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Conserv Biol ; : e14264, 2024 Apr 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38563105


Antarctica terrestrial ecosystems are facing the most threats from global climate change, which is altering plant composition greatly. These transformations may cause major reshuffling of soil community composition, including functional traits and diversity, and therefore affect ecosystem processes in Antarctica. We used high-throughput sequencing analysis to investigate soil nematodes under 3 dominant plant functional groups (lichens, mosses, and vascular plants) and bare ground in the Antarctic region. We calculated functional diversity of nematodes based on their diet, life histories, and body mass with kernel density n-dimensional hypervolumes. We also calculated taxonomic and functional beta diversity of the nematode communities based on Jaccard dissimilarity. The presence of plants had no significant effect on the taxonomic richness of nematodes but significantly increased nematode functional richness. The presence of plants also significantly decreased taxonomic beta diversity (homogenization). Only mosses and vascular plants decreased nematode functional beta diversity, which was mostly due to a decreased effect of the richness difference component. The presence of plants also increased the effect of deterministic processes potentially because environmental filtering created conditions favorable to nematodes at low trophic levels with short life histories and small body size. Increasing plant cover in the Antarctic due to climate change may lead to increased diversity of nematode species that can use the scarce resources and nematode taxonomic and functional homogenization. In a future under climate change, community restructuring in the region is possible.

Efectos de la posición taxonómica de las plantas sobre las comunidades de nemátodos del suelo en la Antártida Resumen Los ecosistemas terrestres de la Antártida enfrentan las mayores amenazas del cambio climático global, que está alterando gravemente la composición de plantas. Estas transformaciones pueden provocar una reorganización importante de la composición de la comunidad del suelo, incluyendo atributos y diversidad funcionales, y por lo tanto afectar los procesos ecosistémicos en la Antártida. Utilizamos análisis de secuenciación de alto rendimiento para investigar nemátodos del suelo debajo de tres grupos funcionales de plantas dominantes (líquenes, musgos y plantas vasculares) y de suelo desnudo en la región de la Antártida. Calculamos la diversidad funcional de nemátodos con base en su dieta, historia de vida y masa corporal mediante hipervolúmenes n­dimensionales de densidad del núcleo. También calculamos la diversidad beta taxonómica y funcional de las comunidades de nemátodos con base en la disimilitud de Jacard. La presencia de plantas no tuvo efecto significativo sobre la riqueza taxonómica de nemátodos, pero incrementó su riqueza funcional significativamente. La presencia de plantas también disminuyó la diversidad beta taxonómica (homogenización) significativamente. Solo musgos y plantas vasculares disminuyeron la diversidad beta funcional de nemátodos, lo cual se debió principalmente a un menor efecto del componente de diferencia de riqueza. La presencia de plantas también incrementó el efecto de los procesos determinísticos posiblemente porque el filtrado ambiental creó condiciones favorables para los nemátodos de niveles tróficos inferiores con historias de vida corta y tamaño corporal pequeño. El incremento de la cobertura de plantas en la Antártida debido al cambio climático puede conducir a una mayor diversidad de especies de nemátodos que pueden utilizar los escasos recursos y a la homogenización taxonómica y funcional de los nemátodos. En un futuro bajo el cambio climático, es posible la reestructuración comunitaria en la región.

Conserv Biol ; : e14250, 2024 Mar 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38477227


Tropical species richness is threatened by habitat degradation associated with land-use conversion, yet the consequences for functional diversity remain little understood. Progress has been hindered by difficulties in obtaining comprehensive species-level trait information to characterize entire assemblages and insufficient appreciation that increasing land-cover heterogeneity potentially compensates for species loss. We examined the impacts of tropical deforestation associated with land-use heterogeneity on bird species richness, functional redundancy, functional diversity, and associated components (i.e., alpha diversity, species dissimilarity, and interaction strength of the relationship between abundance and functional dissimilarity). We analyzed over 200 georeferenced bird assemblages in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. We characterized the functional role of the species of each assemblage and modeled biodiversity metrics as a function of forest cover and land-cover heterogeneity. Replacement of native Atlantic Forest with a mosaic of land uses (e.g., agriculture, pastures, and urbanization) reduced bird species richness in a nonrandom way. Core forest species, or species considered sensitive to edges, tended to be absent in communities in heterogenous environments. Overall, functional diversity and functional redundancy of bird species were not affected by forest loss. However, birds in highly heterogenous habitats were functionally distinct from birds in forest, suggesting a shift in community composition toward mosaic-exclusive species led by land-cover heterogeneity. Threatened species of the Atlantic Forest did not seem to tolerate degraded and heterogeneous environments; they remained primarily in areas with large forest tracts. Our results shed light on the complex effects of native forest transformation to mosaics of anthropogenic landscapes and emphasize the importance of considering the effects of deforestation and land-use heterogeneity when assessing deforestation effects on Neotropical biodiversity.

