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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 155-160, 20240102. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526867


Introducción. Los teratomas son neoplasias que surgen a partir de células germinales pluripotenciales y derivan de dos o más capas de células. Se clasifican en tumores maduros, que contienen tejidos bien diferenciados, o inmaduros, que contienen estructuras inmaduras y embrionarias. Su localización más frecuente son las gónadas; la ubicación mesentérica es infrecuente y se han descrito aproximadamente 40 casos en la literatura mundial. Dentro del abordaje diagnóstico y terapéutico, se emplea la tomografía computarizada y la resonancia magnética nuclear para caracterizar la lesión, evaluar la extensión intraabdominal y la relación con otras estructuras. El diagnóstico debe confirmarse mediante el examen histopatológico. Caso clínico. Paciente femenina de 56 años, con antecedente de carcinoma ductal infiltrante de mama izquierda en remisión, en estudios de seguimiento con hallazgo incidental en tomografía de abdomen de lesión abdominopélvica dependiente del mesenterio, contornos lisos y nivel grasa-líquido. Estudios de extensión con marcadores tumorales negativos. Resultados. Por la alta sospecha clínica e imagenológica de teratoma, fue llevada a resección quirúrgica de la lesión. El examen histopatológico confirmó el diagnóstico de teratoma quístico maduro del mesenterio. Conclusión. El teratoma mesentérico es una entidad clínica rara, que debe ser considerado como uno de los diagnósticos diferenciales de una masa abdominal con efecto compresivo. El diagnóstico se basa principalmente en el examen clínico y los hallazgos imagenológicos. La escisión quirúrgica temprana es el pilar del tratamiento; el abordaje laparoscópico o abierto depende de las características clínicas y la experiencia del cirujano.

Background. Teratomas are neoplasms that arise from pluripotent germ cells, derived from two or more layers of germ cells. They are classified as mature tumors (cystic or solid), which contain well-differentiated tissues, or as immature tumors, which contain immature and embryonic structures. Its most frequent location is the female and male gonads; the mesenteric location is rare and approximately 40 cases have been described in the world literature. Within the diagnostic and therapeutic approach, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are used to characterize the lesion, assess intra-abdominal extension and the relationship with other structures. The diagnosis must be confirmed by histopathological examination. Clinical case. A 56-year-old female patient with a history of infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the left breast in remission. In follow-up studies, incidental abdominal tomography finding of an abdominopelvic lesion dependent on the mesentery at the level of the mesogastrium, smooth contours with fat-liquid level. Extension studies with negative tumor markers. Results. Due to high clinical and imaging suspicion of teratoma, the patient was taken to resection of the lesion. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of mature cystic teratoma of the mesentery. Conclusion. Mesenteric teratoma is a rare clinical entity and is considered one of the differential diagnoses of an abdominal mass with a compressive effect. Diagnosis is mainly based on clinical examination and imaging findings. Early surgical excision is the mainstay of treatment; laparoscopic or open approach depends on the clinical characteristics and the experience of the surgeon.

Humans , Teratoma , Abdominal Neoplasms , Pathology , Embryonic Germ Cells , Mesentery
Cir. pediátr ; 36(1): 40-43, Ene. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-214579


Describimos el inusual caso de una paciente con antecedente de dos teratomas maduros no relacionados en cuanto a su localización y debut. Una niña de 12 años consultó por la aparición de una tumoración en la regió n hipogástrica de crecimiento progresivo sin otra clínica asociada. Había sido intervenida por un teratoma quístico maduro sacrococcígeo en el periodo neonatal con su extirpació n completa y, ausencia secuelas clínicas y tratamiento adicional durante diez años de seguimiento posterior. Los exámenes radioló gicos mostraron una gran masa quística de 20 × 12 × 18 cm que se extendía entre la región pélvica y el hemiabdomen inferior, acompañada por otras dos pequeñas formaciones similares adyacentes al ovario derecho. Los marcadores tumorales resultaron negativos y se llevó a cabo una salpingooforectomía derecha laparoscópica con una excelente evolución postoperatoria. El examen histopatológico, de nuevo, informó la lesión como teratoma quístico maduro. El estudio genético descartó una posible causalidad en este ámbito.(AU)

