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Washington, D.C.; OPS; 2024-05-15.
Non-conventional in Spanish | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-59607


Esta publicación analiza el grado de alineamiento entre la necesidad de priorizar el primer nivel de atención con el desempeño presupuestario en salud y la capacidad de absorción del sector salud del incremento de los recursos financieros en el periodo 2019 a 2021. La Estrategia de OPS/OMS para el Establecimiento de Sistemas de Salud Resilientes enfatiza la necesidad de priorizar las inversiones en el primer nivel de atención por su incidencia en los niveles de acceso y cobertura. En este ámbito, los presupuestos públicos sirven como el mecanismo por excelencia de revisión de políticas públicas donde se plasman las prioridades de los gobiernos y los diferentes actores del sistema de salud, se articula el modelo de atención y se reasignan recursos ante eventos de emergencia sanitaria. La relevancia del presupuesto público se manifiesta también en la propuesta de incrementar la inversión en salud proveniente de recursos públicos, principalmente ingresos generales (o impuestos) acercándose al 6% del PIB incluido en la estrategia de Salud Universal de la OPS/OMS. El periodo de análisis de esta publicación se caracterizó por un incremento sin precedentes en el flujo de recursos financieros hacia el sector salud para asegurar la capacidad de respuesta del sistema de salud frente a la emergencia sanitaria originada por la pandemia de la Covid-19. La mayor priorización de recursos públicos para salud se viabilizó a través de la implementación de diferentes mecanismos de expansión fiscal, y la utilización de recursos de emergencia; así como a través de las innovaciones en las reglas de gestión financiera pública. Del análisis en este documento elaborado para ocho países de la región utilizando información presupuestaria de acceso público se obtienen varias lecciones que relevan la importancia de fortalecer capacidades de gestión para una asignación más rápida, eficaz y equitativa que se traduzca a la vez en una ejecución presupuestaria más eficiente y equitativa de acuerdo con los objetivos sanitarios. Queda asimismo como tarea pendiente, el relacionar la asignación y uso de estos recursos con las barreras de acceso no-financieras y la interrupción de los servicios esenciales durante el mismo periodo.

Health System Financing , Universal Health Coverage , Quality of Health Care , Public Expenditures on Health
São Paulo; s.n; 2024. 191 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554020


Introdução: No capitalismo contemporâneo em crise, os sistemas de saúde de todo o mundo estão sendo sistematicamente enfraquecidos devido à aplicação de contrarreformas sociais por meio de políticas neoliberais/ultraneoliberais promovidas pelo Estado capitalista. Por um lado, observa-se um permanente subfinanciamento público, e por outro lado, há uma inserção, reprodução e ampliação da lógica de mercado neoliberal no setor saúde. Esse processo tem transformado a saúde em um setor voltado para a acumulação de capital e a busca incessante por sua maior valorização. Objetivo: Analisar a produção cientifica latino-americana sobre o financiamento dos sistemas de saúde na América Latina no capitalismo contemporâneo em crise, com a finalidade de compreender como os autores latino-americanos discutem o financiamento da saúde à luz do pensamento crítico de Navarro, a partir de sua obra "La Medicina bajo el Capitalismo", de 1978. Método: Inicialmente, realizou-se uma revisão da literatura sobre a saúde no capitalismo contemporâneo em crise. Em seguida, realizou-se uma revisão integrativa, a partir da pergunta: Como a literatura cientifica, especialmente latino-americana, vem discutindo o financiamento dos sistemas de saúde na América Latina no capitalismo contemporâneo em crise? A busca bibliográfica foi realizada na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, em 3 de fevereiro de 2023, encontrando-se 265 publicações, e incluindo-se, após o processo de seleção, 23 artigos na revisão integrativa. Por fim, realizou-se uma análise comparativa, identificando convergências e divergências entre os resultados da revisão à luz do pensamento crítico de Vicente Navarro López. Resultados: Os artigos incluídos na revisão foram classificados em eixos temáticos: 65,2% discutiram o financiamento e a privatização da saúde e cobertura universal de seguro de saúde; 47,8%, o financiamento em meio a processos de reforma do setor saúde; 43,5%, o subfinanciamento público da saúde; 39,1%, o financiamento em meio a processos de reforma fiscal ou tributária ou busca de novas fontes de financiamento para a saúde; 26,1%, o financiamento em meio a processos de descentralização da saúde; e 17,4%, o financiamento em meio a processos constituintes ou de implementação de novas constituições políticas. Enquanto as convergências e divergências entre os resultados desses artigos e as contribuições do pensamento crítico de Navarro, identificou-se que 39,1% tiveram alguma aproximação ao método de estudo marxista, em oposição ao funcionalismo; 30.4% foram críticos com os supostos da teoria das etapas do desenvolvimento na abordagem da saúde; 47,8% e 21,7% abordaram os determinantes econômicos e políticos do subdesenvolvimento da saúde e do direito à saúde, respectivamente; e 26,1% discutiram a influência das agências internacionais nas decisões de política de saúde. Conclusões: Os pesquisadores latino-americanos no campo do financiamento da saúde enfrentam os desafios de estudá-lo dialeticamente com o cenário econômico, político e social das próprias sociedades capitalistas em que a saúde está inserida, e de incorporar em sua análise a determinação social da saúde no capitalismo contemporâneo em crise. A transição da economia da saúde para a econômica política crítica da saúde exige que esses pesquisadores superem esses desafios para integrar esses elementos em suas futuras investigações no campo do financiamento da saúde.

