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ACS Appl Nano Mater ; 7(3): 3032-3041, 2024 Feb 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38357219


III-V semiconductor nanowire (NW) heterostructures with axial InGaAs active regions hold large potential for diverse on-chip device applications, including site-selectively integrated quantum light sources, NW lasers with high material gain, as well as resonant tunneling diodes and avalanche photodiodes. Despite various promising efforts toward high-quality single or multiple axial InGaAs heterostacks using noncatalytic growth mechanisms, the important roles of facet-dependent shape evolution, crystal defects, and the applicability to more universal growth schemes have remained elusive. Here, we report the growth of optically active InGaAs axial NW heterostructures via completely catalyst-free, selective-area molecular beam epitaxy directly on silicon (Si) using GaAs(Sb) NW arrays as tunable, high-uniformity growth templates and highlight fundamental relationships between structural, morphological, and optical properties of the InGaAs region. Structural, compositional, and 3D-tomographic characterizations affirm the desired directional growth along the NW axis with no radial growth observed. Clearly distinct luminescence from the InGaAs active region is demonstrated, where tunable array-geometry parameters and In content up to 20% are further investigated. Based on the underlying twin-induced growth mode, we further describe the facet-dependent shape and interface evolution of the InGaAs segment and its direct correlation with emission energy.

Small ; 19(16): e2207531, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36670090


Vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth is the mainstream method in realizing advanced semiconductor nanowires (NWs), as widely applied to many III-V compounds. It is exclusively explored also for antimony (Sb) compounds, such as the relevant GaAsSb-based NW materials, although morphological inhomogeneities, phase segregation, and limitations in the supersaturation due to Sb strongly inhibit their growth dynamics. Fundamental advances are now reported here via entirely catalyst-free GaAsSb NWs, where particularly the Sb-mediated effects on the NW growth dynamics and physical properties are investigated in this novel growth regime. Remarkably, depending on GaAsSb composition and nature of the growth surface, both surfactant and anti-surfactant action is found, as seen by transitions between growth acceleration and deceleration characteristics. For threshold Sb-contents up to 3-4%, adatom diffusion lengths are increased ≈sevenfold compared to Sb-free GaAs NWs, evidencing the significant surfactant effect. Furthermore, microstructural analysis reveals unique Sb-mediated transitions in compositional structure, as well as substantial reduction in twin defect density, ≈tenfold over only small compositional range (1.5-6% Sb), exhibiting much larger dynamics as found in VLS-type GaAsSb NWs. The effect of such extended twin-free domains is corroborated by ≈threefold increases in exciton lifetime (≈4.5 ns) due to enlarged electron-hole pair separation in these phase-pure NWs.

Materials (Basel) ; 15(20)2022 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36295439


AlxIn1-xN ternary semiconductors have attracted much interest for application in photovoltaic devices. Here, we compare the material quality of AlxIn1-xN layers deposited on Si with different crystallographic orientations, (100) and (111), via radio-frequency (RF) sputtering. To modulate their Al content, the Al RF power was varied from 0 to 225 W, whereas the In RF power and deposition temperature were fixed at 30 W and 300 °C, respectively. X-ray diffraction measurements reveal a c-axis-oriented wurtzite structure with no phase separation regardless of the Al content (x = 0-0.50), which increases with the Al power supply. The surface morphology of the AlxIn1-xN layers improves with increasing Al content (the root-mean-square roughness decreases from ≈12 to 2.5 nm), and it is similar for samples grown on both Si substrates. The amorphous layer (~2.5 nm thick) found at the interface with the substrates explains the weak influence of their orientation on the properties of the AlxIn1-xN films. Simultaneously grown AlxIn1-xN-on-sapphire samples point to a residual n-type carrier concentration in the 1020-1021 cm-3 range. The optical band gap energy of these layers evolves from 1.75 to 2.56 eV with the increase in the Al. PL measurements of AlxIn1-xN show a blue shift in the peak emission when adding the Al, as expected. We also observe an increase in the FWHM of the main peak and a decrease in the integrated emission with the Al content in room-temperature PL measurements. In general, the material quality of the AlxIn1-xN films on Si is similar for both crystallographic orientations.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 13(3): 4165-4173, 2021 Jan 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33449632


Attaining low-resistivity AlxGa1-xN layers is one keystone to improve the efficiency of light-emitting devices in the ultraviolet spectral range. Here, we present a microstructural analysis of AlxGa1-xN/Ge samples with 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, and a nominal doping level in the range of 1020 cm-3, together with the measurement of Ge concentration and its spatial distribution down to the nanometer scale. AlxGa1-xN/Ge samples with x ≤ 0.2 do not present any sign of inhomogeneity. However, samples with x > 0.4 display µm-size Ge crystallites at the surface. Ge segregation is not restricted to the surface: Ge-rich regions with a size of tens of nanometers are observed inside the AlxGa1-xN/Ge layers, generally associated with Ga-rich regions around structural defects. With these local exceptions, the AlxGa1-xN/Ge matrix presents a homogeneous Ge composition which can be significantly lower than the nominal doping level. Precise measurements of Ge in the matrix provide a view of the solubility diagram of Ge in AlxGa1-xN as a function of the Al mole fraction. The solubility of Ge in AlN is extremely low. Between AlN and GaN, the solubility increases linearly with the Ga mole fraction in the ternary alloy, which suggests that the Ge incorporation takes place by substitution of Ga atoms only. The maximum percentage of Ga sites occupied by Ge saturates around 1%. The solubility issues and Ge segregation phenomena at different length scales likely play a role in the efficiency of Ge as an n-type AlGaN dopant, even at Al concentrations where Ge DX centers are not expected to manifest. Therefore, this information can have direct impact on the performance of Ge-doped AlGaN light-emitting diodes, particularly in the spectral range for disinfection (≈260 nm), which requires heavily doped alloys with a high Al mole fraction.

