudo metodológico de elaboração e validação de instrumento. Seguiu-se o modelo de elaboração de instrumentos com procedimentos teóricos, empíricos e analíticos, baseados nos critérios de validade do Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (SEPT). O processo de obtenção das evidências de validade baseadas no conteúdo foi realizado em duas etapas: 1) definição conceitual do construto, elaborado com base nos preceitos teóricos da fala em público e da Teoria Motivacional do Coping (TMC); 2) elaboração dos itens e chave de respostas, estruturação do instrumento, avaliação por comitê de dez especialistas, reestruturação dos itens da escala, realizada em três momentos, até a elaboração da versão piloto da ECOFAP. O processo de resposta foi realizado com amostra de conveniência de 30 indivíduos, com e sem dificuldades de fala em público, no campus de uma universidade brasileira, pertencentes a diferentes extratos sociais e profissões. Nesse processo, foram analisadas qualitativamente as reações verbais e não verbais dos respondentes. Resultados A primeira versão da ECOFAP, composta por 46 itens, foi avaliada pelos juízes e posteriormente reformulada, resultando em uma segunda versão com 60 itens. Essa segunda versão foi novamente submetida à análise de especialistas e calculado o índice de validade de conteúdo por item. Foram excluídos 18 itens, originando uma terceira versão de 42 itens. As evidências de validade com base nos processos de resposta da versão de 42 itens foram aplicadas em uma amostra de 30 indivíduos, resultando na reescrita de um item e inclusão de mais seis itens, originando a versão piloto da ECOFAP de 48 itens. Conclusão A versão piloto da ECOFAP apresenta itens bem estruturados semântica e sintaticamente que representam estratégias de enfrentamento para a fala em público.

Abstract Purpose To present the content and response process validity evidence of the Speaking in Public Coping of Scale (ECOFAP). Methods A methodological study to develop and validate the instrument. It followed the instrument development method with theoretical, empirical, and analytical procedures, based on the validity criteria of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (SEPT). The process of obtaining content validity evidence had two stages: 1) conceptual definition of the construct, based on theoretical precepts of speaking in public and the Motivational Theory of Coping (MTC); 2) developing items and response keys, structuring the instrument, assessment by a committee with 10 specialists, restructuring scale items, and developing the ECOFAP pilot version. Item representativity was analyzed through the item content validity index. The response process was conducted in a single stage with a convenience sample of 30 people with and without difficulties speaking in public, from the campus of a Brazilian university, belonging to various social and professional strata. In this process, the respondents' verbal and nonverbal reactions were qualitatively analyzed. Results The initial version of ECOFAP, consisting of 46 items, was evaluated by judges and later reformulated, resulting in a second version with 60 items. This second version was again submitted for expert analysis, and the content validity index per item was calculated. 18 items were excluded, resulting in a third version of 42 items. The validity evidence based on the response processes of the 42-item version was applied to a sample of 30 individuals, resulting in the rewriting of one item and the inclusion of six more items, resulting in the pilot version of ECOFAP with 48 items. Conclusion ECOFAP pilot version has items with well-structured semantics and syntactic, representing strategies to cope with speaking in public.

CoDAS ; 36(4): e20230088, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557634


RESUMO Objetivo Mapear o risco vocal em cantores eruditos profissionais, analisando sua autoavaliação vocal e autopercepção de desvantagem vocal no canto e fadiga vocal. Método Participaram deste estudo 52 cantores eruditos de coros profissionais, entre 31 e 72 anos, que preencheram online (Formulários Google) um questionário de caracterização, autoavaliação vocal, bem como os instrumentos Índice de Desvantagem Vocal 10 - IDV-10, Índice de Desvantagem para o Canto Clássico - IDCC e Índice de Fadiga Vocal - IFV. Resultados A média da autoavaliação vocal ficou entre "Boa" e "Muito boa" (1,2). A média do escore total do IDV-10 foi 1,35, abaixo da nota de corte. A média do escore total do IDCC foi 10,04. A média do escore total do IFV foi de 10,83, próxima da nota de corte. Cantores eruditos que, em suas aulas, dão exemplos aos alunos com a própria voz apresentam maiores escores nos instrumentos IDV-10 (p=0,013), IFV restrição vocal (p=0,011) e IFV escore total (p=0,015). Cantores eruditos que já procuraram fonoaudiólogo devido a problemas de voz apresentam maiores escores no IFV fator restrição vocal (p=0,040) e no IFV fator recuperação com repouso vocal (p=0,019), além de terem correlações entre os escores dos instrumentos. Conclusão Cantores eruditos profissionais não apresentam desvantagem vocal. Porém, questões relacionadas à autopercepção de fadiga vocal se mostram mais presentes quando relacionadas às atividades de uso da voz cantada, como dar exemplos em aulas com a própria voz. Ter tido problema vocal e procurado fonoaudiólogo no passado proporciona maior percepção de recuperação vocal com repouso.

