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Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade (Online) ; 19(46): e-3594, 20241804.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1571672


Introdução: A população LGBT constitui um grupo cujo acesso à saúde é historicamente limitado e ainda hoje é atravessado por questões complexas que envolvem desde a formação dos profissionais de saúde à própria estrutura organizacional do sistema assistencial. Apesar disso, a literatura científica acerca dos entraves que estes indivíduos enfrentam na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), porta de entrada e coordenadora do cuidado, é particularmente escassa. Objetivo: Caracterizar as barreiras envolvidas no acesso da população LGBTQIA+ à APS. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de estudos científicos selecionados nas plataformas de busca PubMed e Portal Regional da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), sendo utilizados como descritores de busca os termos Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero, LGBTQIA+, APS e Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde. Foram incluídos artigos completos sem restrição de período nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol. Foram excluídos textos do tipo: revisão bibliográfica; editorial; protocolos de estudo; opinião de especialistas e relato de experiência. Resultados: Foram selecionados 14 artigos, sendo seus conteúdos atribuídos a três eixos de discussão: barreiras físicas/organizacionais, barreiras sociais e barreiras relacionadas à educação/formação dos profissionais da saúde. Conclusões: É essencial expandir as discussões sociais acerca da temática de diversidade sexual e de gênero de modo a desconstruir os preconceitos instituídos; ademais, faz-se fundamental a revisão da estrutura física e organizacional ­ bem como da formação dos profissionais da saúde ­ para criar um ambiente assistencial inclusivo na atenção básica à população LGBTQIA+.

Introduction: The LGBT population is a group whose access to health care has historically been limited and is still crossed by complex issues ranging from the training of health professionals to the very organisational structure of the care system. Despite this, the scientific literature on the obstacles faced by these individuals in Primary Health Care, the gateway and coordinator of care, is particularly scarce. Objective: To characterize the barriers involved in the access of the LGBTQIA+ population to primary care. Methods: This is an integrative review of scientific studies selected from the PubMed and Virtual Health Library (VHL) Regional Portal search platforms, using as search descriptors the terms Sexual and Gender Minorities, LGBTQIA+, Primary Health Care, Health Services Accessibility. Complete articles were included without time restriction, in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Texts such as: literature reviews; editorials; study protocols; expert opinions and experience reports were excluded. Results: The review was composed by the selection of 14 studies, and their contents were assigned to three axes of discussion: physical/organizational barriers, social barriers, barriers related to education/training of health professionals. Conclusions: It is essential to expand the social discussions about the theme of sexual and gender diversity to deconstruct the established prejudices, moreover, it is essential to review the physical and organizational structure ­ as well as the training of health professionals ­ to create an inclusive care environment.

Introducción: La población LGTB es un colectivo cuyo acceso a la atención sanitaria ha estado históricamente limitado y sigue atravesado por complejas cuestiones que van desde la formación de los profesionales sanitarios hasta la propia estructura organizativa del sistema asistencial. A pesar de ello, la literatura científica sobre los obstáculos a los que se enfrentan estas personas en la Atención Primaria de Salud, puerta de entrada y coordinadora de la atención, es especialmente escasa. Objetivo: Caracterizar las barreras que supone el acceso de la población LGBT a la atención primaria. Métodos: Se trata de una revisión integradora de estudios científicos seleccionados de las plataformas de búsqueda PubMed y Portal Regional de la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud (BVS), utilizando como descriptores de búsqueda los términos Minorías Sexuales y de Género, LGBT, Atención Primaria de Salud, Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud. Se incluyeron artículos completos sin restriccíon de período, en inglés, portugués y español. Se excluyeron textos como revisiones bibliográficas, editoriales, protocolos de estudio, opiniones de expertos e informes de experiencias. Resultados: El corpus final de artículos se compuso de la selección de 14 artículos, y sus contenidos se asignaron a tres ejes de discusión: barreras físicas/organizativas, barreras sociales, barreras relacionadas con la educación/formación de los profesionales sanitarios. Conclusiones: Es esencial ampliar las discusiones sociales sobre el tema de la diversidad sexual y de género de manera que se deconstruyan los prejuicios institucionales, además, se hace fundamental la revisión de la estructura física y organizacional ­ así como la formación de los profesionales de la salud ­ para crear un ambiente asistencial inclusivo.

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Health Services Accessibility
Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 32: e79505, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556312


Objetivo: compreender o cuidado em saúde dispensado às pessoas LGBTQIAP+ por profissionais em Unidades Básicas de Saúde, a partir do referencial teórico da Política Nacional de Saúde LGBT (PNSILGBT) estabelecida pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Método: estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, que entrevistou 12 profissionais de saúde da Atenção Básica. Os dados coletados passaram pela Análise Lexical utilizando-se do software IRAMUTEQ. Resultados: emergiram três categorias temáticas que possibilitaram compreender que os profissionais reconhecem as violências praticadas na assistência a essa população, as barreiras no acesso e as dificuldades enfrentadas por pessoas LGBTQIAP+. Considerações finais: o desconhecimento das políticas e a não percepção das consequências dessas ações para a saúde dessa população remete muito mais ao (des)cuidado do que efetivamente ao cuidado condizente as suas reais necessidades em saúde.

Objective: to understand the health care provided to LGBTQIAP+ people by professionals in Primary Care Centers, based on the theoretical framework of the National LGBT Health Policy (PNSILGBT) established by the Unified Health System (SUS). Method: a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, which interviewed 12 primary care health professionals. The data collected was subjected to Lexical Analysis using the IRAMUTEQ software. Results: Three thematic categories emerged which made it possible to understand that professionals recognize the violence practiced in assisting this population, the barriers to access and the difficulties faced by LGBTQIAP+ people. Final considerations: the lack of knowledge of the policies and the lack of perception of the consequences of these actions for the health of this population leads much more to (lack of)care than to care in line with their real health needs.

Objetivo: comprender el cuidado en salud brindado a las personas LGBTQIAP+ por profesionales en Unidades Básicas de Salud, partiendo del marco teórico de la Política Nacional de Salud LGBT (PNSILGBT) establecida por el Sistema Único de Salud (SUS). Método: estudio descriptivo, con enfoque cualitativo, que entrevistó a 12 profesionales de salud de la Atención Básica. Los datos recogidos fueron analizados mediante Análisis Léxico utilizando el software IRAMUTEQ. Resultados: surgieron tres categorías temáticas que permitieron comprender que los profesionales reconocen las violencias ejercidas en la asistencia a esta población, las barreras en el acceso y las dificultades enfrentadas por personas LGBTQIAP+. Consideraciones finales: el desconocimiento de las políticas y la no percepción de las consecuencias de estas acciones para la salud de esta población reflejan mucho más el (des)cuido que efectivamente el cuidado acorde a sus reales necesidades en salud.

Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(3): 43-56, sep-dec 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572485


RESUMEN Introducción: la satisfacción y seguridad sexual son elementos clave para el bienestar masculino, integrando aspectos físicos y emocionales de la intimidad; estos conceptos engloban el disfrute pleno de las relaciones sexuales, junto con la comodidad y confianza en las prácticas de protección utilizadas. Objetivo: determinar la felicidad sexual y satisfacción con la seguridad sexual en hombres de Asunción y Central durante el 2023. Metodología: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal en Asunción, y Central durante los meses de setiembre a noviembre del 2023. La población de estudio lo constituyeron los hombres elegibles que tenían mayor de 18 años, a quienes se les asignó el sexo masculino al nacer, residentes de las ciudades seleccionadas. Las variables del estudio fueron las demográficas, salud mental (ansiedad, depresión e ideación suicida). Resultados: el estudio incluyó 143 participantes. De estos, el 55,24 % (79) tenía entre 18 y 29 años, el 69,23 % (99) se identificó como gay, y el 12,59 % (18) como bisexual. Los Hombres que tienen sexo con hombres mostraron una mayor probabilidad de reportar satisfacción, con una odds ratio ajustada por edad de 2,82 (IC 95 %: 1,41-3,57, p=0,001) en comparación con los heterosexuales, tener tres o más parejas estables y once o más parejas no estables se asoció fuertemente con ser HSH (p=0,003 y p=0,001, respectivamente). Conclusión: los hombres que tienen sexo con hombres reportaron niveles más altos de satisfacción sexual, lo que sugiere una experiencia positiva en sus relaciones íntimas. Sin embargo, este grupo también mostró una tendencia a tener un mayor número de parejas sexuales, tanto estables como no estables. Estas diferencias en comportamientos sexuales pueden indicar distintas normas sociales o preferencias personales entre los grupos estudiados.

ABSTRACT Introduction: sexual satisfaction and safety are key elements for male well-being, integrating physical and emotional aspects of intimacy. These concepts encompass the full enjoyment of sexual relationships, along with comfort and confidence in the protective practices used. Objective: determine sexual happiness and satisfaction with sexual safety in men from Asunción and Central during 2023. Methodology: a cross-sectional study was carried out in Asunción and Central during the months of September to November 2023. The study population consisted of eligible men who were over 18 years of age, who were assigned the sex male at birth, residents of the selected cities. The study variables were demographics, mental health (anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation). Results: the study included 143 participants. Of these, 55.24 % (79) were between 18 and 29 years old, 69.23 % (99) identified as gay, and 12.59 % (18) as bisexual. Men who have sex with men showed a higher probability of reporting satisfaction, with an age-adjusted odds ratio of 2.82 (95 % CI: 1.41-3.57, p=0.001) compared to heterosexuals. Having three or more stable partners and eleven or more non-stable partners was strongly associated with being MSM (p=0.003 and p=0.001, respectively). Conclusion: men who have sex with men reported higher levels of sexual satisfaction, suggesting a positive experience in their intimate relationships. However, this group also showed a tendency to have a higher number of sexual partners, both stable and non-stable. These differences in sexual behaviors may indicate distinct social norms or personal preferences among the studied groups.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39118470


Gender relations are a set of socially determined norms and rules that assign values, characteristics, and expectations to individuals based on their biological sex. These aspects also influence the clinician-patient relationship, since it has been for a long time based on cisheteronormativity. However, this attitude alienated the LGBTQIA+ community from health services. Global and specific gynecologic care needs to be offered to the LGBTQIA+ population, which has demands for sexual and reproductive health care. In this narrative review, we bring conceptual aspects, gender identity and expression, sexual history, screening for cancer and other care to the community.

Rev. salud pública Parag ; 14(2)ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570047


Introducción: El estigma relacionado con la identidad sexual, especialmente entre HSH, sigue siendo un desafío importante en muchas culturas, este estigma puede aparecer de varias maneras, desde una discriminación explícita hasta estereotipos más discretos, y puede afectar negativamente la salud mental y emocional de quienes lo sufren. Objetivo: Analizar el estigma de identidad sexual y apoyo social entre los hombres que tienen sexo con otros hombres en Central y Asunción, Paraguay durante el 2024. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo, fenomenológico de tipo descriptivo y explicativo. Las categorías de análisis consideradas en este estudio fueron: a) Estigma y apoyo social en la comunidad en general, b) Divulgación de identidad sexual a la comunidad en general, c) Divulgación de identidad sexual a familiares y amigos y d) Estigma y apoyo social en la comunidad de LGBT. Resultados: Participaron del estudio, nueve HSH, donde los testimonios revelan el profundo anhelo de vivir con autenticidad y libertad. Los HSH en Paraguay desean poder ser ellos mismos sin temor a ser juzgados o rechazados, anhelan relaciones abiertas y honestas, y aspiran a una comunidad donde puedan compartir experiencias y apoyarse mutuamente Conclusión: Los HSH enfrentan obstáculos en su crecimiento y unión como comunidad. La ausencia de una comunidad fuerte y unida dificulta el apoyo mutuo y el desarrollo personal, además de la competencia y la falta de colaboración entre organizaciones e individuos crean un ambiente dividido, donde cada uno busca sus propios beneficios en lugar de trabajar juntos por el bien de todos.

Introduction: Stigma related to sexual identity, especially among MSM, remains a major challenge in many cultures, this stigma can appear in various ways, from explicit discrimination to more discreet stereotypes, and can negatively affect the mental and emotional health of those who suffer from it. Objective: Analyze the stigma of sexual identity and social support among men who have sex with other men in Central and Asunción, Paraguay during 2024. Methodology: Qualitative, Phenomenological Study of a descriptive and explanatory type. The analysis categories considered in this study were: a) Stigma and social support in the community in general, b) Disclosure of sexual identity to the community in general, c) Disclosure of sexual identity to family and friends and d) Stigma and social support in the LGBT community. Results: Nine MSM participated in the study, where the testimonies reveal the deep desire to live with authenticity and freedom. MSM in Paraguay want to be able to be themselves without fear of being judged or rejected, they long for open and honest relationships, and they aspire to a community where they can share experiences and support each other. Conclusion: MSM face obstacles in their growth and unity as a community. The absence of a strong and united community makes mutual support and personal development difficult, in addition to competition and lack of collaboration between organizations and individuals creating a divided environment, where everyone seeks their own benefits instead of working together for the good. of everyone.

