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Interdisciplinaria ; 38(2): 134-148, jun. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279212


Resumen Los factores laborales pueden producir burnout en diferentes grados y a ciertos trabajadores; aunque todos estén expuestos al mismo contexto, no todos se afectan de igual manera, por lo que el objetivo de este estudio es determinar si el rasgo de personalidad-compromiso puede ser un elemento protector de burnout en el profesorado de nivel medio, considerando como hipótesis si sus niveles son independientes a los niveles de compromiso como rasgo de la personalidad. En este estudio participaron 134 docentes de la Unidad Educativa Velasco Ibarra de la ciudad de Milagro, Ecuador, con edades entre 26 y 64 años. Luego de los permisos correspondientes, se les administró el Inventario de Preferencias y Personalidad PAPI 3N de forma online, que contiene 12 necesidades y 14 roles descritos en 161 enunciados sobre el trabajador y su tarea, los cuales se ven enfocados en siete escalas, entre las que se encuentra el compromiso-escala que será utilizada para este estudio y que está conformada por la Necesidad de apoyar y el Rol de enfocarse al trabajo, y que forma parte del gran factor Responsabilidad. Para la variable burnout se utiliza el Cuestionario de Maslach para docentes (MBI-Ed), administrado de manera presencial, que consta de 22 ítems diseñados en escala de Likert y tres escalas: agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y realización personal. Se comprobó que los niveles de burnout dependen de los niveles del rasgo de personalidad compromiso (χ2(4) = 11.919; p = .18) y los resultados podrían mostrar que se convierte en un elemento protector del burnout.

Abstract Multiple labor factors can produce burnout in workers; however, the effects related to this syndrome don't affect equally all employees exposed to the same conditions, so it's suggested that one of the factors may be related to personality (Pérez, Molero, Martos & Gasquez, 2019). Personality is studied according to behavior of each individual facing of certain events (Mischel, 2004). Constantly, the structure of five major personality factors (responsibility, kindness, extroversion, neuroticism and openness) have shown to be universal (McCrae, Costa, del Pilar, Rolland & Parker, 1998; McCrae & Terracciano, 2005) and the most used in labor area (Sanz, Gil, Barrasa & García, 2006). Studying burnout levels and identifying its possible causes has permitted relate this syndrome to aspects of: Pathological symptomatology (Giménez, Gilla, Morán & Olaz, 2019), working environment (Gago, Martínez & Alegre, 2017), personality aspects (Llanque, 2014) and with other variables. However, this situation continues showing itself, which motivated the objective of the present study. It's oriented to determine if the commitment personality trait can be a protective element against burnout in middle level teachers, considering as a hypothesis: Are high or low levels of burnout independent from high or low levels of commitment as a personality trait? An intentional sample of 134 middle level teachers was used, between the ages of 26 and 64, in which 64 % were women and the rest were men. To those who it was administered, after the corresponding permissions, The PAPI 3N Preferences and Personality Inventory online, which contains 12 needs and 14 roles described in 161 statements about the workers and their task, focus on seven scales. One of the great factors of the personality is responsibility, which forms the scale of the Commitment, which will be used for this study and that is conformed by the need to support and the role to focus on work, these personality indicators are those that, according to the authors, are associated to the teachers' activity. For the burnout variable, is used the Maslach Questionnaire for Teachers (MBI-Ed), which is administered in a face-to-face way, and consists of 22 items designed in a Likert scale and 3 scales; emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment. Among the most important results we found a relationship between the commitment personality trait and the burnout levels existing in people (-.315) as well as with emotional exhaustion (-.195) and depersonalization (-.202), coinciding with the contribution of Sánchez (2013) and with Pérez, Molero, Martos and Gásquez (2019), who mention a causal relationship between both, the hypothesis test allowed the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis (χ2(4) = 11.919; p = .018). It can be concluded that the compromise personality trait becomes a protective element against burnout.

