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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 21(4): 711-721, out.-dez. 2016.
Article in English, Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals, LILACS | ID: biblio-1102125


Este estudo objetivou analisar as verbalizações de crianças em situação de acolhimento institucional acerca de suas formas relacionais no ambiente. Foram utilizados uma maquete e bonecos para representar a instituição e as pessoas, respectivamente. Participaram da pesquisa seis crianças entre cinco e sete anos, com tempo de acolhimento institucional variando entre três e dezessete meses. Os dados coletados foram filmados, transcritos e sistematizados com base na análise de conteúdo fundamentado na teoria de Winnicott, em duas categorias temáticas: relações das crianças com a maquete, os bonecos e os objetos; e percepções das crianças no brincar. As análises nos permitem concluir que as produções verbais das crianças durante as brincadeiras reproduzem suas relações com o ambiente de abrigo e fornecem dados importantes da vivência infantil do processo de acolhimento. O brincar na maquete possibilitou deslocar para o brinquedo sentimentos e conflitos internos que permitiram a repetição de situações reais, a simbolização das experiências e a atribuição de sentido e significado ao seu viver.

This study aimed to analyze the verbalizations of institutionalized children about their relation with the environment. A model and dolls were used to represent the institution and people, respectively. Six children between five and seven years old, who have remained in the institution for periods between three and seventeen months, participated in the research. The interviews were filmed, transcribed and systematized by means of content analysis based on Winnicott's theory, using two thematic categories: the relation of the children with the model, dolls and objects; and the perceptions of children while playing. The analysis leads us to conclude that the verbalizations of children during playtime reproduce their relations with the shelter environment and provide important data about children living in shelter conditions. Playing with the model enabled the children to project their feelings and internal conflicts in the toys, which allowed the analysis of the repetition of real situations, symbolizing the experiences and assigning sense and meaning to their lives.

El objetivo de este estudio consistió en analizar las verbalizaciones de niños en cuidado institucional y sus relaciones con el ambiente. Se utilizó para el estudio una maqueta y muñecos para representar a la institución y a las personas respectivamente. Participaron seis niños de entre cinco y siete años, con tiempos de internamiento de entre tres y diez y siete meses. Los datos fueron guardados, transcritos y sistematizados conforme al análisis de contenido y a la teoría psicoanalítica de Winnicott, en las categorías temáticas: relaciones de los niños con la maqueta, los muñecos y los objetos; y las percepciones de los niños durante el juego. Los análisis nos permiten concluir que las verbalizaciones de los niños durante el juego reproducen sus relaciones con el ambiente de protección y proveen informaciones sobre el proceso de acogida. Jugando en una maqueta movimiento al juguete sentimientos y los conflictos internos que dio lugar a la repetición de situaciones reales, que simboliza las experiencias y la asignación de sentido y significado a su vida.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Play and Playthings/psychology , Child, Foster/psychology , Conflict, Psychological , Shelter/policies , Emotions , User Embracement
Pharm. pract. (Granada, Internet) ; 13(4): 0-0, oct.-dic. 2015. tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-147606


Objectives: To determine the impact of pharmacist provided educational seminars on the participant’s perception of the pharmacist’s role in providing women’s health education. Secondary objectives include the participant’s level of perceived benefit from the information provided during each presentation, as well as determining characteristics of participants who are interested in attending seminars. Methods: This is a prospective study conducted within a homeless women’s shelter in Phoenix, Arizona. Pharmacists and pharmacy students provided 10 monthly educational seminars on topics related to women’s health. Participants completed a pre- and post-seminar survey regarding their perceptions of the presentations and pharmacists. Results: Fifty-six participants attended at least one of 10 seminars from January to November 2014. The average age was 46 years old, taking approximately 3 medications, and 66% completed a high school degree or lower. Prior to the presentations, 30% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that they would seek advice from a pharmacist on the topic presented, which increased ignificantly to 82% of participants after the presentation (p<0.001). Similarly, 55% of participants rated themselves as agreeing or strongly agreeing with being knowledgeable on the topic presented prior to the presentation, and this increased significantly to 77% after the presentation (p=0.001). After attending the educational session, 70% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that they would make changes to their health, and that they would attend an additional session. The participants noted their increased learning about the topic, the clarity of visual aids and presentation, and knowledge of the presenters as the best parts of the presentation. Conclusion: Pharmacist’s participation in providing educational seminars in the homeless women’s population increases the participant’s knowledge and perception of the pharmacist’s role within the population. Future studies can further investigate an evolving role of pharmacists in optimizing healthcare in the homeless population (AU)