Lancet Reg Health Am ; 36: 100798, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38978784


Background: Young gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (YMSM) in Latin America experience disproportionately high rates of HIV. While new case numbers have stabilised in other demographics, the incidence of HIV in this particular group continues to rise. We estimated the prevalence of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI) and identified correlates of new HIV diagnoses among YMSM in Brazil. Methods: Conectad@s was a respondent-driven sampling-based study to recruit and engage YMSM in HIV prevention and treatment services in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (November 2021-October 2022). Eligibility criteria were age 18-24 years and self-identification as MSM (cis/trans) or non-binary person who have sex with men. Participants underwent HIV/STI testing and completed a socio-behavioural questionnaire. We described baseline characteristics by HIV status and used logistic regression models to identify correlates of new HIV diagnoses. Trial ID: DERR1-10.2196/34885. Findings: Among 409 participants, 370 (90.5%) self-identified as cisgender men, nine (2.2%) transgender men, and 30 (7.3%) non-binary. Median age was 21 years (IQR: 20-23), with 80 (19.6%) aged 18-19 years. Most self-identified as Black or Pardo (70.6%); 109 (26.7%) never tested for HIV. HIV prevalence was 9.8%; 50% (n = 20/40) were newly diagnosed with HIV. Only nine participants ever used PrEP and three were currently using it. Overall, 133 (32.5%) reported sexual violence in their lifetime and 102 (24.9%) reported a suicide attempt. Prevalence of active syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhoea were 14.4%, 15.9%, and 14.7%, respectively. New HIV diagnoses were positively associated with engaging in high-risk behaviour (aOR 4.88 [95% CI: 1.88-13.40]) and anxiety (aOR 2.67 [95% CI: 1.01-7.70]), and negatively associated with ever disclosing sexual orientation (aOR 0.19 [95% CI: 0.04-0.92]) and HIV knowledge (aOR 0.77 [95% CI: 0.59-1.01]). Interpretation: High prevalence of HIV coupled with a high proportion of new HIV diagnoses underscore a potentially growing HIV epidemic among YMSM in Brazil. Funding: National Institutes of Health (NIH), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and Ministry of Health of Brazil.

Int J Eat Disord ; 57(9): 1924-1935, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38958485


OBJECTIVE: Gay and bisexual men are at an increased risk for eating disorders (EDs) and muscle dysmorphia (MD) compared with their heterosexual counterparts. Existing dissonance-based (DB) EDs prevention programs for this population have been evaluated in the United States; however, these programs have not been evaluated in the Brazilian context. Thus, we investigated the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of a DB ED prevention program (i.e., the PRIDE Body Project) among Brazilian cisgender gay and bisexual men. METHOD: Eligible men were randomly assigned to either a DB intervention (n = 74) condition or an assessment-only control (AOC) condition (n = 75). Participants completed measures assessing ED and MD risk and protective factors at baseline, post-intervention, 1-month, 6-month, and 1-year follow-up. Those in the intervention condition also completed acceptability measures. RESULTS: Feasibility and acceptability ratings were highly favorable. Regarding efficacy, post-intervention results were not significant, except for self-objectification, which showed a significantly greater decrease in the DB condition compared with the AOC condition at all time-points of follow-ups (Cohen's d = -0.31 to -0.76). At follow-up, the DB condition showed significantly greater decreases in appearance-ideal internalization, drive for muscularity, self-objectification, ED and MD symptoms at 1-month, 6-month, and 1-year follow-ups (d = -0.33 to -0.92) compared with the AOC condition. Significant increases were observed in the DB compared with the AOC condition for body appreciation at 1-month, 6-month, and 1-year follow-ups (d = 0.31-0.81). DISCUSSION: Results support the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of the PRIDE Body Project up to 1-year in Brazilian cisgender gay and bisexual men. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials (ReBEC; available at number of registration: RBR-62fctqz.

Feeding and Eating Disorders , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Humans , Male , Brazil , Feeding and Eating Disorders/prevention & control , Adult , Follow-Up Studies , Body Dissatisfaction , Homosexuality, Male , Body Image/psychology , Young Adult , Feasibility Studies , Cognitive Dissonance
BMC Infect Dis ; 24(1): 574, 2024 Jun 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38858666


We conducted a systematic review to explore the relationship between perceived risk for HIV acquisition and sexual HIV exposure among sexual and gender minorities. We included 39 studies divided into (i) correlations or associations, (ii) models using sexual HIV exposure as the outcome, and (iii) models using perceived risk for HIV acquisition as the outcome. The sample size range was from 55 to 16,667 participants, primarily cisgender men who have sex with men (73.3%) and White (51.3%). Sexual HIV exposure and perceived risk for HIV acquisition assessments and recall time frames across studies differed markedly. Most of studies (84.6%) found significant correlations, comparisons, or associations between different levels of perceived risk for HIV acquisition and high sexual HIV exposure. In addition, 51.3% of studies reported other variables associated with high sexual HIV exposure (i.e., misuse of substances or alcohol) or with high perceived risk for HIV acquisition (i.e., younger age). In conclusion, the association between perceived risk for HIV acquisition and sexual HIV exposure has shown to be consistent. However, the assessment for perceived risk for HIV acquisition should include more components of perception (i.e., an affective component), or for sexual HIV exposure should consider the different estimated sexual per-acts probability of acquiring HIV.

