With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus became a global health threat affecting people's mental and physical health, as well as working conditions and modalities. The reorganization of the work environment also affected work engagement and psychological distress levels. This manuscript assesses how work engagement and distress vary according to gender and age across three working modalities. We used a voluntary response sampling strategy to collect data on psychological distress and work engagement between August 2021 and January 2022. Results are from 542 people working in Ecuador during the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, participants experienced psychological distress; women and younger participants presented higher psychological distress. Regarding engagement, the sample showed average levels of total engagement, average levels of vigor, and high levels of dedication and absorption. Men presented higher levels of total work engagement and vigor. Psychological distress was significantly and negatively correlated with total work engagement scores and its three factors. There were no differences in work engagement according to the different modalities. However, teleworkers reported significantly higher levels of psychological distress than hybrid workers. Findings are discussed considering ideas for decision-makers to explore the benefits of flexible working practices.
COVID-19 , Psychological Distress , Male , Humans , Female , COVID-19/epidemiology , SARS-CoV-2 , Pandemics , Work EngagementABSTRACT
Abstract The objective of this study is divided into two parts: the first part aimed at presenting the process of translation and adaptation of Porto-Martins and Benevides-Pereira's (2008) version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES); the second part focused on the validation of the instrument considering samples from five distinct and independent studies, with N=1,934. The adaptation process was composed of 13 steps, which included, among other steps, translation and back translation. Descriptive, reliability and confirmatory factor analyses were performed. The results denoted statistical quality and agreement with the data in the official UWES manual. Therefore, the validity of the corresponding version of the UWES is concluded, and future studies are encouraged in order to solidify this relevant construct in the national context.
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo é dividido em duas partes: na primeira, visou-se expor o processo de tradução e adaptação da versão de Porto-Martins e Benevides-Pereira (2008) do Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES); na segunda parte, focou-se a validação do instrumento, considerando amostras de cinco estudos distintos independentes, com N=1934. O processo de adaptação foi composto por 13 passos, que incluíram, entre outras etapas, tradução e back translation. Foram realizadas análises descritivas, de confiabilidade e fatoriais confirmatórias. Os resultados denotaram qualidade estatística e consonância com os dados do manual oficial do UWES. Conclui-se, portanto, a validade da respectiva versão do UWES, assim como instigam-se futuros estudos, a fim de solidificar esse relevante constructo no contexto nacional.
O objetivo do presente artigo é avaliar a estabilidade temporal do UWES, instrumento de avaliação do engajamento no trabalho, construto caracterizado por elevado vigor, dedicação e absorção no trabalho. A amostra foi composta por 423 trabalhadores de teleatendimento e utilizou-se a metodologia de teste/reteste mediante intervalo de tempo de um mês, com emprego de análises descritivas e de confiabilidade. Como resultado, o instrumento manteve qualidade psicométrica adequada (alfa de Cronbach > 0,8; CFI > 0,95; RMSEA < 0,07) além de bons resultados que atestam a sua invariância de medida entre as coletas longitudinais (configural, métrica e escalar), dados alinhados com o manual do instrumento. Com relação à estabilidade temporal, houve acréscimo dos valores do alfa de Cronbach e correlações significativas e positivas. Sugere-se que os resultados obtidos denotam adequada qualidade psicométrica com estabilidade temporal, contudo ressalta-se a necessidade de novos estudos, em especial pela aplicação ter ocorrido em apenas uma categoria profissional, empresa e região. (AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the temporal stability of the UWES instrument for the evaluation of work engagement. This construct is characterized by high vigor, dedication and absorption in the work. The sample was composed by 423 telemarketing workers and the test/retest methodology with an interval of 1 month was used. Descriptive and reliability analyses were carried out. The instrument presented adequate psychometric qualities (Cronbach´s Alpha >0.8; CFI >0.95; RMSEA <0.07) and showed good results regarding the Invariance Measurement between longitudinal samples (configural, metric and scalar), in agreement with data from the instrument's manual. Regarding the temporal stability there was an increase in Cronbach's Alpha values and Pearson's correlations were significant and positive. The results showed adequate psychometric quality with temporal stability, however, the need of future studies is emphasized, especially considering that the application was made using only one professional category, from one organization and region. (AU)