Pérdida de especies y funciones en un bosque tropical megadiverso deforestado Resumen La riqueza de especies tropicales está amenazada por la degradación asociada con la conversión del uso de suelo, y aun así entendemos muy poco de las consecuencias que esto tiene para la diversidad funcional. El progreso está obstaculizado por las dificultades para obtener información completa de los rasgos a nivel de especie para caracterizar ensamblajes completos y la apreciación insuficiente de que la heterogeneidad creciente de la cobertura del suelo tiene el potencial para compensar la pérdida de especies. Analizamos el impacto que tiene la deforestación tropical asociada con la heterogeneidad del uso de suelo sobre la riqueza de especies de aves, la redundancia funcional, la diversidad funcional y sus componentes asociados (es decir, diversidad alfa, disimilitud de especies y fuerza de interacción de la relación entre la abundancia y la disimilitud funcional). Analizamos más de 200 ensamblajes georreferenciados de aves en el Bosque Atlántico de Brasil. Caracterizamos el papel funcional de las especies de cada ensamblaje y modelamos las medidas de biodiversidad como función de la cobertura forestal y de la heterogeneidad del uso de suelo. La sustitución del Bosque Atlántico nativo con un mosaico de usos de suelo (p. ej.: agricultura, pastura y urbanización) redujo la riqueza de especies de una manera no aleatoria. Las especies nucleares del bosque, o las especies consideradas como sensibles a los bordes, tendieron a estar ausentes en las comunidades de los ambientes heterogéneas. En general, la diversidad y la redundancia funcionales de las especies de aves no se vieron afectadas por la pérdida del bosque. Sin embargo, las aves en los hábitats con alta heterogeneidad eran funcionalmente distintas a las aves de los bosques, lo que sugiere un cambio en la composición x de la comunidad hacia especies exclusivas de mosaicos llevadas por la heterogeneidad de la cobertura del suelo. Las especies amenazadas del Bosque Atlántico no parecieron tolerar el ambiente degradado y heterogéneo pues permanecieron principalmente en las áreas con grandes extensiones de bosque. Nuestros resultados arrojan luz sobre los efectos complejos de la transformación de los bosques nativos en mosaicos de paisajes antropogénicos y recalcan la importancia de considerar los efectos de la deforestación y la heterogeneidad del uso de suelo cuando se evalúan los efectos de la deforestación sobre la biodiversidad neotropical.

Conserv Biol ; 37(6): e14131, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37259609


Global-change drivers are increasing the rates of species extinction worldwide, posing a serious threat to ecosystem functioning. Preserving the functional diversity of species is currently a priority to mitigate abrupt biodiversity loss in the coming decades. Therefore, understanding what factors better predict functional diversity loss in bird assemblages at a global scale and how existing protected areas cover the most vulnerable regions is of key importance for conservation. We examined the environmental factors associated with the risk of functional diversity loss under 3 scenarios of bird species extinction based on species distribution range size, generation length, and International Union for the Conservation of Nature conservation status. Then, we identified regions that deserve special conservation focus. We also assessed how efficiently extant terrestrial protected areas preserve particularly vulnerable bird assemblages based on predicted scenarios of extinction risk. The vulnerability of bird functional diversity increased as net primary productivity, land-use diversity, mean annual temperature, and elevation decreased. Low values for these environmental factors were associated with a higher risk of functional diversity loss worldwide through two mechanisms: one independent of species richness that affects assemblages with low levels of niche packing and high functional dissimilarity among species, and the other that affects assemblages with low species richness and high rates of extinction. Existing protected areas ineffectively safeguarded regions with a high risk of losing functional diversity in the next decades. The global predictors and the underlying mechanisms of functional vulnerability in bird assemblages we identified can inform strategies aimed at preserving bird-driven ecological functions worldwide.

Cobertura de áreas protegidas en regiones vulnerables para conservar la diversidad funcional de aves Resumen Los factores causantes del cambio global están incrementando las tasas de extinción de especies a nivel mundial, convirtiéndose en una seria amenaza para el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. Actualmente, la preservación de la diversidad funcional de especies es una prioridad para mitigar la pérdida abrupta de biodiversidad en las próximas décadas. Por lo tanto, comprender cuáles son los factores que mejor predicen la pérdida de diversidad funcional en ensamblajes de aves a escala global y la protección de regiones vulnerables por las áreas protegidas existentes es de gran importancia para la conservación. En este estudio, examinamos los factores ambientales asociados con el riesgo de pérdida de diversidad funcional bajo 3 escenarios de extinción de especies de aves en base a: extensión del rango de distribución de las especies, la duración generacional y el estatus de conservación según la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza y las regiones identificadas que ameritan esfuerzos de conservación especiales. También evaluamos la eficiencia de las áreas protegidas terrestres para preservar ensambles de aves particularmente vulnerables con base en los escenarios de riesgo de extinción pronosticados. La vulnerabilidad de la diversidad funcional incrementó a medida que disminuyó la productividad primaria neta, la diversidad de usos del suelo, la temperatura media anual y la altitud. Los valores bajos de estos factores ambientales se asociaron con un mayor riesgo de pérdida mundial de diversidad funcional a través de 2 mecanismos, uno independiente de la riqueza de especies que afecta a ensambles con bajos niveles de empaque de nichos y elevada disimilitud funcional entre especies y el otro que afecta a ensambles con baja riqueza de especies y altas tasas de extinción. Las áreas protegidas existentes no fueron efectivas para la salvaguarda de regiones con alto riesgo de perder diversidad funcional en las próximas décadas. Los predictores globales y los mecanismos subyacentes de la vulnerabilidad funcional en los ensambles de aves que identificamos pueden proporcionar información para definir estrategias enfocadas a la preservación de funciones ecológicas llevadas a cabo por aves a nivel mundial.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Animals , Biodiversity , Birds , Extinction, Biological
Rev. med. cine ; 18(4): 329-336, dic. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-213915