HIV Infections , Sexual Behavior , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Humans , HIV Infections/transmission , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Sexual and Gender Minorities/statistics & numerical data , Sexual and Gender Minorities/psychology , Male , Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Female , Risk Factors , Adult
Eur J Investig Health Psychol Educ ; 14(6): 1489-1500, 2024 May 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38921064


Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is a complex and multi-determined process that is influenced by psychosocial variables. Although international studies have pointed to the adverse impact of HIV stigma, sexual stigma, and depression on ART adherence among men who have sex with men (MSM) with HIV, less is known about this association among Brazilians. We aimed to (a) evaluate indicators of depression, stigma related to HIV and homosexuality, and adherence to ART in a sample of Brazilian MSM living with HIV; (b) assess possible correlations between the variables analyzed, and (c) assess the impact of HIV and sexual stigma and depression on ART adherence. This cross-sectional study comprised 138 Brazilian MSM living with HIV as participants. Scales used included: a sociodemographic/clinical questionnaire, the questionnaire for assessment of adherence to antiretroviral therapy (CEAT-HIV), the Beck depression inventory (BDI-II), the internalized homophobia scale, and the HIV stigmatization scale. The mean adherence score was relatively high (78.83, within a range of 17-89 points). However, we observed inadequate ART adherence (CEAT-HIV < 75) in 28 (20.2%) respondents. Participants reported high scores for internalized sexual stigma, perceived sexual stigma in the community, and HIV stigma. Symptoms of depression were identified in 48.47% of participants. We found negative correlations between depression, HIV stigma, and treatment adherence, but not between sexual stigma and ART adherence. HIV-related stigma and sexual stigma were positively correlated with depression. Our regression analysis indicated that each year of age at diagnosis of HIV increased adherence by 0.22 points, on average. Each additional BDI-II score reduced adherence to ART by 0.20 points. The high prevalence of depression, HIV stigma, and sexual stigma, and their adverse effects on ART adherence and mental health, point to the need to implement evidence-based interventions to reduce sexual and serological stigma in the general population, as well as to mitigate the negative impacts of stigma on MSM living in HIV in Brazil. They also highlight the importance of periodically screening for these variables among MSM treated in Brazilian public health services, especially among those with inadequate adherence to ART.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(6): e10752023, Jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557526


Resumen El auge en el estudio del uso sexualizado de drogas entre hombres gais, bisexuales u otros hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH), conocido como chemsex, ha generado una multiplicidad de datos que contribuyen a su problematización en tanto cuestión de salud pública a través del vínculo con el VIH y las adicciones. El estudio de estas prácticas, desde un paradigma biomédico, se ha centrado en el riesgo y ha contribuido a su reducción como fenómeno único y cuantificable. Este estudio tiene como objetivo explorar la vivencia del riesgo en el transcurso de las prácticas, para conocer qué estrategias de manejo emplean frente a éste y de qué manera son generadas. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a cinco practicantes de chemsex en el Área Metropolitana de Barcelona y, posteriormente se aplicó un análisis temático. Los hallazgos muestran cómo estos hombres detectan, asumen y enfrentan los riesgos presentes en estas prácticas, donde toman relevancia el tipo de relaciones que allí se dan y el círculo social del que disponen. Este estudio destaca también la creación de estrategias basadas en la experiencia y cómo la transmisión de estos saberes entre participantes facilita la toma de decisiones y el manejo del riesgo.

Abstract The rise in the study of sexualised drug use among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM), known as chemsex, has generated a multiplicity of data that contribute to its problematisation as a public health issue through the link with HIV and addictions. The study of these practices, from a biomedical paradigm, has focused on risk and has contributed to its reduction as a unique and quantifiable phenomenon. This study aims to explore the experience of risk in the course of the practices, to find out what management strategies they employ in the face of risk and how they are generated. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five chemsex practitioners in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and, subsequently, a thematic analysis was applied. The findings show how these men detect, assume and confront the risks present in these practices, where the type of relationships that take place and the social circle available to them are relevant. This study also highlights the creation of strategies based on experience and how the transmission of this knowledge among participants facilitates decision-making and risk management.

J Voice ; 2024 May 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38760252


OBJECTIVES: To analyze self-esteem, self-satisfaction with voice, and self-assessment with descriptive terms of one's own voice among Brazilian LGBTQIAPN+ people. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional, observational, qualitative-quantitative study. METHODS: The study included any person who identified as Brazilian LGBTQIAPN+ and excluded those under 18 years old. Participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and the Descriptive terms of one's own voice (which were analyzed with text processing techniques). The 10 terms most listed as positive or negative were selected for simple logistic regression associated with the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The alpha level of significance used in all analyses was 5%. RESULTS: The study considered the responses from 411 participants. It is noteworthy that 92.45% (n = 380) of the studied population identified as cisgender. Among the participants, 28 were classified as having unsatisfactory self-esteem, 208 as having average self-esteem, and 178 as having satisfactory self-esteem. Individuals with unsatisfactory scores described themselves using terms such as "high," "boring," "ugly," "unfriendly," and "masculine," while those with average scores used terms like "insecure," "nasal," "out of tune," and "high." Those with satisfactory scores associated themselves with terms such as "expressive," "sympathetic," "kind," "pleasant," and "stable." The terms "cheerful," "adequate," and "boring" significantly associated with the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale.score. CONCLUSION: LGBTQIAPN+ people with unsatisfactory self-esteem referred to their voices with negative descriptive terms, similar to people with average self-esteem, who often did not select any positive term. On the other hand, people with satisfactory self-esteem assessed their voices with positive descriptive terms and few negative adjectives. People with satisfactory scores are more likely to think that their voice is "cheerful" and less likely to consider it "adequate" or "boring" than people with unsatisfactory scores on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The majority of participants were cisgender homosexual males, thus caution should be exercised in generalizing the data to the entire community.

AIDS Behav ; 28(7): 2391-2402, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38662277


The slogan Undetectable equals Untransmittable (U = U) communicates that people living with HIV (PLHIV) who are on antiretroviral therapy (ART) will not transmit HIV to their sexual partners. We describe awareness of U = U among sexual and gender minorities (SGM) living in Brazil, Mexico, and Peru by self-reported HIV status (PLHIV, negative, unknown) during 2021 using an online survey. We estimated two models using Poisson regression for each population group: Model A including socio-demographic factors (country, gender, age, race, education, and income), and then Model B including taking ART (for PLHIV) or risk behavior, ever-taking PrEP, and HIV risk perception (for HIV-negative or of unknown HIV status). A total of 21,590 respondents were included (Brazil: 61%, Mexico: 30%, Peru: 9%). Among HIV-negative (74%) and unknown status (12%), 13% ever used PrEP. Among PLHIV (13%), 93% reported current use of ART. Awareness of U = U was 89% in both Brazil and Mexico, which was higher than in Peru 64%. Awareness of U = U was higher among PLHIV (96%) than HIV-negative (88%) and HIV-unknown (70%). In multivariate models, PLHIV with lower education were less aware of U = U, while those taking ART were more aware. Among HIV-negative, non-cisgender, lower income, and those with lower education had lower awareness of U = U, while individuals ever using PrEP had higher awareness. In conclusion, awareness of U = U varied by HIV status, socio-demographic characteristics, and HIV risk behavior. The concept of U = U should be disseminated through educational strategies and include a focus on SGM to combat HIV stigma.

