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Anat Sci Int ; 99(4): 420-435, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38896364


Terminologia Anatomica (TA) is a unique collection of technical terms that allow communication in anatomy and medicine around the world. Considering this, we reviewed articles published by Latin American authors on Terminologia Anatomica and synthesized the main results found in this article. This study is a systematic review about Terminologia Anatomica that focuses on non-English-speaking countries in Latin America. The database used was Scopus via Elsevier. 207, and candidate articles were identified after applying the search strategy and with no restriction of year of publication. After the exclusion of articles whose authorship was not Latin American, 68 articles were filtered based on their titles and abstracts without the exclusion of any of them. These articles were fully evaluated resulting in 66 articles that met all the inclusion criteria of this review. We collected the following data: title of the article, year of publication, journal of publication, keywords of the study, country of origin, and aim of the article. Among the analyzed articles, 22 proposed changes to terms present in Terminologia Anatomica, 15 of them proposed the inclusion of terms for Terminologia Anatomica, and several articles sought to explain the existence of the existing terms. It is necessary to analyze the terms that are and their origins in the Latin America languages to evaluate their coherence and anatomical correspondence. A standard descriptor for Terminologia Anatomica was not obtained and it is a limitation since eventual articles may not have been obtained. As the study evaluates only articles that were published in journals indexed in Scopus, some articles published in non-indexed journals were not included.

Anatomy , Terminology as Topic , Latin America , Humans , Anatomy/education , Language
Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 837-842, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564606


Terminologia Anatomica Internacional publicada el año 2019 en inglés y el 2001 en español contiene los nombres oficiales de las estructuras anatómicas. Sin embargo, existen términos que no están incluidos en esta terminología, y son ampliamente utilizados, es el caso del término músculos isquiotibiales. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la utilización del término músculos isquiotibiales, músculos del compartimento femoral posterior y músculos del compartimento femoral flexor. Se realizó una revisión narrativa que incluyó 37 libros de anatomía, 3 diccionarios de terminología médica y biológica, 10 bases de datos y 15 recursos digitales. En los libros publicados después del año 2001 el 55,6 % utilizaba el término músculos isquiotibiales y el 18,5 % utilizó músculos del compartimento femoral posterior. En ningún diccionario se encontró el uso de los términos músculos isquiotibiales, músculos del compartimento femoral posterior ni músculos del compartimento femoral flexor. En las bases de datos se encontraron 12.104 artículos con el término músculos isquiotibiales, cinco con el término músculos del compartimento femoral posterior y uno con el término músculos del compartimento femoral flexor. En los recursos digitales de anatomía el 50 % utilizaba el término músculos isquiotibiales, el 37,5 % el término músculos del compartimento femoral posterior y el 12,5 % músculos del compartimento femoral flexor. En conclusión, el uso del término músculos isquiotibiales supera ampliamente al uso de los términos indicados por Terminologia Anatomica Internacional. Adicionalmente, este término es anatómicamente descriptivo y unívoco. Al respecto, parece apropiado valorar la incorporación del término músculos isquiotibiales en Terminologia Anatomica Internacional.

SUMMARY: The Terminologia Anatomica published in 2019 in English and 2001 in Spanish conTAIns the official names of anatomical structures. However, there are terms that are not included in this terminology, and are widely used, such as the term "hamstring muscles. The objective of this work was to analyze the use of the terms hamstring muscles, muscles of the posterior compartment of thigh and muscles of the flexor compartment of thigh. A narrative review was carried out that included 37 anatomy books, 3 dictionaries of medical and biological terminology, 10 databases and 15 digital resources. Results: In the books published after 2001, 55.6 % used the term hamstring muscles, 18.5 % muscles of the posterior compartment of thigh and 0 % muscles of the flexor compartment of thigh; In no dictionary was the use of the terms hamstring muscles, muscles of the posterior compartment of thigh or muscles of the flexor compartment of thigh found; In the databases, 12,104 articles were found with the term hamstring muscles, 5 with the term muscles of the posterior compartment of thigh and 1 with the term muscles of the flexor compartment of thigh; In the digital anatomy resources, 50 % used the term hamstring muscles, 37.5 % the term muscles of the posterior compartment of thigh and 12.5 % muscles of the flexor compartment of thigh. In conclusion, the use of the term hamstring muscles far exceeds the use of the terms indicated by the International Anatomical Terminology. Additionally, this term is anatomically descriptive and univocal. In this regard, it seems appropriate to assess the incorporation of the term hamstring muscles in Terminologia Anatomica.

Humans , Hamstring Muscles/anatomy & histology , Terminology as Topic
Anat Sci Int ; 99(4): 408-419, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38678164


The development of a standard anatomical language in Spanish dates back to the early stages of medicine, and its significance lies in the necessity for a common vocabulary to describe the structures of the human body. Anatomists and morphologists have been striving to achieve this goal since the late nineteenth century when the first Anatomical Nomenclature was created in Basel in 1895. Over the years, various versions of the International Anatomical Terminology have been published in Spanish, following the guidelines of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). These versions have been produced in partnership with the Spanish Anatomical Society and have aimed to adjust the terms to the Spanish language and linguistic rules. The Ibero-Latin American Symposia on Anatomical, Histological, and Embryological Terminology (SILAT) have embraced the naming of morphological structures, keeping in mind the Latin and Greek roots, while respecting the translations accepted by the linguistic rules of the official languages. These symposia stick to the principles of universality, precision in structure description, and consistency in terminology. Despite more than a century of progress in anatomical terminology, there is a need for frequent revisions and adjustments to anatomical terms, particularly when translating them into various languages and because of the high number of international publications related to anatomy. A shared anatomical language is essential for the study and application of anatomy across various medical practices and in undergraduate education. Finally, the establishment of anatomical terminology in Spanish represents a long history of efforts to create a universal and precise language in this field. Despite advancements, the revision and adaptation of anatomical terms remain a continuous challenge to keep up with scientific progress and ensure effective communication in the field of anatomy.

