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Rev. psicol. deport ; 25(supl.1): 15-18, 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-154696


La heterogeneidad de los usuarios de centros deportivos ha incrementado en los últimos años. Como consecuencia, estos clientes demandan servicios y un trato por parte del centro muy personalizados. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los diferentes perfiles de usuarios de los centros deportivos públicos de la ciudad de Barcelona. Los datos se recogieron en una encuesta a 791 clientes de centros deportivos públicos. Mediante un análisis clúster y un análisis discriminante se han obtenido cuatro perfiles diferenciados de usuarios. El trabajo contribuye a conocer en profundidad quienes son los clientes y qué estrategias pueden seguir los gerentes de las instalaciones para satisfacer sus necesidades

The heterogeneity of sports facilities users has increased in recent years. As a result, these customers demand a very personalized services treatment. The aim of this research is to analyse the different users profiles of public sports facilities in Barcelona. Data were collected in a survey of 791 customers of public sports centres. A cluster analysis and a discriminant analysis were done, and the results indicate that exist four different users profiles. This work helps to know in depth who are the customers and what strategies managers can follow to meet their needs

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Sports Medicine/methods , Athletic Performance/physiology , Consumer Behavior , Personal Satisfaction , Sports/physiology , Health Profile , Health Promotion/organization & administration , Health Promotion/standards , Health Behavior , Motor Activity/physiology , Reproducibility of Results , Human Activities/education , Human Activities/trends , Surveys and Questionnaires , Discriminant Analysis
Psicothema (Oviedo) ; 27(2): 182-191, mayo 2015. graf, tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-137564


BACKGROUND: The fuzzy rating scale was introduced to cope with the imprecision of human thought and experience in measuring attitudes in many fields of Psychology. The flexibility and expressiveness of this scale allow us to properly describe the answers to many questions involving psychological measurement. METHOD: Analyzing the responses to a fuzzy rating scale-based questionnaire is indeed a critical problem. Nevertheless, over the last years, a methodology is being developed to analyze statistically fuzzy data in such a way that the information they contain is fully exploited. In this paper, a summary review of the main procedures is given. RESULTS: The methods are illustrated by their application on the dataset obtained from a case study with nine-year-old children. In this study, children replied to some questions from the well-known TIMSS/PIRLS questionnaire by using a fuzzy rating scale. The form could be filled in either on the computer or by hand. CONCLUSIONS: The study indicates that the requirements of background and training underlying the fuzzy rating scale are not too demanding. Moreover, it is clearly shown that statistical conclusions substantially often differ depending on the responses being given in accordance with either a Likert scale or a fuzzy rating scale

ANTECEDENTES: la escala de valoración difusa se introdujo para abordar la imprecisión inherente al pensamiento humano y la experiencia al medir actitudes en muchos campos de la Psicología. La flexibilidad y expresividad de esta escala permiten describir apropiadamente las respuestas a la mayoría de las cuestiones que involucran mediciones psicológicas. MÉTODO: analizar las respuestas a cuestionarios basados en dicha escala supone un problema crítico. No obstante, en los últimos años se está desarrollando una metodología específica para el análisis estadístico de datos difusos que explota toda la información disponible. En este trabajo se recoge un resumen de los procedimientos más relevantes. RESULTADOS: los métodos se ilustrarán mediante su aplicación a los datos de un estudio realizado con niños de nueve años. En él, los niños han respondido a algunas cuestiones del conocido cuestionario TIMSS/PIRLS recurriendo a un formulario basado en la escala de valoración difusa y en formato impreso o digital. CONCLUSIONES: en primer lugar, el estudio muestra que los requisitos previos de formación y entrenamiento para cumplimentar tal formulario son poco exigentes. En segundo lugar, se verifica que a menudo las conclusiones estadísticas difieren sustancialmente dependiendo de que las respuestas se den según escala Likert o de valoración difusa

Child , Humans , Psychology, Child/ethics , Psychology, Child , Human Activities/legislation & jurisprudence , Human Activities/psychology , Psychology, Child/instrumentation , Psychology, Child/methods , Human Activities/classification , Human Activities/education , Statistical Databases
Rev. Kairós ; 18(19,n.esp.): 167-187, 2015. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-969949


Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma série de atividades práticas visando ao envelhecimento saudável, com base na perspectiva de Paulo Freire e na Política de Envelhecimento Ativo (OMS). As atividades relatadas foram realizadas durante a pesquisa de doutorado da autora e, posteriormente, reaplicadas em outros contextos e com diferentes grupos de idosos. As atividades apresentadas também serão discutidas à luz de outros trabalhos científicos. Com isso, espera-se que essas experiências possam contribuir para o campo da pesquisa e da prática na área da gerontologia aplicada.