Article in Spanish | BINACIS | ID: biblio-1116714


INTRODUCCIÓN: El síndrome de Burnout (SB) es un estado de agotamiento emocional, mental y físico causado por un estrés excesivo y prolongado en el área laboral. Las residencias médicas son un modelo de formación basado en el aprendizaje supervisado mientras se desarrollan actividades propias del ejercicio médico. Los residentes son particularmente vulnerables al estrés debido a que todavía no lograron en muchos casos forjar los mecanismos de adaptación necesarios para lidiar con la transformación de estudiantes a profesionales de la salud. OBJETIVOS: Determinar la prevalencia de SB en médicos residentes de nuestra institución con predisposición a la aparición del agotamiento emocional, la despersonalización y la falta de desarrollo profesional. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, sobre la población de médicos residentes de la Clínica Universitaria Reina Fabiola (CURF). Fueron incluidos para el estudio un total de 107 médicos residentes durante el periodo 2016-2019. El instrumento utilizado para la recolección de los datos fue el cuestionario de autollenado, anónimo y de participación voluntaria de Maslach: Burnout Inventory (MBI) RESULTADOS: Se realizaron 107 entrevistas donde se completaron las correspondientes encuestas. De este total de encuestados 34 residentes, 32% (IC95% 23,26-40,84), presentó Síndrome de Burnout en su expresión clásica, pero también se obtuvieron valores elevados en los tres dominios evaluados: cansancio emocional, despersonalización y realización personal. DISCUSIÓN: Las prevalencias de Síndrome de Burnout (SB) hallada en médicos residentes de la Clínica Universitaria Reina Fabiola son consistentes con los encontrados en otras investigaciones publicadas en la ciudad de Córdoba y otros estudios internacionales. El SB es insidioso, de difícil diagnóstico y suele ser negado por quien lo padece. CONCLUSIÓN: La tasa de prevalencia de Síndrome de Burnout en médicos residentes de nuestra institución es elevada y similar la prevalencia observada en otras instituciones . (AU)

INTRODUCTION: Burnout syndrome (SB) is a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress in the workplace. Medical residences are a training model based on supervised learning while developing activities related to medical practice. Residents are particularly vulnerable to stress because in many cases they have not yet managed to forge the adaptive mechanisms necessary to deal with the transformation of students to health professionals. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of SB in resident doctors of our institution with a predisposition to the appearance of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of professional development. MATERIALS AND METHODS: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on the population of resident physicians at the Clínica Universitaria Reina Fabiola (CURF). A total of 107 resident physicians during the 2016-2019 period were included in the study. The instrument used to collect the data was the Maslach self-filled, anonymous and voluntary participation questionnaire: Burnout Inventory (MBI) RESULTS: 107 interviews were conducted where the corresponding surveys were completed. Of this total of 34 residents surveyed, 32% (95% CI 23.26-40.84) presented Burnout Syndrome in its classic expression, but high values were also obtained in the three domains evaluated: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal fulfillment. DISCUSSION: The prevalence's of Burnout Syndrome (SB) found in resident doctors of the Reina Fabiola University Clinic are consistent with those found in other research published in the city of Córdoba and other international studies. SB is insidious, difficult to diagnose and is usually denied by those who have it. CONCLUSION: The prevalence rate of Burnout Syndrome in resident doctors of our institution is high and the prevalence observed in other institutions is similar. (AU)

Humans , Adult , Physicians , Depersonalization , Burnout, Psychological/diagnosis
Front Neurol ; 10: 117, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30863355


