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Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(3): 63-78, jul.-set.2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571956


Objetivo: refletir se a hierarquia das normas jurídicas deve ser usada como método de solução infalível mesmo quando um conflito aparente entre normas jurídicas que envolva o direito à saúde e, sobretudo, a sua efetividade, puder ser melhor resolvido mediante decisão técnica do órgão regulador competente. Metodologia: estudo descritivo de abordagem qualitativa e análise documental. Foram analisadas as Resolução de Diretoria Colegiada nº 52/2011, Lei nº 13.454/2017 e Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº 5.779-DF. Buscou-se doutrina jurídica especializada sobre os temas central e periféricos. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se a técnica da revisão crítico-narrativa. Resultados: no Brasil, a adoção das agências reguladoras como agente normativo e regulador de atividades econômicas viabilizou a tomada de decisões pautadas menos em critérios políticos que em critérios técnicos. O legislador, ancorado em critérios políticos, segundo o entendimento do Judiciário, não pode ultrapassar os critérios técnicos. Conclusão: do julgamento da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº 5.779 se extrai que o conceito hodierno e a natureza jurídica do direito à saúde impõem novos paradigmas jurídicos que validam o papel das agências reguladoras (tomada de decisões técnicas em prol da máxima efetividade do direito à saúde), ainda que em detrimento de decisões do legislador, legitimadas politicamente. O paradigma formal não pode obstar a materialização do direito.

Objective: To reflect on whether the hierarchy of legal norms should be used as an infallible method of solution even when an apparent conflict between legal norms involving health law can be better resolved through a technical decision by the competent regulatory agency. Methodology: data was collected. In particular, Resolução de Diretoria Colegiada nº 52/2011, Law nº 13.454/2017 and Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº 5.779-DF. Specialized legal doctrine was sought on the central and peripheral themes. The data collected was analyzed using the critical-narrative review technique. Results: In Brazil, the adoption of regulatory agencies as normative agents and regulators of economic activities has made it possible to make decisions based less on political criteria than on technical criteria. The legislator, anchored in political criteria, according to the judiciary, cannot go beyond technical criteria. Conclusion: the judgment in Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº 5.779 shows that today's concept and the legal nature of the right to health impose new legal paradigms that validate the role of regulatory agencies (making technical decisions in favor of maximum effectiveness of the right to health), even to the detriment of politically legitimized decisions by the legislature. The formal paradigm cannot prevent the materialization of the right.

Objetivo: reflexionar si la jerarquía de las normas jurídicas debe utilizarse como método infalible de solución, incluso cuando un conflicto aparente entre normas jurídicas que impliquen al Derecho sanitario pueda resolverse mejor mediante una decisión técnica del órgano regulador competente. Metodología: se recopilaron datos. En particular, RDC nº 52/2011, Ley nº 13.454/2017 y ADI nº 5.779-DF. Se buscó doctrina jurídica especializada sobre los temas centrales y periféricos. Los datos recogidos se analizaron mediante la técnica de revisión crítico-narrativa. Resultados: En Brasil, la adopción de las agencias reguladoras como agentes normativos y reguladores de las actividades económicas ha permitido tomar decisiones basadas menos en criterios políticos que en criterios técnicos. El legislador, anclado en criterios políticos, según el poder judicial, no puede ir más allá de los criterios técnicos. Conclusión: la sentencia en el asunto ADI 5.779 demuestra que el concepto actual y la naturaleza jurídica del derecho a la salud imponen nuevos paradigmas jurídicos que validan el papel de las agencias reguladoras (que adoptan decisiones técnicas en favor de la máxima efectividad del derecho a la salud), incluso en detrimento de las decisiones políticamente legitimadas del poder legislativo. El paradigma formal no puede impedir la materialización del derecho.

Health Law
CienciaUAT ; 17(1): 107-122, jul.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404110


Resumen Ante la transición a universidades emprendedoras, existe la tendencia a incrementar el patentamiento, aunque sin un estudio profundo del potencial comercial, por lo que el porcentaje de los productos que lo logran es muy bajo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue diseñar una estrategia de evaluación tecnológica y comercial de patentes universitarias a partir de la identificación de oportunidades en transferencia de tecnología (TT). Para ello, se examinaron 269 solicitudes de patente de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) y de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM), de acuerdo con la Clasificación Internacional de Patentes (CIP), en un periodo de 10 años (2009-2018), mediante 4 pasos: (a) construcción de la base de datos con la herramienta del Instituto Mexicano de Propiedad Intelectual, (b) identificación de las capacidades inventivas, a través de la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual, (c) distribución por industrias de intensidad y oportunidad de mercado tecnológico, de acuerdo con la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos, y (d) análisis del comportamiento del mercado, mediante el estudio de las 36 solicitudes del área farmacéutica de ambas universidades. Los resultados mostraron que el 68.4 % de la BUAP y 75.6 % de la UAEM presentan un posicionamiento competitivo predominante en industrias de alta y mediana-alta tecnología. La ventaja de la herramienta propuesta es que permite reconocer la oportunidad del mercado tecnológico a partir de la construcción de escenarios relacionados con el comportamiento de la CIP.

