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Investig. desar ; 32(2): 212-237, jul.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575122


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ABSTRACT University social responsibility is a set of actions that helps to promote the active participation of students in their university education, with ethical conduct to create a culture of social commitment based on values and academic quality. The main role of the university is to develop the functions of teaching, research and social responsibility; this allows creating a broader vision of the needs in the community, generating competent professionals and causing a positive impact (Palomino, Vázquez, Vicente, & Tomás, 2019). Objective: To identify the main authors of the subject from the systematic review of the literature, to point out the four axis that RSU has and the four university impacts. Materials and methods: This research is exploratory and documentary with a qualitative approach. The information sources used correspond to consultation pages, among which are: Google academic, and Likewise, inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to collect information and the results obtained were delimited after adding search conditions such as the year interval from 2017 to 2023. Another limitation is that they were only review articles and in any language. Results: The results obtained were 10 definitions of prominent authors which haves an impact on the fact that the University social responsibility has 8 dimensions among which are: Responsible Campus, Citizen Education, Social Knowledge Management, and Mutual Learning Communities for Development, Organizational, Educational, Cognitive and social. The four axis of the RSU are the basis of the organizations to be able to fulfill the mission that each university community pursues. Within the responsible campus, care is taken to ensure that environmental and sustainable care is met and students are taught to participate in it. , responsible citizen and professional training, deontology, which is the duty of people, this helps the university community to do things ethically and with good morals inside and outside universities, knowledge management is a of the main tasks of higher education institutions, social work, the reason for being of various organizations, thanks to which they can disseminate their knowledge and contribute to the development of community and group culture, and finally the need for The society of inclusion and communication between people occur within communities of mutual learning for development. The organizational impacts, within the RSU, impact people, management and sustainability. The educational impacts are related to the training of students (their ethics, their way of interpreting the world and the social role that corresponds to them) and involves all university processes (curriculum, central administration and knowledge management policies). Cognitive impacts are the dissemination of knowledge and social impacts are the relationship within and on the university campus, the treatment and participation of students; Students in the different branches offered. When reviewing and reading the different existing articles, it was observed that there is little information regarding the RSU, focusing on a chronology of the different authors from 2014 to date. Within the articles reviewed, it can be defined that RSU trains, teaches, supports, promotes, guides and organizes; involving the student community, teachers, administrative and managerial staff. The RSU transmits responsible knowledge, ethical principles and helps to train responsible citizen professionals. Conclusion: After studying the literary review, it can be mentioned that all the axis of the RSU must have the participation of the students and all the people who make up the university community in order to have a responsible university, both internally and externally, according to the different concepts that are mentioned of University Social Responsibility; In other words, it is a way to help the professional and civic training of all students, since this is part of what social responsibility seeks. It is mentioned that university students must get involved in real problems within their professional and civic training, since this helps to create links between learning and social responsibility and thus be able to promote human development, both ethically and morally, as that participation in the different projects that the same institution carries out in its activities will grow.Ramírez (2020),Quezada and Rodríguez (2019),Arauco and Apaza (2022),Évora (2017), agree that RSU is reflected in the existence of four axis for the socially responsible management of universities, so that the students are aware that everything that is done within the institution will be reflected outside of it. Complying with Social Responsibility in higher education is a transformation resource that promotes compliance with transparent practices and ethical conduct for sustainable development, generating social well-being on the university campus for the comprehensive and ideal training of its students. Currently, globalization leads to constant changes in organizations and forces them to be able to identify their challenges for the new trends that their environment requires. Therefore, globalization, competition, technology, social responsibility, knowledge and intangible assets demand serious modifications in their structures and strategies from companies.Niebles Nuñez et al. (2018)the universities have the important mission of equitably distributing knowledge and social information. That is why universities must assume the position of University Social Responsibility and analyze whether effective or null knowledge is being provided. The current era is characterized by its constant change, in social demands, in the role of traditional actors, in the situation at the regional and international level, in development approaches (Uribe et al., 2020). Addressing the issue of RSU requires articulating the various parts of the institution in an equitable and sustainable social promotion project, for the production and transmission of responsible knowledge and the training of equally responsible citizen professionals (Mosquera Tayupanta and Alba Granados, 2021; Peña y otros, 2017). There is a proposal for university social responsibility that provides a space for participation in the activities carried out and that are adapted to the new acquisition modalities for students, in addition to the fact that university social responsibility seeks not only to work on the axis of transformation within of the institution, but is also aimed at the entire society that is involved (Pedró, 2019). The university must promote the participation of its students in cultural, social, sports and environmental activities.

