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Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558553


El liposarcoma es un tumor de origen mesenquimal que se presenta comúnmente en el retroperitoneo; es de crecimiento lento y su capacidad de producir metástasis depende de su tipo histológico. Este trabajo tiene como propósito presentar un caso de liposarcomas paratesticulares simultáneos con diferentes tipos histológicos, en un paciente masculino, de 80 años con antecedentes de salud y nivel socioeconómico bajo que venía presentando desde hacía dos años aumento de volumen en la región inguinal izquierda y testículo ipsilateral, al inicio fue indoloro; luego, a medida que aumentó de tamaño se tornó doloroso, abarcando la región inguinoescrotal derecha en su totalidad. El examen físico, incluido el signo de la transiluminación fue negativo. El estudio analítico mostró solamente velocidad de sedimentación globular en 95 mm/h y la LDH en 650 U/l; la ecografía testicular mostró una masa heterogénea, solida e hiperecoica, de aspecto graso inguinoescrotal y de más de 30 cm, sin llegarse a observar el testículo. Se realizó exéresis tumoral encontrándose tres tumores liposarcomatosos, dos de ellos con características histopatológicas similares y el otro con patrón histológico diferente. Luego del tratamiento quirúrgico el paciente se recuperó satisfactoriamente y no ha presentado recidiva según los controles periódicos realizados. Se consideró la publicación del caso pues los liposarcomas pueden llegar a confundirse a la exploración clínica con la presencia de una hernia inguinal de contenido graso con sintomatología similar a estas; por lo que debe hacerse una exploración clínica exhaustiva para realizar un correcto diagnóstico. El estudio histopatológico confirmó el diagnóstico de la enfermedad que, además, reveló la presencia de tres tumores liposarcomatosos y dos variantes histopatológicas del mismo, de lo cual no se encontraron reportes en la literatura revisada.

Liposarcoma is a mesenchymal origin tumor that commonly occurs in the retroperitoneum; It is slow growing and its ability to produce metastasis depends on its histological type. The purpose of this work is to present a case of simultaneous paratesticular liposarcomas with different histological types, in an 80-years-old male patient with a health history and low socioeconomic level; For two years he had been experiencing an increase in volume in the left inguinal region and ipsilateral testicle, which at first was painless; Then, as it increased in size, it became painful, covering the entire right inguinoscrotal region. Physical examination, including transillumination sign, was negative. The analytical study only showed erythrocyte sedimentation rate at 95 mm/h and LDH at 650 U/l; The testicular ultrasound showed heterogeneous, solid and hyperechoic mass, with a fatty inguinoscrotal appearance and measuring more tan 30 cm, without the testicle being observed. Tumor excision was performed and three liposarcomatous tumors were found, two of them with similar histopathological characteristics and the other with a different histological pattern. After the surgical treatment, the patient recovered satisfactorily and has not had a recurrence according to the periodic controls carried out. The publication of the case was considered because liposarcomas can be confused on clinical examination with the presence of an inguinal hernia with fatty content with symptoms similar to these; Therefore, a thorough clinical examination must be performed to make a correct diagnosis. The histopathological study confirmed the diagnosis of the disease; which, in addition, revealed the presence of three liposarcomatous tumors and two histopathological variants of the same, from which no reports were found in the reviewed literature.

Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 43(3): 150-152, sept. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1519051


La calcinosis escrotal es una enfermedad benigna e infrecuente que se presenta en adultos de mediana edad, con múltiples nódulos asintomáticos a nivel de la piel del escroto. Algunos autores vinculan la aparición de estas lesiones a la calcificación secundaria de quistes epidérmicos o ecrinos. Cuando no se encuentra relacionada con dichas entidades ni con alteraciones del metabolismo fosfocálcico, el cuadro se considera idiopático. El tratamiento de elección es quirúrgico, en caso de impacto en la calidad de vida o relevancia estética para el paciente. (AU)

Scrotal calcinosis is a rare, benign disease that presents in middle-aged adults with multiple asymptomatic nodules on the skin of the scrotum. Some authors link the appearance of these lesions to the secondary calcification of epidermal or eccrine cysts. When it is not related to these entities or to alterations in phosphocalcic metabolism, the condition is considered idiopathic. The treatment of choice is surgical, in case of impact on the quality of life or aesthetic relevance for the patient. (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Scrotum/diagnostic imaging , Calcinosis/diagnostic imaging , Genital Diseases, Male/diagnostic imaging , Scrotum/anatomy & histology , Scrotum/pathology , Calcinosis/pathology , Dermoscopy , Genital Diseases, Male/pathology
Rev. argent. cir ; 115(3): 287-291, ago. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514937


RESUMEN La elefantiasis escrotal es una condición que ha sido históricamente descripta en áreas endémicas de filariasis, pero es menos frecuente su presentación idiopática o asociada a otras entidades. Presentamos un caso de elefantiasis escrotal gigante de causa adquirida idiopática, al que se le practicó la exéresis de la estructura linfedematosa y la reconstrucción del defecto con colgajos locales y autoinjerto cutáneo. El motivo de su divulgación radica en que se trata de un caso muy poco frecuente, ya sea por la baja incidencia y etiología, así como por la importante magnitud del problema para el individuo. El objetivo principal en el tratamiento del linfedema, en el caso presentado, fue devolverle al paciente funciones primarias y elementales de vida, además de disminuir la morbilidad y otorgarle una mejor calidad de vida.