RESUMEN: Indetectable = Intransmisible (I = I) comunica que las personas que viven con VIH (PVVIH) y reciben tratamiento antirretroviral (TAR) no transmitirán el VIH a sus parejas sexuales. En este estudio, describimos la concienciación sobre I = I entre las minorías sexuales y de género (MSG) de Brasil, México y Perú según el estado de VIH autoreportado (PVVIH, negativo, desconocido) durante 2021 utilizando una encuesta en línea. Se estimaron dos modelos mediante regresión de Poisson para cada grupo: Modelo A, que incluyó factores sociodemográficos (país, sexo, edad, raza, educación e ingresos) y Modelo B, que incluyó recibir TAR (para PVVIH) o comportamiento de riesgo, uso de PrEP y percepción de riesgo (para VIH negativo o desconocido). Se incluyó 21,590 encuestados (Brasil: 61%, México: 30%, Perú: 9%). Entre aquellos negativos para VIH (74%) y con estado desconocido (12%), el 13% utilizó alguna vez PrEP. Entre las PVVIH (13%), el 93% reportó recibir actualmente TAR. La concienciación de I = I fue del 89% tanto en Brasil como en México, superior al 64% de Perú. La concienciación de I = I fue mayor entre PVVIH (96%) que entre los VIH-negativos (88%) y los VIH-desconocidos (70%). En los modelos multivariados, las PVVIH con menor educación eran menos conscientes de I = I, mientras que los que tomaban TAR eran más conscientes. Entre los VIH-negativos, las personas no cisgéneros, con menores ingresos y con menor educación eran menos consciente de I = I, mientras que los que tenían experiencia usando PrEP eran más conscientes. En conclusión, la concienciación sobre I = I varió según el estado serológico de VIH, las características sociodemográficas y el comportamiento de riesgo. El concepto de I = I debe difundirse a través de estrategias educativas, incluyendo un enfoque en MSG para combatir el estigma del VIH.

HIV Infections , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Self Report , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Humans , Male , Female , HIV Infections/drug therapy , HIV Infections/psychology , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Adult , Brazil/epidemiology , Peru/epidemiology , Sexual and Gender Minorities/psychology , Sexual and Gender Minorities/statistics & numerical data , Middle Aged , Mexico/epidemiology , Young Adult , Adolescent , Sexual Behavior/psychology , Risk-Taking , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sexual Partners , Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis/statistics & numerical data
Eur J Investig Health Psychol Educ ; 14(4): 1068-1085, 2024 Apr 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38667825


We investigated the experiences of Brazilian gay men with HIV, focusing on the moment of diagnosis and its potential biopsychosocial impacts. This clinical-qualitative study involved 15 participants interviewed online and synchronously by a clinical psychologist in 2021. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the data. Interpretations were grounded in Minority Stress Theory. Four thematic axes emerged, including "Diagnostic Revelation", "Social and Internalized Stigma", "Biopsychosocial Effects of Living with HIV", and "Gratitude for Treatment Advances and the Brazilian Health System". The diagnosis was often experienced as traumatic, exacerbated by the absence of empathy and emotional support from healthcare providers. Participants commonly reported guilt, fear upon learning of their HIV status, social isolation, loneliness, lack of social support, and damage to affective-sexual relationships. Many also noted a decline in mental health, even those without HIV-related medical complications. Despite over 40 years since the HIV epidemic began, the prevalence of homophobia and serophobia among gay men remains widespread, including within the multidisciplinary teams of specialized services. This indicates that the stigma associated with homosexuality and HIV persists, despite significant biomedical progress in the diagnosis and treatment of the infection, particularly in Brazil.

Int J Equity Health ; 23(1): 85, 2024 Apr 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38689319


BACKGROUND: In Colombia, health care for people with trans life experiences is characterised by countless barriers to health services and care. Commonly, trans people have experienced stigma and discrimination among health professionals, a lack of services and professionals specialized to guarantee affirmative processes from non-hegemonic gender perspectives, and there exists a marked pathologization and medicalization of services. Therefore, it is necessary to provide affirmative health services to improve health and well-being from the recognition of their needs and experiences. The article describes life narratives about health care for the gender transitions of trans women in Colombia. METHODS: A qualitative narrative study was conducted with 139 trans women in seven cities in Colombia. In-depth interviews and discussion groups were conducted between June 2019 and March 2020. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis and the Atlas Ti cloud program. National and international ethical guidelines were followed in the development of the research. RESULTS: This research provided an overview of the health experiences of Colombian trans women. They reported their experiences of pathologizing approaches to transgender healthcare, stigma, discrimination, and barriers to accessing preventive, specialized, and regular healthcare services. For this reason, they opted for self-medicated gender transition processes and self-management of health care. An important aspect to consider within healthcare is that not all women want binary gender transition processes. CONCLUSION: Participants felt that in Colombia there is a lack of affirmative health care for transgender women and that there are many limitations to care related to the gender transition processes. This exposes them to more situations that violate their rights and influences their lack of confidence and their search for professional health care. In Colombia, it is important to develop strategies for education, information, and communication, as well as a handbook for health workers on specialized healthcare for trans women.

