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Medicina (Kaunas) ; 60(8)2024 Jul 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39202528


Odontomas are benign tumors characterized by slow and limited growth with a rare recurrence. Odontomas are generally detected by radiographic findings in the radiopaque stage, where calcification of the tissues is observed. This article seeks to report the recurrence of a radiologically diagnosed odontoma to show the importance of radiographic controls after enucleation as a diagnostic and follow-up method. Case report: A female patient, 9 years old, attended dental care in 2020 due to malpositioned teeth. In the intraoral clinical examination, she presented stage II mixed dentition with crowding. A radiographic exam showed no associated lesions. The patient reported a history of odontoma removal and a supernumerary tooth in sextant II in 2016. Subsequently, she was referred to orthodontics, where permanent dentition with moderate anterior crowding in the maxilla and mandible was observed. The radiographic examination showed a radiopaque area compatible with odontoma, palatal to teeth 12 and 13. Conclusions: Although recurrence is rare, complete removal in the case of an odontoma is critical. This study demonstrates the importance of performing radiographic controls 5 years after enucleation of an odontoma, considering the stages of evolution.

Odontoma , Humans , Female , Odontoma/surgery , Odontoma/diagnostic imaging , Child , Follow-Up Studies , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/diagnostic imaging , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/surgery
Rev. crim ; 65(2): 87-103, 20230811. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537688


El presente artículo analiza la evidencia empírica que aportan los estudios sobre la influencia de los factores dinámicos asociados a la reincidencia criminal de menores infractores dentro del contexto español y portugués. La búsqueda de los términos Juvenile delinquency* OR juvenile offenders* AND recidivism* OR Risk factors * se realizó en las bases de datos Scopus, ScienceDirect, Web of science, Dialnet, Scielo y ProQuest. Aplicados los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, de un total de 105 653 artículos, se seleccionaron 20 para análisis cualitativo y 3 para incluir en el metaanálisis. El estudio permite concluir que los factores dinámicos con mayor capacidad de predicción son la educación, la relación con el grupo de pares, el tiempo de ocio, la familia y el consumo de SPA.

This article analyses the empirical evidence provided by studies on the influence of dynamic factors associated with the criminal recidivism of juvenile offenders in the Spanish and Portuguese context. The search for the terms Juvenile delinquency* OR juvenile offenders* AND recidivism* OR Risk factors* was carried out in the databases Scopus, ScienceDirect, Web of science, Dialnet, Scielo and ProQuest. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, out of a total of 105 653 articles, 20 were selected for qualitative analysis and 3 for inclusion in the meta-analysis. The study allows us to conclude that the dynamic factors with the greatest predictive capacity are education, relationship with peer group, leisure time, family and PAS consumption.

Este artigo analisa as evidências empíricas fornecidas por estudos sobre a influência de fatores dinâmicos associados à reincidência de crimes de menores nos contextos espanhol e português. A busca pelos termosjuvenile delinquency* OR juvenile offenders* AND recidivism* OR risk factors* foi realizada nos bancos de dados Scopus, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Dialnet, SciELO e ProQuest. Após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, de 105.653 artigos, 20 foram selecionados para a análise qualitativa e 3 para a inclusão na meta-nálise. O estudo nos permite concluir que os fatores dinâmicos com maior capacidade preditiva são educação, relacionamento com o grupo de pares, tempo de lazer, família e consumo de PAS.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Spain , Portugal
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 413-432, abr. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430608


Abstract Research with adolescent offenders is concerned with identifying risk and protective factors that influence recidivism and desistance from crime. A quantitative and cross-sectional investigation designed to examine the influence of risk and protective factors on recidivism in Colombian adolescents is presented. In seven regions of Colombia, a convenience sample was obtained, and 646 adolescents aged 14 to 19 years (M = 17.08; SD: 1.23; 15 % girls) belonging to the Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal para Adolescentes (SRPA) participated. The Communities That Care Youth Survey (CTC-YS) was used for the evaluation. It evaluated a broad set of risk and protective factors identified through the community, school, family, peer group, individual conditions, and behavioral outcomes, including drug use, antisocial behavior, and delinquency. Descriptive analyses were conducted, and all CTC-YS factors were correlated with antisocial behavior. The results show varying degrees of relationship between the factors assessed and antisocial behavior. Binary logistic regression was used to determine which risk and protective factors influence recidivism. It was noted that favorable parental attitudes towards drug use and antisocial behavior, early onset of drug use, low school engagement, and interaction with antisocial peers increases the probability of recidivism. Recidivism was identified as being affected by, among other factors, favorable parental attitudes toward drug use and antisocial behavior, early onset of drug use, and low school engagement. It was also observed that beliefs in a moral order, opportunities for prosocial school participation and lower drug use frequency reduce the probability of recidivism. According to the results, the factors that influence criminal recidivism are multiple, and social, family, school, and individual factors need to be addressed. The need to intervene in attitudes favorable to antisocial behavior on the part of parents, strengthen school services, and carry out treatment for drug use to favor the reduction of recidivism in Colombian adolescents is discussed.