We describe the unusual case of a female patient with a history of two mature teratomas non-correlated in terms of location and occurrence. A 12-year-old girl presented at our consultation as a result of a growing tumor in the hypogastric region, with no further clinical signs. She had undergone surgery neonatally due to a mature cystic sacrococcygeal teratoma, which was fully removed. No clinical sequelae were noted and no additional treatment was required over a 10-year follow-up. Radiological examination showed a large 20 × 12 × 18 cm cystic mass extending from the pelvic region to the lower hemiabdomen, associated with two similar small formations adjacent to the right ovary. Tumor markers were negative, and a laparoscopic right salpingoophorectomy was carried out, with an excellent postoperative progression. Pathological examination revealed it was, again, a mature cystic teratoma. The genetic study ruled out causation in this respect.(AU)

Humans , Female , Child , Teratoma , Ovary , Sacrococcygeal Region , Inpatients , Physical Examination , Pediatrics , General Surgery
Cir Cir ; 88(Suppl 2): 84-89, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33284263


Los tumores de células germinales son una variante de los tumores ováricos, siendo el teratoma el más frecuente. Del total de los tumores ováricos diagnosticados, el 12% se encontrarán en pacientes en edad fértil. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 22 años que acude a consulta con un diagnóstico presuntivo de teratoma bilateral en búsqueda de alternativas terapéuticas, ya que se le planteó originalmente ooforectomía bilateral. Tras un abordaje completo se corroboró el diagnóstico y se procedió a la resección tumoral, logrando la enucleación completa de ambos teratomas y preservando el tejido ovárico, su funcionalidad y su fertilidad.Germ cell tumors are a variant of ovarian tumors, with teratoma being the most frequent. Of the total number of diagnosed ovarian tumors, 12% are found in patients of childbearing age. In this case, we present a 22-year-old patient who comes to a consultation with a presumptive diagnosis of bilateral teratoma in search of therapeutic alternatives, since she was originally presented with a bilateral oophorectomy. After a complete approach, the diagnosis was corroborated and tumor resection was carried out, achieving complete enucleation of both teratomas, preserving the ovarian tissue, thus its functionality and fertility.

Teratoma , Adult , Female , Humans , Retrospective Studies , Teratoma/surgery , Young Adult
Rev. cuba. cir ; 59(3): e975, jul.-set. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1144432


RESUMEN Introducción: Los teratomas se definen como tumores de tejidos extraños al órgano o sitio anatómico en el cual se originan. Los teratomas mediastinales no son frecuentes, representan alrededor del 5 por ciento al 10 por ciento de todos los tumores mediastinales. Objetivo: Describir los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de pacientes con diagnóstico de teratomas mediastinales. Métodos: Se estudiaron 12 pacientes tratados entre enero de 2001 y diciembre de 2018. Las variables evaluadas fueron sexo, edad, tipo histológico: maduro o inmaduro, vía de acceso quirúrgico, accidentes quirúrgicos y evolución postoperatoria. Resultados: Correspondieron 9 al sexo femenino y 3 al masculino. El promedio de edad fue de 33,3 años (17-60 años). Hubo predominio absoluto del tipo maduro (11). La esternotomía media fue el acceso más frecuente. La toracotomía se realizó cuando el tumor, voluminoso, ocupaba la mayor parte de un hemitórax. Los accidentes quirúrgicos fueron un desgarro pulmonar y una apertura del pericardio. De dos pacientes tratados mediante cirugía torácica videoasistida, uno fue convertido por sangrado venoso molesto. Al año de seguimiento todos estaban vivos, sin evidencias de recidiva. Conclusiones: Contrariamente a lo esperado, hay predominio del sexo femenino, mientras que la edad y el tipo histológico coinciden con la literatura. La esternotomía, aún hoy, es comúnmente aceptada, a pesar del auge de la cirugía torácica videoasistida. La resección total produce resultados excelentes para los teratomas benignos(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Teratomas are defined as tumors of tissues foreign to the organ or anatomical site in which they originate. Mediastinal teratomas are rare, accounting for about 5-10 percent of all mediastinal tumors. Objective: To describe the outcomes of the surgical treatment of patients diagnosed with mediastinal teratomas. Methods: Twelve patients treated between January 2001 and December 2018 were studied. The variables evaluated were sex, age, histological type (mature or immature), surgical access route, surgical accidents, and postoperative evolution. Results: Nine patients corresponded to the female sex and three, to the male. The average age was 33.3 years (17-60 years). There was an absolute predominance of the mature type (11). Median sternotomy was the most frequent access. Thoracotomy was performed when the bulky tumor occupied most of a hemithorax. The surgical accidents were lung tear and opening of the pericardium. Of two patients treated by video-assisted thoracic surgery, one was converted for bothersome venous bleeding. At one year of follow-up, all were alive, with no evidence of recurrence. Conclusions: Contrary to expectations, there is predominance of the female sex, while age and histological type coincide with the literature. Sternotomy, even today, is commonly accepted, despite the rise of video-assisted thoracic surgery. Total resection produces excellent outcomes in benign teratomas(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Teratoma/diagnosis , Thoracotomy/methods , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted/methods , Sternotomy/methods , Retrospective Studies
Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 66(2): 00013, abr-jun 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145003


