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Iheringia. Sér. Zool. ; 108: e2018004, 2018. tab, mapas
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: vti-16527


Thalassia testudinum y Halodule wrigthii son las hierbas marinas dominantes en el Caribe, siendo comunes en costas someras, tanto en monocultivos como en cultivos mixtos. Entre la macrofauna asociada a estas comunidades, los crustáceos son considerados esenciales para el funcionamiento del ecosistema. Sin embargo, el conocimiento sobre la comunidad de crustáceos decápodos asociada a praderas mixtas de T. testudinum y H. wrigthii es escaso, en particular fuera de zonas protegidas. En este trabajo presentamos ocho nuevas especies de decápodos para la Península de Paraguaná (estado Falcón, Venezuela) asociados a praderas mixtas de hierbas marinas: Achelous tumidulus Stimpson, 1871, Alpheus floridanus Kingsley, 1878, Chorinus heros (Herbst, 1790), Clibanarius antillensis (Stimpson, 1859), Clibanarius sclopetarius (Herbst, 1796), Latreutes parvulus (Stimpson, 1866), Panopeus occidentalis Saussure, 1857, y Processa fimbriata Manning & Chace, 1971. Estos registros representan extensiones de hábitat y completan brechas en la distribución geográfica de las especies a lo largo de la costa septentrional de Sudamérica. Diferencias estadísticas en la abundancia y composición de las especies de decápodos fueron posiblemente causadas por la acción conjunta de cobertura y heterogeneidad de las praderas. Las especies más influyentes en la comunidad son típicas para el Caribe; no obstante, la abundancia de Penaeus schmitti Burkenroad, 1936 juveniles fue notable, puesto que raramente han sido encontrados en estos hábitats. Este hallazgo resalta el rol de áreas no protegidas como hábitats de cría para especies de importancia comercial. Nuestros resultados muestran que las praderas de hierbas marinas en la Península de Paraguaná reflejan un buen estado en comparación con otras zonas del Caribe, y representan un hábitat importante para el mantenimiento de las poblaciones de crustáceos.(AU)

Thalassia testudinum and Halodule wrigthii are the dominant seagrasses in the Caribbean, being common across shallow shorelines, either as monospecific or as intermixed meadows. Among the macrofauna associated with these beds, crustaceans are considered essential for the whole ecosystem functioning. However, knowledge about the associated community of decapod crustaceans in assemblages of T. testudinum and H. wrigthii is still scarce, particularly outside of protected areas. Here we report eight new decapod species for the Paraguaná Peninsula (Falcón State, Venezuela) in association with intermixed seagrass beds: Achelous tumidulus Stimpson, 1871, Alpheus aff. floridanus Kingsley, 1878, Chorinus heros (Herbst, 1790), Clibanarius antillensis (Stimpson, 1859), Clibanarius sclopetarius (Herbst, 1796), Latreutes parvulus (Stimpson, 1866), Panopeus occidentalis Saussure, 1857, and Processa fimbriata Manning & Chace, 1971. These records represent habitat extensions and fill gaps in the geographical distribution of the species along the northern coast of South America. Furthermore, we found that statistical differences in decapod species abundance and composition are likely to be caused by the joint action of coverage and heterogeneity of the beds. Our results indicate that typical Caribbean species were the most influential in the community; nevertheless, the abundance of juvenile Penaeus schmitti Burkenroad, 1936 was notable, since they have rarely been found in these habitats. This finding highlights the role of non-protected areas as nursery habitats for economically important species. Our results show that seagrass meadows in the Paraguaná Peninsula reflect overall good health when compared to other Caribbean zones, representing an important habitat for the maintenance of crustacean populations.(AU)

Animals , Decapoda/classification , Penaeidae/classification , Brachyura/classification , Palaemonidae/classification , Anomura/classification , Palinuridae/classification , Hydrocharitaceae , Ecosystem , Grassland , Marine Environment , Venezuela , Animal Distribution
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 108: e2018004, 2018. tab, map
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483204


