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Psiquiatr. biol. (Internet) ; 31(1): [100449], ene.-mar 2024.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231636


A pesar de que en España el suicidio supone la primera causa de muerte externa, no existe a nivel nacional un plan de prevención o intervención protocolizado. Este estudio tiene como objetivo final el diseño, la implementación y la evaluación de un nuevo programa de prevención del riesgo de suicidio en el Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete, llamado «RENACE». Para ello, se describe el perfil sociodemográfico y clínico de los pacientes con ideación y con conducta suicida. Se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: la mayoría de pacientes fueron mujeres (59%) y el grupo etario más prevalente fue el de 31 a 65 años. Entre la población infantojuvenil, predominó el rango de edad de 14 a 17 años. En cuanto al perfil clínico, el diagnóstico principal fue trastornos relacionados con traumas y factores de estrés, seguido de trastornos depresivos. (AU)

Despite the fact that suicide is the leading cause of external death in Spain, there is no protocolized prevention or intervention plan at national level. The final aim of this study is the design, implementation and evaluation of a new suicide risk prevention program at the Albacete University Hospital Complex, called "RENACE". For this purpose, the sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients with suicidal ideation and behavior was described. The following results were obtained: the majority of patients were women (59%) and the most prevalent age group was 31 to 65 years old. Among the juvenile population, the predominant age range was 14 to 17 years. Regarding the clinical profile, the main diagnosis was trauma-related disorders and stress factors, followed by depressive disorders. (AU)

Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , /methods , /organization & administration , Suicide/prevention & control , Suicidal Ideation , Demography
Rev. psicol. clín. niños adolesc ; 11(1): 1-9, Ene. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-230068


La ideación suicida es un problema psicológico complejo y ambivalente que fluctúa entre pensamientos pasivos y activos acerca de la propia muerte de la persona. La adolescencia es una etapa de desarrollo importante para el bienestar físico y psicológico, sin embargo, la presencia de problemas psicológicos puede afectar su salud y supervivencia. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la asociación de la ideación suicida pasiva y activa en adolescentes peruanos de población general. Participaron 1444 adolescentes entre 11 a 19 años (56.6% mujeres; edad media = 14.03;DT = 1.54) que respondieron un cuestionario de ideación suicida. Se estimó un modelo de red gaussiano, examinando sus propiedades globales, locales y comparación según sexo. Los resultados indicaron que los deseos de no existir, creer que no merecía vivir y pensamientos de suicidarse fueron los nodos más centrales. La ideación suicida pasiva (deseos de no existir y creer que no merecía vivir) se relacionó con la ideación suicida activa (pensamientos en suicidarse y hacerse daño). Además, para las mujeres y hombres, el deseo de no existir tuvo la mayor centralidad, aunque los hombres mayormente se asociaron con pensamientos en suicidarse a comparación de las mujeres. En conclusión, la evaluación de la ideación suicida pasiva y activa, en su conjunto y no enfatizando solo un tipo, es una práctica recomendable para la valoración del riesgo de suicidio en población adolescente. En esta etapa, es oportuno considerar las diferencias de sexo sobre la gravedad de ideación suicida en las entrevistas psicológicas y actividades psicoterapéuticas. (AU)

Suicidal ideation is a complex and ambivalent psychological problem that fluctuates between passive and active thoughts about the person’s own death. Adolescence is an important developmental stage for physical and psychological well-being, however, the presence of psychological problems can affect their health and survival. The aim of the study was to analyze the association of passive and active suicidal ideation in Peruvian adolescents from the general population. The participants were 1444 adolescents between 11 to 19 years (56.6% female; mean age = 14.03; SD = 1.54) who responded to a suicidal ideation questionnaire. A Gaussian network model was estimated, examining its global and local properties and comparing according to sex. The results indicated that wishes of not existing, believing that one did not deserve to live, and thoughts of suicide were the most central nodes. Passive suicidal ideation (wishes of not existing and believing that one did not deserve to live) was related to active suicidal ideation (thoughts of committing suicide and hurting oneself). In addition, for women and men, the desire not to exist had the greatest centrality, although men were more likely to be associated with thoughts of suicide than women. In conclusion, the evaluation of passive and active suicidal ideation, as a whole and not emphasizing only one type, is a recommended practice for the assessment of suicide risk in the adolescent population. At this stage, it is appropriate to consider gender differences in the severityof suicidal ideation in psychological interviews and psychotherapeutic activities. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Suicidal Ideation , Mental Health , Suicide/prevention & control , Suicide/psychology , Sex Characteristics , Sex Distribution
Internet resource in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese | LIS -Health Information Locator | ID: lis-49475