Introduction: In contemporary capitalism in crisis, health systems around the world are being systematically weakened due to the application of social counter-reforms through neoliberal/ultraneoliberal policies promoted by the capitalist state. On the one hand, there is permanent public underfunding, and on the other hand, there is an insertion, reproduction and expansion of the neoliberal market logic in the health sector. This process has transformed health into a sector focused on the accumulation of capital and the incessant search for its greater appreciation. Objective: To analyze the Latin American scientific production on the financing of health systems in Latin America in contemporary capitalism in crisis, in order to understand how the Latin-American authorsAmericans discuss health financing in light of Navarros critical thinking, from his 1978 work "La Medicina bajo el Capitalismo". Method: Initially, a review of the literature on health in contemporary capitalism in crisis was carried out. Then, an integrative review was carried out, based on the question: How has the scientific literature, especially Latin American, been discussing the financing of health systems in Latin America in contemporary capitalism in crisis? The bibliographic search was performed in the Virtual Health Library, on February 3, 2023, with 265 publications, and including, after the selection process, 23 articles in the integrative review. Finally, a comparative analysis was carried out, identifying convergences and divergences between the results of the review in the light of the critical thinking of Vicente Navarro López. Results: The articles included in the review were classified in thematic bundles: 65.2% discussed the financing and privatization of health and universal health insurance coverage; 47.8%, financing in the midst of health sector reform processes; 43.5%, public health underfunding; 39.1%, financing in the midst of fiscal or tax reform processes or seeking new sources of health funding; 26.1%, financing in the midst of health decentralization processes; and 17.4%, funding in the midst of constituent processes or the implementation of new political constitutions. While the convergences and divergences between the results of these articles and the contributions of Navarros critical thinking, it was identified that 39.1% had some approximation to the Marxist method of study, as opposed to functionalism; 30.4% were critical of the supposed theory of stages of development in the approach to health; 47.8% and 21.7% addressed the economic and political determinants of underdevelopment of health and the right to health, respectively; and1% discussed the influence of international agencies on health policy decisions. Conclusions: Latin American researchers in the field of health financing face the challenges of studying it dialectically with the economic, political and social scenario of capitalist societies themselves in which health is inserted, and to incorporate in its analysis the social determination of health in contemporary capitalism in crisis. The transition from health economics to critical health policy economics requires these researchers to overcome these challenges to integrate these elements into their future research in the field of health finance.

Capitalism , Healthcare Financing , Health System Financing , Latin America
Ethiop. j. health dev. (Online) ; 38(1): 1-20, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1551718


Background: Emerging financing strategies in the health sector have been developed to improve the impact of investments and enhance healthcare outcomes. One promising approach is Results-based Financing, which establishes a connection between financial incentives and pre-established performance targets. This innovative approach holds the potential to strengthenhealthcare delivery and strengthen overall healthcare systems.Aim:The scoping review endeavored to systematically delineate the body of evidence pertaining tofacilitators and barriers to the implementation of performance-based financing within the realm of healthcare provision in low-and middle-income nations.Methods:The review used Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and a Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews checklist to select, appraise, and report the findings. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases and grey literature published between January 2000 and March 2022. We conducted the abstract screening with two independent reviewers. We also performed full-article screening. We used the six methodological frameworks proposed by Arksey and O'Malley. The results were thematically analyzed.Results:Of the 1071 searched studies, 34 met the eligibility criteria. 41% of the studies were descriptive, 26% cross-sectional, 18% trial, and 15% cohort studies. The enabling and inhibiting factors of performance-based financing in healthcaredelivery have been identified. Moreover, the review revealed that performance-based financing's influence on service delivery is context-specific.Conclusion:The facilitators and impediments to the effectiveness of performance-based financing in enhancing service delivery are contingent upon a holistic comprehension of the contextual factors, meticulous design, and efficient execution. Factors such as the level of care facilities, presence of community-based initiatives, stakeholder involvement, and participatory design emerge as key facilitators. Conversely, barriers such as communication obstacles, inadequacies in the PBF models, and deficiencies in the healthcare workforce are recognized as inhibitors. By harnessing the insights derived from a multitude of evidence incorporated in this scrutiny, stakeholders can deftly navigate the intricacies of performance-based financing, while also considering the prospective areas for further exploration and research