Resumen La investigación con adolescentes ofensores busca identificar los factores de riesgo y de protección que afectan a la reincidencia y al desistimiento. Esta información es útil para desarrollar programas de prevención de la conducta antisocial y facilita los procesos de intervención que favorecen la reinserción social. Desde el punto de vista legal, la reincidencia es la participación de un individuo en nuevos actos delictivos, que conduce a una nueva condena, después de haber sido judicializado por un delito anterior. El desistimiento, en cambio, es la interrupción de la conducta antisocial y se caracteriza por la reinserción social exitosa y el ajuste a las normas de la comunidad. Se han identificado factores sociales, familiares, escolares, relacionales e individuales que afectan a la reincidencia y al desistimiento. Se presenta una investigación cuantitativa que utilizó una medición de corte transversal, diseñada para examinar la influencia de los factores de riesgo y protección en la reincidencia de los adolescentes colombianos. Se realizó un muestreo por disponibilidad y conveniencia en instituciones de siete departamentos o regiones geográficas de Colombia. Los participantes fueron 646 adolescentes de entre 14 y 19 años (M = 17.08; DT: 1.23; 15 % chicas). Todos ellos estaban judicializados y cumpliendo sus sanciones legales en el Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal para Adolescentes (SRPA). Para la evaluación se utilizó la encuesta Communities That Care Youth Survey (CTC-YS). Se trata de un instrumento de 135 ítems diseñado para medir un amplio conjunto de factores de riesgo y de protección identificados a través de las condiciones de la comunidad, la escuela, la familia, el grupo de pares y el individuo, así como los resultados conductuales, que incluyen el uso de drogas, la violencia, el comportamiento antisocial y la delincuencia. El instrumento mostró buena fiabilidad en este estudio. La reincidencia se evaluó con criterios legales, es decir, se tuvieron en cuenta el número de condenas oficiales. Para ello se revisaron los expedientes de los participantes y se los cruzó con la información reportada por los profesionales que atendían los centros y el autoinforme de los participantes. Se obtuvo la aprobación del comité de ética y permiso del gobierno a través del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar -ICBF- (Autorización E-2016-660327-0111). Los consentimientos informados fueron firmados por los defensores, los directores de los centros de atención, los padres de los adolescentes y por cada uno de los participantes. Una vez finalizada la investigación, se socializaron los resultados a través de grupos focales con los interesados, incluidos los adolescentes. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos con los datos y se correlacionaron todos los factores del CTC-YS con la variable conducta antisocial y delictiva provista por el mismo instrumento. Luego se realizó una regresión logística binaria para determinar qué factores de riesgo y protección influyen en la reincidencia. Se observaron diferentes grados de relación entre los factores evaluados y la conducta antisocial-delictiva. Los resultados indican que la reincidencia se ve afectada, entre otros factores, por las actitudes favorables de los padres hacia el uso de drogas y la conducta antisocial, el inicio temprano del consumo de drogas y el bajo compromiso escolar. Las creencias en un orden moral y las oportunidades por la participación escolar prosocial y la menor frecuencia de uso de drogas muestran disminución en la probabilidad de reincidencia. Según los resultados, los factores que influyen en la reincidencia delictiva son múltiples y requieren la intervención de las condiciones sociales, familiares, escolares e individuales. Se discute la necesidad de intervenir en las actitudes favorables a la conducta delictiva por parte de los padres, fortalecer los servicios escolares, realizar tratamiento para abandonar el uso de drogas y desarrollar modelos de intervención que cuenten con evidencias de eficacia para ayudar a reducir la reincidencia en los adolescentes colombianos.

Psico USF ; 28(1): 135-148, Jan.-Mar. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1431098


Our aim was to understand to what extent the characteristics of psychopathy are correlated with personality traits and human values in a sample of imprisoned inmates. To this end, a total of 56 prisoners were evaluated, predominantly female (80.4%) with a mean age of 33.44 (SD=7.15). The following instruments were employed: (1) Hare scale, (2) Human Values Questionnaire (BVQ), (3) Big Five Personality Traits Inventory (BFI-S) and (4) Demographic Questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient were applied. The results indicated a positive correlation between a socially deviant/antisocial lifestyle (Factor 2) and the dimensions of neuroticism (r s =0.44; p<0.001), openness to experience in the BFI-S (r s =0.26; p<0.05) and experimentation in the BVQ (r s =0.36; p<0.001). It was concluded that the present study contributes to an understanding of personality traits and values related to psychopathy, expanding the nomological network of this construct. (AU)

Objetivou-se conhecer em que medida o traço de psicopatia correlaciona-se com os traços de personalidade e os valores humanos em uma amostra carcerária. Para tanto, avaliou-se 56 detentos, a maioria mulheres (80,4%), com média de idade de 33,44 (DP=7,15). Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: (1) Escala Hare, (2) Questionário de Valores Humanos (QVB), (3) Inventário dos Cinco Grandes Fatores de Personalidade (IGFP - 5) e (4) Questionário Demográfico. Foram aplicadas estatísticas descritivas e correlação rho de Spearman. Os resultados indicaram uma relação positiva entre o estilo de vida socialmente desviante/antissocial (Fator 2) e as dimensões de neuroticismo (r s =0,44; p<0,001), abertura a mudança do IGFP-5 (r s =0,26; p<0,05) e experimentação do QVB (r s =0,36; p<0,001). Conclui-se que o presente estudo contribui para o conhecimento dos traços de personalidade e valores relacionados a psicopatia, ampliando a rede nomológica deste construto. (AU)

El objetivo de la presente investigación fue conocer en qué medida el rasgo de la psicopatía se correlaciona con los rasgos de personalidad y valores humanos en una muestra penitenciaria. Para ello, fueron evaluados 56 detenidos, en su mayoría mujeres (80,4%), con una media de edad de 33,44 años (DS=7,15). Se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos: (1) Escala Hare, (2) Cuestionario de valores humanos (QVB), (3) Inventario de los Cinco Grandes Factores de Personalidad (IGFP-5) y (4) Cuestionario demográfico. Se aplicaron estadísticas descriptivas y la correlación rho de Spearman. Los resultados indicaron una relación positiva entre conducta socialmente desviada/antisocial (Factor 2) y las dimensiones de neuroticismo (r s =0,44; p<0,001), apertura al cambio en el IGFP-5 (r s =0,26; p<0,05) y experimentación de QVB (r s =0,36; p<0,001). Se concluye que el presente estudio contribuye al conocimiento de los rasgos y valores de personalidad relacionados con la psicopatía, ampliando la red nomológica de este constructo. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Personality , Prisoners , Social Values , Mental Disorders , Personality Inventory , Personality Tests , Behavior , Interviews as Topic , Surveys and Questionnaires , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Recidivism , Correlation of Data , Sociodemographic Factors
MethodsX ; 10: 101971, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36606123


