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Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 24-33, jun.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561183


Introducción: cuando un individuo es hospitalizado en UCI para control y monitorización permanente de su salud, su cuidado está orientado específicamente a la asistencia plena de médicos y personal de enfermería. La complejidad de estos cuidados genera una crisis situacional y emocional en la familia que causa ansiedad, estrés, miedo y duda. La forma en la que el enfermero intervenga con el familiar en situaciones críticas es lo que va a determinar la percepción de los mismos hacia el cuidado de enfermería, en tanto la comunicación y el apoyo emocional forma parte de la competencia profesional y contribuye al cuidado holístico del paciente y familia. Objetivo: Determinar la percepción de los familiares de pacientes, respecto a la comunicación que le brinda el profesional de enfermería en la unidad de cuidados críticos. Materiales y método: Se realizó un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo y de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo constituida por 40 familiares adultos responsables del paciente hospitalizado en la unidad de terapia intensiva, durante los meses Junio - septiembre del 2023. El instrumento de recolección de información fue un cuestionario de "Percepción de los familiares de los Pacientes Críticos, respecto a la intervención de Enfermería durante su Crisis Situacional"; el mismo fue utilizado y validado por la autora Franco Canales Rosa aplicado en el Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati, Abril de 2003. Resultados:Los resultados muestran que la percepción global de los familiares, es favorable, respecto a la comunicación verbal, comunicación no verbal y el apoyo emocional[AU]

Introduction: health is the condition in which every living being enjoys absolute well-being both physically and mentally and socially, when it is affected either by a pathology or by general accidents; Given the physical condition of the individual, he or she is often hospitalized in the ICU for permanent control and monitoring. Your care is specifically oriented towards the full assistance of Doctors and Nurses. The complexity of this care generates a situational and emotional crisis in the immediate family that causes anxiety, stress, fear and doubt. The way in which the nurse supports the family member in critical or distressing situations is what will determine the perception of the family members towards the nurses, since communication and emotional support are part of the professional competence and contribute to the holistic care of the patient. patient and family. It is a care that is reflected in the feeling that the nurses have that when they do it, the families are very grateful and that, without a doubt, it is their job. Objective: Determine the perception of the patient's relatives regarding the communication provided by the nursing professional in the critical care unit of a private institution. Materials and Methods: A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample was made up of 40 adult relatives responsible for the patient hospitalized in the Adult intensive care unit, during the months of June - September 2023. The information collection instrument was a questionnaire on "Perception of relatives of Critical Patients, regarding to Nursing intervention during their Situational Crisis"; It was used and validated by the author Franco Canales Rosa applied at the Edgardo Rebagliati National Hospital, April 2003. Results:The results show that the overall perception of family members is favorable, regarding verbal communication, non-verbal communication and emotional support[AU]

Introdução: saúde é a condição em que todo ser vivo goza de absoluto bem-estar tanto físico quanto mental e social, quando é acometido por alguma patologia ou por acidentes gerais; Dada a condição física do indivíduo, muitas vezes ele é internado em UTI para controle e monitoramento permanente. O seu atendimento é especificamente orientado para a assistência integral de Médicos e Enfermeiros. A complexidade desse cuidado gera uma crise situacional e emocional na família imediata que causa ansiedade, estresse, medo e dúvidas. A forma como o enfermeiro apoia o familiar em situações críticas ou angustiantes é o que determinará a percepção dos familiares em relação aos enfermeiros, uma vez que a comunicação e o apoio emocional fazem parte da competência profissional e contribuem para o cuidado holístico do paciente. paciente e família. É um cuidado que se reflete no sentimento que os enfermeiros têm de que quando o fazem as famílias ficam muito gratas e que, sem dúvida, é o seu trabalho. Objetivo: Determinar a percepção dos familiares do paciente quanto à comunicação prestada pelo profissional de enfermagem na unidade de terapia intensiva de uma instituição privada. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal. A amostra foi composta por 40 familiares adultos responsáveis pelo paciente internado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Adulto, durante os meses de junho a setembro de 2023. O instrumento de coleta de informações foi um questionário sobre "Percepção dos familiares de Pacientes Críticos, quanto à intervenção de Enfermagem durante a sua crise situacional"; Foi utilizado e validado pelo autor Franco Os resultados mostram que a percepção geral dos familiares é favorável, no que diz respeito à comunicação verbal, à comunicação não verbal e ao apoio emocional.Canales Rosa apl i c a d o n o Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati, abril de 2003. Resultados: Os resultados mostram que a percepção geral dos familiares é favorável, no que diz respeito à comunicação verbal, à comunicação não verbal e ao apoio emocional.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Professional Competence , Professional-Family Relations , Nonverbal Communication
Referência ; serVI(3): e32703, dez. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1569439


Resumo Enquadramento: As ambulâncias de suporte imediato de vida (SIV) possibilitam ao enfermeiro capacidade de intervenção em contexto pré-hospitalar, suportada pelo seu conhecimento técnico-científico, protocolos complexos de atuação e regulação médica por telemedicina. Objetivo: Analisar os contributos da intervenção dos enfermeiros SIV, na evolução do estado clínico da pessoa em situação crítica (PSC). Metodologia: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo-correlacional, retrospetivo, realizado em meios SIV, na região norte de Portugal. Analisados 574 registos clínicos eletrónicos, entre 01 de novembro e 31 de dezembro de 2019, que correspondem ao mesmo número de pessoas avaliadas. Utilizada a escala National Early Warning Score (NEWS) para avaliar a evolução clínica da PSC. Resultados: Observou-se uma evolução positiva do score NEWS da PSC, após a intervenção do enfermeiro SIV (M = 4,43 ± 3,901 vs 3,34 ± 3,329; sig < 0,001). Em sentido inverso, o risco clínico diminuiu significativamente após a intervenção do enfermeiro. Conclusão: Demonstrou-se a relevância da intervenção do enfermeiro SIV no contexto pré-hospitalar, enquanto garantia de segurança, qualidade e melhoria contínua dos cuidados à PSC.