Humans , Male , Female , Delivery of Health Care , Health System Financing , National Health Strategies , Developing Countries , Healthcare Financing , Health Policy
Univ. salud ; 25(2): D22-D26, mayo-ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1510606


Introducción: La inversión en salud es fundamental para brindar una oportuna atención a los pacientes, y a la vez efectuar programas de prevención para el bienestar de la ciudadanía. Objetivo: Comparar la inversión en salud en los países de América en los últimos veinte años. Materiales y métodos: Se empleó el Modelo Lineal General con base en la técnica MANOVA, suplementando con análisis clúster. Las variables evaluadas fueron: gasto invertido por el sector público en salud expresado en porcentaje; porcentaje del gasto total invertido en salud; PIB (Producto Interno Bruto) salud y gasto público salud per cápita expresado en euros. Resultados: Estados Unidos presenta diferencia estadística significativa respecto a las demás naciones del continente (p<0,05), en lo relacionado al PIB y al gasto público per cápita en euros destinado a la salud. Venezuela posee el menor gasto invertido por el sector público en salud expresado en porcentaje. Conclusiones: Existen grandes brechas en la inversión en salud en América; países con mayor poder adquisitivo como Estados Unidos y Canadá, presentan las mayores cifras. Venezuela es el país con la menor inversión del PIB dedicada a gastos de salud, siendo la única nación que en los últimos años ha reducido esta variable.

Introduction:Health investment is essential to provide patient care and develop prevention programs for the wellbeing of citizens. Objective:To compare investment in health programs by American countries during the last twenty years. Methods:A General Linear Model based on the MANOVA technique was applied, which was supplemented with cluster analysis. The assessed variables were: investments in health by the public sector (expressed as a percentage); percentage of the total spending invested in health; and health GDP(Gross Domestic Product) and public health expenditure per capita (presented in Euros). Results:In reference to GDP and public spending per capita allocated to health (in Euros), the United States shows a statistically significant difference compared to other nations of the continents (p<0.05). Venezuela has the lowest public expenditure in health, expressed as percentage. Conclusions:There is a large difference in terms of investment in health in the Americas, where the economically strongest countries such as the United States and Canada show the highest figures. Venezuela is the country with the lowest GDP investment in health, being the only nation that reduced this variable in recent years.

Introdução:O investimento na saúde é fundamental para poder prestar cuidados oportuna aos doentes e ao mesmo tempo realizar programas de prevenção para o bem-estar dos cidadãos. Objetivo: Comparar o investimento em saúde nos países da América nos últimos vinte anos. Materiais e métodos:Foi utilizado o Modelo Linear Geral com base na técnica MANOVA, complementada com análise de cluster. As variáveis avaliadas foram: gastos investidos pelo setor público em saúde expressos em percentual; percentual do gasto total investido em saúde; PIB (Produto Interno Bruto) da Saúde e despesa pública em saúde per capita expressa em euros. Resultados:Os Estados Unidos apresentam uma diferença estatisticamente significativa em relação às demais nações do continente (p<0,05), em relação ao PIB e ao gasto público per capita em euros alocado à saúde. A Venezuela tem o menor gasto investido pelo setor público em saúde expresso em porcentagem. Conclusões:Existem grandes lacunas de investimento em saúde nas Américas, onde os países de maior poder aquisitivo, como Estados Unidos e Canadá, apresentam os valores mais elevados. A Venezuela é o país com menor investimento do PIB dedicado aos gastos com saúde, sendo a única nação que nos últimos anos reduziu esta variável.

Humans , Health , Health Systems , Health System Financing , Investments
Washington, D.C.; PAHO; 2023. (PAHO/HSS/HS/23-0005).
Non-conventional in English | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-59296


COVID-19 has boosted the interest and need of an expenditure analysis by disease. The approach to generate this data has been tested and gained experience from studies over the last 50 years. Not only can COVID-19 decisions related be improved, but many noncommunicable diseases. Efficient allocation and use of resources can be improved by a transparent and informed process. As every country has a particular mix of health system structure, needs, use of resources and policy priorities, the estimation of expenditure by disease is not only a country-specific activity, but also guided by the same standard set of principles.

Health System Financing , COVID-19 , Health Care Costs
Washington, D.C.; OPS; 2023. (OPS/HSS/HS/23-0011).
Non-conventional in Spanish | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-59294


Esta publicación recoge las propuestas discutidas durante la Reunión regional virtual: situación de las cuentas de salud en América Latina. Retos y oportunidades llevada a cabo entre el 5 y el 7 de diciembre del 2022. A la reunión asistieron representaciones de 16 países de la Región y ha sido una oportunidad para socializar y discutir los avances recientes sobre los temas que, a pesar de los avances obtenidos, aún requieren mayores precisiones y atención en la generación de información sobre la medición del gasto en el primer nivel de atención, la distribución de gasto por enfermedad y sobre la medición del gasto de bolsillo. Otros temas abordados incluyeron el uso de los resultados de las cuentas de salud en la toma de decisiones para la salud universal y su diseminación; la discusión relativa a los avances y retos en generar los informes para la actualización anual de la base de datos mundial de gasto en salud de OMS (GHED); y las metodologías existentes para proyectar los datos de gasto en salud en el corto plazo acercando los resultados al momento en que se requieren para la toma de decisiones.