RESUMEN Los teratomas de ovario son tumores compuestos por tejidos derivados de las tres líneas germinales embrionarias. La gliomatosis peritoneal es una afección poco frecuente caracterizada por implantes de tejido glial en el peritoneo comúnmente asociada con teratoma inmaduro de ovario, no así con teratomas maduros. El diagnóstico definitivo se realiza por histología. No existen pautas sobre cómo realizar el seguimiento de los pacientes con esta afección. El pronóstico es favorable. Sin embargo, los implantes pueden experimentar regresión fibrótica o excepcionalmente degenerar a glioblastoma. Si están presentes tejido glial inmaduro u otros componentes teratomatosos en el peritoneo o epiplón, el tratamiento será similar al del carcinoma metastásico de ovario. En pacientes con enfermedad peritoneal residual, es necesario un seguimiento a largo plazo, debido al riesgo de recurrencia y transformación maligna. Se presenta un caso de gliomatosis peritoneal asociado a teratoma maduro de ovario.

ABSTRACT Ovarian teratomas are tumors derived from the three germinal layers. Gliomatosis peritonei is a rare condition characterized by glial tissue implants in peritoneum, commonly associated with immature ovarian teratoma, but not with mature teratomas. Definitive diagnosis is based on histopathological examination. Currently, there are no guidelines for its follow-up. Prognosis is favorable; however, implants may present fibrotic regression or exceptionally degenerate into glioblastoma. Treatment should be similar to that of metastatic ovarian carcinoma if immature glial tissue or other teratomatous components are found in peritoneum or omentum. Long-term follow-up is necessary in patients with residual peritoneal disease due to risk of recurrence and malignant transformation. We present a case of gliomatosis peritonei associated to mature ovarian teratoma.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 88(3): 154-160, ene. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346170


