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Q J Exp Psychol (Hove) ; : 17470218241242127, 2024 Apr 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38482830


People often learn of new scientific findings from brief news reports, and may discount or ignore prior research, potentially contributing to misunderstanding of findings. In this preregistered study, we investigated how people interpret a brief news report on a new drug for weight loss. Participants read an article that either highlighted the importance of prior research when judging the drug's effectiveness, or made no mention of this issue. For articles describing no prior research, mean confidence in the drug was 62%. For articles that noted prior research was conducted, confidence increased as the proportion of studies with positive findings increased. When prior research was highlighted, confidence decreased by a small amount, even when it should have increased (i.e., even when most of the evidence supported the drug's effectiveness). Thus, people's judgements were more sceptical, but not necessarily more accurate. Judgements were not affected by education level, statistics experience, or personal relevance of the research topic.

Front Artif Intell ; 6: 978096, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36967831


At the outburst of the COVID-19 pandemic and all throughout its continuation in 2020 and 2021, the metaphor of 'war' has been one of the most pervasive and recurrent globally. As an international, cross-cultural group of scholars and practitioners, we will analyze critically the communicative strategies enacted and the political agenda that they have meant to serve in Italy, Bulgaria, and Ukraine discussing both the cultural differences and the cross-cultural similarities of such a discourse that has been shaping the perception of our factual reality during the pandemic. Expressions like 'We are at war', 'Our heroes are fighting at the forefront', 'We will win this war' and the like contributed to create symbolical cross-cultural responses that, by playing on emotions such as fear, uncertainty and, in some cases, national pride, contributed to the creation of a new state of reality, that of the "new normality", calling for specific actions and behaviors. However, the war metaphor assumed different hues according to the country in which it was disseminated, up to the actual appointment of generals as governmental spoke-persons or organizers of the vaccine logistics, often combined with the construction and the mediatization of the archetypical hero fighting against the virus/enemy. To analyze how, all throughout 2020 and 2021, the military rhetoric was implemented and disseminated as the dominant discourse, we draw on Media Representations of the Real, on Rhetoric Studies on Manipulation, on Political Discourse, on Critical Discourse Studies, and on Susan Sontag's fundamental essay Illness as Metaphor. We discuss such rhetorical strategies as they originated from a discussion within our collective project in other words, an online dictionary that, besides critically analyzing contextualized keywords that (re)produce different forms of Otherness, offers creative proposals to reverse such narratives, and can be used as a free resource in different social and educational contexts (

NTM ; 31(1): 51-82, 2023 03.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36790448


By taking the work and life of the historian of mathematics Heinrich Wieleitner as an example, this study aims to highlight the many interrelations between the historiography of mathematics, mathematics education, and science communication in mathematics.By integrating aspects of the history of media, this case study also explores mathematical public relations work in the 20th century and draws attention to the important persons, institutions and contents. The focus is on the Weimar period, in which the self-understanding of mathematics was challenged in different ways by far-reaching cultural debates. The article demonstrates that as a consequence of a changing media landscape, Weimar culture turned out to be a suitable environment for the successful self-presentation of mathematics.

Historiography , Science , History, 20th Century , Science/history , Communication , Mathematics , Problem Solving
Educ Stud Math ; 111(1): 5-28, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35496813


In this article, we report on a typology of the demands of statistical and mathematical products (StaMPs) embedded in media items related to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The typology emerged from a content analysis of a large purposive sample of diverse media items selected from digital news sources based in four countries. The findings encompass nine categories of StaMPs: (1) descriptive quantitative information, (2) models, predictions, causality and risk, (3) representations and displays, (4) data quality and strength of evidence, (5) demographics and comparative thinking, (6) heterogeneity and contextual factors, (7) literacy and language demands, (8) multiple information sources, and (9) critical demands. We illustrate these categories via selected media items, substantiate them through relevant research literature, and point to categories that encompass new or enhanced types of demands. Our findings offer insights into the rich set of capabilities that citizens (including both young people and adults) must possess in order to engage these mass media demands, critically analyze statistical and mathematical information in the media, evaluate the meaning and credibility of news reports, understand public policies, and make evidenced-informed judgments. Our conclusions point to the need to revise current curricular frameworks and conceptual models (e.g., regarding statistical and probability literacy, adult numeracy), to better incorporate notions such as blended knowledge, vagueness, risk, strength of evidence, and criticality. Furthermore, more attention is needed to the literacy and language demands of media items involving statistical and mathematical information. Implications for further research and educational practice are discussed.

