Myxococcus xanthus is a myxobacterium that exhibits aggregation and cellular differentiation during the formation of fruiting bodies. Therefore, it has become a valuable model system to study the transition to multicellularity via cell aggregation. Although there is a vast set of experimental information for the development on M. xanthus, the dynamics behind cell-fate determination in this organism's development remain unclear. We integrate the currently available evidence in a mathematical network model that allows to test the set of molecular elements and regulatory interactions that are sufficient to account for the specification of the cell types that are observed in fruiting body formation. Besides providing a dynamic mechanism for cell-fate determination in the transition to multicellular aggregates of M. xanthus, this model enables the postulation of specific mechanisms behind some experimental observations for which no explanations have been provided, as well as new regulatory interactions that can be experimentally tested. Finally, this model constitutes a formal basis on which the continuously emerging data for this system can be integrated and interpreted.