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Saúde Soc ; 32(1): e220541pt, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450430


Resumo Passados mais de quatro anos da epidemia de Zika vírus, tem-se a tarefa de continuar a investigar o seu legado. Aqui, descreve-se o impacto da associação causal entre o Zika vírus e as alterações observadas em fetos e bebês, uma busca que marcou a pauta dos cientistas e da imprensa entre 2015 e 2017. Por meio dos estudos Sociais de Ciência e Tecnologia, que vê o fato científico como coproduzido pela ciência e pela sociedade, realizamos 17 entrevistas semiestruturadas entre cientistas, gestores, professionais de saúde e famílias de crianças em oito cidades brasileiras. Vê-se que a causalidade teve impacto parcial e dúbio na organização dos serviços - com a sobreposição entre vigilância e atenção, gerando, inicialmente, assimetrias no Sistema Único de Saúde. Entre as famílias e profissionais de saúde, nota-se demandas por pesquisas de intervenções e de cuidado, consideradas como não sendo prioridade entre os cientistas. Já entre os pesquisadores, observa-se distanciamento entre estudo e enfrentamento, com o social sendo constituído por demandas não integradas ao campo científico. Para que demandas sociais encontrem fluxo no fazer científico, sugere-se para crises futuras de saúde pública a multiplicação do número de perguntas da ciência e a maior diversidade dos desenhos de pesquisa.

Abstract More than four years after the Zika virus epidemic, we are left with the task of investigating its legacy. Here, we describe the impact of the causal association between the Zika virus and the abnormalities seen in fetuses, a search that marked the scientific and press agenda at the time. By using the Social Studies of Science and Technology, which establishes the scientific fact as co-produced by science and society, we carried out 17 semi-structured interviews between scientists, managers, health professionals and families of the children in eight Brazilian cities. We observed that causality had a partial and dubious impact on the organization of services - with the overlap between surveillance and care initially generating asymmetries in the Brazilian Unified Health System. Between families and health professionals, there are demands for research on interventions and care, considered as not being prioritized among scientists. Among the researchers, we notice a gap between study and coping, with the social being constituted by demands that are not integrated into the scientific field. For future public health crises, we point to multiplying the number of research questions and study designs, so that social demands find flow in scientific doing.

Science, Technology and Society
Saúde Soc ; 31(2): e220048pt, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390326


Resumo O objetivo deste ensaio é refletir sobre o lugar da diferença na pesquisa científica acerca da Doença de Alzheimer (DA), que se torna um problema de saúde pública crescente à medida que a população brasileira envelhece. Nesse cenário, nossa intenção é explorar a questão de gênero na sua relação com outros marcadores sociais, a fim de compreender a heterogeneidade de experiências e percepções em relação à doença. Para isso, foi feita uma vasta revisão bibliográfica e realizada uma breve pesquisa online na plataforma PubMed. Embora grande parte das pesquisas apontem uma incidência maior da Doença de Alzheimer em mulheres, questões como raça/etnia, classe social e outras condicionantes não têm sido apropriadas pelos pesquisadores. No que tange à prevenção da doença, as diferenças são pouco ou nada consideradas.

Abstract The aim of this essay is to reflect about the place of difference in scientific research on Alzheimer's Disease (AD), which becomes a growing public health problem as the Brazilian population ages. In this scenario, our intention is to explore gender issues in relation to other social markers, to understand the heterogeneity of experiences and perceptions regarding the disease. To this do so, we carried out extensive bibliographic review and conducted brief online research on the PubMed platform. Although many studies indicate that Alzheimer's Disease has a higher incidence in women, issues such as race/ethnicity, social class, and other conditions have not been appropriated by researchers. Regarding prevention of the disease, differences are little or not considered.

Public Health , Science, Technology and Society , Gender and Health , Alzheimer Disease
Theory Soc ; 49(5-6): 745-748, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32921875


An increasing number of sociologists today are examining the social production of digital technology. Although younger researchers may be digital natives and write from "within the algorithm," and older sociologists may begin by trying to define terms and concepts that have become commonplace in the tech "space," all share the goal of unpacking the "black box" of computer software by analyzing how, where, and by whom it is developed and asking who benefits most by its use. Some of the articles in this special issue of Theory and Society focus on questions of connectivity, privacy, and equity in light of classical sociology's concern with the state, the self, knowledge, and power; others look critically at forms of inequality in the operations of specific platforms, algorithms, urban tech ecosystems, and coworking spaces.