Health Expenditures , Health System Financing , Primary Health Care , Cost of Illness
Washington, D.C.; OPS; 2023. (OPS/HSS/HS/23-0007).
Non-conventional in Spanish | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-59288


Con la pandemia de COVID-19 volvió a hacerse evidente la importancia de contar con mecanismos de prevención eficientes y oportunos. La vacunación ha sido reconocida como un mecanismo costo-efectivo para prevenir enfermedades, discapacidades y defunciones. Específicamente los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y la Agenda de Salud Sostenible para las Américas 2018-2030, incluyen la promoción de la vacunación como una actividad relevante para la equidad y el acceso universal a la salud. El análisis de los gastos de vacunación puede apoyar la obtención de los recursos necesarios para esta actividad y su uso eficiente. Este monitoreo puede realizarse a través del sistema de cuentas de salud del 2011 (SHA2011), que es el estándar internacional para el análisis del gasto en salud. Este estándar no solo permite cuantificar la cantidad de recursos utilizados en la actividad, sino también describir cómo se utilizan estos recursos. El objetivo de las cuentas de salud, según SHA 2011, es informar la toma de decisiones para la planificación, la asignación de recursos y el monitoreo de actividades para apoyar que esta tecnología costo-efectiva llegue a la población con equidad, eficiencia y oportunidad. En este documento se resumen las principales características del estándar y los pasos a seguir y de manera específica, se enumeran las fuentes de información que se encuentran con mayor frecuencia y su codificación y se presenta un ejemplo básico de estimaciones. Por último, se muestran los resultados a través de cuadros e indicadores y se proponen para su difusión, con el fin de facilitar la comprensión y el uso de los resultados. La presente publicación tiene como objetivo apoyar tanto a los contadores de salud como a los usuarios de cuentas de salud.

Health System Financing , Public Health Administration , Vaccination , Health Expenditures
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 212 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436023


Introdução: Os sistemas universais de saúde são suscetíveis às crises estruturais do capitalismo e às suas turbulências e têm tido de se adaptar às mudanças sociais bruscas, sobretudo no cenário mundial neoliberal. Há um quadro geral de embates que os sistemas vêm experimentando, com mercantilização, cortes drásticos de recursos e modificações nos esquemas de financiamento. Os recursos e o ambiente político e social são disputados no movimento do capital contemporâneo, sob a predominância do capital portador de juros, na sua forma mais perversa, o capital fictício. A discussão da sustentabilidade dos sistemas vem exigindo que o instrumental da economia passe a ser cada vez mais considerado para entender as novas características e os limites dos esquemas de financiamento, o que exige a utilização do referencial teórico da economia política e uma crítica à narrativa predominante da economia neoclássica. Objetivo: Caracterizar a produção sobre o tema do financiamento de sistemas universais de saúde, com a finalidade de identificar como a sua sustentabilidade é abordada e a relação com a economia política, em particular, à luz da contribuição de Paul Singer na obra "Prevenir e Curar: o Controle Social Através dos Serviços de Saúde", de 1978. Método: Revisão sistematizada da literatura sobre o financiamento da saúde em sistemas universais na fase contemporânea do capitalismo, caracterização das discussões e cotejamento com cinco dimensões extraídas da obra estudada de Paul Singer. Resultados: Apenas 33,6% dos artigos identificados como pertinentes ao financiamento promovem discussões voltadas à economia política; destes, 76,6% alinhados ao pensamento keynesiano e 23,4% à visão marxista. Há convergência em relação às dimensões da perspectiva histórica (91,5%), dos sistemas de saúde sob a égide do Estado capitalista (100%), do controle social pelo Estado (23,4%), do estado de saúde (57,4%) e dos critérios de avaliação (72,3%). Conclusão: Os estudos identificados e o pensamento de Singer convergem ao identificar a limitação da Economics frente à inserção da questão da saúde no âmbito dos interesses que compõem a sociedade capitalista, ao passo que divergências na questão de critérios de avaliação não revelam uma relação de oposição, mas uma descrição do movimento do capital no período, com a ascensão do capital financeiro e o novo papel do Estado. Uma maior apropriação do referencial da economia política da saúde pode estar relacionada aos momentos de agravamento da crise do capital e das medidas de austeridade.