Generalmente, manga es la palabra japonesa empleada para denominar a los cómics, si bien también se emplea como referencia para las historietas de origen japonés. Junto a la estadounidense y la franco-belga, ocupa un puesto de honor en el triunvirato de la tradición ilustradora mundial. Su posterior adaptación a las series de animación originó el anime, género en el que se encuadra A sllent voice (2016) de Naoko Yamada. La película está inspirada en el manga original Koe no Katachi, escrito y dibujado por Yoshitoki Ōima. La historia nos muestra las vicisitudes de Shôko Nishimiya, una estudiante de primaria sorda, víctima de acoso escolar cuando se cambia de colegio. Ishida Shôya es uno de los protagonistas de tan despiadada conducta, que llega incluso a forzar que su indefensa víctima tenga que abandonar el colegio. Años más tarde, recriminado socialmente y lleno de remordimiento, Ishida busca su ansiada redención. (AU)

Generally, manga is the Japanese word used to describe comics, although it’s also used as a reference for comics of Japanese origin. Together with the American and Franco-Belgians works, occupies a place of honor in the triumvirate of the world´s illustrative tradition. On the later adaptation to the animation series originated the anime, a genre in which falls A silent voice (2016) by Naoko Yamada. The film is inspired by the original manga Joe no Katachi, written and draw by Yoshitoki Ōima. The story shows us the vicissitudes of Shôko Nishimiya, a deaf primary schoolgirl victim of bullying when she changes schools. Ishida Shôya is one of the protagonists of such ruthless behavior, with even forces the helpless victim to have to drop out of school. Years later, socially recriminated and filled with remorse, Ishida strikes out in eager redemption. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Bullying , Suicidal Ideation , Motion Pictures , Graphic Novels as Topic , Sign Language
Agora USB ; 22(2): 632-665, jul.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420017


Resumen En el municipio de Pitalito-Huila (Colombia) se evidencia un alto grado de des conocimiento sobre la diversidad funcional cognitiva, generando una proble mática social que levanta barreras e impide la inclusión de personas en esta con dición. Es así que, el problema de inclusión laboral para personas con diversidad funcional surge del desconocimiento de esta condición, de la percepción errada sobre sus capacidades, de las deficiencias educativas en torno a las competen cias laborales y de la falta de intervención gubernamental en la divulgación de las políticas públicas de inclusión. Finalmente, se proponen estrategias bajo el modelo de innovación de la triple hélice para lograr efectividad en los procesos inclusivos de inserción social, educativa y laboral.

Abstract In the municipality of Pitalito, Huila, Colombia, there is a high degree of igno rance about cognitive functional diversity, by generating a social problem, which raises barriers and prevents the inclusion of people in this condition. Thus, the problem of labor inclusion for people with functional diversity arises from the lack of knowledge of this condition, from the wrong perception of their capabil ities, from the educational deficiencies regarding labor competencies and from the lack of governmental intervention in the dissemination of public policies for inclusion. Finally, strategies are proposed under the triple helix innovation mod el to achieve effectiveness in the inclusive processes of social, educational, and labor insertion.

Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 22(3): 79-90, sep.-dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-209145


Ser una persona con diversidad funcional no puede ser óbice para no practicar deporte, aunque sus motivaciones diferirán de aquellas que no tengan discapacidad. La adaptación de los diferentes formatos a las condiciones de sus practicantes ha hecho que el baloncesto en silla de ruedas sea hoy de los más populares. Diferentes estudios evidencian que promociona la independencia de la persona y transmite grandes valores como la superación, siendo además un gran agente de integración social y rehabilitador (Moreno, 2019). Ante esta premisa, el propósito de este artículo es conocer los motivos por lo que 30 jugadores y jugadoras pertenecientes a las federaciones de Andalucía, Aragón, País Vasco y Cataluña tienen para iniciarse en este deporte, así como los beneficios que les reporta. El estudio se realizó al amparo de un diseño de investigación empírica no experimental y descriptivo, basado en técnicas de encuesta, siendo el cuestionario la estrategia empleada para recoger información. Los resultados muestran motivaciones recreativas y sociales a la hora de decidirse por practicar este deporte, encontrando beneficios ligados a la mejora de su condición física, a la superación de barreras, a la estabilidad psicológica y emocional, al apoyo mutuo y a la generación de nuevas relaciones sociales, aspectos que mejoran de un modo significativo su calidad de vida. (AU)

Being a person with functional diversity can ́t be an ideal for not playing sport, although their motivations will differ from those without disabilities. Adapting the different formats to the conditions of its practitioners has made wheelchair basketball today the most practiced. Different studies show that it promotes a person ́s independence and covey’s great values such as overcoming, being also a great agent of social integration and rehabilitator (Moreno, 2019). In view of this premise, the purpose of thisarticle is to know the reasons why 30 players belonging to the federations of Andalusia, Aragon, the Basque Country and Catalonia have to start in this sport, as well as the benefits that it brings to them. The study was conducted under a non-experimental and descriptive empirical research design, based on survey techniques, the questionnaire being the strategy used to gather information. The results show recreational and social motivations when deciding to practice this sport, finding benefits linked to the improvement of its physical condition, the overcoming of barriers, psychological and emotional stability, mutual support and the generation of new social relations, aspects that significantly improve your quality of life. (AU)