ABSTRACT Scrotal elephantiasis is a condition that has been historically described in areas where filariasis is endemic, but idiopathic cases or those associated with other entities are rare. We report a case of a patient with idiopathic acquired giant scrotal elephantiasis who underwent excision of the lymphedematous structure and reconstruction of the defect with local flaps and skin autograft. The reason for this presentation is the uncommon nature of the case due to its low incidence, rare etiology and the magnitude of the problem experienced by the patient. The main goal in the treatment of lymphedema in this case was to restore primary and elementary functions of life to the patient, reduce morbidity and provide him with a better quality of life.

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 56(1): 103-108, 20230401.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426771


Los defectos en la región escrotal son producidos en la mayoría de los casos por la gangrena de Fournier, y en ocasiones por traumatismo o patologías oncológicas. Estas heridas generan mucha dificultad para el desarrollo de una vida normal a los pacientes que lo padecen; por lo general producen dolor, los testículos quedan desprotegidos y la espermatogénesis puede verse alterada. Actualmente no existe un método estándar de reconstrucción escrotal, y las técnicas tradicionalmente utilizadas no ofrecen una cobertura funcional ni estética. Generalmente producen mucho abultamiento en la región genital, que puede dificultar el movimiento de las piernas y el uso de pantalones. En este trabajo se expone una opción quirúrgica para reconstruir el escroto, por medio del colgajo pediculado de músculo gracilis bilateral e injerto de piel parcial. Para tal efecto, se presenta un caso clínico de un paciente de 64 años con secuelas en la región perineal, posterior a una gangrena de Fournier. El paciente presentaba una pérdida total del escroto y exposición de ambos testículos. El método arriba mencionado es una opción válida para reconstruir el escroto y en este trabajo se describe la técnica empleada de forma detallada, donde se puede apreciar que presenta escasas complicaciones y es fácil de reproducir por un cirujano plástico entrenado.

Defects in the scrotal region are caused in most cases by Fournier's gangrene, and sometimes by trauma or oncological pathologies. These wounds generate difficulties for the development of a normal life; They usually produce pain; the testicles are unprotected and spermatogenesis can be altered. Currently there is no standard method of scrotal reconstruction, and the techniques traditionally used do not offer functional or aesthetic coverage. They generally produce a big bulge in the genital region, which can make it hard to move the legs and wear pants. A surgical option is exposed to reconstruct the scrotum, by means of the bilateral gracilis muscle pedicled flap and split-thickness skin graft. For this purpose, a clinical case of a 64-year-old patient with sequelae in the perineal region, after Fournier's gangrene, is presented. The patient presented a total loss of the scrotum and exposure of both testicles. The method mentioned above is a valid option to reconstruct the scrotum and the technique used is described in detail, where it can be seen that it is easy to reproduce by a trained plastic surgeon.

Transplants , Scrotum , Gracilis Muscle
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(4): 431-437, out.dez.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1413156


Introdução: Gangrena de Fournier é uma infecção polibacteriana, geralmente causada por bactérias anaeróbias e aeróbias, sendo caracterizada por fasciite necrosante escrotal e perineal. Seu tratamento é embasado em intervenção cirúrgica com excisão da área necrótica e antibioticoterapia precoces. Diversas são as estratégias de reconstrução do defeito resultante do desbridamento, devendo ser salientado que perdas teciduais maiores do que 50% costumam ser reconstruídas com retalhos. Métodos: Análise retrospectiva da série de casos de reconstrução escrotal após gangrena de Fournier procedidos pelos autores ao longo de 2020, totalizando oito pacientes. Resultados: O retalho mais utilizado foi o fasciocutâneo de coxa, que apresentou taxa de necrose parcial de 14,29%, sem necrose total. Em um dos casos foi possível reconstruir uma uretra esponjosa com músculo grácil sem fistulização, evitando que o paciente fosse submetido a uma uretrostomia definitiva. Quanto às complicações, foi comum a ocorrência de intercorrências menores que necessitaram de procedimentos revisionais simples. Destaca-se a prevalência de 75% de diabetes mellitus em nossa casuística, o que pode ter interferido negativamente no processo cicatricial. Conclusão: A reconstrução escrotal com retalhos é importante para acelerar a cicatrização da ferida proveniente do desbridamento de gangrena de Fournier e para manter o aspecto de bolsa necessário para a termorregulação do testículo. Nossa opção primária foi o retalho fasciocutâneo de coxa, que se mostrou seguro. Pequenas intercorrências foram frequentes nesta série, sem comprometimento do resultado final.

