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REVISA (Online) ; 13(1): 24-31, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531567


Objetivo: analisar as evidências da literatura sobre aassistência de enfermagem à população transexual na atenção básica. Método:Revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada nas bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e na Biblioteca Eletrônica Cientifica Online (SCIELO), utilizando os descritores Cuidados de enfermagem AND Pessoas transgênero AND Enfermagem de Atenção Primária. Resultados:Encontrados 2 artigos, publicados nos últimos 5 anos. Ficou evidenciado lacunas importantes que vem desde a formação acadêmica, no despreparo e desconhecimento acerca da sexualidade. Conclusão:Conclui-se, portanto, que foram encontrados poucos artigos com essa temática, evidenciando a necessidade de realização de mais pesquisas acerca do tema assistência de enfermagem à população transexual.

Objective: to analyze the evidence in the literature on nursing care for the transsexual population in primary care. Method:Integrative literature review, carried out in the Virtual Health Library, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) and Online Scientific Electronic Library (SCIELO) databases, using the descriptors Nursing care AND Transgender people AND Primary Care Nursing. Results:Found 2 articles, published in the last 5 years. It was evidenced important gaps that come from the academic formation, in the unpreparedness and lack of knowledge about sexuality. Conclusion:It is concluded, therefore, that few articles were found with this theme, highlighting the need to carry out more research on the topic of nursing care for the transsexual population.

Objetivo: analizar las evidencias en la literatura sobre el cuidado de enfermería a la población transexual en la atención primaria. Método:Revisión integrativa de la literatura, realizada en las bases de datos Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, Literatura Latinoamericana y Caribeña en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS) y Biblioteca Científica Electrónica en Línea (SCIELO), utilizando los descriptores Cuidados de Enfermería Y Personas trans y Enfermería de Atención Primaria. Resultados: Se encontraron 2 artículos, publicados en los últimos 5 años. Se evidenció importantes lagunas que provienen de la formación académica, en la falta de preparación y conocimiento sobre la sexualidad. Conclusión:Se concluye, por lo tanto, que fueron encontrados pocos artículos con esta temática, destacando la necesidad de realizar más investigaciones sobre el tema del cuidado de enfermería a la población transexual.

Transgender Persons , Primary Health Care , Nursing Care
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(5): 2612-2629, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1434615


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença e a gravidade de sintomas depressivos em indivíduos transexuais atendidos em um ambulatório de sexualidade. Caracteriza-se como descritivo, transversal e quantitativo, adotando amostra por conveniência (n=46). Foi realizado nas dependências do HUUFMA mediante aplicação do Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI-II) e formulário sociodemográfico. Os dados foram abordados no EpiInfo. Os resultados demostraram indivíduos na maioria jovens, de cor parda, solteiros, com ensino médio completo, estudantes, residiam com pais e/ou parentes, não religiosos, e metade com vínculo empregatício. A depressão moderada e grave esteve presente em 37% dos pacientes e a ideação suicida em 34,8%. Identificou- se relevância estatística na relação entre em depressão e vínculo empregatício (depressão moderada 39,2% e grave 21,7%). Então, observou-se relevantemente sintomas depressivos e, por vezes, a ideação suicida, todavia, o suporte social e o vínculo de trabalho foram importantes na redução de seu adoecimento.

The aim of this study was to assess the presence and severity of depressive symptoms in transsexual individuals treated at a sexuality outpatient clinic. It is characterized as descriptive, transversal and quantitative, adopting a convenience sample (n=46). It was carried out at the HUUFMA premises by applying the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and a sociodemographic form. The data were approached in EpiInfo. The results showed mostly young individuals, of brown race, single, with complete secondary education, students, living with parents and/or relatives, non-religious, and half with employment. Moderate and severe depression was present in 37% of patients and suicidal ideation in 34.8%. Statistical relevance was identified in the relationship between depression and employment (moderate depression 39.2% and severe depression 21.7%). So, depressive symptoms and, sometimes, suicidal ideation were observed relevantly, however, social support and the work bond were important in reducing his illness.

El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la presencia y la gravedad de los síntomas depresivos en individuos transexuales atendidos en un ambulatorio de sexualidad. Se caracteriza por ser descriptivo, transversal y cuantitativo, adoptando una muestra de conveniencia (n=46). Se realizó en las instalaciones del HUUFMA aplicando el Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI-II) y un formulario sociodemográfico. Los datos fueron abordados en EpiInfo. Los resultados mostraron individuos mayoritariamente jóvenes, de raza morena, solteros, con estudios secundarios completos, estudiantes, que vivían con sus padres y/o familiares, no religiosos, y la mitad con empleo. La depresión moderada y grave estaba presente en el 37% de los pacientes y la ideación suicida en el 34,8%. Se identificó relevancia estadística en la relación entre depresión y empleo (depresión moderada 39,2% y depresión grave 21,7%). Así, se observó relevancia de los síntomas depresivos y, en ocasiones, de la ideación suicida, sin embargo, el apoyo social y el vínculo laboral fueron importantes en la reducción de su enfermedad.

Distúrb. comun ; 34(4): 57689, dez. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425766


Introdução: A transição de gênero é um fenômeno que mobiliza diferentes áreas do conhecimento e a Fonoaudiologia vem tecendo pesquisas sobre o tema. Objetivo: analisar as relações entre auto percepção vocal e psiquismo em pessoas transexuais. Método: estudo de casos múltiplos. Casuística: 03 adultos transexuais na faixa etária de 18 a 40 anos. Critérios de seleção: pessoas adultas (18 a 44 anos) que se autodeclaram transexuais. Os participantes foram selecionados pelo método Bola de Neve a partir de indicações de sujeitos que fazem parte das relações sociais da pesquisadora. Procedimentos: Etapa 1. Envio do link de acesso do convite de participação para a pesquisa, Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido e agendamento do encontro individual da pesquisadora com o participante via WhatsApp; Etapa 2. Encontro individual da pesquisadora com cada sujeito para coleta do depoimento livre (gravação do áudio) e envio dos links de acesso ao Questionário Auto avaliação Vocal para Transexuais (TWVQ) e da Escala de Ansiedade de Beck (EAB). Critérios de análise dos resultados: Depoimento livre: Análise de Conteúdo segundo Bardin (2011).TWVQ e EAB: gabaritos propostos pelos instrumentos. Resultados: Nos depoimentos livres destacaram-se 04 categorias temáticas: voz, narrativas sobre a infância, trajetória e família. Os resultados do TWVQ indicaram auto percepção vocal positiva somente em 01 sujeito e negativa nos demais. Na EAB, 02 sujeitos apresentaram nível moderado e 01 alto. Conclusão: a auto percepção vocal dos sujeitos da pesquisa revela que a voz tem papel fundamental nas expressões de gênero.