ABSTRACT Purpose To map the vocal risk in professional classical singers, analyzing their self-assessment of voice and self-perception of singing voice handicap and vocal fatigue. Methods The study sample comprised of 52 professional classical choir singers, aged 31 to 72 years. They answered an online questionnaire in Google Forms, addressing their characterization, self-assessment of voice, the Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10), Classical Singing Handicap Index (CSHI), and Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI). Results The mean self-assessment of voice was between "Good" and "Very good" (1.2). The mean total VHI-10 score was 1.35, which is below the cutoff. The mean total CSHI score was 10.04. The mean total VFI score was 10.83, near the cutoff value. Classical singers who use their voice to give examples to students in their classes had higher scores in VHI-10 (p = 0.013), VFI voice restriction (p = 0.011), and VFI total score (p = 0.015). Besides, classical singers who already visited a Speech-Language Pathologist for voice problems had higher scores in VFI voice restriction (p = 0.040) and VFI recovery with voice rest (p = 0.019), in addition to correlations between instrument scores. Conclusion Professional classical singers did not have voice handicaps. However, their self-perception of vocal fatigue was more present when the singing voice was used, such as giving examples with their own voice in class. Having had voice problems and visited a Speech-Language Pathologist in the past led to a greater perception of vocal recovery with rest.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(6): e00149323, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564220


Abstract: Self-rated health is an indicator that can be easily identified in health surveys, widely used to measure physical, social, mental, and health aspects of the population, and predict premature mortality. In Venezuela, this information only began to be collected recently, in the National Survey of Living Conditions (ENCOVI). In this context, our study aims to analyze the demographic and socioeconomic factors associated with non-positive self-rated health among Venezuelan adults. The ENCOVI 2021 (n = 16,803) was used as a data source, assessing a probability stratified sample with questions about health, education, emigration, and other social and economic aspects. Crude and adjusted prevalence ratio analyses were performed using Poisson regression models with robust variance. The prevalence of fair/bad self-rated health among Venezuelans was 17.8%. The results indicated a strong association between outcome prevalence and age group, 3.81 times higher (95%CI: 3.29-4.41) among individuals aged 60 or more when compared to individuals aged 18 to 29 years. Also, participants experiencing severe food insecurity had a prevalence 2 times higher (95%CI: 1.61-2.47) than those who did not have any level of food insecurity. Factors such as poverty, education, recent emigration of family members, and sex also showed a significant influence, also when analyzed independently. The results show that special attention should be dedicated to the health of individuals facing hunger and of the older people.

Resumen: La autoevaluación de salud es un indicador de simple captación en encuestas de salud, muy utilizado en investigaciones para medir aspectos físicos, sociales, mentales y de salud de la población, además de predecir la mortalidad precoz. En el caso de los venezolanos, esta información recién comenzó a recopilarse en la Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida (ENCOVI). En este contexto, el objetivo del estudio es analizar los factores demográficos y socioeconómicos asociados con la autoevaluación de salud no positiva entre los venezolanos adultos. Se utiliza la ENCOVI 2021 como fuente de datos (n = 16.803), que tiene una muestra probabilística y estratificada, además de preguntas sobre salud, educación, migración y otros aspectos sociales y económicos. Se realizaron análisis de la razón de prevalencia crudos y ajustados, estimados a través de modelos de regresión de Poisson con varianza robusta. La prevalencia de la autoevaluación de salud regular/mala entre los venezolanos fue del 17,8%. Los resultados mostraron una fuerte asociación entre la prevalencia del resultado y el grupo de edad, siendo 3,81 veces mayor (IC95%: 3,29-4,41) entre las personas con 60 años o más, en comparación con las de 18 a 29 años. Además, los participantes en situación de inseguridad alimentaria grave presentaron una prevalencia 2 veces mayor (IC95%: 1,61-2,47) que aquellos que no enfrentaron ningún nivel de inseguridad alimentaria. Factores como pobreza, escolaridad, emigración reciente de familiares y género también demostraron una influencia significativa, aun cuando analizados de manera independiente. Los resultados resaltan la necesidad de prestar especial atención a la salud de los que enfrentan hambre y de las personas mayores.

Resumo: A autoavaliação de saúde é um indicador de simples captação em inquéritos de saúde, amplamente utilizado em pesquisas para medir aspectos físicos, sociais, mentais e de saúde da população, além de predizer a mortalidade precoce. No caso venezuelano, apenas recentemente começou a se coletar essa informação por meio da Pesquisa Nacional de Condições de Vida (ENCOVI). Nesse contexto, o estudo tem por objetivo analisar os fatores demográficos e socioeconômicos associados à autoavaliação não positiva da saúde entre adultos venezuelanos. Utiliza-se como fonte de dados a ENCOVI 2021 (n = 16.803), cuja amostra é probabilística e estratificada, apresentando perguntas sobre saúde, educação, migração e outros aspectos sociais e econômicos. Foram realizadas análises brutas e ajustadas de razão de prevalência, estimadas por meio de modelos de regressão de Poisson com variância robusta. A prevalência de autoavaliação da saúde regular/ruim entre venezuelanos foi de 17,8%. Os resultados indicaram uma forte associação entre a prevalência do desfecho e a faixa etária, sendo 3,81 vezes maior (IC95%: 3,29-4,41) entre os indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais, em comparação àqueles com idade de 18 a 29 anos. Além disso, os participantes em situação de insegurança alimentar severa apresentaram uma prevalência 2 vezes maior (IC95%: 1,61-2,47) do que aqueles que não enfrentaram nenhum nível de insegurança alimentar. Fatores como pobreza, escolaridade, emigração recente de familiares e sexo também demonstraram influência significativa, mesmo quando analisados independentemente. Os resultados destacam a necessidade de atenção especial à saúde daqueles que enfrentam fome e dos idosos.

