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J Anal Psychol ; 67(2): 468-479, 2022 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35856541


Jung's conception of 'unus mundus' takes on new relevance. More than ever, the question arises of what we need today to come back into harmony with the creative and healing forces of the universe. Through synchronistic events, we experience connectedness and how the world as a whole affects us. With the help of the Tarot and the Chinese wisdom book I Ching, the spiritual dimension of unus mundus can be experienced. With the Hexagram '56 Lü - the Wanderer', as well as in the great Arcano 'the Sun' in the Tarot, and in the symbol of the snake, it is shown that one should be adaptable and willing to learn constantly. All archetypal images speak about the need to be aware, that periods of transition are dangerous and exciting. The important exercise here is to prepare oneself for the cosmic order of constant changes.

La conception de Jung sur « l'unus mundus ¼ acquiert une pertinence nouvelle. La question se pose plus que jamais de ce dont nous avons besoin aujourd'hui pour retrouver une harmonie avec les forces de guérison créatrices de l'univers. Par les événements synchronistiques nous faisons l'expérience de l'interdépendance et de comment nous sommes affectés par le monde en tant qu'unité globale. A l'aide du Tarot et du livre de sagesse Chinoise - le Yi King - nous pouvons faire l'expérience de la dimension spirituelle de l'unus mundus. Avec l'hexagramme 56 « Liu - le voyageur ¼ comme avec l'arcane majeur « Le Soleil ¼ dans le Tarot, ainsi que dans le symbole du serpent, il est montré que l'on devrait être adaptable et disposé à apprendre continuellement. Toutes les images archétypales parlent du besoin d'avoir conscience que les périodes de transition sont dangereuses et excitantes. Ici l'exercice important est de se préparer soi pour l'ordre cosmique de changements continuels.

La concepción de 'unus mundus' de Jung cobra nueva relevancia. Más que nunca, emerge la pregunta acerca de que necesitamos hoy para volver a estar en armonía con las fuerzas sanadoras y creativas del universo. A través de eventos sincronísticos, experimentamos un sentido de conexión y de cómo el mundo como totalidad nos afecta. Con la ayuda del Tarot y del libro de la sabiduría China, I Ching, la dimensión espiritual del unus mundus puede ser experimentada. El hexagrama'56 Lü - El Andariego', así como el Arcano Mayor 'El Sol' en el Tarot, y el símbolo de la serpiente, muestran que deberíamos ser adaptables y dispuestos a aprender constantemente. Todas las imágenes arquetípicas hablan de la necesidad de estar conscientes, de que los períodos de transición son peligrosos y emocionantes. El importante ejercicio, aquí, es prepararse uno mismo para el orden cósmico de cambios constantes.

A concepção de Jung de 'unus mundus' assume nova relevância. Mais do que nunca, surge a questão do que precisamos hoje para voltar à harmonia com as forças criativas e curativas do universo. Através de eventos sincrônicos, experimentamos a conexão e como o mundo como um todo nos afeta. Com a ajuda do Tarô e do livro de sabedoria chinesa I Ching, a dimensão espiritual de unus mundus pode ser experimentada. Com o Hexagrama '56 Lü - o Andarilho', bem como no grande Arcano "o Sol" no Tarô e no símbolo da cobra, mostra-se que se deve ser adaptável e disposto a aprender constantemente. Todas as imagens arquetípicas falam sobre a necessidade de estar ciente de que os períodos de transição são perigosos e emocionantes. O exercício importante aqui é se preparar para a ordem cósmica de constantes mudanças.

Jungian Theory , Civilization , Humans
J Anal Psychol ; 66(3): 561-582, 2021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34231909


Fear and grief caused by the pandemic have produced a powerful unconscious narrative in the collective psyche that the coronavirus is driven by an innately evil, and possibly divine, force. The resulting archetypal dimension of fear causes an extra layer of psychological suffering in individuals. This paper discusses how and why this narrative was created and why it is so compelling by looking at 1) the myth-making nature of the human psyche, 2) the psychodynamics of fear that drive the narrative, 3) the properties of the coronavirus and the pandemic that activate negative poles of some archetypes, in particular, archetypes of evil, and 4) asking how analytical psychology can help ease psychological suffering caused by these negative narratives, where one possibility is to invoke the transcendent function. The author's personal experiences as both biochemist and analytical psychologist elucidate how the transcendent function can promote healing.

La peur et la douleur causées par la pandémie ont produit un puissant récit inconscient dans la psyché collective, à savoir que le coronavirus est dirigé par une force intrinsèquement maléfique ou éventuellement divine. La dimension archétypale de peur qui en résulte produit une couche supplémentaire de douleur psychologique chez les individus. Cet article étudie comment et pourquoi ce récit est créé et pourquoi il est si convaincant. L'article procède en examinant 1) la nature de la psyché humaine qui tend à fabriquer des mythes, 2) les dynamiques psychanalytiques de la peur qui motivent le récit, 3) les propriétés du coronavirus et de la pandémie qui activent les pôles négatifs de certains archétypes, et en particulier l'archétype du mal, et 4) comment la psychologie analytique peut aider à soulager la douleur psychologique produite par ces récits négatifs. Une possibilité est d'invoquer la fonction transcendante. Les expériences personnelles de l'auteur à la fois en tant que biochimiste et en tant que psychologue analytique éclairent comment la fonction transcendante peut promouvoir la guérison.