Introduction: The gender transition is a phenomenon that mobilizes different areas of knowledge and Speech-Language Pathology has been weaving research on the subject. Objective: to analyze the relationship between vocal self-perception and psyche in transsexual people. Method: multiple case study. Casuistry: 03 transsexual adults aged between 18 and 40 years. Selection criteria: adults (18 to 44 years old) who declare themselves as transsexuals. Participants were selected from a method defining objects that are part of the social relations of the aura. Procedures: Step 1. Sending the access link to the invitation to participate in the research, the Free and Informed Consent Term and scheduling the individual meeting between the researcher and the participant via WhatsApp; Step 2. Individual meeting of the researcher with each subject to collect the free testimony (audio recording) and send the links to access the Vocal Self-Assessment Questionnaire for Transsexuals (TWVQ) and the Beck Anxiety Scale (EAB). Criteria for analyzing the results: Free testimonial: Content Analysis according to Bardin (2011). TWVQ and EAB: templates proposed by the instruments. In the free statements, 04 thematic categories were highlighted: voice, narratives about childhood, trajectory and family. The TWVQ results indicate positive vocal self-perception only in 01 subject and negative in the others. At EAB, 02 had a moderate level and 01 had a high level. Conclusion: the vocal self-perception of the research studies reveals that the voice plays a fundamental role in gender expressions.

Introducción: La transición de género es un fenómeno que moviliza diferentes áreas del conocimiento y la Logopedia viene tejiendo investigaciones sobre el tema. Objetivo: analizar la relación entre la autopercepción vocal y el psiquismo en personas transexuales. Método: estudio de casos múltiples. Casuística: 03 adultos transexuales con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 40 años. Criterios de selección: adultos (18 a 44 años) que se declaren transexuales. Los participantes fueron seleccionados por el método Snowball a partir de indicaciones de sujetos que forman parte de las relaciones sociales del investigador. Procedimientos: Paso 1. Envío del link de acceso de la invitación a participar de la investigación, Término de Consentimiento Libre e Informado y programación del encuentro individual entre el investigador y el participante vía whatsapp; Paso 2. Reunión individual del investigador con cada sujeto para recoger la declaración libre (grabación de audio) y enviar los enlaces para acceder al Cuestionario de Autoevaluación Vocal para Transexuales (TWVQ) y la Escala de Ansiedad de Beck (EAB). Criterios para el análisis de los resultados: Testimonio libre: Análisis de Contenido según Bardin (2011). TWVQ y EAB: plantillas propuestas por los instrumentos. Resultados: En los enunciados libres se destacaron 04 categorías temáticas: voz, narrativas sobre la infancia, trayectoria y familia. Los resultados del TWVQ indicaron autopercepción vocal positiva solo en 01 sujeto y negativa en los demás. En la EAB, 02 sujetos presentaron nivel moderado y 01 nivel alto. Conclusión: la autopercepción vocal de los sujetos de la investigación revela que la voz juega un papel fundamental en las expresiones de género.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Perception , Voice , Transgender Persons/psychology , Voice Training , Qualitative Research , Gender Identity
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (38): e22301, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390428


Resumo O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir estratégias e condições de acesso à saúde de travestis e pessoas trans a partir de informações colhidas por pesquisa realizada entre 2016 e 2017, que consistiu na aplicação de questionário em 391 pessoas trans e travestis habitantes do Município do Rio de Janeiro e de sua Região Metropolitana, bem como em entrevistas realizadas com a equipe de entrevistadores/as sobre o próprio processo de aplicação do questionário. São abordadas as seguintes dimensões: estratégias de acesso à informação e ao cuidado em saúde transespecífica; processos de afirmação de gênero e modificações corporais não-invasivas e procedimentos cirúrgicos; acesso e uso de hormônios e saúde mental. Os dados coletados apontam para a precariedade no acesso aos cuidados em saúde e para a importância de os serviços de saúde procurarem acolher efetivamente a enorme demanda não atendida dessa população por tais cuidados, sem culpabilizá-la por se manter muitas vezes fora de tais serviços.

Abstract This article aims to discuss strategies and conditions of access to health care for transgender people based on information collected by a survey conducted between 2016 and 2017, which consisted of applying a questionnaire to 391 transgender people living in Rio de Janeiro city and Metropolitan Area. We discuss the following dimensions: strategies for access to information and care in transgender health; processes of gender affirmation and non-invasive body modifications and surgical procedures; access to and use of hormones; and mental health. The data collected point to the precariousness of access to health care and the importance of health services seeking to effectively accommodate the enormous unmet demand of this population for such care, without blaming them for often remaining outside such services.

Resumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo discutir estrategias y condiciones de acceso a la salud de travestis y personas trans a partir de informaciones obtenidas por una investigación realizada de 2016 a 2017, que consistió en la aplicación de un cuestionario en 391 personas trans y travestis habitantes de la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro y Región Metropolitana. Se abordan las siguientes dimensiones: estrategias de acceso a la información y al cuidado en salud transespecífica; procesos de afirmación de género y modificaciones corporales no invasivas y procedimientos quirúrgicos; acceso y uso de hormonas y salud mental. Los datos obtenidos señalan la precariedad en el acceso a los cuidados en salud y la importancia de que los servicios de salud busquen efectivamente acoger la enorme demanda no atendida de esa población por tales cuidados, sin culparla por mantenerse muchas veces fuera de tales servicios.