Nano Lett ; 20(1): 314-319, 2020 Jan 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31851824


Quantum dots inserted in semiconducting nanowires are an interesting platform for the fabrication of single photon devices. To fully understand the physical properties of these objects, we need to correlate the optical, transport, and structural properties on the same nanostructure. In this work, we study the spectral tunability of the emission of a single quantum dot in a GaN nanowire by applying external bias. The nanowires are dispersed and contacted on electron beam transparent Si3N4 membranes, so that transmission electron microscopy observations, photocurrent, and micro-photoluminescence measurements under bias can be performed on the same specimen. The emission from a single dot blue or red shifts when the external electric field compensates or enhances the internal electric field generated by the spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization. A detailed study of two nanowire specimens emitting at 327.5 and 307.5 nm shows spectral shifts at rates of 20 and 12 meV/V, respectively. Theoretical calculations facilitated by the modeling of the exact heterostructure provide a good description of the experimental observations. When the bias-induced band bending is strong enough to favor tunneling of the electron in the dot toward the stem or the cap, the spectral shift saturates and additional transitions associated with charged excitons can be observed.

Nanotechnology ; 30(5): 054002, 2019 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30500783


We present a systematic study of top-down processed GaN/AlN heterostructures for intersubband optoelectronic applications. Samples containing quantum well superlattices that display either near- or mid-infrared intersubband absorption were etched into nano- and micro-pillar arrays in an inductively coupled plasma. We investigate the influence of this process on the structure and strain-state, on the interband emission and on the intersubband absorption. Notably, for pillar spacings significantly smaller (≤1/3) than the intersubband wavelength, the magnitude of the intersubband absorption is not reduced even when 90% of the material is etched away and a similar linewidth is obtained. The same holds for the interband emission. In contrast, for pillar spacings on the order of the intersubband absorption wavelength, the intersubband absorption is masked by refraction effects and photonic crystal modes. The presented results are a first step towards micro- and nano-structured group-III nitride devices relying on intersubband transitions.

Nanotechnology ; 29(25): 255204, 2018 Jun 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29558360


Nanowire photodetectors are investigated because of their compatibility with flexible electronics, or for the implementation of on-chip optical interconnects. Such devices are characterized by ultrahigh photocurrent gain, but their photoresponse scales sublinearly with the optical power. Here, we present a study of single-nanowire photodetectors displaying a linear response to ultraviolet illumination. Their structure consists of a GaN nanowire incorporating an AlN/GaN/AlN heterostructure, which generates an internal electric field. The activity of the heterostructure is confirmed by the rectifying behavior of the current-voltage characteristics in the dark, as well as by the asymmetry of the photoresponse in magnitude and linearity. Under reverse bias (negative bias on the GaN cap segment), the detectors behave linearly with the impinging optical power when the nanowire diameter is below a certain threshold (≈80 nm), which corresponds to the total depletion of the nanowire stem due to the Fermi level pinning at the sidewalls. In the case of nanowires that are only partially depleted, their nonlinearity is explained by a nonlinear variation of the diameter of their central conducting channel under illumination.

Nano Lett ; 17(11): 6954-6960, 2017 11 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28961016


Intersubband optoelectronic devices rely on transitions between quantum-confined electron levels in semiconductor heterostructures, which enables infrared (IR) photodetection in the 1-30 µm wavelength window with picosecond response times. Incorporating nanowires as active media could enable an independent control over the electrical cross-section of the device and the optical absorption cross-section. Furthermore, the three-dimensional carrier confinement in nanowire heterostructures opens new possibilities to tune the carrier relaxation time. However, the generation of structural defects and the surface sensitivity of GaAs nanowires have so far hindered the fabrication of nanowire intersubband devices. Here, we report the first demonstration of intersubband photodetection in a nanowire, using GaN nanowires containing a GaN/AlN superlattice absorbing at 1.55 µm. The combination of spectral photocurrent measurements with 8-band k·p calculations of the electronic structure supports the interpretation of the result as intersubband photodetection in these extremely short-period superlattices. We observe a linear dependence of the photocurrent with the incident illumination power, which confirms the insensitivity of the intersubband process to surface states and highlights how architectures featuring large surface-to-volume ratios are suitable as intersubband photodetectors. Our analysis of the photocurrent characteristics points out routes for an improvement of the device performance. This first nanowire based intersubband photodetector represents a technological breakthrough that paves the way to a powerful device platform with potential for ultrafast, ultrasensitive photodetectors and highly efficient quantum cascade emitters with improved thermal stability.
