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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(9): 651-661, Sept. 2020. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1143423


Copper is an essential micromineral in animal feed; however, when consumed in excess, it can cause liver necrosis, hemolytic crisis, hemoglobinuric nephrosis and death in cattle. Although uncommon in this species, copper poisoning occurs as a result of exacerbated supplementation, deficiency of antagonist microminerals, or previous liver lesions. An outbreak of chronic copper poisoning is reported in semi-confined cattle after supplementation with 50 mg/Kg of dry matter copper. The cattle showed clinical signs characterized by anorexia, motor incoordination, loss of balance, jaundice, brownish or black urine, diarrhea and death, or were found dead, 10 to 302 days after consumption. Of the 35 cattle that died, 20 underwent necropsy, whose frequent findings were jaundice, enlarged liver with evident lobular pattern, black kidneys, and urinary bladder with brownish to blackish content. Microscopically, the liver showed vacuolar degeneration and/or zonal hepatocellular centrilobular or paracentral coagulative necrosis, in addition to cholestasis, mild periacinal fibrosis, apoptotic bodies, and mild to moderate mononuclear inflammation. Degeneration and necrosis of the tubular epithelium and intratubular hemoglobin cylinders were observed in the kidneys. Copper levels in the liver and kidneys ranged from 5,901.24 to 28,373.14 µmol/kg and from 303.72 to 14,021 µmol/kg, respectively. In conclusion, copper poisoning due to excessive nutritional supplementation is an important cause of jaundice, hemoglobinuria, and death in semi-confined cattle.(AU)

Cobre é um micromineral essencial, que quando em excesso induz necrose hepática, crise hemolítica, nefrose hemoglobínurica e morte em bovinos. As intoxicações, apesar de incomuns nessa espécie, ocorrem devido a suplementação exacerbada de cobre, pela deficiência de microminerais antagonistas ou secundária a lesão hepática prévia. Relata-se um surto de intoxicação crônica por cobre em bovinos semiconfinados após suplementação com 50mg/kg de cobre em matéria seca. Os bovinos manifestaram sinais clínicos caracterizados por anorexia, incoordenação motora, perda de equilíbrio, icterícia, urina acastanhada ou negra, diarreia e morte ou foram encontrados mortos, após 10 a 302 dias do início de consumo. De 35 bovinos que morreram 20 foram submetidos à necropsia sendo achada frequente icterícia, fígado aumentado e com padrão lobular evidente, rins pretos e bexiga urinária repleta de conteúdo acastanhado a enegrecida. Microscopicamente, no fígado havia degeneração vacuolar e ou necrose coagulativa hepatocelular zonal, centrolobular ou paracentral, além de degeneração vacuolar com corpúsculos de Councilman, colestase, fibrose periascinar leve, e inflamação de discreta a moderada. Nos rins havia degeneração e necrose do epitélio tubular assim como cilindros de hemoglobina intratubulares. Os níveis de cobre no fígado e rim foram de 5.901,24 a 28.373,14µmol/kg e 303,72 a 14.021µmol/kg respectivamente. A suplementação nutricional excessiva com cobre pode causar doença hemolítica com icterícia, hemoglobinúria e morte de bovinos mantidos em sistema de semiconfinamento.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/etiology , Copper/poisoning , Heavy Metal Poisoning/pathology , Heavy Metal Poisoning/veterinary , Heavy Metal Poisoning/epidemiology , Pasture
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 27(2): 1650-1666, 2020 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31755063


Milk production has been estimated to contribute 3-4% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, the carbon footprint associated with raw milk can vary, depending on a variety of factors, such as the geographical area, species of cow and production system. In this study, a global overview of research published on the carbon footprint (CF) of raw cow milk is provided. Additionally, two different dairy systems (semi-confinement and pasture-based) have been analysed by life-cycle assessment (LCA) in order to determine their effect on the CF of the milk produced. Inventory data were obtained directly from these facilities, and the main factors involved in milk production were included (co-products, livestock food, water, electricity, diesel, cleaning elements, transport, manure and slurry management, gas emissions to air etc.). In agreement with reviewed literature, it was found that the carbon footprint of milk was basically determined by the cattle feeding system and gas emissions from the cows. The values of milk CF found in the systems under study were within the range for cow milk production worldwide (0.9-4.7 kgCO2eq kgFPCM-1). Specifically, in the semi-confinement and the pasture-based dairy farms, 1.22 and 0.99 kgCO2eq kgFPCM-1 were obtained, respectively. The environmental benefits obtained with the pasture grazing system are not only mainly due to the lower use of purchased fodder but also to the allocation between milk and meat that was found to be a determining methodological factor in CF calculation. Finally, data from the evaluated dairy systems have been employed to analyse the influence of raw milk production on cheese manufacturing. With this aim, the CF of a small-scale cheese factory has also been obtained. The main subsystems involved (raw materials, water, electricity, energy, cleaning products, packaging materials, transport, wastes and gas emissions) were included in the inventory of the cheese factory. CF values were 16.6 and 14.7 kgCO2eq kg-1 of cheese for milk produced in semi-confinement and pasture-based systems, respectively. The production of raw milk represented more than 60% of CO2eq emissions associated with cheese, so the primary production is the critical factor in reducing the GHG emissions due to cheese making.

