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J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(5): 823-841, 2023 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38140966


Martin Heidegger's thought deeply influenced both Hans Loewald and Jacques Lacan, the catalyst they seemed to have been waiting for. For Loewald, Heidegger's ontological centrality of time to Being-in-the-World would bridge to Freud's centrality of transference to the analytic process, thereby operationalizing transference as a prism of time. In revealing the interwoven correlatives of present-past-future, how they bootstrap one another phenomenologically, Loewald also revealed a spiral of recursive meaning (in essence, après-coup) that draws us into the future, "the something more" of existence. In parallel, through his recognition of the power of après-coup, Lacan rescued from obscurity Freud's profound conception of Nachträglichkeit, or the spiral and causal force of unfolding meaning. Lacan was now situated to bring après-coupin conjunction with Heidegger's Being-in-the-World, with time interwoven into all aspects of existence, thereby underpinning, too, language and the Symbolic Order. By reading Freud through Heidegger and then creating their brilliant syntheses, Loewald and Lacan, through their striking sameness and differences, illuminate the nature of the unconscious, of memory and meaning, of the spiral of time, and of existence itself.

Freudian Theory , Psychoanalysis , Humans , Psychoanalysis/history
Int J Psychoanal ; 104(6): 1042-1053, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38127485


Here the author draws on Theodor Fontane's 1895 novel Effi Briest to consider the links between Freud's paper "The Uncanny" and his elaboration of the trauma of sexuality and the après-coup. Conceptualizing trauma in contemporary clinical theory inevitably draws on the theory of the après-coup: the blow that is inflicted on the psyche when the impact of the early event is retranscribed at a later date. The author considers the trauma that Effi experiences, not the catastrophic trauma of death or assault but the deceptive trauma, is disguised as an unparalleled opportunity for Effi. Her story highlights the trauma of sexuality and the incestuous Oedipal dimension. In the cruel economy of incestuous exchange across the generations Effi, in what she experiences as dreary incarceration, is left isolated with her libidinal yearnings. Arguing that Effi as a seventeen-year-old girl is drawn into the incestuous world of her parents and the mother's suitor Innstetten, the author describes how the trauma involving the denial of her sexuality leads to her being ostracized and facing psychic death. Captured in the deferred maternal desire, Effi unknowingly becomes part of a system of incestuous exchange. This is a trauma that is only known in the après-coup.

Freudian Theory , Sexual Behavior , Female , Humans , Adolescent , Sexuality
Int J Psychoanal ; 104(4): 722-736, 2023 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37732727


Lacan papers reading is difficult and often disappointing. His technique, using shortening of sessions as a way of interpreting transference ("scansion") is unacceptable. His great project of create a united structural theory of psychoanalysis, linguistic and anthropology has failed. However, his works on transference are worth being red. Lacan has reminded psychoanalysts that they are "divided subjects", meaning that their unconscious remains unconscious to themselves, that they have to listen to themselves as much as they have to listen to their their patients; he has rediscovered the importance of après-coup, already stressed by Freud, but often forgotten; and above all, he has rediscovered the importance of words in transference interpretation, showing the importance of the link between two signifiers, more than the link between signifier and signified.

Anthropology , Psychoanalysis , Male , Humans
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 71(2): 189-214, 2023 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37357934


The concept of an "unconscious sense of guilt" bedevils Freud throughout his life, rearing its head in at least twenty-four of his major works and working behind the scenes in many others. In a sense, we can see Freud's oeuvre, and psychoanalysis more generally, as a discourse of unconscious guilt. While Freud frames the oedipus complex as the central defining dynamic of human experience, the unconscious sense of guilt is arguably the underbelly that both precedes and exceeds that complex. By unraveling a range of complexities within Freud's conceptualization of unconscious guilt, we will come to see that guilt is an unavoidable by-product of the human condition, intrinsically interwoven with libidinal desire.

