Primates are in imminent risk of extinction due to different types of anthropogenic activities. Mortality due to road accidents and electrocution from power lines are among the major direct anthropogenic threats to the survival of primates. We collected primate mortality data from 2015 to 2017 at Lawachara National Park and Satchari National Park in northeastern Bangladesh. We recorded 27 fatalities in five species of primates caused by road accidents (n = 15) and electrocution (n = 12). Most mortality records were for Trachypithecus phayrei (Blyth, 1847) (n = 8) while the lowest recorded mortality was for Macaca mulatta (Zimmermann, 1780) (n = 3). Ninety percent of primates in Bangladesh are threatened and populations are gradually declining. Our results suggest that roads and power supply lines are major sources of primate mortality that should be managed in these two forests. We strongly suggest avoiding construction of roads and power supply lines inside forests. Furthermore, control of the speed limit of vehicles inside the forests, use of insulated power lines, maintenance of natural canopy bridges and preparation of artificial canopy bridges are strongly recommended.(AU)
Animals , Primates , Accidents, Traffic , Electric Injuries/veterinary , Bangladesh , Conservation of Natural ResourcesABSTRACT
Primates are in imminent risk of extinction due to different types of anthropogenic activities. Mortality due to road accidents and electrocution from power lines are among the major direct anthropogenic threats to the survival of primates. We collected primate mortality data from 2015 to 2017 at Lawachara National Park and Satchari National Park in northeastern Bangladesh. We recorded 27 fatalities in five species of primates caused by road accidents (n = 15) and electrocution (n = 12). Most mortality records were for Trachypithecus phayrei (Blyth, 1847) (n = 8) while the lowest recorded mortality was for Macaca mulatta (Zimmermann, 1780) (n = 3). Ninety percent of primates in Bangladesh are threatened and populations are gradually declining. Our results suggest that roads and power supply lines are major sources of primate mortality that should be managed in these two forests. We strongly suggest avoiding construction of roads and power supply lines inside forests. Furthermore, control of the speed limit of vehicles inside the forests, use of insulated power lines, maintenance of natural canopy bridges and preparation of artificial canopy bridges are strongly recommended.
Animals , Accidents, Traffic , Primates , Electric Injuries/veterinary , Bangladesh , Conservation of Natural ResourcesABSTRACT
El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue conocer las representaciones sociales sobre normas de tránsito, y su relación con la agresividad y con la accidentalidad, y multas de tránsito autoinformadas en conductores de Bogotá. Se aplicó una encuesta basada en casos (Mamontoff, 2010) con elementosgráficos (Abric, 1993), a una muestra no aleatoriade conductores infractores o en proceso de renovación dela licencia de conducción. Como resultados se identificaron cuatro clases de conductores: dos grupos más dispuestos a consumir alcohol y exceder límites de velocidad (1.ª clase)o no respetar semáforos en rojo y otras señalizaciones (2.ªclase), otro grupo menos de acuerdo con consumir alcohol antes de conducir, pero favorable a superar límites de velocidad(3.ª clase) y otro grupo favorable a no violar ninguna norma de conducción (4.ª clase). Una actitud más favorable a consumir alcohol en la conducción se asoció con atribución de los accidentes a factores externos a los conductores, con haber sido multado más veces en el pasado y con más daños en accidentes. Una mayor agresividad se asoció, asimismo,con una intención de conducta más imprudente.
The main objective in this work consisted of getting to know the social representations about traffic rules and their connection with self-reported aggressiveness, accident rates and fines for traffic offenses by drivers in Bogota. A case-based survey (Mamontoff, 2010) with graphic elements (Abric,1993) was applied to a non-random sample of driving offenders or drivers undergoing their driving license renewal process. As results, four classes of drivers were identified: Two groups more likely to: abuse alcohol and exceed speed limits (1st class), pass through red or yellow lights and disregar dother traffic signs (2nd class); another group that was more cautious about drinking alcohol before driving, but not with regard to exceeding speed limits (3rd class), and another group with a willingness to comply with all driving rules (4th class). A more lenient attitude towards drinking alcohol before or while driving was associated to attributing accidents to factors external to the driver, or with a higher record of fines or sanctions in the past, and having suffered more damages in road-traffic. Likewise, a more far-reaching aggressiveness was associated with an intended less prudent or cautious conduct.
O objetivo principal deste trabalho era conhecer as representações sociais sobre as normas de trânsito, e a sua relação com a agressividade e a acidentalidade, e as multas de trânsito autoinformadas nos motoristas de Bogotá. Uma pesquisa baseada em casos (Mamontoff, 2010) com elementos gráficos (Abric, 1993) foi aplicada a uma amostra não aleatória de motoristas infratores ou em processo da renovação da carteira de motorista. Como resultados identificaram-se quatro classes de motoristas: dois grupos mais prontos para consumir o álcool e exceder limites de velocidade (1°classe)ou não respeitar semáforos em vermelho e outra sinalização(2° classe), um outro grupo menos de acordo com o consumo de álcool antes de dirigir, mas favorável para exceder limites de velocidade (3° classe) e um outro grupo favorável para não infringir nenhuma norma da condução (4° classe). Uma atitude mais favorável para consumir o álcool ao dirigir foi associada com a atribuição dos acidentes aos fatores externos aos motoristas, por ser multado mais vezes no passado e com mais danos nos acidentes. Uma maior agressividade foi associada, também, com uma intenção da conduta mais imprudente.