Ser uma pessoa com diversidade funcional não pode ser um obstáculo para não praticar esportes, embora suas motivações sejam diferentes daquelas que não possuem deficiência. A adaptação dos diferentes formatos às condições dos seus praticantes fez do basquete em cadeira de rodas um dos mais populares da atualidade. Diferentes estudos mostram que promove a independência da pessoa e transmite grandes valores como o auto-aperfeiçoamento, sendo também um grande agente de integração social e reabilitação (Moreno, 2019). Tendo em conta esta premissa, o objectivo deste artigo é conhecer as razões pelas quais 30 jogadores pertencentes às federações da Andaluzia, Aragão, País Basco e Catalunha têm para se iniciar neste desporto, bem como os benefícios quelhes traz. O estudo foi realizado sob um delineamento de pesquisa empírica não experimental e descritiva, baseada em técnicas de inquérito, sendo o questionário a estratégia utilizada para recolher informação. Os resultados mostram motivações recreativas e sociais quando se decide praticar este desporto, encontrando benefícios ligados à melhoria de sua condição física, superação de barreiras, estabilidade psicológica e emocional, apoio mútuo e geração de novas relações sociais, aspectos que melhoram significativamente a sua qualidade de vida. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Basketball , Sports for Persons with Disabilities , Motivation , Quality of Life , Surveys and Questionnaires , Empirical Research , Wheelchairs
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 35(2)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441720


Objetivo: Caracterizar las enfermedades oftalmológicas que causan diversidad funcional visual en los estudiantes del Centro de Recursos y Apoyo "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado". Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal realizado en enero, 2017. Las variables investigadas fueron: edad, sexo, grado de escolaridad, antecedentes prenatales, diagnóstico oftalmológico principal, enfermedades asociadas, síndromes oftalmológicos, agudeza visual mejor corregida, defecto refractivo, ayudas ópticas y no ópticas utilizadas. Resultados: La muestra quedó conformada por 66 estudiantes (95,6 por ciento de los matriculados), predominaron las edades entre 10-14 años, para ambos sexos. De ellos, 24 estudiantes eran ciegos totales (36,4 por ciento). El astigmatismo hipermetrópico compuesto fue la ametropía primaria más frecuente. Las ayudas ópticas y no ópticas son utilizadas por la mayoría de los alumnos. Conclusiones: Las enfermedades oculares más frecuentes causantes de baja visión fueron la catarata congénita y la atrofia del nervio óptico. Las ayudas ópticas y no ópticas son empleadas con la colaboración de la rehabilitadora y los maestros(AU)

Objective: To characterize the ophthalmologic diseases that cause visual functional diversity in students of the "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" Resource and Support Center. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted in January, 2017. The variables investigated were: age, gender, school grade, prenatal history, main ophthalmologic diagnosis, associated diseases, ophthalmologic syndromes, best corrected visual acuity, refractive defect, optical and non-optical aids used. Results: The sample consisted of 66 students (95.6 percent of those enrolled), predominantly aged 10-14 years, for both genders. Out of these, 24 students were totally blind (36.4 percent). Compound hyperopic astigmatism was the most frequent primary ametropia. Optical and non-optical aids were used by most of the students. Conclusions: The most frequent ocular diseases causing low vision were congenital cataract and optic nerve atrophy. Optical and non-optical aids are used with the collaboration of the rehabilitator and teachers(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Vision, Low , Refractive Errors , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1140109


Objetivo. Este estudio evaluó las necesidades de apoyo de estudiantes universitarios con diversidad funcional de origen físico en una Institución Educativa Superior. Se analizó, además, la percepción del docente y, en su conjunto, la correspondencia con las políticas de inclusión, tanto institucionales como de la nación. Método. Bajo el estudio de caso, se trabajó el enfoque cualitativo, con un diseño de teoría crítica. Se usó la entrevista en profundidad, el grupo focal y el análisis documental para la triangulación de la información. La muestra fue de casos-tipo y se definió por saturación de categorías. Se recurrió al criterio deductivoinductivo para el análisis de la información con el apoyo del software Atlas.ti. Resultados. Los participantes manifestaron presencia de barreras arquitectónicas, poca participación social en los diferentes escenarios que se organizan y necesidades de apoyo de tipo psicológico. Asimismo, deseos de formarse como profesionales. Conclusiones. Se reconoce la importancia que tiene para las instituciones de educación superior ser inclusivas para favorecer la mitigación de las necesidades que se presentan.

Objective: this study evaluated the support needs of university students with functional diversity of physical origin in a Higher Educational Institution. In addition, the perception teachers, and as a whole, the correspondence with inclusion policies, both institutional and national, were analyzed. Method: under the case study, the qualitative approach was worked out, with a critical theory design. The in-depth interview, the focus group, and the documentary analysis were used for the triangulation of the information. The sample was case-type and defined by saturation of categories. The deductive-inductive criterion was used to analyze the information with the support of the Atlas.ti software. Results: the participants manifested the presence of architectural barriers, little social participation in the different scenarios that are organized, and psychological support needs. Conclusions: the importance of higher education institutions to be inclusive to mitigate the needs is recognized.

Humans , Disabled Persons/education , Architectural Accessibility , Health Services for Persons with Disabilities
Interdisciplinaria ; 36(2): 151-164, dic. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056546


Resumen El trabajo que se informa tuvo como objetivo presentar la realidad evidenciada en materia de educación superior inclusiva para las personas con diversidad funcional (discapacidad) en Medellín, Colombia. Para ello, se implementó una investigación cualitativa, teniendo como instrumento una entrevista en profundidad que constaba de 25 preguntas que apuntaban a esclarecer las posibilidades de acceso a la educación, las condiciones para la permanencia y el reconocimiento de los apoyos (ajustes razonables) existentes y requeridos a partir de la visión de los distintos actores educativos. La entrevista fue administrada a dos estudiantes universitarios con diversidad funcional, un docente de educación superior y un funcionario de bienestar universitario por cada una de las nueve universidades seleccionadas en el área metropolitana de Medellín; la información obtenida se sistematizó en el software Atlas.ti y posteriormente se trianguló para su análisis, permitiendo la emergencia de las categorías finales. Se identificó que en la mayoría de las universidades no se tiene acceso a espacios de uso común tales como bibliotecas y auditorios. Solo en una de las nueve IES se registró la existencia de una política interna que aseguraba las condiciones para la educación inclusiva de la población con diversidad funcional. Lo anterior exhorta a revisar y trascender los enfoques que actualmente rigen el diseño de la política pública de la discapacidad en aras de garantizar el derecho constitucional a una educación con calidad que dignifique y permita la participación plena de este colectivo.