Freudian Theory , Psychoanalysis , Humans , Freudian Theory/history , Guilt , Oedipus Complex , Psychoanalysis/history
Am J Psychoanal ; 83(1): 36-55, 2023 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36918715


A deep understanding of the subjective experience of time in traumatized individuals may require a comprehensive framework that takes into account both psychoanalytic and phenomenological contributions. Referring to the retroactive interpretation of past experiences, the concept of Nachträglichkeit is critical to analyze how trauma can be signified in the form of the après-coup, in which the original traces of traumatic experiences are signified only at a later time. Trauma alters the temporal sequence of past, present, and future, thus leaving the psyche in a time-shifted dimension, where the shadow of the past extends over the present, and the unbearable present hinders growth and development. A clinical vignette is presented to illustrate how trauma can disrupt the temporal nature of subjective experience by reshaping the meaning of psychic events. Ultimately, trauma treatment aims at inscribing the person's experience into a unified and coherent self-narrative.

Psychoanal Rev ; 109(3): 227-256, 2022 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36047953


In a scholarly yet playful conversation, the authors explore why analytic thought about trans remains so intransigently difficult. They propose that countertansferential responses to trans patients manifest not just in clinical work but also as blockages to psychoanalytic theorizing. They draw on extensive experience treating trans and non-binary patients, on teaching and supervisory work, and on analytic scholarship to think about why and how theorizing on trans stalls. Whereas in the social realm trans bodies are often hyper-sexualized, in metapsychology and the consulting room trans is notably desexualized. What is the cost of that and why does it occur? The authors locate the problem in the disaggregation of gender from the sexual, arguing that not only has this separation outlived its (once exigent) metapsychological utility, but that it is itself a defense against the anxiety of polymorphous perversity and psychic bisexuality that trans bodies can awaken in analysts of all genders, and especially in cisgender analysts.

Gender Identity , Transgender Persons , Female , Humans , Male , Transgender Persons/psychology
Psicol. USP ; 33: e190005, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1406389


Resumo Este artigo propõe uma contribuição à historiografia psicanalítica. Para isso, retomamos o texto que consideramos fundador desse campo de debates, A história do movimento psicanalítico, publicado por Freud em 1914, para nele encontrarmos as primeiras pistas de como operar na interface entre psicanálise e história. A partir desse texto inaugural, dedicamo-nos aos estudos de alguns psicanalistas e historiadores que pensaram o enlace entre psicanálise e história, a fim de encontrarmos convergências e divergências sobre o fazer do psicanalista historiador. Por fim, propomos três eixos para uma historiografia psicanalítica, articulados em torno dos conceitos só depois, das Ding e verdade histórica. A partir dessa reflexão de cunho historiográfico, esperamos ser possível pensar de outros modos a história do movimento psicanalítico.

Abstract This article proposes a contribution to psychoanalytic historiography by revisiting Freud's founding texts, The history of the psychoanalytic movement, published in 1914, searching in it for the first clues on how to operate at the interface between psychoanalysis and history. From this inaugural text, the paper examines some psychoanalysts and historians who investigated the link between psychoanalysis and history, to find convergences and divergences on the practice of the psychoanalytic historian. Lastly, it proposes three axis for a psychoanalytic historiography, articulated around the concepts of afterwardsness, das Ding and historical truth. This historiographic reflection seeks to show different ways of thinking the history of the psychoanalytic movement.

Résumé Cet article propose une contribution à l'historiographie psychanalytique en revisitant le text fondateur de Freud, L'histoire du mouvement psychanalytique, publié en 1914, en y cherchant les premiers indices sur la manière de travailler dans l'interface entre psychanalyse et histoire. À partir de ce texte inaugural, l'article examine quelques psychanalystes et historiens qui ont investigué le lien entre psychanalyse et histoire, pour trouver des convergences et des divergences sur la pratique de l'historien psychanalyste. Enfin, il propose trois axes pour une historiographie psychanalytique, articulés autour des concepts d'après-coup, de das Ding et de vérité historique. Cette reflexión historiographique cherche à montrer différentes manières de penser l'histoire du mouvement psychanalytique.