Anatomy , Language , Terminology as Topic , Anatomy/history , Humans , History, 19th Century , South America , History, 20th Century , Spain
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 525-529, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558127


SUMMARY: The updating of anatomical terms is essential to facilitate teaching and learning as well as international communication through publications and presentations at scientific events. In the posterior wall of the axilla, the teres major, teres minor and triceps brachii muscles form three spaces through which neurovascular structures of clinical significance run. The current study seeks to define and propose terms for these spaces which have been omitted by Terminologia Anatomica. The definition of the Latin term 'Spatium' was investigated using A Latin Dicionary, while the term 'Espacio' was analyzed using Diccionario panhispánico de términos médicos (Real Academia Nacional de Medicina de España, 2023), as well as the lexemes of the words 'scapula' and 'humerus', for which the Diccionario Médico-Biológico, Histórico y Etimológico de la Universidad de Salamanca was consulted. The presence of the term 'Spatium' in the Terminologia Anatomica was also investigated. Finally, 10 anatomy textbooks in Spanish were reviewed to identify the terms used for these spaces. In reviewing the latest edition of Terminologia Anatomica, it was found that the term 'Spatium' appears 25 times in different chapters and it was evident that no terms for scapulohumeral spaces appear in the chapters on upper limb structures. Moreover, in 100 % of the anatomy textbooks reviewed, at least one term is used to describe the scapulohumeral spaces. We believe that the proposed terms: 'Spatium humerotricipitale', 'Spatium scapulotricipitale' and 'Spatium teretricipitale' more accurately describe both the location and their association with the bone/muscle structures that form them. We therefore suggest that these terms be revised for inclusion in future editions of Terminologia Anatomica.

La actualización de términos anatómicos es esencial para facilitar la enseñanza-aprendizaje y comunicación internacional a través de publicaciones y presentaciones en eventos científicos. En la pared posterior de la axila, los músculos redondo mayor, redondo menor y tríceps braquial, forman tres espacios por donde discurren estructuras neurovasculares relevantes en la clínica. El estudio tuvo como objetivo definir y proponer términos para estos espacios omitidos por Terminologia Anatomica. En el diccionario A Latin Dictionary se investigó la definición en latín del término 'Spatium' y 'Espacio' en el Diccionario panhispánico de términos médicos (Real Academia Nacional de Medicina de España, 2023), además de los lexemas de las palabras 'escápula' y 'húmero' en el Diccionario Médico-Biológico, Histórico y Etimológico de la Universidad de Salamanca. También se investigó la presencia del término 'Spatium' en la Terminologia Anatomica. Por último, se revisaron 10 libros-textos de anatomía en español para identificar los términos utilizados para estos espacios y su relevancia clínica. Al revisar la última edición de Terminologia Anatomica, se observó que el término 'Spatium' aparece 25 veces en distintos capítulos y se evidenció que no aparecen términos para los espacios escapulohumerales en los capítulos de miembro superior. Además, en el 100 % de los libros-textos de anatomía revisados, se utiliza al menos un término para describir a los espacios escapulohumerales. Consideramos que los términos propuestos: 'Spatium humerotricipitale', 'Spatium scapulotricipitale' y 'Spatium teretricipitale' aluden con mayor precisión a la ubicación, ya que relaciona a las estructuras óseas y/ o musculares que lo forman. Por lo que sugerimos que estos términos sean revisados para incluirlos en futuras ediciones de Terminologia Anatomica.

Humans , Scapula/anatomy & histology , Humerus/anatomy & histology , Terminology as Topic
Anat Sci Int ; 99(4): 387-399, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38492195


Unfortunately, the long-awaited revision of the official anatomical nomenclature, the Terminologia Anatomica 2 (TA2), which was issued in 2019 and after a referendum among the Member Societies officially approved by the General Assembly of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists in 2020, is built on a new version of the Regular Anatomical Terminology (RAT) rules. This breaks with many traditional views of terminology. These changes in the Terminologia Anatomica of 1998 (TA98) met great resistance within many European Anatomical Societies and their members are not willing to use terms following the RAT rules. European anatomy teachers and scientists using traditional Latin in their teaching, textbooks and atlases will keep using the TA98. The German Anatomical Society (Anatomische Gesellschaft) recently announced the usage of the TA2023AG in curricular anatomical media such as textbooks and atlases, based on the TA98 and the Terminologia Neuroanatomica (TNA). We are preparing a more extensive improvement of the TA98, called Terminologia Anatomica Humana (TAH). This project is fully based on the noncontroversial terms of TA98, incorporating the recent digital version (2022) of the TNA from 2017. Further, it is completed with many new terms, including those in TA2, along with their definitions and relevant references, clinical terms, and correcting inconsistencies in the TA98. The TAH is still in process, but many chapters are already freely available at the IFAA Website in Fribourg ( ) as is the digital version of the TNA.