Carbon Footprint , Cheese , Greenhouse Gases , Milk , Animals , Cattle , Dairying , Ecosystem , Female , Greenhouse Effect , Spain
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 30(3): 803-809, may/june 2014. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-947465


The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of neutralizing antibodies against bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) in 722 non-vaccinated animals from eight properties that use different farming systems (extensive, semi-confinement and confinement). Serum samples were subjected to neutralization tests in order to search for anti-BoHV-1 antibodies. Serological results were categorized as negative, low titer, intermediate titer or high titer. One property showed no positive samples; while other properties presented frequency of positive samples ranging from 17.95% to 86.96%. For animals raised under confinement, the number of positive samples and neutralizing antibody titers were lower compared to others, possibly due to good sanitary practices adopted by this type of system. Altogether, our results can contribute towards the understanding of the endemic infection in Brazil.

Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a distribuição de anticorpos neutralizantes contra o herpesvirus bovino 1 (BoHV-1) em 722 animais não vacinados pertencentes a oito propriedades que utilizam diferentes sistemas de criação (extensivo, semi-confinamento e confinamento). As amostras sorológicas foram submetidas ao teste de soroneutralização para pesquisa de anticorpos anti-BoHV-1. Os resultados foram classificados em títulos negativo, baixo, médio e alto. Uma propriedade não apresentou amostras positivas, enquanto que nas demais propriedades a frequência de amostras positivas variou de 17,95% a 86,96%. Os animais do sistema de criação por confinamento apresentaram menor número de amostras positivas quando comparado aos animais do outros sistemas de criação, possivelmente devido às boas práticas sanitárias adotadas por esse sistema. Dessa forma, nossos resultados podem contribuir para o entendimento dessa infecção endêmica no Brasil.

Herpesvirus 1, Bovine , Antibodies, Neutralizing , Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis
Vet. Méx ; 42(4): 259-267, oct.-dic. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-639977


Small-scale family swine production can be seen in thousands of small communities and suburban zones; it is characterized by breeding rural pigs in rustic facilities with basic feed and productive parameters, well below those of technologically advanced farms, with mortality reaching up to 50% of the litter. This type of production involves a large number of producers and has a critical impact on family income. At slaughter, these carcasses have a high probability of being seized because of the presence of cysticercoids (T. solium), losing a high percentage of its economic value; due to absence of slaughterhouses in rural communities, this meat is directed to consumption without health inspection, increasing the risk of transmission of this zoonosis. This paper describes the productive and reproductive characteristics of the backyard production system of pigs in a rural community. Human to pig ratio was 3:1. During the year, 308 piglets were born in 43 litters, 51.7% males and 48.3% females, with an average weight of 40.47 kg at 6 months and 65.30 kg at 10 months. They were slaughtered at 7.3 months on average. The highest death rate was found between 0 and 1 month of age. In many rural communities of Mexico pigs are fed with waste generated in homes, helping maintain the communities clean, as well as with the excreta of other species that usually roam freely, situation that can promote dissemination of parasitic diseases.

La porcicultura familiar es una forma de producción que existe en miles de pequeñas comunidades y zonas conurbadas, caracterizada por la crianza de razas criollas en instalaciones rústicas, con alimentación básica y parámetros productivos inferiores a los de las granjas tecnificadas y una mortalidad hasta de 50% de la camada. Este tipo de producción involucra gran número de productores e impacta críticamente en el ingreso familiar. Al sacrificio, estas canales tienen una alta probabilidad de decomiso por la presencia de cisticercosis (T. solium), por lo que pierden un alto porcentaje de su valor económico; debido a la ausencia de rastros en comunidades rurales, esta carne se destina al consumo directo, sin inspección sanitaria, incrementando los riesgos de transmisión de esta zoonosis. En este trabajo se describen las características productivas y reproductivas del sistema de producción de cerdos en traspatio en una comunidad rural. La razón humano-cerdo fue de 3:1, durante el año se obtuvieron 43 camadas, con 308 lechones nacidos vivos, 51.7% machos y 48.3% hembras, con un peso promedio de 40.47 kg a los 6 meses y 65.30 kg a los 10 meses, siendo sacrificados a los 7.3 meses en promedio, los animales que tienen entre 0 y 1 mes de edad presentan la tasa más alta de mortalidad sin que sean sacrificados. En muchas comunidades rurales de México, se alimentan con desperdicios que se generan en las casas, así como las excretas de otras especies que por lo regular deambulan libremente, situación que puede generar enfermedades parasitarias.