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Salud ment ; Salud ment;46(3): 147-154, May.-Jun. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522910


Abstract Introduction Interventions based on cognitive dissonance theory are the most effective for preventing eating disorders. Objective To identify the changes at one year follow-up of a universal prevention intervention in disordered eating behaviors (DEB), thin-ideal internalization (TII), and drive for muscularity (DM). Method A pre-experimental, pretest-posttest study was conducted on 602 university student subjects (76.1% women and 23.9% men) with an average age of 20.74 years at a public (30.6%) and a private university (69.4%) in Mexico City. A Split Plot ANOVA was performed with the intrasubject variable equal to each measurement (pretest, posttest, and follow-up), as well as the sex and body mass index (BMI) intersubject variables to analyze whether there was a significant interaction between these variables and the changes in dependent variables, as well as the changes through each measurement by group. Results In the intrasubject analyses, statistically significant differences were found for DEB through the various measurements, without taking the interactions into account. Statistically significant interactions were observed between each measurement and BMI, and between each measurement and sex and BMI for the DM variable. Discussion and conclusion Since a reduction of TII in women and DM in men was achieved, together with a decrease in DEB in women, the workshop can be said to have fully achieved its objectives for women and partly so for men.

Resumen Introducción Las intervenciones basadas en la teoría de la disonancia cognoscitiva son las más efectivas para la prevención de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Objetivo Conocer los cambios a un año de seguimiento de una intervención de prevención universal en las conductas alimentarias de riesgo (CAR), interiorización del ideal estético de la delgadez (IED) y la motivación por la musculatura (MM). Método Se llevó a cabo un estudio pre-experimental pretest-postest en 602 (76.1% mujeres y 23.9% hombres) sujetos estudiantes universitarios con una edad promedio de 20.74 años en una universidad pública (30.6%) y una privada (69.4%) de la Ciudad de México. Se realizó un ANOVA split plot con la variable intrasujetos igual a cada medición (pretest, postest y seguimiento) así como el sexo y el índice de masa corporal (IMC) variables intersujetos, para analizar si existía una interacción significativa entre dichas variables y los cambios sobre las variables dependientes, así como los cambios a través de cada medición por grupo. Resultados en los análisis intrasujetos se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para las CAR a través de las distintas mediciones, sin tomar en cuenta las interacciones. Se observaron interacciones estadísticamente significativas entre cada medición y el IMC, y entre cada medición con el sexo y el IMC para la variable MM. Discusión y conclusión Se logró la reducción de la IED en las mujeres y de la MM en los hombres, así como la disminución de las CAR en las mujeres por lo que se considera que el taller logra sus objetivos para las mujeres y parcialmente para los varones.

Salud ment ; Salud ment;45(6): 309-318, Nov.-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432208


Abstract Introduction Adolescents are the group with the highest risk of developing disordered eating behaviors (DEB). Preventing this problem is of the utmost importance due to the physical and psychological consequences. Objective To evaluate the effects of a universal prevention program for disordered eating behaviors (DEB), thin ideal internalization (TII), drive for muscularity (DM), and sedentary lifestyle among Mexican adolescents. Method A quasi-experimental study with repeated measures (pre-test, post-test, six-month, and one-year follow-up) was carried out in a non-probabilistic sample of 523 adolescents (46.7% of females) aged 15-19 years (Mage = 16.07). We worked in two private high schools, one of them was designed as control group (CG), and the other as intervention group (IG). For both, female and male adolescents', data were collected using the Brief Questionnaire for Disordered Eating Behaviors (BQDEB) and the short form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). To evaluate TII the Attitudes toward Body Figure Questionnaire was applied in females, while in males Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS) was used. Results After one-year, repeated measures analyses of variance (ANOVAs) revealed a significant reduction of the mean DEBs scores both in female (p = .01) and male (p = .03) adolescents of the IG with respect to CG. In IG, females decreased significantly the mean TII score as well as the mean DM score in males. Physical Activity increased in IG females from pre-test to posttest; however, the effect was not maintained over time. Discussion and conclusion These findings have important implications for future interventions with Mexican adolescents. We must take sex differences into account to choose activities and strategies that will enhance the effects of the program.

