The retreat of glaciers in Antarctica has increased in the last decades due to global climate change, influencing vegetation expansion, and soil physico-chemical and biological attributes. However, little is known about soil microbiology diversity in these periglacial landscapes. This study characterized and compared bacterial and fungal diversity using metabarcoding of soil samples from the Byers Peninsula, Maritime Antarctica. We identified bacterial and fungal communities by amplification of bacterial 16 S rRNA region V3-V4 and fungal internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1). We also applied 14C dating on soil organic matter (SOM) from six profiles. Physico-chemical analyses and attributes associated with SOM were evaluated. A total of 14,048 bacterial ASVs were obtained, and almost all samples had 50% of their sequences assigned to Actinobacteriota and Proteobacteria. Regarding the fungal community, Mortierellomycota, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were the main phyla from 1619 ASVs. We found that soil age was more relevant than the distance from the glacier, with the oldest soil profile (late Holocene soil profile) hosting the highest bacterial and fungal diversity. The microbial indices of the fungal community were correlated with nutrient availability, soil reactivity and SOM composition, whereas the bacterial community was not correlated with any soil attribute. The bacterial diversity, richness, and evenness varied according to presence of permafrost and moisture regime. The fungal community richness in the surface horizon was not related to altitude, permafrost, or moisture regime. The soil moisture regime was crucial for the structure, high diversity and richness of the microbial community, specially to the bacterial community. Further studies should examine the relationship between microbial communities and environmental factors to better predict changes in this terrestrial ecosystem.
Ice Cover , Microbiota , Antarctic Regions , Fungi/genetics , Bacteria/genetics , Soil/chemistry , Soil MicrobiologyABSTRACT
Restoring forest ecosystems has become a global priority. Yet, soil dynamics are still poorly assessed among restoration studies and there is a lack of knowledge on how soil is affected by forest restoration process. Here, we compile information on soil dynamics in forest restoration based on soil physical, chemical, and biological attributes in temperate and tropical forest regions. It encompasses 50 scientific papers across 17 different countries and contains 1,469 points of quantitative information of soil attributes between reference (e.g., old-growth forest) and restored ecosystems (e.g., forests in their initial or secondary stage of succession) within the same study. To be selected, studies had to be conducted in forest ecosystems, to include multiple sampling sites (replicates) in both restored and reference ecosystems, and to encompass quantitative data of soil attributes for both reference and restored ecosystems. We recorded in each study the following information: (1) study year, (2) country, (3) forest region (tropical or temperate), (4) latitude, (5) longitude, (6) soil class, (7) past disturbance, (8) restoration strategy (active or passive), (9) restoration age, (10) soil attribute type (physical, chemical, or biological); (11) soil attribute, (12) soil attribute unit, (13) soil sampling (procedures), (14) date of sampling, (15) soil depth sampled, (16) soil analysis, (17) quantitative values of soil attributes for both restored and reference ecosystems, (18) type of variation (standard error of deviation) for both restored and reference ecosystems, and (19) quantitative values of the variation for both restored and reference ecosystems. These were the most common data available in the selected studies. This extensive database on the extent soil physical, chemical, and biological attributes differ between reference and restored ecosystems can fill part of the existing gap on both soil science and forest restoration in terms of (1) which are the critical soil attributes to be monitored during forest restoration? and (2) how do environmental factors affect soil attributes in forest restoration? The data will be made available to the scientific community for further analyses on both soil science and forest restoration. Soil information gaps during the forest restoration process and their general patterns can be addressed using this data set. There are no copyright or proprietary restrictions.
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) has the potential to predict soil organic carbon (SOC). However, it is still little used as a matter of routine in soil laboratories in Brazil. The objective of this study was to make evaluations as to whether SOC predicted by spectral techniques can replace measurement by routine chemical methods with no loss in quality and be applied in the recommendation of nitrogen fertilizer as well as identifying the best prediction strategies to use. A data set containing 2,471 samples from six soil spectral libraries (SSL) was used to develop spectroscopic models for SOC content prediction, including consideration of sample stratification and preprocessing techniques. The SOC was quantified through the analytical-chemical methods of wet combustion with determination by titration, designated as the reference method (REM), and colorimeter, designated as the routine method (ROM in an independent data set). SOC contents predicted by the spectral analysis method (SAM) were compared to the REM and ROM results, converted to soil organic matter (SOM) and used for N recommendations. The best estimate for SOM content using the SAM was achieved through stratification of the SSL and application of the standard normal variate (SNV) preprocessing. The SOC predicted by spectral techniques proved capable of replacing the SOC measured by routine chemical methods with no loss of quality and supported by an appropriate nitrogen fertilizer recommendation, provided the models met the conditions and possessed the characteristics of the samples to be analyzed.(AU)
Soil/chemistry , Soil Analysis , Carbon/analysis , Nitrogen/analysis , Organic Chemistry PhenomenaABSTRACT