Humans , Male , Female , Unified Health System , Sexism , Transgender Persons , Health Services for Transgender Persons , Gender Identity , Health Services Accessibility , Brazil , Right to Health
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32475609


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to create and validate an abbreviated version of the Spanish Transsexual Voice Questionnaire for Male-to-Female Transsexuals (SvTVQMtF). SETTING: The study was conducted by two referral hospitals for voice feminization surgery and by a university department of psychology and speech therapy, all in Spain. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We prospectively studied 51 male-to-female transsexuals who underwent voice feminization surgery between January 2017 and December 2018. The SvTVQMtF was completed before and after surgery, and the 10 items with the greatest variation were selected by clinical consensus of an expert panel to develop the short version of the SvTVQMtF (SvTVQMtF-10). The correlation between the total score and the score for each item on the SvTVQMtF and the SvTVQMtF-10 was studied. The internal consistency of the SvTVQMtF-10 was analysed. RESULTS: Good correlation (Pearson coefficient above .90) was found between the two questionnaires. A significant correlation was found between the total SvTVQMtF-10 score and the score for each item. A significant negative correlation was found between the SvTVQMtF and fundamental frequency after voice feminization surgery. Cronbach's α was .79. CONCLUSION: The SvTVQMtF-10 is a valid short version of the SvTVQMtF and can be used to quantify voice-related quality of life in MtF transsexuals.

Psicol. teor. prát ; 22(1): 251-269, Jan.-Apr. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1098544


Tendo em vista o caráter recente da organização de movimentos sociais trans no Brasil, objetivamos analisar a compreensão da política por travestis e transexuais da cidade de Maceió, que integram a Associação das Travestis e Transexuais de Alagoas (Asttal). Tal estudo se mostra relevante considerando os contextos de transfobia e violência de gênero na cidade em questão. Para tanto, inserimo-nos nas atividades do movimento trans e participamos delas, que foram registradas em diários de campo. Também foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com sete integrantes dessa associação. Obtivemos conclusões que se subdividiram em três categorias, as quais apontaram para dimensões como a política institucional, partidária; a política específica do movimento LGBT; e a política associada à cidadania e às políticas públicas.

Considering the recent feature of the organization of trans social movements in Brazil, we aimed to analyze the comprehension of politics among travesties and transsexuals in the city of Maceió through the Association of Travestis and Transsexuals of Alagoas (Asttal). This study has relevance, considering the context of transphobia and gender violence in the city mentioned above. To do so, we participated in the activities of the trans movement, recording our experiences in field journals. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with seven members of this association. We obtained conclusions that were subdivided into three categories that pointed to dimensions such as institutional, partisan politics; the specific politics of the LGBT movement; and the politics associated with citizenship and public policies.

Considerando el carácter reciente de la organización de movimientos sociales trans en Brasil, objetivamos analizar la comprensión de la política por travestís y transexuales en la ciudad de Maceió, por medio de la Asociación de las Travestís y Transexuales de Alagoas (Asttal). El estudio se muestra relevante teniendo en cuenta los contextos de transfobia y violencia de género en la ciudad. Para tal fin, nos insertamos y participamos de las actividades del movimiento trans que fueron registradas en diarios de campo. También fueron realizadas entrevistas estructuradas con siete integrantes de la asociación. Obtuvimos conclusiones que se subdividieron en tres categorías, que señalaron para dimensiones como la política institucional, partidaria; la política específica del movimiento LGBT; y la política asociada a la ciudadanía y a las políticas públicas.

Humans , Male , Female , Politics , Transvestism , Transgender Persons , Transphobia , Violence , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Gender-Based Violence , Gender Studies
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 39(3,n.esp): 103-112, dez. 2019-maio 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1096595


Este artigo apresenta o relato da experiência realizada junto aos participantes do grupo TranspareSer, formado por pessoas transexuais de Poços de Caldas ­ MG, a partir dos atendimentos realizados no equipamento público do CRAS. O grupo TranspareSer teve como objetivo possibilitar a realização da demanda de seus integrantes da mudança do registro civil, de modo que pudessem alcançar a congruência entre a identidade de gênero e o nome registrado em seus documentos. A mudança do registro civil, compreendida como estratégia de inclusão social e de reconhecimento de direitos desta população. O grupo foi coordenado pelo psicólogo do CRAS e essa experiência profissional foi objeto de reflexão em sua formação pós-graduada no nível do mestrado. A análise dessa experiência buscou compreender os atravessamentos institucionais, tanto no nível singular, quanto grupal e a construção da autonomia de seus participantes, tendo em vista a apropriação do espaço grupal e a recusa de serem tratados como sujeitos de direitos tutelados. A autonomia do grupo pôde ser percebida por meio da criação de regras próprias, da reconfiguração do grupo a partir da entrada de novos membros e da mudança de posição do coordenador do grupo. O processo grupal avaliado de modo processual indica como resultados a mudança do registro civil já alcançada por alguns de seus membros com efeitos tanto singulares quanto grupal e a construção de novo projeto que visa a transformação do grupo em uma ONG com o objetivo de oferecer apoio psicossocial, jurídico e de assistência médica às pessoas transexuais...(AU)

This article presents the report of the experience performed with the participants of the TranspareSer group, formed by transgender people from Poços de Caldas, MG, from the services performed in the public equipment of CRAS. The TranspareSer group aimed to enable the realization of the demand of its members related to the change of civil registration, so that they could achieve congruence between the gender identity and the name recorded in their documents. The change of the civil registration is understood as a strategy of social inclusion and recognition of the rights of this population. The group was coordinated by the psychologist of CRAS and this professional experience was the object of reflection in his post-graduate training at the master's level. The analysis of this experience sought to understand the institutional crossings, both at the singular and group levels, and the construction of the autonomy of its participants, in view of the appropriation of the group space and the refusal to be treated as subjects of protected rights. The autonomy of the group could be perceived through the creation of its own rules, the reconfiguration of the group from the entry of new members and the change of position of the group coordinator. The group process evaluated in a procedural way indicates as results the change of the civil registration already achieved by some of its members with both singular and group effects and the construction of a new project aimed at transforming the group into an NGO with the objective of offering psychosocial, legal and medical assistance support to transgender people...(AU)