Introduction: Fournier's gangrene is a polybacterial infection, usually caused by anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, characterized by scrotal and perineal necrotizing fasciitis. Its treatment is based on surgical intervention by excision of the necrotic area and early antibiotic therapy. There are several strategies to reconstruct the defect resulting from debridement, and it should be noted that tissue losses greater than 50% are usually reconstructed with flaps. Methods: Retrospective analysis of the series of cases of scrotal reconstruction after Fournier's gangrene performed by the authors throughout 2020, totaling eight patients. Results: The most used flap was thigh fasciocutaneous flap, which presented a partial necrosis rate of 14.29%, without total necrosis. In one of the cases, it was possible to reconstruct a spongy urethra with gracilis muscle without fistulization, preventing the patient from undergoing a definitive urethrostomy. As for complications, the occurrence of minor complications that required simple revision procedures was common. The prevalence of 75% of diabetes mellitus in our series is highlighted, which may have negatively interfered with the healing process. Conclusion: Scrotal reconstruction with flaps is important to accelerate wound healing from Fournier gangrene debridement and to maintain the pouch aspect necessary for testicular thermoregulation. Our primary option was thigh fasciocutaneous flap, which proved to be safe. And minor complications were frequent in this series, without compromising the final result.

Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 94(2)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409139


RESUMEN El síndrome de escroto agudo es una urgencia quirúrgica, que si no se hace una evolución adecuada y existen demoras en el diagnostico puede el paciente tener daños irreversibles en la viabilidad testicular. Se presenta la Guía de Práctica Clínica sobre el síndrome de escroto agudo con el objetivo de hacer una actualización sobre el tema y proporcionar un instrumento asistencial y docente en los servicios de cirugía pediátrica del país. Varias enfermedades pueden ser la causa de aparición del síndrome de escroto agudo, entre ellas, la torsión testicular, la torsión de hidátides testiculares y la orquiepididimitis. El síntoma fundamental es el dolor testicular y requiere generalmente tratamiento quirúrgico. El tratamiento oportuno de estos pacientes evita complicaciones como la necesidad de orquiectomia, la esterilidad y reincorpora más rápidamente al paciente a su actividad social.

ABSTRACT Acute scrotum syndrome is a surgical emergency, which if an adequate evolution is not made and there are delays in the diagnosis, the patient can have irreversible damage in the testicular viability. The Clinical Practice Guidelines on acute scrotum syndrome is presented with the aim of updating the subject and providing a care and teaching instrument in the pediatric surgery services of the country. Several diseases can be the cause of the onset of acute scrotum syndrome, including testicular torsion, testicular hydatid torsion, and orchiepididymitis. The fundamental symptom is testicular pain and usually requires surgical treatment. The timely treatment of these patients avoids complications such as the need for orchiectomy, sterility, and that way the patient is more quickly reincorporated into his social activity.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(2): 250-255, abr.jun.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1379882


Introdução: A doença de Milroy manifesta-se como linfedema de membros inferiores e região genital, o que provoca prejuízos físicos e sociais. Relato de Caso: Reporta-se um caso de linfedema penoescrotal severo em um paciente com doença de Milroy. Foi realizada a ressecção cirúrgica do tecido afetado e a reconstrução com retalhos locais e enxerto de pele. Discussão: A doença de Milroy é rara, de caráter autossômico dominante. Sua apresentação clínica é progressiva e decorre da hipoplasia dos vasos linfáticos dos membros inferiores. O tratamento em casos avançados é iminentemente cirúrgico. Conclusão: No caso apresentado, o tratamento cirúrgico é uma boa opção. O uso de retalho paraescrotal para escrotoplastia associado ao enxerto para cobertura do pênis proporciona bom resultado funcional.

Introduction: Milroy disease manifests itself as lymphedema of the lower limbs and genital region, which causes physical and social damage. Case Report: A case of severe-scrotal lymphedema in a patient with Milroy disease. Surgical resection of the affected tissue and reconstruction with local flaps and skin graft were performed. Discussion: Milroy disease is a rare autosomal dominant disease. The clinical presentation is progressive and results from hypoplasia of the lymphatic vessels of the lower limbs. Treatment in advanced cases is mainly surgical. Conclusion: In the case of a patient with Milroy disease and severe penoscrotal lymphedema, surgical treatment is a good option. The use of parascrotal flaps for scrotoplasty associated with a graft to recover the penis provides a good functional result.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(2): 256-259, abr.jun.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1379900