F1000Res ; 12: 1340, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39086606


Objective: To evaluate the scientific production on university social responsibility (USR) from institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. Methods: A bibliometric analysis was conducted on documents published in indexed journals in the Scopus database from its inception until April 2023. Eligible documents included those on USR describing experiences carried out by universities in Latin America and the Caribbean. The number of articles per author, average authors per article, average citations per article, and the number of documents with one or more author were described. Bibliometric indicators regarding authors per article, co-authors per article, and institutional collaboration were presented. Bibliometric networks were constructed based on bibliographic coupling analysis of documents by countries and term co-occurrence in titles and abstracts. Results: Of a total of 4075 documents retrieved from Scopus, 150 were included. Documents published between 1997 and 2023 were identified, with an average annual growth rate of 2.7%. A total of 439 authors were identified, 18 articles had a single author, and an average of 0.3 articles per author and a co-authorship index of 3.13 were found. The percentage of international collaborations was 30.7%. Brazil had the highest proportion of publications (26.4%), followed by Chile (17%) and Colombia (13.2%). Opción and Revista de Ciencias Sociales were the journals with the highest number of articles published (13 each). In the analysis of term co-occurrence, recent years showed an increase in the use of terms related to e-learning, information and communication technologies, virtual education, COVID-19, sustainable development goals, and URSULA (initiative on USR in institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean). Conclusions: A growth in scientific production on USR in Latin America and the Caribbean was identified. The interest in USR documents in recent years has been focused on COVID-19 and the challenges of virtual education and sustainable development.

Bibliometrics , Social Responsibility , Latin America , Caribbean Region , Universities , Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , Authorship , Publishing/statistics & numerical data , Publishing/trends
Educ. med. super ; 34(2): e2129, abr.-jun. 2020.
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1124691


Introducción: La inactividad física constituye uno de los principales factores de riesgo de morbimortalidad a nivel mundial y son causa fundamental de las enfermedades no transmisibles. En cambio, la actividad física regular durante el curso de la vida proporciona beneficios para la salud física y mental. No obstante, aun resultan insuficientes las acciones intersectoriales que potencien alianzas estratégicas, en aras de evidenciar el rol de la actividad física como componente del estilo de vida saludable. Objetivo: Identificar la responsabilidad social del Centro de Estudio para la Actividad Física, el Deporte y la Promoción de la Salud, en la formación de capacidades para la producción, la transferencia, la diseminación y la aplicación de conocimientos en el contexto de la actividad física para la salud. Desarrollo: La inactividad física, por su estrecha relación comórbida con la obesidad y el sobrepeso, la diabetes, la hipertensión, la hipercolesterolemia, entre otras, da al traste con los principales problemas de salud durante el curso de la vida, lo cual reclama de un enfoque sistémico, integrador e intersectorial, así como de la formación de recursos humanos competentes para ello. Conclusiones: El Centro de Estudios para la Actividad Física, el Deporte y la Promoción de Salud evidencia su pertinencia académica e investigativa, al devenir en un actor clave en la producción, la distribución y el uso del conocimiento sobre la actividad física para la salud, y articular las necesidades del contexto social y el proyecto universitario, alineados con las prioridades nacionalmente establecidas(AU)

Introduction: Physical inactivity is one of the main risk factors for morbidity and mortality worldwide and its fundamental cause is non-communicable diseases. In contrast, regular physical activity during the span of life provides physical and mental health benefits. However, there are still insufficient intersector actions for strengthening strategic alliances, in view of demonstrating the role of physical activity as a component of the healthy lifestyle. Objective: To identify the social responsibility of the University of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences, particularly its Center for Studies on Physical Activity, Sports and Health Promotion, in the formation of capacities for knowledge production, transfer, dissemination and application in the context of physical activity for health. Development: Physical inactivity, due to its close comorbid relationship with obesity and overweight, diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, among others, disrupts into the main health problems during the lifespan, which demands a systemic, integrative and intersector approach, as well as the training of competent human resources for it. Conclusions: The Center for Studies on Physical Activity, Sports and Health Promotion proves its academic and research relevance, insofar as it becomes a key stakeholder in the production, distribution and use of knowledge about physical activity for health, and articulates the needs of the social context and the university project, aligned with nationally established priorities(AU)

