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Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(2): 13-17, jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551242


El vocablo "universidad" viene del latín universitas, término que hace referencia a "totalidad" o "reunido en un todo". Históricamente fue conformado por el grupo de "los que enseñan" y el de "los que aprenden". Una de las primeras universidades fue la Universidad de Bologna donde si bien predominaban los estudios jurídicos, también se dictaban filosofía, teología, farmacia, astronomía, matemáticas y medicina. Su contrapartida fue la Universidad de París, donde se enseñaba fundamentalmente teología. En esta última institución los pontífices se reservaron la vigilancia de su actuación y enseñanza. La universidad moderna surge del modelo de Guillermo Humboldt, en el que se restablece la coexistencia de la ciencia y la investigación, que constituyen el germen de nuestra relación docencia - investigación. En las universidades de América Latina se destaca la reforma universitaria de Córdoba, uno de cuyos puntos centrales fue la autonomía universitaria, definida como la facultad de los estudiantes de dirigir la Universidad sin la intromisión de los poderes del estado, en el ámbito propio de la deliberación y la decisión libre de los alumnos y maestros, despojados de toda autoridad diferente a su capacidad docente. (AU)

The word "university" comes from the Latin universitas, a term that refers to "totality" or "united as a whole". Historically it was formed by the group of "those who teach" and "those who learn". One of the first universities was the University of Bologna where, although legal studies predominated, philosophy, theology, pharmacy, astronomy, mathematics and medicine were also taught. Its counterpart was the University of Paris, where theology was the main subject. In the latter institution, the pontiffs reserved for themselves the supervision of their actions and teaching. The modern university arises from the model of William Humboldt, in which the conjunction of science and research is reestablished, which constitute the germ of our teaching-research relationship. In Latin American universities, the university reform of Córdoba stands out, one of the central points of which was university autonomy defined as the faculty of students to direct the University, without the interference of the powers of the state, in the proper scope of deliberation and free decision of students and teachers, stripped of any other authority different from their teaching capacity. (AU)

Universities/trends , Education, Medical/history , Argentina , Teaching , Universities/history , History of Medicine , Latin America
Ann Diagn Pathol ; 59: 151955, 2022 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35724542


Many scientists were forced to leave Germany mostly under challenging circumstances as a result of the pressure applied to anti-Nazi German scientists and artists (mostly from the medical field) who were or were not of Jewish origin before World War II. They emigrated primarily to the United States, Switzerland, Turkey and South America. Two eminent pathology professors, namely Prof. Philipp Schwartz (from Frankfurt) and Prof. Sigfried Oberndorfer (from Munich) came to Istanbul University. They regarded Turkey as their second homeland. They were obliged to leave Germany due to mounting pressure. Schwartz settled in his father-in-law's house in Zurich. Schwartz was an organizer. He established the "Emergency Society of German Scholars Abroad" (Notgemeinschaft) to gather German scientists and artists in his situation. During the same period, the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk wanted to apply reforms at Istanbul University to make it attain a Western structure. He invited Swiss pedagogue Prof. Malche and asked him to prepare a report for this purpose. Malche highlighted the need for Western experts is advised. Contact was made with Schwartz's organization in Switzerland. Numerous scientists specialized in almost all fields of science starting with medicine as well as many artists came to Istanbul University and other public institutions. Schwartz established the Pathology Department at Istanbul University while Prof. Oberndorfer established the Department of Experimental Pathology at the same university. Schwartz enabled pathology to gain a contemporary identity in Turkey. Pathology was mostly focused on autopsy during those years. Schwartz attached importance to the pathology training of medical students. He initiated clinico-pathology classes and encouraged surgeons to take a biopsy for surgical pathology. He produced numerous publications. Schwartz worked in Turkey for 19 years and then moved to the US. Thus, a generation of pathologists following the footsteps of Schwartz was raised in Turkey. Frankfurt University, in which he was obliged to leave, erected a stele in his memory at the entrance of the main hospital building. Schwartz thus became an unforgotten savior.

National Socialism , World War II , Germany , History, 20th Century , Humans , National Socialism/history , Pathologists , Turkey
Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 18(1): 45-55, 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026581


Este ensayo discute el tema de la internacionalización e integración regional de la Educación Superior a partir de un ejercicio de memoria histórica en el que se rescatan los componentes centrales del proceso que originó la Reforma de 1918 en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina), protagonizada por el movimiento estudiantil de esa casa de estudios y que luego se extendió a otras universidades latinoamericanas. Para eso se abordan: el análisis político de los procesos de internacionalización e integración regional universitaria contemporáneos; los elementos centrales que permiten recuperar ideas de la Reforma Universitaria de 1918 y de su alcance como movimiento universitario a escala latinoamericana y el análisis de ese proceso efectuado en la época por José Carlos Mariátegui, intelectual marxista peruano que apoyó esas iniciativas.