Abstract The main objective of this article is to present the reality evidenced in the field of higher education and the inclusive policies for people with functional diversities (disability) in the city of Medellin, Colombia. According to this, a qualitative research was implemented that allowed to recognize the perceptions and experience in this population. For this, a deep interview was used, with 25 questions that were focused on three main topics: access to educative opportunities, the conditions for permanence and the recognition of the support given (reasonable accommodations), according to the points of view of different educational actors. This same interview was applied to three different population groups. The first one was formed by 18 university students with functional diversities, between the ages of 22 and 30 years old. The second group was composed of 16 undergraduate students, and two from the postgraduate courses. In addition, they were classified by their functional diversity: ten of them had physical or motor disabilities (two didn't have upper limbs, two had muscular dystrophy and six had reduced mobility; in this group, four of them were born with those disabilities and two acquired them during their life). The other group had sensorial disabilities (two had deafness, three were blind and three had reduced vision). The third group was composed of 9 university teachers and 9 staff members of the university welfare department. All of them live in Medellin. The information was systematized in the Atlas.ti software and then triangulated. A comparative matrix was elaborated according to the associated principles of continuity, similarity and contrasting significant relations for the analysis and generating the appearance of final categories. In this regard, it is recognized that inclusive education merits universities as the entities which assume places full of transformation. This situation isn't visualized in this investigation because only one out of nine have been complying. Three of them are in the implementation process and the others assume that inclusive education is where the student has to adapt to the institutional conditions. It was identified that the admission process didn't take into account equitable conditions. Thus, it would be understanding that the characteristics are comparable at the diverse population, taking into account their needs and abilities. In general, universities don't provide handicap access to some common places like libraries and auditorium. Functional diversity support is mainly implemented for the population who has reduced mobility; this implies structural adjustments like ramps and elevators, among other possibilities. Only in one out of nine universities there was evidence of the existence of an internal policy put in place to guarantee the conditions needed for people with functional diversity. It is possible that one of the most evident situations has to do with the teacher's commitment, an aspect that has a considerable impact in the inclusive education. However, in spite of good wills, this question needs go further. It requires skills and training to recognize the support a particular diversity or handicap requires. Most of them expressed concern and anxiety for their ignorance about the matter; that many cases make the reference population invisible. Within the range of competences, it has to develop some skills that include technological, methodological and curricular skills. But also, there are other soft competences that designate creativity, respect, compromise, and tolerance, among others. The educational integration implies a joint effort form all the educational community. Furthermore, the human factor promotes the adaptation process significantly in the educational environment. Meanwhile, they are configured as social supports, in opposition to the barriers established by limiting the participation and recognition of the same. In light of all this, it is important to review and go further than the approaches that are currently applied in the design of the public policies focused in disabilities, to guarantee the constitutional right to a quality education and to also dignify this group and provide them with full participation.

Rev. lasallista investig ; 16(1): 37-46, ene.-jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094012


Resumen Introducción. Recientemente, en el Ecuador se está sensibilizado sobre la inclusión escolar de niños/as con diversidad funcional. Sin embargo, la ausencia de espacios adecuados y profesionales preparados hace que estos sean remitidos a hospitales o centros de rehabilitación. Además, los beneficios de la terapia física no se limitan al ámbito de la motricidad, ofreciendo igualmente avances en la función cognitiva y el aprendizaje. Así pues, este trabajo muestra una investigación realizada en el área de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación del Hospital Teófilo Dávila (Ecuador). Objetivo. El propósito del estudio es determinar el impacto de un programa de actividad física integral, respecto de la motricidad gruesa de niños/as con diversidad funcional. Materiales y métodos. La investigación acomete un diseño cuasi-experimental con un grupo experimental, tomando medidas pretest y postest. La metodología utilizada es cuantitativa descriptiva, implementando el test Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM 88) y dos encuestas de valoración personal. Resultados. El análisis de datos revela mejoras estadísticamente significativas (p<0,001) en la motricidad gruesa de los niños/as, tanto a nivel global como en cada una de las categorías del test. Igualmente, las encuestas proporcionaron información relevante respecto de la opinión de maestros y padres/tutores. Conclusiones. Los resultados de las pruebas estadísticas no dejan lugar a dudas respecto a la mejora en la motricidad gruesa de los niños/as. Asimismo, las encuestas reflejan un grado de satisfacción muy elevado, además de resaltar beneficios en la función cognitiva y el aprendizaje.