Humans , Exercise , Overweight , Sedentary Behavior , Healthy Lifestyle , Health Promotion , Obesity
Entramado ; 15(2): 188-200, July-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090234


Resumen Objetivo: Proponer directrices para el desarrollo de prácticas académicas integradoras con base en la investigación formativa y la responsabilidad social universitaria. Metodología: Investigación mixta con aplicación de dos instrumentos de recolección de información: cuantitativo (encuesta) y cualitativo (grupo focal). Para el análisis de la información se utilizó la triangulación metodológica. En el análisis cualitativo se utilizó el software Atlas-ti, Versión 5.0 y en el cuantitativo, el Programa Estadístico para Ciencias Sociales (SPSS), versión 22, 2012. Resultados y discusión: La formación integral en los perfiles diversos de las prácticas académicas en varios contextos (industrial, clínico, investigativo, comunitario y normativo) debe articularse con las experiencias de formación de diversas universidades a escala nacional e internacional. Se evidencia la necesidad de desarrollar una cultura investigativa, integrando el desempeño en la docencia, la investigación y las actividades de extensión solidaria. Conclusión: Las prácticas académicas deben fomentar en los estudiantes capacidades y habilidades comunicativas que conduzcan al desarrollo social. Es necesario reorientar las prácticas hacia el logro de una mayor autonomía y flexibilidad en la investigación formativa. Se requiere crear conciencia en la comunidad académica de la necesidad de debatir en torno a la definición del objeto de estudio disciplinar y la responsabilidad social universitaria.

Abstract Objective: To propose guidelines for the development of integrating academic practices based on formative research and university social responsibility. Methodology: Mixed research with application of two instruments of information collection: quantitative (survey) and qualitative (focus group). Methodological triangulation was used to analyze the information. In the qualitative analysis we used the Atlas-ti software, Version 5.0 and in the quantitative one, the Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22, 20l2. Results and discussion: The integral formation in the different profiles of the academic practices in several contexts (industrial, clinical, investigative, communitarian and normative) must articulate with the experiences of formation of diverse universities at a national and international scale. The need to develop a research culture is evident, integrating the performance in teaching, research, and solidarity extension activities. Conclusion: Academic practices should encourage students' communication skills and abilities that lead to social development. It is necessary to reorient the practices toward achieving greater autonomy and flexibility in formative research. It is necessary to create awareness in the academic community of the need to debate around the definition of the subject of disciplinary study and university social responsibility. Academic practices should encourage students' communication skills and abilities that lead to social development. It is necessary to reorient the practices toward achieving greater autonomy and flexibility in formative research. It is necessary to create awareness in the academic community of the need to debate around the definition of the subject of disciplinary study and university social responsibility

Resumo Objetivo: Propor diretrizes para o desenvolvimento de práticas acadêmicas integrativas baseadas em pesquisa formativa e responsabilidade social universitária. Metodologia: Pesquisa mista com a aplicação de dois instrumentos de coleta de informações: quantitativa (pesquisa) e qualitativa (grupo focal). Para a análise das informações foi utilizada a triangulação metodológica. Na análise qualitativa, utilizou-se o software Atlas-ti, versão 5.0 e, no quantitativo, o Programa Estatístico de Ciências Sociais (SPSS), versão 22, 20l2. Resultados e discussão: Treinamento abrangente nos diversos perfis de práticas acadêmicas em vários contextos (industrial, clínico, investigativo, comunitário e regulatório) devem ser articulados com as experiências de treinamento de várias universidades em nível nacional e internacional. A necessidade de desenvolver uma cultura de pesquisa é evidente, integrando atividades de desempenho docente, pesquisa e extensão solidária. Conclusão: As práticas acadêmicas devem incentivar os alunos com habilidades de comunicação e habilidades que levam ao desenvolvimento social. É necessário reorientar as práticas para alcançar maior autonomia e flexibilidade na pesquisa formativa. É necessário conscientizar a comunidade acadêmica sobre a necessidade de discutir a definição do objeto de estudo disciplinar e de responsabilidade social da universidade.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-905772