Abstract Background: Immediate life support (ILS) ambulances allow nurses to intervene in pre-hospital settings, supported by their technical-scientific knowledge and complex protocols of action and regulation through telemedicine. Objective: To analyze the contributions of nursing interventions in the evolution of the clinical state of critical patients. Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive-correlational, retrospective, and observational study conducted in ILS settings in northern Portugal. A total of 574 electronic clinical records were analyzed between 1 November and 31 December 2019, corresponding to the same number of people evaluated. The National Early Warning Score (NEWS) was used to assess the clinical evolution of critical patients. Results: There was a positive evolution of the NEWS score of critical patients after the intervention of ILS nurses (M = 4.43 ± 3.901 vs. 3.34 ± 3.329; sig < 0.001). Similarly, the clinical risk of critical patients decreased after the nurse's intervention. Conclusion: This study demonstrated the importance of nurses in prehospital care, as a guarantee of safety, quality, and continuous improvement of care for critical patients.

Resumen Marco contextual: Las ambulancias de soporte vital inmediato (SVI) permiten al personal de enfermería intervenir en un contexto prehospitalario, con el apoyo de sus conocimientos técnico-científicos y de complejos protocolos de actuación y regulación médica a través de la telemedicina. Objetivo: Analizar las aportaciones de la intervención del personal de enfermería del SVI en la evolución del estado clínico de la persona en situación crítica (PSC). Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo-correlacional, retrospectivo, realizado en centros de SVI del norte de Portugal. Se analizaron 574 historias clínicas electrónicas entre el 1 de noviembre y el 31 de diciembre de 2019, correspondientes al mismo número de personas evaluadas. Se utilizó la escala National Early Warning Score (NEWS) para evaluar la evolución clínica de la PSC. Resultados: Se observó una evolución positiva en el score NEWS de la PSC, tras la intervención del personal de enfermería del SVI (M = 4,43 ± 3,901 vs 3,34 ± 3,329; sig < 0,001). Por el contrario, el riesgo clínico disminuyó significativamente tras la intervención del personal de enfermería. Conclusión: Se demostró la relevancia de la intervención del personal de enfermería del SVI en el contexto prehospitalario, como garantía de seguridad, calidad y mejora continua en la atención a la PSC.

Referência ; serVI(3): e32647, dez. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1558852


Resumo Enquadramento: Em tempo de pandemia, as consultas de enfermagem de vigilância da gravidez sofreram alterações, nomeadamente na restrição de acompanhantes. Por esse motivo, é importante a avaliação da satisfação das grávidas com a assistência de enfermagem durante este contexto pandémico. Objetivo: Avaliar a satisfação da grávida com a assistência das enfermeiras obstétricas nas consultas de vigilância da gravidez durante o contexto de pandemia COVID-19. Metodologia: Estudo transversal descritivo de natureza quantitativa, com uma amostra de 196 grávidas. Aplicado a Escala de Satisfação dos Pacientes com a Assistência de Enfermagem (General Practice Nurse Satisfaction Scale - GPNS), constituída pelas dimensões: relacionamento interpessoal e comunicação, confiança, credibilidade e dedicação. Resultados: As grávidas apresentam-se em média mais satisfeitas na dimensão relacionamento interpessoal e comunicação e menos satisfeitas na dimensão dedicação. Conclusão: As grávidas apresentam-se satisfeitas com a assistência de enfermagem percecionando a sua importância. Tal reforça a pertinência das consultas serem realizadas por um Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica.

Abstract Background: Prenatal nursing appointments underwent changes during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely in the restriction of companions. For this reason, it is important to assess pregnant women's satisfaction with nursing care during this period. Objective: To assess pregnant women's satisfaction with nurse midwife-led prenatal appointments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: A qualitative descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 196 pregnant women. The Portuguese version of the General Practice Nurse Satisfaction Scale (Escala de Satisfação dos Pacientes com a Assistência de Enfermagem) was administered to the sample. The tool consists of the following dimensions: interpersonal relationship and communication, confidence, credibility, and dedication. Results: Pregnant women are, on average, more satisfied in the interpersonal relationship and communication dimension and less satisfied in the dedication dimension. Conclusion: Pregnant women are satisfied with nursing care and acknowledge its importance. This finding reinforces the importance of nurse midwife-led consultations.