This article aims to present a series of practical activities for healthy aging, based on the perspective of Paulo Freire and active aging policy (WHO). The reported activities were carried out during the author's doctoral research, and subsequently reapplied in other contexts and with different groups of elderly. The activities presented will also be discussed in light of other scientific works. Thus, it is expected that these experiences can contribute to the field of research and practice in the area of applied gerontology.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Healthy Aging , Human Activities/education , Health of the Elderly , Health Education/methods , Social Participation , Grounded Theory
Rev. ter. ocup ; 25(2): 135-141, maio-ago. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-745377


O objetivo deste estudo foi discutir o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de abordagens corporais no campo da Terapia Ocupacional. Os dados foram coletados durante a disciplina em abordagens corporais ministrada no curso de graduação em Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade EstadualPaulista, por meio de grupos focais realizados ao final de doze encontros presenciais com quatro horas/aula cada. O estudo foi desenvolvido com quarenta discentes matriculados na disciplina. Todos os encontros foram filmados e transcritos na íntegra, sendoos relatos analisados através do método análise de conteúdo e criação de categorias. Os resultados apontaram para percepção de que as temáticas discutidas durante os encontros possibilitaram ao discente vivenciar e construir um pensamento crítico a respeito daquilo que é próprio do cliente aproximando-o, por meio de uma abordagem holística, daquilo que é potência norteadora do processo em Terapia Ocupacional. As abordagens corporais são consideradas um recurso transformador e potente no processoensino-aprendizagem da Terapia Ocupacional e como atividade formativa investigativa na construção das compreensões da prática profissional do terapeuta ocupacional em situações desingularidade, complexidade, incerteza e conflito de valores.

The objective of this study was to discuss the teaching-learning process of corporal approaches in the Occupational Therapy fi eld. The informations were collected during the classes, in the body approaches matter, administered in the fourth period of the graduate program in OccupationalTherapy of the Universidade Estadual Paulista, through focus groups conducted at the end of all twelve-face meetings with classes of four hours each. The study was realized by fortystudents enrolled in the discipline. All meetings were filmed, which allowed the full transcript and analysis of the students reports. The speeches analysis consisted of content analysis and categories creation. The results indicated to the perception of the thematic discussed during the meetings enabled the student to experienceand build critical thinking about what is proper the client, and through a holistic approach, about what is guiding the potency of the Occupational Therapy process. The body approaches are considered a feature powerfull transformer in the teaching-learning of occupational therapy as an investigative and formative activityin the understandings’ construction of the professional practice of occupational therapists in situations of uniqueness, complexity, uncertainty and conflict in the value process.

Young Adult , Human Activities/education , Kinesics , Staff Development , Body Image , Occupational Therapy/education , Mind-Body Therapies/education , Sensory Art Therapies/education , Human Activities/psychology , Teaching , Mind-Body Therapies/psychology , Mind-Body Therapies , Sensory Art Therapies
In. Bonet Gorbea, Mariano; Varona Pérez, Patricia. III Encuesta nacional de factores de riesgo y actividades preventivas de enfermedades no trasmisibles. Cuba 2010-2011. La Habana, Ecimed, 2014. , tab, graf.
Monography in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-57808
J World Hist ; 22(2): 243-72, 2011.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22073435


Following the considerable increase in the interactions between Ottomans and Europeans, Ottoman port cities, referred to here as "borderlands," became meeting places of distinct worlds. Ottoman and British people met, clashed, and grappled with each other in the borderlands of the Ottoman Empire. There was unbalanced, disparate, and disproportionate, but also mutual and constant interchange between the two societies. This article discusses one facet of this interchange: the Anglo-Ottoman exchange of women's costumes.

Clothing , Commerce , Cultural Diversity , Interpersonal Relations , Population Groups , Clothing/economics , Clothing/history , Clothing/psychology , Commerce/economics , Commerce/education , Commerce/history , Europe/ethnology , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Human Activities/economics , Human Activities/education , Human Activities/history , Human Activities/legislation & jurisprudence , Human Activities/psychology , Humans , Interpersonal Relations/history , Ottoman Empire/ethnology , Population Groups/education , Population Groups/ethnology , Population Groups/history , Population Groups/legislation & jurisprudence , Population Groups/psychology
La Paz; 2002. 188 p. tab, graf. (BO).
Thesis in Spanish | LIBOCS, LIBOSP | ID: biblio-1309393


En la cotidiana desarrollamos nuestras actividades a través de cargas físicas y dinámicas, como por ejemplo levantar o empujar objetos pesados, saltar, subir y bajar gradas o caminar y cargas físicas estáticas, como estar parados o sentados por tiempo prolongado, lo que significa una sobrecarga especialmente en la zona lumbar de la espalda, que esta sometida a un esfuerszo mecánico superior al que producen en bipedestación. El trebajo habitual en toda profesión en la que se mantiene una posisción sedente a corto plazo puede producir molestias agudas asociadas a la fatiga que se manifiestan como tensión muscular e incluso dolor en algunas zonas del cuerpo: siendo reversibles y alivándose con el reposo despues de la jornada laboral. A largo plazo puede producir trastornos crónicos asociados a procesos inflamatorios y degenrativos en las estructuras sobrecargadas, estas molestias ya no desapareceran al finalizar la tarea y pueden empeorar con el tiempo...

Physical Therapy Modalities/education , Posture/physiology , Human Activities/education
Caracas; Caligraphy C.A; ene. 1999. 281-96 p. tab, graf.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-252097


Numerosos estudios epidemiológicos han demostrado que los principales factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de la enfermedad cardiovascular son: los niveles altos de colesterol sanguíneo, la hipertensión y el cigarrillo. La importancia de evaluar estos factores de riesgo desde la infancia y de intervenir en forma precoz, radica en que las lesiones ateroescleróticas comienzan en la niñez, los factores de riesgo son frecuentes en poblaciones pediátricas y el estilo de vida (hábitos alimentarios, actividad física y cigarrillo) que contribuye al desarrollo de esta enfermedad se establece desde los primeros años de la vida

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Feeding Behavior , Human Activities/education , Hyperlipidemias