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Rev. logop. foniatr. audiol. (Ed. impr.) ; 43(4): [100321], Oct-Dic, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-227230


Objetivo: I) Describir los resultados preliminares de un estudio sobre la evolución percibida por los padres de los niños entre los 2.11 y 5.11 años que tartamudeaban, después de recibir tratamiento preventivo de tartamudez con apoyo de los progenitores, II) conocer los recursos comunicativos aprendidos por los niños y sus padres respecto al tartamudeo y III) descubrir el grado de satisfacción de los padres con el tratamiento. El estudio se realizó en ILD, centro especializado en trastornos de fluidez. Método: Se administró un cuestionario a 18 padres, cuyos hijos habían sido dados de alta después de la terapia. El 77.8% (n=14) de los participantes fueron niños y el 22.2% (n=4) niñas. Los niños seleccionados que participaron en el estudio tenían una edad comprendida entre cuatro y ocho años (M=5.90, DT=1.25). Resultados: En las respuestas cabe destacar que: I) El 88.9% de los niños mantuvieron un habla fluida, II) y el 72.2% no presentó ni tuvo bloqueos, el 82.3% no experimentó tensión en la garganta, III) los niños mostraron disfluencias cuando estaban cansados (n=6) o estresados (n=5), IV) los niños mejoraron en el habla, en la conducta y adoptaron buenas estrategias ante las disfluencias o los bloqueos, V) tanto los niños como los padres utilizaron los recursos aprendidos durante el tratamiento, VI) se realizaron sesiones individuales de padres y de seguimiento y la mayoría de ellos recibió pautas a seguir en caso de recaídas, y VII) el 94.4% de los padres, quedaron satisfechos con los resultados del tratamiento. Conclusión: Los resultados preliminares indican que el tratamiento realizado con los niños preescolares con apoyo de sus padres ayudó a mejorar la fluidez del habla, su conducta, las actitudes positivas en la conversación y las habilidades de comunicación padres-hijo.(AU)

Aim: The aim of this article is (a) to describe the progress perceived by parents of children between the ages of 2.11 and 5.11 who stuttered, after receiving preventive treatment for stuttering with parental support; (b) to assess the communicative resources learned by the children and their parents regarding stuttering and (c) to find out their level of satisfaction with treatment. The study was carried out at ILD, a specialized centre for fluency disorders. Methods: A questionnaire was administered to 18 parents, whose children had been discharged after therapy. Of the sample, 77.8% (n=14) were boys and 22.2% (n=4) girls. The selected children participating in the study were aged between 4 and 8 years (M=5.90, SD=1.25). Results: From the responses it was noted that: (I) 88.9% of the children maintained fluent speech; (II) and 72.2% did not present or have blocks, 82.3% did not experience throat tension; (III) the children continued to present disfluencies when they were tired (n=6) or stressed (n=5); (IV) the children improved in speaking, behavior and had adopted good strategies in dealing with disfluencies or blocks; (V) both children and parents frequently used the resources learned during treatment; (VI) individual parent and follow-up sessions were conducted and most of them received guidelines to follow in case of relapses; and (VII) 94.4% of parents were satisfied with treatment outcomes.Conclusion: Results indicate that the treatment conducted with the preschool children, with support from their parents, contributed to improvements in speech fluency, behavior, positive conversational attitudes, and parent–child communication skills.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Stuttering/therapy , Speech Disorders , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder , Speech Perception , Perception , Parenting , Stuttering/prevention & control , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Audiology , Speech , Surveys and Questionnaires , Disease Prevention , Treatment Outcome , Early Intervention, Educational
Rev. logop. foniatr. audiol. (Ed. impr.) ; 43(4): [100299], Oct-Dic, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-227231