Resumen Introducción Los adolescentes constituyen el grupo con mayor riesgo de desarrollar conductas alimentarias de riesgo (CAR). Prevenirlas es de suma importancia debido a las consecuencias físicas y psicosociales. Objetivo Evaluar los efectos de un programa de prevención universal en conductas alimentarias de riesgo (CAR), interiorización del ideal de delgadez (IID), obsesión por la musculatura (OM) y sedentarismo en adolescentes mexicanos. Método Estudio cuasi-experimental con medidas repetidas (pre-test, post-test, seguimiento a seis meses y un año) en una muestra no probabilística de 523 adolescentes (46.7% mujeres) de 15-19 años de edad (Medad = 16.07). Se trabajó en dos escuelas preparatorias privadas, una como grupo control (GC) y otra como grupo intervenido (GI). Para mujeres y hombres, los datos se recolectaron usando el Cuestionario Breve para Conductas Alimentarias de Riesgo (CBCAR) y la versión corta del Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física (IPAQ). Para evaluar el IID en mujeres, se utilizó el Cuestionario de Actitudes hacia la Figura Corporal (CAFC) y en hombres la Escala para Obsesión por la Musculatura (DMS). Resultados Después de un año, el ANOVA de medidas repetidas mostró una reducción significativa en la media de CAR, tanto en mujeres (p = .01) como en hombres (p = .03) del GI respecto al GC. En el GI, la media de IID en mujeres disminuyó significativamente, así como la media de OM en hombres. La actividad física aumentó en las mujeres del GI desde el pre-test hasta el post-test; sin embargo, el efecto no se mantuvo en el tiempo. Discusión y conclusión Estos hallazgos tienen implicaciones para futuras intervenciones con adolescentes mexicanos. Se deben tomar en cuenta las diferencias por sexo para elegir las actividades y las estrategias que potenciarían los efectos del programa.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(3): 155-168, jun. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356333


Resumen En mujeres se ha reportado que a mayor índice de masa corporal (IMC), mayor interiorización del ideal estético de la delgadez (IIED), y mayor seguimiento de conductas alimentarias de riesgo (CAR). El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en determinar la presencia de CAR y de IIED en mujeres adolescentes de Hidalgo, México y su asociación tanto entre ellas como con el IMC, el porcentaje de grasa corporal (PGC), los tiempos de comida (TC) y la actividad física (AF). El estudio fue de tipo transversal con un diseño no experimental descriptivo y de asociación en una muestra no probabilística de 220 mujeres de preparatoria, de entre 14 a 18 años de edad (Medad= 15.9 ± .99), quienes respondieron una batería de cuestionarios validados. Para obtener el IMC, cada participante fue pesada y medida, mientras que el PGC se obtuvo por bioimpedancia eléctrica. Los resultados arrojaron que 17.3 % de la muestra presentó riesgo moderado y 15.5 % alto de CAR; mientras que 23.2 % registró riesgo de IIED. Se encontró que el IMC aumenta significativamente 2.7 veces el riesgo de IIED y de CAR 2.5 veces; la IIED incrementa 11.8 veces el riesgo de CAR (Odd Ratio; . < .05). Se concluye que, en la muestra de estudio, las CAR y la IIED están presentes; que a mayor IIED mayor riesgo de estas y que un exceso de peso corporal, basado en el IMC, aumenta el riesgo tanto de CAR como de IIED. Es necesario que los programas de prevención para mujeres adolescentes consideren lo anterior de manera conjunta para garantizar su éxito.