Este ensaio discute a questão da internacionalização e integração regional da Educação Superior a partir de um exercício de memória histórica em que são resgatados os componentes centrais do processo que originou a Reforma de 1918, na Universidade Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina), protagonizada pelo movimento estudantil daquela casa de estudos e que depois se estendeu a outras universidades latino-americanas. Para tanto, são abordados: a análise política dos processos de internacionalização e integração universitária regional contemporânea; os elementos centrais que nos permitem recuperar as idéias da Reforma Universitária de 1918 e seu alcance como movimento universitário em escala latino-americana e a análise desse processo realizado na época por José Carlos Mariátegui, intelectual marxista peruano que apoiou essas iniciativas.

This essay discusses the issue of the internationalization and regional integration of Higher Education from an exercise of historical memory in which the central components of the process that originated the 1918 Reform at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina, were rescued as a protagonist to the student movement of that house of studies and then extended to other Latin American universities. For that, they are approached: the political analysis of the processes of internationalization and contemporary regional university integration; the central elements that allow us to recover ideas of the University Reform of 1918 and its scope as a university movement on a Latin American scale and the analysis of that process carried out at the time by José Carlos Mariátegui, a Peruvian Marxist intellectual who supported these initiatives.

Public Policy
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-981205


La figura del Profesor de Filosofía Risieri Frondizi, egresado del Instituto del Profesorado Secundario en 1935 representa el contrapunto entre la tradición de una filosofía que rozaba lo psicológico y de una psicología que abrevaba en conceptos filosóficos. El presente artículo indaga sobre la recuperación de las tradiciones discursivas del reformismo en Argentina a través de la figura de Risieri Frondizi a partir del planteo que realiza el autor de los conceptos de "valor" y "contexto situacional". La indagación muestra que los referentes teóricos utilizados por el autor le permitieron releer el relativismo del valor afectivo acuñado por Alejandro Korn por "contexto situacional" y de este modo resolver el viejo problema de los valores: ya no serán entes trascendentales, inmanentes o innatos que excluían al sujeto. El valor se construye ahora a partir de una relación dialéctica de aspectos subjetivos y objetivos en un contexto situacional determinado.

The figure of Professor of Philosophy Risieri Frondizi, graduated from the Institute of Secondary Teachers in 1935 represents the counterpoint between the tradition of a philosophy that touched the psychological and a psychology that emptied into philosophical concepts. This article explores the recovery of the discursive traditions of reformism in Argentina through the figure of Risieri Frondizi based on the author\'s approach to the concepts of \"value\" and \"situational context\". The investigation shows that the theoretical referents used by the author allowed him to reread the relativism of the affective value coined by Alejandro Korn for \"situational context\" and in this way to solve the old problem of values: they will no longer be transcendental, immanent or innate entities that they excluded the subject. The value is now constructed from a dialectical relationship of subjective and objective aspects in a given situational context.

Humans , Modernization of the Public Sector
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 37(2): 418-431, abr.-jun. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-842159


Resumo Este artigo visa analisar a consciência de bolsistas do Programa Universidade para Todos (ProUni), partindo da compreensão apresentada por eles sobre sua inserção e vivência na graduação. Primeiramente, faz-se uma descrição histórica do Ensino Superior brasileiro, focando na política educacional do ProUni, em seguida uma leitura da Psicologia Crítica e do papel do psicólogo no Ensino Superior, finalizando na descrição do Processo de Tomada de Consciência. As técnicas para busca de dados foram diários de campo de uma das autoras das reuniões presenciais e etnografia virtual de um grupo virtual de prounistas. Foram sistematizadas cinco categorias de análise a partir da etnografia virtual e, além dessas, mais uma (totalizando seis) categoria de análise pelos quatro diários de campo. São elas: Assistência e Permanência Estudantil, Comprovação de renda, Organização do grupo, Preconceito, Visão do ProUni e Solidariedade entre prounistas. A análise dos dados relacionou os objetivos e as informações obtidas. Foi encontrada uma maior quantidade de mulheres participantes dos grupos presencial e virtual. No grupo virtual apenas a primeira forma de consciência – alienação – foi encontrada na maioria dos estudantes. Nas reuniões presenciais, por estarem vivenciando a organização conjunta, foi possível identificar todas as formas desse processo. Concluiu-se que foi possível identificar diferenças no processo de tomada de consciência dos estudantes prounistas partindo dos espaços de auto-organização. Necessita-se de maiores estudos sobre como o preconceito vivenciado pelos prounistas influencia em seu processo de tomada de consciência.