Resumen Marco contextual: En tiempos de pandemia, las citas de enfermería para el seguimiento del embarazo cambiaron, sobre todo la restricción de acompañantes. Por esta razón, es importante evaluar la satisfacción de las mujeres embarazadas con los cuidados de enfermería durante este contexto pandémico. Objetivo: Evaluar la satisfacción de las mujeres embarazadas con la atención prestada por las enfermeras obstétricas en las consultas de seguimiento del embarazo durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal de carácter cuantitativo, con una muestra de 196 mujeres embarazadas. Se aplicó la Escala de Satisfacción de los Pacientes con Asistencia de Enfermería (General Practice Nurse Satisfaction Scale - GPNS), compuesta por las siguientes dimensiones: relaciones interpersonales y comunicación, confianza, credibilidad y dedicación. Resultados: Las mujeres embarazadas están, de media, más satisfechas en la dimensión relaciones interpersonales y comunicación, y menos satisfechas en la dimensión dedicación. Conclusión: Las embarazadas se mostraron satisfechas con los cuidados de enfermería y se dieron cuenta de su importancia. Esto refuerza la pertinencia de que las consultas sean realizadas por una enfermera especializada en Enfermería de Salud Materna y Obstétrica.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e79207, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563243


Objetivo: avaliar pontuação da National Early Warning Score (NEWS) em relação ao tipo de desfecho e perfil dos pacientes da enfermaria clínica médica de um hospital em Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Método: estudo quantitativo realizado num hospital público, em Teresina, com 150 prontuários de pacientes internados no setor clínica médica de fevereiro de 2022 a dezembro de 2022, a partir de registros demográficos, clínicos e valores da escala na admissão e desfecho. Resultados: houve associação dos valores da escala com a faixa etária (p=0,029), tempo de internação (p=0,023) e tipo de desfecho (p < 0,001). Alto risco clínico prevaleceu entre pacientes do sexo masculino (13%), na faixa etária de 60 a 94 anos (13%), com permanência de 21 a 57 dias (19,2%) e óbito como desfecho (100%). Conclusão: implementação da referida escala evidenciou ser fundamental para prever agravos clínicos e melhorar qualidade da assistência.

Objective: to evaluate the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) in relation to the type of outcome and profile of patients in the medical clinical ward of a hospital in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil. Method: a quantitative study conducted in a public hospital in Teresina, with 150 medical records of patients admitted to the medical clinic sector from February 2022 to December 2022, based on demographic and clinical records and scale values at admission and outcome. Results: there was an association between the scale values and the age group (p=0.029), length of stay (p=0.023) and type of outcome (p < 0.001). High clinical risk prevailed among male patients (13%), aged between 60 and 94 years (13%), with a stay of 21 to 57 days (19.2%), and death as an outcome (100%). Conclusion: implementation of the aforementioned scale proved to be fundamental for predicting clinical problems and improving care quality.

Objetivo: evaluar el puntaje de la National Early Warning Score (NEWS) con respecto al tipo de desenlace y el perfil de los pacientes de la enfermería clínica médica de un hospital en Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Método: estudio cuantitativo realizado en un hospital público en Teresina, con 150 historiales médicos de pacientes internados en el sector de clínica médica desde febrero de 2022 hasta diciembre de 2022, a partir de registros demográficos, clínicos y valores de la escala en la admisión y desenlace. Resultados: hubo asociación de los valores de la escala con la edad (p=0,029), tiempo de internación (p=0,023) y tipo de desenlace (p < 0,001). El alto riesgo clínico prevaleció entre los pacientes del sexo masculino (13%), en la franja de edad entre 60 y 94 años (13%), con una estancia de 21 a 57 días (19,2%) y fallecimiento como desenlace (100%). Conclusión: la implementación de dicha escala demostró ser fundamental para prever agravios clínicos y mejorar la calidad de la asistencia.

Enfermeria (Montev.) ; 13(2)dic. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1569162


Introducción: La muerte es parte de los tabúes sociales existentes y puede fomentar actitudes que distan de su abordaje explícito en relación con los cuidados. Objetivo: Analizar las actitudes ante la muerte en profesionales de enfermería de acuerdo con las publicaciones científicas en el contexto latinoamericano en el período 2018 a 2022. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión de literatura integrativa de las publicaciones científicas latinoamericanas respecto de las actitudes ante la muerte en el contexto de la enfermería, empleando los siguientes términos estandarizados: actitud, muerte, enfermería y cuidados de enfermería. Se incluyeron 8 artículos publicados en el período definido, en idioma español y portugués, en los que se abordó explícitamente la temática de la revisión. La información de los artículos fue analizada tomando como referencia los conceptos de la teoría de las transiciones. Resultados: Se encontraron diseños tanto cuantitativos (50 %) como cualitativos (50 %), elaborados en su totalidad en el ámbito hospitalario. Los principales resultados dan cuenta del predominio de la indiferencia ante la muerte en el contexto de los cuidados. En relación con la teoría de las transiciones, la mayoría de los artículos abordan las condiciones en que estas se dan, además de los conceptos de terapéutica de enfermería y patrones de respuesta. Conclusiones: La producción de investigaciones sobre la actitud ante la muerte en profesionales de enfermería es escasa en Latinoamérica. Las experiencias de pérdidas cercanas, la capacitación y el soporte institucional son la base para contribuir a una mejor actitud hacia la muerte