Anatomy , Terminology as Topic , Humans , Anatomy/education , Neuroanatomy/education
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 9-16, feb. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528816


Los términos fossa y fovea se encuentran en Terminologia Anatomica, sin embargo, no existe una diferencia clara entre ambos términos. Por este motivo, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la coherencia entre la relación léxica, morfológica y etimológica de los términos fossa y fovea con su utilización en Terminologia Anatomica. Los términos fossa y fovea fueron consultados en Terminologia Anatomica (Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology, 2019) y en Terminologia Anatomica Internacional (Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology, 2001). Posteriormente se realizó la búsqueda de ambos términos en diccionarios latín-español e inglés-latín. Finalmente fueron consultados los términos fossa y fovea en el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española y en el Diccionario panhispánico de términos médicos de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina de España para conocer las definiciones en el área médica. La búsqueda reportó que el término "fosa" proviene del latín fossa, que significa "excavación, foso, fosa; hoyo, agujero". Por su parte "fóvea" proviene del latín fovea que significa"hoyo pequeño". Por lo tanto, la diferencia de fossa y fovea está determinada por su tamaño según sus definiciones. Sin embargo, en Terminologia Anatomica se han descrito estructuras con el diminutivo de fossa y fovea lo que complejiza la diferenciación de los términos según su tamaño. Además, la falta de unificación en la nomenclatura entre fossa, fovea y sus diminutivos, genera una gran confusión e incoherencias en las traducciones del latín al inglés y al español en Terminologia Anatomica que merman la precisión de la nomenclatura. Por lo tanto se propone la unificación de los términos fossa y fovea en base al tamaño de la depresión anatómica y clarificar su traducción al inglés y español.

SUMMARY: The terms fossa and fovea are found in Terminologia Anatomica, however, there is no clear difference between both terms. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the coherence between the lexical, morphological and etymological relationship of the term's fossa and fovea with their use in Terminologia Anatomica. The terms fossa and fovea were consulted in Terminologia Anatomica (Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology, 2019) and in International Anatomical Terminology (Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology, 2001). Subsequently, a search for both terms was carried out in Latin-Spanish and English-Latin dictionaries. Finally, the terms fossa and fovea were consulted in the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española and in the Diccionario panhispánico de términos médicos de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina de España to know the definitions in the medical area. The search reported that the term "fossa" comes from the Latin fossa, which means "excavation, ditch, ditch; hole, hole." For its part, "fovea" comes from the Latin fovea, which means "small hole." Therefore, the difference between fossa and fovea is determined by their size according to their definitions. However, in Terminologia Anatomica, structures have been described with the diminutive of fossa and fovea, which makes the differentiation of the terms according to their size more complex. Furthermore, the lack of unification in the nomenclature between fossa, fovea and their diminutives generates great confusion and inconsistencies in the translations from Latin to English and Spanish in Terminologia Anatomica that reduce the precision of the nomenclature. Therefore, we propose the unification of the terms fossa and fovea based on the size of the anatomical depression and clarify their translation into English and Spanish.

Humans , Anatomy , Terminology as Topic
Clin Anat ; 37(2): 193-200, 2024 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37596983


Effective communication and precise navigation within the intricacies of the human body rely on robust anatomical terminology. Since its creation by the Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FCAT), the Terminologia Anatomica (TA 1998) has consistently served as the benchmark in the field. However, the constant advancement of anatomical knowledge requires regular revisions, updates, and enhancements of anatomical nomenclature to accommodate the latest scientific discoveries. The recent adoption of the second edition of Terminologia Anatomica (TA 2019) by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA) has drawn attention to certain notable omissions. Despite over a century of dedicated work establishing standard anatomical terminology, specific widely recognized gross anatomical structures are still absent from the official listing in the Terminologia Anatomica. There is, however, a consensus that the inclusion of names for trivial or variably present structures should be avoided. Accordingly, this article focuses on a thoughtfully selected group of anatomical structures, which are so important that they are routinely discussed during anatomy courses, despite their exclusion from the official lists of anatomical terms. These basic structures hold fundamental importance for both anatomy education and clinical practice. Consequently, their appropriate nomenclature warrants consideration for inclusion in future editions of TA.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1177-1183, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514359


El aprendizaje de la anatomía puede resultar dificultoso y poco motivador para el estudiante, debido a su complejo vocabulario. Uno de los desafíos iniciales en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la anatomía humana es el abordaje de términos generales para la relación y comparación de estructuras anatómicas en el cuerpo humano. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las definiciones de los términos de "relación y comparación" presentes en libros clásicos de anatomía e incluidos en Terminologia Anatomica, identificando aquellos términos que pueden ocasionar confusión dentro de la enseñanza- aprendizaje de la anatomía humana. Los términos fueron analizados en diferentes textos de anatomía humana, en la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina de España y en Terminologia Anatomica (FIPAT, 2019). Se pudo constatar la existencia de 18 términos de relación y comparación, de los cuales 6 (externo, interno, superficial, profundo, intermedio y medio) pueden resultar confusos dentro del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de anatomía humana. Factores como el uso ambiguo, la falta de definiciones claras, las diferencias entre Terminologia Anatomica y el lenguaje común, y la inconsistencia en diferentes fuentes contribuyen a esta posible confusión. Es necesario abordar estas dificultades a través de una enseñanza precisa de Terminologia Anatomica y su aplicación adecuada.