El objetivo del presente artículo es evaluar la estabilidad temporal del UWES, instrumento de evaluación del compromiso laboral, constructo caracterizado por elevado vigor, dedicación y concentración en el trabajo. La muestra fue compuesta por 423 trabajadores de teleoperación y se utilizó el método test/retest mediante un intervalo de tiempo de un mes, con empleo de análisis descriptivos y de confiabilidad. Como resultado, el instrumento mantuvo calidad psicométrica adecuada (alfa de Cronbach>0,8; CFI>0,95; RMSEA<0,07) además de buenos resultados que atestiguan su invarianza de medida entre las colectas longitudinales (configural, métrica y escalar), datos alineados con el manual del instrumento. Con respecto a la estabilidad temporal, hubo acrecimiento de los valores del alfa de Cronbach y correlaciones significativas y positivas. Se sugiere que los resultados obtenidos denotan una adecuada calidad psicométrica con estabilidad temporal, sin embargo, se resalta la necesidad de nuevos estudios, especialmente por la aplicación solo haber sido realizada en una categoría profesional, una empresa y región determinada. (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Work Engagement , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, StatisticalABSTRACT
El objetivo principal de este estudio fue examinar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión en español de la escala Utrecht de engagement en el trabajo (UWES) en su versión de 17 ítems para la evaluación de trabajadores de la salud en Uruguay. La muestra se compuso de 1324 trabajadores de ambos sexos (63.7% de mujeres) de diferentes instituciones de salud, públicas (45.7%) y privadas (54.3%), de Montevideo y del interior del país (64.4% y 35.6% respectivamente). Los análisis de consistencia interna, mediante coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, revelan niveles satisfactorios de consistencia interna de la escala total y los tres factores, y refuerzan la evidencia de debilidad de dos ítems de la escala. Los análisis de estructura factorial a partir de un análisis factorial confirmatorio, muestran el ajuste medianamente aceptable del modelo trifactorial a los datos, aunque los elevados índices de correlación entre los factores latentes indican que un modelo unifactorial también podría ser aceptable. La evidencia de este estudio sugiere que la versión en español del UWES-17 puede ser un instrumento válido y confiable para la medición del compromiso y sus tres factores en los trabajadores de salud en Uruguay.
The aim of this paper was to examine the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) in its 17-item version for the assessment of health workers in Uruguay. The sample consisted of 1,324 workers of both sexes (63.7% of women) from different health institutions, public (45.7%) and private (54.3%), in Montevideo and from the rest of the country (64.4% and 35.6% respectively). The internal consistency analyzes, employing Cronbach's alpha coefficient, reveal satisfactory levels of internal consistency for the total scale and the three factors, and reinforce the evidence of weakness of two items on the scale. The factorial structure analyzes by confirmatory factor analysis show an adequate fit of the trifactorial model to the data, although the high correlation between the latent factors could indicate that the unifactorial model may also be acceptable. Evidence from this study suggests that the Spanish version of the UWES-17 may be a valid and reliable instrument for the measurement of engagement and its three factors in health workers in Uruguay.
This brief report examines the within-network construct validity of the UWES-9S in a convenience sample of 1502 Chilean students (52% were female) ranging between 18 and 25 years old. The results of confirmatory factor analysis supported a solution with three related factors that fit significantly better than a one-factor solution. The three subscales (i.e., vigor, dedication, and absorption) and the overall UWES-9S showed satisfactory internal consistency. The results of multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis supported gender invariance. Overall, the UWES-9S was found to be a reliable and valid scale to assess academic engagement in Chilean undergraduate university students.
Resumen Este trabajo tiene por objeto aplicar la escala UWES-S a los sujetos que se están formando como profesores y estudiar la inferencia de las variables sociodemográficas y personales en el compromiso con sus estudios. Material y Método: Para esta investigación, instrumental y empírica, se ha utilizado la versión española del Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-S), adaptada a dichos estudios, que evalúa el grado de compromiso individual (motivación) del sujeto hacia la actividad que realiza. El cuestionario comprende 17 ítems, con escala Likert de cinco posiciones. Se han usado cuatro programas estadísticos: SPSS.22, Factor.10, MPlus.7 y G*Pwer Han participado 373 estudiantes del grado de Maestro (n = 196 de Educación Primaria, n = 85 de Educación Infantil) y n = 92 del Máster de Formación del Profesorado de Secundaria) de dos universidades del norte y sur de España, y una universidad de Chile. Tras el análisis de resultados y la discusión, se concluye que existen diferencias significativas en cuanto al sexo y situación geográfica de las universidades. Las mujeres se sienten más comprometidas con sus estudios, así como los estudiantes del sur de España y los latinoamericanos, al compararlos con los del norte.
