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Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 36-37, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-515008


Objective T o distinguish the injury characteristic changes on the drivers betw een the injuries of drivers and passengers in traffic accidents, and to provide scientific evidence for confirm ing the iden-tity of driver in traffic accidents. Methods D ata of 126 autom obile traffic accident death cases in the reclam ation areas of H eilongjiang province from 2006—2014 w ere retrospectively studied. T he injury characteristics on the drivers of autom obile traffic accident death cases w ere analyzed and the forensic identification problem in the injuries of drivers and passengers w ere discussed. Results Injuries w ere fre-quently observed on driver's neck, chest and abdom en. T he characteristic injuries caused by auto parts w ere also found, w hich appeared at the places of passenger's head, face and lim bs contacted w ith auto-m obile. Such characteristic injuries w ere not found at other places. Conclusion T he location and type of injury are associated w ith the identity of the deceased.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 81-85, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-498843


Objective To explore the role of hydrogen sulfide (H 2S ) in acute liver injury induced by crush-ing hind lim bs of rats. Methods The rats w ere random ly divided into the follow ing groups:control, crush-ing, H 2S donor sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS) + crushing, H 2S inhibitor propargylglycine (PAG ) + crush-ing group. The acute liver injury m odel w as established by crushing the hind lim bs of rats w ith standard w eight. R ats w ere sacrificed at 30 m in and 120 m in after the crush. The activities of serum aspartate am inotransferase (AST) and alanine am inotransferase (ALT) w ere m easured by colorim etric m ethod, and the content of H 2S in plasm a and the contents of m alondialdehyde (MDA), protein carbonyl, glutathione (GSH) in the liver and the activity of H 2S generating enzym e (cystathionine γ-lyase, CSE) w ere deter-m ined by chem ical m ethod. The expression of CSEm R N Ain liver w as detected by R T-PCR . Results For crush injury group, the levels of ASTand ALTin serum , MDAand protein carbonyl in liver in-creased. The levels of GSH, CSE, CSEm R N Ain liver and H 2S in serum decreased. The adm inistration of NaHS before lim bs crush could attenuate the changes of liver injury, but the pre-treatm ent w ith PAG could exacerbate the changes. Conclusion The decrease of H 2S production could involve in m ediating the acute liver injury induced by traum atic stress in rats.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 425-427,431, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-605037


Objective To analyze the balance function of injured lower lim b by dynam ic posturography. Methods Using the dynam ic posturography instrum ent, the postural evoked responses of sixty-two norm al people and two hundred and fifty-eight people with injured lower lim b bones and joints were detected. The test was included sensory organization test(SO T) and adaption test(ADT).The results of two groups were com pared by t test. Results Com pared with the norm al people, the im paired people had significant statistical differences in balance scores of SO T3-SO T6 and proportion score of dynam ic proprioception (P<0.05). There was no obvious decrease in ADT. Conclusion The balance function of injured lower lim b significantly decreases.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 337-340, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-500289


Objective T o investigate the relationship betw een the expression of secreted frizzled-related protein 5 (SFR P5) m RNA and the tim e interval after skeletal m uscle injury in rats by real-tim e PC R . Methods A total of ninety SD rats w ere random ly divided into the contusion groups at different tim es including 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 16 h, 20 h, 24 h, 28 h, 32 h, 36 h, 40 h, 44 h, 48 h after contusion, incision groups at different tim es including 4h and 8h after incision and the control group. T he sam ples w ere taken from the contused zone at different tim e points. T he total RNA w as isolated from the sam ples and re-versely transcribed to analyze the expression levels of SFRP5 m RNA . Results C om pared to the control group, the expression of SFRP5 m RNA in contusion groups w ere dow n-regulated w ithin 48 h after con-tusion and reached the low est level at 20 h, and the expression of SFRP5 m RNA gradually increased from 20 h to 48 h after contusion. T he expression of SFRP5 m RNA in the incised groups w ere signifi-cantly low er than that of the contusion groups at 4 h after injury. A t the tim e of 8 h, the expression levels betw een the contusion and incision groups show ed no statistically significant difference. Conclusion It is suggested that SFRP5 m RNA analysis m ay show regular expression and can be a m arker for estim ation of skeletal m uscle injury age.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 356-358, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-500219