SUMMARY: Learning anatomy can be difficult and not very motivating for the student due to its complex vocabulary. One of the initial challenges in the teaching- learning process of human anatomy is the approach to general terms for the relationship and comparison of anatomical structures in the human body. The objective of this study was to analyze the definitions of the terms «relation and comparison» present in classic anatomy books and included in Terminologia Anatomica, identifying those terms that can cause confusion in the teaching-learning process of human anatomy. The terms were analyzed in different human anatomy texts, in the Royal National Academy of Medicine of Spain and in Terminologia Anatomica (FIPAT, 2019). It was possible to verify the existence of 18 relationship and comparison terms, of which 6 (external, internal, superficial, deep, intermediate and middle) can be confusing within the teaching-learning process of human anatomy. Factors such as ambiguous usage, lack of clear definitions, differences between Terminologia Anatomica and common language, and inconsistency across different sources contribute to this possible confusion. It is necessary to address these difficulties through a precise teaching of Terminologia Anatomica and its proper application.

Humans , Anatomy/education , Learning , Terminology as Topic
Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 910-914, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514284


El término epónimo área de Broca corresponde a una región cortical cerebral humana dedicada a la expresión del lenguaje oral y que no siempre se ubica en el giro frontal inferior del lobo frontal en el hemisferio izquierdo. Al estudiar 25 artículos del año 2022 y 25 libros de enseñanza de la neuroanatomía, neurofisiología, neurociencia o áreas asociadas del presente siglo, se estableció y cuantificó la existencia del término área de Broca encontrándose que en los libros había un 96 % de inclusión epónima sobre esta área cortical cerebral y en artículos de revista existía un 100 % del mismo epónimo, además, en ninguno de los libros y artículos se encontró un epónimo diferente. Aunque a lo largo del tiempo, en las ciencias médicas se han usado epónimos para designar estructuras anatómicas como en el caso para tratar de designar el área del cerebro que genera el lenguaje oral, este término no proporciona ninguna información descriptiva ni funcional, lo que equivale a un desatino en la lógica del pensamiento morfológico actual, además que lleva a confusión, pues hace pensar que su descubrimiento inicial fue dado por Broca, equivocando el conocimiento histórico que vincula a Marc Dax como el primero en descubrir esta zona.

SUMMARY: The eponymous Broca's area is a human cerebral cortical region that controls the expression of oral language, and which is not always located in the inferior frontal gyrus of the frontal lobe in the left hemisphere. In a study of 25 articles published in 2022, and 25 teaching books on neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuroscience or associated areas, it was found that the term Broca's area was established and quantified. In books there was a 96 % eponymous inclusion of this cerebral cortical area and in journal articles there was 100 % of the same eponym. Furthermore, no other eponyms were found in any of the books and articles. Although over time, eponyms have been used in medical sciences to identify anatomical structures, as in the designation of the area in the brain that controls oral language, this term does not provide any descriptive or functional information. The result is contradictory to current morphological thought and also leads to confusion, erroneously suggesting that the initial discovery was made by Broca, when in fact Marc Dax was the first to discover this area some 30 years earlier.

Broca Area/anatomy & histology , Neuroanatomy/history , Terminology as Topic , Eponyms
Skeletal Radiol ; 52(12): 2435-2449, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37227484


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between osseous variations of the glenoid fossa and thinning of the overlaying articular cartilage. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In total, 360 dry scapulae, comprising adult, children and fetal specimens, were observed for potential presence of osseous variants inside the glenoid fossa. Subsequently, the appearance of the observed variants was evaluated using CT and MRI (each 300 scans), and in-time arthroscopic findings (20 procedures). New terminology of the observed variants was proposed by an expert panel formed by orthopaedic surgeons, anatomists and radiologists. RESULTS: Tubercle of Assaky was observed in 140 (46.7%) adult scapulae, and an innominate osseous depression was identified in 27 (9.0%) adult scapulae. Upon radiological imaging, the tubercle of Assaky was found in 128 (42.7%) CTs and 118 (39.3%) MRIs, while the depression was identified in 12 (4.0%) CTs and 14 (4.7%) MRIs. Articular cartilage above the osseous variations appeared relatively thinner and in several young individuals was found completely absent. Moreover, the tubercle of Assaky featured an increasing prevalence with aging, while the osseous depression develops in the second decade. Macroscopic articular cartilage thinning was identified in 11 (55.0%) arthroscopies. Consequently, four new terms were invented to describe the presented findings. CONCLUSION: Physiological articular cartilage thinning occurs due to the presence of the intraglenoid tubercle or the glenoid fovea. In teenagers, the cartilage above the glenoid fovea may be naturally absent. Screening for these variations increases the diagnostic accuracy of glenoid defects. In addition, implementing the proposed terminological updates would optimize communication accuracy.