Resumen Este artículo propone una contribución a una historiografía psicoanalítica. Para ello, consideramos como fundador de ese campo de debate el texto Contribución a la historia del movimiento psicoanalítico, de Freud publicado en 1914, y lo utilizamos para encontrar las primeras pistas de cómo operar la interfaz entre psicoanálisis e historia. A partir de ese texto inaugural, nos dedicamos a los estudios de algunos psicoanalistas e historiadores que pensaron el enlace entre psicoanálisis e historia para analizar las convergencias y divergencias sobre el hacer del psicoanalista historiador. Por último, proponemos tres ejes para una historiografía psicoanalítica articulados en torno a los conceptos efecto retardado, das Ding y verdad histórica. Con esta reflexión historiográfica, esperamos poder pensar la historia del movimiento psicoanalítico de otra forma.

Am J Psychoanal ; 81(3): 361-394, 2021 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34341465


In this article, six analysts describe theory and practice in the time of COVID-19, examining the quality of après-coup in the way that the pandemic and its attendant crises trigger early memory and early experiences of helplessness. In the clinical events we see that the age of the patient, the circumstances and approach of the analyst, the novelty of the frame are all crucial determinants of clinical outcomes.

COVID-19 , Psychoanalysis , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Humans , SARS-CoV-2
Int J Psychoanal ; 102(4): 765-777, 2021 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34357849


This text explores the evolution of the notion of trauma in Freud's work and of its decisive import for the organization of psychic functioning through a two-stage process called the après-coup. By following the three steps of Freud's theory of the drives, the author shows that the conception of the traumatic is gradually internalized to become a basic quality of all drives as a tendency to return to an earlier state, and ultimately an organic, inanimate state. An open question remains in Freud about this tendency's relation to Eros, and therefore to the links between Eros and the traumatic state. This question has remained latent within the psychoanalytic community. The author proposes to conceive of Eros as an infinitely extensible tendency that needs containing in order for it to contribute to evolving inscriptions. Thus is outlined one traumatic state as a return to the inorganic and another traumatic state as an infinite extensibility, both being transformed by the superego and its imperatives in order to generate all life forms.

Psychoanalysis , Psychoanalytic Theory , Freudian Theory , Humans , Superego
J. psicanal ; 54(100): 69-84, jan.-jun. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1279338


Os analistas têm sido afetados pelos reflexos da pandemia que surgiu em 2020. A crise sanitária invade os consultórios como tema aparente ou subjacente. Coube-nos preservar os processos analíticos em circunstâncias bastante desfavoráveis. A necessidade de isolamento social provocou maciça migração para os atendimentos remotos. Estes têm sido surpreendentemente eficazes, até mesmo com pacientes se dispondo a um maior aprofundamento em questões da ordem do sexual. A distância, em alguns casos, contribuiu para dissolver resistências e explicitar questões transferenciais.

Psychoanalysts have been affected by the consequences of the 2020 pandemic. The health crisis has invaded offices as an either apparent or subjacent theme. It became necessary to sustain analytical processes under very unfavorable circumstances. The need for social distancing led to massive migration towards remote sessions. These have been surprisingly effective, even with patients open to more profound explorations around questions regarding the sexual realm. The distance has, in some cases, helped to dissolute resistances and reveal transferential questions.

Los analistas se han visto afectados por los reflejos de la pandemia surgida en 2020. La crisis sanitaria invade los consultorios como tema aparente o subyacente. Depende de nosotros preservar los procesos analíticos en circunstancias muy desfavorables. La necesidad de aislamiento social provocó una migración masiva a servicios remotos. Estos están demostrando ser sorprendentemente efectivos, incluso con pacientes dispuestos a profundizar en cuestiones de orden sexual. La distancia, en algunos casos, contribuyó a disolver resistencias y hacer explícitas cuestiones transferenciales.