Qualitative Research , Social Stigma , Transgender Persons , Humans , Colombia , Female , Adult , Transgender Persons/psychology , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Health Services Accessibility , Male , Interviews as Topic , Narration
Article in Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562496


INTRODUÇÃO: Neste artigo, buscamos articular questões referentes à Terapia de Família Sistêmica (TFS), estudos de sexualidade e gênero, perspectiva decolonial e interseccionalidade. Expomos como podemos pensar a partir destas problematizações as experiências familiares de pessoas que se situam no avesso ou nas margens da cisheteronormatividade e discutir sobre a diversidade que compõe a família, para além de uma visão restritiva deste termo. OBJETIVO: Fazer uma crítica construtiva à TFS, apontando o apagamento que esta disciplina possui em relação às vivências de pessoas LGBTQIAP+ (lésbicas, gays, transexuais e travestis, queer, intersexo, assexuais, pansexuais e demais orientações sexuais e identidades de gênero). METODOLOGIA: O artigo possui caráter ensaístico e sustentado em um material empírico oriundo de entrevistas de caráter biográfico/trajetórias de vida. Propomos aqui a perspectiva queer e decolonial, aliada à interseccionalidade como estratégia de análise de histórias de vida a fim de compreender os arranjos familiares de mulheres lésbicas, bissexuais e pansexuais. RESULTADOS: As entrevistadas demonstraram múltiplas realidades, baseando-se tanto em vivências de violência quanto de aceitação em suas famílias de origem, focando suas jornadas na construção de laços de apoio com suas famílias escolhidas, criando relações de irmandade entre amigas. CONCLUSÕES: A TFS poderia ampliar seu olhar e escrita sobre a população LGBTQIAP+, utilizando-se da decolonialidade/perspectiva queer e interseccionalidade como potente guia de análise das relações familiares, visto que as histórias de vida dessas mulheres concentram-se em lidar com discriminações e desafios associados aos seus diversos marcadores sociais da diferença.

INTRODUCTION: In this essay, the following themes will be analyzed: Systemic Family Therapy (SFT), sexuality and gender studies, women, and intersectionality. We expose how these themes combine in the family experiences of people who are on the other side or the margins of cisheteronormativity and discuss the diversity that makes up the family, beyond a restrictive view of this term. OBJECTIVE: Make a constructive criticism of TFS, pointing out the erasure that this discipline has in relation to the experiences of LGBTQIAP+ people (lesbians, gays, transsexuals and transvestites, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, and other sexual orientations and gender identities). We propose intersectionality as a strategy for analyzing life stories to understand the family arrangements of lesbian, bisexual and pansexuals women. METHODOLOGY: This essay is based on empirical material from biographical interviews/life trajectories. We propose here intersectionality as a strategy for analyzing life stories to understand the family arrangements of lesbian, bisexual and pansexual women. RESULTS: The interviewees demonstrated multiple realities, based on both experiences of violence and acceptance in their families of origin. And focusing their journeys on building supportive bonds with their chosen families, creating sisterhood relationships between friends. CONCLUSIONS: TFS could broaden its view and writing about the LGBTQIAP+ population, using intersectionality as a powerful guide for analyzing family relationships. Since these women's life stories focus on dealing with discrimination and challenges associated with their various social markers of difference.

INTRODUCCIÓN: En este artículo se analizan los siguientes temas: Terapia Familiar Sistémica (TFS), estudios de sexualidad y género, mujer e interseccionalidad. Exponemos cómo estos temas se conjugan en las experiencias familiares de personas que están del otro lado o en los márgenes de la cisheteronormatividad y discutimos la diversidad que conforma la familia, más allá de una visión restrictiva de este término. OBJETIVO: Hacer una crítica constructiva a TFS, señalando la borradura que tiene esta disciplina en relación a las vivencias de las personas LGBTQIAP+ (lesbianas, gays, transexuales y travestidos, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual y otras orientaciones sexuales e identidades de género). METODOLOGÍA: El artículo tiene carácter ensayístico y se basa en material empírico de entrevistas de carácter biográfico/trayectorias de vida. Proponemos aquí la interseccionalidad como estrategia de análisis de las historias de vida para comprender los arreglos familiares de mujeres lesbianas, bisexuales y pansexuales. RESULTADOS: Los entrevistados evidenciaron múltiples realidades, basadas tanto en experiencias de violencia como de aceptación en sus familias de origen. Y enfocando sus viajes en construir lazos de apoyo con sus familias elegidas, creando relaciones de hermandad entre amigos. CONCLUSIONES: TFS podría ampliar su visión y escritura sobre la población LGBTQIAP+, utilizando la interseccionalidad como una poderosa guía para analizar las relaciones familiares. Dado que las historias de vida de estas mujeres se centran en lidiar con la discriminación y los desafíos asociados con sus diversos marcadores sociales de diferencia.

Family Therapy , Women , Sexual and Gender Minorities
AIDS Behav ; 28(6): 1966-1977, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38526640


Many barriers to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing among Black people exist. This study analysed the association between race/skin colour and lifetime HIV testing among adolescent men who have sex with men (AMSM) and transgender women (ATGW) in three Brazilian cities. This cross-sectional study was nested within the PrEP1519 cohort, a multicentre study of AMSM and ATGW aged 15-19 years in Belo Horizonte, Salvador, and São Paulo, Brazil. The outcome variable was the lifetime HIV testing (no or yes). The main exposure variable was self-reported race/skin colour as White and a unique Black group (composed of Pardo-mixed colour and Black, according to the Brazilian classification). Descriptive statistics and bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were conducted to estimate the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) to determine the association between the main exposure and outcome, adjusted for covariates. White adolescents were tested more frequently than the unique Black group (64.0% vs. 53.7%, respectively; Ρ = 0.001). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the unique Black group of AMSM and ATGW had 26% (adjusted OR [aOR], 0.74; 95% CI, 0.55-0.98) and 38% (aOR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.45-0.87) lower odds of being tested for HIV in a lifetime than Whites in model 1 and 2, respectively. Our findings highlight the role of racism in lifetime HIV testing among AMSM and ATGW. Therefore, an urgent need for advances exists in public policies to combat racism in Brazil.