El momento histórico que viven los países en Latinoamérica, está reclamando con urgencia el aporte de la educación superior. En este sentido el presente trabajo muestra los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo con un grupo de actores universitarios, personal no docente, de cinco universidades de América Latina. El objetivo fue conocer las creencias que sobre el ámbito organizacional de la RSU, tienen 350 personas vinculadas al sector administrativo de cinco universidades de América Latina: Católica de Colombia, Loja de Ecuador, Tecnológica de Paraguay, Yucatán de México y Francisco Gavidia de El Salvador. Se aplicó la encuesta elaborada para tal fin, por Valleys, De la Cruz y Sasia (2009) de cinco dimensiones, ajustada para este propósito. Los resultados muestran que la valoración más positiva de los participantes, se ubica en el componente denominado relaciones interpersonales con 4.71 en la opción de acuerdo. Este proceso básico y fundamental en la vida y construcción socio- afectiva de las personas, da cuenta del grado en que influimos y somos influidos por el comportamiento de los demás, de ahí su importancia para la materialización de los planteamientos de la Responsabilidad social universitaria.

The historical moment that countries live in Latin America, is calling urgently the contribution of higher education. In this sense, the present work shows the results of a research carried out with a group of university actors, non-teaching staff, five universities in Latin America. The objective was to know the beliefs about the organizational environment of the RSU, 350 people linked to the administrative sector of five Latin American universities: Catholic of Colombia, Loja of Ecuador, Technological of Paraguay, Yucatan of Mexico and Francisco Gavidia of El Salvador. The survey developed for this purpose by Valleys, De la Cruz and Sasia (2009) of five dimensions, adjusted for this purpose. The results show that the most positive evaluation of the participants is located in the component called interpersonal relations with 4.71 in the agreement option. This basic and fundamental process in the life and socio-affective construction of people accounts for the degree to which we influence and are influenced by the behavior of others, hence their importance for the materialization of the approaches of university social responsibility.

Entramado ; 12(1)jun. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534358


Ante las dinámicas sociales del mundo actual, la educación a distancia se ha convertido en la principal estrategia orientada al aumento de capacidades y oportunidades para alcanzar niveles óptimos de bienestar social. No obstante, a pesar de programas flexibles que facilitan la vinculación universitaria como Tecnología y Gestión Empresarial, ofertados por el Instituto de Proyección Regional y Educación a Distan-cia-IPRED de la Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS, el número de graduados en comparación con los ingresantes no es el esperado: durante el periodo 2007-2009 se identificó un índice de abandono del 55 % y 28% respectivamente. Este estudio cuantitativo de diseño descriptivo a partir de la muestra aleatoria estratificada permite la identificación de características, patrones de conducta y actitudes, para señalar los comportamientos concretos de los desertores. Como resultado, se estableció que las motivaciones socioeconómicas de abandono escolar están interconectadas con otras variables, afirmando un fenómeno multicausal que orienta a la construcción de estrategias socialmente responsables de seguimiento y permanencia, en procura de su disminución, en el marco de la Responsabilidad Social de la UIS.

In light of the social dynamics in today's world, Distance Education has become the main strategy aimed to increase capacities and opportunities, in order to achieve optimal levels of social welfare. However despite of the flexible programs that facilitate university linkage such as Technology and Business Management, offered by Instituto de Proyección Regional y Educación a Distancia - IPRED of Universidad Industrial de Santander-UIS, the number of graduates compared to the number of newcomers is not the expected: during the period of 2007-2009 it was identified a dropout index of 55% and 28% respectively. This quantitative study of descriptive design it's based in a stratified random sample, and allows the identification of characteristics, behavior patterns and attitudes, in order to indicate the specific behavior of the deserters. As a result, it was established that socioeconomic motivations of dropout are interconnected with other variables, affirming a multi-causal phenomenon that guides the construction of socially responsible strategies of monitoring and permanence, in the pursuit of its decrease, in the framework of Social Responsibility of UIS.

Dada a dinâmica social do mundo de hoje, a educação a distância se tornou a principal estratégia destinada a aumentar as capacidades e oportunidades para atingir níveis ideais de bem-estar social. No entanto, apesar dos programas flexíveis que facilitam a ligação universidade como Tecnologia e Gestão de Negócios, oferecido pelo Instituto de alcance regional e Educação a Distância-IPRED da Universidade Industrial de Santander - UIS, o número de graduados em comparação com ingresantes não se espera: durante o período de 2007-2009 uma queda do índice de 55% e 28%, respectivamente, foi identificado. Este projeto estudo descritivo quantitativo a partir de amostra aleatória estratificada permite a identificação de características, padrões de comportamento e atitudes, para indicar o comportamento específico dos desertores. Como resultado, foi estabelecido que as motivações socioeconómicas das desistências estão interligadas com outras variáveis, alegando um fenômeno multicausal que visa a construção de estratégias de monitoramento e permanência socialmente responsável, em busca de seu declínio, no âmbito da Responsabilidade Social a UIS.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-905673