Thalassia testudinum y Halodule wrigthii son las hierbas marinas dominantes en el Caribe, siendo comunes en costas someras, tanto en monocultivos como en cultivos mixtos. Entre la macrofauna asociada a estas comunidades, los crustáceos son considerados esenciales para el funcionamiento del ecosistema. Sin embargo, el conocimiento sobre la comunidad de crustáceos decápodos asociada a praderas mixtas de T. testudinum y H. wrigthii es escaso, en particular fuera de zonas protegidas. En este trabajo presentamos ocho nuevas especies de decápodos para la Península de Paraguaná (estado Falcón, Venezuela) asociados a praderas mixtas de hierbas marinas: Achelous tumidulus Stimpson, 1871, Alpheus floridanus Kingsley, 1878, Chorinus heros (Herbst, 1790), Clibanarius antillensis (Stimpson, 1859), Clibanarius sclopetarius (Herbst, 1796), Latreutes parvulus (Stimpson, 1866), Panopeus occidentalis Saussure, 1857, y Processa fimbriata Manning & Chace, 1971. Estos registros representan extensiones de hábitat y completan brechas en la distribución geográfica de las especies a lo largo de la costa septentrional de Sudamérica. Diferencias estadísticas en la abundancia y composición de las especies de decápodos fueron posiblemente causadas por la acción conjunta de cobertura y heterogeneidad de las praderas. Las especies más influyentes en la comunidad son típicas para el Caribe; no obstante, la abundancia de Penaeus schmitti Burkenroad, 1936 juveniles fue notable, puesto que raramente han sido encontrados en estos hábitats. Este hallazgo resalta el rol de áreas no protegidas como hábitats de cría para especies de importancia comercial. Nuestros resultados muestran que las praderas de hierbas marinas en la Península de Paraguaná reflejan un buen estado en comparación con otras zonas del Caribe, y representan un hábitat importante para el mantenimiento de las poblaciones de crustáceos.

Thalassia testudinum and Halodule wrigthii are the dominant seagrasses in the Caribbean, being common across shallow shorelines, either as monospecific or as intermixed meadows. Among the macrofauna associated with these beds, crustaceans are considered essential for the whole ecosystem functioning. However, knowledge about the associated community of decapod crustaceans in assemblages of T. testudinum and H. wrigthii is still scarce, particularly outside of protected areas. Here we report eight new decapod species for the Paraguaná Peninsula (Falcón State, Venezuela) in association with intermixed seagrass beds: Achelous tumidulus Stimpson, 1871, Alpheus aff. floridanus Kingsley, 1878, Chorinus heros (Herbst, 1790), Clibanarius antillensis (Stimpson, 1859), Clibanarius sclopetarius (Herbst, 1796), Latreutes parvulus (Stimpson, 1866), Panopeus occidentalis Saussure, 1857, and Processa fimbriata Manning & Chace, 1971. These records represent habitat extensions and fill gaps in the geographical distribution of the species along the northern coast of South America. Furthermore, we found that statistical differences in decapod species abundance and composition are likely to be caused by the joint action of coverage and heterogeneity of the beds. Our results indicate that typical Caribbean species were the most influential in the community; nevertheless, the abundance of juvenile Penaeus schmitti Burkenroad, 1936 was notable, since they have rarely been found in these habitats. This finding highlights the role of non-protected areas as nursery habitats for economically important species. Our results show that seagrass meadows in the Paraguaná Peninsula reflect overall good health when compared to other Caribbean zones, representing an important habitat for the maintenance of crustacean populations.