Introduction: Universal health systems are susceptible to the structural crises of capitalism and its turmoil and have had to adapt to sudden social changes, especially in the neoliberal world scenario. There is a general framework of clashes that the systems have been experiencing, with commodification, drastic cuts in resources and changes in financing schemes. Resources and the political and social environment are disputed in the movement of contemporary capital, under the predominance of interest-bearing capital, in its most perverse form, fictitious capital. The discussion of the sustainability of systems has been demanding that economic instruments be increasingly considered to understand the new characteristics and limits of financing schemes, which requires the use of the theoretical framework of political economy and a critique of the prevailing narrative of neoclassical economics. Objective: To characterize the production on the theme of financing universal health systems, with the purpose of identifying how its sustainability is approached and the relationship with the political economy, in particular, in the light of Paul Singers contribution in the work "Preventing and Healing: Social Control Through Health Services", 1978. Method: Systematized review of the literature on health financing in universal systems in the contemporary phase of capitalism, characterization of the discussions, and comparison with five dimensions extracted from Paul Singers studied work. Results: Only 33.6% of the articles identified as relevant to financing promote discussions focused on political economy; of these, 76.6% aligned with Keynesian thinking and 23.4% with a Marxist view. There is convergence in relation to the dimensions of the historical perspective (91.5%), health systems under the aegis of the capitalist State (100%), social control by the State (23.4%), health status (57, 4%) and evaluation criteria (72.3%). Conclusion: The identified studies and Singers thinking converge in identifying the limitation of Economics in the face of the insertion of the health issue in the scope of interests that make up capitalist society, while divergences in the issue of evaluation criteria do not reveal a relationship of opposition but a description of the movement of capital in the period, with the rise of financial capital and the new role of the State. A greater appropriation of the political economy of health framework may be related to moments of worsening of the crisis of capital and austerity measures.

Health Systems/economics , Health Care Economics and Organizations , Health System Financing
Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 46(4): 82-103, 20221231.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425139


O objetivo deste artigo é compreender a percepção dos gestores municipais de saúde sobre as condições de financiamento do Sistema Único de Saúde na região oeste catarinense. Trata-se de um estudo de caso quanti-qualitativo, descritivo. Participaram gestores municipais de saúde que integravam a Comissão Intergestores Regional. A coleta de dados ocorreu por entrevista semiestruturada e com dados do Sistema de Informação de Orçamento Público em Saúde. As entrevistas foram analisadas pelo método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, que resultou em duas ideias centrais: transferências intergovernamentais e planejamento e gestão de recursos municipais de saúde. Evidenciam-se as competências e esforços dos gestores municipais frente ao financiamento do Sistema Único de Saúde, as dificuldades de cooperação regional, o excesso de condicionalidades para uso dos recursos, indicando a necessidade de revisão dos instrumentos indutores da política de saúde, a necessidade de maior comprometimento financeiro do Governo Federal, e o fortalecimento de instâncias com atuação potencializadora de coordenação e cooperação dos entes federados na operacionalização das políticas. Nota-se a falta de espaço fiscal para aplicação de recursos que contribuam para a retomada da atividade econômica e uma nova agenda de financiamento. As principais dificuldades estão relacionadas ao excesso de condicionalidades e à desconsideração das necessidades da região no empenho de recursos públicos.

This study sought to understand the perception of municipal health managers on Unified Health System financing in western Santa Catarina, Brazil. A quantitative and qualitative descriptive case study was conducted with municipal health managers who made up the Regional Interagency Committee. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews and from the Public Health Budget Information System. The interviews were analyzed using the Discourse of the Collective Subject, which resulted in two central ideas: intergovernmental transfers and municipal health resources planning and management. Results highlight municipal managers' skills and efforts regarding Unified Health System funding, the difficulties of regional cooperation, and the excessive conditions for the use of resources. This points to the need to review health policy instruments, the need for greater financial commitment by the federal government, and strengthening bodies that may enhance coordination and cooperation between states in operationalizing policies. There is a lack of fiscal space for resource application that contributes to the resumption of economic activity and a new funding agenda. The main difficulties are related to excessive conditions and the disregard towards the needs of the region regarding public resources allocation.

El objetivo de este estudio es comprender la percepción de los gestores municipales de salud sobre las condiciones de financiación del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) en la región oeste de Santa Catarina (Brasil). Se trata de un estudio de caso descriptivo cuantitativo y cualitativo. Participaron los gestores municipales de salud que formaron parte de la Comisión Interinstitucional Regional. La recolección de datos ocurrió por entrevistas semiestructuradas y con datos del Sistema de Información del Presupuesto de Salud Pública. Para el análisis de las entrevistas se utilizó el método del Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo, lo que resultó en dos ideas centrales: las transferencias intergubernamentales y la planificación y gestión de los recursos sanitarios municipales. Se evidencian las habilidades y esfuerzos de los gestores municipales con relación al financiamiento del SUS, las dificultades de la cooperación regional, el exceso de condicionalidades para el uso de los recursos, lo que indica la necesidad de revisar los instrumentos que inducen la política de salud, la necesidad de mayor compromiso financiero del gobierno federal, y el fortalecimiento de instancias con acción potenciadora de coordinación y cooperación de las entidades federativas en la puesta en operación de las políticas. Falta espacio fiscal para aplicar los recursos que contribuyan a la reanudación de la actividad económica y una nueva agenda de financiamiento. Las principales dificultades están relacionadas con el exceso de condicionalidades y el desconocimiento de las necesidades de la región en el compromiso de los recursos públicos.