Surgical conversion of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) to one anastomosis duodenal switch with sleeve gastrectomy (SADI-S), can be effective, when there is obesity recidivism, but surgically challenging. This case report video aims to detail the technical modifications that simplifies this conversion, in one stage. This video article demonstrates the conversion of RYGB to SADI-S using a jejunal bridge to facilitating the gastro-gastric reconnection. Surgical conversion was done laparoscopically, firstly removing the fundus, gastric body and the proximal part of the antrum. The gastrojejunal (GJ) anastomosis from the previous RYGB was preserved and the jejunal alimentary limb that follows was transected, 8cm distal to the GJ anastomosis, and anastomosed, at this level, with the antrum. The remaining alimentary limb was removed, until the jejuno-jejuno anastomosis, from the previous RYGB. The interposition of a segment of jejunal alimentary limb between the gastric bypass pouch and the antrum, has shown to be safe and feasible in RYGB conversion to SADI-S, without complications. Not reconnecting the remnant jejunal alimentary limb to the intestinal transit, but removing it, makes the procedure shorter and safer.

Jpn J Infect Dis ; 76(1): 64-68, 2023 Jan 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36184394


To evaluate the profile of ophthalmological manifestations of patients with chikungunya accompanied by the ophthalmology service at a reference center in the northeast region of Brazil. This retrospective study included the medical records of patients of the Leiria de Andrade Foundation (FLA) who presented ocular manifestations and had a history of prior Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) involvement. The data were collected between August 2018 and March 2019. A total of 230 patients participated in this study, 71.7% were female, and 46.1% were between 61 and 80 years old. Regarding previous pathological history, 71 patients (30%) had comorbidities, and 86 (37%) reported previous ophthalmologic pathology. The most common eye complaint was low visual acuity (LVA). Of the participants, 137 (59.6%) presented ophthalmologic manifestations after CHIKV infection, with cataracts being the most evident. Regarding medication, 85 participants used corticosteroids. The participants were predominantly female, aged between 61 and 80 years, and had previous comorbidities. LVA was the most reported complaint by patients, and cataracts were the main ophthalmological pathology presented.

Cataract , Chikungunya Fever , Ophthalmology , Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Male , Chikungunya Fever/complications , Chikungunya Fever/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Cataract/complications
Rev. crim ; 65(1): 27-40, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427730


La presente investigación jurídico-propositiva se ocupó de analizar el desarrollo de la finalidad educativa de las sanciones en el Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal para Adolescentes (SRPA), mediante la realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas a las autoridades administrativas y judiciales que imponen y vigilan las sanciones; en complemento con el análisis de los datos suministrados por los operadores del sistema sobre los adolescentes infractores de la Ley Penal, en particular de los autores del delito de hurto en la ciudad de Barranquilla (Colombia) durante el 2017 y 2018. Se encontró que 275 adolescentes ingresaron al SRPA por este delito punible; 211 cumplieron su medida no privativa de la libertad en el Centro Luz de Esperanza, donde desarrollan un proceso integrado por terapias individuales, grupales y familiares, simultáneo a los ciclos educativos, que al parecer son insuficientes para el logro de la finalidad educativa de la sanción, atendiendo los índices de reincidencia que se presentan. Se propuso un proceso educativo que desarrolle enfoques diferenciales, inclusivos y permanentes, que más allá de escolarizarlos los involucre en un proyecto de vida.

The present legal-propositional research was concerned with analyzing the development of the educational purpose of sanctions in the System of Criminal Responsibility for Adolescents (SRPA), by conducting semistructured interviews with administrative and judicial authorities who impose and monitor sanctions; in complement with the analysis of data provided by operators of the system on adolescent offenders of the Criminal Law, particularly perpetrators of the crime of theft in the city of Barranquilla (Colombia) during 2017 and 2018. It was found that 275 adolescents entered the SRPA for this punishable offense; 211 served their non-custodial measure in the Luz de Esperanza Center, where they develop a process integrated by individual, group and family therapies, simultaneous to the educational cycles, which apparently are insufficient for the achievement of the educational purpose of the sanction, attending to the recidivism rates that occur. It was proposed an educational process that develops differential, inclusive and permanent approaches, which, beyond schooling, involves them in a life project.

Esta pesquisa jurídico-propositiva preocupou-se em analisar o desenvolvimento do propósito educacional das sanções no Sistema de Responsabilidade Criminal para Adolescentes (SRPA), realizando entrevistas semi-estruturadas com autoridades administrativas e judiciais que impõem e monitoram sanções; além da análise dos dados fornecidos pelos operadores do sistema sobre adolescentes infratores do direito penal, em particular os autores do crime de furto na cidade de Barranquilla (Colômbia) durante 2017 e 2018. Foi constatado que 275 adolescentes entraram na SRPA por este delito punível; 211 serviram sua medida não-custodial no Centro Luz de Esperanza, onde desenvolvem um processo integrado por terapias individuais, grupais e familiares, simulta-neamente com os ciclos educativos, que aparentemente são insuficientes para o cumprimento do objetivo educativo da sanção, considerando as taxas de reincidência que ocorrem. Foi proposto um processo educacional que desenvolve abordagens diferenciadas, inclusivas e permanentes que vão além da escolaridade e as envolvem em um projeto de vida.

