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Rev. colomb. ortop. traumatol ; 35(2): 126-132, 2021. ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1378597


Introducción La escolisis es una deformidad tridimencional de la columna vertebral. El objetivo principal del tratamiento es evitar la progresión, lograr la máxima corrección y la artrodesis del menor numero de segmentos, con buen balance coronal y sagital que permita una fusión indolora. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar los resultados de los pacientes operados por escolisis idiopática del adoelscente en nuestro centro. Materiales y Métodos se realizó un estudio tipo serie de casos, se incluyeron pacientes operados entre 2011 y 2017; en ellos se estudiaron: los datos demografícos, el tipo de curva, la densidad de tornillos utilizados, el porcentaje de reducción lograda al año y las complicaciones. Resultados Se obtuvieron datos de 27 pacientes. Pedominaron las curva Lenke 1B. El ángulo de Cobb preoperatorio promedio fue de 66,5o con un postoperatorio de24,4o. La densidad de tornillo presentó un promedio de 1,4. Presentaron complicaciones el 25,6% de los pacientes, siendo la más frecuente la infección. En el cuestionario SRS-22 se obtuvieron buenas resultados. Discusión Se ha reportado una densidad de 0,8-1,69 tornillos por vértebra fusionada con un porcentaje de corrección de 64-70%. En nuestro resultados la densidad de tornillos por vertebra fusionado fue de 1,4 lográndose una reduccion de 64,1%. Aumentar el número de tornillos no aumentó el grado de corrección de las curvas. En concordancia con la literatura la complicación mas frecuente fue la infección, con baja incidencia de lesión neurológica. Concluimos que la técnica de artrodesis utilizada en nuestro centro, con tornillos pediculares de tercera generación, obtiene buenos resultados de reducción, con porcentaje de complicaciones similares a los reportados previamente.

Background Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine. The main objective of treatment is to avoid progression, achieve maximum correction and arthrodesis of the least number of segments, with good coronal and sagittal balance that allows a painless fusion. The aim of the study is to evaluate the results of patients who underwent to surgical fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Material and Methods A case series study was conducted by analyzing medical records of patients who underwent to surgical fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. between 2011 through 2017.An analysis of demographic data, the type of curve, the density of screws used, the percentage of reduction achieved after one year, and complications was performed. Results Data of 27 patients was included. Lenke 1B curves were predominant. The mean preoperative Cobb angle was 66.5o with a postoperative 24.4o. Screw density presented an average of 1.4. Complications were presented in 25.6% of the patients, the most frequent being infection. Good results were obtained in the SRS-22 questionnaire. Discussion A density of 0.8-1.69 screws per fused vertebra has been reported with a correction percentage of 64-70%. In our results, the density of screws per fused vertebra was 1.4, achieving a reduction of 64.1%. Increasing the number of screws did not increase the degree of correction of the curves. In accordance with the literature, the most frequent complication was infection, with a low incidence of neurological injury. We conclude that the arthrodesis technique used in our center, with third-generation pedicle screws, obtains good reduction results, with a percentage of complications similar to those previously reported.

Humans , Scoliosis , Spine , General Surgery
Coluna/Columna ; 14(2): 101-104, Apr.-June 2015. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-755842



To validate a new method of measuring the Cobb angle for scoliosis from the mobile app CobbMeter to facilitate the evaluation and measurement in clinical practice.


Five observers with minimum experience of two years in the field performed radiographic measurements of Cobb angle in 24 radiographs of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis through the CobbMeter. Observers performed serial measures on the images with the application, which were repeated after one month. The most experienced appraiser of the group, after measurements were made through the application, determined the Cobb angle in each radiography by the traditional method.


The mean standard deviation by comparing the angles electronically and manually measured had no clinical significance. Although 40% of electronic measurements are outside the confidence interval when compared to manual measurements, this difference was insignificant in clinical practice.


The CobbMeter is another alternative for measuring Cobb angle in scoliosis.



Validar um novo método de medida do ângulo de Cobb para escoliose a partir do aplicativo para aparelho telefônico celular CobbMeter para facilitar a avaliação e medição na prática clínica.


Cinco observadores com experiência mínima de dois anos na área realizaram medições radiográficas do ângulo em 24 radiografias de pacientes com escoliose idiopática do adolescente com o CobbMeter. Os observadores realizaram medidas em série nas imagens com o aplicativo, as quais foram repetidas após um mês. O avaliador mais experiente do grupo, após as medições feitas com o aplicativo, determinou em cada radiografia o ângulo pelo modo tradicional.


A média do desvio padrão na comparação dos ângulos medidos eletrônica e manualmente não foi clinicamente significativa. Apesar de 40% das medições eletrônicas estarem fora do intervalo de confiança ao serem comparadas às medições manuais, essa diferença se mostrou insignificante na prática clínica.


O CobbMeter é mais uma alternativa para a medição do ângulo de Cobb na escoliose.



Validar un nuevo método de medición del ángulo de Cobb para la escoliosis a partir de la aplicación móvil CobbMeter, para facilitar la evaluación y la medición en la práctica clínica.


Cinco observadores con experiencia mínima de dos años en el área llevaron a cabo mediciones radiográficas del ángulo en 24 radiografías de pacientes con escoliosis idiopática juvenil mediante la aplicación móvil CobbMeter. Los observadores realizaron mediciones seriadas en las imágenes con la aplicación, que se repitieron después de un mes. El observador más experimentado del grupo, después de las mediciones realizadas con la aplicación, determinó en cada radiografía el ángulo de Cobb de la manera tradicional.


La desviación estándar de la media en la comparación de los ángulos medidos por el método electrónico y manual no fue clínicamente significativa. Aunque el 40% de las mediciones electrónicas están fuera del intervalo de confianza en comparación con las mediciones manuales, esta diferencia fue insignificante en la práctica clínica.