Introdução: A morte faz parte dos tabus sociais existentes e pode fomentar atitudes que se distanciam de sua abordagem explícita em relação aos cuidados. Objetivo: analisar as atitudes diante da morte em profissionais de enfermagem de acordo com as publicações científicas no contexto latino-americano no período de 2018 a 2022. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura integrativa de publicações científicas latino-americanas sobre atitudes diante da morte no contexto da enfermagem, utilizando os seguintes termos padronizados: atitude, morte, enfermagem e cuidados de enfermagem. Foram incluídos 8 artigos publicados no período definido, em espanhol e português, nos quais o tema da revisão foi abordado explicitamente. As informações dos artigos foram analisadas tendo como referência os conceitos da teoria das transições. Resultados: Foram identificados desenhos quantitativos (50 %) e qualitativos (50 %), elaborados totalmente no âmbito hospitalar. Os principais resultados mostram a predominância da indiferença diante da morte no contexto do cuidado. Em relação à teoria das transições, a maioria dos artigos aborda as condições em que as transições ocorrem, além dos conceitos de terapêutica de enfermagem e padrões de resposta. Conclusões: A produção de pesquisas sobre atitudes diante da morte em profissionais de enfermagem é escassa na América Latina. As experiências de perdas próximas, a capacitação e o apoio institucional são a base para contribuir para uma melhor atitude em relação à morte

Introduction: Death is part of the existing social taboos and can foster attitudes that are far from its explicit approach in relation to care. Objective: To analyze attitudes towards death in nursing professionals according to scientific publications in the Latin American context in the period 2018 to 2022. Methodology: An integrative literature review was conducted of Latin American scientific publications regarding attitudes towards death in the context of Nursing, using the following standardized terms: attitude, death, nursing and nursing care. Eight articles published in the defined period were included, in Spanish and Portuguese, in which the subject of the review was explicitly addressed. The information in the articles was analyzed using the concepts of the theory of transitions as a reference. Results: Both quantitative (50 %) and qualitative (50 %) designs were found, all of them elaborated in the hospital setting. The main results show the predominance of indifference to death in the context of care. In relation to the theory of transitions, most of the articles address the conditions under which these occur, in addition to the concepts of nursing therapeutics and response patterns. Conclusions: The production of research on the attitude towards death in nursing professionals is scarce in Latin America. Experiences of close losses, training and institutional support are the basis for contributing to a better attitude towards death

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e79186, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556452


Objetivo: identificar o local e os cuidados diretos recebidos por pessoas com úlceras da perna por doença falciforme nos serviços de atenção à saúde. Método: estudo transversal, realizado em 11 centros, no período de agosto de 2019 a abril de 2020. Fizeram parte do estudo 72 pessoas com úlcera da perna ativa. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Resultado: apresentavam anemia falciforme 91,7% dos participantes, com mediana de três anos de existência da úlcera; 77,8% eram redicivantes; 40,3% compravam os insumos; 66,7% trocavam o próprio curativo no domicílio; 52,8% realizavam uma ou mais trocas diárias; 45,8% dos tratamentos foram prescritos pelo médico; 37,5% eram pomada (colagenase ou antibiótico); 89% não utilizavam compressão para o manejo do edema. Conclusão: a maioria dos participantes não estava inserida na Rede de Atenção à Saúde para o tratamento da úlcera, e não recebia assistência sistematizada e nem insumos apropriados.

Objective: to identify the location and direct care received by people with leg ulcers due to sickle cell disease in health care services. Method: a cross-sectional study carried out in 11 centers from August 2019 to April 2020. The study included 72 people with active leg ulcers. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Results: a total of 91.7% of the participants had sickle cell anemia, with a median of three years of ulcer existence; 77.8% were recurrent; 40.3% bought the supplies; 66.7% changed their own dressings at home; 52.8% did one or more changes a day; 45.8% of the treatments were prescribed by physician; 37.5% were ointments (collagenase or antibiotics); and 89% did not use compression to manage edema. Conclusion: most of the participants were not included in the Health Care Network for ulcer treatment and did not receive systematized care or appropriate supplies.

Objetivo: identificar el lugar y los cuidados directos recibidos por personas con úlceras de pierna por enfermedad falciforme en los servicios de atención a la salud. Método: estudio transversal, realizado en 11 centros, en el período de agosto de 2019 a abril de 2020. Participaron 72 personas con úlcera de pierna activa. El estudio fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación. Resultado: presentaban anemia falciforme 91,7% de los participantes, con una mediana de tres años de existencia de la úlcera; 77,8% eran recidivantes; 40,3% compraban los insumos; 66,7% cambiaban su propio vendaje en el domicilio; 52,8% realizaban uno o más cambios diarios; 45,8% de los tratamientos fueron prescritos por el médico; 37,5% eran pomada (colagenasa o antibiótico); y 89% no utilizaban compresión para el manejo del edema. Conclusión: la mayoría de los participantes no estaba integrada en la Red de Atención a la Salud para el tratamiento de la úlcera, y no recibía asistencia sistematizada ni insumos apropiados.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e74624, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554378


Objetivo: analisar o desenvolvimento da enfermagem traumato-ortopédica a partir da primeira turma de residentes de um hospital especializado. Método: o estudo seguiu a metodologia histórica com abordagem qualitativa. As fontes foram documentos escritos e orais. Resultados: trabalhar em uma instituição especializada foi o ponto de partida para a busca por especialização de enfermeiras atuantes no cuidado traumato-ortopédico, que perceberam o saber/poder adquirido no trabalho assistencial, além da intenção de qualificar a assistência e elevar o hospital a instituto. Estratégias empregadas reúnem a busca por parcerias com instituições universitárias e associativas, além da criação de uma associação própria. Considerações finais: a enfermagem traumato-ortopédica ampliou seu espaço científico ao criar um curso de especialização com uma unidade acadêmica. Foi possível delimitar o poder acadêmico e institucional da enfermagem na instituição de saúde pela formação de enfermeiras especialistas constituindo um grupo de reconhecido pelo saber científico.