Humans , Adolescent , Theft , Crime , Criminal Liability , Criminal Law , Criminals , Recidivism , Jurisprudence
Entropy (Basel) ; 25(1)2022 Dec 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36673197


Mixture cure rate models have been developed to analyze failure time data where a proportion never fails. For such data, standard survival models are usually not appropriate because they do not account for the possibility of non-failure. In this context, mixture cure rate models assume that the studied population is a mixture of susceptible subjects who may experience the event of interest and non-susceptible subjects that will never experience it. More specifically, mixture cure rate models are a class of survival time models in which the probability of an eventual failure is less than one and both the probability of eventual failure and the timing of failure depend (separately) on certain individual characteristics. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian approach to estimate parametric mixture cure rate models with covariates. The probability of eventual failure is estimated using a binary regression model, and the timing of failure is determined using a Weibull distribution. Inference for these models is attained using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods under the proposed Bayesian framework. Finally, we illustrate the method using data on the return-to-prison time for a sample of prison releases of men convicted of sexual crimes against women in England and Wales and we use mixture cure rate models to investigate the risk factors for long-term and short-term survival of recidivism.

Appl Neuropsychol Adult ; 29(5): 1242-1249, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33397160


Previous research has found association between antisocial behavior and deficits in executive functioning. However, research into a link between them accounting for criminal history has found divergent results in western countries. The present study sought to determine the severity of executive functioning deficits in offenders compared to a normative sample, and the differences between first time offenders as compared to recidivists in Uruguay using a cross-sectional design. The neuropsychological performance of 334 male adult inmates was assessed using the BRIEF- A and a normative sample of 377. Results indicated that offenders performed significantly worse than non-offenders in the global score and the subscales of the BRIEF-A. Moreover, first time offenders exhibited less performance deficits in cognitive functioning than recidivist offenders. Compared to first time offenders, recidivist showed executive dysfunction concerning behavioral regulation index and globally. These results enhance our knowledge about executive dysfunction associated with criminality and may help to tailor the offenders' programs to offenders with executive deficits.

Criminals , Recidivism , Adult , Criminals/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Executive Function/physiology , Humans , Male , Uruguay
Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg ; 48(2): 891-900, 2022 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32945895


PURPOSE: Although trauma represents a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, there is limited and heterogeneous evidence regarding trauma recidivism and its outcomes. This analysis determined the rate and independent risk factors of trauma recidivism and compared the first and second injury episode among recidivists. METHODS: An IRB-approved retrospective cohort study was performed with data from the Puerto Rico Trauma Hospital Registry. Bivariate analyses were done using Pearson's Chi squared, Wilcoxon rank-sum, McNemar, Stuart-Maxwell or Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, as appropriate. Independent predictors for recidivism were determined through a logistic regression model. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. RESULTS: 24,650 patients were admitted to the hospital during 2000-2017. Recidivism rate was 14 per 1,000 patients discharged alive. Males and individuals aged 15-24 years old were 3.88 (95% CI: 2.21-6.80) and 3.80 (95% CI: 2.24-6.46) times more likely to be recidivists, respectively. Contrariwise, an ISS [Formula: see text] 25 [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 0.44; 95% CI: 0.28-0.68] and a GCS [Formula: see text] 8 (AOR = 0.56; 95% CI 0.34-0.92) were protective factors. Furthermore, recidivists exhibited less in-hospital mortality than their non-recidivist counterparts (7.2% vs. 10.7%; p = 0.045). For recidivists, the median (interquartile range) time to reinjury was 42 (59) months; and the second injury episode was more severe than the first one, as the proportion of patients with ISS [Formula: see text] 25 increased (7.9% vs. 14.1%; p = 0.022). CONCLUSION: The independent predictors of trauma recidivism and the median time to reinjury identified in this study provide valuable information to the development of prevention strategies aimed at reducing the burden of injury.

Reinjuries , Wounds and Injuries , Adolescent , Adult , Hospitals , Humans , Male , Patient Readmission , Puerto Rico/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Trauma Centers , Young Adult
Estud. Psicol. (Campinas, Online) ; 39: e190178, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1375416


The psychological assessment of recidivism and dangerousness aims to provide subsidies to legal operators on the possibility of an individual to repeat criminal offenses. In the present study, a systematic review of Portuguese-language articles was carried out in the "SciELO", "Lilacs" and "Periódicos Capes" databases to identify available instruments to carry out this assessment in Brazilian populations and their predictive capacity. It was found that the Brazilian scientific production is too scarce, only nine empirical studies have been published on the subject and only one instrument with this objective is suitable for use in forensic practice. Six other instruments have been studied, but none are suitable for practical implementation. These results point to the need for scientific production on psychological assessment of recidivism and dangerousness to provide psychologists with the necessary instruments for their performance in Legal Psychology.

A avaliação psicológica de reincidência e periculosidade tem por objetivo fornecer subsídios aos operadores do Direito sobre a possibilidade de um indivíduo reincidir. No presente trabalho foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de artigos em português nas bases de dados "SciELO", "Lilacs" e "Periódicos Capes" para identificar instrumentos disponíveis para realizar esta avaliação em populações brasileiras e qual a sua capacidade preditiva. Descobriu-se que a produção científica brasileira é demasiado escassa, apenas nove trabalhos empíricos foram publicados no tema e somente um instrumento com este objetivo está apto para uso na prática profissional. Seis outros instrumentos foram estudados, mas nenhum está apto para utilização na prática. Estes resultados apontam a necessidade de produção científica sobre avaliação psicológica de reincidência e periculosidade para munir psicólogos com os instrumentos necessários para sua atuação nesta área da Psicologia Jurídica.