Cartilage, Articular , Glenoid Cavity , Shoulder Joint , Adult , Child , Adolescent , Humans , Cartilage, Articular/diagnostic imaging , Scapula , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Glenoid Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 501-504, abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440295


En el periodo del renacimiento se dieron múltiples traducciones del griego al latín. Los traductores latinos que llevaron a cabo dichas traducciones en diferentes ocasiones no captaron la semántica base de las palabras, lo cual condujo a errores o desviaciones en el significado de las mismas. Lo anterior, sentó un precedente para debatir la pertinencia de algunos términos anatómicos latinos vigentes en Terminologia Anatomica, como es el caso del humor acuoso y el humor vítreo. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la etimología del término humor con el fin de evaluar la coherencia entre su relación léxica y morfológica. La palabra latinizada umor deriva del griego χնµóς, que fue empleado en la Antigua Grecia por los médicos Hipócrates y Galeno para hacer referencia de manera específica a los cuatro humores de los cuales se encontraba compuesto el ser humano (sangre, bilis amarilla, bilis negra y flema) en relación con la salud, la enfermedad y el temperamento. Sin embargo, posterior a la traducción, esta palabra paso a denotar a cada uno de los líquidos de un organismo vivo, entre otros significados. Por lo tanto, se concluyó que al llevar a cabo la traducción del término en cuestión no se estimó el significado por el cual el mismo se originó y éste se generalizó de manera errónea. Esto, a su vez genera que no se correlacione la etimología del término con su significado léxico y respectiva relación morfológica.

SUMMARY: During the Renaissance era there were multiple translations from Greek into Latin. The Latin translators who carried out these translations often times did not grasp the basic semantics of words, which in turn led to errors or variations of their meaning. This set a precedent to discuss the relevance of some current Latin anatomical terms in Terminologia Anatomica, such as the aqueous humor and the vitreous humor. In this sense, the objective of this study was to analyze the etymology of the term humor in order to evaluate the coherence between its lexical and morphological relationship. The Latinized word umor derives from the Greek χնµóς, which was used in Ancient Greece by the physicians Hippocrates and Galen, to refer specifically to the four humors of which a human being was composed (blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm) in relation to health, disease and temperament. Following the translation however, and among other meanings, the term was used to indicate each one of the fluids in a living organism. Thus, it was concluded that when executing the translation of the term in question, its original meaning was not considered, and therefore it was inaccurately generalized. This, in turn, resulted in the etymology of the term not being correlated with its lexical meaning and respective morphological relationship.

Aqueous Humor , Anatomy , Terminology as Topic
Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 471-476, abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440332


Los términos disco y menisco se encuentran en Terminologia Anatomica. Sin embargo, ambos términos son utilizados como sinónimos para referirse al cartílago intraarticular presente en la articulación temporomandibular (ATM). Por este motivo, el objetivo de este estudio es exponer las raíces griegas de los términos disco y menisco para evaluar la coherencia entre su relación léxica y su relación morfológica. Ambos términos fueron consultados en el Programa Federativo Internacional de Terminología Anatómica y en diccionarios de idiomas griego, español e inglés. La búsqueda reportó que el término "disco" deriva del latín discus, y este a su vez del griego δίσκος [dískos] que significa "cuerpo cilíndrico cuya base es muy grande respecto a su altura". Por su parte "menisco" proviene del griego mēnískos μηνίσκος [mḗn μήν gr. μείς 'meis', 'luna creciente' + -iskos gr. Sufijo diminutivo 'pequeño'] que significa "luna creciente pequeña" y se define como "cartílago de forma semilunar y de espesor menguante de la periferia al centro; forma parte de la articulación de la rodilla". Por lo tanto, la definición anatómica de disco articular y menisco está determinada por su morfología según la etimología de la palabra. En la ATM se encuentra un disco articular entre los huesos articulares, según su morfología.

SUMMARY: The terms disc and meniscus are found in Terminologia Anatomica. However, both terms are used synonymously to refer to the intra-articular cartilage present in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). For this reason, this study aims to expose the greek roots of the terms disc and meniscus to evaluate the coherence between their lexical and morphological relationships. Both terms were consulted in the International Federative Program of Anatomical Terminology and in Greek, Spanish and, English dictionaries. The search reported that the term "disc" derives from the Latin discus, and this in turn from the Greek δίσκος [dískos], which means "cylindrical body whose base is very large compared to its height". For its part, "meniscus" comes from the Greek mēnískos μηνίσκος [mḗn μήν gr. μείς 'meis', 'crescent moon' + -iskos Gr. Diminutive suffix 'small'] which means "small crescent moon" and, is defined as "cartilage with a semilunar shape and decreasing thickness from the periphery to the center; It is part of the knee joint. Therefore, the anatomical definition of articular disc and meniscus is determined by its morphology according to the etymology of the word. In the TMJ, an articular disc is found between the articular bones, depending on their morphology.

Humans , Temporomandibular Joint Disc/anatomy & histology , Meniscus/anatomy & histology , Terminology as Topic
Hosp. domic ; 7(1): 51-61, febrero 7, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-216149


En la actualidad, las tecnologías de indización en las ciencias de la salud están aportando mu-chos beneficios para el ámbito biomédico y la estandarización de su correspondiente termino-logía, puesto que esta cuestión es fundamental para lograr un diagnóstico médico más preciso e inequívoco Por esta razón, en este artículo se ha explicado con detalle cómo funcionan estas tecnologías: Terminología Anatómica In-ternacional (TAI), Medical Subject Headings y el Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Cli-nical terminology (SNOMED CT), así como, las razones de la importancia de su uso para los sanitarios y los terminólogos.(AU)