Resumen OBJETIVO: Describir las características clínicas e histopatológicas de los casos de teratoma maduro con transformación maligna, su tratamiento y supervivencia. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo, transversal y observacional efectuado entre enero de 2014 y diciembre de 2018 en un servicio de oncología ginecológica. Parámetros de estudio: etapa patológica del tumor, concentraciones de Ca 125, supervivencia y tratamiento. El tamaño de la muestra no permitió aplicar pruebas estadísticas. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 147 pacientes con diagnóstico de teratoma maduro, de éstos 4 experimentaron transformación maligna a carcinoma epidermoide y se descartaron 18 por información incompleta. El estudio histopatológico transoperatorio identificó malignidad en 3 de los 4 tumores de ovario. No se practicaron cirugías conservadoras de la fertilidad porque en ninguno de los casos fue necesaria. En 3 de los 4 teratomas maduros con transformación maligna se indicó esquema de quimioterapia coadyuvante. Todas las pacientes permanecen vivas y sin recaída hasta el momento. CONCLUSIONES: El estudio histopatológico transoperatorio es indispensable en todas las lesiones de ovario, incluso las de aspecto quístico. El tratamiento quirúrgico cuidadoso de los tumores malignos de ovario evita su ruptura y cambio en el pronóstico y tratamiento de las pacientes. El tratamiento quirúrgico y médico de una neoplasia poco frecuente, como el teratoma maduro con transformación maligna, mejora la supervivencia y evita subtratamientos o sobretratamientos.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: Describe the clinical and histopathological characteristics of cases of mature teratoma with malignant transformation, its treatment and survival. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective, cross-sectional and observational study conducted between January 2014 and December 2018 in a gynecological oncology service. Study parameters: pathological stage of the tumor, concentrations of Ca 125, survival and treatment. The sample size did not allow statistical tests to be applied. RESULTS: 147 patients with a diagnosis of mature teratoma were studied of these 4 underwent malignant transformation to squamous cell carcinoma and 18 were ruled out due to incomplete information. The transoperative histopathological study identified 3 of the 4 ovarian tumors as malignant. Fertility conservative surgeries were not performed because in none of the cases was it necessary. In 3 of the 4 mature teratomas with malignant transformation, adjuvant chemotherapy scheme was indicated. All patients remain alive and have no relapse so far. CONCLUSIONS: The histopathological transoperatory study is absolutely necessary for an ovarian tumor, even in cystic ovarian tumors. Carefully management of ovarian tumors is very important, we should prevent a rupture of the malignant tumor because this changes the surgical stage and the prognosis. The surgical and medical treatment of infrequent tumor-like mature teratoma with malignant transformation improves survival and avoid sub treatments or overtreatment.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 41(10): 628-632, Oct. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042314


Abstract Although mature cystic teratoma (MCT) is benign, malignant transformation (MT) occurs in ~ 1% to 2% of all cases, and usually consists of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which accounts for ~ 80% of the cases. Spindle-cell (sarcomatoid) carcinoma (SCSC) is an uncommon type of SCC, comprising up to 3% of all cases. The lack of characteristic symptoms and specific imaging findings may lead to preoperative misdiagnosis. Moreover, the clinicopathologic characteristics, the treatment, the prognostic factors and the mechanism of MT have not yet been well understood due to the rarity of such tumors, especially in women of reproductive age. The authors present a case of a 34- year-old patient with 14 weeks of gestation who was diagnosed with an adnexal mass suggestive of ovarian teratoma. A laparoscopy salpingo-oophorectomy was performed after 6 months of delivery, and the histological exam revealed a sarcomatoid SCC in the MCT.

Resumo Embora o teratoma cístico maduro (MCT) seja benigno, a transformação maligna (MT) ocorre em cerca de 1% a 2% dos casos, e geralmente apresenta-se sob a forma de carcinoma espinocelular (CEC), responsável por cerca de 80% dos casos. O carcinoma (sarcomatoide) de células fusiformes (CSCF) é um tipo incomum de CEC, compreendendo até 3% de todos os casos. A falta de sintomas característicos e achados imagiológicos específicos pode levar a erros diagnósticos pré-operatórios. Além disso, as características clinico-patológicas, o tratamento, os fatores prognósticos e o mecanismo da MT ainda não são bem compreendidos devido à raridade de tais tumores, principalmente em mulheres em idade reprodutiva. Os autores apresentam um caso de uma paciente de 34 anos com 14 semanas de gestação que foi diagnosticada comumamassa anexial sugestiva de teratoma do ovário. A anexectomia laparoscópica foi realizada após 6 meses do parto, e o exame histológico revelou um CEC sarcomatoide tendo como origem um MCT.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Ovarian Neoplasms/surgery , Ovarian Neoplasms/pathology , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Ovary/surgery , Ovary/pathology , Ovary/diagnostic imaging , Teratoma/surgery , Teratoma/pathology , Teratoma/diagnostic imaging , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/pathology , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/diagnostic imaging , Fertility Preservation , Time-to-Treatment
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 79(1): 67-70, feb. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002590