La aplicación CobbMeter es otra alternativa para medir el ángulo de Cobb en la escoliosis.


Humans , Scoliosis/diagnosis , Spinal Curvatures/classification , Radiography , Mobile Applications
Rev Paul Pediatr ; 33(1): 72-81, 2015.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25623725


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between behavioral risk factors, specifically postural habits, with the presence of structural changes in the spine of children and adolescents. METHODS: 59 students were evaluated through the self-reporting Back Pain and Body Posture Evaluation Instrument e and the spine panoramic radiographic examination. The spine curvatures were classified, based on Cobb' angle, as normal or altered in the saggital plane and as normal or scoliotic in the frontal plane. Data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0, from descriptive statistics and chi-square association test (α=0,05). RESULTS: The prevalence of postural alterations was 79.7% (n=47), of which 47.5% (n=28) showed frontal plane alterations and 61% (n=36) sagital plane alterations. Significant association was found between the presence of thoracic kyphosis and female gender, practice of physical exercise only once or twice a week, sleep time greater than 10 hours, inappropriate postures to sit on the bench and sit down to write, and transport of school supplies. Lumbar lordosis was associated with improperly transportation of school backpack (asymmetric); and scoliosis was associated with the practice of competitive sport and sleep time greater than 10 hours. CONCLUSIONS: Lifestyle may be associated with postural alterations. It is important to develop health policies in order to reduce the prevalence of postural alterations with a reduction of associated risk factors.

Posture , Spinal Curvatures/etiology , Adolescent , Child , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Risk Factors , Spinal Curvatures/epidemiology
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 83(6): 587-594, dic. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-673074


Introducción: El síndrome 3M combina retardo de crecimiento prenatal y postnatal severo, dismorfias faciales (semeja facies "melancólica") y anomalías radiológicas. Es una enfermedad infrecuente de la que hasta el momento se han descrito alrededor de 200 casos. "3M" se refiere a las iniciales de los tres autores que describieron este síndrome. Los rasgos faciales característicos son: cabeza relativamente grande, dolicocefalia, abombamiento frontal, cara triangular, mentón prominente, nariz antevertida, labios gruesos, cejas gruesas, surco nasolabial largo e hipoplasia de tercio medio de cara. Los hallazgos radiológicos, que van apareciendo con la edad son costillas y huesos largos finos y delgados, y cuerpos vertebrales altos. El síndrome 3M se transmite como un rasgo autosómico recesivo y es genéticamente heterogéneo. Objetivo: Descripción del caso clínico de una nina actualmente de 10 años de edad en el que se confirmó este síndrome. Caso clínico: Nina referida a Genética a los 15 meses de vida, por talla baja severa, dismorfias y malformaciones. Su seguimiento clínico y radiológico permitió plantear y confirmar este diagnóstico. Conclusión: En ocasiones sólo el seguimiento longitudinal de pacientes con talla baja severa permite que se evidencien alteraciones sugerentes de un diagnóstico específico. La certificación del diagnóstico favorece un adecuado manejo clínico y consejería genética a los padres.

Introduction: 3M syndrome combines severe prenatal and postnatal growth delay, facial dysmorphism (resembles melancholy facies) and radiological abnormalities. It is a rare disease with 200 cases reported so far. "3M" refers to the initials of the three authors who first described this syndrome. The characteristic facial features are: relatively large head, dolichocephaly, frontal bossing, a triangular face, pointed chin, upturned nose, full lips, full eyebrows, long philtrum and hypoplastic midface. radiological findings which appear with age, include slender long bones and ribs and tall vertebral bodies. 3M syndrome is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait and is genetically heterogeneous. Objective: Report the clinical case of a girl, now 10 years of age, diagnosed with the syndrome. Case report: An infant girl, 15 months old, was referred to Genetics Clinic due to severe short stature, dysmorphic features and malformations. Her clinical and radiological follow-up led to propose and confirm this diagnosis. Conclusion: Sometimes only longitudinal monitoring of patients with severe short stature evidence abnormalities suggesting a specific diagnosis. The right diagnosis results in suitable clinical care and genetic counseling to parents.

Humans , Female , Child , Spine/abnormalities , Spine , Dwarfism/diagnosis , Fetal Growth Retardation , Facies , Joint Instability
Rev Bras Ortop ; 45(6): 557-64, 2010.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27026964


OBJECTIVE: This was a retrospective study to compare the anterior instrumentation (AI) and posterior instrumentation (PI) results among patients diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (Lenke type I) who were treated surgically. METHODS: The results from 24 patients aged 11 to 18 years with Lenke type I idiopathic scoliosis who underwent surgery with AI (12 patients) or PI (12 patients) were compared. All the patients were operated by the same surgeon and were followed up for a minimum period of five years. The variables for comparison included: coronal and sagittal correction, distance from apical vertebra to midline, apical vertebral rotation, number of instrumented vertebrae and functional variables (by means of the SRS-22 questionnaire). The data obtained were analyzed using the SAS software, version 9. The two groups were compared using Student's t-test with a significance level of 5% (0.05). RESULTS: The correction of the curve in the frontal plane was higher in the group of patients with the anterior approach, in the immediate (p=0.031) and late (p=0.043) postoperative periods, as was the apical vertebral rotation during the immediate (p=0.002) and late (p=0.019) evaluations. The number of instrumented vertebrae was 7.69 ± 1.38 in the AI group and 11.38 ± 2.92 in the PI group (p = 0.021). Functional assessment (SRS-22) did not show any significant difference (p > 0.05) between the groups. CONCLUSION: The patients who underwent scoliosis correction with AI presented greater correction in the frontal plane, greater derotation of apical vertebrae and a smaller number of fused vertebrae.