Abstract Introduction. Recently, in Ecuador, we are aware of school inclusion of children with functional diversity. However, the absence of adequate spaces and trained professionals make them to be referred to hospitals or rehabilitation centers. In addition, the benefits of physical therapy are not limited to the field of motor skills, offering advances in cognitive function and learning as well. Thus, this work shows an investigation carried out in the area of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Teófilo Dávila Hospital (Ecuador). Objective. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of a Physical Therapy program on the gross motor skills of children with functional diversity. Materials and methods. The research is approached through a quasi-experimental design with an Experimental Group, taking Pretest and Posttest measurements. The methodology used is descriptive quantitative, implementing the Gross Motor Function Measure Test (GMFM 88) and two opinion surveys. Results. The data analysis reveals statistically significant improvements (p<0.001) in the gross motor skills of the children, both globally and in each of the test categories. Likewise, the surveys provided relevant information regarding the opinion of the children's teachers and parents/ guardians. Conclusions. The results of the statistical tests leave no doubt about the improvement in the children's gross motor skills. Likewise, the surveys revealed a very high level of satisfaction, highlighting benefits in cognitive function and learning as well.

Resumo Introdução. Recentemente, no Equador está sendo promovida a inclusão escolar de crianças com diversidade funcional. No entanto, a ausência de espaços adequados e professionais capacitados faz com que estes sejam encaminhados à hospitais ou centros de reabilitação. Além disso, os benefícios da fisioterapia física não se limitam ao âmbito da motricidade, oferecendo de igual maneira avanços na função cognitiva e na aprendizagem. Assim, este trabalho amostra uma pesquisa realizada na área de Medicina Física e Reabilitação do Hospital Teofilo Davila (Equador). Objetivo. O propósito do estudo é determinar o impacto de um programa de atividade física integral, respeito da motricidade de grande porte de crianças com diversidade funcional. Materiais e métodos. A pesquisa é abordada por meio de um delineamento quase-experimental com uma turma experimental, utilizando medidas pré-teste e pós-teste. A metodologia utilizada é quantitativa descritiva, implementando o Teste Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM 88) e duas entrevista de avaliação pessoal. Resultados. A análise de dados revela melhorias estatisticamente significativas (p<0,001) na motricidade de grande porte nas crianças, tanto globalmente quanto em cada uma das categorias do teste. Igualmente, as entrevistas forneceram informação relevante respeito da opinião dos docentes e pais/representantes. Conclusões. Os resultados dos testes estatísticos não deixam margem para dúvidas respeito a melhoria da motricidade de grande porte nas crianças. Da mesma forma, as entrevistas refletem um grau elevado de satisfação, além de destacar os benefícios na função cognitiva e na aprendizagem.

Conserv Biol ; 33(1): 132-141, 2019 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29947087


Although experiences with ecological restoration continue to accumulate, the effectiveness of restoration for biota remains debated. We complemented a traditional taxonomic analysis approach with information on 56 species traits to uncover the responses of 3 aquatic (fish, macroinvertebrates, macrophytes) and 2 terrestrial (carabid beetles, floodplain vegetation) biotic groups to 43 hydromorphological river restoration projects in Germany. All taxonomic groups responded positively to restoration, as shown by increased taxonomic richness (10-164%) and trait diversity (habitat, dispersal and mobility, size, form, life history, and feeding groups) (15-120%). Responses, however, were stronger for terrestrial than aquatic biota, and, contrary to our expectation, taxonomic responses were stronger than those of traits. Nevertheless, trait analysis provided mechanistic insights into the drivers of community change following restoration. Trait analysis for terrestrial biota indicated restoration success was likely enhanced by lateral connectivity and reestablishment of dynamic processes in the floodplain. The weaker response of aquatic biota suggests recovery was hindered by the persistence of stressors in the aquatic environment, such as degraded water quality, dispersal constraints, and insufficient hydromorphological change. Therefore, river restoration requires combined local- and regional-scale approaches to maximize the response of both aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Due to the contrasting responses of aquatic and terrestrial biota, the planning and assessment of river restoration outcomes should consider effects on both components of riverine landscapes.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Rivers , Animals , Ecosystem , Fishes , Germany
Conserv Biol ; 32(4): 883-893, 2018 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29484703


Surrogate approaches are widely used to estimate overall taxonomic diversity for conservation planning. Surrogate taxa are frequently selected based on rarity or charisma, whereas selection through statistical modeling has been applied rarely. We used boosted-regression-tree models (BRT) fitted to biological data from 165 springs to identify bryophyte and invertebrate surrogates for taxonomic and functional diversity of boreal springs. We focused on these 2 groups because they are well known and abundant in most boreal springs. The best indicators of taxonomic versus functional diversity differed. The bryophyte Bryum weigelii and the chironomid larva Paratrichocladius skirwithensis best indicated taxonomic diversity, whereas the isopod Asellus aquaticus and the chironomid Macropelopia spp. were the best surrogates of functional diversity. In a scoring algorithm for priority-site selection, taxonomic surrogates performed only slightly better than random selection for all spring-dwelling taxa, but they were very effective in representing spring specialists, providing a distinct improvement over random solutions. However, the surrogates for taxonomic diversity represented functional diversity poorly and vice versa. When combined with cross-taxon complementarity analyses, surrogate selection based on statistical modeling provides a promising approach for identifying groundwater-dependent ecosystems of special conservation value, a key requirement of the EU Water Framework Directive.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Animals , Biodiversity , Invertebrates
Rev. biol. trop ; 64(2): 587-602, abr.-jun. 2016. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-843300