Los teratomas son tumores germinales malignos compuestos por dos o más capas de tejido, que ocasionalmente se transforman en estirpes con crecimiento agresivo. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 29 años con un tumor germinal gonadal localizado en testículo, cuya evolución fue desfavorable por presentar transformación en un fenotipo correspondiente a un rabdomiosarcoma. La patología aquí descripta deviene del crecimiento diferencial de un componente ya existente en el tumor original o la transformación en un linaje somático que se hace dominante. Los tumores transformados como el del caso descripto son raros y presentan características diferentes de la mayoría de las neoplasias germinales respecto del comportamiento, el pronóstico y la sensibilidad a los tratamientos establecidos.

Teratomas are malign germ cell tumors composed of two or more tissue layers. When there is specific organ differentiation they are called mature teratoma. They rarely grow aggressively. We report the case of a 29 year-old man with a diagnosis of gonadal germ cell tumor whose evolution was unfavorable owing to transformation into a different phenotype corresponding to a rhabdomyosarcoma. This phenomenon occurs through differential growth of a single histological component of the original tumor or transformation of a somatic lineage that becomes dominant. Transformed tumors such as the one herein described differ from most germ cell neoplasms regarding behavior, prognosis, and susceptibility to established treatments.

Humans , Male , Adult , Rhabdomyosarcoma/pathology , Teratoma/pathology , Testicular Neoplasms/pathology , Cell Transformation, Neoplastic/pathology , Neoplasms, Gonadal Tissue/pathology , Teratoma/drug therapy , Testicular Neoplasms/drug therapy , Fatal Outcome
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 85(5): 331-337, mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-892543


Resumen: CASO CLÍNICO: paciente de 30 años de edad, con diagnóstico de teratoma inmaduro, con deseos de preservar la fertilidad. Se indicó tratamiento quirúrgico conservador y quimioterapia coadyuvante, previa vitrificación de ovocitos. Un año después de finalizar la quimioterapia logró embarazarse mediante fecundación in vitro, realizada con sus propios óvulos desvitrificados. Después de tres años de la intervención quirúrgica se detectó otro quiste en el ovario contralateral, que se intervino y diagnosticó como teratoma maduro. CONCLUSIONES: el teratoma ovárico inmaduro es una neoplasia poco frecuente cuyo tratamiento aún se discute. Puesto que la mayoría de las pacientes son jóvenes debe intentarse la preservación de la fertilidad proponiéndoles la preservación de ovocitos. Debido a la alta tasa de recurrencia del tumor, casi siempre en forma de teratoma maduro, es importante el seguimiento estrecho después de finalizar el tratamiento.

Abstract: CLINICAL CASE: We present a peculiar case in which an immature teratoma is diagnosed by an ovarian torsion in a 30 year old patient. She wanted to preserve her fertility, so she underwent conservative surgical treatment, previous vitrification of her oocytes. One year after the end of the chemotherapeutic treatment, the patient became pregnant through in vitro fertilization performed with her own devitrified oocytes. Another cyst in the contralateral ovary was diagnosed three years after the surgical intervention so she was reintervenated, it was a mature teratoma. CONCLUSIONS: Immature ovarian teratoma is an uncommon pathology whose treatment is controversial. Since most patients are young, we should try to preserve fertility if the patient wishes, by offering cryopreservation of oocytes when indicated. Due to the high rate of recurrence, often in the form of mature teratoma, it is important to follow-up closely after the treatment.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 38(7): 365-367, July 2016. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-794825


Abstract Mature cystic teratomas, or dermoid tumors, are the most common benign ovarian neoplasms in young women. Malignant transformation is rare, and occurs in less than 2% of the cases. The heterogeneous histological composition of these tumors may be responsible for the occasional elevation of various tumor markers, such as Ca19-9 and Ca125. We describe one case of mature cystic teratoma in a 50-year old woman with the second highest level of Ca19-9 (8922.76 UI/mL) described in the literature. We concluded that abnormal levels of Ca19-9 are not necessarily associated with ovarian malignancy, and may lead to unnecessary medical intervention and patient anxiety. Therefore, the clinical features, imaging studies and antigen testing should be interpreted carefully, and should not limit the surgical approach.