Animals , Marine Environment , Anomura/classification , Brachyura/classification , Decapoda/classification , Ecosystem , Hydrocharitaceae , Palaemonidae/classification , Palinuridae/classification , Penaeidae/classification , Grassland , Animal Distribution , Venezuela
Article in English | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483224


RESUMEN Thalassia testudinum y Halodule wrigthii son las hierbas marinas dominantes en el Caribe, siendo comunes en costas someras, tanto en monocultivos como en cultivos mixtos. Entre la macrofauna asociada a estas comunidades, los crustáceos son considerados esenciales para el funcionamiento del ecosistema. Sin embargo, el conocimiento sobre la comunidad de crustáceos decápodos asociada a praderas mixtas de T. testudinum y H. wrigthii es escaso, en particular fuera de zonas protegidas. En este trabajo presentamos ocho nuevas especies de decápodos para la Península de Paraguaná (estado Falcón, Venezuela) asociados a praderas mixtas de hierbas marinas: Achelous tumidulus Stimpson, 1871, Alpheus floridanus Kingsley, 1878, Chorinus heros (Herbst, 1790), Clibanarius antillensis (Stimpson, 1859), Clibanarius sclopetarius (Herbst, 1796), Latreutes parvulus (Stimpson, 1866), Panopeus occidentalis Saussure, 1857, y Processa fimbriata Manning & Chace, 1971. Estos registros representan extensiones de hábitat y completan brechas en la distribución geográfica de las especies a lo largo de la costa septentrional de Sudamérica. Diferencias estadísticas en la abundancia y composición de las especies de decápodos fueron posiblemente causadas por la acción conjunta de cobertura y heterogeneidad de las praderas. Las especies más influyentes en la comunidad son típicas para el Caribe; no obstante, la abundancia de Penaeus schmitti Burkenroad, 1936 juveniles fue notable, puesto que raramente han sido encontrados en estos hábitats. Este hallazgo resalta el rol de áreas no protegidas como hábitats de cría para especies de importancia comercial. Nuestros resultados muestran que las praderas de hierbas marinas en la Península de Paraguaná reflejan un buen estado en comparación con otras zonas del Caribe, y representan un hábitat importante para el mantenimiento de las poblaciones de crustáceos.

ABSTRACT Thalassia testudinum and Halodule wrigthii are the dominant seagrasses in the Caribbean, being common across shallow shorelines, either as monospecific or as intermixed meadows. Among the macrofauna associated with these beds, crustaceans are considered essential for the whole ecosystem functioning. However, knowledge about the associated community of decapod crustaceans in assemblages of T. testudinum and H. wrigthii is still scarce, particularly outside of protected areas. Here we report eight new decapod species for the Paraguaná Peninsula (Falcón State, Venezuela) in association with intermixed seagrass beds: Achelous tumidulus Stimpson, 1871, Alpheus aff. floridanus Kingsley, 1878, Chorinus heros (Herbst, 1790), Clibanarius antillensis (Stimpson, 1859), Clibanarius sclopetarius (Herbst, 1796), Latreutes parvulus (Stimpson, 1866), Panopeus occidentalis Saussure, 1857, and Processa fimbriata Manning & Chace, 1971. These records represent habitat extensions and fill gaps in the geographical distribution of the species along the northern coast of South America. Furthermore, we found that statistical differences in decapod species abundance and composition are likely to be caused by the joint action of coverage and heterogeneity of the beds. Our results indicate that typical Caribbean species were the most influential in the community; nevertheless, the abundance of juvenile Penaeus schmitti Burkenroad, 1936 was notable, since they have rarely been found in these habitats. This finding highlights the role of non-protected areas as nursery habitats for economically important species. Our results show that seagrass meadows in the Paraguaná Peninsula reflect overall good health when compared to other Caribbean zones, representing an important habitat for the maintenance of crustacean populations.

B. Inst. Pesca ; 42(2): 369-386, abr./jun. 2016. mapas, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: vti-15558


Studies on natural communities are essential for a correct interpretation of the disturbing events, either natural or anthropic. Many species which are not the target of fisheries are captured in the shrimp fishery. Such fact is attributed to the non-selective fishery device used (double-rig trawl), that destabilizes the benthic community. This study provides a landscape on the crustacean decapods community, captured more than 20 years ago by means the shrimp fishery of the X. kroyeri (sea-bob shrimp) at the northern littoral of São Paulo. Samples were collected monthly from November/1988 to October/1989 at the Fortaleza bay. A total of 20377 specimens of 44 species were obtained. The most abundant was X. kroyeri with 13206 individuals. The higher values of diversity index (Shannon-Wiener) were obtained in the sites II and V, which are fishery natural exclusion areas. Our results show that the decapod diversity can be affected in those areas in which the fishery activity is more intense.(AU)

