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Front Plant Sci ; 15: 1253260, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39109066


Seasonally tropical dry forests (SDTFs) in the American tropics are a highly diverse yet poorly understood and endangered ecosystem scattered from Northern Mexico to Southern Argentina. One floristic element of the STDFs is the genus Magoniella (Polygonaceae), which includes two liana species, M. laurifolia and M. obidensis, which have winged fruits and are distributed from Costa Rica to Southern Brazil. In a field expedition to the SDTFs of the Colombian Caribbean in 2015, morphologically distinctive individuals of Magoniella were found. In this study, we investigated the species boundaries within Magoniella and determined the phylogenetic position of these morphologically distinctive individuals in the tribe Triplaridae. We compiled morphological trait data across 19 specimens of both species and produced newly sequenced nuclear-plastid DNA data for M. obidensis. Morphometric analyses revealed significant differences in fruit length and perianth size among individuals from the Colombian Caribbean compared to M. obidensis and bract length when compared to M. laurifolia. Maximum likelihood analysis of non-conflicting nuclear and plastid datasets placed the Colombian Caribbean individuals as sister to M. obidensis with maximum statistical support. Additionally, pairwise sequence comparisons of the nuclear ribosomal ITS and the lfy2i loci consistently showed 15-point mutations (10 transitions, five transversions) and six 2 bp-long substitutions that differ between M. obidensis and the Colombian Caribbean individuals. Our morphological and molecular evidence thus suggests that the Colombian Caribbean individuals of Magoniella represent a divergent population from M. laurifolia and M. obidensis, which we describe and illustrate as a new species, M. chersina. Additionally, we provide nomenclatural updates for M. laurifolia and M. obidensis. This study highlights the power of combining morphological and molecular evidence in documenting and naming plant diversity.

Front Plant Sci ; 10: 1328, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31867022


Extremely high levels of plant diversity in the American tropics are derived from multiple interactions between biotic and abiotic factors. Previous studies have focused on macro-evolutionary dynamics of the Tropical Andes, Amazonia, and Brazil's Cerrado and Atlantic forests during the last decade. Yet, other equally important Neotropical biodiversity hotspots have been severely neglected. This is particularly true for the Chocó region on the north-western coast of South and Central America. This geologically complex region is Earth's ninth most biodiverse hotspot, hosting approximately 3% of all known plant species. Here, we test Gentry's [1982a,b] hypothesis of a northern Andean-Central American Pleistocene origin of the Chocoan flora using phylogenetic reconstructions of representative plant lineages in the American tropics. We show that plant diversity in the Chocó is derived mostly from Andean immigrants. Contributions from more distant biogeographical areas also exist but are fewer. We also identify a strong floristic connection between the Chocó and Central America, revealed by multiple migrations into the Chocó during the last 5 Ma. The dated phylogenetic reconstructions suggest a Plio-Pleistocene onset of the extant Chocó flora. Taken together, these results support to a limited extend Gentry's hypothesis of a Pleistocene origin and of a compound assembly of the Chocoan biodiversity hotspot. Strong Central American-Chocoan floristic affinity may be partly explained by the accretion of a land mass derived from the Caribbean plate to north-western South America. Additional densely sampled phylogenies of Chocoan lineages also well represented across the Neotropics could enlighten the role of land mass movements through time in the assembly of floras in Neotropical biodiversity hotspots.

PhytoKeys ; 122: 29-78, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31182907


Calamagrostis (syn. Deyeuxia), as traditionally circumscribed, is one of the most speciose genera from páramo grasslands of northwest South America and southern Central America and often dominates these high-elevation habitats. However, it remains difficult for researchers to accurately identify the species due to a lack of floristic treatments for most of the countries containing páramo, with the distribution of many species still very poorly known. In an effort to ameliorate this, we present an updated list and identification keys in English and Spanish (as electronic appendix) to the species of Calamagrostis s.l. known or likely to occur in the páramos of Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica and Panama. Fifty-four species are accepted, constituting 47 species currently circumscribed in Calamagrostis and seven species recently transferred to Deschampsia. Included within this are two new species, Calamagrostiscrispifolius and Deschampsiasantamartensis, which are described and illustrated. Both new species are found in páramos of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (departamento Magdalena), on the northernmost tip of Colombia, with C.crispifolius also found in the Serrania de Perija on the border with Venezuela. Calamagrostiscrispifolius differs from all other species of Calamagrostis s.l. by the presence of strongly curled, readily deciduous leaf blades, amongst numerous other characteristics including open inflorescences with generally patent branches, small spikelets, (3.5-)4-5.5 mm long, with sessile florets and a rachilla prolongation reaching from 2/3 to almost the apex of the lemma, with short hairs (< 1 mm long). Deschampsiasantamartensis is similar to Deschampsiahackelii (=Calamagrostishackelii) from austral South America but differs by its broad, rigid and erect, strongly conduplicate blades, 1.5-2.5 mm wide when folded, ligules of innovations 0.5-1 mm long, truncate or obtuse, ligules of upper flowering culms 3-4 mm long, broadly shouldered with an attenuate central point, ellipsoid spike-like panicle, 3-5.5 long × 1.5-2.5 cm wide, lemma surfaces moderately to lightly scabrous between the veins, lemma apex acute to muticous, entire, rachilla extension often absent and inside of the floret often with hyaline shiny sinuous trichomes to 1 mm long, emerging from the base of the ovary. We also present a broader circumscription of the common species Deschampsiapodophora (=Calamagrostispodophora), with the new variety D.podophoravar.mutica described and illustrated. Deschampsiapodophoravar.mutica principally differs from var. podophora by florets lacking awns and larger habit i.e. multiple taller culms with longer and wider leaf blades forming tussocks, with inflorescences often held within sheaths. Nomenclatural changes are presented, with Deyeuxiamacrostachya newly synonymised under C.macrophylla and C.pittieri, C.pubescens and Deyeuxiapubescens newly synonimised under C.planifolia. Lectotypes are designated for Agrostisantoniana, Calamagrostispisinna, Deyeuxiamacrostachya and Deyeuxiasodiroana. We also document and give notes on five new records of Calamagrostis for Colombia: C.carchiensis, C.guamanensis, C.heterophylla, C.pisinna and C.rigida.