ResumenLa parte norte del Golfo de California es una zona mega diversa de alto endemismo con gran interés económico por las pesquerías multiespecíficas que se desarrollan, principalmente de camarón. Existe carencia de estudios recientes sobre ensamblajes de peces componentes de la fauna acompañante. Por lo que, durante las temporadas de pesca 2009-2010 y 2010-2011 se realizaron 14 viajes de pesca comercial a bordo de 13 barcos camaroneros, con un total de 119 lances, efectuados entre los 5 y 90 m de profundidad. Los 119 lances fueron analizados para evaluar la estructura de la comunidad de peces. Se utilizaron índices de diversidad taxonómica para detectar cambios taxonómicos en la comunidad siguiendo el índice de distinción taxonómica promedio Δ+ y el índice de variación taxonómica Δ* (TAXDEST del programa PRIMER v6). Para la conformación de grupos funcionales se consideró las similitudes de rasgos ecológicos y morfológicos entre las especies. Los resultados mostraron que los índices Δ+ y Δ* estuvieron dentro del promedio estimado y por dentro de los intervalos de confianza al 95 %, se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los índices. Los análisis mostraron una comunidad bien estructurada debido a la gran variedad de formas y funciones de las especies dentro de la comunidad. En la composición de grupos funcionales, el atributo ecológico que más contribuyó para conformación grupos, fue el gremio reproductivo. La estructura de la comunidad fue representada por niveles tróficos intermedios 3-3.9, preferencialmente carnívoros primarios y carnívoros secundarios, dentro de las categorías tróficas de ictiobentófagos y zoobentófagos, pertenecientes a especies demersales de fondos blandos y mayormente de cuerpo fusiforme.Se concluye que el NGC presentó alta redundancia funcional de acuerdo a los grupos funcionales estimados, por lo que se considera un ecosistema estable y de gran diversidad. Es recomendable dar seguimiento a este tipo de estudios utilizando información de esfuerzo pesquero y ambiental, debido a la gran importancia biológica y ecológica del área.

Abstract The Northern Gulf of California (NGC) is a mega diverse area of high endemism with major economic interest because of the multi-specific fisheries developed, mainly shrimp. There is a lack of recent studies on bycatch fish assemblages, so during the fishing seasons from 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, on board 13 shrimp boats, 14 commercial fishing trips were performed from 5 m - 90 m in depth with a total of 119 catches. The 119 catches were analyzed to assess fish community structure using taxonomic diversity indices to detect changes in the community following the taxonomic distinctness average Δ+ and the diversity index Δ* (TAXDEST of the PRIMER v6 program). To confirm the structure of functional groups, we considered similarities of ecologic and morphologic traits among species. The results showed that the indices Δ+ and Δ* were within the expected average and confidence intervals at 95%, finding significant differences between the indices. The analyses showed a well-structured community because of the great variety of forms and functions of the species within the community. In the community of the functional groups, reproduction was the ecological attribute that contributed the most to their structure. The community structure was represented by intermediate trophic levels (3-3.9), preferably primary and secondary carnivores within the trophic categories of predators of benthic ichthyo-fauna that belong to demersal species of soft bottoms and mostly fusiform body. To conclude, the NGC showed high functional redundancy according to the estimated functional groups, thus the ecosystem was considered stable and with great diversity. This type of studies should be followed using fishing and environmental effort due to the great biological and ecologic importance in the area.

Animals , Male , Female , Biodiversity , Fishes/classification , Population Dynamics , Population Density , Mexico
Rev. chil. ter. ocup ; 15(2): 81-94, dic.2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-790590


El presente estudio surge del interés por analizar los cambios percibidos por personas con diversidad funcional motora adquirida en sus vidas cotidianas tras la adquisición de perros de servicio. La revisión de investigaciones internacionales sobre efectividad de la tenencia de estos animales, así como la revisión de las teorías del vínculo y de la biofilia proporcionan un primer acercamiento para comprender los posibles cambios. A partir de todo ello surge la pregunta: ¿Cómo perciben los cambios en sus vidas cotidianas las personas en estudio tras la obtención de perros de servicio otorgado por la corporación Bocalán Confiar? El estudio se visualiza desde el paradigma interpretativo y contempla la revisión teórica y fuentes directas a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas, mediante las cuales se obtuvo una perspectiva personal acerca de la situación. Se analizaron los cambios desde nueve categorías: Actividades de la vida diaria, trabajo remunerado, tiempo libre, relaciones interpersonales, familia, accesibilidad, responsabilidad, seguridad y vínculo. Los hallazgos dejan en evidencia que la obtención del perro de servicio no sólo influye en independencia funcional, sino también en el ámbito emocional, social y familiar...

This study arises from the interest in analyzing the changes perceived by people with motor functional diversity acquired in their daily lives following the acquisition of service dogs. The revision of international research on effectiveness of tenure of these animals, as well as the revision of the theories on bonding and biophilia provides insight to understand the possible changes. From all this, the question arises: How do the people under study perceive the changes in their daily lives after obtaining service dogs by Bocalán Confiar Corporation? The study is visualized from the interpretive paradigm and provides the theoretical review and direct sources through semistructured interviews, by means of which a personal perspective on the situation was obtained. Changes were analyzed from nine categories: activities of daily living, paid work, free time, relationships, family, accessibility, accountability, security and link. Findings evidence that the obtainment of the service dog does not only influences functional independence, but also in the emotional, social and family field...