A set of attributes endows the soils with distinctive characteristics and astute understanding is required in order to formulate suitable strategies for soil management. The aim of this study was to physically, chemically and mineralogically characterize samples of the main soil classes in Minas Gerais, Brazil, determine the point of zero salt effect (PZSE) and the point of zero charge (PZC), and ascertain the correlation between these factors and soil attributes. The soils evaluated presented different textural classes ranging from loamy sand (Entisol) to very clayey (some Oxisols and Ultisols). The soils differed substantially in terms of fertility, presenting a range from dystrophic (low fertility, base saturation < 50 %) to eutrophic character (fertility, base saturation >= 50 %), even within the same soil class, such as the Oxisols, which suggests the concurrence of the parent material. Highly weathered soils are predominant in Minas Gerais and these soils are composed predominantly of kaolinite, gibbsite, goethite and hematite. Traces of hydroxy-Al interlayered vermiculite and illite were also found in the Oxisols, Ultisols and Inceptisols. A correlation between the PZSE and the PZC in the A horizon was observed. A high degree of correlation was observed between the PZC and the exchangeable aluminum and the ratio of iron obtained by ammonium oxalate and dithionite-citrate (Feo/Fed) in both the A and B horizons of soil classes. The results obtained reinforce the importance of knowledge of soil attributes to the adoption of practices such as the management of phosphate fertilization in clayey soils and liming in soils rich in aluminum.(AU)
Soil/chemistry , Clay Soils/analysis , Minerals/analysisABSTRACT
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) has the potential to predict soil organic carbon (SOC). However, it is still little used as a matter of routine in soil laboratories in Brazil. The objective of this study was to make evaluations as to whether SOC predicted by spectral techniques can replace measurement by routine chemical methods with no loss in quality and be applied in the recommendation of nitrogen fertilizer as well as identifying the best prediction strategies to use. A data set containing 2,471 samples from six soil spectral libraries (SSL) was used to develop spectroscopic models for SOC content prediction, including consideration of sample stratification and preprocessing techniques. The SOC was quantified through the analytical-chemical methods of wet combustion with determination by titration, designated as the reference method (REM), and colorimeter, designated as the routine method (ROM in an independent data set). SOC contents predicted by the spectral analysis method (SAM) were compared to the REM and ROM results, converted to soil organic matter (SOM) and used for N recommendations. The best estimate for SOM content using the SAM was achieved through stratification of the SSL and application of the standard normal variate (SNV) preprocessing. The SOC predicted by spectral techniques proved capable of replacing the SOC measured by routine chemical methods with no loss of quality and supported by an appropriate nitrogen fertilizer recommendation, provided the models met the conditions and possessed the characteristics of the samples to be analyzed.
Soil Analysis , Carbon/analysis , Nitrogen/analysis , Soil/chemistry , Organic Chemistry PhenomenaABSTRACT
A set of attributes endows the soils with distinctive characteristics and astute understanding is required in order to formulate suitable strategies for soil management. The aim of this study was to physically, chemically and mineralogically characterize samples of the main soil classes in Minas Gerais, Brazil, determine the point of zero salt effect (PZSE) and the point of zero charge (PZC), and ascertain the correlation between these factors and soil attributes. The soils evaluated presented different textural classes ranging from loamy sand (Entisol) to very clayey (some Oxisols and Ultisols). The soils differed substantially in terms of fertility, presenting a range from dystrophic (low fertility, base saturation = 50 %), even within the same soil class, such as the Oxisols, which suggests the concurrence of the parent material. Highly weathered soils are predominant in Minas Gerais and these soils are composed predominantly of kaolinite, gibbsite, goethite and hematite. Traces of hydroxy-Al interlayered vermiculite and illite were also found in the Oxisols, Ultisols and Inceptisols. A correlation between the PZSE and the PZC in the A horizon was observed. A high degree of correlation was observed between the PZC and the exchangeable aluminum and the ratio of iron obtained by ammonium oxalate and dithionite-citrate (Feo/Fed) in both the A and B horizons of soil classes. The results obtained reinforce the importance of knowledge of soil attributes to the adoption of practices such as the management of phosphate fertilization in clayey soils and liming in soils rich in aluminum.
Minerals/analysis , Soil/chemistry , Clay Soils/analysisABSTRACT
The crop systems adopted in the Amazônia region have been studied several times in terms of the variability and to indicate the soil attributes more sensitive to the different crops. Thus, the objective of this work was to apply multivariate techniques in order to identify the chemical attributes most sensitive to environmental changes in different crop systems in Western Amazonia, Brazil. The research was conducted in five rural properties located in the Humaitá city region, Western Amazonia, Brazil. There were selected four environments with natural characteristics (Native Forest - NF) and five cropping systems (Grazing, Cassava, Açaí, Agroforestry and Reforestation). In the selected areas, soil samples were collected at depths layers of 0.0-0.05 m; 0.05-0.1 m and 0.1-0.2 m and the following chemical analyzes were performed: pH in water, Ca2+, Mg2+, K +, Resin-P, phosphorus bio-available particulate (Pbp), OC, Al3+, H++Al3+ and from these results SB, T, t, m% and V% were calculated. Multivariate statistical techniques were used to verify similarities between the crop systems in the attempt to relate the crops grown and the chemical attributes. The multivariate analysis was essential in the crop systems distinction, as well as to describe the relationship with the chemical properties. The results demonstrate and reinforce the existing variability between crop systems, with emphasis on the variation in crop systems, compared to natural environments. (AU)
Os sistemas de cultivos adotados na região Amazônica vêm sendo utilizados em diversos estudos em termo da variabilidade exercida pelas práticas de manejo e até mesmo indicar aqueles atributos mais sensíveis a esses manejos. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi aplicar técnicas multivariadas a fim de identificar os atributos químicos mais sensíveis às mudanças ambientais em diferentes sistemas de cultivo na Amazônia Ocidental, Brasil. A pesquisa foi realizada em cinco propriedades rurais localizadas na região de Humaitá, Amazônia Ocidental. Foram selecionados quatro ambientes com características naturais (Floresta Nativa FN) e cinco ambientes cultivados (Pastagem, Mandioca, Açaí, Agrofloresta e Reflorestamento). As amostras de solos nas áreas selecionadas foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0,0-0,05 m; 0,05-0,1 m e 0,1- 0,2 m. Foram realizadas as seguintes análises químicas: pH em água, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Presina, CO, Al3+,H ++Al3+ e a partir do resultado dessas análises foram calculadas a SB, T, t, m% e V%. Utilizaram-se técnicas de estatística multivariada para verificar semelhanças entre as práticas de manejo na tentativa de agrupar os sistemas de uso/atributos químicos. A análise multivariada foi preponderante na distinção dos sistemas de cultivos estudados, bem como caracterização da relação com as propriedades químicas. Os resultados demonstram e reforçam a variabilidade existente entre os sistemas de cultivo, com ênfase na variação dos sistemas de cultivo, em comparação com os ambientes naturais. (AU)