Abstract Given the transition to entrepreneurial universities, there is a tendency to increase patenting, although without a deep study of the commercial potential. Therefore, the percentage of those developments that succeed is very low. The objective of this research was to develop a strategy for the technological and commercial evaluation of university patents, based on the identification of commercial opportunities in technology transfer (TT). Patent applications from the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP) and the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM) were used for the study. The methodology consisted of the analysis of 269 patent applications in a period of 10 years 2009-2018, in accordance with the statistical International Patent Classification (IPC), through 4 steps: (a) construction of the patent database, with the use of the patent tool of the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property, (b) identification of inventive capabilities, through the World Intellectual Property Organization, (c) distribution by industries of intensity and technological market opportunity, with the tool of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and (d) analysis of market behavior, through the study of the 36 applications of the pharmaceutical patent area, from both universities. The results showed that 68.4 % of BUAP and 75.6 % of UAEM reflected a predominantly competitive positioning in high technology and medium-high technology industries. The advantage of the proposed tool is that it allows the recognition of the technological market opportunity based on the construction of scenarios related to the IPC behavior.

Colloq. Agrar ; 18(3): 34-38, maio-jun. 2022. tab
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1410472


Citrus is a fruit of great importance in Brazil, mainly in the socio-economic issue as it generates employment and income due to the production and export of concentrated orange juice, as well as other products. In view of the above, this work aimed to evaluate the dormancy overcoming of citrus seeds of the cultivars: Flying Dragon, San Diego, Índio, Cravo Santa Cruz, Riverside, BRS Sunki Tropical, Volkamerian, as well as the species Poncirus trifoliata. The seeds from Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation) Clima Temperado, located in Pelotas-RS, as well as from Embrapa Cassava e Fruticultura, located in Cruz das Almas-BA, were submitted to the germination test as written in the Seed Analysis Rules and a germination test in which a small cut was made in the seed coat on the side of the embryo, around 0.1 mm with the help of a stylet, which was used 200 seeds (4 samples of50 seeds per repetition) on germitest® paper, moistened with distilled water in an amount equivalent to 2.5 times its weight and kept inside a germinator at a constant temperature of 25 °C, photoperiod of 12 hours. The evaluations were carried out at the end of the 21 days after the installation of the test, providing data that were expressed in percentage of normal and abnormal seedlings and non-germinated seeds (hard, dormant or dead). of citrus seedlings at the end of the tests and the data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance and the means were compared by the Tukey test at a 5% significance level (p≤0.05), with the aid of the R-bio. It is concluded that, when evaluating germination and shoot and root length of seedlings cultivars Flying Dragon, Índio, Cravo Santa Cruz, BRS Sunki Tropical, Riverside and Volkameriano, San Diego and the species P. trifoliata, were satisfactory when submitted in the dormancy breaking process, but further studies are needed.

Os citros é uma frutífera de grande importância no Brasil, principalmente na questão sócio econômico, pois gera emprego e renda por conta da produção e exportação de suco concentrado de laranja, bem como outros produtos. Diante do exposto este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a superação de dormência de sementes de citros das cultivares: Flying Dragon, San Diego, Índio, Cravo Santa Cruz, Riverside, BRS Sunki Tropical, Volkameriano, bem como a espécie Poncirus trifoliata. As sementes oriundas Embrapa (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária) Clima Temperado, localizada em Pelotas-RS, bem como da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, localizada em Cruz das Almas-BA, foram submetidas ao teste de germinação como escrito nas Regras de Análise de Sementes e a um teste de germinação na qual foi feito um pequeno corte no tegumento da semente do lado do embrião, em torno de 0,1 mm com ajuda de um estilete, a qual foi utilizada 200 sementes (4 amostras de 50 sementes por repetição) em papel germitest®, umedecido com água destilada em quantidade equivalente a 2,5 vezes o seu peso e mantidos no interior de um germinador à temperatura constante de 25°C, fotoperíodo de 12 horas. As avaliações foram realizadas ao final dos 21 dias após a instalação do teste, fornecendo dados que foram expressos em porcentagem de plântulas normais, anormais e sementes não germinadas (duras, dormentes ou mortas). Além de ser realizado o comprimento da parte aérea e raiz das plântulas de citros no final dos testes e os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias, comparadas pelo teste Tukey ao nível de 5% de significância (p≤0,05), com o auxílio do pacote estatístico R-bio. Conclui-se, que ao avaliar a germinação e o comprimento da parte aérea e raiz das plântulas cultivares Flying Dragon, Índio, Cravo Santa Cruz, BRS Sunki Tropical, Riverside e Volkameriano, San Diego e a espécie P. trifoliata, foram satisfatórios, quando submetidos no processo de quebra de dormência, porém se faz necessário mais estudos a respeito.