La tartamudez persistente se define por la permanencia de las disfluencias y la presencia de factores cognitivos, conductuales y comunicativos que contribuyen a mantenerla y agravarla. Por tanto, su tratamiento clínico debe centrarse en mejorar la fluidez del habla, asegurar la generalización del nuevo patrón prosódico y manejar los pensamientos disfuncionales y las conductas de evitación social y comunicativa que ayudan a mantener el problema y provocan una pérdida significativa de calidad de vida. Objetivo: Medir la eficacia de un tratamiento estandarizado para pacientes adultos con tartamudez persistente centrado en la fluidez de habla y en los aspectos psicológicos implicados. Material y métodos: Estudio clínico analítico de los resultados de la intervención. Se realizó una evaluación de todos los aspectos implicados en la tartamudez persistente mediante instrumentos validados y registro de habla. Se aplicó el protocolo de un tratamiento para tartamudez crónica. Resultados: Se evaluó la fluidez del habla en muestras de habla espontánea y lectura y las subescalas del cuestionario OASES de cinco pacientes con tartamudez de entre 21 y 25años. El tratamiento redujo el porcentaje de sílabas tartamudeadas en todos los casos, tanto en habla como en lectura, así como una reducción de las puntuaciones en todas las subescalas del OASES. Conclusión: Los resultados clínicos obtenidos indican eficacia del protocolo empleado para la modificación de la frecuencia de tartamudeos y de otros fenómenos asociados. Se exponen algunas consideraciones de interés para los terapeutas de la tartamudez crónica.(AU)

Persistent stuttering is defined by the permanence of disfluencies and the presence of cognitive, behavioral, and communication factors that contribute to maintaining and aggravating it. Therefore, clinical treatment should focus on improving speech fluency, ensuring generalization of the new prosodic pattern, and managing dysfunctional thoughts and social and communicative avoidance behaviors that help maintain the problem and cause significant loss of quality of life in patients. Objective: The main objective is to measure the efficacy of a standardized treatment focused on speech fluency and psychological aspects for adult patients with persistent stuttering. Material and methods: Analytical clinical study of the results of the psychological intervention. An evaluation of all aspects involved in persistent stuttering was carried out using validated instruments and speech recording. The protocol of a clinical treatment for chronic stuttering was applied. Results: Speech fluency in spontaneous speech and reading samples and the OASES questionnaire subscales from five stuttering patients aged 21-25years were assessed. The treatment reduced the percentage of stuttered syllables in all cases, both in speaking and reading, as well as a reduction in scores on all OASES subscales. Conclusion: Clinical results obtained indicate the efficacy of the protocol used to modify the frequency of stuttering and other associated behaviors. Some considerations of interest for therapists of chronic stuttering are exposed.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Stuttering/therapy , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Speech Disorders/psychology , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder , Speech-Language Pathology , Reading , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Audiology , Psychology, Clinical , Psychology/methods , Speech Disorders/therapy , Speech , Surveys and Questionnaires
Audiol., Commun. res ; 28: e2823, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527926


RESUMO Objetivo mapear as publicações que abordam a relação entre habilidade lexical e gagueira em crianças na faixa etária dos 2 anos aos 9 anos. Estratégia de pesquisa busca nas bases de dados Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, via PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase. Critérios de seleção estudos clínicos comparativos, longitudinais ou caso-controle, que incluíam análise do vocabulário expressivo e receptivo de crianças com gagueira na faixa etária de 2 a 9 anos. Análise dos dados: após a busca inicial com 426 artigos, 42 foram selecionados para leitura na íntegra, dos quais, 16 atenderam aos critérios de elegibilidade. Resultados a maior parte dos registros analisados referiu haver relação entre desenvolvimento ou desempenho lexical e gagueira em crianças. No entanto não houve consenso sobre a relação entre maior ou menor desenvolvimento lexical. Conclusão o mapeamento dos estudos incluídos indicou que não há evidências suficientes que relacionem gagueira e desenvolvimento lexical.

ABSTRACT Purpose to search and analyze publications that address the relationship between lexical ability and stuttering in children aged 2 to 9 years old. Research strategy search in Cochrane Library, MEDLINE via PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, EMBASE databases. Selection criteria comparative, longitudinal or case-control clinical studies that included analysis of the expressive and receptive vocabulary of children with stuttering aged between 2 and 9 years. Results most of the analyzed studies report a relationship between lexical development or performance and stuttering in children, however there is no consense about the relationship between greater or lesser lexical development. Conclusion there is not enough evidence to relate stuttering and lexical development. More studies are needed in order to understand the relationship between lexical performance and stuttering in children.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Speech Disorders , Stuttering , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder , Language Tests
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253741, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1448940