Introdução: O pênis é uma importante estrutura do corpo masculino, sendo sua reconstrução um desafio. Existem diversas doenças e deformidades que acometem este órgão, sendo necessário, em certos casos, a reconstrução total da cobertura cutânea do pênis, tendo já sido descritas na literatura diversas técnicas, tais como o uso de enxertos totais, retalho escrotal, retalhos miocutâneos da fáscia lata e outros. Relato de Caso: Neste relato é apresentada uma reconstrução da cobertura total do pênis por meio do uso de retalho miocutâneo do músculo cremaster com pele da bolsa escrotal, conseguindo prover uma boa vascularização e mantendo a permeabilidade uretral. Conclusão: Tal técnica não foi encontrada em nenhuma das bases de dados pesquisadas no trabalho, apenas semelhantes, e mostrouse como uma boa opção para a reconstrução total da cobertura cutânea peniana.

Introduction: The penis is an important structure of the male body, and its reconstruction is a challenge. Several diseases and deformities affect this organ, being necessary, in certain cases, for the total reconstruction of the cutaneous coverage of the penis, having already been described in the literature several techniques, such as the use of total grafts, scrotal flap, myocutaneous flaps of the fasciae latae and others. Case Report: In this report, a reconstruction of the total coverage of the penis is presented using a myocutaneous flap of the cremaster muscle with skin from the scrotum, achieving good vascularization and maintaining urethral permeability. Conclusion: This technique was not found in any of the databases researched in this study, only similar ones, and it proved to be a good option for the total reconstruction of penile skin coverage.

Repert. med. cir ; 31(2): 177-181, 2022. ilus.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1390598


Introducción: los quistes de rafe medio (QRM) son lesiones infrecuentes del aparato genital masculino, pueden localizarse desde la parte distal del pene hasta la zona perianal. Se deben a defectos del cierre del rafe medio durante el desarrollo embrionario. Objetivo: presentar un lactante con el diagnóstico de QRM, discutir el diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento. Caso clínico: niño de 1 año y 3 meses de edad con 7 lesiones quísticas de 0.5 cm cada una en el rafe medio escrotal desde el nacimiento, la ecografía de partes blandas reporta imagen sólida hipoecogénica de borde definidos y sin vascularización al doppler. Se realizó exéresis quirúrgica y la patología confirmó el diagnóstico de quiste de rafe medio perineal, con buena evolución en el seguimiento. Discusión: 75% de los casos de los QRM son asintomáticos es por ello que muchas veces su diagnóstico es tardío, además su desconocimiento produce confusión con patologías quísticas o tumorales similares. El diagnóstico es clínico, aunque la ecografía puede ayudar para excluir otras anomalías como las vasculares. El tratamiento de elección debe ser la extirpación quirúrgica para evitar episodios de sobreinfección o molestias locales derivadas de su localización y tamaño. Conclusión: debido a lo infrecuente de esta patología es importante darla a conocer. Se recomienda realizar la valoración integral del paciente pediátrico para lograr un adecuado diagnóstico, ofrecer el mejor tratamiento y brindar información adecuada a los padres.

Introduction: median raphe cysts (MRC) are uncommon lesions of the male genitalia. They can be found anywhere from the distal penis to the perianal area. They are caused by an incomplete closure of the median raphe during embryologic development. Objective: to present a case of MRC in an infant and provide a review on diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Case report: one year and three months old boy, with seven 0.5 cm sized cystic lesions along the scrotum median raphe, noticed since birth. A soft tissue ultrasound demonstrated a well-circumscribed hypoechogenic solid image without any evidence of vascularity at Doppler ultrasound. Surgical excision was conducted and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of a median raphe cyst of the perineum, showing good progression in follow-up. Discussion: 75% of cases of MRC are asymptomatic, thus their diagnosis is often delayed. Not knowing this condition leads to confuse MRC with other similar cysts or tumors. The diagnosis is mostly clinical, although ultrasound may help to exclude other anomalies such as vascular anomalies. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice to prevent superinfection or local discomfort due to its location and size. Conclusion: Recognition of this uncommon pathology is imperative. A comprehensive evaluation of the pediatric patient is recommended to achieve an adequate diagnosis and treatment and provide appropriate information to the parents.

Humans , Male , Infant , Child , Cysts , Genitalia, Male , Scrotum , Embryonic Development
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 46(2): 148-153, Abril-Junho 2022.
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1378119


Os testículos, são mantidos no escroto a uma temperatura ~3-5°C abaixo da corporal. Quando a temperatura das gônadas se eleva, instala-se um quadro de estresse térmico (ET) testicular. O ET afeta a espermatogênese, e observam-se, já na primeira semana pós-ET, impactos na cinética, concentração e morfologia espermática. Classicamente, tais efeitos eram creditados à incapacidade da circulação local de atender ao aumento do metabolismo testicular devido ao aumento da temperatura local. Contudo, estudos recentes demonstraram que a hipóxia não era a causa da degeneração testicular. Atualmente, credita-se os efeitos deletérios do ET ao aumento local das espécies reativas de O2. Nesta situação, apesar da ativação de mecanismos antioxidantes (aumento das HSP e GPX1) e de proteção do DNA (aumento da P53), estes não são suficientes, sendo desencadeada a apoptose. Os efeitos deletérios do ET testicular podem ser mitigados pela melatonina, que pode ser tanto administrada aos animais ou adicionada ao sêmen para que desencadeie seus efeitos protetores.(AU)