Les psychanalystes ont été affectés par les reflets de la pandémie de 2020. La crise sanitaire envahit les cabinets de consultation comme thème soit apparent, soit sous-jacent. Il nous reste à maintenir les processus analytiques sous des circonstances assez défavorables. La nécessité de distanciation physique a géré une massive migration envers les consultations en ligne. Celles-ci se montrent - de manière surprenante - plutôt efficaces, même avec les patients ouverts à des explorations plus profondes par rapport à des questions de l'ordre du sexuel. La distance, dans quelques cas, a contribué pour dissoudre des résistances et expliciter des questions transférentielles.

Psychoanalysis , Sexuality , Social Isolation , Pandemics
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 55(1): 101-113, jan.-mar. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1288970


Diante dos impactos da pandemia, a autora reflete sobre invasores impiedosos e invisíveis que penetram com veemente violência, como as cenas do inconsciente não recalcado, da mais tenra infância, que deixam restos de memória celular que se configuram como traumatismos internos e costumam se manifestar em face de traumas externos, como notaremos na clínica comentada no texto. O conceito de nachtraglich, entendido como o efeito retardado de uma lembrança traumática, fundamenta este escrito. Ilustrações clínicas de atendimentos pontuais de escuta psicanalítica por videochamada são apresentadas, a fim de abordar a vital importância, para sua sustentação, do setting interno do analista.

Due to the impact caused by the pandemic, the author reflects on the merciless and invisible invaders that come violently, as the scenes from the nonsuppressed unconscious, from the early childhood - the ones left in cellular memories that are classified as internal traumas and commonly manifest when external trauma happens, as we will notice in the clinical comments in the text. The nachtraglich concept, understood as late effect from a traumatic memory is the bases for this writing. To support this idea, certain specific counseling examples are given, as the ones done by video call, in order to show the vital importance of the analyst's internal setting.

Frente a los impactos de la pandemia, el autor reflexiona sobre los invasores despiadados e invisibles que penetran con vehemente violencia, como las escenas del inconsciente no reprimido de la tierna infancia que dejan restos de memoria celular que se configuran como traumas internos y generalmente se manifiestan frente a traumas externos, como notaremos en la clínica comentada en el texto. El concepto de nachtraglich, entendido como el efecto retardado de un recuerdo traumático, subyace a este escrito. Se presentan ilustraciones clínicas de consultas puntuales de escucha psicoanalítica por videollamada con la finalidad de abordar la vital importancia que le otorga el encuadre interno del analista.

En face des impacts de la pandémie, cette auteure réfléchit sur les envahisseurs impitoyables et invisibles qui s'introduisent d'une façon impétueuse et violente, comme dans les scènes de l'inconscient non refoulé, celles de la toute petite enfance, lesquelles laissent des restes de mémoire cellulaire qui se configurent comme des traumatismes internes et qui ont l'habitude de se manifester face aux traumatismes extérieurs, comme l'on observera dans la clinique commentée dans le texte. Le concept de nachtraglich, pris comme l'effet retardé d'un souvenir traumatique, c'est le fondement de cet écrit. On présente des illustrations cliniques de séances ponctuelles d'écoute psychanalytique via des appels vidéo, afin d'aborder l'importance vitale du setting interne de l'analyste pour son étayage.

Humans , Psychoanalysis/methods , Telemedicine/methods , Pandemics , Psychological Trauma
Psychoanal Rev ; 108(1): 1-25, 2021 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33617336


In psychoanalytic discourse, the question of meaning or lack thereof should be relegated only to the domain of the interlocutor's perception. Not every slip of the tongue or bungled action is necessarily precipitated by some unconscious motivation, although one may construct meaning for it après coup (Nachträglichkeit). What is a message versus a noise depends on the perceptual experience of the analytic couple, and a cigar, if not just a cigar, depends on the context-specific fantasy of the perceiver. The author's aim is to show the difficulty of distinguishing the noise from the message in the interactive matrix of the analytic situation. Yet what at first may seem to be a banal error such as double-booking may at times enliven a stultified course of the analytic process; it may even drag a stillborn transference out of its embalmed closet.