Objetivos: Determinar el impacto de seminarios educativos proporcionados por farmacéuticos sobre la percepción de los participantes del papel del farmacéutico en la provisión de educación sanitaria a mujeres. Los objetivos secundarios incluyeron el nivel del participante del beneficio percibido de la información proporcionada durante cada presentación, así como las características determinantes de los participantes que estaban interesados en asistir a los seminarios. Métodos: Este es un estudio prospectivo realizado en un refugio de mujeres sin hogar en Phoenix, Arizona. Farmacéuticos y estudiantes de farmacia proporcionaron unos seminarios educativos durante 10 meses sobre asuntos relacionados con salud de la mujer. Los participantes completaron un cuestionario pre- y postseminario sobre sus percepciones de las pr4sentaciones y de los farmacéuticos. Resultados: 56 participantes asistieron al menos a uno de los 10 seminarios entre enero y noviembre de 2014. La media de edad fue de 46 años, tomando aproximadamente 3 medicamentos, y el 66% había acabado la educación secundaria o menos. Antes de las presentaciones, el 30% de los participantes concordaba o concordaba fuertemente que buscarían consejo en un farmacéutico sobre el asunto presentado, lo que aumentaba significativamente al 82% después de la presentación (p<0,001). Del mismo modo, el 55% de los participantes se calificó como de acuerdo o fuertemente de acuerdo con saber suficientemente del asunto antes de la presentación, y esto aumentó significativamente al 77% después de la presentación (p=0,001). Después de asistir a la sesión educativa, el 70 % de los participantes concordó o fuertemente concordó que harían cambios en su salud, y que asistirían a otra sesión. Los participantes señalaron su aumento de aprendizaje sobre el asunto, la claridad de las ayudas visuales y la presentación, y el conocimiento de los presentadores como las mejores partes de la presentación. Conclusión: La participación del farmacéutico proporcionando seminarios educativos a una población de mujeres sin hogar aumenta el conocimiento de las participantes y la percepción del papel del farmacéutico en esta población. Próximos estudios pueden investigar en detalle el papel en evolución del farmacéutico optimizando los cuidados de salud de la población sin hogar (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Health Education/ethics , Health Education , Students, Pharmacy/classification , Community Pharmacy Services/classification , Community Pharmacy Services , Shelter/economics , Shelter/methods , Health Education/methods , Health Education/standards , Students, Pharmacy/legislation & jurisprudence , Community Pharmacy Services/trends , Community Pharmacy Services , Shelter/classification , Shelter/policies , Prospective Studies
Psicol. Soc ; 23(3): 598-607, set.-dez. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-60334


A organização e o funcionamento de uma casa de abrigo de uma instituição humanista não feminista (chamada de "Solidariedade Social") constituiu o foco central desta pesquisa. Para isto, realizaram-se entrevistas semi-estruturadas às profissionais: à diretora da instituição, à diretora técnica e ao psicólogo. A análise apresenta uma visão de uma casa de abrigo normativa sobre o que deve ser uma mulher, incluindo as suas rotinas diárias, associada a uma organização rígida no que diz respeito a regras e horários. Mais ainda, perspectivando a mulher apenas como mãe e doméstica, esta perspectiva apresenta uma elevada tolerância à violência de gênero. A este respeito, este tipo de instituições corre sério risco de cair na perspectiva de "revitimizar" a vítima.(AU)

The organization and functioning of a shelter of a humanistic and non feminist institution (called "Social Solidarity") was the main focus of this study. For this purpose, three semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals working in the shelter: the director of the Executive Border, the coordinator who is social worker and the psychologist. The analysis shows a normative vision about the way women ought to behave and set their daily routines, associated with a rigid organization of regulations and schedules. Furthermore, visioning the woman only as mother, this perspective shows a high level of tolerance to gender violence, in "some circumstances". In this respect, this kind of institutions risks to fall into the "blaming the victim" perspective.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Violence Against Women , Shelter/policies , Social Perception , Occupational Groups , Domestic Violence