Com quase 100 mil mortes a cada ano nas Américas, "o suicídio é uma preocupação significativa de saúde pública para a região", disse Jarbas Barbosa, diretor da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS). De forma alarmante, a região experimentou um aumento de 17% na taxa de suicídio de 2000 a 2019, tornando-se a única região da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) a testemunhar um aumento", disse Jarbas Barbosa em uma mensagem para marcar o Dia Mundial de Prevenção ao Suicídio, que ocorre em 10 de setembro.

Suicide/prevention & control , Pan American Health Organization/organization & administration
Rev. Asoc. Esp. Neuropsiquiatr ; 43(143)ene.-jun. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-222781


El suicidio es un problema de salud pública que se presenta en edades cada vez más tempranas, por esta razón es importante desarrollar estrategias y programas de promoción y prevención en diferentes contextos, como el educativo. La presente revisión sistemática presenta información básica de programas o estrategias de prevención de las conductas suicidas en contextos escolares publicadas en la literatura científica (años 2008 a 2020). La búsqueda se realizó en las bases de datos EBSCO, BVS, Dialnet, Lilacs, Google Académico, Redalyc y Scielo. Se encontró que se han desarrollado programas y estrategias de prevención orientadas a sensibilización, información, entrenamiento (de gatekeeper –“guardián”- y psicoeducación), desarrollo, screening o intervención terapéutica, así como algunas intervenciones multimodales que articulan las estrategias anteriores. Se concluye que existe una amplia gama de propuestas de intervención que pueden ser consideradas por los profesionales educativos o en salud mental para la prevención efectiva de la conducta suicida en instituciones educativas. (AU)

Suicide is a public health problem that occurs at increasingly younger ages, for this reason it is important to develop promotion and prevention's strategies and programs in different contexts such as education. This systematic review presents basic information about programs or strategies for the prevention of suicidal behavior in school contexts, published in the scientific literature (years 2008 to 2020). The search was carried out in the following databases: EBSCO, BVS, Dialnet, Lilacs, Google Académico, Redalyc and Scielo. It was found that prevention programs and strategies aimed at raising awareness, information, training (of gatekeeper and psychoeducation), development, screening or therapeutic intervention, as well as some multimodal interventions that articulate the previous strategies, have been developed. It is concluded that there is a wide range of intervention proposals that can be considered by educational or mental health professionals for the effective prevention of suicidal behavior in schools. (AU)

Humans , Suicide/prevention & control , Schools , Mental Health , Public Awareness , Suicidal Ideation
Evid. actual. práct. ambul ; 26(4): e007103, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1525784


En este artículo, el autor reflexiona sobre la importancia de reconocer el suicidio como un problema de salud pública,sus causas y las recomendaciones generales para prevenirlo. Finalmente, propone considerar la muerte médicamente asistida o el suicidio asistido como una estrategia de prevención del suicidio traumático. (AU)

In this article, the author reflects on the importance of recognizing suicide as a public health problem, its causes, and general recommendations to prevent it. Finally, he proposes considering medical assistance in dying or assisted suicide as a prevention strategy against traumatic suicide. (AU)

Humans , Suicide/prevention & control , Suicide, Assisted , Suicide Prevention/methods , Suicide/statistics & numerical data , Attitude to Death
Internet resource in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LIS -Health Information Locator | ID: lis-49149


La vitrina elige los principales contenidos de la literatura científica y técnica para contribuir para acción colectiva para abordar este problema urgente de salud pública.