Objective: to analyze the development of trauma and orthopedic nursing care from the very first class of residents of a specialized hospital. Method: historical methodology study with a qualitative approach. The sources consisted of written and oral documents. Results: working in a specialized institution was the starting point for nurses who were seeking specialization in the field of trauma and orthopedic care as they noticed the power-knowledge acquired through care work, plus they were willing to improve assistance and take the hospital up to an institute level. Strategies used include the search for partnerships with universities and associative-type institutions, in addition to creating their own association. Final considerations: trauma and orthopedic nursing care expanded its scientific space by creating a specialization course together with an academic unit. It was possible to define the academic and institutional power of the nursing staff in the health institution by considering the training process of its nurse specialists, who consisted of a group recognized for their scientific knowledge.

Objetivo: analizar el desarrollo de la enfermería traumatológica ortopédica a partir del primer grupo de residentes de un hospital especializado. Método: estudio con metodología histórica con un enfoque cualitativo. Las fuentes fueron documentos escritos y orales. Resultados: el trabajo en una institución especializada fue el punto de partida para la búsqueda de la especialización de las enfermeras que trabajaban en la atención traumatológica ortopédica, quienes notaron el saber/poder adquirido en el trabajo asistencial, además de la intención de cualificar la atención y elevar el hospital al nivel de instituto. Las estrategias empleadas incluyen la búsqueda de alianzas con instituciones universitarias y asociaciones, y la creación de una asociación propia. Consideraciones finales: la enfermería traumatológica ortopédica amplió su espacio científico mediante la creación de un curso de especialización con una unidad académica. Se logró delimitar el poder académico e institucional de la enfermería en la institución de salud a través de la formación de enfermeros especialistas, que es un grupo reconocido por el conocimiento científico.

SAGE Open Nurs ; 10: 23779608241279908, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39314647


Introduction: The post-COVID-19 pandemic caused the whole world to make several changes to the nursing healthcare system. This sudden shift raised questions about telepalliative care in home-based nursing care in the context of healthcare utilization, including meeting the needs of older adults with metastatic cancer. The evidence suggests that telepalliative care in home-based nursing care is acceptable to most advanced practice nurses, but the extent of their use for metastatic cancer patients has not been defined. Objectives: To explore the use of telepalliative care in home-based nursing care for older adults with metastatic cancer in central Thailand following the post-COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A qualitative approach with an ethnoscientific design was used to collect data from a purposive sample of 15 advanced practice nurses from May to September 2023. The interview transcripts were analyzed using componential analysis (core coding, categorizing, theme, and emerging theory). Results: The componential analysis revealed two themes of telepalliative care in home-based nursing care for older adults with metastatic cancer in the post COVID-19 pandemic. The first theme is telepalliative care delivery, with subthemes of delivering practice, nurse-mediated feedback and supportive care, remote monitoring of real-time emergencies, and transferring medical data. The second theme is advanced practice nurses' (APN) role in telepalliative nursing care, including the subthemes of virtual monitoring, life-threatening cancer, side effects, caregiving capacity, continuity of care, and long-term care services. The study found that caregiving capacity, continuity of care, and long-term care services were formed of telepalliative care in home-based nursing care for cancer patients following the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Telepalliative care in home-based nursing care is effective in delivering services to older adults with metastatic cancer during the post-COVID-19 pandemic. The findings suggested that remote monitoring of real-time emergencies, life-threatening cancer, and long-term care services are part of telepalliative care in home-based nursing care. Adapting the telepalliative competency standards of advanced practice nurses is needed to ensure high-quality healthcare access for older adults with metastatic cancer during the post-COVID-19 pandemic.

Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs ; 11(10): 100579, 2024 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39315365


Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy represents a significant advancement in cancer treatment, particularly for hematologic malignancies. Various cancer immunotherapy strategies are presently being explored, including cytokines, cancer vaccines, immune checkpoint inhibitors, immunomodulators monoclonal antibodies, etc. The therapy has shown impressive efficacy in treating conditions such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), and multiple myeloma, often leading to complete remission in refractory cases. However, the clinical application of CAR T-cell therapy is accompanied by challenges, notably severe side effects. Effective management of these adverse effects requires meticulous monitoring and prompt intervention, highlighting the critical role of nursing in this therapeutic process. Nurses play a crucial role in patient education, monitoring, symptom management, care coordination, and psychosocial support, ensuring safe and effective treatment. As research advances and new CAR T-cell therapies are developed, the role of nursing professionals remains pivotal in optimizing patient outcomes. The continued evolution of CAR T-cell therapy promises improved outcomes, with nursing professionals integral to its success.