Este artículo presenta la experiencia de los participantes del grupo TranspareSer, formado por personas transgénero de Poços de Caldas, MG, de los servicios prestados en las instalaciones públicas de CRAS. El propósito del grupo TranspareSer era hacer posible que los miembros del registro civil cambiaran sus demandas para que pudieran lograr congruencia entre la identidad de género y el nombre registrado en sus documentos. El cambio del registro civil, entendido como una estrategia de inclusión social y reconocimiento de derechos de esta población. El grupo fue coordinado por el psicólogo del CRAS y esta experiencia profesional fue objeto de reflexión en su formación de posgrado a nivel de maestría. El análisis de esta experiencia buscó comprender los cruces institucionales, tanto a nivel singular como grupal, y la construcción de la autonomía de sus participantes, en vista de la apropiación del espacio grupal y la negativa a ser tratados como sujetos de derechos protegidos. La autonomía del grupo podría realizarse creando sus propias reglas, reconfigurando el grupo a partir de la entrada de nuevos miembros y cambiando la posición del coordinador del grupo. El proceso grupal evaluado por el proceso indica como resultado el cambio en el registro civil ya logrado por algunos de sus miembros con efectos tanto singulares como grupales y la construcción de un nuevo proyecto destinado a transformar al grupo en una ONG con el objetivo de ofrecer apoyo psicosocial, legal y de asistencia médica para personas transexuales...(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Psychology , Public Policy , Social Work , Transgender Persons , Persons , Civil Rights , Personal Autonomy , Gender Identity
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 23(3): e20180345, 2019.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1012093


Abstract Objective: To know the common sense of transsexual women in reaction to the transsexual process and to discuss the epistemological construction about the transsexuality and nursing in this process. Method: Qualitative research, carried out between May and June 2017, with 90 transsexual women attending a specialized center. Results: The common sense of the interviewees evidenced the transsexuality as an identity issue and not a disease, barriers to attendance in health demands and absence of the nursing professional. Discussion: The epistemological construction of the transsexuality takes place through science, which instrumentalized the Transsexual Process Policy and does not have the knowledge presented by the common sense of the users. Conclusion and implications for nursing practice: Science has a role to create order and practices from the refinement of common sense, but does not use the common sense of transsexual women in the epistemological construction of transsexuality, which compromises care and reinforces stereotyped and pathological character by health professionals. Science has the power to validate common sense, sedimenting the care to transsexual women, especially nursing practice. Nursing has the challenge of understanding issues related to transsexuality by articulating common sense with scientific knowledge.

Resumen Objetivo: Conocer el sentido común de mujeres transexuales en reacción al proceso transexualizador y discutir la construcción epistemológica acerca de la transexualidad y de la enfermería en ese proceso. Método: Investigación cualitativa, realizada entre mayo y junio de 2017, con 90 mujeres transexuales atendidas en centro especializado. Resultados: El sentido común de las entrevistadas evidenció la transexualidad como una cuestión identitaria y no una enfermedad, trabas en la atención en demandas de salud y ausencia del profesional de enfermería. Discusión: La construcción epistemológica de la transexualidad, se da por medio de la ciencia, que instrumentalizó la Política del Proceso Transexualizador y no dispone de conocimiento presentado por el sentido común de las usuarias. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica de enfermería: La ciencia tiene un papel de crear orden y prácticas a partir del refinamiento del sentido común, pero no utiliza el sentido común de las mujeres transxuales en la construcción epistemológica de la transexualidad, que compromete la asistencia y refuerza el carácter estereotipado y patológico por los profesionales de salud. La ciencia tiene el poder de validar el sentido común, sedimentando la asistencia a las mujeres transexuales, en especial, la práctica de enfermería. La enfermería tiene el desafío de comprender las cuestiones relacionadas a la transexualidad articulando el sentido común con el saber científico.

Resumo Objetivo: Conhecer o senso comum de mulheres transexuais em reação ao processo transexualizador e discutir a construção epistemológica acerca da transexualidade e da enfermagem nesse processo. Método: Pesquisa qualitativa, realizada entre maio e junho de 2017, com 90 mulheres transexuais atendidas em centro especializado. Resultados: O senso comum das entrevistadas evidenciou a transexualidade como uma questão identitária e não uma doença, entraves no atendimento em demandas de saúde e ausência do profissional de enfermagem. Discussão: A construção epistemológica da transexualidade, se dá por meio da ciência, que instrumentalizou a Política do Processo Transexualizador e não dispõe de conhecimento apresentado pelo senso comum das usuárias. Conclusão e implicações para a prática de enfermagem: A ciência tem um papel de criar ordem e práticas a partir do refinamento do senso comum, mas não utiliza o senso comum das mulheres transexuais na construção epistemológica da transexualidade, que compromete a assistência e reforça o caráter estereotipado e patológico pelos profissionais de saúde. A ciência tem o poder de validar o senso comum, sedimentando a assistência às mulheres transexuais, em especial, a prática de enfermagem. A enfermagem tem o desafio de compreender as questões relacionadas à transexualidade articulando o senso comum com o saber científico.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Science , Transsexualism , Knowledge , Transgender Persons , Health Personnel/psychology , Qualitative Research , Sex Reassignment Surgery , Social Stigma , Health Services for Transgender Persons , Gender Identity , Hormones/therapeutic use
Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 32(125): 79-93, Jul.-Dez. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1088566


Abstract. Objective. To analyze commercial sex work's social representations among Brazilian women who identify as transvestite or transsexual. Methods: A qualitative study with a descriptive and analytical approach based on the Theoretical Paradigm of Social Representation with a structural approach. The sample group was formed by 100 women who defined themselves as transvestite and transsexual in Santa Catarina, Brazil. The data was gathered from September to December 2016 via a questionnaire using the technique of free association of words, as well as semi-directed interviews. Results: Through both prototypical and content analysis, it was confirmed that the most likely elements that formed the core of the social representation were: violence, drugs, risk, work, sadness, prejudice, and danger. In the objectification/objectivation process of commercial sex work, the image shows a mix between daily activities in the streets - which they consider to be their battlefield - and their own feelings and experiences of vulnerability in other areas of society, starting with families, churches, schools and the like. Conclusions: By experiencing commercial sex work, female transvestite and transsexual individuals reveal how the elements that form the social representation are of paramount importance in the legitimation, legalization, and simplification of their identities.