ResumenCalamagrostis (syn. Deyeuxia), como traditionalmente está delimitado, es uno de los géneros con mayor número de especies registradas para las zonas paramunas de Sudamérica y el sur de Centroamérica, en donde a menudo es un elemento dominante en hábitats de alta montaña tropical. Sin embargo, es aun difícil para investigadores identificar con precisión las especies de este género, principalmente por la falta de tratamientos florísticos para la mayoría de países que contienen páramo, con la distribución de muchas especies todavía poca conocida. Con el fin de realizar un aporte al conocimiento de las gramíneas tropicales, se presenta una lista actualizada de nombres y claves de identificación taxonómica en inglés y español (como appendice electrónico) de las especies de Calamagrostis s.l. conocidas o que probablemente se encuentran en los páramos de Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica y Panamá. Como resultado, 54 especies son aceptadas, de las cuales 47 especies están circunscritas en Calamagrostis y siete especies están recientemente transferidas a Deschampsia. Como novedades taxonómicas, se presentan dos nuevas especies, Calamagrostiscrispifolius y Deschampsiasantamartensis, las cuales están descritas e ilustradas. Estas nuevas especies crecen en páramos de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (departamento de Magdalena), en la punta más al norte de Colombia, con C.crispifolius también presente en la Serranía de Perijá en la frontera con Venezuela. Calamagrostiscrispifolius difiere de las otras especies de Calamagrostis s.l. por la presencia de láminas foliares fuertemente crispadas y fácilmente caducas, entre otras características incluyendo inflorescencias abiertas con ramas generalmente patentes, espiguillas pequeñas, (3.5­)4­5.5 mm long., con antecios sésiles y una prolongación de la raquilla llegando desde 2/3 hasta casi el ápice de la lema, con tricomas cortos (< 1 mm long.). Deschampsiasantamartensis es parecida a Deschampsiahackelii (=Calamagrostishackelii) de Sudamérica austral, pero difiere por sus láminas foliares siendo anchas, rígidas y rectas, y fuertemente conduplicadas, 1.5­2.5 mm de ancho cuando plegada, lígulas de las innovaciones 0.5­1 mm long., truncadas u obtusas, lígulas de la parte superior de las cañas floríferas 3­4 mm long., anchas con un punto central atenuado, panojas elipsoides y espiciforme, 3­5.5 long. × 1.5­2.5 cm de ancho, superficies de las lemas moderada a levemente escabroso entre las venas, ápices de las lemas agudas a múticas, enteras, prolongación de la raquilla a menudo ausente, y la presencia de tricomas hialinos, brillantes, y sinuosos de hasta 1 mm long., los cuales salen de la base del ovario. Por último, se presenta una circunscripción más amplia de la especie común Deschampsiapodophora (=Calamagrostispodophora), con la nueva variedad D.podophoravar.mutica, la cual es descrita e ilustrada. Deschampsiapodophoravar.mutica difiere principalmente de la var. podophora porque en sus antecios las aristas están ausentes, y su hábito es más grande i.e. con múltiples cañas largas con láminas foliares más largas y anchas, con inflorescencias a menudo escondidas dentro de las vainas. Los cambios nomenclaturales que se presentan son Deyeuxiamacrostachya sinonimizada bajo C.macrophylla, y C.pittieri, C.pubescens y Deyeuxiapubescens sinonimizada bajo C.planifolia. Designamos los lectotipos para Agrostisantoniana, Calamagrostispisinna, Deyeuxiamacrostachya y Deyeuxiasodiroana. También documentamos y damos notas de cinco nuevos registros de Calamagrostis para la flora de Colombia: C.carchiensis, C.guamanensis, C.heterophylla, C.pisinna, y C.rigida.