Crop Production , Soil Characteristics , Amazonian Ecosystem , Multivariate AnalysisABSTRACT
Sugarcane burning has been widely practiced in Brazil and worldwide. In the long term, this farming practice can cause soil erosion, reduction in organic carbon (OC) and consequently, changes in the structure of soil organic matter (SOM). Such changes may be difficult to reverse. This study aimed to assess the medium- and long-term effects of sugarcane burning on SOM characteristics, both in terms of quantity and structural quality and evaluate the application of vinasse as a strategy to attenuate fire-induced changes in burned soil. The experiment was conducted in a 50-year-old sugarcane field on soils classed as Cambissolo Háplico (Inceptisol). Four plots were sampled: a) burning of sugarcane for harvest for 37 years (SCB37); b) renewal of the sugarcane field and burning for harvest for 3 years (SCB3); c) renewal of the sugarcane field without burning for harvest for 3 years (SCWB), and d) renewal of the sugarcane field and burning for harvest with the application of vinasse for 3 years (SCV). Chemical and physical characterization of SOM was performed by solid-state spectroscopy (UV-vis, ATR-FTIR e 13C NMR CP/MAS) and chemometric techniques. The results showed that sugarcane burning drastically impacts SOM content and its chemical structure, however, the application of vinasse preserves and restores the soil from the fire effects. Content of soil OC, particulate OC, mineral-associated OC, humic acid, humin and light fraction OM that were affected by fire, had an increase and recovery of contents by the vinasse application. Solid state spectroscopy showed that labile structures were lost in humic acids (HA) by fire and recalcitrant structures were preserved. The application of vinasse incorporated fragments of lipids and carbohydrates in HA structure. Burning sugar cane straw affects the integrity of soil organic matter but can be restored by applying vinasse.
The soil and vegetation characteristics of the southern Amazonas region include highly weathered soils, high aluminum content and some hydromorphic conditions, its vegetation is composed from grasslands to small isolated trees and forest galleries along the rivers streams. In this way, this work aims to characterize and classify the soil in areas of clean field, dirty field, and forest in Humaitá region AM. Soil trenches were opened in the clean field, dirty field, and forest environments, soil profiles were morphologically characterized, and samples were collected from their horizons. Physical analysis of texture, dispersed clay in water, flocculation, bulk density, particle density and porosity were performed. The chemical analyzes included pH and KCl in water; Ca, Mg, K, Al, and; available P; H+Al and organic C; SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 sulfuric attack. The soils were classified according to criteria established by the Brazilian System of Soil Classification and Soil Taxonomy. The forest, dirty field (high) and clean field (low) showed different soil types, Typic Dystrudept for the first two environments and Typic Fluvaquents for last. Multivariate techniques expressed the similarity relations presenting between the different environments studied, characterizing, which are of great importance in the relation landscape-soil studies.
As características do solo e da vegetação da região sul do Amazonas incluem solos altamente intemperizados, alto teor de alumínio e algumas condições hidromórficas, sendo sua vegetaçãocomposta por pastos, pequenas árvores isoladas e galerias florestais ao longo dos cursos d'água. Desta forma, este trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar e classificar o solo em áreas de campo limpo, campo sujo e floresta na região de Humaitá AM. As valas foram abertas no campo limpo, no campo sujo e nos ambientesflorestais, os perfis dos solos foram caracterizados morfologicamente e as amostras foram coletadas de seus horizontes. Análises físicas de textura, argila dispersa em água, floculação, densidade do solo, densidade de partículas e porosidade foram realizadas. As análises químicas incluíram pH e KCl em água; Ca, Mg, K, Al e; P disponível; H + Al e C orgânico; Ataque sulfúrico de SiO2, Al2O3 e Fe2O3. Os solos foram classificados de acordo com critérios estabelecidos pelo Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos e Taxonomia de Solos. A mata, o campo sujo (alto) e o campo limpo (baixo) apresentaram diferentes tipos de solo, distritos típicos para os dois primeiros ambientes e fluídicos típicos para o último. Técnicas multivariadas expressaram as relações de similaridade que se apresentam entre os diferentes ambientes estudados, caracterizando, que são de grande importância na relação paisagem-solo.
Soil , Amazonian EcosystemABSTRACT
The Amazon region has a great diversity of landscapes such as forests galleries, natural fields ("Cerrados Amazônicos"), dense forest, these environments made possible the formation of a broad class of soils over time. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical properties of soils in different physiographic environments in southern Amazonas, Brazil. Three areas of representative physiographies were selected, all of them in natural conditions: natural field / forest and floodplain / dry land transitions, and corrugated relief areas. Soil samples were collected in layers of 0.0 to 0.20 and 0.80-1.0 m. From the samples collected the following physical analyzes were performed: particle size, bulk density, particle density, total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity; and chemical: exchangeable calcium, magnesium, aluminum and potassium available, phosphorus, potential acidity, pH and organic carbon. Based on the results of chemical analysis were calculated the sum of bases and base saturation. The results were submitted to multivariate statistics analysis, at the discretion of the principal component analysis (PCA). From the results it is clear that different physiographic environments studied influence the formation of different soil classes, featuring the diversity of Amazonian soils. The PCA allowed the distinction and formation of differentsimilarity groups, thus enabling to relate the physical and chemical properties with the physiographic formation in which they are inserted.
