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Astrobiology ; 24(2): 177-189, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38306187


Titan has an organic-rich atmosphere and surface with a subsurface liquid water ocean that may represent a habitable environment. In this work, we determined the amount of organic material that can be delivered from Titan's surface to its ocean through impact cratering. We assumed that Titan's craters produce impact melt deposits composed of liquid water that can founder in its lower-density ice crust and estimated the amount of organic molecules that could be incorporated into these melt lenses. We used known yields for HCN and Titan haze hydrolysis to determine the amount of glycine produced in the melt lenses and found a range of possible flux rates of glycine from the surface to the subsurface ocean. These ranged from 0 to 1011 mol/Gyr for HCN hydrolysis and from 0 to 1014 mol/Gyr for haze hydrolysis. These fluxes suggest an upper limit for biomass productivity of ∼103 kgC/year from a glycine fermentation metabolism. This upper limit is significantly less than recent estimates of the hypothetical biomass production supported by Enceladus's subsurface ocean. Unless biologically available compounds can be sourced from Titan's interior, or be delivered from the surface by other mechanisms, our calculations suggest that even the most organic-rich ocean world in the Solar System may not be able to support a large biosphere.

Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre , Saturno , Agua , Sistema Solar , Glicina , Océanos y Mares , Atmósfera
Nat Commun ; 11(1): 2705, 2020 06 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32483130


The history of the Earth has been marked by major ecological transitions, driven by metabolic innovation, that radically reshaped the composition of the oceans and atmosphere. The nature and magnitude of the earliest transitions, hundreds of million years before photosynthesis evolved, remain poorly understood. Using a novel ecosystem-planetary model, we find that pre-photosynthetic methane-cycling microbial ecosystems are much less productive than previously thought. In spite of their low productivity, the evolution of methanogenic metabolisms strongly modifies the atmospheric composition, leading to a warmer but less resilient climate. As the abiotic carbon cycle responds, further metabolic evolution (anaerobic methanotrophy) may feed back to the atmosphere and destabilize the climate, triggering a transient global glaciation. Although early metabolic evolution may cause strong climatic instability, a low CO:CH4 atmospheric ratio emerges as a robust signature of simple methane-cycling ecosystems on a globally reduced planet such as the late Hadean/early Archean Earth.