Estudos sobre as comunidades são essenciais para uma interpretação adequada dos eventos perturbadores, sejam eles antrópicos ou não. Na pesca camaroneira, muitos crustáceos sem valor econômico são capturados. Tal fato é atribuído ao uso de um apetrecho de pesca não seletivo (rede double-rig), tornando a pesca uma atividade desestabilizadora das comunidades bentônicas. Este estudo apresenta um panorama sobre as espécies de crustáceos decápodes capturados na pesca de Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (camarão-sete-barbas). As coletas foram realizadas no período de novembro/1988 a outubro/1989 na Enseada da Fortaleza, litoral norte paulista. Foram coletados 20.377 indivíduos pertencentes a 44 espécies, das quais a mais abundante foi X. kroyeri com 13.206 indivíduos. Os maiores valores de índice de diversidade (Shannon-Wiener) foram observados nos pontos amostrais II e V, que correspondem a áreas de exclusão natural de pesca. Este estudo aponta que, em locais onde a atividade pesqueira é mais intensa, a biodiversidade pode ser afetada.(AU)

Animals , Decapoda , Fisheries , Brachyura , Anomura , Penaeidae
Bol. Inst. Pesca (Impr.) ; 42(2): 369-386, abr./jun. 2016. map, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1465168


Studies on natural communities are essential for a correct interpretation of the disturbing events, either natural or anthropic. Many species which are not the target of fisheries are captured in the shrimp fishery. Such fact is attributed to the non-selective fishery device used (double-rig trawl), that destabilizes the benthic community. This study provides a landscape on the crustacean decapods community, captured more than 20 years ago by means the shrimp fishery of the X. kroyeri (sea-bob shrimp) at the northern littoral of São Paulo. Samples were collected monthly from November/1988 to October/1989 at the Fortaleza bay. A total of 20377 specimens of 44 species were obtained. The most abundant was X. kroyeri with 13206 individuals. The higher values of diversity index (Shannon-Wiener) were obtained in the sites II and V, which are fishery natural exclusion areas. Our results show that the decapod diversity can be affected in those areas in which the fishery activity is more intense.

Estudos sobre as comunidades são essenciais para uma interpretação adequada dos eventos perturbadores, sejam eles antrópicos ou não. Na pesca camaroneira, muitos crustáceos sem valor econômico são capturados. Tal fato é atribuído ao uso de um apetrecho de pesca não seletivo (rede double-rig), tornando a pesca uma atividade desestabilizadora das comunidades bentônicas. Este estudo apresenta um panorama sobre as espécies de crustáceos decápodes capturados na pesca de Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (camarão-sete-barbas). As coletas foram realizadas no período de novembro/1988 a outubro/1989 na Enseada da Fortaleza, litoral norte paulista. Foram coletados 20.377 indivíduos pertencentes a 44 espécies, das quais a mais abundante foi X. kroyeri com 13.206 indivíduos. Os maiores valores de índice de diversidade (Shannon-Wiener) foram observados nos pontos amostrais II e V, que correspondem a áreas de exclusão natural de pesca. Este estudo aponta que, em locais onde a atividade pesqueira é mais intensa, a biodiversidade pode ser afetada.