Criminal Psychology , Recidivism , Forensic Psychology
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1401155


Objetivo: analisar fatores de risco para reincidência da tentativa de suicídio em pessoas atendidas na Unidade de Pronto Atendimento em Assis, SP, Brasil. Método: estudo quantitativo, participantes que tentaram o suicídio e atendidos na unidade referência. Entrevistas entre dezembro de 2017 e novembro de 2019. Divididos entre os que tentaram suicídio pela primeira vez e reincidentes. Utilizou-se teste Exato de Fisher, teste t-Student para duas amostras e Análise de Regressão Logística Múltipla. Resultados: 113 participantes, sendo 80 (70,8%) reincidentes, pois afirmaram histórico prévio de tentativa de suicídio e 33 (20,2%) ser a primeira vez. Conclusão: a faixa etária de 20 a 47 anos, a auto percepção de viver relações familiares negativas, a existência de transtorno mental, a existência de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis e pessoas sem histórico de tentativa de suicídio na família foram os fatores de risco com associação estatística para a ocorrência da reincidência da tentativa de suicídio

Objective: to analyze risk factors for recurrence of suicide attempt in people treated at the Emergency Care Unit in Assis, SP, Brazil. Method: quantitative study, participants who attempted suicide and attended at the reference unit. Individual interviews took place between December 2017 and November 2019. Divided into first-time suicide attempters and repeat offenders. Fisher's exact test, t-Student test for two samples and Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis were used. Results: 113 participants, being 80 (70.8%) repeat offenders, as they stated a previous history of suicide attempt and 33 (20.2%) being the first time. Conclusion: The age group from 20 to 47 years old, the self-perception of experiencing negative family relationships, the existence of mental disorder, the existence of chronic non-communicable diseases and people without a history of suicide attempt in the family were the risk factors associated with statistics for the occurrence of recidivism in suicide attempts

Objetivo: analizar los factores de riesgo para la recurrencia de la tentativa de suicidio en personas atendidas en la Unidad de Atención de Emergencia de Assis, SP, Brasil. Método: estudio cuantitativo, participantes que intentaron suicidarse y asistieron a la unidad de referencia. Las entrevistas individuales se realizaron entre diciembre de 2017 y noviembre de 2019. Se dividieron en personas que intentaron suicidarse por primera vez y reincidentes. Se utilizó la prueba exacta de Fisher, la prueba t-Student para dos muestras y el Análisis de Regresión Logística Múltiple. Resultados: 113 participantes, siendo 80 (70,8%) reincidentes, ya que refirieron antecedentes de intento de suicidio y 33 (20,2%) siendo la primera vez. Conclusión: El grupo de edad de 20 a 47 años, la autopercepción de experimentar relaciones familiares negativas, la existencia de trastorno mental, la existencia de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y las personas sin antecedentes de intento de suicidio en la familia fueron de riesgo. factores asociados a las estadísticas de ocurrencia de reincidencia en intentos de suicidio

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Suicide, Attempted , Risk Factors , Recidivism
Crim Behav Ment Health ; 31(6): 387-398, 2021 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34590360


BACKGROUND: Although drug trafficking is one of the most prevalent crimes around the world, drug dealers used to be a hard-to-reach population far away from attention by public health programmes. Decisions to participate in such instrumental crimes, however, are based on external and internal factors that could be investigated and perhaps modified. AIM: To identify drug use problems and personality factors consistently related to the drug trafficking recidivism among incarcerated drug dealers. METHOD: Data were from 179 men serving a sentence for drug trafficking in two Brazilian penitentiaries who were asked to complete mainly self-ratings of alcohol and drug use, impulsiveness, personality and criminological features. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and structured equation modelling. RESULTS: Incarcerated recidivist drug dealers are younger, more likely to be non-white, have more frequently used illicit drugs before the penalty and have higher alcohol use-severity than non-recidivists. Neuroticism, extraversion, severity of alcohol use and drug use before the penalty were each positively correlated with recidivism. Openness to experience was not associated with a history of recidivism but, rather, positively correlated with better school achievement. One third of the men took up the offer of feedback from the research assessment. CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that social, drug-related and personality style variables come together to allow likely recidivist drug dealers to be distinguished from those unlikely to resume dealing after imprisonment. Given scarce resources for constructive intervention, this is important. We were impressed by the men's willingness to co-operate with the study, despite their reputation for being in thrall to the drug trade hierarchy, and by their curiosity about themselves. This bodes well for further investigation of relevant psychological indicators and consequently informed intervention.

Criminals , Illicit Drugs , Prisoners , Recidivism , Humans , Male , Personality
Rev. crim ; 63(2): 53-66, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365776