Background: After amputation, phantom limb pain may be produced by the multisensory processes underling the experience of an intact body. Clinical evidence has shown that cold caloric vestibular stimulation may modify the perception of phantom limb pain. However, it is yet unknown if this effect can be observed after the mild vestibular stimulation given by the clinical caloric test, or after utricle stimulation by centrifugation. Additionally, there are no studies on the association between the report of altered perceptions or experience of the self or the environment (depersonalization/derealization symptoms) and phantom limb pain. Objective: To assess the influence of unilateral stimulation of the horizontal semicircular canals by clinical caloric test, and the utricles by unilateral centrifugation on the intensity of phantom limb pain, and to explore the association between phantom limb pain and symptoms of depersonalization/ derealization. Methods: 34 patients (56 ±7 years old, 23 men) accepted to participate after 3 to 23 months of unilateral supracondylar amputation, secondary to type 2 diabetes mellitus. After assessment of vestibular function and symptoms of common mental disorders, using a cross-over design, in 2 separate sessions with 1 week in between, vestibular stimulation was delivered by right/left caloric test (30 or 44°C) or right/ left centrifugation (3.85 cm, 300°/s peak). Before and after each vestibular stimulus, the intensity of phantom limb pain and depersonalization/derealization symptoms were assessed, with a daily follow-up of pain intensity during 1 week. Results: Either caloric stimulation or unilateral centrifugation decreased phantom limb pain (p < 0.05), along with decrease of symptoms of depersonalization/derealization (p < 0.05). One third of the patients reporting pain decrease immediately after stimulation also reported no pain at least for 1 day. Limitations: No sham condition was included. Conclusions: Vestibular stimulation by the clinical caloric tests or by unilateral centrifugation may decrease the intensity of phantom limb pain, with decrease of perceptions of unreality. These effects might be related to an update of the immediate experience of the body, given by the sensory mismatch induced by asymmetrical vestibular stimulation.

Arch. med ; 18(1): 97-104, 20 jun. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-963626


Objetivo: revisar los niveles del síndrome de burnout en parte del personal asistencialde una clínica oncológica. Materiales y métodos: la investigación fue de tipo descriptiva, la muestra estuvo compuesta por un total de 19 personas, de las cuales 7 son hombres (36.8%) y 12 personas fueron mujeres (63.2%), todos tienen un cargo dentro de la clínica oncológica, se aplicó el M.B.I. y una ficha de caracterización. Resultados: las subescalas del MBI no indican que existe burnout, ya que la mayoría de las personas han puntuando nivel bajo en las escalas de agotamiento emocional y despersonalización, no así para el de realización personal que puntuó alto. Hay un (69%) de personas que no presentan ninguno de los síntomas, en cambio hay un (31,6%) de personas que si manifiestan o puntúan alto o intermedio en algunas de las subescalas agotamiento emocional o despersonalización o baja en realización personal. Conclusiones: no existe evidencia de que las personas que hacen parte del personal asistencial de una clínica oncológica tengan el síndrome de burnout, tampoco hay diferencias significativas entre los grupos asistenciales..(AU)

Objective: to review levels of burnout syndrome in part of the nursing staff of an oncology clinic. Materials and methods: the research was descriptive, the sample was composed of 19 people, seven were men (36.8%) and twelve were women (63.2%), all have a position within the Oncology clinic, It was applied an MBI and a fact sheet of characterization. Results: the subscales of the MBI does not indicate that there is burnout, since most of the people have scoring low on the scales of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, not for the personal fulfilment that scored high. It shows that (69%) of people do not have any of the symptoms; instead, (31.6%) of people manifested the condition or scored high or intermediate in some of the subscales of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization or low personal fulfilment. Conclusions: there is no evidence that people who are part of the nursing staff of the Oncology clinic have burnout syndrome, nor there are significant differences between the health care groups..(AU)

Personnel, Hospital
Article in Spanish | BINACIS | ID: biblio-1099542


El Síndrome de Burn-Out fue descripto en 1974 y se caracteriza por una progresiva pérdida de energía, hasta llegar al agotamiento, con aumento de los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión. Este Síndrome se presenta con agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y disminución del sentimiento de realización personal, acompañado de un sentimiento de pérdida de prestigio o reconocimiento personal. (AU)

Burn-Out Syndrome was described in 1974 and is characterized by a progressive loss of energy, to exhaustion, with increased symptoms of anxiety and depression. This syndrome occurs with emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and diminished feeling of personal fulfillment, accompanied by a feeling of loss of prestige or personal recognition. (AU)

Humans , Physicians/psychology , Burnout, Professional/epidemiology , Burnout, Psychological/epidemiology , Medical Staff, Hospital/statistics & numerical data
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 40(3): 337-343, jul.-set. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-829825


RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a prevalência de Transtorno de Despersonalização/Desrealização (DP/DR) em estudantes de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Roraima e correlacionar com dados socioeconômicos e pessoais. Métodos Estudo de corte transversal, quantitativo e descritivo, desenhado para avaliar a prevalência de DP/DR em estudantes de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR) em 2014 utilizando-se a Cambridge Depersonalization Scale como instrumento de pesquisa. Resultados A prevalência geral de DP/DR em estudantes de Medicina da UFRR foi de 11,5%. A prevalência foi maior nas séries iniciais (do primeiro ao terceiro ano) (OR = 10,7) em relação às séries finais. Não houve correlação de prevalência de DP/DR com fatores individuais, como idade, sexo ou renda. Conclusão Observamos uma prevalência expressiva de transtorno de DP/DR em acadêmicos de Medicina, que pode afetar negativamente a vida pessoal e profissional, gerando sofrimento significativo. É possível que as séries iniciais apresentem um risco maior de desenvolvimento do transtorno, e os mecanismos de enfrentamento do estresse desenvolvidos pelos estudantes podem exercer papel fundamental na suscetibilidade a este e a outros transtornos psíquicos.

ABSTRACT Objective To assess the prevalence of depersonalization/derealization disorder (DP/DR) among medical students at the Federal University of Roraima and to correlate this with socio-economic and personal variables. Methods A cross-sectional study that is both quantitative and descriptive and designed to assess the prevalence of DP/DR disorder among UFRR medical students in 2014 using the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale as a research tool. Results The overall prevalence of DP/DR among UFRR medical students was 11.5%, with the prevalence higher among lower grades (1st to 3rd year) (OR = 10.7) compared to the final series. There was no correlation between the prevalence of DP/DR and individual factors such as age, gender or income. Conclusion We observed a high prevalence of DP/DR disorder among medical students, which may adversely affect their personal and professional life, causing significant distress. It is possible that students in lower years are at a greater risk of developing the disorder, and that mechanisms developed by students used to face stress may play a key role in their susceptibility to this and other psychological disorders.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 37(1): 40-55, mar. 2008. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-636401


Introducción: A pesar de haberse descrito hace más de un siglo, la despersonalización continúa siendo un fenómeno poco comprendido y pobremente conceptualizado. Objetivo: Proporcionar una visión actualizada del fenómeno a la luz de la psicopatología descriptiva y desarrollos empíricos recientes en neurobiología y comparación transcultural. Método: Se realizó una revisión selectiva con énfasis en la literatura reciente de la despersonalización. Desarrollo y conclusión: La literatura reciente está representada por tres vertientes investigativas, de las cuales se pueden extraer las siguientes conclusiones: (a) El fenómeno de despersonalización tiene una estructura compleja caracterizada por varias dimensiones independientes. En este sentido parece constituir más un síndrome que un síntoma. (b) Estudios neurobiológicos recientes sugieren la existencia de una desconexión funcional entre la percepción y sus concomitantes afectivos, lo cual hace que la experiencia conciente parezca desprovista de “colorido emocional”. (c) La prevalencia de la despersonalización parece sensible a variables sociológicas y culturales, de tal modo que culturas caracterizadas por alto individualismo parecen conferir vulnerabilidad al fenómeno...

Introduction: Although described more than a century ago, depersonalization continues to be a poorly understood and poorly conceptualized phenomenon. Objective: To supply a current vision of depersonalization in the light of descriptive psychopathology and recent empirical developments in neurobiology and transcultural comparisons. Method: Selective review of literature on depersonalization with emphasis on recent literature. Development and conclusion: Research found in recent literature moves along three tracks, from which these conclusions can be extracted: (a) The phenomenon of depersonalization has a complex structure characterized by several independent dimensions. In this sense it seems to constitute more of a syndrome than a symptom. (b) Recent neurobiological studies suggest the existence of a functional disconnection between perception and its affective concomitants which renders the conscious experience as devoid of “emotional coloring”. (c) The prevalence of depersonalization seems to be sensitive to sociological and cultural variables so that cultures with high individualism seem to confer vulnerability to the phenomenon...

Depersonalization , Neurobiology , Perception , Psychopathology