Citrus/growth & development , Plant Roots/growth & development , Plant Components, Aerial/growth & development , Plant Dormancy , Germination
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210007, 2022. tab
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442687


This study aimed at analyzing and comparing the phenotypic characteristics of height, body length, and fleece wool fineness with the liquidity and final price sold in auctions in the city of Uruguaiana, RS, Brazil, for three consecutive years (2015 to 2017). A total of 412 one-year-old (two teeth) male sheep, of the Australian Merino (n = 50), Polwarth (n = 130), and Corriedale (n = 232) breeds were evaluated. Height and length of the animals were measured on the day of the auction with a measuring tape, and animals were grouped into small or tall and short or long categories, as defined in this study. Wool fineness was measured using an Optical-based Fibre Diameter Analyser (FDA 2000) device and classified according to official wool classification standards (the Bradford System). There was no statistical difference in the average selling price of different breeds. There was a correlation between the breed and liquidity, in which Corriedale lambs were sold more than the Polwarth lambs, as expected; however, there was no such correlation for Merino lambs. The tall Merino lambs were sold at a higher selling price (R$ 2,449.11) than the small ones (R$ 1,826.59). Polwarth lambs exhibited positive correlations among height, length, and liquidity. Long and tall Corriedale lambs had a higher selling price (R$ 1,963.40 and R$ 1,915.02) than the short (R$ 1,656.38) and small (R$ 1,698.20) ones, respectively. In the case of Corriedale lambs, there was a positive correlation between length and liquidity. Wool fineness did not influence the selling price and liquidity in the three studied breeds. Conclusively, buyers of the Polwarth and Corriedale lambs prefer tall and long animals, regardless of the fleece wool fineness; only the height (taller lambs) seems to be a relevant factor for choosing the Merino breeders.(AU)

Animals , Male , Sheep/physiology , Sheep/genetics , Wool , Brazil
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);27(7): 2667-2678, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384451


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é caracterizar os apelos publicitários presentes no ambiente alimentar para comercializar alimentos ultraprocessados e analisar o perfil nutricional desses alimentos segundo critérios da OPAS e presença de aditivos alimentares. Estudo transversal, com dados auditados em 20 pequenos supermercados de São Paulo. O protocolo INFORMAS foi utilizado para classificar as mensagens publicitárias. Os alimentos foram classificados segundo a NOVA. O perfil nutricional da OPAS foi utilizado para classificar os alimentos elevados em nutrientes críticos. Os padrões de publicidade foram identificados por análise fatorial. A associação entre os padrões e os grupos de alimentos foi investigada por regressão linear. Mais de 95% dos alimentos ultraprocessados tinham pelo menos um nutriente crítico em excesso. Verificou-se associação positiva entre o padrão nova marca, divertido e vantajoso com salgadinhos, produtos pré-prontos, lácteos e biscoitos, e entre o padrão nova marca e uso sugerido com lácteos. A padronização da publicidade de alimentos nos pequenos comércios varejistas está associada à oferta de salgadinhos, produtos lácteos, alimentos pré-prontos e biscoitos, produtos que excedem em nutrientes críticos.

Abstract This article aims to characterize the advertising appeals present in the food environment to market ultra-processed foods and to analyze the nutritional profile of these foods according to PAHO criteria and the presence of food additives. Cross-sectional study, with data audited in 20 small supermarkets in São Paulo. The INFORMAS protocol was used to classify the advertising messages. The foods were classified according to NOVA. The PAHO profile model was used to classify foods high in critical nutrients. Advertising patterns were identified by factor analysis. The association between patterns and food groups was investigated by linear regression. More than 95% of the ultraprocessed foods had at least 1 critical nutrient in excess. There was a positive association between the new brand, fun and advantageous pattern with snacks, ready-made products, dairy products and cookies; between the new brand and suggested use pattern with dairy products. The standardization of food advertising in small retail stores is associated with offering snacks, dairy products, ready-to-eat foods and cookies, products that exceed critical nutrients.

Front Microbiol ; 12: 721365, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34489911


Various microorganisms thrive under extreme environments, like hot springs, hydrothermal vents, deep marine ecosystems, hyperacid lakes, acid mine drainage, high UV exposure, and more. To survive against the deleterious effect of these extreme circumstances, they form a network of biofilm where exopolysaccharides (EPSs) comprise a substantial part. The EPSs are often polyanionic due to different functional groups in their structural backbone, including uronic acids, sulfated units, and phosphate groups. Altogether, these chemical groups provide EPSs with a negative charge allowing them to (a) act as ligands toward dissolved cations as well as trace, and toxic metals; (b) be tolerant to the presence of salts, surfactants, and alpha-hydroxyl acids; and (c) interface the solubilization of hydrocarbons. Owing to their unique structural and functional characteristics, EPSs are anticipated to be utilized industrially to remediation of metals, crude oil, and hydrocarbons from contaminated wastewaters, mines, and oil spills. The biotechnological advantages of extremophilic EPSs are more diverse than traditional biopolymers. The present review aims at discussing the mechanisms and strategies for using EPSs from extremophiles in industries and environment bioremediation. Additionally, the potential of EPSs as fascinating biomaterials to mediate biogenic nanoparticles synthesis and treat multicomponent water contaminants is discussed.