Front Neurorobot ; 14: 39, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32792933


People with limb loss are for the first time living chronically and uninterruptedly with intimately integrated neuromusculoskeletal prostheses. This new generation of artificial limbs are fixated to the skeleton and operated by bidirectionally transferred neural information. This unprecedented level of human-machine integration is bound to have profound psychosocial effects on the individuals living with these prostheses. Here, we examined the psychosociological impact on people as they integrate neuromusculoskeletal prostheses into their bodies and lives. Three people with transhumeral amputations participated in this study, all of whom had been living with neuromusculoskeletal prostheses in their daily lives between 2 and 6 years at the time of the interview. Direct neural sensory feedback had been enabled for 6 months to 2 years. Participants were interviewed about their experiences living with the neuromusculoskeletal prostheses in their home and professional daily lives. We analyzed these interviews to elucidate themes using an interpretive phenomenological approach that regards participants' own experiences as forms of expertise and knowledge-making. Our participant-generated results indicate that people adapted and integrated the technology into functional and social arenas of daily living, with positive psychosocial effects on self-esteem, self-image, and social relations intimately linked to improved trust of the prostheses. Participants expressed enhanced prosthetic function, increased and more diverse prosthesis use in tasks of daily living, and improved relationships between their prosthesis and phantom limb. Our interviews with patients also generated critiques of the language commonly used to describe human-prosthetic relations, including terms such as "embodiment," and the need for specificity surrounding the term "natural" with regard to control versus sensory feedback. Experiences living with neuromusculoskeletal prostheses were complex and subject-dependent, and therefore future research should consider human-machine interaction as a relationship that is constantly enacted, negotiated, and deeply contextualized.

Trends Psychol ; 27(4): 943-959, Oct.-Dec. 2019.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1059160


Abstract This paper examines the relationships established between the fields of history of psychology, and science, technology and society studies (STS). We first present a brief historical overview to situate the present status of the field of psychology within the broad STS arena. We then describe the influence of STS studies in the field of history of psychology through a literature review that emphasizes Ibero-American productions in these areas. Our findings suggest that STS studies can contribute to the understanding the historical issues in psychology through seven areas of intersecting sociological and historical research, which involve the study of psychological objects, the history of psychological instrumentation, the historical analysis of psychology as a discipline and the study of psychology teaching and education, among others. The paper concludes that STS studies play an important role in advancing the production of historical knowledge, shedding light on the conceptual frameworks used in historical research, clarifying historical inquires, and assisting in the process to define psychological epistemic objects.

Resumo Este artigo examina a relação entre os campos da história da psicologia e os estudos sociais sobre ciência, tecnologia e sociedade (CTS). Primeiro, apresentamos uma breve visão histórica situando os objetivos da psicologia no amplo campo da CTC contemporânea. Em seguida, descrevemos a influência da CTS no âmbito da história da psicologia através de uma revisão da literatura que enfatiza as produções Ibero-Americanas. Nossos resultados sugerem que as pesquisas realizados no campo CTS podem contribuir para a compreensão das questões históricas que emergem na área da psicologia através de sete linhas de pesquisa relacionadas a interseção de estudos sociológicos e históricos, que envolvem o estudo de objetos psicológicos, a história da instrumentação psicológica, a análise histórica da psicologia como disciplina e o estudo do treinamento em psicologia, entre outros. O trabalho conclui que os estudos desempenham um papel importante na produção do conhecimento histórico, destacando os referenciais conceituais na pesquisa histórica para esclarecer questões historiográficas e auxiliar na definição epistemológica de objetos psicológicos.

Resumen Este trabajo examina la relación existente entre los campos de la historia de la psicología y los estudios sociales sobre ciencia, tecnología y sociedad (CTS). Primero presentamos una breve panorámica histórica con los fines de situar el campo de la psicología en la amplia arena de los CTS contemporáneos. Luego describimos la influencia del campo CTS en el campo de la historia de la psicología a través de una revisión de la literatura que enfatiza las producciones iberoamericanas. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que los estudios CTS contribuyen con la comprensión de cuestiones históricas en psicología a través de siete áreas de investigación, que involucran el estudio de los objetos psicológicos, la historia de la instrumentación psicológica, el análisis histórico de la psicología como disciplina y el estudio de la formación en psicología, entre otras. El trabajo concluye que los estudios CTS juegan un rol importante en la producción del conocimiento histórico, arrojando luz a los marcos conceptuales utilizados en la investigación histórica, clarificando las preguntas historiográficas, y ayudando a definir objetos epistémicos psicológicos.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 24(3): 831-849, Jul-Sep/2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-727140