Apesar das crescentes investigações sobre uso de telas na infância, essa é uma temática complexa e ainda recente, que traz diversos desafios para pesquisadores e cuidadores. Comunidades virtuais em redes sociais são utilizadas por mães e pais para esclarecer dúvidas e receber conselhos acerca da parentalidade e saúde infantil, podendo, simultaneamente, assumir uma função prescritiva e normativa quanto ao seu modo de agir. Sendo assim, este artigo pretende compreender como o uso de telas na infância vem sendo abordado por especialistas em grupos de mães e pais no Facebook. Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo envolvendo 49 postagens de especialistas, sobretudo psicólogos e educadores, extraídas de cinco grupos públicos de mães e pais nessa rede social. Os textos das publicações foram verificados por meio de análise temática e discutidos com base no referencial teórico psicanalítico. Os resultados mostraram que os especialistas destacam os possíveis prejuízos do uso de telas na infância, além de fornecer orientações aos pais sobre como lidar com sua presença no cotidiano das crianças e de suas famílias. Concluiu-se que apesar dos grupos de cuidadores no Facebook serem uma ferramenta de divulgação de informações acerca do uso de telas na infância, cabe não naturalizar a presença de especialistas nesses espaços virtuais criados por pais e mães, interpondo-se nos saberes e nas trocas horizontalizadas entre os cuidadores.(AU)

Although investigations on the use of screens in childhood are increasing, this is a complex and recent topic, which poses several challenges for researchers and caregivers. Virtual communities in social networks are used by mothers and fathers to clarify doubts and receive advice regarding parenting and child health, at times, simultaneously, assuming a prescriptive and normative role on their way of acting. Therefore, this study aimed to understand how the use of screens in childhood has been approached by experts in groups of mothers and fathers on Facebook. A qualitative study was carried out involving 49 posts from specialists, mainly psychologists and educators, extracted from five public groups of mothers and fathers in this social network. The publications' texts were verified via thematic analysis and discussed based on the psychoanalytical theoretical framework. The results showed that experts highlight the possible damage of the use of screens in childhood, in addition to providing guidance to parents on how to deal with the presence of digital technology in the daily lives of children and families. It was concluded that, although caregivers' groups on Facebook are a tool for disseminating information about the use of screens in childhood, it is important not to naturalize the presence of specialists in these virtual spaces created by fathers and mothers, interposing in the horizontally interchanges that occur between the caregivers.(AU)

A pesar de las crecientes investigaciones sobre el uso de pantallas en la infancia, este es un tema complejo y aún reciente, que plantea varios desafíos para investigadores y cuidadores. Las comunidades virtuales en las redes sociales son utilizadas por madres y padres para aclarar dudas y recibir consejos sobre educación y salud infantil, pudiendo, al mismo tiempo, asumir un rol prescriptivo y normativo sobre su forma de actuar. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender cómo el uso de las pantallas en la infancia ha sido abordado por especialistas en grupos de madres y padres en Facebook. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo a partir de 49 publicaciones de especialistas, principalmente de psicólogos y educadores, extraídas de cinco grupos públicos de madres y padres en esta red social. Se realizó en los textos de las publicaciones un análisis temático y se utilizó el marco teórico psicoanalítico. Los resultados mostraron que los expertos destacan posibles daños que provoca el uso de pantallas en la infancia, además de orientar a los padres sobre cómo afrontar esta presencia de la tecnología digital en el día a día de los niños y sus familias. Se concluyó que, a pesar de que los grupos de cuidadores en Facebook son una herramienta de difusión de información sobre el uso de pantallas en la infancia, es importante no naturalizar la presencia de especialistas en estos espacios virtuales creados por padres y madres que se interpone entre los saberes e intercambios horizontales de los cuidadores.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychoanalysis , Child , Social Networking , Anxiety , Parent-Child Relations , Pediatrics , Personality Development , Personality Disorders , Play and Playthings , Psychology , Psychology, Educational , Aspirations, Psychological , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Schools , Autistic Disorder , Sleep , Achievement , Social Change , Social Isolation , Socialization , Sports , Stress, Physiological , Technology , Television , Thinking , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Behavior Therapy , Books, Illustrated , Neurosciences , Bereavement , Exercise , Child Behavior , Child Care , Child Development , Child Guidance , Child Health Services , Child Rearing , Child Welfare , Mental Health , Child Health , Parenting , Negotiating , Caregivers , Health Personnel , Cognition , Communication , Early Intervention, Educational , Video Games , Internet , Creativity , Affect , Threshold Limit Values , Cultural Characteristics , Cybernetics , Metabolic Syndrome , Moral Development , Cell Phone , Depression , Diabetes Mellitus , Educational Status , Emotions , User Embracement , Population Studies in Public Health , Overweight , Child Nutrition , Failure to Thrive , Fantasy , Sunbathing , Emotional Intelligence , Sedentary Behavior , Video-Audio Media , Pediatric Obesity , Mobile Applications , Social Skills , Courage , Sociological Factors , Emotional Adjustment , Literacy , Neurodevelopmental Disorders , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder , Games, Recreational , Cell Phone Use , Frustration , Internet Addiction Disorder , Social Interaction , COVID-19 , Technology Addiction , Happiness , Helplessness, Learned , Hobbies , Hospitals, Maternity , Hypertension , Imagination , Individuality , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Language Development Disorders , Learning , Learning Disabilities , Leisure Activities , Life Style , Mother-Child Relations , Motor Activity , Nonverbal Communication
Codas ; 32(2): e20190002, 2020.
Article in Portuguese, English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32267336


