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J Strateg Stud ; 47(1): 116-146, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38495449


Military AI optimists predict future AI assisting or making command decisions. We instead argue that, at a fundamental level, these predictions are dangerously wrong. The nature of war demands decisions based on abductive logic, whilst machine learning (or 'narrow AI') relies on inductive logic. The two forms of logic are not interchangeable, and therefore AI's limited utility in command - both tactical and strategic - is not something that can be solved by more data or more computing power. Many defence and government leaders are therefore proceeding with a false view of the nature of AI and of war itself.

SN Comput Sci ; 4(2): 123, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36589770


The embodiment of technology in education can make learning easier, more enjoyable, and more accessible. From Learning Machines to artificial intelligence (AI), educational technology has repeatedly tested its strength as an aider or a substitute to in-person teaching. During the COVID-19 pandemic international organisations promoted the idea of the transformation of education using technology. Comparison of their texts published in 2020 with texts published in 2021 indicates that much of the early enthusiasm concerning the transition from in-person to remote learning gave its position to more thoughtful accounts after considering the learning losses and students' disappointment from the disruption of in-person relationships. This publication highlights aspects of education technology usually overlooked in futuristic accounts of education. Adopting a non-deterministic view of technology attempts to contribute to the more human-centred incorporation of technologies in education.

Stud Health Technol Inform ; 286: 33-37, 2021 Nov 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34755686


Large-scale electronic health record (EHR) suites have the potential to cover a broad range of use needs across various healthcare domains. However, a challenge that must be solved is the distributed governance structure of public healthcare: Regional health authorities regulate hospitals, municipalities are responsible for first-line healthcare services, and general practitioners (GPs) have an independent entrepreneurial role. In such settings, EHR program owners cannot enforce municipalities and GPs to come on board. Thus, we examine what tactics owners of large-scale EHR suite programs apply to persuade municipalities to participate, how strongly these tactics are enforced, and the consequences. Empirically, we focus on the Health Platform program in Central Norway where the goal is to implement the U.S. Epic EHR suite in 2022. Theoretically, the paper is positioned in the socio-technical literature.

Electronic Health Records , Persuasive Communication , Computer Systems , Delivery of Health Care , Hospitals
Philos Technol ; 31(4): 655-667, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30873343


Technologies have always been bearers of profound changes in science, society, and any other aspect of life. The latest technological revolution-the digital revolution-is no exception in this respect. This paper presents the revolution brought about by digital technologies through the lenses of a specific approach: the philosophy of information. It is argued that the adoption of an informational approach helps avoiding utopian or dystopian approaches to (digital) technology, both expressions of technological determinism. Such an approach provides a conceptual framework able to address the ethical challenges that digital technologies pose, without getting stuck in the dichotomous thinking of technological determinism, and to bring together ethics, ontology, and epistemology into a coherent account.

Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 17(2): 76-91, jul.-dic. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-901843


Resumen ¿Cuál debería ser el punto de partida del análisis bioético de la ciencia y la tecnología? En casi medio siglo de historia se han formulado diversas perspectivas de análisis bioético de la ciencia y la tecnología. En este artículo se reconoce el amplio contexto teórico sobre el tema y no se va indagar sobre él, sino sobre un asunto más básico: la necesidad de precisar un punto de partida común a los distintos análisis, para evitar algunos presupuestos frecuentemente viciados. En el artículo se propone como punto de partida para el análisis bioético señalado, una perspectiva internalista, orientada fundamentalmente a enfrentar la tarea de desmantelar presupuestos deterministas, y no una mirada externalista, tradicional y moralizante. En el texto se precisan los distintos sentidos de los puntos de vista deterministas sobre la ciencia y la tecnología comúnmente asumidos, y sus relaciones con los juicios morales. También se analiza, de forma comparada, la manera como varios autores y perspectivas toman o cuestionan este tipo de planteamientos. El aporte fundamental del artículo consiste en proponer como perspectiva ética básica, la tarea de abrir la caja negra de los juicios morales, y disolver las precarias comprensiones deterministas de la naturaleza de la ciencia y de la tecnología, en la que se quedan presos muchos de los análisis bioéticos sobre el tema.