Animals , Anomura , Brachyura , Decapoda , Fisheries , Penaeidae
Iheringia. Sér. Zool. ; 102(4): 426-437, 2012.
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: vti-2353


he freshwater prawns of the genus Macrobrachium Spence Bate, 1868 are widely distributed in rivers of tropical and subtropical regions and represent an interesting group with controversial taxonomy. The morphological characters traditionally used to separate species have shown a high intraspecific variation. Doubts about the status of M. birai Lobão, Melo & Fernandes, 1986, M. holthuisi Genofre & Lobão, 1978 and M. petronioi Melo, Lobão & Fernandes, 1986 have been arisen due to the high resemblance of the former two species with M. olfersi (Wiegmann, 1836), and the latter one with M. potiuna (Müller, 1880). Therefore, we performed a detailed morphological analysis of these species, including new characters not usually used in the species recognition. The present results here with molecular data lead us to conclude that M. birai and M. holthuisi are junior synonyms of M. olfersi, and M. petronioi is a junior synonym of M. potiuna. Considering these synonymies, 17 valid species are now reported for the Brazilian territory.(AU)

Os camarões de água doce do gênero Macrobrachium Spence Bate, 1868 encontram-se amplamente distribuídos em rios de regiões tropicais e subtropicais e representam um grupo com taxonomia controversa. Os caracteres morfológicos comumente utilizados para separação de espécies apresentam uma grande variação intraespecífica. Dúvidas sobre o status taxonômico de M. birai Lobão, Melo & Fernandes, 1986, M. holthuisi Genofre & Lobão, 1978 e M. petronioi Melo, Lobão & Fernandes, 1986 foram levantadas devido à alta similaridade morfológica das primeiras com relação à M. olfersi (Wiegmann, 1836) e da última com relação à M. potiuna (Müller, 1880). Assim, foi realizada uma análise morfológica detalhada de tais espécies, incluindo novos caracteres comumente não utilizados na identificação dos táxons. A partir dos resultados obtidos, juntamente com dados moleculares, concluímos que M. birai e M. holthuisi são sinônimos-júnior de M. olfersi, e M. petronioi é sinônimo-júnior de M. potiuna. Portanto, considerando-se tais sinonímias, são reportadas 17 espécies válidas para o território brasileiro.(AU)

Review Literature as Topic , Classification , Astacoidea/classification , Crustacea/physiology
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 102(4): 426-437, 2012.
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482723


he freshwater prawns of the genus Macrobrachium Spence Bate, 1868 are widely distributed in rivers of tropical and subtropical regions and represent an interesting group with controversial taxonomy. The morphological characters traditionally used to separate species have shown a high intraspecific variation. Doubts about the status of M. birai Lobão, Melo & Fernandes, 1986, M. holthuisi Genofre & Lobão, 1978 and M. petronioi Melo, Lobão & Fernandes, 1986 have been arisen due to the high resemblance of the former two species with M. olfersi (Wiegmann, 1836), and the latter one with M. potiuna (Müller, 1880). Therefore, we performed a detailed morphological analysis of these species, including new characters not usually used in the species recognition. The present results here with molecular data lead us to conclude that M. birai and M. holthuisi are junior synonyms of M. olfersi, and M. petronioi is a junior synonym of M. potiuna. Considering these synonymies, 17 valid species are now reported for the Brazilian territory.

Os camarões de água doce do gênero Macrobrachium Spence Bate, 1868 encontram-se amplamente distribuídos em rios de regiões tropicais e subtropicais e representam um grupo com taxonomia controversa. Os caracteres morfológicos comumente utilizados para separação de espécies apresentam uma grande variação intraespecífica. Dúvidas sobre o status taxonômico de M. birai Lobão, Melo & Fernandes, 1986, M. holthuisi Genofre & Lobão, 1978 e M. petronioi Melo, Lobão & Fernandes, 1986 foram levantadas devido à alta similaridade morfológica das primeiras com relação à M. olfersi (Wiegmann, 1836) e da última com relação à M. potiuna (Müller, 1880). Assim, foi realizada uma análise morfológica detalhada de tais espécies, incluindo novos caracteres comumente não utilizados na identificação dos táxons. A partir dos resultados obtidos, juntamente com dados moleculares, concluímos que M. birai e M. holthuisi são sinônimos-júnior de M. olfersi, e M. petronioi é sinônimo-júnior de M. potiuna. Portanto, considerando-se tais sinonímias, são reportadas 17 espécies válidas para o território brasileiro.