Nutr. hosp ; 39(Esp. 2): 55-61, 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-212029


Los medios de comunicación, a través de la publicidad, transmiten un ideal de belleza no real asociado con rasgos positivos como popularidad, aprecio, aceptación, inteligencia, etc. Esto puede constituir uno de los factores que comprometen la salud emocional y física, siendo responsables de crear expectativas poco realistas e insatisfacción corporal y ejerciendo una influencia muy destacada en el desencadenamiento o mantenimiento de los malos hábitos alimentarios que pueden abocar en trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. La población más joven tiene una baja capacidad para prever los efectos nocivos de ciertos mensajes con intereses comerciales, por lo que se requiere la puesta en marcha de programas preventivos basados en la educación mediática, acompañada de un modelado del núcleo familiar en el que se promueva un estilo de vida saludable (AU)

The media, by means of advertising, convey an ideal of unreal beauty associated with positive traits such as popularity, esteem, acceptance, intelligence, etc. This can be one of the factors that compromise emotional and physical health, being responsible for creating unrealistic expectations and body dissatisfaction, and exerting a very important influence on the triggering or maintenance of bad eating habits that can lead to eating disorders. The youngest population has a low capacity to anticipate the harmful effects of certain messages with commercial interests, and this requires implementing preventive programs based on media education, accompanied by modeling in the family nucleus to promote a healthy lifestyle (AU)

Humans , Female , Feeding and Eating Disorders/psychology , Mass Media , Advertising , Body Image/psychology , Risk Factors , Mental Health
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 25: e200607, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286863


A grande mídia exerce considerável influência em como as pessoas apreendem as questões de saúde, impactando suas práticas cotidianas. A Saúde Coletiva, o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e, em particular, a Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) encontram ainda reduzido espaço nesse âmbito. Buscando preencher essa lacuna foi produzida a série médica televisiva "Unidade Básica", transmitida em 2016. O presente estudo investiga limites e potencialidades no diálogo entre a Saúde Coletiva e a comunicação na grande mídia, tomando como base a produção de "Unidade Básica". Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter compreensivo-interpretativo, sendo a primeira autora uma observadora participante. O material empírico foi interpretado à luz de conceitos considerados estratégicos para a Atenção Primária (AP) e a Saúde Coletiva. Observou-se que alguns conceitos foram potencializados no processo de criação da série, enquanto alguns se mostraram especialmente desafiadores para a comunicação, em particular o conceito de integralidade. (AU)

The mainstream media exercises considerable influence on how people understand health issues, thus affecting everyday practices. Public health, Brazilian National Health System (SUS) and, particularly, primary health care receive little coverage in the media. With the aim of bridging this gap, the medical TV series "Unidade Básica" ("Care Center") was broadcast in 2016. This study investigates strengths and weakness in the dialogue between public health and communication in the mainstream media, based on the program "Unidade Básica". We conducted a comprehensive qualitative interpretive study in which the lead author was a participating observer. The data were interpreted in the light of key concepts in primary care and public health. The findings show that some concepts were potentializedtexttext during the series creation process, while others were especially challenging from a communication point of view, particularly the concept of comprehensiveness. (AU)

Los grandes medios ejercen una influencia considerable sobre cómo las personas perciben las cuestiones de salud, causando impacto sobre sus prácticas cotidianas. La Salud Colectiva, el Sistema Brasileño de Salud (SUS) y, en particular, la Atención Primaria de la Salud todavía encuentran un espacio reducido en ese ámbito. Buscando superar esa laguna se produjo una serie médica para televisión llamada "Unidade Básica", transmitida en 2016. El presente estudio investiga límites y potencialidades en el diálogo entre la Salud Colectiva y la comunicación en los grandes medios, tomando como base la producción de "Unidade Básica". Se realizó una investigación cualitativa, de carácter comprensivo-interpretativo, siendo la primera autora una observadora participante. El material empírico se interpretó a la luz de conceptos considerados estratégicos para la Atención Primaria y la Salud Colectiva. Se observó que algunos conceptos se potencializaron en el proceso de la creación de la serie, mientras que otros se mostraron especialmente desafiadores para la comunicación, en particular el concepto de integralidad. (AU)

Primary Health Care , Serial Publications , Health Communication , Video-Audio Media , Public Health , Integrality in Health
Probl Sotsialnoi Gig Zdravookhranenniiai Istor Med ; 28(Special Issue): 758-761, 2020 Aug.
Article in Russian | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32856821