A região amazônica possui uma grande diversidade de paisagens, como galerias de florestas, campos naturais (Cerrados Amazônicos), floresta densa, possibilitando a formação de uma ampla classe de solos ao longo do tempo. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as propriedades físicas e químicas de solos em diferentes ambientes fisiográficos no sul do Amazonas, Brasil. Três áreas de fisiografias representativas foram selecionadas, todas em condições naturais: campo natural / floresta e transições de várzea / terra firme e áreas de relevo corrugado. Amostras de solo foram coletadas em camadas de 0,0 a 0,20 e 0,80-1,0 m. Das amostras coletadas foram realizadas as seguintes análises físicas: tamanho de partícula, densidade do solo, densidade de partículas, porosidade total e condutividade hidráulica saturada; e químico: cálcio trocável, magnésio, alumínio e potássio disponíveis, fósforo, acidez potencial, pH e carbono orgânico. Com base nos resultados da análise química foram calculados a soma das bases e saturação por bases. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística multivariada, a critério da análise de componentes principais (PCA). A partir dos resultados, percebe-se que diferentes ambientes fisiográficos estudados influenciam a formação de diferentes classes de solos, caracterizando a diversidade de solos amazônicos. O PCA permitiu a distinção e formação de diferentes grupos de similaridade, permitindo relacionar as propriedades físico-químicas com a formação fisiográfica em que estão inseridos.
Soil , Multivariate Analysis , Amazonian EcosystemABSTRACT
As Terras Pretas Arqueológicas (TPAs) são solos de fertilidade que notoriamente são superiores à grande maioria dos solos típicos da região amazônica. Assim, o uso das TPAs intensificou-se devido às características químicas apresentadas por esses solos, como a alta concentração de nutrientes (fósforo, cálcio, magnésio). Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a distribuição espacial dos atributos químicos do solo em uma área de Terra Preta Arqueológica sob cultivo de cacau no município de Apuí (AM). O mapeamento de uma malha de 42 x 88 m, com espaçamento irregular de 6 x 8 m, totalizando 88 pontos, foi realizado e, em seguida, foram coletadas amostras de solo nas profundidades de 0,0-0,05; 0,05-0,10; (pH, O.C, Sto. C, (H + Al), P, K, Ca, Mg, SB, CEC e V%). Os dados foram analisados por meio de técnicas estatísticas descritivas e geoestatísticas. Os valores médios e medianos foram ajustados aos valores próximos, indicando distribuição normal, enquanto os atributos químicos do solo foram ajustados aos modelos de semivariogramas esféricos e exponenciais. A maioria dos atributos apresentou coeficiente de variação (CV) entre 12,1 e 60%, caracterizada como variabilidade média, as variáveis do estudo apresentaram diferentes faixas e a maioria teve forte dependência espacial. As técnicas geoestatísticas utilizadas permitiram os ajustes dos modelos teóricos que melhor representaram a semivariância experimental, possibilitando a construção de mapas temáticos da distribuição espacial dos valores dos atributos da área estudada.
The Black Archaeological Lands (TPAs) are fertility soils that are notoriously superior to the vast majority of typical soils in the Amazon region. Thus, the use of TPAs ââhas intensified due to the chemical characteristics presented by these soils, such as the high concentration of nutrients (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium). In this sense, the objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial distribution of the chemical attributes of the soil in an area of ââTerra Preta Arqueológica under cocoa cultivation in the city of Apuí (AM). The mapping of a mesh of 42 x 88 m, with irregular spacing of 6 x 8 m, totaling 88 points, was carried out and, then, soil samples were collected at depths of 0.0-0.05; 0.05-0.10; (pH, O.C, Sto. C, (H + Al), P, K, Ca, Mg, SB, CEC and V%). The data were analyzed using descriptive and geostatistical statistical techniques. The mean and median values ââwere adjusted to the close values, indicating normal distribution, while the chemical attributes of the soil were adjusted to the models of spherical and exponential semivariograms. Most of the attributes presented a variation coefficient (CV) between 12.1 and 60%, characterized as average variability, the study variables had different ranges and most had a strong spatial dependence. The geostatistical techniques used allowed the adjustments of the theoretical models that best represented the experimental semivariance, allowing the construction of thematic maps of the spatial distribution of the values ââof the attributes of the studied area.
Soil , Cacao , Soil Analysis , Amazonian Ecosystem , Environmental Statistics , Crop ProductionABSTRACT
Studies on the spatial behavior of soil attributes in the Amazon region are still very incipient. In this sense, the objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical attributes through multivariate techniques and geoestatistics in the area with agroforestry and sugarcane in Humaitá, AM, Brazil. The study was carried out in a farm in Humaitá city, Amazonas State. The studied area was divided into 70.00 m x 70.00 m meshes with a regular spacing of 10 m, totaling 64 points and then, soil samples were collected at 0.0-0.2 m and 0.4-0.6 m depths. We performed chemical analyses of the attributes of soil. Then, it was applied descriptive statistics, multivariate and geostatistics. In conclusion, our findings suggest that for most of the chemical attributes was observed spatial dependence in both areas, with DSD varying from weak to moderate, with prevalence of the weak one. The multivariate analysis was efficient in the selection of chemical soil attributes that best represented the agroforestry environments and sugarcane. The results of this study will serve as a basis for further studies on these environments and other systems within the region; moreover serving as a basis for agricultural planning aiming a better environmental sustainability.