The testes are kept in the scrotum at a ~3-5°C below body core temperature. When the temperature of the gonads increases, a process called heat stress (HS) takes place. The HS impairs spermatogenesis, and in the first week post-HS, impacts in sperm kinetics, concentration, and morphology are observed. Classically, such effects were credited to the incapacity of the local circulation to sustain the higher testicular metabolism due to the increased temperature. However, recent studies demonstrated that it was not the cause of testicular degeneration. The novel perspective credits the deleterious impacts of the HS to the local increase of the reactive oxygen species. Importantly, although there's an activation of antioxidant defenses (increase in HSP and GPX1) and DNA protection (increase in P53), such mechanisms are not sufficient, unfolding the apoptotic cascade. Lastly, some of the negative effects of HS can be mitigated by melatonin, which can either be given to the animals or added to the sperm to exert its protective effects.(AU)

Animals , Male , Cattle , Testis/physiopathology , Heat-Shock Response/physiology , Hypoxia/veterinary , Spermatogenesis/physiology , Body Temperature Regulation , Reactive Oxygen Species/adverse effects , Apoptosis
Acta méd. peru ; 38(4): 319-323, oct.-dic 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374120


RESUMEN La gangrena de Fournier es una patología que se encuentra predominantemente en varones adultos y extremadamente rara en niños. Se han descrito múltiples factores predisponentes en los niños, incluyendo la circuncisión, la dermatitis del pañal, la presencia de abscesos, traumatismos anorrectales y deficiencias inmunológicas. Los signos y síntomas característicos incluyen edema e hiperemia de rápida evolución en la región perineal acompañados de dolor intenso y fiebre. Una vez que se diagnostica la gangrena de Fournier, se debe instaurar tratamiento de forma inmediata, antibióticos endovenosos de amplio espectro y debridamiento quirúrgico temprano del tejido desvitalizado. A continuación presentamos un reporte de casos que incluye las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de dos pacientes pediátricos con gangrena de Fournier que recibieron tratamiento médico y quirúrgico en el Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño de San Borja.

ABSTRACT Fournier's gangrene is a condition mainly found in adults and it very rarely occurs in children. Multiple predisposing factors have been identified for children, including circumcision, diaper dermatitis, the occurrence of abscesses, anorectal trauma, and immune deficiency. Characteristic signs and symptoms include rapidly progressing edema and hyperemia in the perineal region, accompanied by intense pain and fever. Once Fournier's gangrene is diagnosed, therapy must be immediately instituted, using wide spectrum intravenous antibiotics and early surgical debridement of devitalized tissues. We present a case report including clinical and epidemiological characteristics of two pediatric patients with Fournier's gangrene who received medical and surgical therapy at the Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño in San Borja, Lima, Peru.

Med. UIS ; 34(2): 97-102, mayo-ago. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375824


RESUMEN El lipogranuloma esclerosante es una condición extraña y benigna que puede afectar cualquier órgano, especialmente los genitales externos masculinos. Se suele presentar como masas subcutáneas en escroto, periné y pene. Aunque la mayoría de los casos son secundarios a aplicación de cuerpos extraños como parafina, vaselina o silicona con propósitos estéticos para aumentar el tamaño del pene, también puede deberse a degeneración lipídica endógena, secundaria a trauma, infecciones o reacciones alérgicas. No existe consenso en cuanto a su manejo ni datos sobre su prevalencia al ser una entidad poco reportada; se ha descrito el manejo con ciclos cortos de corticoides sistémicos, y cirugía en los casos recidivantes. El objetivo de este trabajo es reportar el caso de un paciente que acudió con induración y eritema en pene y escroto, quien negaba la aplicación de sustancias exógenas y que fue llevado a biopsia de la lesión, con diagnóstico de lipogranuloma esclerosante. MÉD.UIS.2021;34(2): 97-102.

ABSTRACT Sclerosing lipogranuloma is a noncommon and benign disease that could affect any system in the body, especially the male external genitalia. It is usually presented as a subcutaneous mass in scrotum, perineum and penis. Although, most cases are secondary to the injection of foreign bodies such as paraffin, petrolatum or silicone for cosmetic purposes to increase penis size, it could also be due to endogenous lipid degeneration, secondary to trauma, infections or allergic reactions. There is no unanimity regarding its management or data on its prevalence as it is a poorly reported entity. Management with short cycles of systemic corticosteroids and surgery in relapsing cases have been described. The purpose of this article is to present a case of a patient with induration and erythema in penis and scrotum, who denied the application of exogenous substances and has a reported biopsy of the lesion with diagnosis of sclerosing lipogranuloma. MÉD.UIS.2021;34(2): 97-102.