Astacoidea/classification , Classification , Review Literature as Topic , Crustacea/physiology
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;60(3): 1161-1175, Sept. 2012. graf, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-659577


Seagrass meadows are highly productive and ecologically important habitats in estuaries and coastal lagoons, and contain a variety of faunal communities, from which the caridean shrimps are a dominant component. The purpose of this work was to analyze the environmental parameters of water and sediments, with the biological components in seagrass epifaunal communities, from the Western Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. For this, density and diversity of caridean shrimps were analyzed and correlated with environmental parameters and seagrass biomass, and zoogeographic affinities were determined. The spatial distribution of caridean shrimps was recorded for 12 localities with Halodule wrightii and Thalassia testudinum monospecific seagrass meadows. A total of 72 158 individuals of 16 taxa were collected. Among results, the Hippolytidae resulted the most abundant group (92.3%) with eight species, and was followed by Palaemonidae with 7.6% of the abundance and seven species, and the Alpheidae with only one genus. From the total of collected carideans, a 37.3% was found in H. wrightii and 62.7% in T. testudinum. The dominant species were Hippolyte zostericola (12.39ind./m2), Tozeuma carolinense (9.5ind./m2), Thor dobkini (4.84ind./m2) and Palaemonetes vulgaris (4.87ind./m2). The zoogeographic distribution of the carideans presented two groups: species of the Virginian-Carolinean province representing its Southern limit (43.75%) and species of the Brazilian-Caribbean province representing its Northern limit (56.25%). The species H. zostericola, T. carolinense, P. vulgaris, P. pugio and P. intermedius are widely distributed along the Western Atlantic coast. This study has base line information for seagrass habitats, the community of epifaunal carideans and their ecological affinities, previous to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Las praderas de pastos marinos son hábitats altamente productivos y ecológicamente importantes a lo largo de las costas y estuarios, en estas se encuentra una gran variedad de comunidades faunísticas, donde los camarones carideos son un componente dominante por su densidad. Los parámetros ambientales del agua y sedimento y los componentes biológicos de biomasa de pastos marinos y comunidad epifaunística fueron recolectados a lo largo del occidente del Golfo de México y Mar Caribe. La densidady diversidad de los camarones carideos fueron analizadas y correlacionadas con los parámetros ambientales y biomasa de pastos, también se determinaron las afinidades zoogeográficas de las especies. La distribución espacial de los camarones carideos fue registrada en 12 localidades con praderas monoespecíficas de los pastos Halodule wrightii y Thalassia testudinum. Un total de 72 158 individuos pertenecientes a 16 taxa fueron recolectados. La familia Hippolytidae incluyó a ocho especies y representó el 92.3% de la abundancia, la familia Palaemonidae comprendió a siete especies y el 7.6%, y la familia Alpheidae estuvo representada por un solo género. Del total de carideos recolectados, el 37.3% se capturó en H. wrightii y el 62.7% en T. testudinum. Las especies dominantes fueron Hippolyte zostericola (12.39ind./m2), Tozeuma carolinense (9.5ind./m2), Thor dobkini (4.84ind./m2) y Palaemonetes vulgaris (4.87ind./m2). La composición zoogeográfica de los carideos estudiados estuvo representada por dos grupos: el primero constituido por especies afín a la provincia Virginiana- Carolineana en su límite más sureño (43.75%), y el segundo por especies de la provincia Brasileña-Caribeña con su límite más norteño (56.25%). Las especies H. zostericola, T. carolinense, P. vulgaris, P. pugio y P. intermedius tienen una amplia distribución a lo largo de la costa noreste Atlántica. Este estudio constituye la línea base de información sobre los hábitats de pastos marinos, la comunidad de camarones carideos epifaunales y sus afinidades ecológicas de recolectas previas al derrame de petróleo en el noreste del Golfo de México.

Animals , Biodiversity , Decapoda/classification , Ecosystem , Poaceae , Caribbean Region , Gulf of Mexico , Population Density , Seawater