Resumen. Objetivo:Analizar las representaciones sociales del comercio sexual entre mujeres auto-identificadas como travestis y transexuales en Brasil. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo de naturaleza descriptivo-analítico que, utilizó el Paradigma Teórico de las Representaciones Sociales con abordaje estructural como Referencial Teórico. La muestra fue constituida por 100 mujeres auto-identificadas como travestis y transexuales en Santa Catarina/Brasil. Los datos fueron recolectados de septiembre a diciembre de 2016, por medio de la utilización de un cuestionario auto-administrado que utilizó la técnica de asociación libre de palabras y, por medio de entrevistas semi-directivas. Resultados: A partir del análisis prototípico y de contenido se verificó que los elementos probables que formaron el núcleo central de la representación social fueron: violencia, drogas, riesgo, trabajo, tristeza, prejuicios y peligro. En el proceso de objetificación/objetivación de la prostitución, la imagen refleja un compaso entre sus itinerarios cotidianos en el campo de batalla y los sentimientos y vivencias de vulnerabilidad en los otros espacios institucionales de la sociedad. Conclusiones: la experiencia del comercio sexual de mujeres travestis y transexuales reveló cómo los elementos formadores de la representación social son cruciales en el proceso de legitimación, normatización y simplificación de sus identidades.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Sex Work/psychology , Sexual Behavior/psychology , Transsexualism/psychology , Transvestism/psychology , Reproductive Rights/psychology , Transgender Persons/psychology , Brazil
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 26: e32030, jan.-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-969028


Objetivos: identificar a formação dos enfermeiros residentes para o cuidar qualificado de pessoas transexuais e analisar o processo de cuidar de enfermagem dessa clientela, na perspectiva do residente de enfermagem. Metodologia: foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva, exploratória, mediante entrevista semiestruturada, numa unidade de urologia, de um hospital universitário, situado no município do Rio de Janeiro, com 13 residentes de enfermagem do Programa de Clínica Cirúrgica do 1º e 2º ano, em 2017. Resultados: os discursos analisados levaram a duas categorias: a formação do enfermeiro e o cuidar de pessoas transexuais e o processo do cuidar de enfermagem na perspectiva do residente. Conclusão: os achados denotam a necessidade da inserção de discussões e abordagens sobre a temática no processo formador dos profissionais de enfermagem e no cuidar desses clientes.

Objectives: to identify training of resident nurses for qualified care of transgender people, and analyze the process of nursing care for transgender people from the nursing resident's perspective. Method: an exploratory, qualitative, descriptive study was conducted in 2017, in the urology unit of a university hospital Rio de Janeiro city, by semi-structured interview of 13 first- and second-year nursing residents of the clinical surgery program. Results: the accounts analyzed led to two categories: nursing training and care for transgender people, and nursing care from the resident's perspective. Conclusion: the findings point to a need to include discussions of, and approaches to, the subject in the nurses' training process, and in care for these clients.

Objetivos: identificar la formación de los enfermeros residentes para el cuidado cualificado a personas transexuales y analizar el proceso de cuidar de enfermería de esa clientela, en la perspectiva del residente de enfermería. Método: Se realizó una investigación cualitativa, descriptiva, exploratoria, por entrevista semiestructurada en unidad de urología, de un hospital universitario situado en el municipio de Río de janeiro, con 13 residentes de enfermería del programa de clínica quirúrgica del 1º y 2º año de 2017. Resultados: las declaraciones analizadas conllevaron a dos categorías: la formación del enfermero y el cuidar de personas transexuales y el proceso de cuidar de enfermería en la perspectiva del residente. Conclusión: los hallazgos muestran la necesidad de la inserción de discusiones y abordar la temática en el proceso formador de los profesionales de enfermería y en el cuidado de esos clientes.

Humans , Male , Female , Transgender Persons , Internship, Nonmedical , Nurse-Patient Relations , Nursing Care , Brazil , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Qualitative Research , Education, Nursing
Fam Process ; 54(3): 396-417, 2015 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26283240


Trends in popular belief about same-sex relationships have undergone noteworthy change in the United States over the last decade. Yet this change has been marked by stark polarizations and has occurred at varying rates depending upon regional, community, racial, religious, and individual family context. For queer youth and their families, this cultural transformation has broadened opportunities and created a new set of risks and vulnerabilities. At the same time, youth's increasingly open and playful gender fluidity and sexual identity is complicated by unique intersections of class, race, religion, and immigration. Effective family therapy with queer youth requires practitioner's and treatment models that are sensitive to those who bear the burden of multiple oppressions and the hidden resilience embedded in their layered identities. We present case examples of our model of family therapy which addresses refuge, supports difficult dialogs, and nurtures queerness by looking for hidden resilience in the unique intersections of queer youths' lives. These intersections provide transformational potential for youth, their families and even for family therapists as we are all nurtured and challenged to think more complexly about intersectionality, sexuality, and gender.