Humans , Male , Genitalia, Male , Penis , Scrotum , Skin , Testicular Neoplasms , Urology
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 54(1): 143-146, 20210000.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178960


Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 47 años quien consultó por cuadro de cicatrización tórpida de una lesión cutánea superficial única en hemi-escroto izquierdo. Se procedió a resección biópsica de la lesión con resultado de la anatomía patológica de un Carcinoma Escamoso del tipo Condilomatoso (Warty) el cual confirma su relación con el HPV 16 mediante estudio de inmunohistoquímica. Por ser un caso infrecuente no existe actualmente un consenso sobre el manejo del carcinoma del escroto motivo el cual se realiza una revisión de la literatura y se expone los resultados.

A case of a 47-year-old patient who consulted for torpid healing of skin lesion in left hemi-scrotum is presented. We proceed to resection-biopsy of the lesion and the pathology report informed a warty squamous cell carcinoma (Warty type) and the relationship with HPV 16 is confirmed by immunohistochemical study. As a rare case there is currently no consensus on the management of carcinoma of the scrotum reason that we do a review of the literature and the results are exposed.

Scrotum , Biopsy , Carcinoma , Human papillomavirus 16 , Immunohistochemistry , Anatomy
Einstein (São Paulo, Online) ; 19: eAO5472, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154095


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the association between climate changes in the macroregions in the state of São Paulo and testicular torsion treated cases. Methods: The cases were selected in the Brazilian Public Health Data System Database from January 2008 to November 2016. All surgical procedure records were identified by the Hospital Admission Authorization document. Two codes were selected to process the search: testicular torsion (surgical cure code) and acute scrotum (exploratory scrototomy code). The macroregions were grouped in five areas linked to climate characteristics by International Köppen Climate Classification. Results: A total of 2,351 cases of testicular torsion were registered in the period. For the areas B, C and E (testicular torsion n=2,130) there were statistical differences found in association of testicular torsion cases and decreased temperature (p=0.019, p=0.001 and p=0.006, respectively), however, in analyses for the areas A and D statistical differences were not observed (p=0.066 and p=0.494). Conclusion: Decrease in temperature was associated with testicular torsion in three macroregions of São Paulo. The findings support the theory of cold weather like a trigger in occurrence of testicular torsion in a tropical climate region.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre mudanças climáticas nas macrorregiões do estado de São Paulo e os casos tratados com torção testicular registrados. Métodos: Os casos foram selecionados no Banco de Dados do Sistema de Dados de Saúde Pública do Brasil de janeiro de 2008 a novembro de 2016. Todos os registros de procedimentos cirúrgicos foram identificados pelo documento de Autorização de Internação Hospitalar. Dois códigos foram selecionados para processar a busca: torção testicular (código de cura cirúrgica) e escroto agudo (código de escrototomia exploratória). As macrorregiões foram agrupadas em cinco áreas ligadas às características climáticas pela Classificação Internacional de Clima Köppen. Resultados: Foram registrados 2.351 casos de torção testicular no período. Para as áreas B, C e E (torção testicular n=2.130), foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas na associação dos casos de torção testicular e diminuição da temperatura (p=0,019, p=0,001 e p=0,006, respectivamente), mas nas análises das áreas A e D não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas (p=0,066 e p=0,494). Conclusão: A diminuição da temperatura foi associada à torção testicular em três macrorregiões de São Paulo. Os resultados apoiam a teoria do clima frio como um gatilho para ocorrência de torção testicular em uma região de clima tropical.

Humans , Male , Spermatic Cord Torsion/epidemiology , Climate Change , Scrotum/physiopathology , Seasons , Brazil/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 45(4): 518-524, out.-dez. 2021.
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492704


Bull testes must be 2 to 6 0C below body temperature for morphologically normal, motile and fertile sperm. Scrotal/testicular thermoregulation is complex, including a coiled testicular artery, surrounded by the venous pampiniform plexus comprising the testicular vascular cone, a counter-current heat exchanger. In addition, heat radiation from the scrotum, sweating, complementary arterial blood supplies, and temperature gradients in the scrotum and testes all contribute to testicular cooling. Despite a long-standing paradigm that mammalian testes are close to hypoxia and blood flow does not increase in response to testicular heating, in recent studies in mice, rams and bulls, warming the testes stimulated increased blood flow, with no indications of testicular hypoxia. Furthermore, hypoxia did not replicate the changes and hyperoxia did not provide protection. Therefore, we concluded that testicular hyperthermia and not secondary hypoxia affects spermatogenesis and sperm quality. Increasing testicular temperature causes many cellular and subcellular changes. As testicular temperature increases, the proportion of defective sperm increases; recovery is dependent upon the nature and duration of the thermal insult. Environmental control of temperature (shade, sprinklers, air conditioning) and some chemical approaches (e.g., melatonin and L-arginine) have promise in reducing the effects of heat stress on bull reproduction.