Suicide , Suicide/prevention & control , Mental Health
Rev. psiquiatr. salud ment. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 15(3): 196-204, jul. - sept. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-207935


Introducción: El dolor psicológico es entendido como un estado mental intolerable y perturbador caracterizado por una experiencia interna de emociones negativas. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo realizar una adaptación al contexto español de la escala de dolor psicológico de Holden et al. en adultos jóvenes.Material y métodos: La escala evalúa el dolor psicológico como experiencia subjetiva. Está compuesta por 13 ítems con un formato de respuesta tipo Likert. Siguiendo las directrices de la International Tests Commission para la adaptación de test, obtuvimos una versión equivalente conceptual y lingüísticamente a la escala original. A través de un cuestionario online los participantes completaron la escala de dolor psicológico junto a otras escalas para medir depresión (BDI-II), desesperanza (escala de desesperanza de Beck) y riesgo suicida (escala de riesgo suicida de Plutchik). Los participantes fueron 234 personas (94 hombres, 137 mujeres y 3 personas de otro sexo) de 18 a 35 años.Resultados: El AFE mostró una solución de un factor y el AFC reveló adecuados índices de ajuste del modelo unifactorial. También mostró una buena fiabilidad de las puntuaciones del test, y evidencias favorables de validez de la escala en relación con la depresión, desesperanza, ideación suicida y riesgo suicida (correlaciones altas, positivas y estadísticamente significativas).Conclusión: La adaptación al español de la escala de dolor psicológico puede contribuir a mejorar la evaluación tanto del paciente con riesgo suicida como la eficacia de la terapia psicológica, así como la prevención e intervención del comportamiento suicida. (AU)

Introduction: Psychological pain is understood as an intolerable and disturbing mental state characterized by an internal experience of negative emotions. This study was aimed at making a Spanish adaptation of the Psychache Scale by Holden and colleagues in a sample of young adults.Material and methods: The scale evaluates psychological pain as a subjective experience. It is composed of 13 items with a Likert-type response format. Following the guidelines of the International Tests Commission for the adaptation of the test, we obtained a version conceptually and linguistically equivalent to the original scale. Through an online questionnaire, participants completed the psychological pain scale along with other scales to measure depression (BDI-II), hopelessness (Beck's scale of hopelessness) and suicide risk (Plutchik suicide risk scale). The participants were 234 people (94 men, 137 women and three people who identified as a different sex) from 18 to 35 years old.Results: The EFA showed a one-factor solution, and the FCA revealed adequate indexes of adjustment to the unifactorial model. It also showed good reliability of the test scores. The evidence of validity of the scale in relation to the other variables showed high, positive and statistically significant correlations with depression, hopelessness, suicidal ideation and suicidal risk.Conclusion: In summary, this Spanish adaptation of the Psychache Scale could contribute to improving the evaluation of both the patient with suicide risk and the effectiveness of psychological therapy, as well as suicidal behaviour prevention and intervention. (AU)

Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Pain/psychology , Suicide/prevention & control , Suicide/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Translating , Spain
São Paulo med. j ; 140(3): 486-498, May-June 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377388


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The legacies of colonization and of policies of forced assimilation continue to be a cause of intergenerational trauma, manifested through feelings of marginality, depression, anxiety and confusion, which place indigenous peoples at increased risk of suicide. OBJECTIVES: To assess the quality, content, delivery and effectiveness of interventions for preventing suicides among indigenous adolescents. DESIGN AND SETTING: Systematic review conducted with Cochrane methodology, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. METHODS: The Cochrane library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, LILACS and PsycINFO databases were searched for studies published up to February 2021. The following inclusion criteria were used: published in any language; interventions that aimed to prevent suicides among indigenous adolescents; randomized or non-randomized study with a control or comparative group; and validated measurements of mental health problems. RESULTS: Two studies were identified: one on adolescents in the remote Yup'ik community in south-western Alaska, and the other on Zuni adolescents in New Mexico. Both studies showed evidence of effectiveness in interventions for reducing some of the risk factors and increasing some of the protective factors associated with suicide. High levels of community engagement and culture-centeredness were key anchors of both studies, which ensured that the intervention content, delivery and outcome measurements aligned with the beliefs and practices of the communities. Both studies were judged to have a moderate risk of bias, with biases in sample selection, attrition and inadequate reporting of results. CONCLUSIONS: The current evidence base is small but signaled the value of culturally appropriate interventions for prevention of suicide among indigenous adolescents. REGISTRATION DETAILS: The study protocol is registered in the international prospective register of systematic reviews (PROSPERO); no. CRD42019141754.