Resumo Os teratomas maduros císticos do ovário, ou tumores dermoides, são as neoplasias benignas mais frequentes em mulheres jovens. A sua transformação maligna é rara, e ocorre emmenos de 2% dos casos. A composição histológica heterogénea destes tumores pode ser responsável pela ocasional elevação de marcadores tumorais, como o Ca19-9 e o Ca125. Descrevemos umcaso de teratoma maduro cístico do ovário numa paciente de 50 anos com o segundo valor mais elevado de Ca19-9 (8922,76 UI/mL) descrito na literatura. Concluímos que níveis anormalmente elevados de Ca19-9 não estão necessariamente associados a tumores malignos, e podem conduzir a intervenções médicas desnecessárias e contribuir para o aumento da ansiedade da paciente. Portanto, as características clínicas, os estudos imagiológicos e os marcadores tumorais devem ser interpretados cuidadosamente, e não devem limitar o tipo de conduta cirúrgica.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , CA-19-9 Antigen/blood , Ovarian Neoplasms/blood , Teratoma/blood
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 80(1): 65-71, 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-743837


Se reporta un caso excepcional de tumor de Krukenberg ovárico bilateral asociado a teratoma maduro encontrado en una mujer de 54 años. La ecografía mostró al lado derecho tumor ovárico sólido de 55 mm y al lado izquierdo tumor quístico de 125 mm. Se realizó histerectomía total, salpingooforectomía bilateral, resección del epiplón mayor y muestras peritoneales. Al tercer día postcirugía, la paciente presentó signos de tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo y aunque recibió terapia anticoagulante falleció al quinto día postoperatorio. El estudio histológico mostró infiltración masiva de carcinoma de células en anillo positivas para citoqueratina en ambos ovarios. El ovario derecho mostró la forma sólida clásica del tumor de Krukenberg mientras que el ovario izquierdo correspondió a un quiste dermoide con infiltración tumoral de carcinoma de células en anillo en la pared.

An exceptional case of bilateral Krukenberg tumor of the ovary associated with mature teratoma presented in a 54 years old patient is reported. The ultrasound showed a 55 mm solid right ovarian tumor and a 125 mm left cystic ovarian tumor. Hysterectomy and bilateral salpingoophorectomy was performed including omental resection and peritoneal biopsies. Massive pulmonary embolism was detected in the third day after the surgery. Even anticoagulant therapy was established the patient died in the fifth postoperative day. The histological study revealed massive infiltration of signet ring cell carcinoma with positive expression for cytokeratin in both ovaries. The right ovary showed the classical solid form of the tumor. The left ovary was a dermoid cyst with signet ring cell carcinoma infiltrating the cystic wall.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Ovarian Neoplasms/complications , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Teratoma/complications , Teratoma/diagnostic imaging , Krukenberg Tumor/complications , Krukenberg Tumor/diagnostic imaging , Ovarian Neoplasms/surgery , Ovarian Neoplasms/pathology , Teratoma/surgery , Teratoma/pathology , Ultrasonography , Fatal Outcome , Carcinoma, Signet Ring Cell , Krukenberg Tumor/surgery , Krukenberg Tumor/pathology , Hysterectomy
Cir Cir ; 82(4): 432-5, 2014.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25167355


BACKGROUND: Peritoneal gliomatosis is characterized by the presence of miliary implants of mature glia on the peritoneum of patients with ovarian teratomas, usually immature. CLINICAL CASE: We report the case of a woman operated on 5 years earlier due to a right mature ovarian teratoma. When she was operated on due to left ovarian tumor she presented a miliary glial dissemination in omentum and peritoneum. CONCLUSION: The association of peritoneal gliomatosis ovarian teratomas is rare. Although the primary treatment and patient monitoring is focused on the teratoma, control should be maintained of peritoneal implants because of the possibility of malignancy. We believe it would be beneficial to establish a protocol for monitoring these lesions.