The current state of demand for medical information in the media has a high practical significance for the mass audience. Medicine is a science-intensive, rapidly developing field. In this regard, it is necessary to systematically inform the public about the achievements of medicine - in science, technology and industry, explaining the essence and possible consequences of a scientific discovery, popularizing methods of treatment of a particular disease, introducing society to innovative technological processes in the medical field, achievements and developments of the medical and pharmaceutical industry. The paper reviews the experience of media coverage of medical issues in the aspect of familiarity with innovations and technologies in the context of historical development both in our country and abroad. It also describes the presentation of medical topics in modern media - in periodicals, on radio, on television - in popular science programs or TV movies, in electronic sources. In addition, the article analyzes the genre diversity of the presentation of medical topics. The paper provides information about the media coverage of the main directions of the national project "Health" and its innovative directions.

Technology , Russia
Nurs Stand ; 35(4): 29-34, 2020 Apr 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32202397


It is an established principle that nurses owe their patients a duty of care, which incorporates a legal, an ethical and a professional duty. However, they must also meet the standard of care deemed necessary to maintain safe and effective delivery of care to patients. Defining what is meant by the standard of care is complex, and meeting it can be challenging in an increasingly pressurised healthcare environment. This article describes the standard of care required using previous legal cases. It also explores some of the challenges involved in defining the standard of care in a rapidly changing healthcare environment.

Nursing Care , Standard of Care , Nursing Care/standards , United Kingdom
Scand J Psychol ; 61(1): 68-76, 2020 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31310006


The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between cybervictimization and three body-related concerns: body-esteem, self-objectification, and internalization of body ideals. The aim was also to examine these relationships not only to cybervictimization in general but also to appearance-related cybervictimization more specifically. The sample comprised 482 adolescents (233 girls and 247 boys aged 13-15; two participants did not answer the question about gender) from four Swedish schools. The results showed that victims of appearance-related cyberbullying suffered from more body-related concerns: they had a poorer view of their general appearance and of their weight. They also reported more body shame, thin-ideal internalization, and appearance-related pressure from the media. This study shows that cyberbullying that focuses on the victim's appearance is associated with several body-related concerns that have not previously been studied. A novel finding was also that body-related concerns were not related to cyberbullying in general, as has been implied in earlier research, but specifically related to cyberbullying directed at the victim's appearance. The findings suggest that there is a need to include attention to the specific relationships between appearance-related cyberbullying and body-related concerns in future prevention and intervention work.

Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Body Image/psychology , Crime Victims/psychology , Cyberbullying/psychology , Self Concept , Adolescent , Female , Humans , Male , Schools , Sweden
Can J Sci Math and Technol Educ ; 20(4): 775-779, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38624485


The 20th anniversary of this journal finds us at a crossroads in many ways. Mathematics education itself has always existed at an unclear intersection of mathematics and education. As well, in mathematics education, the poles of reform and traditional learning can pull the community apart. And now, in the world, we find ourselves at a crossroads in terms of priorities related to the future of the planet. In this article, I reflect on past work, and theorise about the future role of mathematics education research, given these new realities, in moving forward.

Le 20e anniversaire de cette revue nous place à la croisée des chemins à bien des égards. L'enseignement des mathématiques lui-même s'est toujours trouvé à une intersection peu claire des mathématiques et de l'éducation. De plus, dans l'enseignement des mathématiques, les pôles de la réforme et de l'apprentissage traditionnel peuvent diviser la communauté. Et maintenant, dans le monde, nous nous trouvons à la croisée des chemins en ce qui a trait aux priorités liées à l'avenir de la planète. Dans cet article, je réfléchis aux travaux antérieurs et je théorise sur le rôle futur de la recherche en enseignement des mathématique, compte tenu de ces nouvelles réalités, pour aller de l'avant.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31752324


To understand how the sustainable development goals (SDGs) are involved and cited in different fields, the current study aimed to explore the key SDGs and SDG-pairs from the viewpoints of academia and the media. The academic publications with SDG(s)-related keywords in the Scopus database and the entry videos of the "2018 SDG Lions" were collected and analyzed through content and network analysis. It was found that SDG 3 and SDG 10 shared the highest preferences in both industries, but apparent gaps happened to SDG 5. The tied frequencies of the possible SDG pairs were also examined, and SDG 3-10 was identified taking the lead in both industries. Network analysis using degree centrality as the vital parameter demonstrated that SDG 8 and SDG 5 has strong connections with several SDGs for the academia and the media, respectively. The SDG-2-6-7 combination or "water-energy-food" nexus was also found the most frequent combination of three SDGs in the academia. Overall, SDG 3 can be treated as a unifying theme when seeking to acquire evidence-based knowledge for integrated implementation of the SDGs. Important implications for policy-making of the SDGs were also discussed.