Heliyon ; 7(3): e06468, 2021 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33855230


This article explores the critical factors of consumption in Mexico, Ecuador, and Colombia, due to confinement and social distancing. Besides, which are the factors that influence the purchase decision. In the proposed model, we tested from quantitative research with a sample of 2,065 online consumers. We analyzed the following statistics: CFA, structural equations, invariance of measurement instruments, and multi-group analysis with the Smart Pls 3 and EQS 6.3 software. The study reveals that time, space, and place in the consumption process is more visible in the purchasing behavior with social distancing, healthy distance, and the commercial restriction caused by the health contingency. In addition to being a health and humanitarian crisis, the pandemic has severe economic consequences worldwide as 1) the increase in unemployment rates, 2) collapsed health systems, 3) education models overwhelmed by technology, 4) supply chains interrupted by the closure of borders, 5) international and domestic tourism suspended due to a lack of sanitary protocols,6) social coexistence curtailed by significantly increased infections and 7) a decreasing demand by consumers for the closure of companies. Despite being Latin American countries, cultural differences were not the priority of consumption in the crisis period due to Covid-19. They significantly change purchasing behaviors, and all have adapted to online and home delivery purchases by the social factor, local consumption, and consumers' attitude. The article presents several considerations on the main factors of consumption in Covid-19 in collectivist countries (North American and South America) such as Mexico, Colombia, and Ecuador and finds no substantial differences with consumers. There are practical implications for companies to adopt online channels and to create sales strategies in the face of the endemic pandemic.

Heliyon ; 6(10): e05300, 2020 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33117903


Andean blackberry is a fruit recognized by its health benefits associated with its high content of bioactive compounds. However, it is also one of the most perishable fruits because it does not have a protective cuticle, and it shows high respiration and ethylene production rates. Furthermore, it is susceptible to microbiological attacks. During harvest and commercialization, the highest percentage of losses is caused by factors such as the maturity stage, harvest practices and containers, and marketing packages. The current work aims at studying the effect of the package on fruit quality, for which the harvested fruits were placed in clamshells, traditional wooden and plastic crates with a capacity of 7 kg. The quality of the fruit was evaluated by counting in situ, damage by bruising, cuts, deformations, microbiological attacks, missing of the peduncle, and non-uniform pollination. Damage analysis included the evaluation of different regression models considering information criteria and significant parameters (P ≤ 0.05). The use of traditional packages led to higher damage from cuts and bruises. Although in clamshells there was a higher probability of finding healthy fruits, a proposal for its redesign is proposed to guarantee a better quality and shelf life of the Andean blackberry fruits.

Front Res Metr Anal ; 5: 588331, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33870052


Financial conflicts of interest, several cases of scientific fraud, and research limitations from strong intellectual property laws have all led to questioning the epistemic and social justice appropriateness of industry-funded research. At first sight, the ideal of Open Science, which promotes transparency, sharing, collaboration, and accountability, seems to target precisely the type of limitations uncovered in commercially-driven research. The Open Science movement, however, has primarily focused on publicly funded research, has actively encouraged liaisons with the private sector, and has also created new strategies for commercializing science. As a consequence, I argue that Open Science ends up contributing to the commercialization of science, instead of overcoming its limitations. I use the examples of research publications and citizen science to illustrate this point. Accordingly, the asymmetry between private and public science, present in the current plea to open science, ends up compromising the values of transparency, democracy, and accountability.

Atas Saúde Ambient ; 8: 79-92, jan.-dez. 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1463794


In the state of Pará, the mangroves form an area of approximately 390,000 hectares, presenting a great diversity of species, among which are mussels, whichare extracted an artisan form by local residents and have commercial value. The study aimed to characterize the mussel consumer profile in street markets of the city of Belém. For this was done interviews directly with 240 people through questionnaires. The data have been tabulated in spreadsheets and graphs generated. Of the total interviewees, only 38.33% consume mussels, of which the majority consume this food a few times a year. The most significant factors in the purchase decision were price, quality and hygiene of the marketed product. As for preference at the moment of purchase, the consumers prefer to buy mussels in the shell (76.09%). Moreover, it was possible ascertain that the consumed amount per month is less than 1 kg (73.91%), and that it has diminished over the past five years (53.26%). Consumers of food have shown little present at the visited fairs and their consumption without frequency, due to preference for other types of meat, such as cattle, poultry and píscea.