BMJ Open ; 14(9): e085242, 2024 Sep 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39317496


OBJECTIVE: This study compared the costs and nursing time associated with the delivery of continuous infusion of antibiotics via elastomeric infusion pumps (EIP) versus conventional intermittent infusion (CII) across different care pathways. DESIGN: Retrospective real-world data informed a cost comparison analysis that compared costs and nursing hours between infusion of antibiotics via EIP versus CII across eight care pathways in inpatient or outpatient care during infection episodes. Real-world data were obtained from patients treated within a year with parenteral antimicrobial therapy in Päijät-Häme Region, Finland. SETTING: Inpatient care with hospital admission and outpatient care at hospital at home in Päijät-Häme Region in Finland. PARTICIPANTS: 3778 patients with a total of 4214 infection episodes treated with intravenous antimicrobial therapy. INTERVENTIONS: Eight treatment strategies with various combinations of EIP and CII administered in inpatient or outpatient care. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Direct costs and nursing time. RESULTS: Skin and soft tissue infections accounted for the highest number of episodes treated with EIP overall (30.8%; 74 out of 240 episodes) and in outpatient care specifically (53.3%; 128 out of 240 episodes). Compared with inpatient care costs with CII (€4590 per episode), treating skin and soft tissue infections in outpatient care with EIP or CII incurred only 24% (€1104) and 35% (€1620) of the costs, respectively. Across all treatment strategies and infections studied, the use of EIP consistently required less nursing time. The highest nursing time in the outpatient care was observed in sepsis episodes treated with CII (37 hours with CII vs 7 hours with EIP per episode). CONCLUSION: Delivery of antimicrobial therapy using continuous infusions with EIP instead of CII can significantly decrease the nursing time and cost in both inpatient and outpatient care. For skin and soft tissue infections and sepsis, the utilisation of EIP is a cost-saving option in outpatient care compared with the use of CII.

Ambulatory Care , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Humans , Finland , Retrospective Studies , Ambulatory Care/economics , Male , Female , Infusions, Intravenous/economics , Middle Aged , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Anti-Bacterial Agents/economics , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Aged , Adult , Infusion Pumps/economics , Soft Tissue Infections/drug therapy , Soft Tissue Infections/economics , Hospitalization/economics , Costs and Cost Analysis
Clin Nurs Res ; : 10547738241276342, 2024 Sep 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39301776


Although there are many sleep-related complaints in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, nocturnal leg cramps have not been adequately and extensively studied. This study fills a significant gap in the literature by determining the prevalence and influencing factors of nocturnal leg cramps in COPD patients. However, our findings also underscore the need for further research, inspiring future studies and interventions in this area. This study was conducted with a rigorous methodology, employing a comprehensive approach to evaluate the probability of experiencing nocturnal leg cramps in 215 COPD and 215 control group patients matched for age and gender. Logistic regression analysis was used, supplemented by artificial neural networks, to identify the influencing factors. This robust methodology ensures the reliability and validity of our findings. The findings of this study are not only significant but also enlightening, shedding light on the prevalence and influencing factors of nocturnal leg cramps in COPD patients. The frequency of experiencing these cramps was found to be 40.9% in chronic obstructive pulmonary patients and 21.9% in the control group (p < .05). In COPD patients, factors such as milk group food consumption, blood erythrocyte level, the cover used while sleeping, blood creatinine level, the presence of coronary artery disease, the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, the upper mid-arm muscle area, and use of drugs with methylxanthine active ingredient methylxanthine were found to affect the occurrence of these cramps. Our findings not only call for further research but also have immediate practical implications. They highlight the crucial role of nurses in managing nocturnal leg cramps in COPD patients. By controlling patients' cold stress, the bed covers they use, and their dairy product consumption, nurses can significantly contribute to managing these cramps, thereby improving the quality of life for these patients. This underscores the importance of their role in patient care and management.

Int J Palliat Nurs ; 30(9): 486-494, 2024 Sep 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39302911


BACKGROUND: Avoiding futile treatment for patients at the end of life is among one of the care challenges of nurses in intensive care units (ICUs). AIMS: This study aimed to determine the attitude of intensive care unit nurses toward futile treatment and its relationship with missed care for patients at the end of life. METHOD: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 307 ICU nurses. Eleven teaching hospitals were selected from three Iranian provinces, Zanjan Province, East Azerbaijan and West Azerbaijan, in 2021. The data were collected using The Attitudes Toward Futile Treatment Scale (ATFTS) and The Missed Nursing Care Survey (MISSCARE Survey) as self-reports. RESULTS: According to the obtained results, 94.8% of the nurses agreed that futile treatment should not be performed. However, 97.7% of the nurses reported that missed care occurs less for patients at the end of life. The correlation between the MISSCARE Survey's total scale and the ATFTS's total scale was positive and statistically significant (r =.11). CONCLUSION: This research contributes to understanding nurses' attitudes toward futile treatment. Nurses oppose futile treatment, so obstacles to avoiding it should be eliminated. This attitude does not have a significant impact on nursing care quality or missed care for patients at the end of life, but it can lead to enduring distress for nurses. It is recommended to study the reasons for futile treatment, and its link to nurses' mental and physical health.

