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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 27: e59012, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1376057


RESUMO. Neste texto, nossa atenção está voltada para entender como as relações de cuidado entre pais, filhos e filhas se materializam nos espaços. A intenção é compreender como as relações de cuidar se espacializam e como uma geografia dos cuidados engendrada pelos pais constitui uma geografia das parentalidades. Trazemos para o debate as pesquisas de Aitken (2019a, 2019b) sobre as famílias eslovenas que foram apagadas pela história, pelos instrumentos oficiais de cidadania e pela Lei de Estrangeiros e como isso afetou as relações de cuidado dos pais com seus filhos e suas filhas. Dando continuidade ao texto, apresentamos um tema que tem sido recorrente em nossas investigações, agora em território brasileiro: as práticas das benzedeiras e benzedores. Os trabalhos de Pereira e Gomes (2018) e Lopes (1998) nos ajudam a compreender melhor esses sujeitos que exercem os rituais de cura - que podem ser considerados práticas de cuidado - em que o benzedor vai forjando ao seu redor uma teia de proteção. Relacionando a figura do pai com a do benzedor, analisamos o personagem Zeca Chapéu Grande, do romance Torto arado, de Itamar Vieira Junior (2020), como uma representação possível desse sujeito que cuida de seus próprios filhos e filhas, ao mesmo tempo em que exerce uma paternidade que se expande para além de sua casa, abarcando todos aqueles que o procuram em busca de cuidado e proteção. Assim, ao longo do texto, a intenção foi evidenciar as relações entre pais e filhos e filhas que se dão nos espaços de suas vidas e como os pais vão criando uma geografia de cuidado em seu entorno.

RESUMEN. En este texto nuestra atención se centra en comprender cómo se materializan en los espacios las relaciones de cuidado entre padres, hijos e hijas. La intención es comprender cómo las relaciones de cuidado se vuelven espaciales, comprender cómo una geografía del cuidado engendrada por los padres constituye una geografía de la paternidad. Traemos al debate la investigación de Aitken (2019a, 2019b) sobre las familias eslovenas que fueron borradas por la historia, los instrumentos oficiales de ciudadanía y la Ley de Extranjería y cómo afectó las relaciones de cuidado de los padres con sus hijos e hijas. Continuando con el texto, presentamos un tema que ha venido siendo recurrente en nuestras investigaciones, ahora en territorio brasileño: las prácticas de los curanderos y bendectores. Los trabajos de Pereira y Gomes (2018) y Lopes (1998) nos ayudan a comprender mejor a estos sujetos que ejercen rituales curativos, que pueden considerarse prácticas de cuidado, en las que el bendector forja a su alrededor una red de protección. Relacionando la figura del padre con la de lo bendector, analizamos al personaje Zeca Chapéu Grande, de la novela Torto arado, de Itamar Vieira Junior (2020), como una posible representación de este sujeto que cuida a sus propios hijos e hijas al mismo tiempo que tiene una paternidad en expansión más allá de hogar, abrazando a todos aquellos que buscan cuidado y protección. Así, a lo largo del texto, la intención fue resaltar las relaciones entre padres e hijos e hijas que se dan en los espacios de sus vidas y cómo los padres están creando una geografía del cuidado en su entorno.

ABSTRACT. In this text, our attention is focused on understanding how the care relationships between parents, sons and daughters materialize in spaces. The objective is to understand how care relationships become spatial, to understand how a geography of care generated by parents constitutes a geography of parenting. We submit to the discussion Aitken's research (2019a, 2019b) on the Slovenian families that were erased by history, by the official instruments of citizenship and by the Foreigners' Law and how this affected care relationships between parents and their children. Further on, a recurrent topic is addressed in our research, now in Brazilian territory: the practices of healers and blessers. The works of Pereira and Gomes (2018) and Lopes (1998) help us to better understand these subjects who perform healing rituals—which can be considered care practices—in which the blesser raises around them a web of protection. Relating the figure of the father to that of the blesser, we analyze the character Zeca Chapéu Grande, from the novel Torto arado, by Itamar Vieira Junior (2020), as a possible representation of this subject who takes care of his own children while expanding paternity beyond his home, embracing all those who seek care and protection from him. Thus, throughout the text, the intention is to highlight the relationships between parents and children that occur in their living spaces and how parents are creating a geography of care in their surroundings.

Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Parent-Child Relations , Religion , Ceremonial Behavior , Child , Parenting , Paternity , Territoriality , Family/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Culture , Emigrants and Immigrants/psychology , Ethnic Violence/ethics , Cultural Rights , Geography/ethics
Addict Behav ; 61: 84-90, 2016 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27249807


BACKGROUND: Analyses with geographic data can be used to identify "hot spots" and "health service deserts", examine associations between proximity to services and their use, and link contextual factors with individual-level data to better understand how environmental factors influence behaviors. Technological advancements in methods for collecting this information can improve the accuracy of contextually-relevant information; however, they have outpaced the development of ethical standards and guidance, particularly for research involving populations engaging in illicit/stigmatized behaviors. Thematic analysis identified ethical considerations for collecting geographic data using different methods and the extent to which these concerns could influence study compliance and data validity. METHODS: In-depth interviews with 15 Baltimore residents (6 recruited via flyers and 9 via peer-referral) reporting recent drug use explored comfort with and ethics of three methods for collecting geographic information: (1) surveys collecting self-reported addresses/cross-streets, (2) surveys using web-based maps to find/confirm locations, and (3) geographical momentary assessments (GMA), which collect spatiotemporally referenced behavioral data. RESULTS: Survey methods for collecting geographic data (i.e., addresses/cross-streets and web-based maps) were generally acceptable; however, participants raised confidentiality concerns regarding exact addresses for illicit/stigmatized behaviors. Concerns specific to GMA included burden of carrying/safeguarding phones and responding to survey prompts, confidentiality, discomfort with being tracked, and noncompliance with study procedures. Overall, many felt that confidentiality concerns could influence the accuracy of location information collected for sensitive behaviors and study compliance. CONCLUSIONS: Concerns raised by participants could result in differential study participation and/or study compliance and questionable accuracy/validity of location data for sensitive behaviors.

Drug Users , Ethics, Research , Geography/ethics , Interviews as Topic/methods , Maps as Topic , Research Design , Adult , Baltimore , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Reproducibility of Results
Asclepio ; 62(1): 209-224, ene.-jun. 2010. ilus
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-87880


The Malaspina expedition was assigned the task of conducting a series of experiments using the pendulum to measure the strength of gravity at different locations during the course of its voyage.The immediate objective was to establish the length of a pendulum beating at seconds at latitude 45º as the basic unit of a new universal system of measures. Although the new unit, the metre, was eventually established on a different principle, the gravity experiments carried out by the expedition resulted in useful geodesic information and incidentally led to the first charting of Doubtful Soundin New Zealand (AU)

La expedición Malaspina tuvo por misión realizar una serie de experimentos utilizando un péndulo para medir la fuerza de la gravedad en los diferentes lugares recorridos durante el viaje. El objetivo inmediato consistió en establecer la longitud de un péndulo oscilando durante unos segundos a una latitud de 45º como unidad básica de un nuevo sistema métrico universal. Aunque la nueva unidad, el metro, fue finalmente establecida por otro principio diferente, los experimentos que llevó a cabo la expedición sobre la gravedad proporcionaron una información geodésica muy útil y por casualidad dieron lugar al primer trazado de mapa de Doubtful Sound, en Nueva Zelanda (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Geography/history , Geography/methods , Geography/statistics & numerical data , Metric System/history , Metric System/instrumentation , Metric System/standards , New Zealand/ethnology , Expeditions/history , Expeditions/statistics & numerical data , Expeditions/standards , Geography/ethics , Geography/standards , Geography/trends , Expeditions/classification , Expeditions/trends