Resumen El presente estudio tiene como objetivo argumentar que la recurrencia es una herramienta en la valoración del juez al momento de imponer la medida de detención preventiva en establecimiento carcelario. Para ello, se aplicó una metodología mixta frente a dos ejes: primero, se empleó la correlación de Spearman en el examen cuantitativo de la relación estadística entre las capturas por hurto en todas sus modalidades, lesiones personales y homicidio, y los comportamientos contrarios a la convivencia que ponen en riesgo la vida e integridad de las personas, contemplados en los numerales 1, 2, 3, 6 y 7 del Código Nacional de Seguridad y Convivencia Ciudadana (Ley 1801 de 2016, art. 27), haciendo uso de datos oficiales registrados en Colombia, en el Sistema de Información Estadístico, Delincuencial, Contravencional y Operativo de la Policía Nacional, entre los años 2017 y 2019. Segundo, se realizó un análisis cualitativo que compara los dos casos más relevantes de capturas recurrentes ocurridos en Colombia durante los años 2017 y 2019. Los resultados revelan que existe una relación estadística significativa no causal entre dichos comportamientos y las capturas por los delitos mencionados; esta relación tiende a fortalecerse en el tiempo. Además, se encuentra que los individuos con más capturas recurrentes actúan de acuerdo con un aprendizaje criminológico que les permite desarrollar estrategias para disminuir al máximo el riesgo de obtener una medida de detención restrictiva de la libertad. Como conclusión, se tiene que la recurrencia puede aportar información importante en la valoración de la instauración de la medida de detención preventiva en establecimiento carcelario, lo que fortalece dicha evaluación.

Abstract The aim of this study is to affirm that recurrence is a tool in the judge's assessment at the time of imposing the measure of Pretrial detention in prison. To this end, a mixed methodology was applied to two axes: first, the Spearman correlation was used in the quantitative examination of the statistical relationship between arrests for theft in all its forms, personal injury and homicide, and behaviors contrary to coexistence (CCC) that put at risk the life and integrity of people, contemplated in numerals 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 of the National Code of Security and Citizen Coexistence (CNSCC) (Law 1801, 2016, art. 27), making use of official data registered in Colombia, in the Statistical, Criminal, Contraventional and Operational Information System of the National Police (SIEDCO), between 2017 and 2019. Secondly, a qualitative analysis was carried out that compares the two most relevant cases of recurrent catches that occurred in Colombia during the years 2017 and 2019. The results reveal that there is a significant non-causal statistical relationship between such behaviour and arrests for the aforementioned offences; this relationship tends to strengthen over time. In addition, it is found that individuals with more recurrent captures act according to a criminological learning that allows them to develop strategies to minimize the risk of obtaining a measure of detention restrictive of liberty. In conclusion, it is found that the recurrence can provide relevant information in the assessment of the establishment of the preventive detention measure in prison, which allows this evaluation to be strengthened.

Resumo O presente estudo tem como objetivo afirmar que a reincidência é uma ferramenta na avaliação do Juiz no momento da imposição da medida de prisão preventiva em estabelecimento prisional. Para isso, foi aplicada uma metodologia mista a dois eixos: primeiro, a correlação de Spearman foi utilizada no exame quantitativo da relação estatística entre prisões por roubo em todas as suas formas, lesões pessoais e homicídio, e comportamentos contrários à convivência (CCC) que colocavam em risco a vida e a integridade das pessoas, contemplados nos numerais 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 do Código Nacional de Segurança e Convivência Cidadã (CNSCC) (Lei 1801, de 2016, art. 27), fazendo uso de dados oficiais registrados na Colômbia, no Sistema de Informações Estatísticas, Criminais, Contrariacionais e Operacionais da Polícia Nacional (SIEDCO), entre 2017 e 2019. Em segundo lugar, foi realizada uma análise qualitativa que compara os dois casos mais relevantes de capturas recorrentes ocorridos na Colômbia durante os anos de 2017 e 2019. Os resultados revelam que há uma relação estatística não causal significativa entre tal comportamento e prisões pelos crimes supracitados; essa relação tende a se fortalecer com o tempo. Além disso, constatase que indivíduos com capturas mais recorrentes atuam de acordo com uma aprendizagem criminológica que lhes permite desenvolver estratégias para minimizar o risco de obtenção de medida de detenção restritiva à liberdade. Em conclusão, constatase que a recorrência pode fornecer informações relevantes na avaliação do estabelecimento da medida de prisão preventiva, o que permite que essa avaliação seja reforçada.

Rev. crim ; 63(2): 131-154, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365781


Resumen Este artículo presenta lineamientos para la prevención de la vinculación de los adolescentes con infracciones a la ley penal en el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga (AMB). Para ello se elaboró un diagnóstico situacional utilizando una metodología mixta, que incluyó la revisión de bases de datos de la Policía Nacional de Colombia y del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, con el fin de comprender las características del fenómeno y su evolución entre 2010 y 2017. Así mismo, para indagar sobre las variables explicativas y definir los ejes estratégicos de la prevención, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y grupos focales con funcionarios y adolescentes vinculados al Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal para Adolescentes de la regional Santander, y visitas de observación a los barrios del AMB con mayor georreferenciación de adolescentes infractores. Los resultados visibilizan la necesidad de que los gobiernos locales enfoquen sus esfuerzos en cinco ejes: (i) control de adicciones, (ii) reconfiguración familiar, (iii) reconfiguración social, (iv) oportunidades laborales y (v) apuesta educativa.

Abstract This article presents guidelines for the prevention of the involvement of adolescents with infractions of the criminal law in the Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga (AMB). To this end, a situational diagnosis was prepared using a mixed methodology, which included the review of databases of the National Police (PONAL) and the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF), in order to understand the characteristics of the phenomenon and its evolution between 2010 and 2017. Likewise, to inquire about the explanatory variables and define the strategic axes of prevention, semi-structured interviews and focus groups were carried out with officials and adolescents linked to the Criminal Responsibility System for Adolescents (SRPA) of the Santander region, and observation visits to the neighborhoods of the AMB with greater georeferencing of juvenile offenders. The results make visible the need for local governments to focus their efforts on five axes: 1) Addiction Control, 2) Family Reconfiguration, 3) Social Reconfiguration, 4) Job Opportunities and 5) Educational Commitment.