Existe uma carência de estudos enfocando o comportamento espacial de atributos químicos no Amazonas. Neste sentido o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os atributos químicos do solo por meio de técnicas multivariadas e geoestatística em área com agrofloresta e cana-de-açúcar em Humaitá, AM, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado em uma propriedade rural em Humaitá, Amazonas. Nestas áreas foram estabelecidas malhas de 70,00 m x 70,00 m, com espaçamento regular de 10,00 x 10,00 m totalizando 64 pontos e em seguida, coletadas amostras de solos na profundidade de 0,0-0,20 e 0,40 0,60 m. Foram determinados os atributos químicos (pH, MO, P, K, Ca, Mg, SB, CTC, V% e H+Al). Utilizaram-se técnicas de estatística descritiva, multivariada e geoestatística. Em conclusão, nossos resultados sugerem que, para a maioria dos atributos químicos foi observada dependência espacial em ambas as áreas, com DSD variando de fraca a moderada, com prevalência de um fraco e a análise multivariada foi eficiente na seleção de atributos químicos do solo que melhor representou os ambientes de agrofloresta e cana de açúcar.
Soil , Soil Characteristics , SaccharumABSTRACT
Melhores conhecimentos sobre os solos antropogênicos podem auxiliar na construção de cenários futuros para a região amazônica, por meio de informações que subsidiem o planejamento sustentável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variabilidade espacial de atributos físicos de solos antropogênicos e não antropogênico na região de Manicoré, AM. Na área do estudo foram selecionadas duas, uma com solos não antropogênicos (floresta nativa) e outra com solos antropogênicos (terra preta arqueológica). Em cada área, foi estabelecida uma malha medindo 70 x 70 m e os solos foram amostrados nos pontos de cruzamento da malha, com espaçamentos regulares de 10 em 10 metros, perfazendo um total de 64 pontos amostrais em cada paisagem. Foram coletadas amostras de solos na profundidade de 0,0 a 0,10 m e realizadas as análises físicas (textura, densidade do solo, macroporosidade, microporososidade, porosidade total e estabilidade dos agregados). Em seguida, os dados foram submetidos á estatística descritiva e geoestatística. Verificou-se que os solos antropogênicos e não antropogênicos apresentaram comportamentos diferenciados em relação ás suas estruturas espaciais. A variabilidade espacial que predominou no solo antropogênico e não antropogênico foi moderada e fraca indicando que estes solos estão fortemente ligados a alterações ocorridas por fatores extrinsecos no solo. No solo antropogênico foi observado melhores resultados para a porosidade total, microporosidade e densidade do solo, evidenciando características superiores para fins agronômicos quando comparado ao solo não antropogênico. E os valores de alcance encontrado nas duas áreas foram acima do utilizado na malha, evidenciando maior continuidade espacial nestes ambientes.
Better knowledge of the anthropogenic soils can help create future scenarios for the Amazon region through information that supports the sustainable planning. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil physical anthropogenic and not anthropogenic in the region of Manipur, AM. In the study area we selected two, one with no anthropogenic soils (native forest) and another with anthropogenic soils (black earth archaeological). In each area, we established a grid measuring 70 x 70 m and the soils were sampled at the points of intersection of the grid with regular spacing of 10 by 10 feet, making a total of 64 sampling points in each landscape. Soil samples were collected at a depth from 0.0 to 0.10 I did the analyzes physical (texture, bulk density, macroporosity, microporososidade, porosity and aggregate stability). Then, the data were subjected to descriptive statistics and geostatistics. It was found that the anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soils showed different behaviors in relation ace their spatial structures. The spatial variability that prevailed in anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soil was moderate and weak indicating that these soils are strongly linked to changes in the soil by extrinsic factors. The soil was observed anthropogenic best results for total porosity, microporosity and bulk density, showing superior characteristics compared for agronomic soil not anthropogenic. And the range of values found in the above two areas were used in the mesh, showing greater spatial continuity in these environments.
Soil Analysis , Soil Characteristics , Amazonian EcosystemABSTRACT
The importance of understanding spatial variability of soils is connected to crop management planning. This understanding makes it possible to treat soil not as a uniform, but a variable entity, and it enables site-specific management to increase production efficiency, which is the target of precision agriculture. Questions remain as the optimum soil sampling interval needed to make site-specific fertilizer recommendations in Brazil. The objectives of this study were: i) to evaluate the spatial variability of the main attributes that influence fertilization recommendations, using georeferenced soil samples arranged in grid patterns of different resolutions; ii) to compare the spatial maps generated with those obtained with the standard sampling of 1 sample ha-1, in order to verify the appropriateness of the spatial resolution. The attributes evaluated were phosphorus (P), potassium (K), organic matter (OM), base saturation (V%) and clay. Soil samples were collected in a 100 × 100 m georeferenced grid. Thinning was performed in order to create a grid with one sample every 2.07, 2.88, 3.75 and 7.20 ha. Geostatistical techniques, such as semivariogram and interpolation using kriging, were used to analyze the attributes at the different grid resolutions. This analysis was performed with the Vesper software package. The maps created by this method were compared using the kappa statistics. Additionally, correlation graphs were drawn by plotting the observed values against the estimated values using cross-validation. P, K and V%, a finer sampling resolution than the one using 1 sample ha-1 is required, while for OM and clay coarser resolutions of one sample every two and three hectares, respectively, may be acceptable.