Family Relations , Family Therapy/methods , Homosexuality/psychology , Transgender Persons/psychology , Vulnerable Populations/psychology , Adolescent , Female , Gender Identity , Homosexuality/statistics & numerical data , Homosexuality, Female/psychology , Homosexuality, Male/psychology , Humans , Interpersonal Relations , Male , Social Identification , Social Isolation , United States , Vulnerable Populations/statistics & numerical data , Young Adult
Salud ment ; 38(2): 147-153, mar.-abr. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-761469


Introducción Hay un grupo de gente con una incoherencia entre el género y su sexo biológico (fenotipo) con el género de autopercepción. Las diferencias entre esta condición y la orientación sexual nos dan una serie de subtipos de género y de diversidad sexual: transexuales, travestis y transgéneros, homosexuales, heterosexuales, bisexuales y asexuales. Objetivo Revisar las evidencias que puedan apoyar si la diversidad de género y la orientación sexual son estrategias evolutivas. Método Se consultaron documentos históricos, médicos y políticos sobre el nacimiento de los conceptos de género y orientación sexual en The National Library of Medicine. Estos se actualizaron en una revisión de la literatura científica de los últimos cincuenta años en los sistemas SCOPUS, PubMed y Science Direct. Se utilizaron las palabras: homosexuality, transsexuality, gender y evolution. Resultados Debido a que la reproducción sexual es tan indispensable y celosamente seleccionada, para continuar la combinación genética, la existencia de la homosexualidad y la transexualidad son una paradoja evolutiva. Hay una gama de este tipo de conductas en los animales de reproducción sexual, en mamíferos, aves, reptiles y peces. Hasta el momento sólo hemos utilizado el comportamiento animal para ilustrar la naturalidad de la homosexualidad. En esencia: hay animales homosexuales en la naturaleza. Por lo tanto, la homosexualidad es natural, y en este artículo se presentan las explicaciones evolutivas al respecto. La transexualidad es una cuestión de género, y en la psiquiatría contemporánea sigue siendo calificada como una enfermedad mental, llamada "disforia de género". Discusión y conclusión Hay bases biológicas para esta alternativa particular en los seres humanos, en los que el papel de los niveles de hormonas elevados, los anticuerpos contra los receptores de testosterona, el orden del nacimiento y el uso de algunas drogas se discuten en el presente artículo. Comprender que los seres humanos no son una especie dicotómica es el objetivo principal de este trabajo, ya que en el homo sapiens, las diferencias en muchos aspectos de nuestras funciones es la norma que nos hace tan diferentes, pero al mismo tiempo iguales en derechos básicos como seres humanos.

Introduction There are people with a gender incoherence between their biological gender (phenotype) and the self-perception gender. Differences among such condition and sexual orientation give us more subtypes of gender and sexual diversity: transsexual, travesties and transgender, homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual and asexual. Objective To review if there are well supported evidences about sexual and gender diversity as part of evolutionary strategies. Method Medical and political historical documents about the birth of the concepts of gender and sexual orientation were consulted at The National Library of Medicine. These were updated, in a review of the scientific literature of the last fifty years in SCOPUS, PubMed and Science Direct systems. The following words were used: homosexuality, transsexuality, gender and evolution. Results Because sexual reproduction is so indispensable and so zealously selected, the existence of homosexuality and transsexuality is a kind of paradox. One must wonder: why would not evolution quickly select against behavior, which diverts an animal from sexual reproduction? Yet despite this apparently unlikelihood homosexuality does exist. Homosexuality is also the innate sexual preference for one's own gender or the biological urge for same-sex coitus. So despite popular non-recognition of the phenomenon, natural history observations have revealed a wide range of homosexuality throughout the animal kingdom. To account for homosexuality -or any phenomenon- using evolution, it is necessary that it be natural, i.e. it must occur naturally without human influence. Thus, animal behavior is used to illustrate the naturalness of homosexuality. In essence: there are homosexual animals in nature; therefore homosexuality is natural. Transsexuality is a gender issue, and in psychiatry remains as a mental disease named "gender dysphoria". Discussion and conclusion There is some biological basis for these particular human beings, in whom the role of high levels of hormones, antibodies against testosterone receptors, order or birth is also discussed in the present article. To understand that humans are not a dichotomist species is the main goal of this work, as homo sapiens differences in many aspects of our functions are the norm.

Gac Sanit ; 29(2): 135-8, 2015.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25217173


OBJECTIVE: to Describe perceived health, mental health and certain health-related behaviors according to sexual attraction and behavior in the population residing in Barcelona in 2011. METHODS: Perceived health, mental health, chronic conditions and health-related behaviors were analyzed in 2675 people aged 15 to 64 years. The Barcelona Health Survey for 2011 was used, which included questions on sexual attraction and behavior. Multivariate robust Poisson regression models were fitted to obtain adjusted prevalence ratios. RESULTS: People feeling same-sex attraction reported a higher prevalence of worse perceived and mental health. These people and those who had had sex with persons of the same sex more frequently reported harmful health-related behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: Lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual people may have health problems that should be explored in depth, prevented, and attended.

Health Behavior , Health Status , Sexual Behavior , Adolescent , Adult , Attitude to Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Mental Health , Middle Aged , Spain , Young Adult
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 48(4): 73-80, set.-dez. 2014. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1138397


No Brasil, foi após 1997, com a publicação da padronização do Conselho Federal de Medicina, que o acompanhamento e o tratamento da população transexual se tornaram mais intensivos. O Ambulatório de Transtorno de Identidade de Gênero e Orientação Sexual - Amtigos, do Nufor-IPq-HCFMUSP foi criado em 2010; nele, pacientes com disforia de gênero são tratados seguindo as orientações da World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), adaptadas à realidade sociocultural brasileira. O Amtigos promove triagens multidisciplinares, atendimento médico psiquiátrico e psicoterapia para pacientes adultos e, mais recentemente, para adolescentes e crianças trazidos por familiares que buscam orientação e tratamento. Nossa proposta consiste em uma abordagem transdisciplinar com base em nossa experiência, para que seja provida adequada assistência psicológica, psiquiátrica e acompanhamento psicoterápico a esses pacientes. Não se trata de tutoria, mas sim de um desenvolvimento conjunto de responsabilidades por todo o processo.

In Brazil, it was after 1997, with the publication of the standardization of the Federal Council of Medicine, that the care and treatment of the transsexual population became more intensive. The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Disorder Outpatient Unit AMTIGOS-NUFOR-IPq-HCFMUSP was established in 2010; there, patients with gender dysphoria are treated following the orientations of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health WPATH, adapted to the Brazilian social and cultural reality. The amtigos promotes multidisciplinary selections, mental health care and psychotherapy for adults and, more recently, adolescents and children brought by family members seeking counseling and treatment. Our proposal consists of a transdisciplinary approach based on our experience in order to provide adequate psychological, psychiatric and psychotherapeutic assistance for these patients. It is not about tutoring, but a joint development of responsibilities for the entire process.