Humans , Male , Adult , Female , Middle Aged , Activities of Daily Living , Dogs , Personal Autonomy , Disabled Persons/rehabilitation , Architectural Accessibility , Interpersonal Relations , Leisure Activities , Disabled Persons/psychology
Conserv Biol ; 29(5): 1357-67, 2015 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25800305


Anthropogenic land-cover change is driving biodiversity loss worldwide. At the epicenter of this crisis lies Southeast Asia, where biodiversity-rich forests are being converted to oil-palm monocultures. As demand for palm oil increases, there is an urgent need to find strategies that maintain biodiversity in plantations. Previous studies found that retaining forest patches within plantations benefited some terrestrial taxa but not others. However, no study has focused on aquatic taxa such as fishes, despite their importance to human well-being. We assessed the efficacy of forested riparian reserves in conserving freshwater fish biodiversity in oil-palm monoculture by sampling stream fish communities in an oil-palm plantation in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Forested riparian reserves maintained preconversion local fish species richness and functional diversity. In contrast, local and total species richness, biomass, and functional diversity declined markedly in streams without riparian reserves. Mechanistically, riparian reserves appeared to increase local species richness by increasing leaf litter cover and maintaining coarse substrate. The loss of fishes specializing in leaf litter and coarse substrate decreased functional diversity and altered community composition in oil-palm plantation streams that lacked riparian reserves. Thus, a land-sharing strategy that incorporates the retention of forested riparian reserves may maintain the ecological integrity of fish communities in oil-palm plantations. We urge policy makers and growers to make retention of riparian reserves in oil-palm plantations standard practice, and we encourage palm-oil purchasers to source only palm oil from plantations that employ this practice.

Agriculture , Arecaceae , Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , Fishes/physiology , Animals , Borneo , Fresh Water , Indonesia
Conserv Biol ; 27(6): 1468-77, 2013 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23869490


The conservation implications of large-scale rainforest clearing and fragmentation on the persistence of functional and taxonomic diversity remain poorly understood. If traits represent adaptive strategies of plant species to particular circumstances, the expectation is that the effect of forest clearing and fragmentation will be affected by species functional traits, particularly those related to dispersal. We used species occurrence data for woody plants in 46 rainforest patches across 75,000 ha largely cleared of forest by the early 1900s to determine the combined effects of area reduction, fragmentation, and patch size on the taxonomic structure and functional diversity of subtropical rainforest. We compiled species trait values for leaf area, seed dry mass, wood density, and maximum height and calculated species niche breadths. Taxonomic structure, trait values (means, ranges), and the functional diversity of assemblages of climbing and free-standing plants in remnant patches were quantified. Larger rainforest patches had higher species richness. Species in smaller patches were taxonomically less related than species in larger patches. Free-standing plants had a high percentage of frugivore dispersed seeds; climbers had a high proportion of small wind-dispersed seeds. Connections between the patchy spatial distribution of free-standing species, larger seed sizes, and dispersal syndrome were weak. Assemblages of free-standing plants in patches showed more taxonomic and spatial structuring than climbing plants. Smaller isolated patches retained relatively high functional diversity and similar taxonomic structure to larger tracts of forest despite lower species richness. The response of woody plants to clearing and fragmentation of subtropical rainforest differed between climbers and slow-growing mature-phase forest trees but not between climbers and pioneer trees. Quantifying taxonomic structure and functional diversity provides an improved basis for conservation planning and management by elucidating the effects of forest-area reduction and fragmentation. Efectos de la Forma de Crecimiento y Atributos Funcionales en la Respuesta de Plantas Leñosas al Desmonte y Fragmentación de Bosque Lluvioso Subtropical.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Forestry , Plant Development , Biodiversity , New South Wales , Seed Dispersal , Species Specificity , Tropical Climate
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 16(3): 373-377, sept.-dic. 2011.
Article in Spanish | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-51307


Este artículo recoge las experiencias personales y asociativas con la Asociación Alonso Quijano de Madrid que he vivido desde el año 2002. La Asociación Alonso Quijano está inscrita en el registro de Asociaciones de la Comunidad de Madrid, se fundó en el año 1999. La Asociación Alonso Quijano es una Asociación para acompañar, apoyar y reflexionar en la experiencia de la locura. Desde su fundación el rol que asumen los participantes es el de ciudadanos con los mismos derechos y obligaciones y sin poner etiquetas. Es una asociación donde la participación de las personas con problemas de salud mental es muy relevante.(AU)

This article, brings together, the individual and collective experiences that I had the opportunity to experience with the Alonso Quijano of Madrid Association since 2002. The Alonso Quijano Association is registered in the Official Association Register of the Madrid Local Government,and was established in 1999. Alonso Quijano Association is an association to monitor, support and reflect on the experience of madness. Since its origins, the members asume the rol of citizens with the same rights and obligations without labelling anybody. It is an association where the involvement of people with mental health problems is very important.(AU)

Mental Health , Social Participation , Self-Help Groups , Mental Health Associations , Spain
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 16(3): 373-377, set.-dez. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-623220


Este artículo recoge las experiencias personales y asociativas con la Asociación Alonso Quijano de Madrid que he vivido desde el año 2002. La Asociación Alonso Quijano está inscrita en el registro de Asociaciones de la Comunidad de Madrid, se fundó en el año 1999. La Asociación Alonso Quijano es una Asociación para acompañar, apoyar y reflexionar en la experiencia de la locura. Desde su fundación el rol que asumen los participantes es el de ciudadanos con los mismos derechos y obligaciones y sin poner etiquetas. Es una asociación donde la participación de las personas con problemas de salud mental es muy relevante.

This article, brings together, the individual and collective experiences that I had the opportunity to experience with the Alonso Quijano of Madrid Association since 2002. The Alonso Quijano Association is registered in the Official Association Register of the Madrid Local Government,and was established in 1999. Alonso Quijano Association is an association to monitor, support and reflect on the experience of madness. Since its origins, the members asume the rol of citizens with the same rights and obligations without labelling anybody. It is an association where the involvement of people with mental health problems is very important.

Mental Health , Mental Health Associations , Self-Help Groups , Social Participation , Spain