Humans , Adolescent , Suicide/prevention & control , Mental Health , Anxiety Disorders , Brazil , Systematic Reviews as Topic
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 22(2): 832-852, jun. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1428974


Este artigo consiste em uma revisão de escopo que objetivou investigar os fatores de risco acadêmicos associados a ideação e tentativas de suicídio em estudantes universitários. Foram recuperados inicialmente 1901 estudos em setembro de 2020 em seis bases de dados (Pubmed, BVS, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Science Direct e Scopus). Após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, restaram 10 estudos para análise. Os principais resultados sugerem a existência de três fatores de risco acadêmicos associados a ideação e tentativas de suicídio: 1) relacionamento social com pares; 2) relacionamento social com professores ou orientador; e 3) adaptação ao ambiente acadêmico. Observou-se que em ambientes universitários os estudantes são vulneráveis a experiências de estresse e frustração relacionadas com a falta de adaptação à nova rotina acadêmica. Além disso, a dinâmica de interação com os pares, professores ou orientadores pode gerar situações de sofrimento ou desconforto emocional, contribuindo para o surgimento de ideação e tentativas de suicídio. Conclui-se que as universidades devem proporcionar espaços de adaptação aos novos estudantes (e.g. centros de acolhimento e orientação psicológica, encontros de convivência social e cultural) e incentivar os professores e orientadores à postura acolhedora.

This article is a scoping review that aimed to investigate the academic risk factors associated with suicidal ideation and behavior in university students. 1901 studies were initially retrieved in September 2020 in six databases (Pubmed, BVS, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Science Direct and Scopus). After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 10 studies remained for analysis. The main findings suggest the existence of three academic risk factors associated with suicide ideation and attempt: 1) social relationship with peers; 2) social relationship with teachers or advisor; and 3) adaptation to the academic environment. It was observed that in university environments students are vulnerable to experiences of stress and frustration related to the lack of adaptation to the new academic routine. In addition, the dynamics of interaction with peers, teachers or advisors can generate situations of suffering or emotional discomfort contributing to the emergence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt. It is concluded that universities should provide spaces for adaptation to new students (e.g. reception centers and psychological counseling, social and cultural meetings) and encourage the welcoming attitude of teachers and advisors.

Este artículo consiste en una revisión de alcance que tuvo como objetivo investigar los factores de riesgo académico asociados a la ideación y conducta suicida en estudiantes universitarios. Inicialmente fueron recuperados 1901 estudios en septiembre de 2020 en seis bases de datos (Pubmed, BVS, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Science Direct y Scopus). Después de aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, quedaron 10 estudios para análisis. Los principales resultados sugieren la existencia de tres factores de riesgo académico asociados a la ideación e intento de suicidio: 1) relación social con los compañeros; 2) relación social con profesores o asesores; y 3) adaptación al entorno académico. Se observó que en entornos universitarios los estudiantes son vulnerables a experiencias de estrés y frustración relacionadas con la falta de adaptación a la nueva rutina académica. Además, la dinámica de interacción con compañeros, profesores o asesores puede generar situaciones de sufrimiento o malestar emocional contribuyendo a la aparición de ideación y intento de suicidio. Se concluye que las universidades deben brindar espacios de adaptación a los nuevos estudiantes (por ejemplo, centros de acogida y asesoramiento psicológico, encuentros sociales y culturales) y fomentar la actitud acogedora de profesores y asesores.

Students , Universities , Risk Factors , Suicidal Ideation , Stress, Psychological , Suicide/prevention & control , Academic Failure
Londres; NICE; June 29, 2022. 103 p. tab.
Non-conventional in English | BIGG - GRADE guidelines | ID: biblio-1377748


This guideline covers identifying, treating and managing depression in people aged 18 and over. It recommends treatments for first episodes of depression and further-line treatments, and provides advice on preventing relapse, and managing chronic depression, psychotic depression and depression with a coexisting diagnosis of personality disorder. NICE has also produced a guideline on depression in adults with a chronic physical health problem.