En Brasil, fue después del 1997, con la publicación de la estandarización del Consejo Federal de Medicina, que el seguimiento y el tratamiento de la población transexual se tornaron más intensivos. El Ambulatório de Transtorno de Identidade de Gênero e Orientação Sexual AMTIGOS-NUFOR-IPq-HCF-MUSP fue creado en el 2010; en él, pacientes con disforia de género son tratados siguiendo las orientaciones de la World Professional Association for Transgender Health WPATH, adaptadas a la realidad sociocultural brasileña. El amtigos promueve evaluaciones multidisciplinarias, atención médica psiquiátrica y psicoterapia a pacientes adultos y, más recientemente, a adolescentes y niños traídos por familiares que buscan orientación y tratamiento. Nuestra propuesta consiste en un abordaje transdisciplinario basado en nuestra experiencia para que se proporcione una adecuada asistencia psicológica, psiquiátrica y seguimiento psicoterápico a esos pacientes. No se trata de tutoría, sino de un desarrollo conjunto de responsabilidades por todo el proceso.

Endocrinol Nutr ; 61(7): 351-8, 2014.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24680383


INTRODUCTION: Prevalence of hyperandrogenism (HA), including the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), in female-to-male transsexuals (FMT) is high. This has been related to metabolic syndrome (MS), which appears to increase cardiovascular morbidity and mortality throughout cross-sex hormone (CSH) therapy. OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence of HA and PCOS in FMT patients before the start of CSH therapy, and their association to MS and its components, insulin resistance (IR) and other cardiovascular risk (CVR) factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-seven FMTs underwent clinical and biochemical assessment for HA before the start of CSH therapy. CVR, IR, and other MS parameters were also assessed. RESULTS: Prevalence of HA was 49.4% (73.7% were cases of PCOS [Rotterdam criteria]), and prevalence of PCOS in the overall sample was 36.4%. Prevalence of MS was 38.4% and 51.7% according to ATP-III and IDF criteria respectively). MS (according to ATP-III and IDF criteria respectively) was found in 36.8% and 57.9% as compared to 25.6% and 41% of patients with and without HA respectively (p<0.0001 and P<0.01 respectively). Of total patients, 54.5% had normal weight (body mass index [BMI] 18.5-24.9 kg.m(-2)), 26% were overweight (BMI 25-29.9 kg.m(-2)), and 19.5% were obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg.m(-2)). After adjusting for BMI, the comparison of hormonal, metabolic, and anthropometric parameters showed statistically significant differences in plasma glucose, HOMA-IR, and abdominal circumference (P<0.001 for all), as well as HDL cholesterol (HDL) (P=0.033), but not in total testosterone or calculated free testosterone levels. In the total sample, 27.3% had HDL levels less than 50mg/dL. CONCLUSIONS: Overall HA, and PCOS in particular, are highly prevalent in FMTs. HA and PCOS are related to early development of SM, IR, and other CVR factors with unknown consequences in adulthood.

Hyperandrogenism/complications , Hyperandrogenism/epidemiology , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/complications , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/epidemiology , Transsexualism/complications , Adolescent , Adult , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/etiology , Female , Humans , Hyperandrogenism/metabolism , Insulin Resistance , Male , Metabolic Syndrome/epidemiology , Metabolic Syndrome/etiology , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/metabolism , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Young Adult
Salud ment ; 31(4): 253-260, jul.-ago. 2008.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632735