No Estado do Pará, os manguezais formam uma área de aproximadamente 390 mil hectares, apresentando uma grande diversidade de espécies, entre as quais encontram-se os mexilhões, que são extraídos de forma artesanal pelos moradores locais e possuem valor comercial. O trabalho objetivou caracterizar o perfil do consumidor de mexilhão em feiras livres do município de Belém. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas de forma direta com 240 pessoas através de questionários. Os dados foram tabulados em planilha eletrônica e gerados gráficos. Do total de entrevistados, apenas 38,33% consomem mexilhão, dos quais a maioria consome esse alimento poucas vezes ao ano. Os fatores mais expressivos na decisão de compra foram preço, qualidade e higiene do produto comercializado. Quanto a preferência no momento da compra, os consumidores preferem adquirir o mexilhão na concha (76,09%). Além disso, foi possível verificar que a quantidade consumida por mês é inferior a 01 kg (73,91%), e que a mesma vem diminuindo nos últimos cinco anos (53,26%). Os consumidores desse alimento se mostraram pouco presentes nas feiras visitadas e o seu consumo sem frequência, devido a preferência por outros tipos de carne,como bovina, avícola e píscea.

Humans , Consumer Behavior , Perna , Products of Consumer Direct Sale , Products Commerce
Atas saúde ambient. ; 8: 79-92, jan.-dez. 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25227


In the state of Pará, the mangroves form an area of approximately 390,000 hectares, presenting a great diversity of species, among which are mussels, whichare extracted an artisan form by local residents and have commercial value. The study aimed to characterize the mussel consumer profile in street markets of the city of Belém. For this was done interviews directly with 240 people through questionnaires. The data have been tabulated in spreadsheets and graphs generated. Of the total interviewees, only 38.33% consume mussels, of which the majority consume this food a few times a year. The most significant factors in the purchase decision were price, quality and hygiene of the marketed product. As for preference at the moment of purchase, the consumers prefer to buy mussels in the shell (76.09%). Moreover, it was possible ascertain that the consumed amount per month is less than 1 kg (73.91%), and that it has diminished over the past five years (53.26%). Consumers of food have shown little present at the visited fairs and their consumption without frequency, due to preference for other types of meat, such as cattle, poultry and píscea.(AU)

No Estado do Pará, os manguezais formam uma área de aproximadamente 390 mil hectares, apresentando uma grande diversidade de espécies, entre as quais encontram-se os mexilhões, que são extraídos de forma artesanal pelos moradores locais e possuem valor comercial. O trabalho objetivou caracterizar o perfil do consumidor de mexilhão em feiras livres do município de Belém. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas de forma direta com 240 pessoas através de questionários. Os dados foram tabulados em planilha eletrônica e gerados gráficos. Do total de entrevistados, apenas 38,33% consomem mexilhão, dos quais a maioria consome esse alimento poucas vezes ao ano. Os fatores mais expressivos na decisão de compra foram preço, qualidade e higiene do produto comercializado. Quanto a preferência no momento da compra, os consumidores preferem adquirir o mexilhão na concha (76,09%). Além disso, foi possível verificar que a quantidade consumida por mês é inferior a 01 kg (73,91%), e que a mesma vem diminuindo nos últimos cinco anos (53,26%). Os consumidores desse alimento se mostraram pouco presentes nas feiras visitadas e o seu consumo sem frequência, devido a preferência por outros tipos de carne,como bovina, avícola e píscea.(AU)

Humans , Consumer Behavior , Perna , Products of Consumer Direct Sale , Products Commerce
Electron. j. biotechnol ; Electron. j. biotechnol;37: 41-46, Jan. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1051228


Background: Science and technology are two desirable elements for the economic and social development of a country. Biotechnology has a particularly important potential for economic development. Nevertheless, patent production in Latin America remains underdeveloped, which creates the need to analyze its trend and the efforts made to promote patent production. Therefore, the purpose of this study was, on the one hand, to determine trends in biotechnology-related PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) applications in Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and Cuba from 1999 to 2015, and, on the other hand, to determine whether there is a relationship between the gross domestic expenditure on research and experimental development as a percentage of gross domestic product (GERD/GDP) and PCT applications for biotechnological inventions from 2007 to 2015 (in this case, the period under study was limited from 2007 to 2015, due to data availability for GERD/GDP in the five selected countries). Results: The first part of this study shows that the growth in biotechnology PCT applications has been moderate and gradual and the trend was fitted to a linear model. The second set of results shows that GERD/GDP is associated with biotechnology-related PCT applications issued during the study period with a significance level of α = 0.01. Conclusions: Even though results indicate a gradual and modest progress, it is necessary that these five representative Latin American nations continue acting toward the protection of intellectual property in the area of biotechnology, especially by configuring strategies for further progress based on investments on research and development.