A importância de compreender a variabilidade espacial do solo está conectada ao planejamento do manejo das culturas. Este entendimento faz com que seja possível tratar o solo não como uma entidade uniforme, mas variável, e permite o gerenciamento de sítios específicos para aumentar a eficiência de produção, que é o objetivo da agricultura de precisão. Questões relacionadas com a otimização do intervalo de amostragem do solo se faz necessário para a realização das recomendações de adubações no Brasil. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: i) avaliar a variabilidade espacial dos principais atributos que influenciam as recomendações de adubação, usando amostras de solos georreferenciadas dispostas em padrões de grades de diferentes resoluções; ii) comparar os mapas espaciais gerados com o mapa padrão obtido com amostragem de 1 amostra ha-1, a fim de verificar a adequação da resolução espacial. Os atributos avaliados foram fósforo (P), potássio (K), matéria orgânica (MO), saturação por bases (V%) e argila. As amostras de solos foram coletadas numa grade de 100 × 100 m e georreferenciadas. Um desbaste foi realizado, criando-se uma grade com 1 amostra a cada 2,07, 2,88, 3,75 e 7,20 ha. Técnicas de geoestatística, como semivariograma e interpolação usando krigagem, foram utilizadas para analisar os atributos nas grades com diferentes resoluções. Esta análise foi realizada com o programa computacional Vesper. Os mapas criados por este método foram comparados utilizando-se a estatística kappa. Além disso, gráficos de correlação foram construídos plotando-se os valores observados pelos valores estimados utilizando-se a validação cruzada. Para P, K e V%, uma amostragem de resolução mais fina do que aquela usando 1 amostra ha-1 foi necessária, enquanto que para MO e argila, resoluções mais grosseiras de uma amostra ou dois em dois e três hectares, respectivamente, pode ser aceitável.
The importance of understanding spatial variability of soils is connected to crop management planning. This understanding makes it possible to treat soil not as a uniform, but a variable entity, and it enables site-specific management to increase production efficiency, which is the target of precision agriculture. Questions remain as the optimum soil sampling interval needed to make site-specific fertilizer recommendations in Brazil. The objectives of this study were: i) to evaluate the spatial variability of the main attributes that influence fertilization recommendations, using georeferenced soil samples arranged in grid patterns of different resolutions; ii) to compare the spatial maps generated with those obtained with the standard sampling of 1 sample ha-1, in order to verify the appropriateness of the spatial resolution. The attributes evaluated were phosphorus (P), potassium (K), organic matter (OM), base saturation (V%) and clay. Soil samples were collected in a 100 × 100 m georeferenced grid. Thinning was performed in order to create a grid with one sample every 2.07, 2.88, 3.75 and 7.20 ha. Geostatistical techniques, such as semivariogram and interpolation using kriging, were used to analyze the attributes at the different grid resolutions. This analysis was performed with the Vesper software package. The maps created by this method were compared using the kappa statistics. Additionally, correlation graphs were drawn by plotting the observed values against the estimated values using cross-validation. P, K and V%, a finer sampling resolution than the one using 1 sample ha-1 is required, while for OM and clay coarser resolutions of one sample every two and three hectares, respectively, may be acceptable.
A importância de compreender a variabilidade espacial do solo está conectada ao planejamento do manejo das culturas. Este entendimento faz com que seja possível tratar o solo não como uma entidade uniforme, mas variável, e permite o gerenciamento de sítios específicos para aumentar a eficiência de produção, que é o objetivo da agricultura de precisão. Questões relacionadas com a otimização do intervalo de amostragem do solo se faz necessário para a realização das recomendações de adubações no Brasil. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: i) avaliar a variabilidade espacial dos principais atributos que influenciam as recomendações de adubação, usando amostras de solos georreferenciadas dispostas em padrões de grades de diferentes resoluções; ii) comparar os mapas espaciais gerados com o mapa padrão obtido com amostragem de 1 amostra ha-1, a fim de verificar a adequação da resolução espacial. Os atributos avaliados foram fósforo (P), potássio (K), matéria orgânica (MO), saturação por bases (V%) e argila. As amostras de solos foram coletadas numa grade de 100 × 100 m e georreferenciadas. Um desbaste foi realizado, criando-se uma grade com 1 amostra a cada 2,07, 2,88, 3,75 e 7,20 ha. Técnicas de geoestatística, como semivariograma e interpolação usando krigagem, foram utilizadas para analisar os atributos nas grades com diferentes resoluções. Esta análise foi realizada com o programa computacional Vesper. Os mapas criados por este método foram comparados utilizando-se a estatística kappa. Além disso, gráficos de correlação foram construídos plotando-se os valores observados pelos valores estimados utilizando-se a validação cruzada. Para P, K e V%, uma amostragem de resolução mais fina do que aquela usando 1 amostra ha-1 foi necessária, enquanto que para MO e argila, resoluções mais grosseiras de uma amostra ou dois em dois e três hectares, respectivamente, pode ser aceitável.
With the development of remote sensing techniques, the understanding of soil spectral response with the purpose to assist soil mapping and estimate soil attributes, become necessary. For this, the objective of this work was to analyze the spectral response of eight soil profiles from Mogi-Guaçú (SP) region obtained in laboratory and correlate them with soil texture and their chemical and mineralogical characteristics. The soils were sampled in each horizon and radiometric data was obtained by a spectroradiometer in laboratory. It was possible to discriminate the spectral response of each soil and relate them with texture, organic matter and iron oxides content. The analysis of reflected electromagnetic energy permitted to evaluate the soils mineralogical compounds like iron oxides, kaolinite, gibbsite and 2:1 clay minerals. These results indicate that this technique can be used as an auxiliary method in soil studies and mapping.