Mexican migration to the United States has been attributed to the poverty and economic polarization in Mexico. Although the dismantling of the peasant economy persists as a factor in demographic displacement, there have been recent changes in the causes that provoke the migration of Mexicans. Family violence, for example, appears as an important motivator in pushing women into the migratory flow, especially in rural areas of the country where women's sexual and reproductive rights appear to be less respected. Homophobia is another point of reference which, along with hate crimes, generates a new category of migration to the United States. Although violence is beginning to be recognized and viewed sociologically as a factor in migratory displacement, it is a phenomenon that has been little explored in Mexico until now. This article proposes to analyze sexual violence and discrimination as motivators of an emerging migratory phenomenon among transgender and transsexual groups within the Mexican population. The article is based on a qualitative study which explored the universes of sense and meaning through the stories of four Mexican women, three transgender and one transsexual, infected with HIV-AIDS in Mexico and who are currently seeking political asylum in San Diego, California. The fieldwork was done between August and September 2003 in San Diego County. Interviews and ethnographic observations were carried out in three geographic regions in the city where neighborhoods of transgender and transsexual migrants of Mexican origin were detected, as well as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that provide medical and psychological care to undocumented migrants of Latin American origin who live with HIV/AIDS: Northern Region: Carlsbad and Rancho Bernardo; Central Region: North Hill Park and Balboa Park; Southern Region: San Ysidro and Imperial Beach. The article provides anthropological data regarding the contexts, practices and magnitude of rejection and violence that the subjects suffered in Mexico. Four settings are emphasized: family life, interaction in the streets, the relationship with police and the relationship with health services related to caring for HIV/AIDS. To support the analysis it was considered advisable to resort, on the one hand, to phenomenology as a methodological approach to daily life and, on the other hand, to semiotics, where culture is understood as the expression of symbolic forms and objectivizations of sense and meaning that exist in the context of asymmetrical social relationships. This theoretical framework allowed us to postulate that sexual violence is a structural process based on asymmetrical power relationships and that it implies social norms and ideologies of male hegemony that contribute to the social acceptance of violent practices against transgender and transsexual men, which can make them go unnoticed in the community. For the interviewees, migration became a resort for asserting their right to health care, and even a means to preserve their lives. In Mexico, their presence in public places would frequently provoke attacks, scorn and mockery, which could lead to physical and emotional wounds. Civil society is not the only source of violence against transsexual and transgender individuals. Some police organizations systematically persecute them and submit them to violence. The harassment of homosexuals is routine practice among police officers. Their physical appearance is interpreted as a moral misdemeanor. Under this argument, they can become the victims of a complex range of abuses and humiliations that include blackmail or extortion and can lead to physical assault and sexual violence. This last type of aggression is one of the most dangerous because it implies a homosexual conduct on the part of the aggressor. Because there is a risk that his victim might press charges, the violence exercised against the transgender individual by the aggressor may be aggravated, which initiates a cycle of territorial mobility linked to exile because of the fear of being killed. Violence against transsexuals is reinforced by Mexican laws and bureaucratic procedures, which only recognize two genders and thus make it more complicated for transsexuals to prove their legal right to initiate proceedings or a lawsuit. These legal-bureaucratic loopholes help make the aggressor's impunity acceptable and his violations socially invisible. The stories make it possible to understand that in Mexico transphobia is a specific form of sexual violence which, linked to the social construction of male dominance, exists out of social fear of homosexuality as the foundation that legitimizes discrimination, hate, persecution and aggression against transgender and transsexual individuals. One aspect that seems to intensify these forms of violence is the appearance of sexually transmitted viral infections. In fact, the history of infectious diseases shows that homosexuals, sexual workers and migrants appear over and over again in the collective imagination as those responsible for the origin of epidemics. In today's epidemiological context, transgender is seen as a scapegoat for HIV/ AIDS. In Mexico, this situation appears to reinforce the preconceptions of social hatred against transgender persons who are HIV positive, who may end up living with the social stigma of those who believe that the infection is fitting punishment. The evidence suggests that, when transgender individuals are HIV carriers, discrimination against them is worse. The prejudice of medical personnel and the financial inability of health institutions to treat HIV/AIDS lead to precarious care and, occasionally, denial of access to antiretroviral medications. Ethnography suggests that violence against transsexuals is not eliminated when they immigrate to the United States. They experience less aggression than in Mexico, but in the United States they suffer racial and job discrimination. The benefit resides in that, despite their undocumented status, they have free access to antiretroviral drugs and to psychological care offered by the NGOs in San Diego that assist persons infected with HIV/AIDS. The discrimination and sexual violence described by those interviewed amount to a triple stigmatization (because they are itinerant populations, because they are transgender and because they live with HIV). This is a system of stigmatization that not only affects their quality of life by excluding them from jobs and the legal system, but also because it keeps them from being recognized as subjects with rights to health care, especially with regard to access to antiretroviral drugs and medical care related to control of HIV/AIDS, decisive factors which trigger the decision to migrate. This paper suggests the development of a model aimed at making medical practitioners and, in general, health systems personnel more aware of the diversity of sexual practices and identities and emphasizes the right to sexual and mental health care for individuals who live with HIV, regardless of their sexual preference or gender. It is fundamental to develop policies that will prevent the stigmatization and discrimination of persons with HIV and that will recognize the right to health care among populations that have been stigmatized historically.

La migración mexicana a Estados Unidos se ha interpretado como un proceso demográfico que existe en respuesta al empobrecimiento y a la polarización económica en México. Aunque la desarticulación económica y el abandono de las regiones rurales de México persisten como factores de expulsión de población, la migración de mexicanos muestra cambios recientes en las causas que la originan. La violencia familiar, por ejemplo, aparece como un detonante importante de la incorporación de la mujer en los flujos migratorios, particularmente es el caso de zonas rurales del país. La homofobia es otro referente que, relacionado a los crímenes de odio, parece generar un nuevo orden de migración hacia Estados Unidos. No obstante que la violencia empieza a ser reconocida y vista sociológicamente como un factor de expulsión migratoria, en México es un fenómeno que hasta ahora se ha explorado poco. En este trabajo se analizan la violencia sexual y la discriminación como detonantes de un fenómeno migratorio emergente entre grupos de población homosexual. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo de tipo fenomenológico con el que se exploraron los universos de sentido y significado por medio de las historias de vida de migrantes transgénero y transexuales que viven con VIH en San Diego. El trabajo de campo se realizó en agosto de 2003 en condados de San Diego, California, en Estados Unidos. Se realizaron entrevistas y observaciones etnográficas en tres regiones geográficas de la ciudad donde se detectó la presencia de vecindarios de migrantes transgénero y transexuales de origen latinoamericano. En este artículo se describen precisamente las historias de personas transgénero y transexuales que se infectaron de VIH-sida en México. Para estas personas, la migración se convirtió en un recurso para atender su derecho a la salud e incluso para conservar la vida. El objetivo de este artículo es dar cuenta de las formas de agresión física y de discriminación que llevaron a los entrevistados a solicitar asilo político en San Diego, California. Las narraciones permiten comprender que en México la transfobia es una forma de violencia sexual que, ligada a la construcción social de la masculinidad dominante, existe a partir del miedo social a la homosexualidad como el basamento que legitima la discriminación, la persecución y la agresión de personas transgénero y transexuales. Un aspecto que parece recrudecer estas formas de violencia es la aparición de infecciones sexualmente transmisibles de tipo viral. De hecho, la historia de las enfermedades infecciosas muestra que homosexuales, trabajadoras sexuales y migrantes son figuras que aparecen de manera recurrente en el imaginario colectivo como responsables del origen de las epidemias. En el contexto global actual destaca la construcción del transgénero como víctima propiciatoria del VIH/sida. En México, esta coyuntura parece reforzar los esquemas de odio social en contra de las personas homosexuales que son VIH positivas, quienes pueden llegar a vivir con el estigma social de quien cree que la infección es un castigo meritorio. La discriminación y la violencia sexual que describen las informantes tiene que ver con la triple estigmatización (por ser poblaciones móviles, por ser transgénero y además por vivir con VIH). Se trata de un sistema de estigmatización que no sólo afecta la calidad de vida al excluirles laboral y jurídicamente, sino que impide reconocerles como sujetos de derecho a la salud, especialmente en materia de acceso a medicamentos antirretrovirales y de atención médica relativa al control del VIH/sida. Es necesario desarrollar un modelo de sensibilización dirigido a personal médico y, en general, de los sistemas de salud sobre la diversidad de prácticas e identidades sexuales y hacer énfasis en los derechos a la salud sexual y mental de las personas que viven con VIH, sin importar su preferencia sexual y de género.