Nowadays, healthcare indexing technologies are profiting the biomedical field and the stand-ardization of its corresponding terminology, since this is essential to achieve a more pre-cise and unequivocal medical diagnosis. Thus, in this article it has been performed a thorough explanation on how these healthcare technolo-gies work: International Anatomical Terminology (TAI), Medical Subject Headings and the Sys-tematised Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical terminology (SNOMED CT), as well as it was elucidated the reasons of its use for healthcare professionals and terminologists.(AU)

Humans , Health Sciences , Abstracting and Indexing , Cataloging , Information Technology , Medical Subject Headings , Vocabulary, Controlled , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Subject Headings
Clin Anat ; 36(2): 315-319, 2023 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36514877


Terminology is the basis for communication among medical professionals. For anatomists, their daily work is based on the Terminologia Anatomica (TA), while pathologists cite the Tumor Node Metastasis (TNM) classification when referring to the anatomical boundaries and regions of malignant tumors. Terminologia Anatomica and clinical-based classifications, including the TMN classification of tumors, use a world-wide standardized nomenclature, which has been revised regularly to incorporate new anatomical discoveries and clinically relevant structures. In medical education, students are familiarized with medical nomenclatures in anatomy textbooks and online learning platforms. Sometime, descriptions and illustrations in anatomy teaching materials put a different focus on the importance of anatomical subdivisions and their borders than is found in cancer classifications. This discrepancy contrasts with the efforts of medical societies to define and implement clinically relevant anatomical structures, including organ subdivisions and their boundaries, in daily clinical practice. Here, we illustrate this problem using the larynx and pancreas as examples. Anatomy education should coordinate teaching content with the requirements of the clinical disciplines.

Anatomy , Education, Distance , Education, Medical , Neoplasms , Humans , Pancreas
Int. j. morphol ; 40(6): 1445-1451, dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421807


A pesar de los esfuerzos por generar una terminología unificada, hoy en día aún se implementan términos morfológicos obsoletos en diferentes contextos, como por ejemplo, los textos escolares, que son herramientas ampliamente utilizadas por el sistema escolar chileno. Se analizó la terminología morfológica utilizada en textos del estudiante de enseñanza básica (1° básico a 6° básico) propuestos por el Ministerio de Educación de Chile. Este análisis se realizó comparando los términos hallados en los textos mencionados, con la terminología morfológica propuesta por la federación internacional de terminología anatómica. Además, se propone una traducción al español para aquellos términos que se encuentran erróneos en los textos analizados. Los resultados muestran que de un total de 254 términos el 35,8 % es incorrecto. De estos, los más mencionados por los textos son: sistema locomotor, sistema circulatorio, brazo, entre otros. Frente a esto, se concluye que es importante que los textos escolares utilizados en el sistema educativo sean revisados por expertos, para evitar obstáculos en el aprendizaje de la anatomía.

SUMMARY: Despite efforts to generate a unified terminology, obsolete morphological terms are still used in different contexts, such as school textbooks, which are tools widely used by the Chilean school system. The morphological terminology used in texts for elementary school students (grades 1 to 6) proposed by the Chilean Ministry of Education was analyzed. This analysis was carried out by comparing the terms found in the school texts with the morphological terminology proposed by the international federation of anatomical terminology. In addition, a translation into Spanish is proposed for those terms that are found to be erroneous in the texts analyzed. The results show that out of a total of 254 terms, 35.8 % are incorrect. Among the terms with errors, the most mentioned by the texts are: locomotor system, circulatory system, arm, among others. In view of this, we conclude that it is important that the textbooks used in the educational system be reviewed by experts to avoid obstacles in the learning of anatomy.

Humans , Natural Science Disciplines , Textbooks as Topic , Anatomy , Terminology as Topic , Education, Primary and Secondary , Scientific Communication and Diffusion
Int. j. morphol ; 40(6): 1662-1667, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421815


SUMMARY: The book "Mirâtü'l-Ebdân fi Tesrîh-i Âzâü'l-Insân" written by Sânîzâde Mehmet Ataullah Efendi was the first illustrated anatomy book published in the Ottoman Empire. The aim of this study was to determine the similarities and differences between the terms and definitions of stomach anatomy used by Sânîzâde at that time and those used today. The stomach section of the "Mirâtü'l-Ebdân fi Tesrîh-i Âzâü'l-Insân" was examined and related plates were translated into the Turkish language. Anatomical terms and definitions of stomach anatomy in this book were compared to the stomach terminology used in "Terminologia Anatomica" which is the reference book for terminology today. The stomach section was explained under the title "El-Babu-Sâlis fi Tesrihi'l-Mi'de" (Illustrated Stomach Anatomy) in this book. Parts, margins, arteries, veins, nerves and layers of the stomach were explained with the terms and definitions of that period. Terminologia Anatomica has 33 anatomical terms related to the stomach, while 15 terms were identified in the book "Mirâtü'l-Ebdân fi Tesrîh-i Âzâü'l-Insân". Although more terms related to the stomach anatomy are used today, the fundamental information on stomach anatomy in Sânîzâde's book was compatible with much of the information used in modern anatomy books today.