Humans , Adult , Depressive Disorder, Major/diagnosis , Antidepressive Agents/therapeutic use , Suicide/prevention & control , Depression/economics , Depression/etiology , Depressive Disorder/psychology , Depressive Disorder/therapy
Actas esp. psiquiatr ; 50(3): 134-143, Mayo - Junio 2022. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-203227


Introducción. La prevención del suicidio es objetivo prioritario en salud mental. Tener un antecedente de intento de suicidio se considera factor de alto riesgo para la repetición. Este estudio persigue evaluar la efectividad de un programa de prevención de reintentos de suicidio en un área sanitaria de 430.000 habitantes. Metodología. Se realizó un estudio de seguimiento de 12 meses con todas (871) las personas que entre el 1 de enero de 2013 y el 31 de diciembre de 2015 habían realizado intentos de suicidio y solicitaron atención en salud mental del área. De estas, 292 recibieron tratamiento en un Programa Intensivo de Prevención de Reintentos de Suicidio (PIPRS) mediante terapia breve de solución de problemas y enfoque de gestión de caso y se compararon con 357 pacientes que recibieron tratamiento convencional (Treatment as usual, TAU). Resultados. Repitieron intento de suicidio el 9,0% en el PIPRS frente al 23,3% del TAU (Prueba exacta de Fisher p<0,001) y un NNT=7, IC 95% (5-11). El análisis multivariante de Regresión de Cox mostró que el grupo que recibió TAU tenía una HR= 2,68, IC 95% (1,65-4,35) respecto al grupo PIPRS. La ventaja del PIPRS se mantuvo al controlar por las características no homogéneas de los grupos. Conclusiones. La aplicación de un programa de prevención mediante psicoterapia breve y enfoque de gestión de caso, tras un intento de suicidio, reduce y retrasa en el tiempo la repetición de intentos durante el año siguiente. Destaca un esfuerzo clínico (NNT=7) muy rentable.(AU)

Background. Suicide prevention is a primary goal of mental health care and a past history of suicide attempts is considered a high-risk factor for subsequent attempts. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an intensive suicide-reattempt-prevention program (ISRPP) in a health catchment area of 430.000 inhabitants. Methods. A 12-month follow-up study was conducted with all individuals who, between 1 January 2013 and 31 December 2015, had attempted suicide and sought mental health care in the area. Out of a total of 871 patients treated, 292 received treatment as part of ISRPP using short-term problem-solving therapy and a case management approach. Results were compared to those of 357 patients who received treatment as usual (TAU). Results. Attempted suicide was repeated by 9,0% in the ISRPP group, compared to 23,3% in the TAU (Fisher’s exact test p<0,001). The number needed to treat (NNT) was=7; 95% CI 95% (5-11). A multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that the TAU group had a hazard ratio (HR)=2,68; 95% CI (1,65-4,35) compared to the ISRPP group. The advantage of ISRPP was maintained when controlling for the non-homogeneous characteristics of the groups. Conclusions. Applied after a suicide attempt, an intensive prevention programme based on brief cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and case management reduces and delays repeat suicide attempts at one-year follow-up. The clinical effort is remarkable (NNT=7).(AU)

Humans , Health Sciences , Suicide, Attempted , Suicide/prevention & control , Preventive Health Services , Mental Health , Psychiatry
In. Alvarez Sintes, Roberto. Medicina general integral. Tomo II. Principales afecciones en los contextos familiar y social. Vol. 2. Cuarta edición. La Habana, Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 4 ed; 2022. .
Monography in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-78792
MULTIMED ; 26(2)2022. tab
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-78567