Communications Media/statistics & numerical data , Educational Personnel/psychology , Educational Personnel/statistics & numerical data , Global Health , Goals , Sustainable Development , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged
Nurs Stand ; 34(11): 24-28, 2019 Oct 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31523941


Understanding the factors that can influence people to pursue a career in nursing is essential for healthcare service managers, human resource professionals and nurse educators, particularly given the global shortage of nurses. There is evidence that the public perception of nursing can be negatively influenced by the media and nursing recruitment advertisements, and that this can discourage some people from choosing nursing as a career. At the Dalhousie University in Canada, evidence regarding the career choices of prospective nurses was used to inform a rebranding strategy for the School of Nursing's recruitment materials. The aim of the rebranding strategy was to present the School of Nursing as a diverse institution that provided a range of career opportunities for its nursing students. This article describes the background and implementation of the rebranding project. It also details how the university's evidence-based rebranding strategy was designed to positively influence people to choose nursing as a career.

Curr Oncol Rep ; 20(1): 8, 2018 02 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29411148


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In 2016, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) announced immunotherapy as the year's top cancer advance in its "Clinical Cancer Advances 2016: ASCO's Annual Report on Progress Against Cancer." Further, ASCO again named "Immunotherapy 2.0" as the 2017 advance of the year, emphasizing the recent, rapid pace of research into new agents that harness and enhance the innate abilities of the immune system to recognize and fight cancers-and stressing that such agents have extended the lives of many patients with late-stage cancers for which there have been few treatment options. This article discusses the history of cancer immunotherapy and the recent promising advances, yet also presents a note of caution on limitations of immunotherapies, their potential harms, and the critical need for oncologists to appropriately engage with and educate patients to effectively manage their expectations. RECENT FINDINGS: Learning how to effectively harness the immune system to treat cancer represents an investigative journey of more than 100 years. However, after many failures and disappointments, this decade has seen several important successes. In 2011, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first immunotherapy agent known as a "checkpoint inhibitor." Beginning in 2014, several additional checkpoint blockage drugs have been FDA-approved, and new indications and drug combinations have emerged. Further, on August 30, 2017, the FDA announced its first approval of a new form of immunotherapy known as CAR T cell therapy. Since the 2011 approval of the first checkpoint inhibitor, cancer immunotherapy research among the pharmaceutical industry and research institutions has exploded, with thousands of clinical trials currently taking place. The current "cancer immunotherapy revolution" is in the headlines daily and is also the primary topic of conversation among major cancer research conferences and symposia attendees. However, a once quiet voice has begun to emerge, where an increasing number of scientists, clinicians, and patient advocates are stressing the need for caution concerning the limitations and potential harms associated with cancer immunotherapy. Many oncologists, scientists, medical professional associations, and advocates agree that no recent cancer advance has been as successful, transformative, and potentially paradigm-shifting as immunotherapy. With this decade, we have seen the approval of several immunotherapy agents that have successfully treated a percentage of patients with notoriously resistant cancers, an increasing number of combination immunotherapy treatments, and new indications for approved agents. However, patients need to be aware that much of the popular media has breathlessly inflated positive outcomes of cancer immunotherapies, while neglecting to stress that just a small percentage of patients actually benefit from such treatments. Further, they often completely overlook the unique, potentially life-threatening harms that may be associated with these agents and fail to cover negative findings where immunotherapies have appeared to paradoxically accelerate cancer growth. Fortunately, the majority of journal articles presenting trial results and comprehensive review articles appropriately discuss the important limitations associated with immunotherapies, the unique spectrum of adverse effects, and the need for further research to improve our ability to identify those patients who are most likely to benefit from specific agents, sparing other patients from exposure to agents that will not be effective, yet may carry potentially life-threatening toxicities.