Abstract It has been reported that when females increase their body mass index (BMI), body thin-ideal internalization (BTII) increased too, as well as disordered eating behaviors (DEB). The aim of this study was to assess the presence of DEB and BTII in adolescent females from Hidalgo, Mexico. We also analyze the association between both variables, and between BMI, body fat percentage (BFP), meal times (MT) and physical activity (PA). A cross-sectional non-experimental descriptive and of association study was carried out in a no probabilistic sample of 220 high school females, aged from 14 to 18 (Mage= 15.9 ± .99). Self-reported validated questionnaires in Mexican samples were used to assess each one of the variables: the Brief Questionnaire for Risky Eating Behaviors, the Attitudes toward Body Figure Questionnaire, Risk Factors Associated to Eating Disorders for Mexican Pubescents Questionnaire (only the meal times factor was used) and the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). BMI was obtained by measuring each subject's weight and height; the body fat percentage (BFP) was measured through Biolectrical Impedance. The protocol was revised and approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of Health Sciences Institute of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. Descriptive analyses were held, as well as Odd Ratio to estimate the risk association. Total sample showed 17.3 % of moderate risk and 15.5 % of high risk for developing DEB; 23.2 % of the sample reported risk for BTII. From the total of females with DEB (moderate and high risk) 68.6 % also scored risk of body thin-ideal internalization. According to the BMI, results showed that 29.5 % of the sample had overweight and obesity; meanwhile for the BFP in the same categories the value was 85 %. The analysis by BMI showed that adolescents with overweigh (50 % and 39.1 %, respectively) and obesity (47.4 % and 31.6 %, respectively) achieved the highest values for both, DEB and BTII. Interestingly, participants with normal BMI had also important percentages for DEB (26.9 %) as well as BTII (17.9 %). With respect to BFP, females with overweight (41.5 % and 24.4 %, respectively) and obesity (35.6 % and 25.3 %, respectively) had the highest percentages for both DEB and BTII. Again, adolescents with normal BFP showed percentages for DEB (6.4%) and BTII (9.7 %). Findings showed that 68.6 % of the participants with risk of IIED, "never" and "few times" used to eliminate the dinner, and that 80.5 % of the sample had low level for PA. We found that BMI increases significantly 2.7 times the risk of BTII as well as 2.5 times the risk of DEB; BTII increases 11.8 times the risk of DE (Odd Ratio; p < .05). From the present data, it can be concluded that DEB and BTII are present in the sample studied, and its prevalence were higher than other studies among Mexican females. We also concluded that overweight and obese subjects, for both BMI and BFP, were the ones that obtained the higher percentages of DEB and BTII. Finally, BMI increased significantly the risk of DEB and BTII, as well as BTII increased significantly the risk of DEB. It is necessary that female adolescent prevention programs take into account this in a joint way to guarantee their success.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 8(2): 97-104, jul.-dic. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-902402


Abstract The objectives of this study were: (1) to compare Mexican and Canadian university students regarding disordered eating behaviors (DEB), body thin-ideal internalization (BTHIN), and body image dissatisfaction (BID); and (2) to examine the relationship of these three variables to body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). This cross-cultural study was carried out in a sample of 129 university women students aged from 18 to 25 years (M = 20.18, SD =1.59): 52% were Canadian (Moncton University [MU]) and 48% were Mexican (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo [UAEH]). The Brief Questionnaire for Disordered Eating Behaviors and Attitudes Towards Body Figure Questionnaire were applied while the BID was evaluated using a continuum of nine silhouettes. In addition, the weight, height and WC of each participant were recorded. Mexican students had greater values of overweight, obesity, abdominal obesity and DEB, with 4.6 times greater risk than UM students. In contrast, the presence of BTHIN and BID was similar between samples. Considering these findings, women from at least two different ethnic groups are vulnerable to the development of eating disorder symptomatology.