Abstract This article aims to analyze the awareness of scholarship students of the University for All Program (ProUnistas) from the conception they have about their experiences and insertion in undergraduate courses. First, a historical description of the Brazilian higher education, focusing on educational policy ProUni was made; then a reading of Critical Psychology and the role of psychologists in Higher Education was performed; finally, a description of the Consciousness Process was conducted. The techniques used for search data were one of the authors’ field diaries of the face-to-face encounters and a virtual ethnography meetings of a virtual group of ProUnistas. Five categories of analysis were systematized based on the virtual ethnography and, in addition, one (totaling six) additional category of analysis was included out ot the four field diaries. The identified categories were: Students Care and Permanence, Proof of income, Group organization, Prejudice, Vision of ProUni, and Solidarity between ProUnistas. The analysis of data established a relation between the objectives the information obtained. A greater number of women were found to be present in the virtual and face-to-face groups. In the virtual group only the first form of consciousness - alienation - was found in most students. In the in-person meetings, it was possible to identify all forms of this process, because students experience joint organization. It was concluded that it was possible to identify differences in the awareness of ProUnistas starting from spaces for self-organization processes. Further studies on how prejudice experienced by ProUnistas influences their process of awareness are needed.

Resumen Este artículo propone analizar la concientización de los becarios del Programa Universidad para Todos, empezando por su comprensión acerca de sus experiencias e inserción en el nivel de pregrado. Primero se hace una descripción histórica de la educación superior de Brasil, centrada en la política educativa ProUni; luego es hecha una lectura a partir de la Psicología Crítica y el papel de los psicólogos en la educación superior; finalmente, es hecha una descripción del proceso de concientización. Las técnicas para recolección de datos fueron diarios de campo de la autora y etnografía virtual de un grupo virtual de ProUnistas. Fueran sistematizadas cinco categorías de análisis a partir de la etnografía virtual y, además de estos, una más (un total de seis) a partir de los cuatro diarios de campo. Las categorías identificadas son: Cuidado y permanencia del estudiante, Comprobante de ingresos, Organización del grupo, Prejuicio, La visión del ProUni y La solidaridad entre ProUnistas. Los datos fueron analizados a partir de los objetivos y de los datos obtenidos. En el grupo virtual solo la primera forma de concientización - la alienación - se encuentra en la mayoría de los estudiantes. En las reuniones presenciales, por involucrar una organización conjunta, fue posible identificar todas las formas de este proceso. Se concluyó que es posible identificar diferencias en la concientización de los estudiantes ProUnistas dejando espacios para el proceso de auto-organización. Se necesitan más estudios acerca de cómo el prejuicio experimentado por los ProUnistas influye en el proceso de concientización.

Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Acting Out , Conscience , Fellowships and Scholarships , Coral Snakes , Student Health Services
J Hist Neurosci ; 25(3): 320-47, 2016.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27388256


In 1933 the Turkish Republic formally offered university positions to 30 German-speaking academics who were dismissed with the coming to power of the National Socialist Government. That initial number went up to 56 with the inclusion of the technical assistants. By 1948 the estimated total had increased to 199. Given renewable five-year contracts with salaries substantially higher than their Turkish counterparts, the foreign émigrés were to implement the westernization program of higher education. The ten year-old secular Turkish Republic's extensive social reforms had encompassed the adoption of the Latin alphabet, and equal rights for women, removing gender bias in hiring. Such a high concentration of émigré academics in one institution, "the highest anywhere in the world," provides a unique opportunity to study a subject which has been neglected. In this article two cases in psychology will be examined: Wilhelm Peters (1880-1963), who came, via Britain, to Istanbul in 1936 from the University of Jena in Germany, and Muzafer Sherif (1906-1988) who went to the United States from Ankara University in 1945. The purpose of the comparative analysis is to identify the features that are specific to the German experience, and those that are shared and underlie translocation in science within the multifaceted complexity of the process of forced migration.