Neoplasms/immunology , Neoplasms/therapy , Animals , Combined Modality Therapy/methods , Disease Management , Humans , Immunotherapy/methods
Med. infant ; 24(1): 31-35, marzo 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-879235


Los medios de comunicación son un importante actor en toda sociedad democrática. Su rol social en las cuestiones de salud, y en particular en lo relacionado con los derechos de la infancia, merece ser destacado. La manera en que se describen los niños, niñas y adolescentes en los medios tiene un impacto profundo en la actitud de la sociedad hacia la niñez. Un manejo adecuado de la imagen de la infancia que mostramos en los medios de comunicación es vital para contribuir a redimensionar la situación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes en la sociedad y valorar sus identidades, sus deseos y preferencias, sus miedos y sus derechos. Como hospital pediátrico nos cabe una gran responsabilidad respecto a lo que comunicamos, ya que los niños, niñas y adolescentes y sus familias son un grupo extremadamente vulnerable, más aún cuando son pacientes y en razón de todo ello depositan su confianza en recibir una especial protección, eminentemente asistencial y que debe ser inseparable de los aspectos jurídicos y éticos. Hay que considerar la diferencia del uso de la información con fines científicos y docentes, de la que puede ser utilizada como nota periodística, ya que van destinadas a grupos diferentes y persiguen objetivos distintos (AU)

The media is an important actor in the democratic society. Their role in health issues, particularly those related to children's rights, is outstanding. The way boys and girls and adolescents are described in the media has a profound impact on the attitude of society towards children. Adequate management of the image of childhood we show in the media is a vital contribution to the redimensioning of the situation of boys and girls, and adolescents in society respecting their identities, wishes, fears, and rights. As a pediatric hospital we have a great responsibility regarding what we communicate because boys and girls and adolescents as well as their families are an extremely vulnerable group, even more so when they are patients and consequently deposit their trust in us to receive special protection and care, which should be inseparable from judicial and ethical aspects. Data use for scientific and teaching aims should be distinguished from information used in the media, as target groups and aims pursued are different (AU)

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Child Advocacy/ethics , Child Advocacy/legislation & jurisprudence , Communications Media , Confidentiality , Ethics Committees
J Bioeth Inq ; 14(1): 43-52, 2017 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28063105


Trust is frequently discussed with reference to the professional-patient relationship. However, trust is less explored in relation to the ways in which understanding of, and responses to, questions of ethics are discussed by both the "public" and "experts." Public engagement activity in healthcare ethics may invoke "trust" in analysing a moral question or problem but less frequently conceives of trust as integral to "public engagement" itself. This paper explores the relationship between trust and the ways in which questions of healthcare ethics are identified and negotiated by both "experts" and the public. Drawing on two examples from the author's "public engagement" work-a radio programme for the British Broadcasting Corporation and work with a playwright and theatre-the paper interrogates the ways in which "public engagement" is often characterized. The author argues that the common approach to public engagement in questions of ethics is unhelpfully constrained by a systemic disposition which continues to privilege the professional or expert voice at the expense of meaningful exchange and dialogue. By creating space for novel interactions between the "expert" and the "public," authentic engagement is achieved that enables not only the participants to flourish but also contributes to trust itself.

Community Participation/methods , Delivery of Health Care/ethics , Professional Practice/ethics , Professional-Patient Relations/ethics , Public Opinion , Radio/ethics , Trust , Bioethics , Codes of Ethics , Humans , Morals , Physician's Role , Social Perception , Social Responsibility
J Interpers Violence ; 32(4): 515-534, 2017 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26045501


Exposure to some magazines aimed at young male readers- lads' mags-has recently been associated with behaviors and attitudes that are derogatory toward women, including sexual violence. In the present study, a group of Spanish adult men was exposed to the covers of a lads' mag while a second group was exposed to the covers of a neutral magazine. Results showed that, compared with participants in the second group, participants who were exposed to covers of lads' mags who also showed high rape myth acceptance and legitimized the consumption of such magazines reported higher rape proclivity in a hypothetical situation. These findings suggest the need to further explore the possible detrimental effects of some sexualized media that are widely accepted in many Western countries.

Addict Behav ; 64: 229-230, 2017 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26059165
Can Bull Med Hist ; 33(2): 493-516, 2016.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28155419


This essay traces the role of the drug thalidomide in the reform of Canadian abortion law during the late 1960s. Like elsewhere in the British Commonwealth, discussion of the "thalidomide disaster" of the early 1960s intensified leading up to the debates that culminated in the 1969 amendment to Canadian abortion law. Although thalidomide was a rallying point for advocates of eugenic abortion, a majority of Canadian MPs, unlike their British and Commonwealth counterparts, rejected this argument. Widespread public and political considerations of the thalidomide tragedy were thus unable to inspire support for a eugenic clause in Canada's new abortion law, in spite of the nation's infamous eugenic past.