El miedo y el dolor causado por la pandemia han producido una poderosa narrativa inconsciente en la psique colectiva, significando que el coronavirus es producido por una fuerza divina, innata del mal. La resultante dimensión arquetípica del miedo causa un estrato extra de sufrimiento psicológico en los individuos. El presente trabajo examina cómo y porqué ha sido creada esta narrativa y porqué resulta tan atractiva, prestando atención a: 1) la naturaleza creadora de mitos de la psique humana, 2) los psico-dinamismos del miedo que impulsan dicha narrativa, 3) las propiedades del coronavirus y de la pandemia que activan los polos negativos de ciertos arquetipos, en particular arquetipos del mal, y 4) pregunta cómo la psicología analítica puede ayudar a aliviar el sufrimiento psicológico causado por estas narrativas negativas, donde una posibilidad es invocar la función trascendente. Las experiencias personales de la autora como bioquímica y psicóloga analítica elucidan como la función trascendente puede promover la curación.

COVID-19 , Fear/psychology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Imagination , Psychological Trauma/psychology , Adult , Humans
Psicol. USP ; 32: e190148, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1155143


Resumo Este artigo de revisão e análise narrativa de literatura parte da perspectiva transdisciplinar com o objetivo de buscar alternativas epistêmico-metodológicas para que as pesquisas em educação desloquem-se da mera aquisição de conhecimentos à possibilidade de ampliação da consciência. O percurso narrativo do trabalho transita pelas interfaces dialógicas entre os pressupostos da transdisciplinariedade e os da hermenêutica simbólica do círculo de Eranos (HSCE). De forma inédita, alcança o objetivo no uso do conceito de unus mundus (Carl Gustav Jung) como ferramenta simbólica do fazer hermenêutico de transformação da realidade. No processo, via circularidade hermenêutica, múltiplas interfaces emergem a cada instância percorrida nas polaridades de luz e sombra, entre teorias e biografias.

Resumen Este artículo de revisión y análisis narrativo de la literatura parte de una perspectiva transdisciplinar con el objetivo de buscar alternativas epistémico-metodológicas para que la investigación en educación pase de la mera adquisición de conocimientos a la posibilidad de expansión de la conciencia. El texto establece interfaces dialógicas entre los supuestos de la transdisciplinariedad y los de la hermenéutica simbólica del círculo de Eranos (HSCE). Se alcanza la meta de manera inédita con el uso del concepto de unus mundus (Carl Gustav Jung) como herramienta simbólica del hacer hermenéutico de transformación de la realidad. En el proceso, por medio de la circularidad hermenéutica, emergen múltiples interfaces en cada instancia recorrida por las polaridades de luz y sombra, entre teorías y biografías.

Abstract This review and narrative analysis of the literature adopts a multidisciplinary approach to seek epistemological-methodological approaches for research in education to switch from mere knowledge spreading into a potential increase in consciousness. This paper follows the dialogical interface between multidisciplinarity and the symbolic hermeneutics of the Eranos circle (HSCE). It utilizes the concept of unus mundus by Carl Gustav Jung as a symbolic tool of hermeneutic work that transforms reality. By this hermeneutic circularity process, multiple interfaces emerge for every step in analyzing theories and biographies, following a dichotomy of light and dark.

Résumé Cet article de synthèse et analyse narrative littéraire s'appui sur la perspective transdisciplinaire pour trouver des alternatives épistémico-méthodologiques pour que la recherche en éducation passe de la simple acquisition de connaissances à l'extension de la conscience. Notre parcours narratif passe par les interfaces dialogiques entre les postulats de la transdisciplinarité et de l'herméneutique symbolique du Cercle d'Eranos (HSCE). D'une manière sans précèdent, on trouve utiliser le concept d'unus mundus (Carl Gustav Jung) comme un outil symbolique pour la transformation herméneutique de la réalité. Ce faisant, par circularité herméneutique, plusieurs interfaces émergent à chaque sphère parcourue dans la polarité de l'ombre et de la lumière, entre théorie et biographie.

Conscience , Education , Hermeneutics , Jungian Theory , Knowledge
J Anal Psychol ; 64(1): 6-22, 2019 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30618137


In his writings on individuation Jung often references Eastern religions and philosophies such as Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism. This essay discusses differences and similarities between analytical psychology's concept of individuation, especially in its advanced stages, and enlightenment as expressed in such texts as Zen (Chan) Buddhism's Ten Ox-Herding Pictures. I advance the argument that important common features can be found while cultural differences must also be respected. There is here a convergence between West and East that can foster dialogue and mutuality.