Abstract What should be the starting point of the bioethical analysis of science and technology? In almost half a century of history, different perspectives of bioethical analysis of science and technology have been formulated. This article recognizes the broad theoretical context on the subject and will not inquire about it, but on a more fundamental issue: the need to specify a common starting point for the different analyses, to avoid some frequently flawed budgets. The article proposes as a point of departure for the bioethical analysis indicated an internalist perspective, oriented fundamentally to face the task of dismantling deterministic presuppositions, and not an externalist, traditional and moralizing view. The text specifies the different meanings of the deterministic viewpoints on science and technology commonly assumed, and their relations with moral judgments. It also analyzes, in a comparative form, the way in which several authors and perspectives take or question this type of approach. The fundamental contribution of the article is to propose as a basic ethical perspective the task of opening the black box of moral judgments and dissolving the precarious deterministic understandings of the nature of science and technology, in which many of the bioethical analyses on the subject remain imprisoned.

Resumo Qual deve ser o ponto partida da análise bioética da ciência e da tecnologia? Neste artigo propõe-se que a bioética atual deve ter para isso como ponto de partida uma perspectiva internalista, fundamentalmente orientada para enfrentar a tarefa de desmantelar os supostos prévios deterministas, e não um olhar externalista, tradicional e moralizante. No texto precisam-se os diferentes sentidos dos pontos de vista deterministas sobre a ciência e a tecnologia comumente assumidos, e suas relações com os juízos morais. Também se faz uma análise, de forma comparativa, a maneira como diversos autores e perspectivas tomam ou fazem questão neste tipo de abordagem. A principal contribuição do artigo é propor como perspectiva ética básica, a tarefa de abrir a caixa preta dos juízos morais, e dissolver os entendimentos deterministas precários da natureza da ciência e da tecnologia, na qual ficam prisioneiros muitas das análises bioéticas sobre o assunto.

Humans , Bioethics , Philosophy , Science , Technology
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 24(3): 662-673, 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-660715


El estudio del impacto de las TIC en la conceptualización y vivencia de los procesos migratorios despierta un creciente interés en las ciencias sociales. En este marco, nuestro trabajo aborda la pregunta por el papel de los locutorios en la conformación de la experiencia migratoria. Lo más visible en estos espacios son las tecnologías y las relaciones que mediante éstas se establecen con el lugar de origen. Sin embargo, las tecnologías que contiene el locutorio no tienen sentido por sí solas; es necesario ubicarlas en su contexto de uso, examinando la red de prácticas sociales en las que se insertan y que les dan sentido. Argumentamos que la clave no está en preguntarse cómo las tecnologías impactan en la experiencia migratoria, sino en preguntarse por las dinámicas que se generan en el interior los locutorios y por las apropiaciones que los/as usuarios/as hacen de estos espacios y de las tecnologías.

O estudo do impacto das Tecnologias da Informação e a Comunicação (TIC) na conceituação e na experiência dos processos de migração desperta um crescente interesse nas ciências sociais. Neste marco, o nosso trabalho aborda a questão do papel dos locutórios na configuração da experiência de migração. O mais visível nestes espaços são as tecnologias e as relações que com essas tecnologias são estabelecidas com o local de origem. Contudo, as tecnologias que contém o locutório não fazem sentido por elas mesmas; é necessário colocá-las no seu contexto específico de uso, examinando a rede de práticas sociais em que os dispositivos são inseridos e que lhes dão significado. Nós argumentamos que a questão chave não é como as tecnologias impactam sobre a experiência da migração, senão em perguntar-se sobre as dinâmicas geradas dentro dos locutórios e pelas apropriações que os/as usuários/as fazem desses espaços e das tecnologias.

The humanities and social sciences show an increasing interest in studying the impact ICT in the conceptualization and experience of migratory processes. Our work approaches this subject, asking for the role of call shops within the migratory experience. At a first glance, these spaces seem to be characterized by technologies that allow communication with the country of origin. Nevertheless, technologies make no sense on it own, but instead need to be placed within a specific production context, while considering the network of social practices in which they operate and through which they acquire meaning. We argue that the question is not to ask for the impact of ICT on migratory experience, but to study those dynamics generated inside call shops and the use an appropriation of technology and space made by call centers users.