Objective To explore themethod for the objective evaluation of single lim b function after in-jury in forensic m edical practice. Methods The score of activities of daily living (ADL ) w ere graded for a single lim b function after injury from 47 cases.Allcases w ere sim ultaneously evaluated using the differentmethods including Fugl-M eyer m otor function assessm ent (FM A ), w eighting, look-up table (LUT). The correlation w ere com pared betw een ADL and the other threemethods. Results Injured part and the score using the threemethods w ere correlated w ith ADL score (P<0.05). The correlation coeffi-cient (|r| value) show ed highest using LUTmethod, and low est using FM Amethod. Conclusion The loss function of lim b is affected by the injuried parts. Themethods of FM A , w eighting and LUTshow a good accuracy for evaluating the lim b function after injury and the correlation presents higher using LUTmethod.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 191-195, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-498879


Objective To explore the application value of postm ortem m ulti-slice spiral com puted tom og-raphy (MSCT) in cases of fall from height through observing and analyzing the injury features of the fall and reconstructing the process of the fall based on the the above procedure. Methods One real fatal case due to fall from height was fully exam ined using MSCTand three-dim ensional reconstruction tech-nique. Analyzing the m anner and cause of death through com bination of MSCTand system ic autopsy was also im plem ented. The differences betw een autopsy and MSCTin getting inform ation of injuries were com pared. Results Fractures involving m ultiple body regions and liver rupture were found through MSCTand three-dim ensional reconstruction. The autopsy got the sam e results w ith im ageological exam i-nation. The case of death was deduced to be fall leading to system ic polytraum a. Conclusion Applica-tion of MSCTcan be used as the com plim entary for traditional autopsy in the analysis of injury m anner of fall from height.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 177-180, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-498870


Objective T o investigate the relation betw een injury tim e and the expression of cytochrom e c oxidase subunitⅥc (COX6C) m R N A in skeletal m uscle of rat after contusion. Methods A total of fifty-four SD rats w ere divided into the control group and the contusion groups (0.5,1,6,12,18, 24, 30, and 36 h after contusion), random ly. T he contusion m odel w as established by free fall drop of gravity ham-m er. A t corresponding tim e point after contusion, the regular histology w as exam ined and expression level of COX6C m R N A w as tested by real-tim e PC R after extraction of total R N A from the tissues. Results T he m ain pathological features of 6 h after injury included edem a and hem orrhage in m yocytes w ith no inflam m atory cells found. A fter 6 hours, the findings included m yocyte degeneration and necro-sis, inflam m atory cells infiltration, and fibrous connective tissue proliferation in the contused zone. T he expression level of COX6C m R N A w as higher than that of the control group w ithin 6 h after contusion. T he expression level w as low er than that of the control group from 6-36 h after contusion. Conclusion T he level of COX6C m R N A expresses in a regular w ay after contusion. It m ay be useful for estim ating w ound age in com bination w ith the results of pathological features.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 409-412, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-500286


Objective To explore the relationship between the expression of EIIIA + fibronectin in incised wound of rat’s skin and injury time. Methods The wounding model was established by cutting the dor-salskin of 48 adult SD rats. The rats were sacrificed atthe pre-setinjury time as immediately, 0. 5h, 1h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h, 6 h, and 8 h. The skin sam ples were taken at the m argin of wound. The expression of the EIIIA + fibronectin was detected by im m unohistochem istry and W estern blotting and the relationship be-tween its expression and injury time was observed. Results The expression of EIIIA + fibronectin was not observed im m ediately. The basal cell of skin began to showpositive expression 0. 5 h after injury. W ith the extension of injury time, positive staining became stronger. The value of relative optical density was gradually increased with prolonged injury time by the W estern blotting analysis. Conclusion The expres-sion of EIIIA + fibronectin could be used for estimation of injury time in the early stage of skin injury.