Buddhism , Individuation , Psychoanalytic Theory , Religion and Psychology , Humans
J Anal Psychol ; 60(1): 75-93, 2015 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25610962


Jung's psychology proffers a sustained reflection on the traditional religious question of the relation of divine transcendence to immanence. On this issue his psychology affirms a position of radical immanence in its contention that the experience of divinity is initially wholly from within. Though this position remains on the periphery of religious and theological orthodoxy Jung is not alone in holding it among moderns. Paul Tillich adopts a similar stance with his controlling symbols of the divine as 'Ground of Being' and 'Depth of Reason'. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin understands divinity as the experiential energy of evolution itself working within nature and humanity toward greater configurations of universal communion as the basis of community. All of Jung's master symbols of individuation assume such an understanding of immanence uniting individual and totality. His psychology strongly suggests and contributes to the current emergence of a new religious sensitivity based on the awareness of the intra-psychic origin of all religions. In his later writings he held out such a position as a significant alternative to genocide.

Individuation , Jungian Theory , Humans
Junguiana ; 31(2): 5-11, jul.-dez. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-59388


A autora propõe-se a refletir sobre a necessária mudança do paradigma científico materialista vigente. Questiona o conceito de realidade, objetividade, e ressalta a importância da psique e do número na ampliação desse entendimento. Traz elementos históricos sobre geometria e matemática e aponta aspectos qualitativos negligenciados nessas disciplinas, no Ocidente. Finalmente, conclui com uma abordagem simbólica do número e sua importância para a ordem psíquica e do próprio universo (AU)

The author intends to reflect on the mandatory changes on scientific materialist paradigm. The concepts of reality and objectivity are questioned and the importance of the psyche and number highlighted to boost this understanding. This article also explores historical elements of geometry and mathematics and qualitative points neglected on these subjects in the Western world. It finally closes the topic with a symbolic approach on number and its importance to the psychic and universe order (AU)

Mathematical Concepts , Natural Science Disciplines , Symbolism , History, Ancient
Junguiana ; 31(2): 43-51, jul.-dez. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-59393


As relações de amizade tiveram características diferentes através dos tempos e em diferentes culturas, mas sempre desempenharam uma função importante para a saúde psíquica. Hoje vivemos em condições totalmente inéditas na história da humanidade. A noção de que vivemos e somos interligados, presente de modo intuitivo no unus mundus alquímico, e retomada por Jung nas noções de inconsciente coletivo e de sincronicidade, foi também reatualizada na física. Embora a abrangência dessa perspectiva seja ainda pouco assimilada pela consciência coletiva, temos, em nosso mundo atual, a vivência da interconexão a partir da internet e das redes sociais. Da mesma maneira, nossas economias encontram-se interdependentes. O consumo levado ao extremo esgota cada vez mais nosso meio ambiente e coloca em questão não a sobrevivência de um país ou comunidade, mas sim a da espécie humana no planeta. Nosso mundo globalizado encontra-se cada vez mais interligado e novas possibilidades de relação e comunicação apresentam-se. A informação em tempo presente dá condição a uma nova forma de articulação social, para além das representações políticas como as conhecemos. De que maneira as relações de amizade se reconfiguram e que sentido passam a ter no mundo interconectado em que vivemos? (AU)

Friendship have had different characteristics throughout times and cultures, but have always played an important role in psychic health. We live today totally new conditions in the history of humanity. The conception that our lives and ourselves are interlinked, intuitively present in the alchemical unus mundus and assumed by Jung in collective unconscious and synchronicity concepts, has been reinforced by physics. Although the scope of this perspective is yet little assimilated by collective consciousness, the present world experiences interconnectivity through internet and social networks. Likewise economies are interdependent. Excessive consumerism increasingly deplets the environment and puts at stake the survival of human species on Earth. Globalized world is ever more interlinked. New relation and communication possibilities arise. Instant information enables a new form of social articulation, beyond known political representations. In what ways does friendship reshape itself and which meanings does it have in an interconnected world? (AU)

Interpersonal Relations , Friends , Consumer Advocacy , Social Media , Social Networking
Behav Sci (Basel) ; 3(4): 601-618, 2013 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25379259


We describe similarities in the ontology of quantum physics and of Carl Gustav Jung's psychology. In spite of the fact that physics and psychology are usually considered as unrelated, in the last century, both of these disciplines have led at the same time to revolutionary changes in the Western understanding of the cosmic order, discovering a non-empirical realm of the universe that doesn't consist of material things but of forms. These forms are real, even though they are invisible, because they have the potential to appear in the empirical world and act in it. We present arguments that force us to believe, that the empirical world is an emanation out of a cosmic realm of potentiality, whose forms can appear as physical structures in the external world and as archetypal concepts in our mind. Accordingly, the evolution of life now appears no longer as a process of the adaptation of species to their environment, but as the adaptation of minds to increasingly complex forms that exist in the cosmic potentiality. The cosmic connection means that the human mind is a mystical mind.