RESUMEN: Existen numerosas barreras para la realización de las pruebas del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) entre la población negra. Este estudio analizó la asociación entre la raza/color de piel y haber realizado pruebas de VIH a lo largo de la vida entre hombres adolescentes que tienen sexo con hombres (AHSH) y mujeres transgénero (AMTG) en tres ciudades brasileñas. Este estudio transversal es parte de la cohorte PrEP1519, un estudio multicéntrico de AHSH y AMTG de 15 a 19 años en Belo Horizonte, Salvador y São Paulo, Brasil. La variable de resultado fue haber realizado la prueba del VIH a lo largo de la vida (no o sí). La variable de exposición principal fue la raza/color de piel autoinformada, categorizada como blanca y un grupo negro único (compuesto por color pardo/mixto y negro, según la clasificación brasileña). Se realizaron estadísticas descriptivas y análisis de regresión logística bivariada y multivariada para estimar los odds ratios (OR) ajustados y los intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC del 95%) con el fin de determinar la asociación entre la exposición principal y el resultado, ajustado por covariables. Los adolescentes blancos se hicieron la prueba del VIH con más frecuencia que el grupo negro único (64,0% frente a 53,7%, respectivamente; Ρ = 0,001). El análisis de regresión logística múltiple reveló que el grupo negro único de AHSH y AMTG tenía 26% (OR ajustado [aOR], 0,74; IC 95%, 0,55­0,98) y 38% (aOR, 0,62; IC 95%, 0,45­0,87) menores probabilidades de realizarse la prueba del VIH a lo largo de su vida que los blancos en los modelos 1 y 2, respectivamente. Nuestros hallazgos resaltan la influencia del racismo en la realización de pruebas de VIH a lo largo de la vida entre AHSH y AMTG. Por lo tanto, es urgente avanzar en la implementación de políticas públicas para combatir el racismo en Brasil.

HIV Infections , HIV Testing , Healthcare Disparities , Homosexuality, Male , Racism , Transgender Persons , Adolescent , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Black People/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Cities , Cross-Sectional Studies , Healthcare Disparities/ethnology , Healthcare Disparities/statistics & numerical data , HIV Infections/diagnosis , HIV Infections/ethnology , HIV Infections/epidemiology , HIV Testing/statistics & numerical data , Homosexuality, Male/statistics & numerical data , Homosexuality, Male/ethnology , Homosexuality, Male/psychology , Socioeconomic Factors , Transgender Persons/statistics & numerical data , Transgender Persons/psychology , White People/statistics & numerical data , White People/psychology , Racial Groups/ethnology , Racial Groups/statistics & numerical data
Public Health Nurs ; 41(3): 589-601, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38528749


OBJECTIVE: To understand the factors associated with the practice of chemsex among MSM in Brazil, especially during the Mpox health crisis, and to design effective prevention and intervention strategies specifically for this population. DESIGN: A cross-sectional and analytical study using an electronic survey, conducted from September to December 2022, during the peak of the Mpox outbreak in Brazil. SAMPLE: A total of 1452 MSM aged 18 and older. MEASUREMENTS: Data were collected via the REDCap platform through a survey with 46 questions. These addressed demographic data, sexual affiliations, practices, experiences with Mpox, healthcare service usage, and stigma or fear related to Mpox. RESULTS: The prevalence of chemsex was 19.42% (n = 282). Multivariate Poisson modeling indicated a high incidence of chemsex among those diagnosed with Mpox and those involved in high-risk behaviors. The practice of chemsex was six times higher among those diagnosed with Mpox (95% CI: 4.73-9.10). MSM who engage in bugchasing had a prevalence twice that of the main outcome (95% CI: 1.31-3.16). CONCLUSION: There is a significant need for targeted interventions for MSM in Brazil, especially given the Mpox outbreak. This study highlights the strong relationships between chemsex, experiences with Mpox, and various sexual behaviors, underscoring the importance of effective public health initiatives.

HIV Infections , Mpox (monkeypox) , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Substance-Related Disorders , Male , Humans , Homosexuality, Male , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Sexual Behavior , HIV Infections/epidemiology
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(1): 119-130, jan.-mar.2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538393


Objetivo: o presente estudo se destina a compreender a percepção das mulheres que fazem sexo com mulheres, referente ao cuidado que recebem nos serviços de saúde, no âmbito de sua saúde sexual e reprodutiva, a fim de verificar se o atendimento ofertado atende a integralidade de seu direito à saúde e, também, evidenciar o papel dos profissionais de saúde na garantia desses direitos. Metodologia: foi realizada revisão de literatura nacional para elaboração do instrumento de coleta de dados e pesquisa qualiquantitativa através de formulário e entrevista individual via internet. Resultados: Foram obtidas 287 respostas, as falas revelaram as seguintes categorias: A- Violência física sofrida em serviços de saúde, B- Negligência e falta de acolhimento em consultas ginecológicas e em serviços de saúde, C- Presunção da heterossexualidade nos serviços de saúde, D- Invisibilidade e violência moral e psicológica. Conclusão: evidenciou-se que mulheres que fazem sexo com mulheres ainda sofrem uma série de discriminações e violências nos serviços de saúde, ao buscarem cuidados integrais, principalmente no que tange aos seus direitos sexuais e reprodutivos.

Objective: this study is intended to understand the perception of women who have sex with women, regarding the care they receive in health services, within the scope of their sexual and reproductive health, in order to verify whether the care offered to them meets the integrality of their right to health and, also, highlight the role of health professionals in guaranteeing these rights. Methodology: A national literature review was carried out for the elaboration of the data collection instrument and qualitative and quantitative research through an individual form and individual interview via the internet. Results: 287 responses were obtained, the statements revealed the following categories: A- Physical violence suffered in health services, B- Negligence and lack of acceptance in gynecological consultations and health services, C- Presumption of heterosexuality in health services, D- Invisibility and, moral and psychological violence. Conclusion: it was evident that women who have sex with women still suffer a series of discrimination and violence in health services, when seeking comprehensive care, especially with regard to their sexual and reproductive rights.

Objetivo: este estudio tiene como finalidad conocer la percepción de las mujeres que tienen sexo con mujeres, respecto a la atención que reciben en los servicios de salud, en el ámbito de su salud sexual y reproductiva, con el fin de verificar si la atención que se les brinda cumple con la integralidad de su derecho a la salud y, además, destacar el papel de los profesionales de la salud en la garantía de estos derechos. Metodología: se realizó una revisión de literatura nacional para la elaboración del instrumento de recolección de datos e investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa a través de formulario individual y entrevista individual vía internet. Resultados: se obtuvieron 287 respuestas, los enunciados revelaron las siguientes categorías: A- Violencia física sufrida en los servicios de salud, B- Negligencia y falta de aceptación en las consultas ginecológicas y servicios de salud, C- Presunción de heterosexualidad en los servicios de salud, D- Invisibilidad y violencia moral y psicológica. Conclusión: se evidenció que las mujeres que tienen sexo con mujeres aún sufren una serie de discriminaciones y violencias en los servicios de salud, al momento de buscar atención integral, especialmente en lo que se refiere a sus derechos sexuales y reproductivos.