Com o desenvolvimento das técnicas de sensoriamento remoto, o entendimento da resposta espectral dos solos com a finalidade de auxiliar no mapeamento e na estimativa dos seus atributos torna-se necessária. Desta forma, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a resposta espectral de oito perfis de solos da região de Mogi-Guaçú (SP) obtida em laboratório, e correlacioná-la com a textura e suas características químicas e mineralógicas. Os solos foram amostrados por horizontes e os dados de reflectância foram obtidos em laboratório utilizando-se um espectroradiômetro. Foi possível diferenciar a resposta espectral de cada solo e correlacioná-la com a textura, conteúdo de matéria orgânica e teor óxido de ferro. A análise da energia eletromagnética refletida permitiu avaliar a composição mineralógica dos solos com relação aos óxidos de ferro, caulinita, gibbsita e minerais 2:1. Tais resultados indicam que a análise espectral pode ser utilizada técnica auxiliar no estudo e mapeamento dos solos.
With the development of remote sensing techniques, the understanding of soil spectral response with the purpose to assist soil mapping and estimate soil attributes, become necessary. For this, the objective of this work was to analyze the spectral response of eight soil profiles from Mogi-Guaçú (SP) region obtained in laboratory and correlate them with soil texture and their chemical and mineralogical characteristics. The soils were sampled in each horizon and radiometric data was obtained by a spectroradiometer in laboratory. It was possible to discriminate the spectral response of each soil and relate them with texture, organic matter and iron oxides content. The analysis of reflected electromagnetic energy permitted to evaluate the soils mineralogical compounds like iron oxides, kaolinite, gibbsite and 2:1 clay minerals. These results indicate that this technique can be used as an auxiliary method in soil studies and mapping.
Com o desenvolvimento das técnicas de sensoriamento remoto, o entendimento da resposta espectral dos solos com a finalidade de auxiliar no mapeamento e na estimativa dos seus atributos torna-se necessária. Desta forma, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a resposta espectral de oito perfis de solos da região de Mogi-Guaçú (SP) obtida em laboratório, e correlacioná-la com a textura e suas características químicas e mineralógicas. Os solos foram amostrados por horizontes e os dados de reflectância foram obtidos em laboratório utilizando-se um espectroradiômetro. Foi possível diferenciar a resposta espectral de cada solo e correlacioná-la com a textura, conteúdo de matéria orgânica e teor óxido de ferro. A análise da energia eletromagnética refletida permitiu avaliar a composição mineralógica dos solos com relação aos óxidos de ferro, caulinita, gibbsita e minerais 2:1. Tais resultados indicam que a análise espectral pode ser utilizada técnica auxiliar no estudo e mapeamento dos solos.
Traditional soil analyses are time-consuming with high cost and environmental risks, thus the use of new technologies such as remote sensing have to be estimulated. The purpose of this work was to quantify soil attributes by laboratory and orbital sensors as a non-destructive and a non-pollutant method. The study area was in the region of Barra Bonita, state of São Paulo, Brazil, in a 473 ha bare soil area. A sampling grid was established (100 × 100 m), with a total of 474 locations and a total of 948 soil samples. Each location was georeferenced and soil samples were collected for analysis. Reflectance data for each soil sample was measured with a laboratory sensor (450 to 2,500 nm). For the same locations, reflectance data was obtained from a TM-Landsat-5 image. Multiple linear regression equations were developed for 50% of the samples. Two models were developed: one for spectroradiometric laboratory data and the second for TM-Landsat-5 orbital data. The remaining 50% of the samples were used to validate the models. The test compared the attribute content quantified by the spectral models and that determined in the laboratory (conventional methods). The highest coefficients of determination for the laboratory data were for clay content (R² = 0.86) and sand (R² = 0.82) and for the orbital data (R² = 0.61 and 0.63, respectively). By using the present methodology, it was possible to estimate CEC (R² = 0.64) by the laboratory sensor. Laboratory and orbital sensors can optimize time, costs and environment pollutants when associated with traditional soil analysis.
Analises de solos tradicionais consomem tempo com alto custo e riscos ambientais. Dessa forma, o uso de novas tecnologias como o sensoriamento remoto tem sido estimulado. O objetivo do trabalho foi quantificar atributos dos solos por um método não destrutivo e não poluente utilizando sensor de laboratório e orbital. A área de estudo localiza-se na região de Barra Bonita, Brasil, com 473 ha com solo exposto. Foi estabelecida uma malha de amostragem (100 m × 100 m) com 474 pontos de amostragem e um total de 948 amostras de solos. Os pontos de amostragem foram georreferenciados, e amostras de solos coletadas e enviadas para análises. Os dados de Reflectância foram obtidos para cada amostra de solo com o sensor em laboratório (450 a 2500 nm). Nos mesmos locais de amostragem de solos, foram obtidos dados de reflectância de imagens orbitais TM-Landsat-5. Equações lineares de regressão múltiplas foram desenvolvidas com 50% das amostras. Dois modelos foram desenvolvidos: o primeiro com dados de espectroradiometria de laboratório e o segundo para os dados orbitais da imagem TM Landsat-5. O restante das amostras, 50% foram utilizadas para validar o modelo. O teste comparou os valores dos atributos quantificados pelos modelos espectrais e os determinados em laboratório (método convencional). Os maiores coeficientes de determinação para os resultados de laboratório foram para argila (R² = 0,86) e areia (R² = 0,82) e para os dados orbitais (R² 0,61 e 0,63, respectivamente). Também foi possível com o presente método estimar CTC (R² = 0,64) para o sensor de laboratório, podendo otimizar tempo, custos e poluições ambientais associadas com as análises de solos tradicionais.