As controvérsias em ciência e tecnologia são cada vez mais reconhecidas como questões éticas e morais, e não somente técnicas. É o caso da experimentação animal, foco deste trabalho. Visando clarificar quais grupos tiveram seus interesses e reivindicações atendidos e quais foram ignorados, foi efetuada uma análise da legislação do estado de São Paulo sobre o assunto, a partir do referencial teórico dos Estudos Sociais da Ciência e Tecnologia. O estudo abordou aspectos como a relação entre a comunidade científica, a camada política e o público leigo, a autoridade da ciência e as estratégias para inclusão/exclusão de grupos. Concluiu-se que, apesar dos crescentes questionamentos sobre as consequências sociais, éticas e morais da prática científica, a ciência ainda desempenha um papel central na resolução de controvérsias, ocupando um lugar privilegiado dentro do core set...

Controversies in science and technology are increasingly recognized as ethical and moral issues, not just technical. It is the case of animal experimentation, the central issue of this work. Using the theoretical framework of Social Studies of Science and Technology, the work analyses the law of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, about animal experimentation, aiming to clarify which groups had their interests and demands met, and which were ignored. The study addressed issues such as the relationship between the scientific community, the lay public and the policy layer, the authority of science and the strategies for inclusion/exclusion of groups. It was concluded that, despite the growing doubts about the social, moral and ethical consequences of scientific practice, science still plays a central role in the resolution of controversies, occupying a privileged place within the core set...

Animals , Enacted Statutes , Animal Experimentation/ethics , Science, Technology and Society , Brazil , Public Perception of Science
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 20(supl.1): 1163-1183, 30/1jan. 2013. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-697074


Em muitos debates sobre as relações entre ciência e sociedade, em particular quanto à aceitação das tecnologias ou à percepção de seus riscos, existe uma hipótese subjacente: a de que a ignorância gera medo, e o medo gera desconfiança ou hostilidade contra a ciência e a tecnologia. Neste artigo mostramos que essa hipótese é questionável. Com base numa recente enquete nacional, apontamos que atitudes otimistas sobre ciência e tecnologia não dependem do nível escolar ou da informação declarada ou acessada pelas pessoas sobre o tema. Indivíduos com escassa informação possuem, em geral, atitudes positivas. Pessoas com maior escolaridade e acesso à informação possuem atitudes diversificadas, otimistas sobre alguns aspectos, porém mais críticas sobre outros.

In many debates on the relation between science and society, especially concerning the acceptance of technology or the perception of its risks, there is an underlying hypothesis: that ignorance generates fear, which in turn generates mistrust or hostility toward science and technology (S&T). The article shows that this hypothesis is questionable. Based on a recent nationwide survey in Brazil, we show that optimistic attitudes about S&T do not depend on people’s educational level, their level of information, or their accessing of related subject matter. On average, respondents who say they have scarce information on the topic display positive attitudes. Those with a higher educational level and who access information display diverse attitudes, which are optimistic in some regards but more critical in others.

Humans , Access to Information , Public Perception of Science , Science, Technology and Society , Brazil , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. colomb. psicol ; 19(2): 225-239, jul.-dic. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-595055


En su calidad de recursos metodológicos y conceptuales que pueden apoyar el propósito de la psicología crítica, se presentan algunos aspectos generales de los estudios sociales de la ciencia y la tecnología (ESCT), los cuales han abierto promisorias sendas para el abordaje de la recíproca constitución entre ciencia y sociedad. Las directrices del llamado programa fuerte de sociología del conocimiento científico, los métodos y líneas de acción de las etnografías del laboratorio, y el abordaje de análisis retórico a los textos científicos, son los tres principales modelos metodológicos derivados de los ESCT, expuestos y relacionados con las posibles líneas de investigación dentro de la psicología crítica. Además de tales metodologías, los ESCT aportan ciertas consideraciones teóricas que son sometidas aquí a discusión con el fin de contribuir a replanteamientos creativos al interior de la psicología crítica.

As methodological and conceptual resources that can support the purpose of critical psychology, this paper presents some general aspects of the social studies of science and technology (STS), which have opened promising avenues for addressing the mutual constitution of science and society. Derived from the STS and related to possible research lines within critical psychology, three major methodological contributions are introduced: the principles of the so-called strong program of the sociology of scientific knowledge, the methodologies and guidelines of laboratory ethnographies, and the rhetorical analysis of scientific texts. Additionally, some theoretical considerations provided by the STS are discussed in order to contribute to a creative rethinking of critical psychology.

Social Sciences/methods , Social Sciences/trends , Methodology as a Subject , Models, Theoretical , Sociology