Psychoanalysis , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Fantasy , Humans , Motivation , Psychoanalytic Interpretation , Psychoanalytic Theory , Transference, Psychology
J Anal Psychol ; 65(5): 788-805, 2020 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33202041


In this paper, using my clinical work with a 3-year-old boy who lost his hearing when he was between 9 and 12 months old, and whose disability was only discovered when he was 22 months old, I will explore two issues of paramount technical importance when working with trauma. Firstly, it is crucial to create a boundary around the traumatic event, so that life before, during and after the trauma can be circumscribed and the traumatic event explored and hopefully understood and integrated. Secondly, it is of paramount importance to establish the level of developmental organization at the time of the trauma, especially in relation to the capacity to integrate bodily affects into mind. I will show how trauma and its vicissitudes are directly dependent on the person's capacity to resolve the splitting that trauma creates in the mind, and also the key role played by the use of metaphors in the process whereby trauma becomes thinkable and can therefore be integrated into the self.

Dans cet article, je m'appuie sur mon travail clinique avec un petit garçon de trois ans qui a perdu l'audition quand il avait entre 9 et 12 mois, et dont le handicap n'a été décelé que quand il a eu 22 mois. Je vais explorer deux questions d'une importance technique majeure quand on travaille avec le traumatisme. Premièrement, il est crucial de créer une frontière autour de l'événement traumatique, afin que la vie avant, pendant et après le traumatisme puisse être circonscrite et l'événement traumatique exploré, et avec un peu de chance, compris et intégré. Deuxièmement, il est essentiel d'établir le niveau de l'organisation développementale atteint au moment du traumatisme, particulièrement en relation avec la capacité à intégrer les affects somatiques dans l'esprit. Je montrerai comment le traumatisme et ses vicissitudes dépendent directement de la capacité de la personne à résoudre le clivage que le traumatisme crée dans l'esprit. Je montrerai également le rôle clé de l'utilisation de métaphores dans le processus par lequel le traumatisme devient pensable et peut ainsi être intégré dans le soi.

En el presente trabajo, exploro dos cuestiones de significativa importancia técnica al trabajar con trauma, a partir de un trabajo clínico con un niño de tres años, quien perdió el sentido del oído entre los 9 y 12 meses de edad, y cuya discapacidad fue recién descubierta cuando tenía 22 meses. Inicialmente, es crucial crear un límite alrededor del evento traumático, así la vido anterior, durante y posterior al trauma puede ser circumscripta y el evento traumático explorado, y - esperemos - comprendido y elaborado. En segundo lugar, es de suma importancia establecer el nivel de organización del desarrollo al momento del trauma, especialmente con relación a la capacidad de integrar mentalmente las emociones corporales. Voy a mostrar como el trauma y sus vicisitudes son directamente dependientes de la capacidad de la persona de resolver la disociación que el trauma creó en la mente, y también el rol crucial que tiene el uso de la metáfora en el proceso, en la medida en que el trauma deviene capaz de ser pensado y puede, por lo tanto ser integrado.

Metaphor , Psychological Trauma/therapy , Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , Jungian Theory , Male
J Am Psychoanal Assoc ; 66(2): 289-303, 2018 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29708419


