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Front Psychiatry ; 13: 908668, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36245878


Background: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events that occur before the age of 18. The term encompasses various adverse childhood experiences, e.g., physical, psychological, and sexual abuse, physical and psychological neglect, and family dysfunction. Prevalence estimates for a broad spectrum of ACEs against the background of where childhood and adolescence were spent are scarcely available in Germany. This study examines the frequencies of adverse childhood experiences, considering growing up in East or West Germany or abroad and interacting with different age cohorts and gender. Methods: A total of 5,018 individuals (51.4% female) aged 14 years and older were retrospectively assessed on adverse childhood experiences using questionnaires "adverse childhood experiences" (ACE). Logistic regression models were used to analyze the association between birth cohort, gender, and where a person grew up. Descriptive statistics and univariate analyses were used to calculate frequencies, proportions, and unadjusted associations for each variable. Results: 37.4% (N = 1,878) of respondents reported experiencing at least one form of ACE. Individuals who grew up abroad report significantly more adverse childhood experiences than individuals in East or West Germany. Men and women who grew up in East Germany reported a lower rate of ACEs. We found significant effects for all predictors: Where childhood and adolescence were predominantly spent, year of birth, and gender. Significant differences in the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences within the gender groups were only found for sexual and physical abuse and substance dependence in the household. Conclusion: The results suggest that the socio-political context plays an essential role in the experience of adverse childhood experiences, both in frequency and risk. Thus, child abuse and neglect studies should increasingly focus on societal risk and protection mechanisms.

Rev. Psicol. Saúde ; 10(3): 57-70, set.-dez. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-990414


El objetivo general de este trabajo apunta a conocer si los saberes psi impactan en la concretización de políticas públicas y, en el caso de que así fuera, dilucidar los modos en que lo hacen. En particular, aquí se propone analizar la incidencia de los saberes psi en la solución a las problemáticas de la infancia presentes en Buenos Aires desde comienzos del siglo XX hasta 1940. Se puntualizan los principales aportes que el campo de la psicología ofrece a las problemáticas sociales en torno a la infancia y se analizan las concepciones psicológicas acerca de la niñez presentes según los principales referentes del campo de la psiquiatría infantil. Se considera el marco legislativo imperante durante este período como elemento de análisis fundamental para este estudio. Se concluye que, lejos de considerar aquellos aportes psi como influencias directas y lineales en las políticas estatales, se trata de interacciones entre los actores, las prácticas sociales y los objetos discursivos.

The aims of this work is to know if psy knowledge impacts on the concretion of public politics and, if so, to elucidate the ways in which they do it. In this case, it is proposed to analyze the impact of psy knowledge in the solution to the childhood issues in Buenos Aires since the beginning of the XX century to 1940. The main contributions the field of psychology offers to the social issues related to childhood are stressed. After that, the psychological notions about childhood are analyzed according to the main researchers from the field of childhood psychiatry. The legislative framework prevailing during this period is considered as an element of fundamental analysis for this study. Far from considering those psy contributions like direct and linear influences in the state policies, we can conclude that they are interactions among actors, social practices and discourse objects.

O objetivo geral deste trabalho visa conhecer se o saberes psi têm impacto na concretização das políticas públicas e, em caso afirmativo, para elucidar as formas em que o fazem. Em particular, aqui se propõe a analisar a incidência dos saberes psi na solução das problemáticas relacionadas a infância presentes em Buenos Aires desde o começo do século XX até 1940. São pontuadas as principais contribuições que o campo da psicologia oferece às problemáticas sociais relativas à infância e são analisadas as concepções psicológicas acerca da infância presentes conforme os principais referenciais do campo da psiquiatria infantil. O quadro legislativo prevalecente durante este período é considerado como um elemento de análise fundamental para este estudo. Se concluiu que, longe de considerar contribuições psi da época como influências diretas e lineares nas políticas estatais, se trata de interações entre os atores, as práticas sociais e os objetos discursivos.

Acta Inform Med ; 22(1): 37-43, 2014 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24648618


This presentation attempts to analyze the trends in Medical Informatics along half a century, in the European socio-political and technological development context. Based on the major characteristics which seem dominant in some periods, a staging is proposed, with a description of each period - the context, major ideas, views and events. A summary of major features of each period is also added. This paper has an original presentation of the evolution of major trends in medical informatics.