La universidad latinoamericana está en deuda con las grandes mayorías poblacionales, que le reclaman por su rol protagónico en la sociedad. Le cuestionan el fin del conocimiento construido en las aulas y laboratorios, y le pide que se mire así misma, si realmente quiere hacer realidad los principios Misionales que la mayoría plantea, de ser aliadas del progreso social y humano. Este reclamo se recoge en lo que hoy día se llama el movimiento de la Responsabilidad social universitaria-RSU- el cual comparte vínculos ontológicos, políticos y éticos con la psicología comunitaria. La participación como proceso fundamental en estos paradigmas, tiene en cuenta a uno de los actores principales de la educación superior, cual es el estudiante. El objetivo fue conocer las creencias que sobre el ámbito organizacional de la RSU, tienen 500 estudiantes de cinco universidades de América Latina: Católica de Colombia, Loja de Ecuador, Tecnológica de Paraguay, Yucatán de México y Francisco Gavidia de El Salvador. Se aplicó la encuesta elaborada para tal fin, por Valleys, De la Cruz y Sasia (2009) de cinco dimensiones: derechos humanos, equidad y no discriminación; desarrollo personal y profesional; campus sostenible; buen gobierno, comunicación y marketing responsable. El hallazgo más importante es que el 45,2% de los estudiantes de las cinco universidades, están totalmente de acuerdo en afirmar que no perciben discriminación por género, por raza, nivel socioeconómico, u orientación política o sexual. Este es un dato alentador, ya que la discriminación es una condición que debe desaparecer por completo de la vida universitaria y de la sociedad en general.

The Latin American university is indebted to the large population majorities, who have begun to reclaim its leading role in society. You question the purpose of constructed knowledge in classrooms and laboratories, and asks her to look at herself, if you really want to make the principles Mission pose reality that most, if allies of social and human progress. This claim is reflected in what today is called the movement of university-RSU- social responsibility which shares ontological, political and ethical linkages with community psychology. Participation as a fundamental process in these paradigms into account in this investigation one of the main actors in higher education, which is the student. The objective was to know the beliefs on the organizational level of the RSU have 500 students from five universities in Latin America: Católica de Colombia, Ecuador Loja, Technology Paraguay, Mexico and Yucatan Francisco Gavidia of El Salvador. The elaborate survey for this purpose by Valleys, De la Cruz and Sasia (2009) was applied five dimensions: human rights, equality and non-discrimination; personal and professional development; sustainable campus; Good Governance: responsible communication and marketing). The results show that the most important finding is that 45.2% of students of the five universities were totally agree that no perceived discrimination by gender, race, socioeconomic status, or political or sexual orientation. While this is a fact that at first glance is encouraging, discrimination is a condition that must disappear completely from university life and society in general.

Trab. educ. saúde ; 11(3): 487-501, set.-dez. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-686106


O artigo apresenta a discussão da compreensão da terceirização do trabalho docente no ensino superior privado, realizado por meio de cooperativas de mão de obra, à luz da responsabilidade social da educação superior. Conceitualiza a responsabilidade social, privilegiando duas abordagens: a normativa, de ordem legal, e a ética, direcionada ao desenvolvimento humano. Examina a coerência ética que deve existir na gestão universitária no equacionamento das exigências de maximização de recursos visando a ganhos de competitividade, com os princípios e valores que deveriam nortear os empreendimentos educacionais dentro de um cenário marcado pelas exigências e demandas do Estado e da sociedade por uma maior responsabilidade social da educação superior, principalmente do setor privado.

This article focuses on understanding the outsourcing of teaching in private higher education, carried out by means of labor cooperatives, under the light of the social responsibility of higher education. It conceptualizes social responsibility by focusing on two approaches: normative, which is legal in nature, and the ethical, which is directed to human development. The author examines the ethical coherence there must be in the university management process when addressing the requirements of maximizing resources aimed at gains in competitiveness, with the principles and values that should guide the educational endeavors within a scenario marked by the requirements and demands of the State and of society for the increased social responsibility of higher education, especially in the private sector.

Humans , Work , Outsourced Services , Faculty