Unified Health System , Health Management , Health System Financing , Health Policy
Washington, D.C.; OPS; 2022-05-03.
Non-conventional in Spanish | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-55952


La gravedad de la epidemia de tabaquismo y sus daños sostenidos para la salud y las economías son justificaciones claras de los gobiernos para intervenir activamente y corregir las fallas del mercado. La dimensión de la carga y la cantidad de vidas que se están destruyendo requieren de una acción urgente y dinámica para controlar el tabaco, con medidas que la mayoría de los países se han comprometido a ejecutar y que son de comprobada eficacia para reducir el consumo de tabaco. Este manual presenta una descripción de las estrategias para la formulación, diseño, implantación y administración eficaces de las políticas de impuestos al tabaco. Además, esta edición actualizada incorpora los últimos adelantos en materia de ciencia, tecnología y políticas, y proporciona ejemplos recientes de diversos países. Las mejores prácticas que contiene se diseñaron para asistir a los gobiernos en la formulación de sus políticas de impuestos al tabaco, con miras a facilitar el logro de sus objetivos de salud y recaudación tributaria y al mismo tiempo apoyar su estrategia general de desarrollo.

Nicotiana , Nicotine , Risk Factors , Health System Financing , Control and Sanitary Supervision of Tobacco-Derived Products , Taxes
Washington, D.C.; PAHO; 2022-01-11. (PAHO/HSS/HS/21-0014).
Non-conventional in English | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-55564


The measurement of health spending and the monitoring of resources through the SHA 2011 health accounts system represent invaluable tools for decision-making and the adoption of health policies. Knowing how much is being spent and how it is being spent allows, for example, to verify whether spending is linked to a country's policy priorities; if the resources of the system are translated into greater and better health benefits; and if the resources are allocated according to the specific health needs and therefore achieve the maximum potential for the population. This strategic information facilitates the monitoring of progress towards the objectives of access and universal coverage of the system from financing, with efficiency, equity and sustainability. This publication describes the data from a survey of health accountants in the Region of the Americas, with the objective of analyzing the key elements to improve the institutionalization strategies of health accounts in the countries. Thus, it was found that the frequency of staff turnover and insufficient resources represent obstacles to full institutionalization. The background to the establishment and expansion of the accounts in Latin America, and the disclosure practices of the most frequent results, are also described. It concludes with final thoughts and recommendations.

Health Systems , Health Services , Health Priorities , Decision Making , Financial Resources in Health , Health System Financing , Americas
Washington, D.C.; OPS; 2021-09-09.
in Spanish | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-54814


Guatemala tiene la oportunidad de dar respuesta a las demandas de salud de la población si aumenta su inversión pública. Los análisis cuantitativos y cualitativos realizados en este estudio señalan que es posible generar más recursos públicos para el sector de la salud, ampliar la red de servicios y ofrecer atención de calidad. Pero esto no puede lograrse únicamente a través de una sola fuente del espacio fiscal ni en dependencia exclusiva del crecimiento económico. Es necesario adoptar una estrategia que conjugue varios mecanismos, teniendo en cuenta la repriorización del gasto en favor de la salud, los ingresos tributarios y la eficiencia del gasto público, así como la recaudación de los ingresos fiscales. Sobre todo, estas iniciativas deben ser fruto de una decisión política de Estado que implique un esfuerzo constante del país en el mediano y largo plazo. Este estudio ha sido elaborado para generar un mayor conocimiento del espacio fiscal para el gasto en salud de Guatemala, sus componentes y perspectivas, a fin de fomentar un debate amplio de alcance nacional respecto de la necesidad de aumentar el financiamiento público para la salud, como acompañamiento a la necesaria transformación del sistema de salud en pos del logro de la salud universal.