El libro "Mirâtü'l-Ebdân fi Tesrîh-i Âzâü'l- Insân" escrito por Sânîzâde Mehmet Ataullah Efendi fue el primer libro de anatomía ilustrado y publicado en el Imperio Otomano. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las similitudes y diferen- cias entre los términos y definiciones de la anatomía del estómago utilizados por Sânîzâde en ese momento y los que se utilizan en la actualidad. Se examinó la sección del estómago del "Mirâtü'l-Ebdân fi Tesrîh-i Âzâü'l-Insân" y las placas relacionadas se tradujeron al idioma turco. Los términos anatómicos y las definiciones de la anatomía del estómago en este libro se compararon con la terminología del estómago utilizada en Terminologia Anatomica, el libro de referencia para la terminología utilizado actualmente. La sección del estómago se explicó bajo el título "El-Babu-Sâlis fi Tesrihi'l-Mi'de" (Anatomía del estómago ilustrada) en este libro. Fueron definidas las partes, márgenes, arterias, venas, nervios y capas del estómago con los términos y definiciones de esa época. Terminologia Anatomica tiene 33 términos anatómicos relacionados con el estómago, mientras que 15 términos fueron identificados en el libro "Mirâtü'l-Ebdân fi Tesrîh-i Âzâü'l-Insân". Aunque hoy en día se utilizan más términos relacionados con la anatomía del estómago, la información fundamental sobre la anatomía del estómago en el libro de Sânîzâde era compatible con gran parte de la información utilizada en los libros de anatomía modernos en la actualidad.

Humans , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 21st Century , Stomach/anatomy & histology , Anatomy/history , Terminology as Topic , Turkey , Ottoman Empire
Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 755-759, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385665


RESUMEN: En Terminologia Anatomica el término sacro es identificado con el número 1071. En el humano, es el hueso vertebral de mayor tamaño formado por la fusión de cinco vértebras. El origen del término sacro sigue en discusión y no está del todo claro, además, la pertinencia de esta denominación ha sido poco abordada en la literatura. Así, el objetivo de este artículo fue analizar el término sacro y luego proponer un término para la denominación de esta estructura anatómica siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT). A este hueso se le llamó sacro, por considerarse sagrado, ya que tiene un profundo significado religioso, aunque también se le ha atribuido otras tradiciones como las místicas y los rituales. El término sacro no favorece el entendimiento, ya que no es descriptivo ni informativo, por lo que sugerimos su cambio a vértebra magna (vertebrae magna), ya que esta propuesta sigue las recomendaciones de la FIPAT, es decir, no solo ser unívoco, sino también preciso.

SUMMARY: In International Anatomical Terminology, the term sacrum is identified with the number 1071. In humans, it is the largest vertebral bone formed by the fusion of five vertebrae. The origin of the term sacrum is still under discussion and is not entirely clear, in addition, the relevance of this denomination has been little addressed in the literature. Thus, the objective of this work was to analyze the term sacrum and then propose a term for the denomination of this anatomical structure following the recommendations of the Federative International Program for Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT). This bone was called sacrum, because it is considered sacred, since it has a deep religious meaning, although other traditions such as mysticism and rituals have also been attributed to it. The term sacrum does not favor understanding, since it is neither descriptive nor informative, so we suggest changing it to vertebrae magna (vertebrae magna), since this proposal follows the FIPAT recommendations, that is, not only be unequivocal, but also accurate.

Humans , Sacrum/anatomy & histology , Terminology as Topic
Int. j. morphol ; 40(1): 18-23, feb. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385567


SUMMARY: The posterior superior alveolar artery (PSAA) and the infra-orbital artery (IOA) present intraosseous and extraosseous rami which form an anastomosis in the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus. This anastomosis is always present, however it has not yet been included in anatomical terminology (AT), and different terms are used in scientific communication to refer to it. The aim of this study was to carry out a review of the different terms used to name this vascular structure. A literature review was carried out on the terms used to name the anastomosis between the PSAA and IOA in imaging studies and human cadavers that assessed the presence/frequency of this anatomical structure. The search was carried out in the Medline, EMBASE and LILACS databases, in Portuguese, Spanish and English, with no date restrictions. Qualitative analysis was applied to the studies selected, analysing the terminology used to refer to the anastomosis between the PSAA and IOA. Of the 2108 original articles found, 60 were selected as potentially relevant and 54 studies were finally included for qualitative analysis. Sixteen terms were found to refer to the anastomosis between the PSAA and IOA, the most frequent being Posterior Superior Alveolar Artery (PSAA), followed by Alveolar Antral Artery (AAA). Many terms are used in the medical literature to designate the anastomosis between the PSAA and IOA, the most frequent being PSAA and AAA. There is a need to unify the terms used to designate this vascular structure, and to incorporate the selected term into anatomical terminology, in order to avoid confusion in scientific communication.