Os testículos dos bovinos devem permanecer 2 a 6 ºC abaixo da temperatura corporal para produzirem espermatozoides morfologicamente normais, móveis e férteis. A termorregulação escrotal/testicular é complexa e envolve a enovelada artéria testicular circundada pelo plexo venoso pampiniforme, que constituem o cone vascular, um sistema contracorrente de troca de calor. Adicionalmente, a perda de calor por radiação pelo escroto, sudorese, suprimento sanguíneo arterial complementar, e os gradientes de temperatura no escroto e testículos contribuem para o resfriamento testicular. A despeito do duradouro paradigma de que os testículos estão em uma situação de quase hipóxia e que o fluxo sanguíneo não aumenta em resposta ao aquecimento testicular, em recentes estudos em camundongos, carneiros e touros, o aquecimento testicular estimulou o fluxo sanguíneo sem serem observados sinais de hipóxia. Além disso, a hipóxia não afetou os testículos e a hiperóxia não conferiu proteção. Portanto, concluímos que é a hipertermia testicular, e não a hipóxia secundária, que afeta a espermatogênese e a qualidade seminal. O aumento da temperatura testicular causa muitas mudanças celulares e subcelulares. À medida que a temperatura aumenta, a proporção de espermatozoides defeituosos aumenta. A recuperação depende da natureza e duração do insulto térmico. O controle ambiental (sombra, aspersores de água e ar condicionado) e algumas abordagens químicas (ex., melatonina e L-arginina) são medidas promissoras de redução dos efeitos do estresse térmico na reprodução de touros

Male , Animals , Cattle , Cattle/physiology , 34691 , Homeopathic Pathogenesy , Testis , Heat Stress Disorders , Body Temperature Regulation
Medisan ; 24(1)ene.-feb. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1091169


Se describe el caso clínico de un paciente de 42 años de edad, de piel negra, que asistió a la consulta de Cirugía de Tumores Periféricos en el Hospital Oncológico Docente Provincial Conrado Benítez García de Santiago de Cuba, por presentar una lesión oscura hiperpigmentada en el lado izquierdo del escroto, próxima a la región del rafe, de aproximadamente 4 mm y bordes irregulares, que no elevaba la piel ni dolía. Se realizó exéresis de la lesión y el estudio histopatológico reveló la existencia de un melanoma, sin ulceración ni satelitosis, con crecimiento radial, por lo que se profundizó en el área operada en busca de márgenes sin afectación y se resecaron los ganglios linfáticos inguinales bilaterales de manera profiláctica. Luego se indicó quimioterapia e inyecciones de interferón. El paciente mantenía una evolución favorable hasta el año y medio después de operado.

The case report of a 42 years, black skin patient is described, he attended the Peripheral Tumors Surgery Service in Conrado Benítez García Teaching Provincial Cancer Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, due to a hyperpigmented dark lesion in the left side of the scrotum, next to the raphe region, of approximately 4 mm and irregular borders that didn't elevate the skin or hurted. An excision of the lesion was carried out and the histological and pathological study revealed the existence of a melanoma, without ulceration or satelitosis, with radial growth, reason why there was a deep examination of the operated area in search of margins without affectation and the bilateral groin lymph nodes were dried up in a prophylactic way. Then chemotherapy and interferon injections were indicated. The patient maintained a favorable clinical course until a year and a half after the surgery.

Scrotum , Melanoma/surgery , Melanoma/drug therapy
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 39(2): 427-434, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1141291


Introdução: Escroto agudo é uma síndrome clínica caracterizada por aumento do volume escrotal, associada à dor, sudorese, febre, náuseas e vômitos. Entre suas causas, destaca-se a torção de cordão espermático, que corresponde a rotação testicular sob seu eixo vascular, comprometendo a irrigação tecidual. Trata-se de uma emergência urológica cujo tratamento é cirúrgico. Objetivo: Relatar um caso e revisar a literatura acerca desta patologia. Materiais e Métodos: Revisão do prontuário e revisão da literatura. Resultados: Homem de 14 anos com dor intermitente no testículo esquerdo há duas semanas. A ultrassonografia diagnosticou torção testicular e do cordão espermático à esquerda. O paciente realizou orquiectomia tendo alta no dia seguinte. Conclusão: Os relatos de casos relacionados à torção de cordão espermático têm sua importância baseados na necessidade do aprendizado e no reconhecimento rápido dessa condição pelo profissional médico, visando o manejo adequado e de prontidão dos pacientes acometidos pela condição.