Health Law
J Int AIDS Soc ; 27(2): e26220, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38379186


INTRODUCTION: Although strong scientific evidence of the efficacy and effectiveness of treatment-as-prevention (TasP) is available, full endorsement of the "Undetectable = Untransmittable" (U = U) and "zero-risk" messages could be improved. Increasing knowledge about HIV transmission, prevention and treatment is a critical component of care efforts. The study assessed knowledge of HIV transmission and prevention strategies, and the perceived accuracy of the slogan U = U among sexual and gender minorities (SGM) in Brazil. METHODS: Cross-sectional web-based survey targeting adult SGM living in Brazil (2021-2022) recruited on social media and dating apps. We used the 12-item HIV Knowledge Assessment (HIV-KA) questionnaire to assess HIV knowledge, three items of which address pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), post-exposure prophylaxis and TasP. Perceived accuracy of the U = U slogan was assessed with the question: "With regards to HIV-positive individuals transmitting HIV through sexual contact, how accurate do you believe the slogan U = U is?". We a priori grouped the study population into three mutually exclusive groups: people living with HIV (PLHIV), HIV negative and HIV unknown. We used logistic regression models to assess factors associated with high HIV knowledge and perception of the U = U as completely accurate. RESULTS: Of 50,222 individuals accessing the questionnaire, 23,981 were included: 5071 (21.0%) PLHIV, 17,257 (71.5%) HIV negative and 1653 (6.9%) HIV unknown. The proportion of participants with high knowledge was significantly higher for PLHIV and HIV negative (48.1% and 45.5%, respectively) compared to 26.1% of HIV unknown. More PLHIV perceived U = U as completely accurate (80.4%), compared to 60.0% of HIV negative and 42.9% of HIV unknown. HIV knowledge correlates with perceived accuracy of the U = U slogan across all groups. Higher HIV knowledge was associated with higher income and education regardless of HIV status. Among HIV-negative participants, PrEP awareness and use were associated with higher knowledge and accurate perception of the U = U slogan. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that HIV knowledge and perceived accuracy of U = U are strongly correlated, that knowledge differs according to HIV status, and that poor socio-economic is linked to poor knowledge among SGM from Brazil. Educational strategies regarding TasP, U = U and zero risk targeting socio-economically vulnerable populations are urgent in Brazil.

HIV Infections , Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Male , Adult , Humans , Homosexuality, Male , HIV Infections/drug therapy , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sexual Behavior
Rev. ABENO (Online) ; 24(1): 2232, 20 fev. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry , LILACS | ID: biblio-1552574


Este artigo objetivou relatar a experiência da utilização das mídias sociais como espaços de construção de conhecimentos acerca das temáticas de racismo estrutural e saúde da população LGBT por meio de eventos promovidos por alunos bolsistas do Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET) Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Ao considerar o cenário de ensino em Odontologia, além dos conhecimentos técnicos e científicos necessários aos cirurgiões-dentistas, é de extrema relevância a abordagem de assuntos que ultrapassam essas barreiras para a formação de profissionais que sejam capazes de exercer a profissão de forma articulada ao contexto social. Tendo em vista a pandemia gerada pelo novo coronavírus (COVID-19) e a necessidade de ajustar as ferramentas de ensino às demandas de isolamento e distanciamento social, observou-se o importante espaço que as mídias sociais conquistaram como meio de construção de conhecimentos dos mais diversos temas e com a vantagem de dispensar deslocamento, diferente dos ambientes tradicionais de ensino. A metodologia utilizada mostrou-se vantajosa, uma vez que possibilitou o encontro de docentes, discentes e público em geral de diferentes regiões do Brasil, garantindo ampla discussão das temáticas que apresentam grande impacto social. Ainda assim, destaca-se que a desigualdade social gera diferentes possibilidades de acesso aos ambientes virtuais, sendo uma barreira à informação para populações mais vulnerabilizadas. A escolha das temáticas foi ao encontro das propostas dos Grupos PET, uma vez que contribuem positivamente na formação dos estudantes universitários (AU).

Este artículo tuvo como objetivo relatar la experiencia de utilizar las redes sociales como espacios de construcción de conocimiento sobre los temas del racismo estructural y la salud de la población LGBT a través de eventos promovidos por becarios del Programa de Educación Tutorial (PET) Odontología de la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Al considerar el escenario de la enseñanza en Odontología, además de los conocimientos técnicos y científicos necesarios para los odontólogos, es de suma importancia abordar temas que superen estas barreras para la formación de profesionales capaces de ejercer la profesión de forma articulada al contexto Social. Ante la pandemia generada por el nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) y la necesidad de adecuar las herramientas didácticas a las exigencias del aislamiento y distanciamiento social, se observó el importante espacio que conquistaron las redes sociales como medio de construcción de conocimiento de los más varias temáticas y con la ventaja de prescindir de desplazamientos, a diferencia de los entornos de enseñanza tradicionales. La metodología utilizada demostró ser ventajosa, ya que posibilitó el encuentro de profesores, estudiantes y público en general de diferentes regiones de Brasil,asegurando una amplia discusión de temas de gran impacto social. Aun así, se destaca que la desigualdad social genera diferentes posibilidades de acceso a los entornos virtuales, siendo una barrera de información para las poblaciones más vulnerables. La elección de los temas estuvo en línea con las propuestas de los Grupos PET, ya que contribuyen positivamente a la formación de los universitarios (AU).

This article aimed to report the experience of using social media as spaces for building knowledge about the themes of structural racism and the health of the LGBT population through events promoted by scholarship students from the Tutorial Education Program (TEP) Dentistry at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Considering the scenario of dental education, beyond the technical and scientific knowledge required for dentists, it is of utmost relevance to address issues that go beyond these boundaries for the training of professionals capable of practicing dentistry in an integrated manner with the social context. Given the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the need to adapt teaching tools to the demands of isolation and social distancing, the significant space that social media has gained as a means of knowledge construction on various topics was observed, with the advantage of dispensing with travel, unlike traditional teaching environments. The methodology used proved advantageous, as it allowed teachers, students, and the general public from different regions of Brazil to come together, ensuring broad discussion of topics that have a significant social impact. Nevertheless, it is emphasized that social inequality generates different possibilities of access to virtual environments, being a barrier to information for more vulnerable populations. The choice of themes aligned with the proposals of the TEP Groups, as they positively contribute to the formation of university students (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Education, Dental , Social Media/instrumentation , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Education, Distance/methods , COVID-19/transmission