Coercion , Emigrants and Immigrants/history , Emigration and Immigration/history , Faculty, Medical/history , Jews/history , National Socialism/history , Neuropathology/history , Neurosciences/history , Psychology, Social/history , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Prussia , Turkey , United Kingdom , United States
Cad. CEDES ; 28(76): 357-378, set.-dez.2008.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-511705


Este estudo deseja captar no movimento da história, em uma conjuntura determinada, tensões que opuseram diferentes sujeitos sociais dos anos de 1970, no Brasil. Em um dos pólos localiza-se o pensamento expresso pelos primeiros governantes do movimento civil-militar que ocuparam o aparelho de Estado em 1964. Humberto Castelo Branco, presidente da República, Flávio Suplicy de Lacerda, ministro da Educação e Cultura, e Raymundo Moniz de Aragão, com seus pronunciamentos no V Fórum Universitário, encarregaram-se de transmitir o pensamento do governo à sociedade. Na seqüência, em curto espaço de tempo, os reflexos apareceriam no aparato legal da reforma universitária consentida. O contraponto à visão oficial encontra-se, para fins deste trabalho, em um texto da época de autoria de Florestan Fernandes e que resultou da conferência proferida na abertura do I Fórum de Professores, realizado no Rio de Janeiro em 1968. Espera-se, analisando o conflito ideológico, alcançar uma compreensão crítica mais acurada do movimento civil-militar de 1964 e das suas relações com diferentes intelectuais.

This study aims to identify, within the movement of history in a given conjuncture, tensions that have opposed several social characters of the 1970s, in Brazil. The thinking expressed by the first leaders of the civil-military movement that took over the State apparatus in 1964 represents one pole. Through their speeches at the V University Forum, Humberto de A. Castelo Branco, President of the Republic, Flávio Suplicy de Lacerda, Minister of Education and Culture, and Raymundo Moniz de Aragão, communicated the government's views on education to the society. These would be very soon included in the legal regulations of the University Reform. For this work, the opposite pole to this official vision is a historical writing by Florestan Fernandes produced after the lecture he gave at the opening of the I Professors' Forum, held in 1968 in Rio de Janeiro. Analyzing this ideological conflict, we hope to reach a more accurate critical understanding on the 1964 civil-military movement and its relationships to different intellectuals.

Authoritarianism , Higher Education Policy
Interam. j. psychol ; 42(3): 481-486, dic. 2008.
Article in Spanish | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-54160


El trabajo resume algunos lineamientos doctrinarios de la Universidad de la República referidos a la función de investigación, y las propuestas de cambio que se están debatiendo en el marco de la denominada Segunda Reforma Universitaria. Se recorren asimismo algunos aspectos de la historia de la psicología universitaria relacionados con el tema. Se detectan diversas dificultades para el desarrollo institucional de la investigación, derivados de conflictos de poder, básicamente implícitos, así como de diferencias de enfoques y paradigmas disciplinarios. La coyuntura universitaria actual parece favorable para que se produzca un cambio en esta situación, lo que deja planteado del desafío.(AU)

The paper summarizes some doctrinal guidelines of the Universidad de la República related to the research function, and the change proposals being discussed within the framework of the Second University Reform. It also mentions some aspects of the university psychology history related with this topic. There are differents difficulties for the institutional development of the research, arising from conflicts of power, basically implied, as well as differences in approaches and disciplinary paradigms. The current situation seem to be in favour of our university proposal to promote changes in this situation, which leaves raised the challenge.(AU)

Educ. med. super ; 18(3)jul.-sept. 2004.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-396596


Se exponen brevemente los antecedentes históricos en Cuba y América de la Reforma Universitaria de 1962. Se relacionan los hechos más importantes que entorpecieron el proceso de dicha reforma y la participación destacada del estudiantado universitario en su culminación en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad de La Habana. Por último, se da a conocer la proyección social y humanística que dio la reforma al médico y estomatólogo cubanos en el período revolucionario socialista

The historical antecedents in Cuba and the Americas of the University Reform of 1962 are briefly explained. The most important events that hinder the process of this reform and the outstanding participation of the university students in its culmination at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Havana University are dealt with. Finally, it is made known the social and humanistic projection given to the Cuban physcians and stomatologists by the reform in the socialist revolutionary period.

Students , Universities , Cuba , Education, Medical
Medical Education ; : 71-75, 2002.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-369792


Referencing to one hundred and thirty years history of the modernized medical education in Japan, the author analyzed the stream of its renovation by classified it into four phases according to an old Chinese proverb, “They who want to know what shall be must consider what have been.” The change during sixty years after the World War II (the second phase) had been much more remarkable than that of seventy years before the War (the first phase). The unified medical education at all the new-system universities in the second phase had been diversified multidirectionally at many newlyestablished medical schools in order to meet the nation-wide demand to increase the number of young able physicians who became impulsive power group to innovate the traditional conservative medical society. The third phase had begun in 1991 when the university chartering standards law was liberalized vastly and every medical school could compose its curriculum more freely depending on its and student's demands like as order-made programs. Recent ten years, the fourth phase, are continuing up to today becoming the structure reform of medical education more remarkable and the education curricula core-oriented toward tomorrow's physician training. Now time has changed, “They who want to know what shall be must consider what will be.”