The spatial and temporal variation of soil CO2 emission is influenced by several soil attributes related to CO2 production and its diffusion in the soil. However, few studies aiming to understand the effect of topography on the variability of CO2 emissions exist, especially for cropping areas of tropical regions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial and temporal changes of soil CO2 emission and its relation to soil attributes in an area currently cropped with sugarcane under different relief forms and slope positions. Mean CO2 emissions in the studied period (seven months) varied between 0.23 and 0.71, 0.27 and 0.90, and 0.31 and 0.80 g m-2 h-1 of CO2 for concave (Conc), backslope (BackS) and footslope (FootS) positions, respectively. The temporal variability of CO2 emissions in each area was explained by an exponential relation between the CO2 emission and soil temperature and a linear relation between CO2 emission and soil water content. The Q10 values were 1.98 (± 0.34), 1.81 (± 0.49) and 1.71 (± 0.31) for Conc, BackS and FootS, respectively. Bulk density, macroporosity, penetration resistance, aggregation and oxidizable organic carbon content explain the changes in soil CO2 emission observed, especially when the Conc position was compared to BackS. The effect of relief form and topographic position on soil CO2 emission variation was dependent on the time of measurement.
A variação temporal e espacial da emissão de CO2 solo-atmosfera é influenciada por inúmeros atributos do solo relacionados à produção de CO2 e à difusão do gás no solo. Ainda são escassos, entretanto, estudos visando compreender o efeito da topografia na variação da emissão deste gás, especialmente em áreas agrícolas da região tropical. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a variação temporal e espacial da emissão de CO2 solo-atmosfera e sua relação com atributos do solo em área de cultivo de cana-de-açúcar sob diferentes formas de relevo e posições na encosta. A média da emissão de CO2 no período de sete meses de estudo variou entre 0,23 e 0,71; 0,27 e 0,90 e 0,31 e 0.80 g CO2 m-2 h- 1, nas posições côncava (Conc), encosta superior (BackS) e encosta inferior (FootS), respectivamente. A variação temporal da emissão em cada uma das áreas foi explicada por uma relação exponencial entre emissão de CO2 e temperatura do solo, e uma relação linear da emissão deste gás com a umidade do solo. O valor de Q10 foi 1,98 (± 0,34); 1,81 (± 0,49) e 1,71 (± 0,31) para Conc, BackS e FootS, respectivamente. Densidade do solo, macroporosidade, resistência do solo à penetração, agregação e conteúdo de carbono orgânico oxidável explicaram as variações observadas na emissão de CO2, especialmente quando se compara a posição côncava com a encosta superior. O efeito do relevo e da posição topográfica sobre a variação da emissão de CO2 do solo foi dependente da época de amostragem.
The spatial and temporal variation of soil CO2 emission is influenced by several soil attributes related to CO2 production and its diffusion in the soil. However, few studies aiming to understand the effect of topography on the variability of CO2 emissions exist, especially for cropping areas of tropical regions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial and temporal changes of soil CO2 emission and its relation to soil attributes in an area currently cropped with sugarcane under different relief forms and slope positions. Mean CO2 emissions in the studied period (seven months) varied between 0.23 and 0.71, 0.27 and 0.90, and 0.31 and 0.80 g m-2 h-1 of CO2 for concave (Conc), backslope (BackS) and footslope (FootS) positions, respectively. The temporal variability of CO2 emissions in each area was explained by an exponential relation between the CO2 emission and soil temperature and a linear relation between CO2 emission and soil water content. The Q10 values were 1.98 (± 0.34), 1.81 (± 0.49) and 1.71 (± 0.31) for Conc, BackS and FootS, respectively. Bulk density, macroporosity, penetration resistance, aggregation and oxidizable organic carbon content explain the changes in soil CO2 emission observed, especially when the Conc position was compared to BackS. The effect of relief form and topographic position on soil CO2 emission variation was dependent on the time of measurement.
A variação temporal e espacial da emissão de CO2 solo-atmosfera é influenciada por inúmeros atributos do solo relacionados à produção de CO2 e à difusão do gás no solo. Ainda são escassos, entretanto, estudos visando compreender o efeito da topografia na variação da emissão deste gás, especialmente em áreas agrícolas da região tropical. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a variação temporal e espacial da emissão de CO2 solo-atmosfera e sua relação com atributos do solo em área de cultivo de cana-de-açúcar sob diferentes formas de relevo e posições na encosta. A média da emissão de CO2 no período de sete meses de estudo variou entre 0,23 e 0,71; 0,27 e 0,90 e 0,31 e 0.80 g CO2 m-2 h- 1, nas posições côncava (Conc), encosta superior (BackS) e encosta inferior (FootS), respectivamente. A variação temporal da emissão em cada uma das áreas foi explicada por uma relação exponencial entre emissão de CO2 e temperatura do solo, e uma relação linear da emissão deste gás com a umidade do solo. O valor de Q10 foi 1,98 (± 0,34); 1,81 (± 0,49) e 1,71 (± 0,31) para Conc, BackS e FootS, respectivamente. Densidade do solo, macroporosidade, resistência do solo à penetração, agregação e conteúdo de carbono orgânico oxidável explicaram as variações observadas na emissão de CO2, especialmente quando se compara a posição côncava com a encosta superior. O efeito do relevo e da posição topográfica sobre a variação da emissão de CO2 do solo foi dependente da época de amostragem.