ANTECEDENTES: la gliomatosis peritoneal se caracteriza por la existencia de implantes miliares de tejido glial diseminados dentro de la cavidad abdominal de pacientes con teratomas ováricos, generalmente inmaduros. Caso clínico: paciente femenina intervenida cinco años antes de un teratoma maduro del ovario derecho, que al ser operada de un tumor en el ovario izquierdo se encontró diseminación miliar de tejido glial en el epiplón y el peritoneo. CONCLUSIÓN: la asociación de gliomatosis peritoneal con teratomas ováricos es infrecuente y, aunque el tratamiento principal y seguimiento de los pacientes está enfocado al teratoma deben controlarse los implantes peritoneales, por la posibilidad de malignización. Consideramos que sería benéfico establecer un protocolo para el seguimiento de pacientes con estas lesiones.

Glioma/secondary , Ovarian Neoplasms/pathology , Peritoneal Neoplasms/secondary , Teratoma/pathology , Adolescent , Antigens, CD/analysis , Antigens, Differentiation, Myelomonocytic/analysis , Biomarkers, Tumor/analysis , Cell Differentiation , Female , Glioma/chemistry , Glioma/surgery , Humans , Peritoneal Neoplasms/chemistry , Peritoneal Neoplasms/surgery , S100 Proteins/analysis , Vimentin/analysis
J. bras. patol. med. lab ; 49(5): 342-346, Oct. 2013. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-697109


Dermoid cysts or mature cystic teratomas are mesenchymal neoplasms most commonly found in the ovaries, but which may occur in any location along the pathways of ectodermal cell migration. They are rarely seen in the pancreas, where they show a slight preference for the pancreatic head. We report a case of dermoid cyst of the pancreas in a 69-year-old male patient, discussing the epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of this neoplasm. Since preoperative diagnosis is difficult, given its rarity in this site, it is usually diagnosed by histopathology of the specimen.

Cistos dermoides ou teratomas císticos maduros são neoplasias mesenquimais comumente encontradas nos ovários, mas que podem ocorrer em qualquer via de migração das células ectodérmicas. No pâncreas, a ocorrência é rara, sendo mais comum na cabeça pancreática. Relata-se caso de cisto dermoide do pâncreas em paciente masculino de 69 anos, discutindo-se epidemiologia, clínica, diagnóstico e tratamento dessa neoplasia, pouco suspeitada no pré-operatório devido à sua raridade nessa topografia; geralmente, é diagnosticada apenas pelo exame histopatológico da peça cirúrgica.

Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 72(3): 177-181, sep. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-664614


Presentar dos casos con malignización de teratoma maduro de ovario. Con clínica inicial inespecífica y aumento progresivo de la circunferencia abdominal. En ambos el ultrasonido y la TAC de abdomen revelaron imágenes de aspecto tumoral por lo que se realizaron otros estudios, no identificando enfermedad a distancia. La biopsia definitiva de la intraoperatoria del anexo derecho e izquierdo respectivamente de cada caso, concluyó adenocarcinoma bordeline mucinoso y adenocarcinoma borderline seroso en un teratoma maduro de ovario. El estadio clínico fue IIIC y recibieron quimioterapia adyuvante. Ambos se mantienen libres de enfermedad

The malignancy of an ovarian mature teratoma is a rare find. We present two cases with nonspecific initial clinical and progressive increase in abdominal girth. In both ultrasound and CT of the abdomen revealed tumor-like images so other studies were conducted to identify distant disease. The final biopsy Annex intraoperative right and left respectively of each case, borderline mucinous adenocarcinoma concluded borderline serous adenocarcinoma in a mature teratoma of the ovary. Clinical stage was IIIC and received adjuvant chemotherapy. Both patients remain free disease

Humans , Adult , Female , Neoplasms/diagnosis , Neoplasms/drug therapy , Teratoma/diagnosis , Teratoma/drug therapy , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Cytological Techniques/methods , Ultrasonics/methods , Gynecology , Medical Oncology
Cir. & cir ; 77(5): 403-406, sept.-oct. 2009. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-566466