Introducción: el suicidio tiene antecedentes que se remontan a la existencia misma del hombre, variando sus características de acuerdo con la época, cultura y estructura socioeconómica, ya que están condicionadas por las distintas valoraciones que se dan a nivel religioso, filosófico, intelectual o popular. Objetivo: identificar los factores de riesgo asociados a la conducta suicida en adolescentes entre 9 y 14 años ingresados en el hospital infantil de Bayamo, de enero a diciembre del 2016. Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de tipo caso control. El universo estuvo constituido por 182 adolescentes y la muestra después de aplicados los criterios de inclusión y exclusión por 58 casos y 116 controles, se utilizaron los estadígrafos pertenecientes a la estadística descriptiva e inferencial, se aplicó la prueba Chi-cuadrado de independencia para determinar la asociación entre las variables con un nivel de confianza de 95 por ciento y de significación α=0.05. Resultados: ser mujer incrementó 18 veces la probabilidad de intentar suicidarse con un (OR=18,897; IC=7,788-45,974; p=0,000), los antecedentes de enfermedades crónicas se multiplicó casi por 5 la probabilidad de realizarlo con un (OR= 4,739; IC=1,677-13,392; p= 0,003), el divorcio de los padres, incrementó 14 veces la probabilidad ( OR= 14,146; IC=6,585-30,386; p=0,000), los antecedentes filiales de suicidio de igual manera incrementaron 7 veces (OR=7,516; IC= 2,934-19,257; p=0,000), la disfunción familiar y/o violencia resultó significativa (OR=7,412; IC=3,222-17,047; p=0,000); de igual manera el rendimiento académico con un (OR= 9,145; IC=3,992-20,948; p=0.000). Conclusiones: el sexo y el divorcio de los padres resultaron tener una relación estadísticamente significativa e incrementaron el riesgo de que los pacientes cometieran intentos suicidas y la edad, los antecedentes de enfermedades crónicas y los antecedentes filiares suicidas incrementaron el riesgo del intento suicida(AU)

Introduction: suicide has antecedents that go back to the very existence of man, varying its characteristics according to the time, culture and socioeconomic structure, since they are conditioned by the different valuations that are given at the religious, philosophical, intellectual or popular level. Objective: to identify the risk factors associated with suicidal behavior in adolescents between 9 and 14 years of age admitted to the Bayamo Children's Hospital, from January to December 2016. Methods: a retrospective case-control study was carried out. The universe consisted of 182 adolescents and the sample after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria for 58 cases and 116 controls, the statisticians belonging to descriptive and inferential statistics were used, the Chi-square test of independence was applied to determine the association between the variables with a confidence level of 95 percent and significance α=0.05. Results: being a woman increased 18 times the probability of attempting suicide with a (OR=18.897; CI=7.788-45.974; p=0.000), the history of chronic diseases multiplied almost by 5 the probability of carrying it out with a (OR= 4.739). ; CI= 1.677-13.392; p=0.003), parental divorce increased the probability 14 times (OR= 14.146; CI=6.585-30.386; p=0.000), the history of suicide by children increased 7 times (OR=7.516; CI=2.934-19.257; p= 0.000), family dysfunction and/or significant violence (OR=7.412; CI=3.222-17.047; p=0.000); in the same way the academic performance with one (OR=9.145; CI=3.992-20.948; p=0.000). Conclusions: sex and parental divorce were found to have a statistically significant relationship and increased the risk of patients committing suicide attempts, and age, history of chronic diseases and family history of suicide increased the risk of suicide attempt. The logistic regression model allowed us to identify the association of these factors independently(EU)

Humans , Suicide/prevention & control , Risk Factors , Suicide, Attempted/prevention & control , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Case-Control Studies , Retrospective Studies , Adolescent
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 30: e3699, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1409618


Abstract Objective to create and validate a high-fidelity simulation scenario about the initial support to suicide bereaved people. Method a methodological research study to create and validate a simulation scenario about postvention. Its creation was based on scientific recommendations, the validation process was carried out by experts, based on an instrument developed by the authors; the data were statistically analyzed using the Content Validity Index and Gwet concordance coefficient. Results the scenario was created to provide initial support to suicide bereaved people in the Primary Health Care context. As learning objectives, welcoming, health care and organization monitoring were proposed according to technical-scientific recommendations. The scenario was validated by 10 specialists in the themes of postvention (5 judges) and high-fidelity simulation (5 judges). The scenario items met the acceptance and reliability criteria (Content Validity Index = 0.80) and satisfactory concordance (Gwet coefficient = 0.640). Conclusion the study presented in full a scenario on postvention with innovative potential that can be used free of charge in clinical simulation development during training of different categories of health professionals, to act in support of suicide bereaved people.