PURPOSE: To identify the indicators of speech fluency that differs subjects with stuttering, with phonological disorder, and with the two disorders in comorbidity. METHODS: Thirty subjects aged 4-11 years old were divided into 3 groups, each one with 10 subjects: groups with developmental stuttering (SG), phonological disorder (PDG), and with two diagnoses in comorbidity (SPDG) participated in this study. The procedures were speech fluency and phonology evaluation. The data were submitted to statistical analysis. RESULTS: Subjects from SG and SPDG showed a greater occurrence of stuttering-like disfluencies and total of disfluencies in relation to the subjects with PDG. Regarding to the other disfluencies, the three groups were similar. Subjects with PDG showed fewer monosyllabic word repetitions, part of word repetition and prolongations in relation to subjects from SG and SPDG. Blocks occurred more frequently in the two groups with stuttering (SG and SPDG) than in the group with PDG. Interjection occurred more frequently in subjects from SG than in PDG. CONCLUSION: The PDG was the most differentiated in quantitative and qualitative terms in the three groups analyzed. The similarities and differences between the groups will assist the differential diagnosis and, consequently, will enable improved therapy. The presence of blocks represents an important marker for the diagnosis of stuttering.

OBJETIVO: Identificar os indicadores de fluência da fala que diferenciam os sujeitos com gagueira, com transtorno fonológico e com os dois distúrbios em comorbidade. MÉTODO: Participaram deste estudo 30 sujeitos de 4 a 11 anos, separados em 3 grupos, cada um com 10 sujeitos: grupo com gagueira do desenvolvimento (GG), transtorno fonológico (GTF) e os dois diagnósticos em comorbidade (GGTF). Os procedimentos foram: avaliação da fluência da fala e da fonologia. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Os sujeitos do GG e GGTF apresentaram maior ocorrência das disfluências típicas da gagueira e do total das disfluências em relação aos do GTF. Em relação às outras disfluências, os três grupos foram semelhantes. O GTF manifestou menor quantidade de repetições de palavra monossilábica, de parte de palavra e prolongamentos em relação aos sujeitos dos GG e GGTF. Os bloqueios ocorreram mais frequentemente nos dois grupos com gagueira (GG e GGTF) em relação ao GTF. A interjeição ocorreu com maior frequência no GG quando comparado com o GTF. CONCLUSÃO: Dos três grupos analisados, o GTF foi o que mais se diferenciou em termos quantitativo e qualitativo. As semelhanças e diferenças entre os grupos auxiliarão o diagnóstico diferencial e, consequentemente, possibilitarão melhor terapia. A presença de bloqueio representa um importante marcador para o diagnóstico de gagueira.

Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder/diagnosis , Speech Sound Disorder/diagnosis , Stuttering/diagnosis , Child , Child, Preschool , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder/physiopathology , Comorbidity , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Prospective Studies , Speech Production Measurement , Stuttering/physiopathology
Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch ; 51(2): 353-370, 2020 04 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32013722


Purpose To incorporate evidence-based practice into clinical settings, there is a need for efficient, effective ways to share information from research to speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and to students preparing to become SLPs. The purpose of this study was to implement and evaluate a method for teaching undergraduate student clinicians to use empirically supported practices in vocabulary instruction during shared storybook reading with preschoolers. Method Undergraduate students enrolled in a semester-long preschool practicum participated in the study. In Study 1, 11 students participated in a multiple-baseline, single-case design. In Study 2, an additional 10 students were included in a quasi-experimental group design. All students completed prerecorded, online teaching modules that taught empirically supported practices for teaching vocabulary during shared storybook reading. Half of the students received weekly e-mails with performance feedback. Targeted practices included selection of appropriate vocabulary targets, explicit teaching, and use of interactive teaching strategies. Results In Study 1, treatment effects were observed for targeted practices for many of the student clinicians. In Study 2, group comparisons indicated an effect of e-mail performance feedback for 1 of 3 outcomes with a large effect size. Conclusion Prerecorded teaching modules may be an efficient, effective way to teach specific empirically supported practices to undergraduate student clinicians. E-mail feedback might improve use of taught practices for some students or for some practices. Future studies can examine the potential of these types of teaching modules for other outcomes or with groups of practicing SLPs.

Speech-Language Pathology/education , Speech-Language Pathology/methods , Teaching , Vocabulary , Apraxias/rehabilitation , Autistic Disorder/rehabilitation , Child , Child, Preschool , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder/rehabilitation , Education, Distance , Humans , Internet , Language Development Disorders/rehabilitation , Observer Variation , Reading , Reproducibility of Results , Research Design , Speech Sound Disorder/rehabilitation , Students
CoDAS ; 32(2): e20190002, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089615


RESUMO Objetivo Identificar os indicadores de fluência da fala que diferenciam os sujeitos com gagueira, com transtorno fonológico e com os dois distúrbios em comorbidade. Método Participaram deste estudo 30 sujeitos de 4 a 11 anos, separados em 3 grupos, cada um com 10 sujeitos: grupo com gagueira do desenvolvimento (GG), transtorno fonológico (GTF) e os dois diagnósticos em comorbidade (GGTF). Os procedimentos foram: avaliação da fluência da fala e da fonologia. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística. Resultados Os sujeitos do GG e GGTF apresentaram maior ocorrência das disfluências típicas da gagueira e do total das disfluências em relação aos do GTF. Em relação às outras disfluências, os três grupos foram semelhantes. O GTF manifestou menor quantidade de repetições de palavra monossilábica, de parte de palavra e prolongamentos em relação aos sujeitos dos GG e GGTF. Os bloqueios ocorreram mais frequentemente nos dois grupos com gagueira (GG e GGTF) em relação ao GTF. A interjeição ocorreu com maior frequência no GG quando comparado com o GTF. Conclusão Dos três grupos analisados, o GTF foi o que mais se diferenciou em termos quantitativo e qualitativo. As semelhanças e diferenças entre os grupos auxiliarão o diagnóstico diferencial e, consequentemente, possibilitarão melhor terapia. A presença de bloqueio representa um importante marcador para o diagnóstico de gagueira.

ABSTRACT Purpose To identify the indicators of speech fluency that differs subjects with stuttering, with phonological disorder, and with the two disorders in comorbidity. Methods Thirty subjects aged 4-11 years old were divided into 3 groups, each one with 10 subjects: groups with developmental stuttering (SG), phonological disorder (PDG), and with two diagnoses in comorbidity (SPDG) participated in this study. The procedures were speech fluency and phonology evaluation. The data were submitted to statistical analysis. Results Subjects from SG and SPDG showed a greater occurrence of stuttering-like disfluencies and total of disfluencies in relation to the subjects with PDG. Regarding to the other disfluencies, the three groups were similar. Subjects with PDG showed fewer monosyllabic word repetitions, part of word repetition and prolongations in relation to subjects from SG and SPDG. Blocks occurred more frequently in the two groups with stuttering (SG and SPDG) than in the group with PDG. Interjection occurred more frequently in subjects from SG than in PDG. Conclusion The PDG was the most differentiated in quantitative and qualitative terms in the three groups analyzed. The similarities and differences between the groups will assist the differential diagnosis and, consequently, will enable improved therapy. The presence of blocks represents an important marker for the diagnosis of stuttering