One can only be disillusioned if once one lived within illusions-and so disillusionment is always after the fact ( après coup or nachträglich), as illusions come into view even as they are crumbling within. With a crisis of disillusionment-or existential disillusionment-one falls away from a coherence of meaning, revealing a system of intertwined fundamental illusions that had always been lived within and implicit, part of one's being-in-the-world, and that now seem broken, strange, and uncanny. This way of being that one recognizes only retrospectively may be called "illusionment," a state of being apprehended in the very process of its falling apart. That is, prior to disillusionment, there may not have been an illusion as such; rather, there was some overall effective-enough, taken-for-granted coherence, an experience of world and being that now comes into view and seems broken precisely because it no longer holds together. For example, a sense of a common "we" might be revealed to be so flawed as to have been a fiction, a fantasy, a set of pervasive, interwoven illusions that one had once naively lived within as unquestioned beliefs. Severe disillusionment, then, carries with it a sense of falling out of the once taken-for-granted world, undermining a sense of solid existential grounding. Saturating all aspects of the psyche, traumatizing disillusionments may lead to a lifelong cascade of après coup attempts to find new grounding in how to live, as one attempts to repair this world-broken-ness.

Fantasy , Imagination , Motivation , Humans
Int J Psychoanal ; 99(4): 810-827, 2018 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33951829


It is difficult to say what anxiety is, Freud tells us. This paper suggests various dimensions of anxiety. Anxiety evokes the original experience of helplessness; it is an affective state that is accompanied by physical sensations and bodily symptoms-expression of an excess that it is not possible to process psychically. Anxiety is also linked to the fear of loss of the imaginary integrity of the body, as well as of primary objects. Furthermore, anxiety marks the passage from the world of the narcissistic father and/or mother, in which the individual is alienated from his own history, to the dead father configuration that inserts the individual into his subjective temporality in the après-coup of an analysis. A detailed narrative of an analysis that gave rise to these ideas is presented. In this analysis the transsexual emerges to give shape to something that had not previously reached representation.

J Anal Psychol ; 62(4): 501-525, 2017 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28776648


The paper is divided into two parts. The first part is an interpersonal/relational psychoanalytic account of some relationships between dissociation, time, and unformulated experience. Trauma, and the dissociation to which trauma leads, freezes time, which makes it impossible to formulate certain kinds of new experience. Instead, potential new meanings remain unformulated. The route of clinical access to frozen time is the interpersonal field: to thaw time and allow new experience, the ways in which the interpersonal field is itself frozen need to be addressed. A clinical illustration of these ideas is offered. The second part of the paper presents and explores a point of confluence between the views in Part 1 and certain aspects of French psychoanalysis, with particular reference to the concept of Nachträglichkeit in the work of Jean Laplanche and Haydée Faimberg.

Dissociative Disorders , Psychoanalytic Theory , Psychological Trauma , Humans
Int J Psychoanal ; 98(6): 1533-1549, 2017 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28671276


This paper suggests that in the analysis of women by women a melancholic core may be encountered at the centre of the transference/countertransference situation that is an expression of the loss of the primary maternal object that has never been mourned. The attachment to the primary, lost object may be preserved in a melancholic, invisible way, and the longing that it is connected to might only reach representation in the après coup of the analytic process. The links between this primary love, melancholia and the unrepresentable in the analysis of women will be explored. These analyses powerfully evoke the relationship to the somatic. The internalization of the body of the mother, which is a requirement in the development of a woman, can take on frightening, fragmented, part-object qualities. An example of a five times a week analysis is discussed.

Countertransference , Depressive Disorder/psychology , Love , Object Attachment , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Transference, Psychology , Women/psychology , Female , Humans
Int J Psychoanal ; 96(6): 1453-76, 2015 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26663026


Freud's work establishes a link between an excessive amount of excitation, the infant's experience of helplessness, and trauma. The idea of excess emphasises a quantitative element, not reducible to the field of representation. In this paper I explore the notions of excess and closure in relation to two clinical examples. A patient who lived through experiences of excess and flooding is contrasted with another patient whose experience of excess is expressed through withdrawal. The complex process of elaboration and working through in their analyses takes place by bringing together affect, representation, sensorial and somatic experiences, dreams, associations and enactments as they are gathered and given meaning après coup through analytic work. Two concepts were central to the understanding of what took place in the analyses: excorporation and figurability. The paper emphasizes the place of temporality in creating a triadic space in an analysis as it relates the here and now with the there and then in the work of après-coup. The paper also traces the roots of this modern approach that relates the analyst's work of regression, time, and the creation of a triadic space to Freud's metapsychology.