Resumo Objetivo construir e validar um cenário de simulação de alta fidelidade relacionado ao apoio inicial aos enlutados por suicídio. Método pesquisa metodológica de construção e validação de um cenário de simulação sobre posvenção. A construção foi baseada em recomendações científicas e a validação realizada por especialistas, a partir de instrumento elaborado pelas autoras; os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por meio do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo e do coeficiente de concordância de Gwet. Resultados o cenário foi construído para o apoio inicial ao enlutado por suicídio no contexto da Atenção Primária em Saúde. Foram propostos como objetivos de aprendizagem o acolhimento, o cuidado em saúde e a organização de acompanhamento de acordo com as recomendações técnico-científicas. O cenário foi validado por 10 especialistas nas temáticas posvenção (5 juízes) e simulação de alta fidelidade (5 juízes). Os itens do cenário atenderam aos critérios de aceitação e confiabilidade (Índice de Validade de Conteúdo = 0.80) e satisfatória concordância (coeficiente de Gwet = 0.640). Conclusão o estudo apresentou, na íntegra, um cenário sobre a posvenção com potencial inovador, que pode ser empregado gratuitamente no desenvolvimento da simulação clínica, na formação de diferentes categorias profissionais em saúde, para atuarem no apoio aos enlutados por suicídio.

Resumen Objetivo crear y validar un escenario de simulación de alta fidelidad sobre el apoyo inicial a que se le brinda los que están en duelo por suicidio. Método investigación metodológica para la creación y validación de un escenario de simulación sobre postvención. La creación se basó en recomendaciones científicas y la validación fue realizada por especialistas, a partir de un instrumento desarrollado por las autoras; los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente mediante el Índice de Validez de Contenido y el coeficiente de concordancia de Gwet. Resultados se creó el escenario para el apoyo inicial al que está en duelo por suicidio en el contexto de la Atención Primaria de la Salud. Se propusieron como objetivos de aprendizaje la organización de la recepción, la atención de salud y el seguimiento según las recomendaciones técnico-científicas. El escenario fue validado por 10 especialistas en la temática postvención (5 jueces) y simulación de alta fidelidad (5 jueces). Los ítems del escenario cumplieron con los criterios de aceptación y confiabilidad (Índice de Validez de Contenido = 0,80) y concordancia satisfactoria (coeficiente Gwet = 0,640). Conclusión el estudio presentó un escenario totalmente disponible sobre postvención con potencial innovador que puede ser utilizado gratuitamente en el desarrollo de la simulación clínica para capacitar a diferentes categorías profesionales de la salud, para que den apoyo a los que están en duelo por suicidio.

Humans , Suicide/prevention & control , Bereavement , Reproducibility of Results , Patient Simulation , High Fidelity Simulation Training
Rev. esp. med. legal ; 47(4): 143-149, Octubre - Diciembre 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-219992


Introducción: El suicidio y su prevención suponen un reto esencial en salud pública. Como primera causa externa de muerte en nuestro país, parece escapar a nuestra comprensión y control en vista de los numerosos estudios e intervenciones realizadas. Llevamos a cabo un estudio de los suicidios mortales estudiados por el Instituto de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses de Valladolid durante el bienio 2018-2019. Material y métodos: Se recogieron todas las muertes por suicidio durante 2018-2019 y se cruzaron con los datos anonimizados del Servicio de Psiquiatría del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid en 2019. Resultados: La tasa de suicidios fue de 8,5/100.000 habitantes, 49 casos en 2018 y 44 en 2019, con una distribución de 3:1 para varones frente a mujeres, principalmente en el medio rural. La franja de edad con mayor incidencia fue la de 31-70 años. La ahorcadura en el medio rural y la precipitación en el urbano fueron los principales métodos. La comorbilidad psiquiátrica identificada más frecuente fueron los trastornos del estado de ánimo-afectivos (F30-39 CIE-10). Conclusiones: Las tasas de suicidio presentan un ligero descenso, mientras que el perfil de riesgo y las características del suicidio mortal se mantienen constantes en nuestro medio más de 20 años después, lo que indica una escasa eficacia de los esfuerzos preventivos realizados hasta ahora. La prevención efectiva del suicidio debe partir de la mejor identificación, prevención y tratamiento de los trastornos psiquiátricos, pudiendo resultar esencial la participación de los Institutos de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses en programas poblacionales multinivel. (AU)