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Stuttering/diagnosis , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder/diagnosis , Speech Sound Disorder/diagnosis , Speech Production Measurement , Stuttering/physiopathology , Comorbidity , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder/physiopathology
Distúrb. comun ; 31(3): 437-445, set. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391839


A fluência é uma habilidade que envolve a participação de múltiplos sistemas neurais, principalmente, dos processamentos da linguagem, fala, voz e audição. Tais interfaces justificam a necessidade de considerar na dinâmica avaliativa fonoaudiológica, suas interações com os demais conteúdos específicos da Fonoaudiologia. O presente artigo de cunho teórico, consiste em uma revisão não-sistemática da literatura que objetiva discutir acerca do processo de avaliação fonoaudiológica da fluência, mediante uma perspectiva de integralidade do cuidado. Tal discussão visa contribuir para a consolidação do caráter transversal da fluência na literatura nacional, coerente com a complexidade da sua natureza neurofisiológica; bem como favorecer ao fonoaudiólogo, informações e reflexões necessárias para a sua aplicabilidade em contexto prático. Para isso, estruturou-se esta comunicação em duas principais seções: apresentação do processo de avaliação da fluência, e discussão acerca da avaliação integrada da fluência. Dessa forma, conclui-se que, para uma avaliação fonoaudiológica integrada da fluência é necessário ir além da identificação das rupturas e realização dos cálculos de velocidade de fala. Requer conhecimento aprofundado sobre a natureza da fluência, enquanto habilidade e área da Fonoaudiologia, para o exercício do raciocínio clínico integrado que contemple a unicidade de cada sujeito, bem como suas necessidades comunicativas para além da queixa, vislumbrando a saúde da sua comunicação.

The fluency is a skill that involves the participation of multiple neural systems, mainly the processing of language, speech, voice and hearing. Such interfaces justify the need to consider in its dynamic speech evaluation, its interactions with other specific content of the Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences. The present article, theoretical, consists in a non-systematic review of the literature that aims to discuss the process of speech-language assessment of fluency, through a perspective of integrality of care. This discussion is intended to contribute to the consolidation of the cross-sectional nature of fluency in the national literature, consistent with the complexity of its neurophysiologic nature; as well as to promote the speech pathologist, information and observations necessary for its applicability in practical context. For this reason, the communication was structured in two main sections: presentation of the evaluation process of the fluency, and discussion about integrated assessment of fluency. Thus, concluded that, for an integrated assessment of speech fluency, is necessary to go beyond the identification of observing, and completion of the calculations of speech speed. Requires in-depth knowledge about the nature of the fluency, while skill and area of Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences, for the exercise of clinical reasoning that contemplates the unicity of each subject, as well as its communicative needs in addition to the complaint, glimpsing the health of your communication.

La fluidez es una habilidad que implica la participación de múltiples sistemas neuronales, principalmente el procesamiento del lenguaje, el habla, la voz y la audición. Esas interfaces, justifican la necesidad de considerar en su discurso de evaluación dinámica, sus interacciones con otros contenidos específicos de la Fonoaudiología. El presente artículo, teórico, consiste en una revisión no sistemática de la literatura que tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de evaluación de la fluidez, a través de una perspectiva de integralidad de la atención. Esta discusión se destina a contribuir a la consolidación de la naturaleza transversal de la fluidez en la literatura nacional, en consonancia con la complejidad de su naturaleza neurofisiológica; así como promover la logopeda, información y las observaciones necesarias para su aplicabilidad en el contexto práctico. Por esta razón, el artículo se estructura en dos secciones principales: presentación del proceso de evaluación de la fluidez y discusión sobre la evaluación integrada de la fluidez. Por lo tanto, se concluye que, para una evaluación integrada de la fluidez es necesario ir más allá de la identificación de las disfluencias, y la realización de los cálculos de velocidad de habla. Requiere un conocimiento en profundidad acerca de la naturaleza de la fluidez, mientras que la habilidad y el área de la Fonoaudiología, para el ejercicio de razonamiento clínico que contempla la unicidad de cada asignatura, así como sus necesidades comunicativas además de la denuncia, vislumbrando la salud de su comunicación.