Health System Financing , Fiscal Environment for Health , Public Expenditures on Health , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Health Systems , Health Services , Guatemala
Actual. SIDA. infectol ; 29(105): 49-57, 2021 mar. fif, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1348938


La pandemia de COVID-19 ha puesto en jaque a los sistemas de salud en el mundo; la vinculación entre la investigación biomédica y la práctica asistencial ha probado ser un requisito fundamental para dar respuesta a la misma de manera eficiente y rápida. En este sentido, los biobancos se constituyen como un componente clave ya que favorecen el almacenamiento de grandes volúmenes de muestras biológicas gestionadas en base a criterios que garanticen su óptima calidad, armonización y seguridad, respetando requisitos éticos y legales que aseguran los derechos de los ciudadanos. La cesión de estas muestras a distintos grupos de investigación promueve el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas diagnósticas y terapéuticas y vacunas. Frente a la llegada del SARS-CoV-2 a la Argentina, el Biobanco de Enfermedades Infecciosas estableció rápidamente la colección COVID-19 constituida por muestras de plasma, suero y células mononucleares de sangre periférica de personas cursando la enfermedad o recuperadas. En solo seis meses se enrolaron 825 donantes, lo que significa alrededor de 14.000 viales de material biológico almacenados y a disposición de los investigadores que lo soliciten. A tal efecto, se realizaron seis actos de cesión a diversos grupos pertenecientes a instituciones de investigación, mientras que tres se encuentran en evaluación. Las muestras cedidas han permitido, por ejemplo, el desarrollo de kits serológicos de producción nacional; lo que pone de manifiesto que el rápido establecimiento de esta colección, bajo un sistema de gestión eficiente, constituye una herramienta muy valiosa en la respuesta a esta nueva enfermedad

The COVID-19 pandemic has driven an unprecedented health crisis. Cooperation between biomedical research and healthcare practice has been shown to be a fundamental requirement to provide an efficient and timely response. In this regard, biobanks are key components since they allow the storage of large volumes of biological samples with guaranteed optimum quality, harmonization and safety, ensuring ethical and legal requirements which protect citizen rights. The transfer of these samples to different research groups fosters the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools as well as vaccines. Upon SARS-CoV-2 arrival to Argentina, the Biobank of Infectious Diseases rapidly established the COVID-19 collection comprised by plasma, serum and peripheral blood mononuclear cells samples obtained from people within the acute phase of the infection or who have already recovered. In only 6 months, 825 donors were enrolled, representing around 14,000 vials of biological material stored and available to researchers who might require it. In this line, 6 transfer agreements have been already performed to different groups belonging to national research institutions, while 3 are under evaluation. The transferred samples have allowed, for instance, the development of nationally produced serologic kits, which shows that the rapid establishment of this collection, under an efficient management system, represents a highly valuable tool in the response to this new disease.

Humans , Health Profile , Biological Specimen Banks/organization & administration , Health System Financing , COVID-19 , Health Services Accessibility , Informed Consent
Saúde Soc ; 30(1): e190747, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252189


Resumo O Banco Mundial tem influenciado os rumos do Sistema Único de Saúde ao longo desses quase 30 anos. Coube a este estudo analisar os projetos financiados pelo Banco Mundial para o setor saúde no Brasil entre 2003 e 2014. Empregou-se, aqui, a técnica da análise documental sobre os projetos financiados pelo Banco Mundial para o setor saúde brasileiro nas três esferas de governo, categorizados à luz da análise de conteúdo. Dos 174 projetos financiados no país, 31 contemplaram o setor saúde em sua composição, sendo 64,53% desses assinados com os governos estaduais. A maior parte dos projetos da saúde foram assinados no segundo governo Lula e os principais temas estruturantes foram: desenvolvimento humano e gênero, gestão do setor público e desenvolvimento do setor privado. Evidenciou-se o deslocamento estratégico do Banco Mundial, que se aproximou dos governos estaduais e municipais sobretudo a partir da segunda gestão do governo Lula. Esse movimento denota a habilidade do Banco Mundial de identificar as mudanças globais em andamento, sobretudo em relação ao cenário geopolítico e econômico. Conclui-se que o Banco Mundial aumentou seu interesse pelo setor de saúde brasileiro e que as propostas contribuíram para impulsionar os princípios da reforma do Estado no país.

Abstract The World Bank has been influencing the direction of the Brazilian National Health System over the last 30 years. This study analyzed the projects funded by the World Bank for the health sector in Brazil between 2003 and 2014. A documentary analysis was conducted on projects financed by the World Bank for the Brazilian health sector in the three government spheres, categorized according to content analysis. Of the 174 projects financed in the country, 31 contemplated the health sector in their composition, with 64.53% of these being signed with the state governments. Most of the health projects were signed in the second Lula government and the main structuring themes were: Human Development and Gender, Public Sector Management and Private Sector Development. The strategic displacement of the World Bank, which approached the state and municipal governments, was evident since the second administration of the Lula government. This movement denoted the World Bank's ability to identify global changes in progress, especially regarding the geopolitical and economic scenario. The results show that the World Bank increased its interest in the Brazilian health sector and that the proposals contributed to boost the principles of state reform in the country.