Abortion, Eugenic , Thalidomide , Abortion, Eugenic/history , Abortion, Eugenic/legislation & jurisprudence , Canada , Female , History, 20th Century , Humans , Politics , Pregnancy , Thalidomide/adverse effects , Thalidomide/history
J Adv Nurs ; 72(2): 382-95, 2016 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26497298


AIM: The aim of the study is to uncover and reveal how nurses as a profession and their working conditions are dramatized and portrayed in Swedish media narratives about the shortage of nurses. BACKGROUND: The media is an arena where stakeholders can air their views of the healthcare sector in general and the situation for nurses in particular. The focus in this study is the debate in Sweden on the shortage of nurses. DESIGN: Qualitative discursive study. METHOD: A discourse analysis of media narratives about nurses and their working conditions published in several Swedish newspapers from 2009-2014. 1779 articles were included in the study. A selection (113 articles) of these articles was further analysed using a qualitative discursive psychological approach. FINDINGS: Nurses are portrayed as being good, concerned about and critical of healthcare managers and politicians for not taking action. The accused actors justify their actions by partially accepting or displacing responsibility. The shortage of nurses is framed as a social problem - a threat to patients' safety. Seven different types of metaphorical expression frame the problem as inevitable, beyond control, abstract, an individual and collegial problem and nurses as replaceable. In addition, nurses and patients are dehumanized and no-one is held responsible. CONCLUSIONS: This study analyses the role of the media in emphasizing the seriousness or obscurity of the problem and possible solutions to it. Alternative narratives are needed to re-frame the nursing shortage and to find sustainable solutions.

Mass Media , Metaphor , Newspapers as Topic , Nursing Staff/supply & distribution , Personnel Staffing and Scheduling/organization & administration , Public Opinion , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Sweden
Rev. psicol. polit ; 15(32): 61-73, abr. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-791859


Suscitando os temas das lutas por democratização da mídia e os discursos dos meios de comunicação, procuramos demonstrar as influências que esses veículos podem surtir, assim como evidenciamos um pouco da genealogia de Michel Foucault. Dessa maneira, tentamos dar as pistas para uma investigação dos efeitos de poder produzidos pelas práticas midiáticas frente aos direitos de crianças e adolescentes, associando as formas como a mídia se articula, as lutas que estão sendo travadas e as suas implicações sobre seus corpos. Por fim, concluímos que a mídia brasileira ainda é muito resistente à pauta de direitos e forja relações de saber e poder que se cristalizam em processos de dominação, no Brasil, ainda hoje.

Raising issues of struggles for democratization of the media, seek to demonstrate the influences that these vehicles can bear fruit, as we noted some of the genealogy of Michel Foucault. Therefore, we try to give the clues to an investigation of the effects of power produced by reports of these institutions regarding the rights of children and adolescents; associating the ways the media articulates, the struggles that are waged and its implications on these subjects. Finally, we conclude that the Brazilian media is still very resistant and tariff duties and forge relations of knowledge and power that crystallize in processes of domination, in Brazil, even today.

Desde los temas de inspiración de las luchas por la democratización de los medios de comunicación y los discursos de los medios de comunicación, buscamos demostrar las influencias que estos vehículos pueden ocurrir, así como un poco de genealogia de Michel Foucault. De esta manera, tratamos de dar las claves para una investigación de los efectos de la energía producida por las prácticas de medios impulsado a los derechos de los niños y adolescentes, asociando las formas en que los medios de comunicación está articulado, las batallas que se libran y las consecuencias en sus cuerpos. Por último, podemos concluir que los medios brasileños es aún muy resistentes y derechos arancelarios y forjar relaciones de poder y saber que cristalizan en los procesos de dominación, en Brasil, incluso hoy en día.

Soulever les questions de la lutte pour la démocratisation des médias et le discours des médias, nous cherchons à démontrer les influences que ces véhicules peuvent porter leurs fruits, comme en témoignent certains de la génération de Michel Foucault. De cette façon, nous essayons de donner les indices à une enquête sur les effets de l'électricité produite par les pratiques des médias avant les droits des enfants et des adolescents, reliant les façons dont le support est articulé, les luttes que se livrent et ses implications sur leur corps. Enfin, nous concluons que les médias brésiliens est toujours agenda des droits très résistant et forger des relations de connaissance et de pouvoir qui se cristallisent dans les processus de domination au Brésil aujourd'hui.