Attitude of Health Personnel , Medical Futility , Nursing Staff, Hospital , Terminal Care , Humans , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Adult , Male , Nursing Staff, Hospital/psychology , Iran , Surveys and Questionnaires , Middle Aged , Intensive Care Units
J Adv Nurs ; 2024 Sep 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39304300


AIMS: To compare nurses' and patients' reports of missed nursing care, explore patients' perspectives and utilise these insights to elucidate discrepancies or congruence between perceptions. DESIGN: A descriptive mixed-methods design combining quantitative (questionnaires) and qualitative (semi-structured interviews) methods. METHODS: In the quantitative phase, 143 nurses and 643 patients completed the MISSCARE and MISSCARE-Patient surveys. Correlations between their total missed care scores were examined. In the qualitative phase, 68 patients participated in semi-structured interviews analysed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: The correlation between nurses' and patients' perceptions of missed nursing care was nonsignificant. Qualitative findings revealed three themes: (1) patients' need to preserve individuality; (2) most patients attributed missed care to systemic factors, while some attributed it to nurses' attitudes and (3) emotional responses varied from empathetic understanding, inadvertently enabling more missed care, to frustration and assertiveness to ensure receiving necessary care. CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals a significant discrepancy between nurses' and patients' perceptions of missed care. Patient perspectives offer insights into this misalignment, highlighting differences in care priorities and role understanding. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE PROFESSION AND/OR PATIENT CARE: Enhancing nurse-patient communication and patient empowerment are crucial. Healthcare institutions should integrate patient feedback into quality initiatives, create supportive work environments and foster a patient-centred care culture. Effectively marketing nurses' expertise and implementing strategies to manage patient assertiveness are essential. IMPACT: This study addresses the discrepancy in perceptions of missed nursing care between nurses and patients. It reveals how patients' care priorities and attributions influence their experience of missed care. Findings will impact healthcare policymakers, nursing educators and hospital administrators, informing strategies to improve care quality, patient satisfaction and nurse work environments across healthcare settings. REPORTING METHOD: The study has adhered to STROBE guidelines for the quantitative component and SRQR guidelines for the qualitative component. PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: No patient or public contribution.

BMJ Open ; 14(9): e088773, 2024 Sep 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39306353


INTRODUCTION: Optimising the management of chronicity has been a global challenge for decades. Individuals with long-term conditions (LTCs) and their families live with them for years. Thus, it is necessary to include both of their perspectives in the management and adaptation of the interventions proposed. The psychometric properties of the living with LTCs scale from the perspective of the family caregiver are unknown. The objective of the present study is to describe the psychometric properties of the EC-PC-Fam in a Spanish-speaking population. METHODS: An observational, cross-sectional study was performed with a retest of part of the sample. The fit of the model was optimised with a factorial analysis, and the psychometric properties were verified. RESULTS: A sample of 311 caregivers was recruited. Most of them were women (68.2%) and had a mean age of 58.29±9.91 years (range: 32-84 years). The initial version did not obtain acceptable fit scores. To improve the fit, different versions were tested, refining the distribution of the items until optimisation was reached in V.10 (19 items). Cronbach's alpha was 0.81 for the scale as a whole. The intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.77. The EC-PC-Fam scale is strongly and inversely correlated with a scale that measures the burden of the caregiver (rs=-0.46), and moderately related to the health-related quality of life (rs=0.373) and social support (rs=0.38). CONCLUSIONS: The EC-PC-Fam scale from a family perspective is defined as a promising tool for promoting personalised care and for optimising the management of LTCs, and a new approach that includes family caregivers is proposed for clinical practice. The scale is an instrument with a moderate fit and optimum psychometric properties to measure living with LTCs from the perspective of a family caregiver. New validation studies are recommended to verify the fit of the proposed factorial solution.

Caregivers , Psychometrics , Humans , Caregivers/psychology , Female , Male , Middle Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies , Aged , Adult , Aged, 80 and over , Spain , Chronic Disease/therapy , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Quality of Life , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Nurse Educ Today ; 144: 106415, 2024 Sep 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39305723


BACKGROUND: To provide competent and respectful sexual health care, a critical and comprehensive assessment of students' attitudes towards sexuality is needed, which implies using reliable and valid questionnaires. AIM: To assess whether the extended version of the Students Attitude Towards Addressing Sexual Health (SA-SH-Ext) provides different, additional information about students' attitudes towards providing sexual healthcare compared to the Sexual Attitude and Beliefs Survey (SABS), to explore SA-SH-Ext potential response patterns through latent class analysis and to assess students' attitudes towards providing sexual healthcare and evaluate the differences in their attitudes to the cultural background and sociodemographic characteristics. DESIGN: Multicentre, descriptive, analytical, comparative, and correlational cross-sectional study at three nursing faculties. PARTICIPANTS: Nursing students n = 514 (Serbia n = 180, Poland n = 150 and Lithuania n = 184). METHODS: A general questionnaire for obtaining sociodemographic data, SA-SH-Ext and SABS were used as students' report measures. RESULTS: One part of the variance of each instrument does not overlap with the other, indicating that these instruments, in addition to the shared variance, provide different, additional information. A solution with three latent classes was found in the domain of responses to the SA-SH-Ext items. The response pattern placed nursing students in the class Comfortable and prepared in some situations, and the SABS score revealed students' moderately positive attitudes towards providing sexual healthcare. Significantly more conservative attitudes were demonstrated by students from Poland, those identifying their religious affiliation as Catholic and females, while first-year students showed more positive attitudes than those in later years of study. CONCLUSIONS: The SA-SH-Ext and SABS enable a reliable and quick assessment of nursing students' comfort and competence in providing sexual healthcare. However, the differences in students' attitudes towards sexuality concerning belonging to a specific group imply a need for curriculum redesign and facilitating students to be more open to communication about sexuality with people with mental illnesses and intellectual and physical disabilities.