Rev Rene (Online) ; 25: e92837, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1565005


RESUMO Objetivo descrever a construção de um protótipo de aplicativo móvel para a autoavaliação da competência cultural dos profissionais e acadêmicos de Enfermagem no fornecimento do cuidado à pessoa com deficiência. Métodos estudo metodológico do tipo protótipo de aplicativo, a partir do Instrumento de Autoavaliação da Competência Transcultural para o Cuidado da Pessoa com Deficiência, que possui cinco níveis de responsividade e 23 itens agrupados nos cinco tipos de deficiências, em observância a Teoria Transcultural de Enfermagem. O conteúdo de layout da tecnologia foi criado conforme as cinco metodologias do aplicativo "One-Minute Preceptor". Resultados o protótipo possui 42 telas, compostas por telas iniciais com informações sobre o Instrumento de Autoavaliação e Interface de cadastro com login e senha. As telas seguintes são compostas pela autoavaliação cultural de cada deficiência. Conclusão a construção do protótipo, fundamentado no Instrumento de Autoavaliação da Competência Transcultural para Cuidar da Pessoa com Deficiência, direciona os profissionais/acadêmicos de Enfermagem à autoavaliação e à aquisição de competência cultural para o cuidado de Enfermagem. Contribuições para a prática: o protótipo possui qualidade de conteúdo constatada a partir da validação com especialistas, o que possibilita o aprendizado e melhoria no cuidado de Enfermagem com competência cultural à pessoa com deficiência.

ABSTRACT Objective to describe the construction of a prototype mobile application for self-assessment of the cultural competence of nursing professionals and students in providing care to people with disabilities. Methods a methodological study of the prototype application type, based on the Instrument for Self-Assessment of Transcultural Competence for the Care of People with Disabilities, which has five levels of responsiveness and 23 items grouped into the five types of disabilities, in compliance with the Transcultural Nursing Theory. The layout content of the technology was created according to the five methodologies of the "One-Minute Preceptor" application. Results the prototype has 42 screens, consisting of initial screens with information about the Self-Assessment Tool and the registration interface with login and password. The following screens are made up of the cultural self-assessment of each disability. Conclusion the construction of the prototype, based on the Instrument for Self-Assessment of Transcultural Competence for Caring for People with Disabilities, directs nursing professionals/academics towards self-assessment and the acquisition of cultural competence for nursing care. Contributions to practice: the prototype has the quality of its content ascertained through validation with specialists, which makes it possible to learn and improve culturally competent nursing care for people with disabilities.

Biomedica ; 43(3): 406-417, 2023 09 30.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37871567


Introduction: Neurological impairment in multiple sclerosis is highly variable among patients and over time it is difficult to quantify. The Multiple Sclerosis Outcome Assessment Consortium established sensitive, cost-effective, clinically significant, and reproducible measures of different functional systems to measure outcomes in clinical trials. However, their use in clinical care routines is not widespread due to time and training constraints. Objective: To evaluate the self-administration feasibility of the timed 25-foot walking, symbol-digit-modality, and 9-peg hole tests in healthy individuals. Materials and methods: We performed a descriptive pilot study. Healthy individuals between 18 and 80 years of age were included. The Timed 25-Foot Walking Test (T25- FWT), the Symbol Digit Modality Test (SDMT), and the Nine-Hole Peg Test (9-HPT) (using the dominant and non-dominant hand) were administered by a trained physician, who also instructed the subjects about test self-administration. The correlation and agreement, between the guided and self-administered tests were assessed with Pearson and Spearman coefficients and the Bland-Altman method. Results: Thirty-eight healthy volunteers were included. The median age was 36 (range: 23-55) years old, and 55.26% were female. The correlation coefficient between guided and selfadministered tests was 0.37 for the T25-FWT (p=0.01), 0.54 for the SDMT (p<0.001), and 0.64 and 0.65 for the 9-HPT, in the dominant and non-dominant hands, respectively (p<0,001). Both forms of administration were concordant for the T25-FWT (95%CI: -1,49 to 1,43), the 9-HPT with dominant hand (95%CI: -5,23 to 4,09), the 9-HPT with non-dominant hand (95%CI: -7,75 to 7,14) and the SDMT (95% CI: -20,94 to 24,10). Conclusions: We provide a proof of concept related to the feasibility of the selfadministration of the T25-FWT, the 9-HPT, and the SDMT, as a tool to improve monitoring in routine clinical practice.

Introducción: El deterioro neurológico en la esclerosis múltiple es variable para cada paciente y su cuantificación se dificulta con el tiempo. El Multiple Sclerosis Outcome Assessment Consortium estableció medidas clínicas sensibles, costo-efectivas y reproducibles para medir los resultados de los estudios clínicos. Sin embargo, sus valores de referencia se desconocen y, en la atención habitual, su uso no está extendido por limitaciones de tiempo y entrenamiento. Objetivo: Establecer la factibilidad de la administración autónoma de las pruebas de marcha de 25 pies, símbolos y dígitos, y clavijas y nueve hoyos en individuos sanos. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio piloto descriptivo. Se incluyeron individuos sanos entre los 18 y los 80 años. Las pruebas de Timed 25-Foot Walking Test (T25-FWT) [caminata cronometrada de 25 pies], Symbol Digit Modality Test (SDMT) [símbolos y dígitos] y Nine-Hole Peg Test (9-HPT) [clavijas y nueve agujeros] fueron administradas por un médico capacitado, quien también instruyó a los sujetos sobre la administración autónoma de las pruebas. La correlación y la concordancia entre la prueba guiada y la autónoma se evaluaron con los coeficientes de Pearson y Spearman, y el análisis gráfico de Bland-Altman. Resultados: Se incluyeron 38 voluntarios sanos. La mediana de edad fue de 36 (rango: 23-55 años) y el 55,26 % eran mujeres. El coeficiente de correlación entre la prueba de administración guiada y la autónoma fue de 0,37 para la T25-FWT (p=0,01), de 0,54 para la SDMT (p<0,001) y de 0,64 y 0,65 para la 9-HPT, en las manos dominante y no dominante, respectivamente (p<0,001). Ambas formas de administración fueron concordantes para las pruebas T25-FWT (IC95%: -1,49 a 1,43), 9-HPT con la mano dominante (IC95%: -5,23 a 4,09), 9-HPT con la mano no dominante (IC95%: -7,75 a 7,14) y SDMT (IC95%: -20,94 a 24,10). Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio ayudan a determinar los valores de normalidad poblacional obtenidos con las pruebas T25-FWT, 9-HPT y SDMT; además, establecen la posibilidad de practicarlas de forma autónoma.