Biotechnology/trends , Biotechnology/statistics & numerical data , Patents as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Argentina , Research , Brazil , Technological Development , Technological Development/statistics & numerical data , Chile , Cuba , International Cooperation , Latin America , Mexico
CienciaUAT ; 13(2): 71-82, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011777


RESUMEN La Comarca Lagunera, con una participación del 25 % de la producción nacional, es la región melonera más importante del país. No obstante su importancia, se carece de estudios recientes que reflejen su situación en materia socioeconómica. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la problemática a la que se enfrentan los productores de melón de la región de la Comarca Lagunera en los temas de financiamiento, comercialización y rentabilidad del cultivo, con un enfoque de siembras por etapas. Para obtener la información necesaria, se elaboró y aplicó un cuestionario a 60 productores de melón de la zona de estudio. El cuestionario estuvo integrado por 30 preguntas, divididas en cinco bloques, en los temas de aspectos técnicos del cultivo, financiamiento, costos de producción, ingresos y comercialización. En la comercialización se identificaron tres "etapas" de siembra y cosecha durante el año, siendo las fechas "tempranas" y "tardías" las que se vendieron a mejores precios, pero con mayores riesgos climatológicos y biológicos; mientras que, las "intermedias" fueron las de mayor producción y menor riesgo, pero de menor rentabilidad, al venderse a menores precios. La situación en materia de financiamiento sigue siendo una limitante para la rentabilidad de este cultivo, con créditos escasos y tasas altas. En la comercialización se encontró que se sigue dependiendo de los intermediarios. Se concluye que es necesario reforzar la organización para poder hacer una mejor planeación de las etapas de siembra y cosecha, obtener financiamientos más accesibles y con mayor cobertura, así como fortalecer la capacidad de negociación con los intermediarios.

ABSTRACT The Comarca Lagunera, with a participation of 25 % of the national production, is the most important melon region in the country. Despite its importance, recent studies reflecting its socio-economic situation are lacking. In this work, the objective was to generate information on the issues of financing, commercialization and profitability of melon cultivation with a "step by step" approach, which will serve as the basis to promote the development of this crop in the Coahuila Lagunera Region. To obtain the necessary information, a questionnaire was prepared and administered to 60 melon producers in the study area. The questionnaire was composed of 30 items, divided into five blocks, on the topics of: technical aspects of cultivation, financing, production costs, revenue and marketing. In marketing, three "stages" of planting and harvesting were identified during the year, with "early" and "late" dates being sold at better prices, but with greater climatic and biological risks; while, the "intermediaries" were those with higher production and lower risk, but with lower profitability, when sold at lower prices. The situation regarding financing continues to be a limitation for the profitability of this crop, with expensive and scarce credits. In commercialization, it was found that it continues to depend on intermediaries. It is concluded that it is necessary to reinforce the organization to be able to do a better planning of the sowing and harvesting stages, to obtain more accessible financing and with greater coverage, as well as to strengthen the negotiation capacity with the intermediaries.

Agora USB ; 19(1): 12-17, ene.-jun. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038191


Resumen Aumenta así la presión por publicar, pero en formatos definidos, estandarizados, esto, en tanto se debe publicar en revistas indexadas y sobre todo, indexadas en bases bibliográficas de impacto, este es un sistema que no escapa a la lógica capitalista monopolizadora que viene impactando directamente el quehacer investigativo universitario, el imaginario de prestigio y la construcción de conocimiento ubicado y de sentido, todo este panorama afecta por supuesto, el Ethos de la ciencia.

Abstract The pressure for publishing in defined and standardized formats mounts. This is due to the fact that articles should be published in indexed journals, but especially in impact bibliographic databases.This is a system, which cannot escape the monopolizing capitalist logic. This issue has been directly affecting the academic research endeavor, the view of prestige, and the construction of located and meaningful knowledge. All this outlook, by the way, affects the Ethos of science.

Transgenic Res ; 28(3-4): 391-399, 2019 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30879222


Transgenic crops have been the recipient of strong support as well as vigorously opposed opinions since their appearance. In any case, their growth throughout the world has been remarkable, and the production and commercialization of transgenics in Latin America has been especially significant. The purpose of the present study was to analyze transgenic crop production trends around the world and the relationship between the area allocated to the cultivation of transgenic crops and the profits generated by this activity. Data concerning Latin American countries and their participation in transgenic crop production are addressed specifically. The present study used covariance analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient, time series analysis, Dicker-Fuller test, Durbin-Watson statistic, standardization, and different measures of central tendency. Results for the period between 1996 and 2016 show that, despite the significant increase in the area planted with this type of crops, their production presented a deterministic growth behavior, which is explained using a non-stationary model. Current data are insufficient to establish a causal relationship between cultivated hectares and their derived profits. Finally, the present study showed that production increased considerably from 2004 to 2016 in the cases of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, as well as a positive relationship between the global area planted with transgenics and the corresponding area in these selected countries.