Resumen Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: 1) comparar entre estudiantes universitarias mexicanas vs. canadienses respecto a conductas alimentarias de riesgo (CAR), interiorización de la figura corporal delgada (IFCD) e insatisfacción con la imagen corporal (ISC); y 2) examinar la relación de esas tres variables con el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y la circunferencia de cintura (CC). En este estudio transcultural participaron 129estudiantes universitarias de 18 a 25 años de edad (M = 20.18, DE =1.59): 52% canadienses (Universidad de Moncton [UM]) y 48% mexicanas (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo [UAEH]). Fueron aplicados el Cuestionario Breve para medir Conductas Alimentarias de Riesgo y el Attitudes Towards Body Figure Questionnaire, mientras que la ISC se evaluó mediante un continuo de nueve siluetas. Además se registró el peso, la talla y la CC de cada participante. Las estudiantes mexicanas registraron significativamente mayor presencia de sobrepeso, obesidad, obesidad abdominal y CAR, con 4.6 veces mayor riesgo que las estudiantes de la UM. Por el contrario, la presencia de IFCD y de ISC fue similar entre las muestras. Con base en estos hallazgos se puede concluir que las mujeres de dos grupos étnicos diferentes son vulnerables al desarrollo de sintomatología de trastornos alimentarios.

Body Image ; 10(4): 501-8, 2013 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23809859


The relationships among acculturation, internalization of U.S. sociocultural standards of female beauty, and body dissatisfaction were examined in a sample of 211 Mexican American college women. Structural equation modeling was used to identify the paths among these three factors. Results demonstrated that there are two distinct types of body dissatisfaction: global evaluations and composite site-specific evaluations. The relationships between acculturation toward dominant U.S. culture and both types of body dissatisfaction were found to be fully mediated by internalization of U.S. standards of female beauty. There were no relationships between Mexican orientation and any of the study variables. The results from this study imply that it is important for therapists working with Mexican American female clients to assess the client's level of acculturation, examine the cultural (U.S. and Mexican) messages the client receives, and explore how these messages impact her body image.

Acculturation , Beauty , Body Image/psychology , Internal-External Control , Mexican Americans/psychology , Personal Satisfaction , Thinness/ethnology , Adolescent , Adult , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Thinness/psychology , United States , Women/psychology , Young Adult
Rev. colomb. psicol ; 21(2): 343-353, jul.-dic. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-675286


The aim of this study was to examine the role of peer influence and thin-ideal internalization on body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. The Eating Attitudes Test, the Body Shape Questionnaire and the Questionnaire of Sociocultural Influences on the Aesthetic Body Shape Model were administered to 130 female students, with a mean age of 19.44. The results showed that thin-ideal internalization mediated the relationship between peer influence and body dissatisfaction (β=0.14, p>.05), and the relationship between peer influence and disordered eating (β=0.09, p>.05). This study supports the hypothesis that the thin-ideal internalization is an important mediator on body dissatisfaction and disordered eating in Mexican girls.

Con el objetivo de examinar el rol de la influencia de pares y de la interiorización del ideal de delgadez sobre la insatisfacción corporal y la alimentación no saludable en una muestra comunitaria, se aplicó el Test de Actitudes Alimentarias, el Cuestionario de Imagen Corporal y el Cuestionario de Influencias del Modelo Estético Corporal a 130 mujeres estudiantes, cuya media de edad fue de 19.44 años. El análisis de datos reveló que la interiorización del ideal de delgadez medió la relación entre la influencia de pares y la insatisfacción corporal (β=0.14, p>.05), así como la relación entre la influencia de pares y la alimentación no saludable (β=0.09, p>.05). Este estudio apoya la hipótesis de que la interiorización del ideal de delgadez es un importante mediador sobre la insatisfacción corporal y la alimentación no saludable en jóvenes mexicanas.

Com o objetivo de examinar o papel da influência de pares e da interiorização do ideal de delgadeza na insatisfação corporal e na alimentação não saudável em uma amostra comunitária, aplicou-se o Teste de Atitudes Alimentares, o Questionário de Imagem Corporal e o Questionário de Influências do Modelo Estético Corporal a 130 mulheres estudantes, cuja média de idade foi de 19.44 anos. A análise de dados revelou que a interiorização do ideal de delgadeza mediou a relação entre a influência de pares e a insatisfação corporal (β=0.14, p>.05), assim como a relação entre a influência de pares e a alimentação não saudável (β=0.09, p>.05). Este estudo apoia a hipótese de que a interiorização do ideal de delgadeza é um importante mediador na insatisfação corporal e na alimentação não saudável em jovens mexicanas.