Resumo Este artigo apresenta diretrizes para a prevenção do envolvimento de adolescentes com infrações do direito penal na Região Metropolitana de Bucaramanga (AMB). Para isso, foi elaborado um diagnóstico situacional por meio de metodologia mista, que incluiu a revisão de bases de dados da Polícia Nacional (PONAL) e do Instituto Colombiano de Bem-Estar Familiar (ICBF), a fim de compreender as características do fenômeno e sua evolução entre 2010 e 2017. Da mesma forma, foram realizadas informações sobre as variáveis explicativas e definir os eixos estratégicos de prevenção, entrevistas semiestruturadas e grupos focais com funcionários e adolescentes vinculados ao Sistema de Responsabilidade Criminal por Adolescentes (SRPA) da região de Santander, e visitas de observação aos bairros da AMB com maior georreferenciamento de menores infratores. Os resultados tornam visível a necessidade de os governos locais concentrarem seus esforços em cinco eixos: 1) Controle do Vício, 2) Reconfiguração Familiar, 3) Reconfiguração Social, 4) Oportunidades de Trabalho e 5) Compromisso Educacional.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1341984


Este artículo da cuenta de la reflexión en torno a las dinámicas familiares como factor asociado a la reincidencia juvenil de conductas delictivas, producto de la investigación realizada en la ciudad de Popayán, Cauca, en el Instituto de Formación Toribio Maya con jóvenes que se encontraban privados de la libertad y que al momento de ser entrevistados hubiesen estado allí más de una vez. Para ello, se empleó una metodología cualitativa, desde el método de la teoría fundamentada, aspecto que permitió el abordaje desde lo cotidiano, entendiendo así sus posturas y particularidades para que, en conjunto con la teoría formal, pudiese develar que el fenómeno abordado es más complejo de lo imaginado.

This article gives an account of the reflection on family dynamics as a factor associated with juvenile recidivism of criminal behaviours, product of the research conducted in the city of Popayan Cauca, in the Toribio Maya Training Institute with young people who were deprived of liberty and who at the time of being interviewed had been there more than once. For this, a qualitative methodology was used, from the grounded theory method aspect that allowed the approach from the everyday, thus understanding their positions and particularities so that in conjunction with the formal theory could unveil how the phenomenon addressed is more complex than imagined.

Humans , Juvenile Delinquency/psychology , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Psychology, Adolescent , Family Relations/psychology
Rev. crim ; 62(3): 65-77, sep.-dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144421


Resumen Esta investigación se ocupa del análisis del inciso 3 del artículo I de la Ley 1959 de 2019 que modifica el artículo 229 de la Ley 599 de 2000 frente al principio constitucional de derecho penal de acto en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, siendo este un principio que se proyecta a partir de la Teoría del Garantismo como una garantía de la dignidad humana y el derecho fundamental de la libertad de las personas. Para lograr el objetivo se realizó una investigación eminentemente jurídica, enmarcada en un tipo de estudio correlacional, a través de los métodos del análisis y la síntesis. Se analiza en primer lugar el contenido normativo del principio de derecho penal de acto para determinar el lugar que ocupa dentro del engranaje de las garantías penales en Colombia, después, se identifican los elementos del tipo penal de la violencia intrafamiliar en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, luego, se estudian las razones legislativas esgrimidas para establecer la reincidencia en el delito de violencia intrafamiliar. Se concluye que el legislador extralimitó sus funciones y configuró una norma inválida en términos garantistas, lo que implica un desbordamiento de los límites del ius puniendi del Estado.

Abstract This study analyzes subsection 3 of article 1 of Law 1959/2019, which amended article 229 of Law 599/2000, regarding the constitutional criminal principle of action in the Colombian legal system. Said principle is based on the Theory of Guarantees, as a guarantee for human dignity and people's fundamental right to freedom. To this end, a solely juridical study was carried out, in the framework of a study of correlations, using the methods of analysis and synthesis. Firstly, the legal content of the criminal law principle of action is reviewed, in order to determine its place in the framework of criminal guarantees in Colombia. Then, the criminal elements of intra-family violence in the Colombian legal system are identified, to subsequently study the arguments made by the legislators to establish recidivism in the crime of intra-family violence. We conclude by arguing that the legislators overreached their functions and designed a law that is invalid in terms of providing guarantees, which implies going beyond the Government's ius puniendi limits.

Resumo Esta investigação trata da análise do parágrafo 3° do artigo 1 ° da Lei 1959 de 2019 que altera o artigo 229 da Lei 599 de 2000, em relação ao princípio constitucional do direito penal do fato no ordenamento jurídico colombiano, sendo este um princípio projetado a partir da Teoria do Garantismo como garantia da dignidade humana e do direito fundamental da liberdade das pessoas. Para atingir o objetivo, foi realizada uma investigação eminentemente jurídica, enquadrada num tipo de estudo correlacional, através dos métodos de análise e síntese. Em primeiro lugar, analisa-se o conteúdo normativo do princípio do direito penal do fato para determinar o lugar que ocupa dentro do mecanismo de garantias penais na Colômbia. A seguir, são identificados os elementos do tipo penal da violência doméstica no ordenamento jurídico colombiano. Depois, são estudadas as razões legislativas apresentadas para estabelecer a reincidência no crime de violência doméstica. Conclui-se que o legislador extrapolou suas funções e configurou uma norma inválida nos termos de garantistas, o que implica em extravasamento dos limites do ius puniendi do Estado.