Humans , Male , Female , Unified Health System , International Bank for Reconstruction and Development , Health System Financing , Government , Health Policy
Washington, D.C.; PAHO; 2020-12-11.
in English | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-53124


The essential public health functions (EPHFs) have constituted the core of the agenda for strengthening the health sector in the Region of the Americas since the 1980s. Their conceptual development and measurement in the Region came in response to sectoral reforms that threatened to reduce the role of the State and public health, particularly the stewardship function of the health authorities. In that context, in 2000, the Member States of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) proposed to promote a conceptual and methodological framework for public health and its essential functions, giving rise to the regional initiative called "public health in the Americas". As part of this initiative, the essential functions of public health authorities were identified, their relevance was discussed, and a broad regional consensus was reached, as explained below. More than 15 years have passed. In response to current needs, this document reviews and updates the EPHF conceptual framework for the Region of the Americas. This new version is based on the experiences and lessons learned from the implementation and regional measurement of the EPHFs, new and persistent challenges for the health of the population and its social determinants, and new institutional, economic, social, and political conditions which affect the Region of the Americas. The document is structured into five sections. The first presents the key experiences and challenges that justify a renewal of the EPHFs. The second section updates the groundwork for the exercise of public health and provides a framework to inform the exercise of the new essential functions. The third section proposes a new integrated approach for implementing the EPHFs. The fourth section presents a new list of 11 EPHFs related to each stage of this integrated approach. Finally, in the last section, considerations are put forth to guide EPHF implementation as a means of strengthening the health sector.

Health Systems , Zoonoses , Neglected Diseases , Universal Access to Health Care Services , Universalization of Health , Health Sector Stewardship and Governance , Healthcare Financing , Health System Financing , Health Policy , COVID-19
Washington, D.C.; PAHO; 2020-06-30.
in English | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-52410


Countries that have made the most progress toward universal coverage have public expenditures in health equivalent to at least 6% of their gross domestic product (GDP), which is the percentage established in PAHO’s universal health strategy as the benchmark for the countries. However, while higher expenditure is a prerequisite, it is not enough to combat inequities and advance toward universal health. In addition to greater resources, the quality of the expenditure must be improved, reducing health system inefficiencies. Moreover, public expenditure in health should be sustainably increased in a fiscally responsible manner. The concept of fiscal space for health refers to the ability of governments to provide additional budgetary resources for the health system without affecting the financial position of the public sector or supplanting other socially necessary expenditures. Any analysis of fiscal space, therefore, will attempt to identify the prospects for increasing health expenditure in the short and medium term to address a series of clearly established health needs. These efforts are under way at a critical time in the Region of the Americas, particularly in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, which are engaged in a singular health system reform process. For the first time in history, these countries have formalized their intention of increasing public expenditure in health, putting themselves firmly on the path to real and effective access to health care through the universal health strategy. Without achieving basic well-being at this level, it will be impossible to improve social cohesion and social development in the countries of the Region. This publication brings together and summarizes PAHO’s studies on fiscal space for universal health in the Americas and draws on the contributions of the regional forum held in Washington, D.C. on 7-8 December 2015. With this publication, whose target audience is the technical personnel responsible for policy development, decision-makers, and authorities, PAHO hopes to contribute to the analysis and discussion of health financing policies on the path toward universal health.

Health Policy , Health System Financing , Strategies for Universal Health Coverage , Universal Health Coverage , Latin America , Caribbean Region
Multimedia | Multimedia Resources | ID: multimedia-3962


Originally broadcast live on 17 April 2020, the daily press briefing on coronavirus COVID-19, direct from WHO Headquarters, Geneva Switzerland with Dr Tedros WHO Director-General, Dr Micheal Ryan, Executive Director of the Health Emergencies Programme, and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, Technical lead, WHO Health Emergencies Programme with special guests Lady Gaga and Hugh Evans, CEO and Co-founder of Global Citizen.

Betacoronavirus , Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Pandemics/prevention & control , Quarantine/organization & administration , Social Isolation , Fund Raising/economics , Health Promotion/organization & administration , Public-Private Sector Partnerships/economics , Gift Giving , Organizations/economics , Health Personnel/organization & administration , Health System Financing/policies , Music
Goiânia; SES-GO; 13 mar. 2020. 1-3 p. tab.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | SES-GO, Coleciona SUS, CONASS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1140919


Levantamento realizado no portal do Fundo Nacional de Saúde (FNS) obteve resultado o qual observa-se um incremento de 225,36% para procedimentos com financiamento Média e Alta Complexidade (MAC), transferidos ao Fundo Estadual de Saúde (FES) até 2020 . Considerando que poderia ocorrer uma diferença entre as formas de pesquisa utilizadas, analisou-se a evolução a partir de valores sem o incentivo e apenas do incentivo além do valor total apresentado .

A survey conducted on the National Health Fund (FNS) portal obtained results, which observed an increase of 225.36% for procedures with Medium and High Complexity (MAC) financing, transferred to the State Health Fund (FES) until 2020. Considering that there could be a difference between the forms of research used, the evolution was analyzed based on values without incentive and only incentive beyond the total value presented.

Healthcare Financing , Health System Financing/statistics & numerical data