Multiple Sclerosis , Humans , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Male , Pilot Projects , Multiple Sclerosis/diagnosis , Retrospective Studies
Medisur ; 21(5)oct. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521230


Fundamento: la autoevaluación contribuye a la autorregulación del aprendizaje por los estudiantes, entonces, resulta conveniente el monitoreo de esta actividad. Objetivo: analizar el índice de participación de los estudiantes de las Facultades de Ciencias Médicas Miguel Enríquez, 10 de Octubre y Salvador Allende, en la autoevaluación de su aprendizaje en la asignatura Células, Tejidos y Sistema Tegumentario, durante el curso 2023-2024. Métodos: se desarrolló una investigación descriptiva, transversal y con un enfoque mixto. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis, inductivo-deductivo e histórico lógico; empíricos: revisión documental y análisis de contenido; así como el matemático estadístico. Resultados: el análisis de los datos obtenidos permitió catalogar el índice de participación de los estudiantes en la autoevaluación de su aprendizaje como muy bajo en las Facultades de Ciencias Médicas Miguel Enríquez y 10 de Octubre, y bajo en la Salvador Allende. Se determinó un índice de correlación de Spearman entre el índice de participación de los estudiantes y sus facultades de procedencia significativamente positivo (p ( 0,001), en seis de las ocho actividades de autoevaluaciones consideradas, con una tendencia a valores de índices superiores en la facultad Salvador Allende. Conclusiones: la investigación desarrollada hizo posible determinar la existencia de limitaciones en cuanto a la participación de los estudiantes en la autoevaluación de su aprendizaje, en la asignatura Células, Tejidos y Sistema Tegumentario, cuyo grado guarda relación con las facultades de procedencia.

Foundation: self-assessment contributes to the self-regulation of learning by students, so it is convenient to monitor this activity. Objective: to analyze the students' participation rate from the Miguel Enríquez, 10 de Octubre and Salvador Allende Medical Sciences Faculties, in their learning self-assessment from the subject Cells, Tissues and Integumentary System, during the 2023-2024 academic year. Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional research with a mixed approach was developed. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive and logical history; empirical: documentary review and content analysis; as well as the statistical mathematician. Results: the data analysis obtained allowed us to classify the students' participation rate in the self-assessment of their learning as very low in the Miguel Enríquez and 10 de Octubre Medical Sciences Faculties, and low in Salvador Allende. A significantly positive Spearman correlation index was determined between the students' participation index and their schools of origin (p (0,001), in six of the eight self-assessment activities considered, with a tendency to higher index values in the Salvador Allende faculty. Conclusions: the research carried out made it possible to determine the existence of limitations regarding the students' participation in the self-assessment of their learning, in the subject Cells, Tissues and Integumentary System, whose degree is related to the origin faculties.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);43(3): 406-417, sept. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533940


Introducción. El deterioro neurológico en la esclerosis múltiple es variable para cada paciente y su cuantificación se dificulta con el tiempo. El Multiple Sclerosis Outcome Assessment Consortium estableció medidas clínicas sensibles, costo-efectivas y reproducibles para medir los resultados de los estudios clínicos. Sin embargo, sus valores de referencia se desconocen y, en la atención habitual, su uso no está extendido por limitaciones de tiempo y entrenamiento. Objetivo. Establecer la factibilidad de la administración autónoma de las pruebas de marcha de 25 pies, símbolos y dígitos, y clavijas y nueve hoyos en individuos sanos. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio piloto descriptivo. Se incluyeron individuos sanos entre los 18 y los 80 años. Las pruebas de Timed 25-Foot Walking Test (T25-FWT) [caminata cronometrada de 25 pies], Symbol Digit Modality Test (SDMT) [símbolos y dígitos] y Nine-Hole Peg Test (9-HPT) [clavijas y nueve agujeros] fueron administradas por un médico capacitado, quien también instruyó a los sujetos sobre la administración autónoma de las pruebas. La correlación y la concordancia entre la prueba guiada y la autónoma se evaluaron con los coeficientes de Pearson y Spearman, y el análisis gráfico de Bland-Altman. Resultados. Se incluyeron 38 voluntarios sanos. La mediana de edad fue de 36 (rango: 23-55 años) y el 55,26 % eran mujeres. El coeficiente de correlación entre la prueba de administración guiada y la autónoma fue de 0,37 para la T25-FWT (p=0,01), de 0,54 para la SDMT (p<0,001) y de 0,64 y 0,65 para la 9-HPT, en las manos dominante y no dominante, respectivamente (p<0,001). Ambas formas de administración fueron concordantes para las pruebas T25-FWT (IC95%: -1,49 a 1,43), 9-HPT con la mano dominante (IC95%: -5,23 a 4,09), 9-HPT con la mano no dominante (IC95%: -7,75 a 7,14) y SDMT (IC95%: -20,94 a 24,10). Conclusiones. Los resultados de este estudio ayudan a determinar los valores de normalidad poblacional obtenidos con las pruebas T25-FWT, 9-HPT y SDMT; además, establecen la posibilidad de practicarlas de forma autónoma.