Introducción: El teratoma primario de recto es una entidad extremadamente rara; se ha sugerido que deriva de células germinales aberrantes del tracto digestivo embrionario. Una complicación inusitada es que el tumor ovárico erosione la pared rectal y permita la formación de una fístula para así alojarse en el interior del recto. Caso clínico: Mujer de 54 años de edad con sangrado transanal. Por endoscopia se observó tumor cubierto de pelos en su superficie, localizado a 15 cm del margen anal. Una tomografía computarizada identificó la localización exacta y la presencia de tejido óseo en su interior. Mediante laparotomía se apreció el ovario izquierdo fusionado a la cara anterior del recto, de donde se originaba un tumor de 5 × 4 cm que protruía hacia su luz. Se realizó ooforectomía izquierda y mediante sección peritumoral de la pared intestinal se extrajo el tumor del interior del recto y se cerró el defecto con suturas simples. El estudio histológico demostró conglomeración de tejidos correspondiente a los tres estratos germinales. Conclusiones: Aunque es raro, el diagnóstico de teratoma de ovario intrarrectal debe ser considerado en pacientes con tumores del recto. El diagnóstico es relativamente fácil ante la presencia de pelos en la superficie tumoral, que se evalúa mediante endoscopia.

BACKGROUND: Primary rectal teratoma is a very rare entity. It has been suggested that these tumors grow from aberrant germinal cells of the embryonic digestive tract. Ovarian tumor can also erode the rectal wall, allowing the formation of a fistula localized inside the rectum, becoming an extremely rare complication. CLINICAL CASE: We report the first case of a 54-year old woman with transanal bleeding whose endoscopic investigation showed a hairy-covered tumor in its surface localized 15 cm from the anal margin. Scanning detected its exact location and the presence of bony tissue within. By means of a laparotomy, we identified the left ovary fusioned to the anterior face of the rectum where a 5 x 4 cm tumor was originally protruding towards its lumen. Left oophorectomy was performed and through a peri-tumoral section of the intestinal wall we extracted the tumor from the inner rectum and closed the defect with simple sutures. Histological report demonstrated a conglomerate of tissues that corresponded to the three germinal layers. CONCLUSIONS: Although rare, diagnosis of intrarectal ovarian teratoma must be considered as a differential diagnosis in patients with rectal tumors. Diagnosis is relatively easy in the presence of a tumor with a hairy surface that is evaluated endoscopically. For treatment we suggest a simple procedure with adequate results.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Neoplasm Invasiveness , Ovarian Neoplasms/pathology , Rectum/pathology , Teratoma/pathology , Cell Differentiation , Diagnosis, Differential , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/etiology , Laparotomy , Ovarian Neoplasms/complications , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnosis , Ovarian Neoplasms/surgery , Rectal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Ovariectomy , Rectum/surgery , Teratoma/complications , Teratoma/diagnosis , Teratoma/surgery
Rev. imagem ; 29(4): 153-156, out.-dez. 2007. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-542271


Os autores apresentam um caso de duplicação intestinal e teratoma retroperitoneal em uma paciente de sete anos de idade com massa palpável e dor abdominal a esclarecer, que foi submetida a estudo radiológico convencional, ultra-sonografia, tomografia computadorizada e posterior laparotomia exploradora. O estudo anatomopatológico constatou duplicação intestinal e teratoma maduro. Na literatura médica existente não foi encontrado nenhum caso semelhante.

The authors present a case of intestinal duplication and retroperitonealteratoma in a 7-year-old patient with evident mass and abdominal pain to explain; that it was submitted to study conventional X-ray, ultrasonography, computed tomography and subsequentexploiting laparotomia. The anatomopathological study verified intestinal duplication and ripe teratoma. In the existent medical literature it was not found any similar case.

Humans , Female , Child , Abdomen , Intestines/abnormalities , Intestines/surgery , Retroperitoneal Neoplasms/surgery , Radiography, Abdominal , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Teratoma/surgery