RESUMEN: La arteria alveolar superior posterior (AASP) y la arteria infra-orbital (AIO) tienen ramas intra y extra óseas que forman una anastomosis en la pared lateral del seno maxilar. Esta anastomosis está siempre presente, sin embargo, aún no ha sido incluida en la terminología anatómica (TA), por lo que en la comunicación científica se utilizan diferentes términos para referirse a ella. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión sobre los diferentes términos utilizados para nombrar esta estructura vascular. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura sobre los términos utilizados para nombrar la anastomosis entre AASP y AIO en estudios imagenológicos y en cadáveres humanos que evaluaron la presencia/frecuencia de esta estructura anatómica. La búsqueda fue realizada en las bases de datosMedline, EMBASE y LILACS, en los idiomas portugués, español e inglés, sin restricción de fecha. Los estudios seleccionados fueron evaluados de forma cualitativa, analizando la terminología empleada para referirse a la anastomosis entre AASP y AIO. Fueron encontrados 2108 artículos originales, siendo seleccionados 60 artículos potencialmente relevantes y finalmente fueron incluidos 54 estudios para análisis cualitativo. Fueron encontrados 16 términos para referirse a la anastomosis entre AASP y AIO, siendo AASP el más frecuente seguido de arteria alveolo-antral (AAA). Son muchos los términos utilizados en la literatura médica para designar la anastomosis entre AASP y AIO, siendo AASP y AAA los más usados. La unificación de los términos utilizados para designar esta estructura vascular y su incorporación en la Terminología Anatómica contribuiría a evitar equívocos en la comunicación científica.

Humans , Orbit/blood supply , Arteries/diagnostic imaging , Alveolar Process/blood supply , Maxillary Sinus/diagnostic imaging , Arteriovenous Anastomosis , Cadaver , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Terminology as Topic
J Shoulder Elbow Surg ; 31(2): e68-e81, 2022 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34454038


BACKGROUND: The scapular structures that have not yet been assigned anatomic terms generate a challenge in clinical diagnostics and surgical application, as well as in scientific observation. The aim of this study was to solve the lack in terminology concerning the scapula and the scapular region. METHODS: Observation and description of 29 structures were carried out on both dry scapulae and radiographs of the shoulder joint. In addition, several terms commonly encountered throughout the literature concerning the scapula were revised. A degree of consensus was reached by using the Delphi method surveying the opinions of 21 invited experts in the field. Taxonomy panels and etymology of anatomic terminology were considered in the generation of the proposed terms. RESULTS: The scapula was redefined as a lamina with projecting processes, and several landmarks demarcating certain newly defined topographic spaces were highlighted via 2 rounds of Delphi systematic voting and discussion. The overall level of the peer nominees' consensus was high. Few terms received a neutral opinion. CONCLUSIONS: This study communicates a proposal of 16 new terms defining grossly visible structures on the scapula that have not yet been described by officially recognized terms, including a call to unify 13 previously contributed terms that have not been codified and are often used interchangeably within different surgical and scientific fields. Incorporating these terms into the anatomic nomenclature would facilitate communication accuracy and eliminate ambiguity among clinicians, surgeons, and anatomists.

Scapula , Shoulder Joint , Consensus , Humans , Scapula/diagnostic imaging
Int. j. morphol ; 40(4): 1094-1099, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405263


RESUMEN: El objetivo del presente artículo fue revisar la etimología de los términos Corpus rubrum, Corpus luteum y Corpus albicans, identificar si la forma de nombrarlos en las diferentes nóminas y terminologías internacionales están acorde a las sugerencias de la FIPAT y, analizar y reflexionar respecto de la pertinencia de estos términos en la Terminologia Anatomica. Se buscó en primer lugar el significado de las raíces latinas de los términos: Corpus rubrum, Corpus luteum y Corpus albicans, en el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua, última actualización; en el Diccionario Términos Médicos de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina en España y en el Diccionario Vox, Español Latín. Indagamos en la historia para conocer desde cuando se utilizan estos términos, así como la revisión de las diferentes nomenclaturas, nóminas y terminologías anatómicas, histológicas y embriológicas, desde 1955 hasta la fecha. La búsqueda reportó que estos adjetivos latinos deberían traducirse al español de la siguiente manera: rubrum como rojo; luteum como amarillo y albicans como albicante que significa blanquear, por lo que la traducción correcta debiera ser: Cuerpo rojo, Cuerpo amarillo y Cuerpo albicante o blanco del ovario, estructuras transitorias y funcionales. Los términos Corpus rubrum, Corpus luteum y Corpus albicans que identifican estructuras del ovario en Terminologia Anatomica y Terminologia Histologica deberían ser revisados, puesto que son estructuras transitorias y su nombre sólo indica el color que adquieren en el momento funcional y es referente a los cambios que presenta la misma estructura.

SUMMARY: The aim of this article was to review the etymology of the terms Corpus rubrum, Corpus luteum and Corpus albicans, to identify if the way of naming them in the different lists and international terminologies are in accordance with the FIPAT suggestions and to analyze and reflect on the relevance of these terms in the Terminologia Anatomica. Firstly, the meaning of the Latin roots of the terms: Corpus rubrum, Corpus luteum and Corpus albicans were searched in the dictionaries: of the Royal Academy of Language, latest update; of the Medical Terms of the Royal National Academy of Medicine in Spain; in the Vox dictionary, Spanish Latin. Then we investigate the history to know since when these terms are used, as well as the review of the different anatomical, histological and embryological lists and terminologies from 1955 to date. The search reported that these Latin adjectives should be translated as follows: rubrum as red; luteum as yellow and albicans as albicante which means to whiten, therefore, the correct translation should be: Red body, Yellow body and Albicans or white body of the ovary, they are also transitory and functional structures. The terms Corpus rubrum, Corpus luteum and Corpus albicans that identify ovarian structures in the Terminologia Anatomica and Terminologia Histologica should be reviewed since they are transitory structures and their name only indicates the color they acquire at the functional moment and refers to the changes that the same structure presents.

Humans , Female , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Terminology as Topic , Corpus Luteum/anatomy & histology