Crops, Agricultural/growth & development , Plants, Genetically Modified/growth & development , Population Dynamics/trends , Developed Countries , Developing Countries , Latin America
Sensors (Basel) ; 19(2)2019 Jan 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30642043


In this paper, a monitoring system of agricultural production is modeled as a Data Fusion System (data from local fairs and meteorological data). The proposal considers the particular information of sales in agricultural markets for knowledge extraction about the associations among them. This association knowledge is employed to improve predictions of sales using a spatial prediction technique, as shown with data collected from local markets of the Andean region of Ecuador. The commercial activity in these markets uses Alternative Marketing Circuits (CIALCO). This market platform establishes a direct relationship between producer and consumer prices and promotes direct commercial interaction among family groups. The problem is presented first as a general fusion problem with a network of spatially distributed heterogeneous data sources, and is then applied to the prediction of products sales based on association rules mined in available sales data. First, transactional data is used as the base to extract the best association rules between products sold in different local markets, knowledge that allows the system to gain a significant improvement in prediction accuracy in the spatial region considered.

Ci. Rural ; 48(4): 1-6, Apr. 2018. tab
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18984


The demand for beef cattle with specific traits is evident from sales in auctions. While purchasing, buyers consider individual traits (e.g., muscularity, frame, racial composition, and weight) as predictors of quality, and adjust their bids according to their preferences. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of phenotypic and racial characteristics in determining the final sale price of calves of beef cattle in official auctions at the western border of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Five-hundred and seven lots of calves sold in calf auctions from five cities on the western border of Rio Grande do Sul were evaluated. The assignment of visual scores was based on their genetic group, frame, muscularity, and coat. Analysis of variance and the Tukey test at 5% significance level were performed for comparing the final average prices. Variables with the greatest impact on price were the genetic group and the size of the animals. Animals of synthetic breeds obtained higher value in the three years studied and animals without racial definition showed considerable devaluation and a decrease in supply. Larger animals had less value.(AU)

A busca por animais com características específicas é evidenciada na comercialização em leilões, em que, ao analisar os animais, compradores consideram as características individuais (musculosidade, frame, composição racial, peso) como preditor de qualidade e ajustam seus lances conforme suas preferências. Dessa forma, o presente estudo buscou avaliar o impacto de características fenotípicas e de padrão racial na composição do preço final de venda de bezerros comercializados em feiras oficiais na fronteira oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram avaliados 507 lotes de bezerros comercializados nas feiras de terneiros de cinco municípios da região da Fronteira Oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para a atribuição de escores visuais, considerou-se grupo genético, frame, musculosidade e pelagem dos animais. Foi realizada a análise de variância e a comparação dos preços finais médios pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de significância. As variáveis de maior impacto no preço foram grupo genético e tamanho dos animais. Animais de raças sintéticas obtiveram valorização superior nos três anos Estudados, considerável desvalorização e queda na oferta de animais sem definição racial. Os menores valores foram atribuídos a animais de tamanho grande.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Genotype , Phenotype , Animal Husbandry/economics , Marketing , Brazil
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 25(1): 55-66, ene.-mar. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094302


La información científica sobre Ucides occidentalis es escasa y parte de estos estudios no han logrado una difusión adecuada, lo cual restringe la disponibilidad de conocimiento sobre esta especie comercial. En este trabajo se revisan diversos estudios sobre U. occidentalis y se presenta información obtenida de observaciones directas realizadas entre 2011-2014 en los manglares del Golfo de Guayaquil, Ecuador. Se muestran notas sobre cambios en la taxonomía de U. occidentalis, sus características biológicas, ecológicas y pesqueras. Se discuten características del interés pesquero como la densidad poblacional y períodos de reproducción. Finalmente, se discute el manejo de las pesquerías de U. occidentalis en el Golfo de Guayaquil debido a que, en los últimos años, se ha evidenciado una disminución en los niveles de desembarques y a la vez, un aumento en la talla media comercial; aquello sugiere que se deben considerar ambos factores en la evaluación del stock, para tener una mejor aproximación sobre el estado poblacional del recurso y sus niveles de explotación.

Scientific information on Ucides occidentalis is scarce, and part of these studies have not adequate diffusion, this situation restricts the availability of knowledge about this commercial species. In this work, on the one hand, diverse studies on U. occidentalis are reviewed, and on the other, information obtained from direct observations made since 2011 to 2014 in the Gulf of Guayaquil mangroves, is presented. Notes on changes in the taxonomy of U. occidentalis, its biology, ecological and fishery characteristics are presented. Characteristics to fishing interest such as density data and reproduction periods are discussed. By last, it is discussed the management of fisheries of U. occidentalis in the Gulf of Guayaquil, because in recent decades, U. occidentalis has evidenced a decrease in the landing levels and at the same time, an increase in the average commercial size; this suggest that both factors should be considered in the evaluation of stock, and thereby to have a better approximation on the population status of the resource.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 48(4): 1-6, 2018. tab
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1480101