Eur J Oncol Nurs ; 72: 102683, 2024 Aug 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39305738


PURPOSE: Throughout a child's cancer treatment, health professionals (HPs) constitute an important source of support for the entire family. However, the understanding of their presence and essential attributes is unclear. This study explored HPs' presence and attributes in connecting with parents and identified facilitators and barriers for connectedness. METHODS: This qualitative study was undertaken in a compassion paradigm, designed and guided by Heidegger's and Gadamer's philosophical concepts, and employed compassionate methods. Data were generated through ethnographic fieldwork (144 h), parent interviews (n = 16), and focus group interviews with parents of cancer survivors (n = 2) and HPs (n = 3). Inductive content analysis was utilised to analyse data. RESULTS: Many HP-parent contacts developed into close, genuine connections based on HPs' great commitment and ability to balance the act of closeness and distance. This involved HPs' sensitivity, humanity, humility, honest communication, genuine interest, and high clinical competencies; all promoting trust. Adapting and ending close relationships when approaching the end of treatment had little attention and was difficult for families, making some find ways of keeping contact on a personal level. Barriers disclosed were structural work changes, busyness, dishonest, poor, or lack of communication, and poor or lack of interpersonal chemistry. CONCLUSION: Human interconnectedness is powerful in long-term professional relationships and strengthens the parents. More research and clinical attention are needed to develop the understanding and help target actions toward building, maintaining, and ending relationships. Further, cultivating being present in the moment, through mindfulness and compassion, may support HPs in maintaining a receptive mind and a caring role.

BMJ Open ; 14(9): e079475, 2024 Sep 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39260847


INTRODUCTION: Care aides are health workers who deliver hands-on care to patients across the healthcare continuum. The use of technology in healthcare delivery is increasing, and evidence regarding how care aides' attitudes may either facilitate or hinder the adoption of healthcare technologies is lacking.The aim of the proposed scoping review is to examine available evidence regarding care aides' attitudes towards the adoption of innovation and factors that may influence the sustainable use of technology in healthcare delivery. Published studies, grey literature and review articles that identify a method for the review, conference abstracts and website publications regarding the attitude, uptake and sustainable use of technology in care delivery by care aides will be included. For abstracts that have resulted in publications, the full publications will be included. The search for evidence commenced in June 2023 and will end in March 2024. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) method will be used to conduct the review. The CINAHL, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, MEDLINE, ProQuest, PubMed, SCOPUS, PROSPERO, Web of Science and JBI Evidence Synthesis databases will be searched using keywords for publications within the last 20 years to examine trends in health technology and attitudes of care aides towards innovation over the last two decades. A search of grey literature and websites will be conducted. The reference list of the retrieved articles will be used to identify additional literature. The search results will be exported into a literature management tool for screening and analysis. Article screening will be performed by two authors and if a third is needed to resolve any differences. Data analysis will be guided by two theoretical frameworks. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: No ethics approval is required. The findings will be disseminated in a peer-reviewed journal and presented in conferences. REGISTRATION DETAILS:

Attitude of Health Personnel , Humans , Allied Health Personnel/psychology , Allied Health Personnel/statistics & numerical data , Biomedical Technology/statistics & numerical data , Delivery of Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Research Design , Review Literature as Topic
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39313069


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to analyze the levels of nurses-patients interaction, as well as the humanistic practices in the field of nurse´s care METHOD: This cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted with 291 nurses in Istanbul between May-August 2022. The los datos were collected using the Personal Information Form, Caring Nurse-Patient Interaction-Short Form (CNPI), and Humanistic Practice Ability of Nursing (HPAN). RESULTS: Nurses' mean scores from the importance, competence, and feasibility variables of the CNPI were 104.33 ± 12.56, 99.66 ± 13.99, and 96.90 ± 15.26, respectively. The mean score from the HPAN was 133.75 ± 11.75. CONCLUSION: Based on the correlation, the importance, competence, and feasibility variables of CNPI were significantly associated with humanistic practice ability.

J Clin Nurs ; 2024 Sep 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39313959


AIM: To assess a commercially available electronic whiteboard's usability and acceptability in isolation rooms, focusing on improving nurse-patient communication and supporting data input. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study with quantitative and qualitative mixed methods. METHODS: We evaluated the usability and acceptability of electronic whiteboards among nurses using scenarios in a virtual isolation room environment. RESULTS: Nurses recognised the electronic whiteboard as a valuable tool for communication and error reductions in record-keeping but noted a learning curve for less tech-savvy users. Positive correlations were found between perceived usefulness, ease of use and adoption intent. Despite challenges, electronic whiteboards show promise for enhancing patient care, requiring comprehensive training and management systems. Time allocation in patient wards and nurse-patient interactions are crucial considerations. CONCLUSION: Electronic whiteboards have usability and acceptability as a tool to improve nurse-patient communication. However, considering technical issues and staff resistance, a management system and user training are necessary. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE PROFESSION AND/OR PATIENT CARE: Nurses perceive electronic whiteboards as user-friendly and as facilitating data input. REPORTING METHOD: TREND (Nonrandomised evaluations of behavioural and public health interventions). PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: No patient or public contribution.