Introduction. Neurological impairment in multiple sclerosis is highly variable among patients and over time it is difficult to quantify. The Multiple Sclerosis Outcome Assessment Consortium established sensitive, cost-effective, clinically significant, and reproducible measures of different functional systems to measure outcomes in clinical trials. However, their use in clinical care routines is not widespread due to time and training constraints. Objective. To evaluate the self-administration feasibility of the timed 25-foot walking, symbol-digit-modality, and 9-peg hole tests in healthy individuals. Materials and methods. We performed a descriptive pilot study. Healthy individuals between 18 and 80 years of age were included. The Timed 25-Foot Walking Test (T25- FWT), the Symbol Digit Modality Test (SDMT), and the Nine-Hole Peg Test (9-HPT) (using the dominant and non-dominant hand) were administered by a trained physician, who also instructed the subjects about test self-administration. The correlation and agreement, between the guided and self-administered tests were assessed with Pearson and Spearman coefficients and the Bland-Altman method. Results. Thirty-eight healthy volunteers were included. The median age was 36 (range: 23-55) years old, and 55.26% were female. The correlation coefficient between guided and selfadministered tests was 0.37 for the T25-FWT (p=0.01), 0.54 for the SDMT (p<0.001), and 0.64 and 0.65 for the 9-HPT, in the dominant and non-dominant hands, respectively (p<0,001). Both forms of administration were concordant for the T25-FWT (95%CI: -1,49 to 1,43), the 9-HPT with dominant hand (95%CI: -5,23 to 4,09), the 9-HPT with non-dominant hand (95%CI: -7,75 to 7,14) and the SDMT (95% CI: -20,94 to 24,10). Conclusions. We provide a proof of concept related to the feasibility of the selfadministration of the T25-FWT, the 9-HPT, and the SDMT, as a tool to improve monitoring in routine clinical practice.

Multiple Sclerosis , Reference Values , Disability Evaluation , Telemonitoring , Self-Testing
J Viral Hepat ; 30(11): 838-847, 2023 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37485619


Data on the acceptability and usability of hepatitis C virus self-testing (HCVST) remain scarce. We estimated the pooled rates of acceptability/feasibility and re-reading/re-testing agreement of HCVST using oral fluid tests (PROSPERO-CRD42022349874). We searched online databases for studies that evaluated acceptability, usability and inter-reader/operator variability for HCVST using oral fluid tests. Pooled estimates of feasibility, agreement and post-testing perspectives were analysed. Sensitivity analyses were performed in men who have sex with men (MSM) and people who inject drugs (PWID). Heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 statistics. A total of six studies comprising 870 participants were identified: USA (n = 95 with liver disease), Kenya (n = 150 PWID), Egypt (n = 116 from the general population), Vietnam (n = 104 MSM and n = 105 PWID), China (n = 100 MSM) and Georgia (n = 100 MSM and n = 100 PWID)]. All studies used OraQuick® HCV Rapid Antibody Test. The pooled overall estimates for correct sample collection and for people who performed HCVST without needing assistance in any step (95% confidence interval [CI]) were 87.2% [76.0-95.3] (n = 755; I2 = 93.7%) and 62.6% [37.2-84.8] (n = 755; I2 = 98.0%), respectively. The pooled estimate of agreement for re-reading was 95.0% [95% CI 91.5-97.6] (n = 831; I2 = 74.0%) and for re-testing was 94.4% [90.3-97.5] (n = 726; I2 = 77.1%). The pooled estimate of those who would recommend HCVST was 94.4% [84.7-99.6] (n = 625; I2 = 93.7%). Pooled estimates (95% CI) of correct sample collection (72.8% [63.3-81.5] vs. 90.8% [85.9-94.8]) and performance of HCVST without needing assistance (44.1% [14.1-76.7] vs. 78.1% [53.4-95.3]) was lower in PWID compared to MSM. In summary, HCV testing with oral fluid HCVST was feasible and well-accepted. Oral fluid HCVST should be considered in key populations for uptake HCV testing.

HIV Infections , Hepatitis C , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Substance Abuse, Intravenous , Male , Humans , Hepacivirus , Homosexuality, Male , Substance Abuse, Intravenous/epidemiology , Self-Testing , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Hepatitis C/epidemiology , Hepatitis C Antibodies
JMIR Form Res ; 7: e43183, 2023 Mar 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36867689


BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic heavily impacted many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), such as Peru, overwhelming their health systems. Rapid antigen detection self-tests for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, have been proposed as a portable, safe, affordable, and easy-to-perform approach to improve early detection and surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in resource-constrained populations where there are gaps in access to health care. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to explore decision makers' values and attitudes around SARS-CoV-2 self-testing. METHODS: In 2021, we conducted a qualitative study in 2 areas of Peru (urban Lima and rural Valle del Mantaro). Purposive sampling was used to identify representatives of civil society groups (RSCs), health care workers (HCWs), and potential implementers (PIs) to act as informants whose voices would provide a proxy for the public's attitudes around self-testing. RESULTS: In total, 30 informants participated in individual, semistructured interviews (SSIs) and 29 informants participated in 5 focus group discussions (FGDs). Self-tests were considered to represent an approach to increase access to testing that both the rural and urban public in Peru would accept. Results showed that the public would prefer saliva-based self-tests and would prefer to access them in their community pharmacies. In addition, information about how to perform a self-test should be clear for each population subgroup in Peru. The tests should be of high quality and low cost. Health-informed communication strategies must also accompany any introduction of self-testing. CONCLUSIONS: In Peru, decision makers consider that the public would be willing to accept SARS-CoV-2 self-tests if they are accurate, safe to use, easily available, and affordable. Adequate information about the self-tests' features and instructions, as well as about postuse access to counseling and care, must be made available through the Ministry of Health in Peru.