Humans , Speech/physiology , Speech Therapy , Voice , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder/diagnosis , Speech Sound Disorder/diagnosis
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 34(6): 1805-1814, nov.-dec. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-968980


This workverified the relation between the production of the phoneme /s/ in complex onset with the structure, the tone and the mobility of the stomatognathic system in preschool children. The study consisted of 73 preschool children of both sexes, aged between 5 years and 1 month and 5 years and 11 months divided into two groups, GC consisting of 36 children with a complete phonetic and phonological inventory and GCI by 37 Children who had not only acquired the phoneme /s/ in complex onset. Data collection was performed using the Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation - MBGR protocol. The data were tabulated and submitted to the Chi-Square exact test and Fisher's exact test, considering p≤0.05. About the stomatognathic system, we observed a difference between the groups only in the task oftongue vibration. No significant difference for tonicity of the lips, tongue and cheeks and mobility of phonoarticulatory organs. We're not identified difference comparing the results with the sex of the participants. Children who did not produce the phoneme /s/ in complex onset presented greater difficulty in performing tongue vibration.

Este estudo objetivou verificar a relação entre a produção do fonema /s/ em onset complexo com a estrutura, o tônus e a mobilidade do sistema estomatognático em pré-escolares. Participaram do estudo 73 pré-escolares, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 5 anos e 1 mês e 5 anos e 11 meses divididos em dois grupos, sendo grupo controle constituído por 36 crianças com inventário fonético e fonológico completo e o estudo por 37 crianças que não haviam adquirido apenas o fonema /s/ em onset complexo. Para a avaliação miofuncional orofacial foi utilizado o protocolo MBGR. Os dados foram tabulados e submetidos ao teste exato de Fisher e Mann Whitney, considerando-se p≤0,05. Com relação ao sistema estomatognático, observou-se diferença entre os grupos apenas na tarefa de vibração de língua. Não foram identificadas associações significativas ao se comparar os resultados com a tonicidade dos lábios, língua e bochechas e demais movimentos solicitados dos órgãos fonoarticulatórios. Não foram identificadas diferenças entre o sexo e os resultados encontrados. Assim, as crianças que não produziram o fonema /s/ em onset complexo apresentaram maior dificuldade em realizar vibração de língua.

Speech Therapy , Stomatognathic System , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder , Speech Disorders , Child, Preschool
Semin Speech Lang ; 39(4): 324-332, 2018 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30142643


Clinicians commonly report difficulty determining whether the disfluencies produced by their clients are indicative of stuttering or suggestive of something else, such as cluttering, autism, language impairment, or second language learning. In our clinical decision-making process, we identify features unique to specific speech and/or language disorders. This identification enables differential diagnosis in most cases. But what happens when features appear to overlap and, as a result, compromise our clinical decision making? This article provides information to assist in the differential diagnosis of stuttering, particularly as it pertains to the assessment of children who speak more than one language. It explores similarities in the speech behaviors produced by these speakers, contrasting them with stuttering behaviors in monolingual English speakers.

Multilingualism , Stuttering/diagnosis , Child , Child, Preschool , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Female , Humans , Language , Male , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Risk Assessment/methods , Risk Factors , Speech/physiology , Speech Production Measurement/methods
Distúrb. comun ; 27(4): 807-818, dez. 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-778640


O teste de fluência verbal (TFV) é um dos mais utilizados na área de neurolinguística e neuropsicologia, contudo, pouco se tem analisado o conceito de fluência que subjaz à sua elaboração. Desta forma, o objetivo desta retrospectiva é analisar histórica e criticamente o TFV, sua criação e modificações até os dias atuais, à luz dos pressupostos que norteiam a Neurolinguística Enunciativo-Discursiva. A análise aponta que o conceito de fluência parece sustentar-se mais pela perspectiva da produtividade linguística do que pela compreensão das vias que possibilitam tal produtividade. Observa-se, ainda, a ocorrência de uma mudança conceitual em que a fluência deixa de ser considerada como um fator de inteligência isolado para ser uma tarefa pela qual se mobilizam outras atividades cognitivas como memória, atenção, vocabulário, dentre outras. Nesse sentido, desloca-se a avaliação da fluência linguística para uma avaliação da fluência cognitiva por meio da produção verbal.