Introduction: Acute scrotum is a clinical syndrome characterized by increased scrotal volume, which is associated with pain, sweating, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Among its causes, the spermatic cord torsion is easy noticed and corresponds to the testicular rotation under its vascular axis, compromising tissue irrigation. It is a urological emergency, and its treatment is surgical. Objective: Report a case and review the literature about this disease. Materials and Methods: Medical record review and literature review. Case Results: A 14-year-old man with pain in his left testicle for two weeks underwent an ultrasound scan that detected testicular and spermatic cord torsion. A left orchiectomy was performed and the man was discharged the next day. Conclusion: Case reports related to twisting of the spermatic cord have its importance based on the need for learning and rapid recognition of this condition by the medical professional, aiming at an adequate and ready management of the patients affected by the condition.

Male , Diagnostic Techniques, Urological , Spermatic Cord Torsion , Orchiectomy
Medisan ; 23(4)jul.-ago. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1091121


Se describe el caso clínico de un paciente que, 7 años después de habérsele realizado una falectomía parcial con linfadenectomía inguinal superficial y quimioterapia (cisplatino 150) por un carcinoma epidermoide del pene, acudió al Servicio de Urología del Hospital General Docente Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso en Santiago de Cuba por presentar un linfedema gigantesco de escroto, de origen obstructivo linfático, con marcada repercusión sobre la posición bípeda y la marcha. Se realizó el procedimiento quirúrgico (técnica de Homans con modificaciones) y el paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente. Luego de 2 años de operado, se le dio el alta de la consulta externa, pues se consideró que había recuperado la capacidad físico-motora y su autoestima.

The case report of a patient is described who, 7 years after carrying out a partial falectomy with inguinal superficial lymphadenectomy and chemotherapy (cisplatin 150) due to an squamous cell carcinoma of the penis, he went to the Urology Service of Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba presenting a giant scrotal lymphedema, of lymphatic obstructive origin, with marked repercussion on the biped position and during walking. The surgical procedure (Homans technique with modifications) was carried out and the patient had a satisfactory clinical course. Then after 2 years of surgery, he was discharged from the out-patient service, because it was considered that he had recovered the physical motor skills and his self-esteem.

Scrotum/surgery , Lymph Node Excision , Lymphedema/surgery
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 34(2): 295-298, apr.-jun. 2019. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1015997


A calcinose escrotal idiopática é uma entidade rara, benigna. Não costuma ter outros sintomas associados. O caso reportado se trata de um paciente de 30 anos com diversos nódulos calcificados em bolsa escrotal, com 15 anos de evolução. Como medida terapêutica, foi realizada excisão cirúrgica completa dos nódulos, apresentando boa evolução cirúrgica e resultados estético e funcional satisfatórios.

Idiopathic scrotal calcinosis is a rare benign entity. Patients affected by scrotal calcinosis usually do not have other associated symptoms. We report the case of a 30-yearold man with several calcified nodules in the scrotal sac with onset at age 15 years. A complete surgical excision of the nodules was performed, and the patient recovered well with satisfactory aesthetic and functional results.

Humans , Female , Adult , Pathology, Surgical/methods , Scrotum/surgery , Scrotum/physiopathology , Calcinosis/surgery , Calcinosis/physiopathology , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 70(2): 1-8, mayo.-ago. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978433


Loxoscelismo es el cuadro clínico originado por la mordedura de araña del género Loxosceles. Es considerado un accidente que ocurre con mayor frecuencia en las noches, debido al hábito nocturno de la araña y buena adaptación a los ambientes domésticos, preferentemente en espacios oscuros y secos. Clínicamente presenta dos escenarios, cutáneo (83,3 %) y visceral o sistémico (16 %), con una variación del cuadro cutáneo denominado loxoscelismo predominantemente edematoso. El objetivo es informar un caso inusual de loxoscelismo escrotal. El diagnóstico se realizó mediante las características clínicas y epidemiológicas del accidente. En conclusión, el loxoscelismo escrotal es una entidad muy infrecuente, el manejo del paciente influye mucho en su evolución y progresión; el tratamiento exhaustivo con sulfadiazina 2 veces al día y antibióticos intravenosos, muestra resultados muy favorables.

Loxoscelism is a condition produced by the bite of spiders from the genus Loxosceles. It is considered to be an accident that occurs mostly in the night, due to the spider's nocturnal habits and good adaptation to domestic environments, preferably dark, dry spaces. It presents in two clinical scenarios: cutaneous (83.3 %) and visceral or systemic (16 %), with a variation in the cutaneous manifestation known as predominantly edematous loxoscelism. The objective of the study was to report an unusual case of scrotal loxoscelism. Diagnosis was based on the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the accident. It is concluded that scrotal loxoscelism is a very infrequent condition. Management of the patient greatly influences its evolution and progress. Exhaustive treatment with sulfadiazine twice daily and intravenous antibiotics yields very favorable results.