Saúde debate ; 47(136): 56-67, jan.-mar. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432410


RESUMO Introdução: O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a aceitabilidade do autoteste de HIV entre adolescentes Homens que fazem Sexo com Homens e mulheres travestis e transexuais em três capitais brasileiras. Método: estudo qualitativo, com 6 Grupos Focais e 37 Entrevistas em profundidade, envolvendo 58 participantes, nas cidades de Belo Horizonte, Salvador e São Paulo, cuja análise temática de conteúdo orientou-se pelo Theoretical Framework of Acceptability. Resultados: boa aceitabilidade do autoteste de HIV, ainda que não homogênea entre participantes. Entre os aspectos positivos dos testes estão, por exemplo, a agilidade, a privacidade, a autonomia no monitoramento da própria saúde e a gestão emocional e de estigma. Em outra direção tem-se a preocupação em como lidar com um eventual resultado reagente e o questionamento do autoteste como estratégia de prevenção. O local de dispensação do autoteste é decisivo para potencializar ou não o uso, a depender da competência cultural para acolher a diversidade sexual e de identidade de gênero de adolescentes. Conclusão: Este estudo identificou o autoteste de HIV como uma estratégia fundamental para o incremento da autonomia e autocuidado entre adolescentes. Estas devem ser consideradas para maior adequação às culturas juvenis locais e, consequentemente, maior adesão à testagem.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The objective of this study is to analyze the acceptability of the HIV self-test among male adolescents who have sex with male and transgender women in three Brazilian capitals. Method: qualitative study, with 6 focus groups and 37 in-depth interviews with 58 participants, from the cities of Belo Horizonte, Salvador and São Paulo, whose thematic analysis was based on the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability. Results: the HIV self-test had good acceptability, although it was not homogeneous among participating adolescents. Positive aspects include, for example, agility, privacy, autonomy, monitoring one's health, and emotional and stigma management. In another direction are concerns about how to deal with an eventual reactive result and whether self-testing is a prevention strategy. The place where self-tests are given out is decisive to improving their use, which depends on cultural competence to accommodate sexual and gender diversities of adolescents. Conclusion: This study has shown that HIV self-testing is a fundamental strategy to increase adolescent autonomy and self-care. These should be considered to better adapt the test to local youth cultures and, consequently, achieve better compliance.

ABCS health sci ; 48: e023222, 14 fev. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516699


INTRODUCTION: The decline in functional capacity (FC) interferes with the functional independence of older adults, so it is important to assess the FC and use appropriate instruments for this. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the Glittre Activities of Daily Living (ADL) test's validity and reliability for assessing functional capacity in older adults. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with a sample of 100 elderly (68 ± 5.16 years). To assess the convergent validity, the Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) and the Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) were performed. The intra-examiner test-retest of the Glittre-ADL test was performed on the same day with a 30-minute interval between repetitions and inter-examiner reliability with an interval of seven days. RESULTS: There was a strong correlation between the Glittre-ADL test and the 6MWT (r=-0,75; p<0.001) and the TUG (r=0.77; p<0.001). The intra-examiner and inter-examiner reliability was excellent (ICC)=0.91 and 95% CI=0.14-0.97; p<0.001 and ICC=0.91; 95% CI: 0.86-0.94; p<0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION: The Glittre-ADL test demonstrated that it is valid and that its reliability is adequate to assess functional capacity in older adults.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Activities of Daily Living , Exercise , Health of the Elderly , Reproducibility of Results , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP;57: e20230127, 2023. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1521566


ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate sociodemographic factors, non-communicable diseases and conditions, and behavioral risk factors associated with negative self-rated health among Brazilian women of childbearing age. Method: Cross-sectional study with 26,071 Brazilian women of reproductive age. Estimated prevalence of self-rated health according to sociodemographic characteristics, non-communicable diseases and conditions, and behavioral risk factors. Poisson regression was used to estimate adjusted and unadjusted prevalence ratios. Results: Occurrence of two or more of the diseases and conditions presented a prevalence of negative self-rated health almost three times higher than none. There was a positive association between negative self-rated health and older age groups, lower education, black or brown skin color/race, living in the north and northeast regions, physical inactivity, being a smoker, and presence of one or more of the diseases and conditions. Conclusion: There are differences in self-rated health, reflecting social inequalities.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Investigar factores sociodemográficos, enfermedades y condiciones no transmisibles y factores de riesgo conductuales asociados con la autoevaluación negativa de la salud entre mujeres brasileñas en edad fértil. Método: Estudio transversal con 26.071 mujeres brasileñas en edad reproductiva. Prevalencia estimada de salud autovalorada según características sociodemográficas, enfermedades y trastornos no transmisibles y factores de riesgo conductuales. Se utilizó la regresión de Poisson para estimar las tasas de prevalencia ajustadas y no ajustadas. Resultados: La aparición de dos o más de las enfermedades y agravios mostró una prevalencia de autoevaluación negativa de la salud casi tres veces mayor que ninguna. Hubo una asociación positiva entre la autoevaluación negativa de la salud y los grupos de mayor edad, menor educación, color de piel/raza negra o morena, vivir en las regiones norte y noreste, inactividad física, ser fumador y la presencia de una o más de las enfermedades y condiciones. Conclusión: Existen diferencias en la autoevaluación de la salud, lo que refleja desigualdades sociales.

RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar fatores sociodemográficos, doenças e agravos não transmissíveis e fatores de risco comportamentais associados à autoavaliação de saúde negativa das mulheres brasileiras em idade reprodutiva. Método: Estudo transversal com 26.071 mulheres brasileiras em idade reprodutiva. Estimadas prevalências da autoavaliação de saúde segundo características sociodemográficas, doenças e agravos não transmissíveis e fatores de risco comportamentais. Utilizou-se regressão de Poisson para estimar as razões de prevalência ajustadas e não ajustadas. Resultados: Ocorrência de duas ou mais das doenças e agravos apresentou prevalência de autoavaliação de saúde negativa quase três vezes maior do que nenhuma. Houve associação positiva entre autoavaliação de saúde negativa e maiores faixas etárias, menor escolaridade, cor da pele/raça preta ou parda, viver nas regiões norte e nordeste, inatividade física, ser fumante e presença de uma ou mais das doenças e agravos. Conclusão: Existem diferenças na autoavaliação de saúde, refletindo em iniquidades sociais.

Humans , Female , Women's Health , Noncommunicable Diseases , Risk Factors , Self-Testing
CoDAS ; 35(2): e20210123, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430232


RESUMO Objetivo Comparar a eficiência de diferentes instrumentos de autoavaliação vocal para o rastreio da disfonia. Método Participaram 262 indivíduos disfônicos e não disfônicos, com média de idade de 41,3 (±14,5) anos. O diagnóstico da disfonia foi dado a partir da análise perceptivo-auditiva da vogal sustentada "é" e do diagnóstico laringológico. Foram coletadas as respostas dos instrumentos: Questionário de Qualidade de Vida em Voz (QVV), Índice de Desvantagem Vocal (IDV), IDV-10, Escala de Sintomas Vocais (ESV) e do Br-DST (Brazilian Dysphonia Screening Tool), denominado no português brasileiro como Instrumento de Rastreio da Disfonia (IRDBR). Para análise da assertividade destes em relação à presença da disfonia, foram utilizados os pontos de corte de cada instrumento e a regra de decisão preconizada pelo IRDBR. Foi realizada uma análise exploratória para comparação das médias dos escores dos instrumentos e verificação de associações entre as variáveis. Resultados Os instrumentos avaliados foram sensíveis para captar o impacto da disfonia de forma semelhante independentemente do uso profissional da voz e tipo de disfonia. Foi observada diferença apenas nos escores da ESV para a variável sexo, com maior pontuação observada no sexo feminino. Em relação à assertividade global, os instrumentos apresentaram elevados índices de acerto na classificação, com destaque para a ESV que apresentou maior índice (86,3%), seguida do IRDBR (84,0%), QVV (80,9%), IDV (78,2%) e IDV-10 (75,2%). Conclusão A ESV apresenta maior índice de assertividade na identificação da disfonia, seguida do IRDBR. O IRDBR é uma ferramenta curta, simples e de fácil aplicação para procedimentos de rastreio.

ABSTRACT Purpose To compare the efficiency of different vocal self-assessment instruments for dysphonia screening. Methods 262 dysphonic and non-dysphonic individuals participated in the research. The mean age was 41.3 (±14.5) years. The diagnosis of dysphonia was based on the auditory-perceptual analysis of the sustained vowel "é" and on laryngological diagnosis. The responses of the instruments were collected: Voice-Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL), Voice Handicap Index (VHI), VHI-10, Voice Symptoms Scale (VoiSS), and the Brazilian Dysphonia Screening Tool, (Br-DST) called in Brazilian Portuguese Instrumento de Rastreio da Disfonia (IRDBR). To analyze assertiveness in relation to the presence of dysphonia, the cutoff points of each instrument and the decision rule recommended by the IRDBR were used. An exploratory analysis was performed to compare mean scores of instruments and verify associations between variables. Results The instruments evaluated were sensitive to capture the impact of dysphonia in a similar way regardless of professional voice use and type of dysphonia. There was a difference only in VoiSS scores for the variable gender, with a higher score for females. Regarding global assertiveness, the instruments showed high rates of success in classification, with emphasis on the VoiSS, which had the highest rate (86.3%), followed by the IRDBR (84.0%), VQL (80.9%), VHI (78.2%), and VHI-10 (75.2%). Conclusion The VoiSS has the highest assertiveness index in the identification of dysphonia, followed by the IRDBR. The IRDBR is a short, simple, and easy-to-apply tool for screening procedures.

BMC Infect Dis ; 22(1): 720, 2022 Sep 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36056299


BACKGROUND: Brazil is among the countries in South America where the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the general population hardest. Self-testing for SARS-CoV-2 infection is one of the community-based strategies that could help asymptomatic individuals at-risk of COVID-19, as well as those living in areas that are difficult for health personnel to reach, to know their infectious status and contribute to impeding further transmission of the virus. METHODS: A population-based survey was conducted in November 2021, to assess the acceptability of rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen self-testing among the population of São Paulo. Survey respondents were approached at more than 400 different street-points that were randomly selected using a five-stage randomization process. A 35-item structured questionnaire was used. Dependent variables for our analyses were the likelihood to use and willingness to pay for self-testing, and the likelihood of taking preventive measures to prevent onward transmission of SARS-CoV-2 following a reactive self-test result. Bivariate and multivariate regression analyses were performed. RESULTS: Overall, 417 respondents (44.12% female) participated; 19.66% had previously had COVID-19 disease. A minority (9.59%) felt at high-risk of COVID-19. The majority of both females and males (73.91% and 60.09%, respectively) were in favor of the idea of SARS-CoV-2 self-testing. Overall, if self-tests were available, almost half of the sample would be very likely (n = 54, 12.95%) or likely (n = 151, 36.21%) to use one if they felt they needed to. Upon receiving a positive self-test result, the majority of respondents would communicate it (88.49%), request facility-based post-test counseling (98.32%), self-isolate (97.60%), and warn their close contacts (96.64%). CONCLUSION: Rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen self-testing could be an acceptable screening tool in São Paulo. The population would be empowered by having access to a technology that would allow them to test, even if asymptomatic, when traveling, or going to work or school. If there is a surge in the incidence of cases, self-testing could be a good approach for mass case detection by Brazil's already overstretched Unified Health System.

COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Attitude , Brazil/epidemiology , COVID-19/diagnosis , COVID-19/epidemiology , Female , Humans , Male , Pandemics/prevention & control , Self-Testing , Surveys and Questionnaires
HIV Med ; 23(5): 451-456, 2022 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34634182


OBJECTIVES: HIV self-testing is an effective tool to improve diagnostic coverage in key populations, enabling linkage to care and access to antiretroviral therapy. Its implementation requires better understanding of patients' perspectives on this novel strategy. The aim of the study was to investigate the perception of men who have sex with men (MSM) regarding the HIV oral fluid self-test (HIVST) in São Paulo, Brazil, and to analyse the sociodemographic characteristics and testing strategy preferences of individuals registered to undertake HIVST. METHODS: Preceding the implementation of HIVST use as public policy in 2019, we recruited MSM living in São Paulo to undertake HIVST using a digital platform, and investigated their sociodemographic profiles, testing experiences and testing preferences. Results were compared according to reported lifetime HIV testing. RESULTS: A total of 6477 MSM (median age 28 years) were recruited to the study from April 9th to December 31st, 2018. Seventy-eight per cent reported previous HIV testing. The opening hours of health facilities (53%), concern about disclosing intimate personal information to health care providers (34%) and fear of stigma (21%) were reported as the main barriers to testing. Older age, higher education, illicit drug use and self-identifying as gay were associated with prior HIV testing (P < 0.001). Most participants (67%) were unaware that HIVST was available before enrolling in the study. Preference for HIVST over other testing technologies was higher among those never tested (71%) than among participants with previous HIV testing (61%; P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: HIVST was found to be an effective tool to improve testing uptake among MSM, particularly those who had never been tested before. Characterization of the most likely users of HIVST among MSM will help to inform implementation and scaling up of this novel testing method in the Brazilian public health system.

HIV Infections , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Adult , Brazil , HIV Infections/diagnosis , Homosexuality, Male , Humans , Male , Self-Testing
Glob Public Health ; 17(6): 870-884, 2022 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33736565


Rapid oral HIV self-tests (HIVST) have potential to increase the proportion of people who know their HIV status, especially among stigmatised populations. This study was embedded in two cohorts of female sex workers (FSW) in the Dominican Republic (DR) and Tanzania. Qualitative interviews with 40 FSW were conducted to explore perceived acceptability of HIVST. Interviews were analysed using inductive and deductive thematic coding. Emergent themes were organised by socio-ecological framework levels. FSW in both settings responded positively to the ease of use of HIVST but questioned test accuracy due to the use of saliva rather than blood. FSW in the DR had a more cautious response, while women in Tanzania had favourable perceptions expressing eagerness to use it. At the individual level, themes shaping participants' interest included autonomy, HIV risk perception, and emotional well-being for those with reactive test results, and self-efficacy. At the interpersonal level, privacy, confidentiality, sex work and HIV stigma and social support were salient. Structural level themes focused on health systems including linkages to HIV treatment, provider roles, and access (cost, travel, distribution). Understanding FSW's perceptions and acceptability of HIVST is essential to its integration into health systems and programmes using a community-driven approach.

HIV Infections , Sex Workers , Dominican Republic , Female , HIV Infections/diagnosis , HIV Infections/psychology , Humans , Mass Screening/psychology , Self-Testing , Sex Workers/psychology , Tanzania
Rev. CEFAC ; 24(4): e6022, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422698


ABSTRACT Purpose: to compare, with Adult Reading History Questionnaire results, the reading habits of adults with and without dyslexia of different cultures and languages. Methods: the research comprised 119 university students (60 Czechs and 59 Brazilians, half of them with dyslexia) assessed by responding to the self-report reading history questionnaire and taking a reading level test. ARHQ scores were compared between the groups and countries with the analysis of variance (ANOVA), and their correlation was assessed with the Spearman's test, both with the significance level set at p < 0.05. Results: adults with dyslexia had lower reading habit scores and reading level scores than typical readers in both languages. Reading habits were positively correlated with reading levels in both languages. Regardless of the group, Brazilians had lower reading habit scores than Czechs. Conclusion: the results suggest that self-assessing reading habits is an effective way to screen for reading disorders. However, cultural and school factors must be considered.

RESUMO Objetivo: comparar os hábitos de leitura avaliados pelo Questionário História de Leitura em adultos com e sem dislexia de diferentes culturas e línguas. Métodos: participaram da pesquisa 119 estudantes universitários (60 tchecos e 59 brasileiros, metade com dislexia), os quais foram avaliados por meio de autoavaliação, respondendo o questionário de história de leitura e realizando teste de nível de leitura. A pontuação no QHL foi comparada entre os grupos e países com o teste de Análise de Variância (ANOVA) e a correlação foi avaliada com o teste de Spearman, ambos com nível de significância de p < 0,05. Resultados: adultos com dislexia obtiveram menor pontuação nos hábitos de leitura e no nível de leitura do que adultos leitores típicos em ambas as línguas. Houve correlação positiva entre os hábitos de leitura e o nível de leitura nos dois idiomas. Os brasileiros, independentemente do grupo, mostraram hábitos de leitura com menor pontuação do que os estudantes tchecos. Conclusão: os resultados sugerem que a autoavaliação dos hábitos de leitura é uma forma eficaz de triagem para os transtornos de leitura, contudo os fatores culturais e escolares devem ser considerados.