Abstract This paper undertook to apply the UWES-S scale to the individuals training as teachers, and to study the inference of sociodemographic and personal variables with their commitment in their studies. Material and method: This is an instrumental and empirical research wherein we utilized the Spanish version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-UWES-S, which evaluates the degree of individual commitment inherent in the activity performed. This survey contains 17 items under a Likert scale of 5 positions. We utilized three statistical software programs: SPSS.22, Factor.10, MPlus.7, and G*Pwer 373 Education Undergraduate students (n=196 of Primary, n=85 of Preschool) and n=92 students under the Master Degree in Secondary Education partook in this study. Say students appertained to two Universities of north and south of Spain, and a University of Chile. After analyzing the results and the discussion, we have concluded that there are significant differences in the personal variables, both in the social demographical character and the geographical location of the Universities. In addition, the female students, and students from southern Spain and Latin America, are more committed to their studies as compared to students from the North of Spain.
Rescue workers have a stressful and risky occupation where being engaged is crucial to face physical and emotional risks in order to help other persons. This study aims to estimate work engagement levels of rescue workers (namely comparing nurses, firefighters, and police officers) and to assess the validity evidence related to the internal structure of the Portuguese versions of the UWES-17 and UWES-9, namely, dimensionality, measurement invariance between occupational groups, and reliability of the scores. To evaluate the dimensionality, we compared the fit of the three-factor model with the fit of a second-order model. A Portuguese version of the instrument was applied to a convenience sample of 3,887 rescue workers (50% nurses, 39% firefighters, and 11% police officers). Work engagement levels were moderate to high, with firefighters being the highest and nurses being the lowest engaged. Psychometric properties were evaluated in the three-factor original structure revealing acceptable fit to the data in the UWES-17, although the UWES-9 had better psychometric properties. Given the observed statistically significant correlations between the three original factors, we proposed a 2nd hierarchal structure that we named work engagement. The UWES-9 first-order model obtained full uniqueness measurement invariance, and the second-order model obtained partial (metric) second-order invariance.
O engagement no trabalho é considerado como um estado cognitivo positivo de realização, relacionado com o mundo laboral, que se caracteriza por três dimensões: vigor, dedicação e absorção. Este é formado por um componente comportamental-energético (vigor), um componente emocional (dedicação) e um componente cognitivo (absorção). O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma revisão de publicações científicas internacionais acerca do constructo. O estudo do engagement no trabalho vem como consequência de inúmeras pesquisas realizadas sobre a síndrome de burnout, corroborando com as premissas da psicologia positiva. Conclui-se que existe deficiência de publicações neste constructo, principalmente em se tratando do contexto brasileiro.(AU)
Work engagement is considered as a positive cognitive state, of realization, related to the labour world, characterized by three dimensions: vigor, dedication and absorption. This construct is composed by a energetic-behavioral component (vigor), a emotional component (dedication), and a cognitive component (absorption). The objective of this study is to present a revision of the scientific international publications about the theme. The study of work engagement comes as a consequence of a numerous researches about the burnout syndrome, corroborating with the positive psychology premises. It's concludes that there is a deficiency of publications about this construct, mainly in the Brazilian context.(AU)
Humans , Burnout, Professional , Energy-Generating Resources , Work/psychologyABSTRACT
O engagement no trabalho é considerado como um estado cognitivo positivo de realização, relacionado com o mundo laboral, que se caracteriza por três dimensões: vigor, dedicação e absorção. Este é formado por um componente comportamental-energético (vigor), um componente emocional (dedicação) e um componente cognitivo (absorção). O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma revisão de publicações científicas internacionais acerca do constructo. O estudo do engagement no trabalho vem como consequência de inúmeras pesquisas realizadas sobre a síndrome de burnout, corroborando com as premissas da psicologia positiva. Conclui-se que existe deficiência de publicações neste constructo, principalmente em se tratando do contexto brasileiro.
Work engagement is considered as a positive cognitive state, of realization, related to the labour world, characterized by three dimensions: vigor, dedication and absorption. This construct is composed by a energetic-behavioral component (vigor), a emotional component (dedication), and a cognitive component (absorption). The objective of this study is to present a revision of the scientific international publications about the theme. The study of work engagement comes as a consequence of a numerous researches about the burnout syndrome, corroborating with the positive psychology premises. It's concludes that there is a deficiency of publications about this construct, mainly in the Brazilian context.