Verbal Fluency Test (VFT) is one of the most used tests in europsychology, although the concept of fluency that underlies the test has been rarely discussed. In this way, this study aims to present ahistorical-critical review of VFT, its genesis and modifications until now, in light of Discursive-Enunciation Neurolinguistic. The review points the concept of fluency in VFT shows to be more related to a verbalquantitative production perspective than to a linguistic process comprehension that allows this production. Also, there is a conceptual change of fluency concept in neuropsychology, so that fluency is no longer considered as an isolated intelligence factor, to be considered a task that mobilizes other cognitive activities such as memory, attention, vocabulary, among others. In this sense, VFT has not been focusingon linguistic fluency but on cognitive fluency through verbal production.

El test de fluencia verbal (TFV) es uno de los más utilizados en el área de neurolingüística y neurosicología, aunque poco se ha analizado el concepto de fluencia que subjace en su elaboración. De esta forma, el objetivo de esta retrospectiva es analizar histórica y críticamente el TFV, su creación y sus modificaciones hasta los días actuales, a la luz de los presupuestos que nortean la Neurolingüística Enunciativo-Discursiva. El análisis apunta que el concepto de fluencia parece sustentarse más por laperspectiva de la productividad linguística, de que por la comprensión de las vías que posibilitan tal productividad. Se observa aún, que hay un cambio conceptual en que la fluencia deja de ser considerada como un factor de inteligencia aislado, para ser una tarea por la cual se mobilizan otras actividades cognitivas como memoria, atención, vocabulario, entre otras. En ese sentido, dislocase la evaluación de la fluencia linguística para una evaluación de la fluencia cognitiva por medio de la producción verbal.

Humans , Cognition , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder , Language Disorders , Neurolinguistic Programming , Language Development Disorders , Linguistics , Neuropsychology
J Fluency Disord ; 46: 41-55, 2015 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26296615


PURPOSE: Adults who stutter speak more fluently during choral speech contexts than they do during solo speech contexts. The underlying mechanisms for this effect remain unclear, however. In this study, we examined the extent to which the choral speech effect depended on presentation of intact temporal speech cues. We also examined whether speakers who stutter followed choral signals more closely than typical speakers did. METHOD: 8 adults who stuttered and 8 adults who did not stutter read 60 sentences aloud during a solo speaking condition and three choral speaking conditions (240 total sentences), two of which featured either temporally altered or indeterminate word duration patterns. Effects of these manipulations on speech fluency, rate, and temporal entrainment with the choral speech signal were assessed. RESULTS: Adults who stutter spoke more fluently in all choral speaking conditions than they did when speaking solo. They also spoke slower and exhibited closer temporal entrainment with the choral signal during the mid- to late-stages of sentence production than the adults who did not stutter. Both groups entrained more closely with unaltered choral signals than they did with altered choral signals. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that adults who stutter make greater use of speech-related information in choral signals when talking than adults with typical fluency do. The presence of fluency facilitation during temporally altered choral speech and conversation babble, however, suggests that temporal/gestural cueing alone cannot account for fluency facilitation in speakers who stutter. Other potential fluency enhancing mechanisms are discussed. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The reader will be able to (a) summarize competing views on stuttering as a speech timing disorder, (b) describe the extent to which adults who stutter depend on an accurate rendering of temporal information in order to benefit from choral speech, and (c) discuss possible explanations for fluency facilitation in the presence of inaccurate or indeterminate temporal cues.

Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder/psychology , Cues , Speech , Stuttering/psychology , Adult , Communication , Female , Humans , Language , Male , Reading , Speech Production Measurement , Stuttering/physiopathology , Time Factors