Humans , Domestic Violence , Constitution and Bylaws , Criminal Law , Recidivism
Suma psicol ; 27(2): 116-124, jul.-dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1145121


Resumen Los delincuentes crónicos resultan ser los responsables de la mayor parte de la actividad criminal, además de ser los más persistentes y violentos. Existe escasa evidencia longitudinal que permita conocer cómo se manifiesta la cronicidad en agresores de violencia doméstica. El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar el criterio más adecuado para diferenciar a los hombres crónicos y establecer la relación que existe entre cronicidad, violencia, versatilidad y duración de la carrera criminal en 10 505 hombres chilenos detenidos por delitos de violencia en el ámbito familiar en el 2007, con base en todas las nuevas detenciones producidas los siguientes diez años. El diseño es longitudinal pseudoprospectivo, tal como si correspondiera a un estudio longitudinal prospectivo. Los resultados muestran que tres o más delitos bastan para identificar adecuadamente carreras criminales crónicas, y que un 12.7% del total de hombres pueden considerarse graves, violentos y crónicos, al presentar una trayectoria criminal de entre ocho y diez años, ser responsables de más del 37% del total de las reincidencias, alcanzar un promedio de delitos significativamente alto y versátiles, así como una elevada prevalencia en delitos violentos.

Abstract Chronical criminals turn out to be responsible of most of the criminal activity, in addition to being the most persistent and violent. There exists limited longitudinal evidence that allows knowing how chronicity manifests itself in domestic violence aggressors. The objective of this investigation is to identify the most appropriate criteria to differentiate chronic men and establish the relationship between chronicity, violence and duration of the criminal career in 10 505 Chilean men arrested for domestic violence crimes in 2007, based on all new arrests produced the next 10 years. The design is a longitudinal pseudo-prospective, as if it corresponded to a prospective longitudinal study. The results show that three or more crimes are enough to properly identify chronic criminal careers, and that 12.7% of all men can be considered as serious, violent and chronic, presenting a criminal trajectory between eight and ten years, being responsible for more than 37% of total recidivism, reach a significantly high average of crimes and high prevalence of violent crimes.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Recidivism , Prisoners , Domestic Violence , Men
J Subst Abuse Treat ; 115: 108042, 2020 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32600623


The U.S. has the second-highest incarceration rate in the world and spends more than $80 billion annually to house inmates. The clinical research literature suggests that methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) is an effective method to treat opioid use disorders (OUD) and that jails are a potentially valuable environment to implement MMT. Currently, jail-based MMT is rarely implemented in practice, due in part to resource limitations and other economic considerations. The primary goal of this study was to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) of jail-based MMT using data from a unique MMT continuation program located in a large urban jail in New Mexico. Recidivism data were collected for a three-year period both before and after incarceration, and quasi-control groups were constructed from both substance-using and general populations within the jail. Base models show that inmates enrolled in jail-based MMT exhibited significantly fewer days of incarceration due to recidivism (29.33) than a group of inmates with OUDs who did not receive MMT. Economic estimates indicate that it cost significantly less ($23.49) to reduce an incarcerated day using jail-based MMT than incarceration per se ($116.49). To mitigate potential sample selection bias, we used both propensity-score-matching and difference-in-differences estimators, which provided comparable estimates when using the OUD non-MMT comparison group. Difference-in-differences models find that, on average, MMT reduced recidivism by 24.80 days and it cost $27.78 to reduce an incarcerated day using jail-based MMT. Assuming a willingness to pay threshold of the break-even cost of reducing one incarcerated day, we estimate a 93.3% probability that this MMT program is cost-effective. Results were not as strong or consistent when using other comparison groups (e.g., alcohol-detoxified and general-population inmates). Overall, results suggest that it costs substantially less to provide jail-based MMT than incarceration alone. Jail administrators and policymakers should consider incorporating MMT in other jail systems and settings.

Jails , Prisoners , Analgesics, Opioid/therapeutic use , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Humans , Methadone , New Mexico , Opiate Substitution Treatment , Prisons
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 24(1): 18-23, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090550


Abstract Introduction Cholesteatomas are benign tumors consisting of skin, and growing inside a retraction pocket in the tympanic membrane. Cholesteatomas can occupy the entirety of the middle ear, and are known for their osteolytic capabilities. Surgery is the only curative treatment for cholesteatomas. Objective To describe the risk of recurrence after first-time surgically-treated middle- ear cholesteatoma (STMEC1) on the island of Funen from 1983 to 2015. Methods Cases of STMEC1 were identified in the Danish National Hospital Register. The medical records were reviewed. Time-to-event analyses were applied. The ears were followed from STMEC1 to a secondary cholesteatoma, emigration, death, or end of follow-up. Results Records from 1,006 patients with STMEC1 were reviewed. A total of 54 patients were submitted to surgery on both ears. The total sample consisted of 1,060 ears with STMEC1; 300 were children's (< 16 years) ears, and 760 were adult's ears. The total observation time was of 12,049 years. The overall estimated proportion with recurrence 5 years after surgery was of 37% in children and of 15% in adults. The older the child was at the first surgery, the risk decreased by 7% per year. In children, canal wall up (CWU) mastoidectomy without obliteration was associated with a hazard ratio for recurrence of 1.9 (95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 1.2-3.0) compared with CWU with obliteration. Conclusion Compared with adults, children were had 2.6 times more risk of recurrence. Procedures performed without mastoidectomy had the lowest risk of recurrence. In children, obliteration was associated with a significantly lower risk of recurrence. However, patients were not randomized regarding the surgical approach; thus, the association between approach and risk of recurrence was likely influenced by confounding factors.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Ear Neoplasms/surgery , Cholesteatoma, Middle Ear/surgery , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology , Time Factors , Proportional Hazards Models , Survival Analysis , Medical Records , Multivariate Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Second-Look Surgery , Denmark , Mastoidectomy/methods