The demand for beef cattle with specific traits is evident from sales in auctions. While purchasing, buyers consider individual traits (e.g., muscularity, frame, racial composition, and weight) as predictors of quality, and adjust their bids according to their preferences. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of phenotypic and racial characteristics in determining the final sale price of calves of beef cattle in official auctions at the western border of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Five-hundred and seven lots of calves sold in calf auctions from five cities on the western border of Rio Grande do Sul were evaluated. The assignment of visual scores was based on their genetic group, frame, muscularity, and coat. Analysis of variance and the Tukey test at 5% significance level were performed for comparing the final average prices. Variables with the greatest impact on price were the genetic group and the size of the animals. Animals of synthetic breeds obtained higher value in the three years studied and animals without racial definition showed considerable devaluation and a decrease in supply. Larger animals had less value.

A busca por animais com características específicas é evidenciada na comercialização em leilões, em que, ao analisar os animais, compradores consideram as características individuais (musculosidade, frame, composição racial, peso) como preditor de qualidade e ajustam seus lances conforme suas preferências. Dessa forma, o presente estudo buscou avaliar o impacto de características fenotípicas e de padrão racial na composição do preço final de venda de bezerros comercializados em feiras oficiais na fronteira oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram avaliados 507 lotes de bezerros comercializados nas feiras de terneiros de cinco municípios da região da Fronteira Oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para a atribuição de escores visuais, considerou-se grupo genético, frame, musculosidade e pelagem dos animais. Foi realizada a análise de variância e a comparação dos preços finais médios pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de significância. As variáveis de maior impacto no preço foram grupo genético e tamanho dos animais. Animais de raças sintéticas obtiveram valorização superior nos três anos Estudados, considerável desvalorização e queda na oferta de animais sem definição racial. Os menores valores foram atribuídos a animais de tamanho grande.

Animals , Cattle , Animal Husbandry/economics , Phenotype , Genotype , Brazil , Marketing
Univ. odontol ; 37(79)2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-995612


Antecedentes: El surgimiento de estrategias de ingeniería tisular para tratar enfermedades está cambiando la definición tradicional de dispositivos médicos. Los productos de ingeniería tisular, fabricados a partir de la combinación de biomateriales, células y factores bioactivos, remplazan temporalmente un órgano o tejido e inducen la producción de nuevo tejido. Los mecanismos de reglamentación de productos de ingeniería tisular necesitan agrupar las políticas que controlan cada uno de sus componentes: materiales, células humanas y moléculas activas. Objetivo: Revisar las políticas de reglamentación actuales para dispositivos médicos (y entre estos, los productos de ingeniería tisular), en un grupo de países latinoamericanos, y evaluar la influencia que organizaciones internacionales y países con poder tecnológico mundial ejercen en las políticas locales. Métodos: Se utilizaron modelos de difusión top-down y horizontal para identificar cómo las políticas de reglamentación han llegado a Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, México y Perú. Resultados: La apropiación tecnológica empleada para clasificar los dispositivos médicos de manera integral difiere entre los países. Ninguno define el concepto productos de ingeniería tisular. Se encontró un patrón de difusión top-down asociado a las reglamentaciones empleadas. Se está aplicando una difusión horizontal como esfuerzo regional para facilitar la comercialización de productos médicos. Conclusión: El concepto de producto de ingeniería tisular está llegando lentamente a los países latinoamericanos. Cada país tiene el potencial de aprovechar las instituciones locales y las coaliciones regionales e interregionales para mejorar la regulación actual y preparar al sistema de salud para la llegada de productos de ingeniería tisular.

Background: Emergence of new technologies and advances in tissue engineering strategies to treat diseases are shifting the conventional conception of medical devices. Tissue engineered products, manufactured as a combination of biomaterials, cells, and/or bioactive factors, are intended to temporarily restore an organ or tissue function, and induce the generation of newly site-appropriate functional tissue. Regulatory pathways for tissue engineered products require grouping policies controlling each of the components: materials, human cells, and active molecules. Purpose: To review current regulatory policies for medical devices (and within this, tissue engineered products), in a subset of Latin American countries, and to analyze the influence of international organizations and technological world power countries on policies of that subset. Methods: Top-down and horizontal diffusion models were employed to identify how regulatory policies have moved to Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru. Results: There are differences in technological appropriation to comprehensively define and classify medical devices. None of the countries have a definition of tissue engineered products. A top-down diffusion pattern was found to be associated with the current regulations. A horizontal diffusion is being applied as a regional effort to facilitate commercialization of medical products within Latin America. Conclusion: The concept of tissue engineered products is slowly arriving into the evaluated Latin American countries. Each country has the potential to take advantage of local institutions and regional and inter-regional coalitions to improve current guidelines and prepare the health system to the introduction of tissue engineered products.

Tissue Engineering/trends , Health Policy