Helplessness, Learned , Psychoanalytic Therapy/methods , Psychological Trauma/psychology , Psychotherapeutic Processes , Adult , Female , Humans , Male
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 49(4): 118-132, out.-dez. 2015. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1251406


As noções de consciente e inconsciente acarretam uma temporalidade heterogênea, presente em diversas expressões do psiquismo. Essa heterogeneidade do tempo se tornou ainda mais complexa com o conceito de nachträglichkeit, cunhado por Freud e mais conhecido pela expressão francesa après-coup. O conceito de après-coup transformou as noções de causalidade psíquica e temporalidade, pois se refere a um fenômeno em dois tempos: marcas mnêmicas são remodeladas a partir de fatos posteriores que, por sua relação simbólica com os fatos passados, lhes conferirão sentido e eficácia psíquica. A falta de uma teorização específica por parte de Freud e a presença de diferentes significados para o termo em sua obra, aliadas ao seu desaparecimento dos textos psicanalíticos pós-freudianos até a década de 1950, contribuíram para que o conceito sofresse uma perda da especificidade, sendo seu uso mais comum o de sinônimo de "aquilo que vem depois". Diferentemente dessa visão, neste trabalho propõe-se um estudo que busca destacar certa especificidade do fenômeno do après-coup, ressaltando seus aspectos traumáticos e transformadores, ponto de vista esse que o diferencia da noção predominante em psicanálise de uma compreensão tardia e retrospectiva.

The concepts of conscious and unconscious lead to an heterogeneous temporality, which is present in different expressions of psyche. This heterogeneity of time became even more complex due to the concept of Nachträglichkeit, which is better-known as the French term après-coup. The concept of après-coup has changed the notions of psychic causality and temporality, as it refers to a two-stage phenomenon: mnemonic traces are remodeled from ulterior facts. These ulterior facts will provide them meaning and psychic efficacy due to their symbolic relation with past facts. Freud did not propose a specific theory about Nachträglichkeit; different meanings for the term can be found in his work. These factors, plus the fact that Nachträglichkeit had been no longer found in post-Freudian psychoanalytic papers until the 50's, contributed to a loss of specificity in the concept, which has been more commonly used as "afterwardness". From another point of view, this paper aims to emphasize a certain specificity of the après-coup phenomenon, highlighting its traumatic, transforming aspects. This point of view distinguishes it from the prevailing notion in psychoanalysis: a late, retrospective understanding.

Las nociones de consciente e inconsciente traen consigo una temporalidad heterogénea, que está presente en diversas expresiones del psiquismo. Esta heterogeneidad del tiempo se tornó más compleja con el concepto de Nachträglichkeit, acuñado por Freud y más conocido por la expresión francesa après-coup. El concepto de après-coup transformó las nociones de causalidad psíquica y temporalidad, pues hace referencia a un fenómeno en dos tiempos: las marcas mnémicas se remodelan a partir de los hechos posteriores que, debido a su relación simbólica con los hechos pasados, les darán sentido y eficiencia psíquica. La falta de una teoría específica por parte de Freud y la presencia de diferentes significados en su obra para el término, unido a su desaparecimiento de los textos psicoanalíticos pos freudianos hasta la década de 1950, contribuyeron para que el concepto sufriera una pérdida de especificidad, siendo su uso más común el de sinónimo de "aquello que viene después". A diferencia de esta visión, este trabajo se propone realizar un estudio que busca destacar cierta especificidad del fenómeno del après-coup resaltando sus aspectos traumáticos y transformadores, un punto de vista que lo diferencia de la noción predominante en el psicoanálisis de una comprensión tardía y retrospectiva.