Introduction: Suicide and its prevention are a serious public health challenge. As the primary external cause of death in our country, it seems to be beyond our understanding and control in view of the numerous studies and interventions carried out. We conducted a study of suicide at the Valladolid Institute of Legal Medicine from 2018-2019. Material and methods: All deaths by suicide from 2018-2019 were collected and crossed with anonymized data of the Psychiatry Service of the University Clinical Hospital of Valladolid in 2019. Results: The suicide rate was 8.5/100,000 inhabitants, 49 cases in 2018 and 44 in 2019, with a 3:1 male to female ratio, mainly in rural areas. The age group with the highest incidence was 31-70 years. Hanging in rural areas and precipitation in urban areas were the main methods. Affective disorders (F30-39 ICD-10) were the most common identified psychiatric disorders. Conclusions: Suicide rates are slightly lower, while the risk profile and features of suicide remain constant in our environment more than 20 years later, indicating that preventive efforts carried out have not been completely successful. The effective prevention of suicide must start with better identification, prevention, and treatment of psychiatric disorders, but the contribution of the Institutes of Legal Medicine in the implementation of multilevel population programmes is also essential. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Forensic Medicine/statistics & numerical data , Forensic Medicine/trends , Public Health/statistics & numerical data , Suicide/prevention & control , Suicide/statistics & numerical data , Suicide/trends , Preventive Medicine , Mortality , Spain
Rev. ABENO ; 21(1): 1096, dez. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1373114


O estudo tem por objetivo relatar a experiência de um grupo de acadêmicos de Odontologia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, ocorridano segundo semestre de 2018, durante o processo de formação de um espaço promotor de saúde que proporcionou o encontro da cultura e arte com o Sistema Único de Saúde na Unidade de Saúde da Família (USF) Argemiro de Figueiredo, situada no município de Campina Grande. A construção deste espaço ocorreu durante o Estágio na Estratégia Saúde da Família I, componente curricular ofertado no quarto semestredo curso. Tal ambiente foi criado a partir da realização da vivência intitulada de "Grafite que traz vida", como também por meiodo processo de construção da Horta Comunitária na USF em questão. As atividades citadas foram marcadas pela forte interação entre acadêmicos, comunidade, equipe de saúde e equipamentos sociais presentes na área adstrita à USF, permitindo, assim, o fortalecimento do vínculo entre equipe de saúdee população. Neste processo de vivência em comunidade, observou-se a importância da presença de acadêmicos de Odontologia no cenário da Atenção Básica (AB). Tal presença possibilitou que os mesmos reconhecessem a relevância do cuidado integral, entendendo, assim, que o papel do cirurgião-dentista na AB vai muito além dagarantia de assistência em saúde bucal para a população. Além disso, a construção de um espaço promotor de saúde permitiu o fortalecimento dos laços entre os usuários e trabalhadores fazendo com que a comunidade compreendesse o espaço da UBS para além da doença (AU).

The study aims to report the experience of a group of dentistry students from the State University of Paraíba, which took place in the second semester of 2018, during the process of forming a health-promoting space that provided the meeting of culture and art with the System Health Unit at the Family Health Unit (FHU) Argemiro de Figueiredo, located in the municipality of Campina Grande. The construction of this space took place during the Internship in the Family Health Strategy I, a curricular component offered in the fourth semester of the course. Such an environment was created from the experience entitled "Graffiti that brings life", as well as through the construction process of the Community Garden in that FHU. The aforementioned activities were marked by the strong interaction between academics, the community, the health team, and social equipment present in the area assigned to the FHU, allowing the strengthening of the bond between the health team and the population. In this process of living in the community, it was observed the importance of the presence of dentistry students in the Primary Care (PC) scenario. Such presence enabled them to recognize the relevance of comprehensive care, understanding that the role of the dental surgeon in PC goes far beyond guaranteeing oral health care for the population. Also, the construction of a health-promoting spaceallowed the strengthening of ties between users and workers, enabling the community to understand the BHU space in addition to the disease (AU).

Humans , Primary Health Care , Students, Dental , Suicide/prevention & control , Crop Production , Community-Institutional Relations , Art , Unified Health System